Gay Pride Worldwide? Democrat Bill Pushes Taxpayer-funded LGBTQ Politics to the Nations
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Gay Pride Worldwide? Democrat Bill Pushes Taxpayer-funded LGBTQ Politics to the Nations
Former President Donald Trump sparked a wave of controversy in 2019 when he announced that U.S. embassies would no longer fly the gay pride flag alongside the American flag.
Now, a new Democrat-led bill would not only reverse that policy, but it would also leverage the full force of the U.S. government to institute LGBTQ politics worldwide.
The Office of Management and Budget, a federally funded part of the Biden administration, released a statement this week supporting the “Global Respect Act,” the legislation in question, which would commission the federal government to advance the LGBTQ agenda globally. Of course, we don’t want violence against anyone, but the federal government’s LGBTQ push is much broader than that.
From the OMB:
The Administration supports passage of H.R. 3485 the Global Respect Act, which would mandate the listing of, and, visa restrictions on foreign persons responsible for or complicit in human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons…While many countries have made tremendous strides in embracing equality for LGBTQI+ community members, others remain stagnant or, worse, are undertaking steps to further marginalize or harm LGBTQI+ community members.
To address these threats, the Administration has taken historic actions to accelerate the march toward full LGBTQI+ equality at home and abroad. The Administration is working to protect the civil rights of all LGBTQI+ persons in the United States, to enable all qualified people– including transgender people – to serve their country in uniform, to promote leadership opportunities for LGBTQI+ people at every level of the Federal government, to advocate for countries to adopt LGBTQI+ friendly policies, to provide full accreditation and fair treatment to same-sex spouses of our diplomatic personnel and family members overseas, and to protect and defend the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons around the world. These actions serve to demonstrate that the Administration is a consistent and reliable partner in the fight for equality at home and abroad. Globally, the Administration’s efforts are guided by the Presidential Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons Around the World. To further guide implementation of the Memorandum, President Biden appointed the Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons and ensured that Pride flags fly at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.
When press releases from the budget office start to read like Intersectionality papers written by freshmen at Berkeley, you know we are in trouble.
Insider Intercessory Information
It came as a surprise to many Americans that our embassies were flying gay pride flags in the first place, but it was no surprise to those who live inside the Beltway. Anyone who lives in Washington, D.C. knows that advancing the gay agenda is a top priority for your taxpayer-funded State Department.
While this particular bill may or may not get the support needed to pass into law, it highlights an open secret of Washington D.C.’s establishment, namely that a top priority of U.S. diplomatic relations is to coax and pressure other nations into embracing LGBTQ politics at every level of society.
In fact, questioning that idea could cost you your government job. I personally spoke with a source in D.C. for this article who had opted not to work in the State Department for this very reason.
But it doesn’t just extend to the government. LGBTQ politics are a defining issue for D.C. churches. Many of the old, mainline churches in the nation’s capital feature gay pride flags hanging outside their church buildings. I visited a D.C. church once that hung the flag over the door so you had to walk under it as you entered. This is normal in D.C.
Certain neighborhoods in D.C., such as Dupont Circle, Adams Morgan, and others, are known for their LGBTQ population. In one part of D.C., the street is painted with rainbow colors.
Ambassadors for Christ
As Christians, we are called to be ambassadors for Christ. However, the formal ambassadors for our nation, instead of representing U.S. interests, are distracted by advancing the agenda of one particular minority group: the LGBTQ community.
How can we ask for God’s blessing when we actively pressure the world to reject the teaching of His Word?
On top of that, if the LGBTQ movement is this institutionalized, shouldn’t the intercessors of America be diligent and organized?
The LGBTQ movement is an evangelistic movement in that they seek to spread their “gospel” worldwide. Their “prophets” are in the media, blasting their message relentlessly. If we are to overcome with the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must operate evangelistically and prophetically, covered by the Kingdom intercessors praying God’s will into the earth. We must also remember that our enemies are not flesh and blood, but powers and principalities.
With that in mind, let us pray:
-Father, first we ask for your mercy and forgiveness for our nation for how we have caused the world to stumble. Grant us grace and repentance, that the people could take back their government from elites who have an anti-God agenda.
-Lord, we ask that you clean out the layers of bureaucracy at all levels of government, especially the State Department, where lifetime bureaucrats have nestled in with an agenda that is not in the best interest of the American people. Lord, clean out the house and rededicate it to yourself!
-Holy Spirit, we ask that you move on the heart of our nation. Convict us of sin, righteousness and judgement concerning the teaching of your Word. We ask that our government would operate according to your Word in every way.
-We cannot pray for national reform without also loving the individuals involved. So Father, we bless and pray for all those living in the LGBTQ lifestyle, that your love and truth would flood their life so they can be restored fully to you and to the purpose you have for them.
Verses to press into as you intercede on this issue:
“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” (Psalm 2:1-3)
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
[Editor’s note: The timing of this is ironic and prophetic. IFA President David Kubal explained in a post on from December 2019 that during the [Obama] Administration, in order for Ukraine to receive aid from the United States, Ukraine needed to promote LGBT rights. Ukrainian prayer leaders told IFA about the many trips then Vice President Joe Biden made to Ukraine to meet with liberal progressive leaders to ensure that Ukraine would do this. Isn’t it interesting that while the situation in Ukraine intensifies, the Biden Administration is pushing the LGBTQ agenda worldwide through the Global Respect Act?]
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It’s a sad sad day for a government of a Christian founded nation to actually ADVOCATE this grievous perversion of Gods natural creation and contrary to the teachings of His word.
Thank you IFA for keeping us informed and with how to pray for each crises that comes our way!! Good versus Evil for sure! I pray God blesses you each and every day!🙏
Besides pray, is there anything else we can do?
This is a national transgression and must be defeated. This act is more an act of disrespect masked it the left’s linguistic misdirection. Heavenly Father, we are called to hate the sin and love the sinner. Give us strength and compassion where it is needed. Guide our elected officials and administrative appointees toward the clarity of your word. We pray in your Son’s holy name.
This movement has got to be stopped! Sorry but if you’re born wit male genitalia you’re a male! If you want to pretend otherwise that’s your choice. As a taxpayer I’ll vote against any legislation or legislators that support taxpayer funding for a sex change. Same goes for one born with female genitalia. If you want to pretend you’re something else, that’s your personal decision and the public has NO BUSINESSES in getting involved financially or otherwise!!!
Ezekiel 16:49: Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
Father if the church does not see and discern our own sins in this passage, then help us to. PHARSETICAL PRIDE, fulness of bread (bibles in our hands, our homes, and churches on every corner yet many reading them in bondage like the phairsees to pride and religion instead of true holiness and having the Lord as our first love)
Abundance of idleness: endless hours of entertainment through tv, music, social media)
not strengthening the hands of the poor and needy because we have been so deceived and preoccuppued with ourselves and all the above
God help us, those strughling with gender and sexuality identity will never be helped by a church in this condition because we are in fact probably worse as Jesus’ main condemnatiin was toward the phairsees more than the sinners.
Father raise up your true church with true repentance of tgese things, in true relationship with you and equip us with your Holy Spirit gifts to speak your word with divine power love and authority with the gifts that will set the captives free.
thank you. in Jesus name we ask and believe and receive your help and heaking and strength to rise up to wirship you and live and pray according to your word in spirit and truth.
Father, in the name of Jesus I ask for the promised help of the Holy Spirit’s to pray through us according to your will for this issue. Father I ask that you would steer the corporate church of Christ in prayer, in thought, intention, inner attitude, and outward behavior according to YOUR will alone on this issue giving us the wisdom and discernment on exactly how to love and respect the person with Godly love, acknowledging the serious often life long bondage they have been under and at the same time may we not accept the lie of sin. May we also understand that although your word does not return void, the reality is planting your word involves timing and seasons and proper placement of the seeds, which we can see in the parable Jesus shared about the sower, so may we properly recognize and discern these seasons and timings and where and how to plant your precious word in the hearts and minds of others. Some plant some water but you alone cause the growth. We also know that not all believe in the sovereignty and authority of your word, and we know that you have given mankind a free will, basically a choice, yet the bible clearly teaches us that you have surrounded us with creation that testifies of you, and you have put a law of conscience in mankind so that none have an excuse before you. There are those who have sought to “Christianize” sin with your grace, claiming that they were born this way, gay prophets and gay ministries have arisen because they dont dispute you or the gospel of Jesus, yet the lie seems so convincing to them and the struggle so very real, and they and we are living in age of a watered down gospel with few truly mature sons of God or apostles moving in the true and powerful gifts of the Hoky Spirit, so we see a church that has desire to spread your gospel yet has not received all the power of the first apostles, and Fatger we need this power and ask you for it, believing that those who ask receive. We know that the antichrist spirit comes against your word and YOUR world order, to bring forth a satanic rebellious world order. We see the truth clearly stated in your word, that we must choose who and what we believe. You filled an entire book with your will and word yet tge devik has sought through the ages to hide and suppress your word and your people and lead them into compromise. Father when you gave the law to Israel, you said to “choose life” it starts with a simple decision to choose to believe you or not believe, choose to obey or disobey, yet with this LGBT issue the reality is many have suffered with gender and sexuality identity issues and labeling by others (word curses) since childhood and many in the church have not sought you humbly or diligently before attempting to minister to this group, many in the church have ignorantly come to them with a spirit of religion instead of the Holy Spirit in power, and thus have used ineffective or ill timed pride and accusation (phariscetical) filled hell fire and brimstone messages with hateful finger pointing condemning words, or combining and spewing your holy word with a spirit of hate, pride, and condemnation therefore lacking the true power of the Holy Spirit to release people from these gender and sexuality bondages and making your word and the church as a group look bad.
Father So little is documcumented in your word on these sins, there are to our knowledge only a few passeges to draw from so we plead for your help in ministering to people with these bondages who do not even recognize or respect your word as sovereign
or even recognize that they are in fact in bondage as their lifestyle and desires seems so normal to them.
Father we pray for this group, that you would magnify your word above your name regarding these issues, and pour your spirit out to release them from their gender identity bondage and confusion spiritually, mentally, physically, we pray you would curse it at it’s very root and origin such that it would not resurface again in their life. we declare that your word says you made them male and female and as such we take our authority to release them from all deceiving spirits that tell them otherwise, we cast those deceptive spirits out and we release the correct hormones, correct thinking, correct desires, correct attitudes, enabeling and leading to the correct behaviors that line up with your word to all who are lacking them. Father. Jesus and the apostles did not ask permission to cast out unclean spirits nor will we. The blind and deaf instantly saw and heard and the mute spoke yet the paralytic had to choose to stand up and walk. We speak to all the unclean spirits that have deafened ears and blinded eyes on these gender and sexuality issues to be opened to the truth of God’s Holy Word. we speak it humbly with the authority of Christ’s finished work, and demand that they leave the children of our nation, that they leave our teens, that children not be cursed with labels at a young age or written off as gay due to seeming different, even Esau and Jacob were different with Esau being a man’s man and Jacob a momma’s boy, yet your chosen was Jacob even from the womb. Father there is so much we do not know or understand about these gender and hormone issues and we dont need to, we only need to stay before you in all humility asking for the divine Holy Spirit anointed wisdom, power, and timing to set these captives free believing that you magnify your word above your name. We pray that you would put a guard over the mouth of the church to know how to speak Your anointed timely words in season and out of season to those in this group, and to be diligent and viligent to hear you clearly and remain in love and in humility, and in right relationship with you and those we are ministering to, knowing we can never save or convince anyone with mere religion, a bible track, or our own cleverness or pursuasion but we must rely completely on you and your spirit to accompany your word with strong divine Holy Spirit conviction and power, and activate your divine gifts in us to truly set these captives free. Even at times your apostles coukd not cast out demons and were told some will not go out without prayer and fasting so help us pray and fast accordingly. Do it Father, we pray for your glory, we ask and believe you to depopulate those of satan’s kingdom who have published and circulated the lies of humans being born anything other than male or female, do it for your glory and the glory of Jesus Christ and to magnify your sovereign word above your name in the presence of your enemies and those who dispute it, in Jesus name we receive all these things that we have asked and thank you for them
The democrats have gone to cemeteries to get dead votes. Lately they have gone to hell to secure more votes. Where to next?
Someone has said that if GOD does not judge our country and we as a nation do not repent of its ever-increasing wickedness, GOD will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.. We are headed for a major coarse correction.
I agreed in prayer with the prayer printed here ! God save America. We continue to pray for revival, may many turn to His love for them. Jesus, we cry out to you, have mercy on us..
Lord God help us. We cannot see the tide in our nation turned without Your divine intervention.
Being gay is not a distinction that God assigned to a person but a perverted behavior one choses and therefore ‘being gay’ does not deserved to be capitalized. According to the last US Census (2020) gays only comprised .05 of the overall population however their ‘noise’ is so loud with much mammon behind them, that they’ve deceived many into thinking they are bigger than they are.
It would be ideal if IFA would produce a letter that the Prayer Warrior can send to our Representatives. Let us unify as one as we shake the gates of hell.
Democrats are the party of satan. Republicans are weak. All have been cowed and intimidated by the name calling of the accuser, satan. In California we’ve seen and still see the worst of it. Rise up. Cast aside the restraints that have encumbered you. If your church talks racism, lbgtq, democratic redistribution, transgender in military — walk out of there and don’t look back, lest you be turned into a pillar of Covid vaccine.
Thank you for your info and wise perspective. We stand with you!
We are under the vilest and most pernicious of attacks in America, with much or most coming from government, federal agencies, big businesses, big tech, and legacy news. I’m sorry that we’ve allowed this to happen through apathy, godlessness, immorality. My only hope is that there are enough true Christians and Jews to lead repentance and revival, and that we’ve not strayed so far, that God will choose not to listen. We’ve allowed the these heinous events and policies, along with our “public servants “ to lead us to this hopeless, shameful place, now nothing short of a miracle through God’s sovereignty can save us.
We are witnessing the end of days prophesies right from the New Testament . How perfect Jesus described this time with the lgbtq leading the way . ” The days will be as Sodom and Gomorrah !!! Believers can rejoice for the rapture must be near but at the same time , I pray for the lgbtq followers to repent for it will be eternal he’ll where their worm doesn’t die !
Of great concern is that the bill would mandate the listing of, and, visa restrictions on foreign persons responsible for or complicit in human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons… We are all against “real” human right violations, but this is cover to cancel anyone who speaks in agreement with what the Bible says about homosexuality, refuses to marry same sex couples, and perform sexual mutilations on children. In other words this is a demonic attempt to stop missionaries and the spread of the gospel. Spreading the gospel is America’s divine mission. We shall not bow down to this agenda.
Father we wholeheartedly rebuke the passage of H.R. 3485 the Global Respect Act. We declare it shall not pass. Open our eyes as a nation to repent. Grant our righteous representatives the conviction and courage to stand united against this evil bill. We bind and pull down the evil forces pushing this agenda. We call for the exposure of the illicit and immoral sexual behaviors of these political puppets and their elitist puppet masters. With Your angelic support we shall expose, remove, arrest and punish these degenerates. We pray for their repentance.
We declare that America is God’s Beacon of the Gospel of Light and Truth to all nations, promoting Jesus, repentance, forgiveness, salvation, holinesses and righteousness so that the glory of God reaches the ends of the earth; heralding God’s truth and morality. Forgive us and re-anoint us as Your ambassadors to fulfill Your destiny for America. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
We surely need to pray for the unsaved. God knows whose name is written in the Book of Life!
I have a hard time to pray for God haters, for evil, but I’m working on it.
May God bless you, and our country!
This is horrifying, I had no idea American Embassy’s were flying a Gay pride flag! I think most Americans don’t know it either… especially Christian Americans. It’s also an abomination to God that ANY of His churches embrace the Gay agenda, It’s shocking to learn several churches in the DC area are on board with the Gay agenda. We need to know about these things so we can pray for God’s divine intervention. I know we don’t know what God will do at this particular time, but we do know what He is going to do ultimately about this issue and all evil soon!!! YAY Lord come soon.
My faith is in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so I take each day as they come.
I particularly resonate with the last prayer point, that even as we pray for reform, we love the individuals involved in this lifestyle because God loves each and everyone of us and wants us all to come to a knowledge of the truth and be saved. (here again, God’s truth sets us free from the lies of the enemy which hold us hostage) I had no idea gay pride flags were being flown at embassies, thus officially endorsing this cause and now we are pressuring other nations to align with the LGBTQ agenda? “Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, . . . Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 10:1 & 5:20)
Dear Lord, I am so grateful for the ministry of intercession that IFA provides to the world. I feel the support of my Christian brothers and sisters. Thank you for your commitment to truth and prayer. We are indeed in spiritual warfare.
Interesting that the Baal ‘they’ worship has breasts, a penis, horns & goats feet. This agenda is to create confusion & bring satanism into mainstream. Many in this elite group are bi & trans sexual, as well as into pedophilia & beastiality. Obama is not who many think he is… Michelle is not who people think.
Pray Pray Pray!
I am appalled by this policy. I live near the gay community of Palm Springs and seen first hand how this policy has taken over even the local governing body…but flying the flag under our own in foreign countries is not the message I want going out about America.
Good grief! It is not normal! Period! However, they should be allowed to live that way if they wish by their own choice. I am not for pushing this kind of relationship as normal. There is a good reason God created men and women and gay partnerships do not follow that created reason but that does not mean they should not be allowed to choose such and be accepted.
God describes this lifestyle as an “abomination.” I do not want to see the LBGYTQ+ community be ‘accepted’ straight into hell just because they have a choice. They are victims of a strong delusion. Yes, they do have a choice, but we need to proclaim God’s truth and redeeming love to them in order for that to be an informed choice.
Father, you love each of us equally. Thank you for the salvation You provide through Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Amen, Judy! The gay community is suffering an evil delusion and we need to pray that their spiritual eyes be opened to the truth of who they really are in Christ Jesus who loves them and died to save them.
Praying in agreement, in Jesus’ wonderful name.
Someone I love very much has chosen to be gay, yes chosen – not born that way. (That alone is a lie from hell. But this group believes a lot of lies.) So I care very much that haters of this LGBTQI+ group cannot threaten or harm them. They are sinning openly and proud of it just like Sodom and Gomorrah. God WILL judge this and I don’t know how others feel, but I understand God’s judgment and I do not wish it on anyone. What if the adulterers and murderers and pedophiles and liars and greedy all decided to unite and we were forced to essentially bow down to their agendas like we are being coerced now to support this agenda? How wrong to fly that flag under the US flag. Not my flag! We all sin, but to applaud and approve and promote sin is asking for a millstone. I pray repentance. And we who know Christ ought to act a lot more like Him so as to win many to Him by His grace.
You are so right! God hates this Gay agenda, I am happy God never changes and His word is unchanging too, Gay lifestyle is defined clearly as an Abomination for all eternity. What God says is my only direction.
I pray that the Lord would take the scales from the eyes of everyone so they will realize this world is full of sin. I also pray all would repent and draw nigh to the Holy Spirit. I pray for all Christians to stay strong as Christ Himself said, “My Kingdom isnotof this world. Amen ☦️