I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray against lies told for political gain, no matter who is telling them. We ask You to make Your truth known in all things, and to let Your will be done.
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Ahead of the 2024, lawfare mastermind Marc Elias is trying to hide democratic political pieces under the cover of “journalism.” We have previously covered Elias’ efforts to weaponize the legal system for political gain.

From Semafor. A secretive local media network with ties to high-profile national Democratic operatives wants to convince regulators in Arizona that despite the political tilt of its stories, it is not a political entity and should not be subject to campaign finance disclosures.

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Star Spangled Media operates a series of left-leaning websites including the Morning Mirror, a difficult-to-find, barebones blog that for the last few months has periodically published a few unbylined stories about seemingly random topics. …

Over the last few weeks, Star Spangled Media has started spending a modest amount to boost Morning Mirror stories on Facebook that tout the pro-abortion rights records of local Democratic candidates running for Michigan House seats.

The site is low on content, but it has the backing of the law firm led by Marc Elias, perhaps the Democratic Party’s best known elections litigator and a central player in 2024’s politics. And Elias’ law firm is moving to ensure the odd blog is treated as a journalistic operation, not a political one.

In a letter to the state’s campaign finance regulator, the Arizona Citizens Clean Election Commission, in late May, Jonathan S. Berkon, an attorney at the Elias Group, asked the state finance regulator to opine on whether the state’s campaign finance law applies to Star Spangled Media. The company’s activities, argued Berkon, do not constitute campaign media spending, and it shouldn’t have to report extensive financial info to state or federal campaign finance regulators. …

Despite Berkon’s argument, it is clear that there are some ties between institutional Democrats and the Morning Mirror. Many of the articles on the site do not have author bylines, making it difficult to understand who is producing the content.

But the site’s source code reveals a few clues about the its ties to Democratic politics: The Morning Mirror was created in part by Lucas Anderton, a creative director for SBDigital, a progressive digital advertising firm. Cesar Vargas-Torrico, a former Democratic comms staffer working for a left-leaning Democratic PR shop, is listed as an author on stories. …


The Morning Mirror may not explicitly be a partisan enterprise, but from the outside, it is hard not to view it as part of a political operation. Democratic consultants — represented by a law firm that does much of the legal work for Democrats’ House, Senate, and state legislative committees — are running a website with positive stories about Democratic candidates in an election year, and using paid ads to boost those stories.

It’s part of a multi-pronged push by Democrats to counter conservative media across the country through increasingly creative and sometimes opaque digital strategies — ones that blur the line between even the most activist political journalism and paid campaigning for the Democratic Party. …

What do you think of this latest effort from Marc Elias? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Semafor. Photo Credit: Back Phrom on Unsplash)

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Robert Mitchell
July 11, 2024

Mark Elias is from the Enemy Satan who is the father of lies.
We all need to remember and honor God by meditating on Proverbs 6:16-19 which states the 6 things that God hates … even 7 are an abomination to Him. Of those 2 are Lying!
Only a Damascus Road experience by the superior power of the Holy Spirit can change such a man as this.

Jeane Whiteside
July 11, 2024

You must be born again.


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