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Lord, we thank You for holding our government accountable. We pray that the truths about government-fueled censorship would continue to come to light.
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Doctors who were censored by the federal government for their statements on COVID-19 have been given the green light to sue.

From WND. Physicians who were threatened and abused by various tyrannical credentialing boards that sought to suppress anything but the official government story line about COVID-19 have been given the go-ahead by the courts to sue.

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The case was brought by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Education Foundation against the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American Board of Family Medicine and the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security over various situations in which those organizations threatened or actually acted against doctors because of what they said about COVID. …

The challenge focused on the coordinated campaigns to “censor and chill the speech of physicians,” with special targeting of those who criticized the unfounded positions taken by White House adviser Anthony Fauci, lockdowns, masks and more.

A district judge had claimed that the AAPS “lacked standing,” but a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has reversed that dismissal.

It’s headed back to the lower courts for discovery, and potentially a full trial. …

“The AAPS Educational Foundation brought the case because of a series of physicians who were being threatened with loss of their board certification because they had made comments that were either critical of the COVID vaccines or that advocated for early treatment with repurposed drugs,” explained AAPS chief Jane Orient. …

When physicians made public comments, press comments, testified in hearings – and their statements did not align with the Biden administration’s political agenda – they were threatened with loss of their credentials, which in many cases could mean the loss of their income. …

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(Excerpt from WND. Photo Credit: KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA on Pexels)

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Maggie Williams
July 10, 2024

Lord and source of all healing and blessing, we thank you for life and the opportunity to grow in knowing and loving you. Lord, as clinical personnel, we are required to report adverse affects to the proper authorities. Yet, not only were doctors punished, but some were severely affected and even targeted assassinations carried out in this evil agenda. Lord of all truth, we know that ultimate justice will be accomplished, but we pray for these perpetrators of evil, that they will come to see your light and true Way of love. Amen

    Eileen L Fields
    July 10, 2024

    Amen!! I’m prone to Believe doctor’s and Not the government and that’s why my son and I didn’t ahear to the mandate! God is in Control and Prayer Changes Things!

Betty Ms. Robinson
July 10, 2024

wonderful. We do live in a free country, supposedly. Our doctors just stopped thinking and using normal reasoning during the Covid outbreak. I never understood why? Were they threatened by their employers? If if so why are so many of them still working for those hospitals organizations? Why not ban together and stand up for what is right.

    Eileen L Fields
    July 10, 2024

    A lot of doctors/nurses did band together and picket, they lost their jobs because of the pressures put on them by the government to shut them up. Many went into private practice.


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