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I Prayed have prayed
Father, in the power and authority of Jesus' Name, we rebuke the adversary attempting to destroy our righteous foundation through our court system and the rule of Law. We declare that every plan and scheme of the devil to divert and dismantle God's model for the United States Judiciary is null and void. (from Barbara Potts/ Praying with Authority and Power)
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The Democrat election lawyer, Marc Elias, fueled by a mission to defeat Donald Trump in the 2024 election, will use the weapon of his trade, the court system, to achieve his goal. Mr. Elias is a sharp, determined, hard-working, prolifically litigious lawyer whose goal is to see Democrats win in every election and every court. Anyone who supports Donald Trump is fair game for Elias lawfare.

What does Marc Elias believe?

Marc Elias believes Donald Trump is plotting to subvert the outcome of the 2024 election. Because Mr. Elias believes Trump’s election interference is inevitable, he plans to stop him.

How does he know for certain Donald Trump will steal the election? Mr. Elias recently made an MSNBC appearance to share the basis for his claim. He said, “We know, based on the jury verdict in New York, that Donald Trump committed a crime to win the 2016 election. We know, based on reporting and the January 6th commission and what’s come out in the public sphere in the various indictments, that Donald Trump and a number of people around him appear to have committed crimes to try to undermine and overturn the 2020 election.”

Based on Mr. Elias’ deductive reasoning, he believes that Donald Trump is now plotting his next crime to subvert the 2024 election, and everyone should prepare to fight to see that doesn’t happen.

According to Marc Elias’ website, Democracy Docket, Elias didn’t start the lawfare fight; President Trump did. Elias believes he is protecting democracy. Elias said if the GOP lawyers had not filed 65 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election, he would have no reason to bring lawsuits to counter their efforts.  He won 64 of the 65 election-challenging lawsuits. Elias claims that all he did was lead the historic legal effort to protect voting rights that Republicans aimed to suppress.

The Other Side of the Story

However, Mr. Elias’ long history of filing lawsuits to enact policies favorable to the Democrats tells another story. After graduating from Duke University School of Law in 1993, he began his career at the prestigious law firm Perkins Coie, where he worked for 28 years, honing his passion for handling cases involving politics, voting rights, and redistricting. While at Perkins Coie, Elias became an expert on helping Democrats win elections. While working on election cases, Elias realized election laws were complicated and varied greatly from state to state. Determined to excel in election law, he mastered the nuances of every state’s election laws. His expertise enabled him to file lawsuits quickly in any state in the U.S.

In 2004, he served as general counsel for John Kerry’s presidential campaign. He not only represented Hillary Clinton in her 2016 presidential campaign, but he also hired Fusion GPS to produce the research that led to the salacious and unverified Steel dossier. He also represented Al Franken in his 2008 Minnesota election recount. In 2021, Marc Elias founded his website Democracy Docket, which focused on voting rights and election litigation in the U.S. In 2021, he left Perkins Coie to start his law firm, Elias Law Group.

Known for his work on voting rights, the Elias Law Group touts 51 active lawsuits in 29 states. The lawsuits encompass any issue Elias views as suppression of voting rights, i.e., states’ redistricting that results in an apparent disadvantage to Democrats, restrictions on any voter ID requirement, restrictions on the use of ballot boxes, and requirements for ID verification of absentee ballots.

A Wisconsin lawsuit earned Marc Elias the title of the lawyer who “sues-til-it-turns-blue.” In 2022, Elias lost a case before the Wisconsin Supreme Court that disallowed ballot drop boxes. In 2024, after one pivotal seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court turned blue, Elias filed the case again and won.

In a New Republic article, “The Man Who Is Determined To Stop Trump From Rigging the Election,” Matt Ford labeled Marc Elias as “something of a wartime consigliere for the Democratic elite.”

Yet reports suggest that Elias is at odds with the Biden Administration in part for not keeping them apprised of all of the lawsuits his legal group files. He may be motivated in part by greed. One insider told Axios, “Marc has created a legal strategy he has convinced people is a political strategy, that it is actually a business strategy.”

Elias Lawfare Spawns More Lawfare

The Elias Law Group’s success in filing copious lawsuits against those who oppose Democrats or Democrat policies has encouraged like-minded lawyers to establish firms at the state and federal level. Project 65, named after the 65 initial lawsuits filed to contest the outcome of the 2020 election, began on March 7, 2022. Their first goal is to take away the livelihoods of 100-plus lawyers who supported President Trump in his claim that the 2020 election was stolen.

Two lawyers associated with the newly formed New York law group, Just Security, compiled a target list of 22 lawyers who worked directly with the post-election Trump staff for lawsuits. The lawsuits have resulted in the disbarment or bankruptcy of Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis, and John Eastman. Elias has publicly stated his main regret is that the prosecution of the election deniers took too long. Justice should have come more swiftly.

At the state level, aggressive lawyers stepped up in more than 30 states and filed lawsuits on whether or not to omit President Trump from the 2024 ballot under a novel legal theory about the Fourteenth Amendment. Proponents, including J. Michael Luttig and Laurence H. Tribe in an article in The Atlantic, argued that the former president is ineligible to serve again under a clause that disqualifies anyone who took an oath defending the Constitution and then subsequently participated in a rebellion or an insurrection. They said that Trump’s attempt to steal the 2020 election and his incitement of the events on January 6 meet the criteria.

In a New York Times article, Michael Waldman, President of the Brennan Center for Justice, summed up the Marc Elias pro-Biden and the anti-Trump strategies: “We are doing scenario planning for a Biden victory and a Trump victory. For Biden, we are preparing for the chance to pass significant legislation strengthening the freedom to vote, and for Trump, we are mapping out how to limit the damage from an epic era of abuse of power.”

If, by some chance, Donald Trump gets elected. Elias plans a second Trump term in office to be overwhelmed by the brunt of massive lawsuits that will prevent the Trump administration from accomplishing anything of consequence.

There is so much more going on in American politics than meets the eye. Please share this article with a friend.

About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s SchoolsSafety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School, and Decrees for Your School. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. For additional information, go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/. Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.

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July 3, 2024

Praise our God who is mighty to save, who is the One who reigns over every nation, all the earth, the universe. ” Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne, love and faithfulness go before you.” Psalm 89:14 “Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.” Hebrews 1:8 “The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.” Psalm 103:6 May the justice, the scepter of God rule over these lawyers who seek to use their “trade” as a means of destruction over those who do not agree with their political purposes. Remove their influence and dissolve their plans to rule the country through unjust litigation against the citizens of America .Father, you alone are totally just, so we ask that you would bring every lawyer and judge into the accountability of your Righteous Justice. Change their minds and remove their power. Release your people from fear and intimidation of their evil plans. Open their eyes to who is really the Judge of all things.

Brian Lynch
June 24, 2024

The Dems are the epitome of evil. this lawyer, Elias, is just one more misguided, deceived appendage of their insanity. Lord Jesus, You alone know the truth. I pray that Your truth, not the Dem demonic lies, would prevail in our upcoming Election. Thank you, Jesus.

Ms Mary
June 24, 2024

When all the wicked spring up like grass, and when all the workers of iniquity flourish, it is that they may be destroyed forever. Psalm 92:7

Elena Pando
June 24, 2024

Lord JesusChrist, stop this evil lawyer Marc Elias and his squad of evil lawyers that are stranding against the Constitution of this country in Jesus Name.

June 24, 2024


June 23, 2024

Lord God help the leaders, lawyers, prosecutors and judges in USA do what is right in your eyes. I pray they see the fear of the Lord that they too will acquire wisdom. I humbly cry out for the future of this nation for the generations to come. And for your spirit to be upon this country leading the way. In your precious name I pray.

June 23, 2024

I thank God for Marc Elias. He is working to drain the swamp of those trying to interfere with our elections and I pray for his continued success.

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    Ms Mary
    June 24, 2024

    He is part of the swamp.

      June 24, 2024

      Yes he is! Gary, I pray the eyes of your understanding are opened and you seek Truth and then you will be able to see the evil and wickedness behind this man using our justice system to harm rather than help America.

June 23, 2024

All those who use the rule of law as Marc Elias does is working satan’s plan whether knowingly or not. Let’s face the truth he and all those working for satan win most of cases because a corrupt judge usually appointed by a democrat is ruling. If he continues to abuse the law with no regard for God I believe his trial before God will not end well for him. Wouldn’t it be nice if he used his passion for God’s laws and not his own misguided ambitions. He will lose in the end for God’s plan will happen. Thank you God🙏😇🙏

Jerry Forestieri
June 23, 2024

In addition to the tactics you mentioned there is a whole branch of law-fare based on perversion of State government agencies responsible for accurate elections. They call anything that secures elections voter suppression when in reality it is vote dilution via poor vote security measures from registration to authenticity validation. It allows ghost voters to remain eligible to vote and dilutes legitimate votes. Its a silent conspiracy under the cover of voter suppression inflammatory response that is very difficult to prove in court. Let us keep shining the light of truth and Truth because the darkness cannot stop it.

Pat M
June 22, 2024

Jesus we appeal to heaven. It seems the lawfare system in America needs Your earnest attention, correction or I do.

June 22, 2024

Father God, Marc Elias is using the law to subvert justice and push his own agendas through. Father I can only pray that Elias comes to a place where he puts aside all agendas so that he can listen to you, Father God, and push your agendas through, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

June 22, 2024

Almighty God please right the wrongs and stop the evil trying to overtake America. We stand strong together in Your Power and Authority. In Jesus’ Name we declare VICTORY, AMEN.

Ron Glenn Deere
June 22, 2024

We all in Christ need to pray for Marc Elias to repent unto Christ because he is a pernicious devil.

Lana Claycamp
June 22, 2024

Father God, I stand in agreement that this adversaries works and words are shut down and locked up body, soul, and spirit in Yeshua’s Name. Father, you took Saul, an adversary who wanted to stop The Kingdom of God from spreading to the whole earth BUT You changed him! We know nothing and no-one’s hard heart, deceived mind and spirit, and stubborn neck is too hard for You to change. So we ask You to do this to this man and all who follow him in their rebellious destructive ways. Father, we call on Your Mercy to change their hearts and minds. We decree and cry for Your MERCY! MERCY! MERCY! MERCY! MERCY! MERCY! MERCY! We thank You for seeing, hearing, and acting for Mercy’s sake in Yeshua’s great name. Amen and Amen.

Donna P
June 22, 2024

I think that Mr. Elias certainly does have the resources to meet his aims, which is to put roadblocks in front of every conservative attempt to win elections. Attorney Powell met him years ago and knowing his relentless methods, she gave up quickly a few months ago when trying to help the Trump camp. He (Elias) is totally focused on suing, at every turn, every person, every group. And he knows all the judges to present his cases to. I truly believe that the only possibly effective way to fight him is prayer.
So dear God in heaven, we come to you in earnest prayer , asking your mercy to us by bringing destruction to Mr. Elias’s attempts at interference in the election. You know how to do it Lord. Our full trust is in You. And show us if there is anything we, as individuals can do. Thank you !

Zoe Ella
June 22, 2024

Both sides accuse the other of interfering with elections somehow. The one here is against Trump (Republicans) . Against the Democrats are their supposed efforts to bring in illegal immigrants and manipulate so they can vote. Against both of them is a reality – both sides are trying to win by keeping another candidate muzzled and off the ballot and the debates. That man is Kennedy, who is on his way to meeting the requirements in the states to be on the ballot. Is this a fair way to win – to use what power you have to silence an opponent and not allow people to decide whether to vote for him? The entire election process seems rigged to me. Let’s not be pots calling the kettle black (old idiom), or let’s not claim we have no log in our own eyes and instead try to take a speck out of our brother’s (biblical reference).

June 22, 2024

Holy One of Israel, our Father in Heaven, dearest Yeshua, our Lord and Savior, we prayer for Your hand to guide this nation and revive us in Your Holy Name and Your Holy Word. We declare that the Progressive/Evil Demonic rulers in this nation will be brought to their knees and removed from office, and they will prostrate themselves at Your Holy Throne and declare and confess the Evil that they have done in this nation and that they have defiled You and Your decrees, statutes and commandments.

We pray Jeremiah 30:3 and Psalm 115: 1 over the United States that was created and founded in Your Holy Name.

We pray that by Your strong arm and mighty hand this nation will be restored to You and the people You chose will be the leaders of this nation in this upcoming election.

I pray this in Your Most Holy Name. Come now and restore the United States. Amen

June 22, 2024

Dear readers from DC

I so apologize for the error in the below prayer posting. It is Haman who initiated the plan for destruction; not Mordecai.

If I could delete the entry and correct it, I would. But I can’t.

I am so so sorry….

    June 22, 2024

    Should read:

    I know who Haman is/was and how he attempted to fashion his man-made disaster on the chosen people of the Great I AM.

    Boomerang these efforts as You boomeranged the efforts of Haman.

June 22, 2024

As I was reading this post this morning, “Mordecai” came to mind. As I was getting on with my day, no matter where I was or what I was doing, it was, “Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai”. “OK, Father. Mordecai.”

I know who Mordecai is/was and how he attempted to fashion his man-made disaster on the chosen people of the Great I AM. But God….in God’s Providence and Power, prepared Esther beforehand for the plans that He had for her. And she was prepared.


God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Esther, Daniel and so many other giants of the faith have experienced Your love and protection in the most difficult of situations. Your Presence in my life blows my mind. There is no one, no thing that compares to You, You have no equal.

LORD over All, Almighty Savior and Rock of Ages, thank You for bringing to light the evil efforts of Mark Elias, the democratic election lawyer, the Elias Law Group, the Democracy Docket staff and other pro-Biden supporters.

Avenge and liberate Your People, Your children and this nation, “This You have seen Oh LORD, Do not keep silent.” Multiply confusion and confound the efforts of this man and his following. Your law of reciprocity is true. Boomerang these efforts as You boomeranged the efforts of Mordecai. Foil the efforts of the “democratic machine” in all matters of lawfare, election fraud and theft of the rights of the Constitution. Let it be that they are caught in their own schemes. Expose those who flaunt -or signal- their convictions to look good to a group of people they want to impress or appeal to. Have Your Angel of the LORD take his stand in the way as an adversary against them.

LORD, You love righteousness and justice; You are the Author of both. Your plans stand firm. As Esther stood firm, so shall I. You are my present strength. Surround me with Your favor as with a shield. Restore what has been taken by these efforts ten-fold. Be AWEsome to me, to Your children, Your intercessors and Your nations. Soveriegn LORD, Over rule!!!

“Not to us LORD, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115: 1

In Jesus’ Majestic, Mighty and Miraculous Name.


June 22, 2024

Declaring (Jeremiah 30:3 )over United States of America. Complete restoration of ALL that the enemy has attempted to steal. In the name of Almighty Victorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ !!!

    R M
    June 22, 2024

    Someone needs to file a petition with appropriate legal ethics committees to disbar Mark Elias and others abusing the American legal system.

Beverly Steckler
June 22, 2024

Heavenly Father, Great Yahweh, I come against this evil one, Elias, in the name of Jesus because you say I can by the Mighty Blood of Jesus Christ, shed for all believers and those who are defending the Constitution of America that You set in place. You are greater than any lawsuit and we have nothing to fear.
We praise You and thank You for hearing our prayers to foil every further action or attempt to subvert Your Will for the elections and our Supreme Court in America by these evil people. We also pray for protection and prosperity for all the believers involved in all these lawsuits and including Former President Trump. We come against any attempts to imprison him as that is election interference. May the Supreme Court step in to prevent this from happening and Your Mighty Hand reach down and protect President Trump. We pray all this in Jesus Christ resurrected Name, Amen

June 22, 2024

Which Democracy is he attempting to save? USA, according to our founders, is a Constitutional Republic. So, Marc Elias and your minions (Democrats and Rinos), go find a democracy to save.

Father God, Your children in the USA are crying out for you to save us and our country. Father God, Please show your love, your Glory and power by saving your American children and your children around the world just as you saved your children of Israel in the book of Exodus. You are the God for whom nothing is impossible. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ

John Douglas
June 22, 2024

God is not mocked. May Haman hang from his own gallows!

Bill&Kathy Doyle
June 22, 2024

This is all a matter of prayer! We are trusting God s will to be accomplished,Our God moves the heart of the King and he will as we 🙏, looking to him& not man!

June 22, 2024

Just when you think you know the definition of STUPID, EVIL AND JUST DOWN RIGHT MEAN SPIRITED…this jerk shows his forked tongue!!!

    Lana Claycamp
    June 22, 2024

    Let’s thank God he did show his wicked ways publicly. We decree MORE EXPOSURES COME!
    Let’s also pray for God to change their hearts like He’s doing to so many who imagine they can thwart or stop the Creator of Heaven and earth! Amen

June 22, 2024

We still have the Jay Seklow’s of the world to cbat his evil.
May God arise

June 22, 2024

We declare this evil to be used against good to be as the gallows Haman built for Mordechai. They will be hung on their own evil turned inwards on themselves.

June 22, 2024

Thank You, LORD – You are bringing to light the darkness and plans of evil. May ALL of us have open eyes to see, ears to hear and Jerry’s to KNOW Your truth. May we be empowered by You to take our grand, our places, in this fight against truth, KNOWING that we have the victory because of our stand in You!

June 22, 2024


    Darlene Estlow
    June 22, 2024

    Yes, Father, let him see his sin. Give him repentance and save his soul! May he become a warrior for you. Nothing is too difficult for you. Praise your name.

Dave Schultz
June 22, 2024

May Marc Elias, with his legal documents in hand encounter Jesus in the way that Saul met Jesus at the gates of Damascus in Acts 9.
Nothing more, nothing less.
All glory, honor and praise to King Jesus!

June 22, 2024

May every wicked plot Elias and his cohorts plan, fail and fall to the ground. Restore to every lawyer he has harmed, tenfold. We declare he will not succeed to ruin this country. He really belongs in jail for the fake Steele dossier. Lord you see the wicked and you call them to account Thank you Lord that America shall be saved and a third great awakening will transform our nation.

June 22, 2024

Note to IFA administrators – I did not mean to flag BJP’s beautiful prayer… Somehow the click to reply also makes a flag as if there’s something to report that needs looked into-the ONLY thing I want to report is what a wonderful prayer this one was and others here are as well, and BJP this prayer helped me as I felt a bit overwhelmed at the thought that more lawsuits would happen during Trump’s next administration…but I’m comforted being reminded that God is in control. However, we need to pray strongly that this doesn’t happen- none of it! In agreement BJP-Amen!

June 22, 2024

May his pride be his downfall. “Pride comes before a fall.” May his lawfare be hit by the light of God’s truth; exposure.

Brian Lynch
June 22, 2024

Lord Jesus, I pray that You would make a way for our election processes to be fair and honest. Please let any attempts to rig or manipulate our election fail miserably. In Jesus’ name we pray.

D .C
June 22, 2024

Only through REPETANCE, and getting ourselves Aligned
With God‘s will and prayer and asking for forgiveness for Being watchmen at the wall who fell asleep.
Merciful father do you know? Is your people or prone to fail but you always have a way out and you never give us more we can Handle!
Father God, we come to you. I come to you ask for forgiveness pray that your guide us through your well-being done
Isaiah 2;22
I am we are yours Lord!!!!!!!!!! save us Holy Spirit teaches us God forgive us thank you, Jesus

June 22, 2024

Yeshua, arise and fight this battle. Our eyes are on you. Confound the counsel of Aitophel and his magicians. Turn their wisdom into madness in the name of Jesus.

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sits in heaven shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak to them in his wrath, and VEX them in sore displeasure.

Lord let this be the portion of Marc Elias and his minions in the name of Jesus.

Michael Bethel
June 22, 2024

Frankly I don’t think Mr Elias actually believes that Mr Trump is planning on stealing the election. I do however think he believes his narrative to that is a weapon to wield against any and all who stand in the way of his goal.
Liars lie, it’s their nature and they also typically accuse others of the very thing they have set themselves about doing.
Mr Elias is a child of our true adversary the devil.

June 22, 2024

Thank you Nancy for exposing this. As I was reading this Saul of the Bible came to mind. This man is a modern day Saul, a vehement persecutor. We all know what God did about that! Praying for his conversion on top of rebuking his schemes.

June 22, 2024

Lord, thunder Your Voice against the adversary of Your Covenant of our founding…

Steven Snyder
June 22, 2024


June 22, 2024

I don’t think Marc Elias actually “believes Donald Trump is plotting to subvert the outcome of the 2024 election”. But of course, only God knows his heart. I pray the Truth of Jesus will overcome him to repentance and bring him from the kingdom of darkness into His glorious light.

June 22, 2024

When I hit the link to “taking the mountain of education” it says page not found. How do I access the author?

June 22, 2024

Isaiah 54 v. 17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
REMEMBER… as bad as it seems…. Jesus Christ Is STILL ON THE THRONE ! But He’s Coming Back To Take His Followers Home ! JMHO !

Kay Bast
June 22, 2024

What hate consumes this man, evil to the core. Reminds me of many of the people I read about in the Old Testament. Seems like they have not changed over the thousands of years. God help us and keep us safe from evil.

June 22, 2024


June 22, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: Everyday I see and hear more and more things that the devil wants to disturb my peace, trouble me, and even prompt me to irrational actions. But because of You, YOUR WORD and truths, I know I do not have to despair as YOU are always there. In Psalms 27 David tells us to Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and he will strengthen thine heart, Wait I say on the Lord. I am going to take those words of advice along with those from Paul and bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. I will not war in the flesh, but instead continue to look to you for I pray YOUR WILL daily as I know your will toward us and your plans for us are ALWAYS good. I trust you with all my heart and know that only you can effect any lasting or victorious changes and outcomes. Thank you Lord for your favor and for your strength which is perfected in my weaknesses. I adore you, Father.

June 22, 2024

Lord God – we pray that You & your warring angels would meet Mr Elias head on with resistance, defeats & legal failures unlike anything before. We pray for the exposure of his “behind the scenes” work. We ask for complete exposure of the hatred in his heart – allow his veiled legal strategies to be shown for what they really are. Allow those who work with or for him to become mentally exhausted & to leave his workforce. We pray for confusion to reign over his firm / organization and that God backed resistance & obstacles will stand in his way going forward to the election and after. Somehow, we pray he will have a Damascus road encounter with You Lord…and not just once. We pray that from this day on that his energy to battle legally…will now tire daily & that You will allow his wrongful ambition to become exhausted daily. Let unclear thinking, mistakes & illegal maneuvering become the daily norm – let it be publicly exposed. Above all, give increased wisdom, discernment & financial increase to Pres. Trump’s attorneys and to those who have stood in defense of the actual president of our nation. We ask this in Your holy name.

    June 22, 2024

    Amen! Powerful prayer. I agree with you and will continue to pray this with you

Susan CC
June 22, 2024

Elohei Mishpat אֱלֹהֵי מִשְׁפָּט God of Justice
Isaiah 30:18 CJB Yet Adonai is just waiting to show you favor, he will have pity on you from on high; for Adonai is a God of justice; happy are all who wait for him!

James 3:13-18 The Wisdom from Above
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good conduct, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast in it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peace-loving, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap the fruit of righteousness.

” Just Security, compiled a target list of 22 lawyers who worked directly with the post-election Trump staff for lawsuits. The lawsuits have resulted in the disbarment or bankruptcy of Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis, and John Eastman….Justice should have come more swiftly.’

Dear Lord and Almighty God, nothing is hidden from You so You know Marc Elias’ motives more truly than he claims to know them. He said, “justice should have come more swiftly,” referring to Mr. Trumps law team. I pray those words will be realized in all of his plans. I read through Your response to Job when You said, “enough”….I pray this is so with Mr. Elias. I pray he hears You clearly as you set the record straight. I pray Mr. Trump and all others being hounded in court will know Your favor. You are the God of Justice. May Your justice prevail. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen

“Who is this, darkening my plans with his ignorant words? Stand up like a man, and brace yourself; I will ask questions; and you, give the answers!…“Who put wisdom in people’s inner parts? Who gave understanding to the mind?… Is it your wisdom that sets the hawk soaring, spreading its wings toward the south?…Does the critic still want to dispute Shaddai? Let him who wants to correct God give an answer!…“Are you impugning my justice?…Do you have an arm like God’s? Can you thunder with a voice like his? Come on, deck yourself with majesty and dignity,
robe yourself in glory and splendor….look at all who are proud, and humble them….Look at all who are proud, and bring them down; tread down the wicked where they stand.

Phyllis Metz
June 22, 2024

Father God, You are a just God. So good, Thank You, for mercy and grace that is new every morning. All the seats of authority, will be filled with righteous leaders, who use Your instructional guide. Doers of the Word of God and not just hearers only. We agree, in Jesus’ name , Light shine , into all darkness. We are conquereers, overcomers, winners, victorious, it is written, it is done! Hallelujah, Amen, amen 🙏

Linda T
June 22, 2024

Father God, we pray a hedge of protection around President Trump and all who support him. Our country cannot endure another day of the Democratic regime that seeks to overturn our very foundation. We come to you boldly, not because of who we are, but because of Whose we are, knowing that you hear our desperate prayers for this country. Thwart the plans of the devious enemy behind all this and all who are doing his bidding. Help Christians in this country to get informed and do all they can to be informed, active voters. Thwart any and all plans to subvert our election in any way. Lord, the world needs America strong and standing for righteousness but that is only possible through you. We repent of the evil we have allowed to fester and grow in this land, some of it truly unspeakable, and pray you will hear our prayers and heal this precious land you have given us. In the might name of Jesus we pray, who we know is able to do more than we can ask or imagine! Thank you for your love and grace.

    June 22, 2024

    I printed your prayer Linda because the Holy Spirit stated our needs perfectly. Intercession requires diligence so we must “get this wall built” Ezk 22 and continue until November!!! Hallelujah

June 22, 2024

Lord send confusion to all these people that want to interfere with the election We bind the spirit of greed and power that overrides these people to commit these lawless crimes and lies in the name of justice.
We bind satan and the powers of hell in the Name that is above all names The Name of our Lord and Savior JesusChrist to the glory of God The Father.
Amen and Amen

Jerry Young
June 22, 2024

The only people who are commiting election interference are the Democrats. Republicans are trying to upheld election integrity .

Michael and Ellie Briney
June 22, 2024

Lawyers like this, who manipulate the truth to make it sound like they are telling the truth, are dangerous. They look only at their own side, right or wrong, to come up with a decision in their favor. Christian people need to be better informed concerning the truth behind crooked elections, how to recognize them, and defeat then through almighty God and prayer.

June 22, 2024

What, another criminal in charge of legal proceedings and filing court cases, against our President Trump and others in his circle and our legal rights to Vote For Trump?!!
Probably, if one looks deeper, he too is involved in Disinformation schemes across all social media platforms!
This is more AntiChrist activity to keep us all from obeying God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son first, and not the government and its “leaders”
Oh Heavenly Father
We Praise You for more truth of this underworld, underhanded scheme to end all our Spiritual, religious Christian rights!
Help Us to each do our part beyond the praying to get out and about doing Your Work! If each one of us can only reach one more walking in darkness, and that one then also, The darkness gets dimmer!
Please Dear Lord, help us to stand and be strong, putting on Your Armor daily as Paul taught us in
Eph 6: 10-18! We need to get more serious then we have ever been, and stay in your Truth and Word, The Sword of the Spirit!
Forgive us all for our slack of in following and obefience to You.
In Jesus Christ’s Name we pray,

June 22, 2024

We sure need God’s weapon of prayer at a time like this!!!!!


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IFA President
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