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Father, we pray for President Biden and our precious nation at this time. Whether Biden is removed from office or not, we pray that You would guide this nation and that Your will would be done.
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Speaker Mike Johnson condemned Biden’s poor cognitive ability, arguing it would be appropriate to remove him from office with the 25th amendment.

From The Washington Times. While Democrats are soul-searching on whether to support President Biden as the Democratic nominee, House Speaker Mike Johnson and fellow Republican leaders view the president’s tenure as a danger to the country.

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Polls and some Democrats in Washington have turned against Mr. Biden, something that Mr. Johnson said Republicans should enjoy politically. Yet he’s not enjoying the reality of it, arguing that Mr. Biden’s condition is “dangerous.”

Asked again if he supported Rep. Chip Roy’s resolution to call on Vice President Kamala Harris to remove Mr. Biden from office with the 25th Amendment, Mr. Johnson said most Americans and Republicans would agree that it was appropriate for her to take that historic step.

“There’s a time to every purpose under heaven; desperate times call for desperate measures. I think the 25th Amendment is appropriate here,” Mr. Johnson, Louisiana Republican, said Tuesday at the U.S. Capitol. …

Their concern over Mr. Biden’s ability to serve comes as leaders from around the world arrived in Washington for a three-day NATO summit starting Tuesday, again putting the president’s ability under a microscope.

Mr. Johnson said those leaders were seeing Mr. Biden’s state “with their own two eyes.” …

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(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Mike Johnson, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=139920660)

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Jessica Renshaw
July 10, 2024

Speaker Mike Johnson is right. Mr. Biden’s cognitive condition is dangerous–and has been for his whole four years residing in the White House. His mental condition has been dangerous, even lethal, to those in our country who have been affected by drug and human traffickers, terrorists and other bad actors welcomed over the border by this administration. His condition has been lethal to those in other countries who trusted our promises to protect and provide for them, those in Afghanistan, Israel and Ukraine, for example. It is surely appropriate (and long-overdue) for the Vice-President to use the 25th Amendment to declare Mr. Biden unfit to serve as President.

But I’m torn. Is it better for us to have a feeble, confused, deluded candidate, a proven failure with little chance of winning, run against our strong, capable, proven one or have Biden disqualified and thereby risk facing a candidate just as bad but with a real chance of winning the election? For me, this “puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of.”


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