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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, this is an unimaginable atrocity. Forgive us, Lord Christ, for this great sin. Lead us, Lord, in Your ways in all things.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

That story, mostly unknown until now, should at an absolute minimum require the approval of any employee’s request for conscience-based religious exemptions from employer or government vaccination mandates.

On October 6, with the help of James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas (PV), a whistleblower at Pfizer revealed, in leaked internal emails, that company executives have been, in PV’s words, “telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine.

The video cites an email from the company’s senior director of worldwide research admitting that “One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program.” The firm’s chief scientific officer specifically identifies the cell line involved as “HEK293T cells … (which) are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus.”

Pfizer’s resistance to disclosing the roots of its vaccine’s origins seems inexplicable . . .

The details of HEK293’s brutal – and from all appearances, until very recently, largely undisclosed – origins explain the company’s deep discomfort. Contrary to nearly a half-century of misrepresentation and obfuscation, HEK293’s creation did NOT arise from an “abortion” as everyday people understand it.

A very recent development serves to confirm this.

In August, the University of Pittsburgh effectively made a horrifying admission. The Center for Medical Progress, which had to enlist the help of Judicial Watch before the university would respond to its Freedom of Information Act request, explained that the school’s GUDMAP program (full name: GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project), with the help of area Planned Parenthood abortion providers, was “allowing babies, some of the age of viability, to be delivered alive, and then killing them by cutting their kidneys out.” . . .

Killing a delivered-alive baby is textbook infanticide.

Pitt’s researchers and Planned Parenthood had to resort to this gruesome butchery because it is the best and likely the only way to harvest certain usable body parts, particularly kidneys. Harvesting viable kidneys requires continuous blood flow, which in turn requires a beating heart, which in turn requires that the baby be alive (or at the very least almost always) outside the womb when the kidneys are removed.

The HEK293 line was created in the early 1970s. Months before the University of Pittsburgh’s admissions, AnnaMaria Cardinalli, an extraordinarily perceptive and conscientious writer, detailed the damning truth about its origins at Crisis Magazine in January:

… To harvest a viable embryonic kidney … sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which would lessen the viability of the organs.

… The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.

In email correspondence, Ms. Cardinalli indicated, based on her own discussions with medical experts and “the test of reason,” that in her view, “we are genuinely speaking of clear infanticide, not abortion.” . . .

Do you think that people should know how the “tissue” was obtained that has been an integral part of the development of the Covid vaccines and other pharmaceuticals? Please share this article.

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January 9, 2022

This is so grievously evil. God we plead for mercy on behalf of these precious babies and all the people getting this vaccine. Lord help us!!

CM Brown
October 28, 2021

Horrifying! Truly horrifying! It sickens me to hear what this world is coming to! God help us!

October 28, 2021

Lori, I too was surprised at the stance of creation.com. My daughter-in-law works as a gov’t contractor and is being forced to vax as they have not accepted ANY requests for religious exemption. The paper she was required to sign applying for religious exemption gave a long list of other medications that were also developed the same as the vax – just over the counter, i.e. benadryl. The paper required them to state that they do not use those medications either. She has decided to take the vax tomorrow and it grieves me. As a prolife person, I find it hard to be ok with anything that has used or is using fetal cells. I also find it hard to know what info to believe and not believe. Now is a really good time to know the Lord!!!

    October 30, 2021

    I am so sorry Lola.😞 I can only imagine how hard that is for you knowing too the difficult decision your daughter is making. I pray that the Father protects her (and all those who feel they must choose this path against their will) from any harm the vaccine might cause, and that He also draws her close to him and grows her trust in him as He reveals himself to her through this difficulty. We are certainly living in difficult days that grieves the soul. And it shows me how much more we must live close to the heart of God to see us through these times. Its as if I picture us – his remnant – and He’s leading us on this path and we’re all tightly bunched up so close to him that we’re neck and neck, with no space for anything to creep in and distract us from anything that He wants to reveal to us. We won’t let anything in and He will be faithful.❤

October 26, 2021

As I read the info from creation.com it DOES NOT seem to agree with the above info – so might need to reread that!!

    October 28, 2021

    Lola, I am assuming your comment may be referring to that creation.com supports the use of the vaccine, while this article appears to not, based on their differing views of the history of the origins of HEK293 as outlined in this article. Is that a correct assumption? If I’m understanding, it appears the cell line could only be derived as described in this article (and the sourced article linked in it). But I’m wondering too, if a vaccine is derived from fetal tissue or the cell line of fetal tissue, is there really a difference for the Believer in Christ? Because it would seem that either of those two options supports and promotes the abortion industry (as we could not have cell lines if we did not first have the fetal tissue) which would be morally wrong from the perspective of many Believers in Christ. I was a bit taken back with Creation.com’s approach or tone when the author advised the reader to not believe “conspiracy theories” without providing supporting documentation for his recommendation. Quite honestly many of the “conspiracy theories” we were hearing and reading about even just 6-18 months ago are beginning to or have come to fruition. Many very credible professionals (scientists, doctors, immunological, virologists, etc) would disagree with this author of the creation.com article you’ve noted. The author’s credentials indicate he is a chemist, but he does not appear to have education or experiential knowledge in immunology or virology. That seems important to the topic as well. The author also appears to not believe that vaccines cause harm when in fact the CDC’s VAERS website shows otherwise, including tens of thousands of deaths from covid-19 vaccine alone. Considering these things I can’t help but wonder if the creation.com author may potentially be more in favor of vaccination(?), when many Believers would feel as though vaccination may be morally wrong for them. Thus my questioning and search for clarification and truth here. Thank you.

Bill Benson
October 25, 2021

Creation.com agrees with you. Thanks Andrea. Heres the link https://creation.com/cmi-vaccination#contents

    October 28, 2021

    Bill, I posted my comment to Lola above but wanted to address it here as well as I am struggling to agree. But, perhaps I am not understanding? I assumed Lola’s comment above (perhaps you are of the same understanding?) may be referring to that creation.com supports the use of the vaccine, while this article appears to not, based on their differing views of the history of the origins of HEK293 as outlined in this article. Is that a correct assumption? If I’m understanding, it appears the cell line could only be derived as described in this article (and the sourced article linked in it). But I’m wondering too, if a vaccine is derived from fetal tissue or the cell line of fetal tissue, is there really a difference for the Believer in Christ? Because it would seem that either of those two options supports and promotes the abortion industry (as we could not have cell lines if we did not first have the fetal tissue) which would be morally wrong from the perspective of many Believers in Christ. I was a bit taken back with Creation.com’s approach or tone when the author advised the reader to not believe “conspiracy theories” without providing supporting documentation for his recommendation. Quite honestly many of the “conspiracy theories” we were hearing and reading about even just 6-18 months ago are beginning to or have come to fruition. Many very credible professionals (scientists, doctors, immunological, virologists, etc) would disagree with this author of the creation.com article you’ve noted. The author’s credentials indicate he is a chemist, but he does not appear to have education or experiential knowledge in immunology or virology. That seems important to the topic as well. The author also appears to not believe that vaccines cause harm when in fact the CDC’s VAERS website shows otherwise, including tens of thousands of deaths from covid-19 vaccine alone. Considering these things I can’t help but wonder if the creation.com author may potentially be more in favor of vaccination(?), when many Believers would feel as though vaccination may be morally wrong for them. Thus my questioning and search for clarification and truth. Thank you.

Pamela Jackson
October 25, 2021

I am horrified to read this article and was trying to share it to Facebook. Facebook did not allow the share! They gave me a message that says “You Can’t Use This Feature Right Now – We limit how often you can post comment or do other things in a given amount of time to help protect the community from span. You can try again later.” But I haven’t even BEEN on Facebook for days. So it is obviously censorship. I messaged them and asked that they reconsider but I am posting this for the IFA staff to document the situation. Not right!!!!

October 25, 2021

So this article sounds like its a reference to the crisis magazine January article about planned Parenthood abortions not covid links to infanticide as the title suggests.
I did my research and got the vaccine because they used cells that were grown in the lab from one subject back in the 70s.
As an idea of what I was looking at this mag from Nebraska has Made and scientific study articles linked.
As of Aug, only Pfizer has done research on pregnant women and the vax does not increase or decrease %rate of miscarriage even when vax in first trimester.

Cheryl Brunsting
October 24, 2021

Kidney cells from ‘aborted’ (murdered) babies are used in all kinds of !medical research, in vaccines themselves, and other things.

October 24, 2021

Let me get this straight: they took the babies kidneys to test the vaccine on them?

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Frances Louise Wagner
October 24, 2021

When I read this article I was horrified. I had seen the Project Vertias exposure videos of a whistle-blower coming forward to tell how Pfizer was hiding the fact that this shot was built on aborted fetal TISSUE. I could not imagine that what that really meant was a living baby whose heart was beating and was butchered without anesthesia to preserve the kidneys. I know that nothing good can come of such evil and that bio-weapon euphemistically called a “vaccine” is nothing of the kind. I wanted to share this horrifying information but I was banned off twitter and yesterday Fakebook banned me from making comments or posting this sort of information. I was in such torment over this last night I could not sleep. Often I am asked to pray for America in the church service, today was no exception and before I could pray I had to tell the congregation of this specific horror. We need to be speaking out in church, especially since there is such an effort to censor the truth from being shared on social media, by the main stream media. I know this was of the Lord that I did this, I wept through telling and praying as led by the Holy Spirit. So much prayer has been offered by so many including myself that “everything hidden would be revealed and everything in darkness would be brought to the light” and it is a very painful process hearing these things, but it is necessary. We can’t fix what we are in the dark about. Grateful for articles like this hard and heartbreaking as they are. Prayer changes things, but only if we as the moral authority though our Blood Bought Position in Messiah stand up and be bold and act on what is revealed. Yahshua never prayed we be taken out of this world – but rather we be kept from the evil in it. ” I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” (John 17:15)

October 24, 2021

Heavenly Father we fall on our faces before You in horror and grief over what is being done to our children here and around the world.
We confess our corporate sins that has lead and contributed to this evil.
We ask You to open the eyes of the blind and take out hearts of stone of all those that are a part of this evil. Please keep us, that know Your Truth on our faces and broken before You over this True Evil! Please give us favor Abba Father with the Supreme Court and change hearts and minds for the children and for Yoyr Holy Name and Your Glory LORD Amen

October 23, 2021

Thank you for this beautiful Prayer,I just prayed it..I am at a loss for words

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October 23, 2021

what words will suffice in the face of this barbaric ritual child sacrifice..O Lord God in Heaven-.. forgive us..PLEASE Lord STOP this unGodly thing

    CM Brown
    October 28, 2021

    Horrifying! And we are supposedly a “civilized” society? God help us!

Terri Jones
October 23, 2021

Dear Father, thank you for Your servants who are engaged in the battle to shine the light of truth on this eggregious evil and protect future children from suffering in this cruel, monstrous way. Please strengthen Your servants who are devoted to Your cause, and confound the enemy. Let the things which were done in secret be shouted from the rooftops, and let the people of our land see and be appalled by the evil of sacrificing Your children to demons. May it become as repulsive to our people as the atrocities down in Nazi Germany. Break our hearts for the children, Lord, and pour out a spirit of repentance upon our land. Please turn our hearts back to You, and let abortion become unthinkable as we treasure our children as they truly are, our greatest gift and stewardship. In Jesus’Name, amen.

Susan Gauen
October 23, 2021

God, I pray this would all come to light so that it could be stopped in the future. God, I pray you would bring down the fear of the Lord on people in the abortion industry of this nation, and I pray revelation of You would come to each one. Let them feel the seriousness of their sin and cause them to turn to You in repentance and humility. I pray they would repent of the horrors they have done. Bring repentance. I pray many people in the abortion industry would be visited by You and would totally humble themselves before You. Let this be the year that many of them repent. Let this be the year that many of them walk away from the abortion industry. Let this be the year they openly tell of the horrific things done behind closed doors in these abortion chambers. Bring it all to light and bring conviction that cannot be ignored. Bring true heart repentance and turning away from this awful butchering of our unborn.

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David Weston
October 23, 2021

There is a Christian 501c3 organization that works to reduce the incidence of abortions by providing Ultrasound images to expectant mothers. They report having an 80% success rate of pursuading mothers against abortion when the mothers are able to see the image of their child and hear the heartbeat. Anyone who finds this of interest can find more at: https://missionpreborn.givingfuel.com/blaze-media Until Christ returns we must all pray that the evil of abortion be turned by God’s Spirit and by our actions. Government vaccine mandates are a separate evil that ignores the fact that there are many good alternative treatments for prevention and therapeutic intervention for Sars-Covid19.

    October 25, 2021

    Focus on the Family is an organization that also provides “Project Ultrasound” where they provide free services to women and they too have confirmed that after seeing these, many women do decide to keep their babies. Prayers for them and others like this that honor the sanctity of human life!

Donna Dickson
October 23, 2021

Father, forgive us. We have become a culture of murder, in many ways, motivated by greed. Let justice be done for these innocent lives. I pray you would remove abortion from our land Father, and save our children. Father, pour out your Holy Spirit and turn us back to you. You are our only hope. In Jesus name.

Connie White
October 23, 2021

Oh, Father, PLEASE FORGIVE MY sin of murder, made worse because it was done in ignore-ance (By ignoring) medical facts!!

    October 23, 2021

    Our God is a God of Love & He heard your cries of repentance & He has forgiven you. Read Psalm 32:5.
    Do not carry this burden anymore- give it to Him!
    God bless you!

      Dawn Beth
      October 24, 2021

      Amen Michelle🙌🙌 this is why we can rest assured in scripture 1 John 1:9. If we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That scripture was written to the church. And there is grace for those who have fallen to the deception of this vaccine as well. Thank you Father for your mercy and your grace.🙏🙏🙏

    October 24, 2021

    Me too!
    Thank God for his awesome willingness and eagerness to forgive us of ALL our
    Sins! And to heal us emotionally from the damage our sins do to us!
    Where would we be without Him and His awesome Grace!

October 23, 2021

Daddy God, in the Name ABOVE ALL names, Jesus, I ask You to destroy the WHOLE ungodly, evil system! Take it ALL down like a house of cards and EXPOSE ALL the evil and the people involved and let JUSTICE ROAR through our land and the whole world so EVERYONE KNOWS who the Great I AM is and the You God will NOT be mocked!! You are THE CREATOR and SUSTAINER of life! Man has crossed boundaries that should NEVER even enter into the mind of a human to do such evil acts! For the sake of the murdered and the innocent, the oppressed and Your people, let Your Holy HAMMER and Holy FIRE com down from Heaven and consume/destroy ALL wickedness! We NEED You to do what You must to cleanse Your creation, just HOLD ON to US Lord, take care of Your people and protect and provide for us through the cleansing that You are gracing us with by Your mercy! Thank You for intervening! We give You our agreement, our faith, and our love! WE NEED YOU NOW, You are SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Bring us Heaven to Earth and let us taste Your GOODNESS! I LOVE YOU Daddy God, King Jesus, Holy Spirit! Bless us to be like You in EVERY WAY You have ORDAINED through Christ, our Bridegroom, the love of our life! Let us be to YOU a beautiful fragrance as You are to us! Let us love You with Your love that You love us with! Let us be faithful to You as You are faithful to us! In the measure that You have given us, equip us through You to return all that to You as You deserve a sold out, all in, on fire, and in love BRIDE, Jesus!! We WANT the WORLD to see YOU Jesus in US! Fill us overflowing with Holy Spirit and have Your way!! In Jesus Name, AMEN!

White House
October 23, 2021

Oh my Lord I cannot contain the tears from my heart over the horror of what I just read; I can hardly distinguish the keys as I type. My heart is shattered and I my mind is spinning with unbelief after learning of this horror. My heart grieves for the millions of babies that have been murdered in this country alone. Lord, You alone know the number of them. If I feel this pain in my own heart, I wonder how much greater your heart’s ache is Father, creator of Life, for those millions of babies. And how much greater the pain of watching the depth of evil in the the heart of man, your prized creation, oh Lord. Please forgive us Father, please forgive us, please forgive America for this evil, please forgive us Lord Jesus! In your mercy, Lord, please rescue us and save us from this destruction. Father we are crying for a miracle of your mercy: Please grant us the Overturning of Row vs Wade; please Father, in the Holy name of Jesus; for the sake of your Holy Name, save US, oh Lord!!!

Chelsea P
October 23, 2021

God is exposing more than just the covid vaccine. Many of the vaccines used for decades contain these aborted fetal cells. This is an answered prayer for all those “anti vaxxers” pointing this out all along. He is exposing the darkness and it’s much greater than just this one incident. Forgive us for our ignorance Father and those who have unwittingly been taking these vaccines and chiding others to do so. For doing it to their children thinking they were protecting them. Bring us healing and continue to expose these horrendous evils in the power of Your Holy Spirit and the mighty Name of King Jesus. Amen.

Linda Todd
October 23, 2021

Oh, dear heavenly Father. How you must weep at this horror. My heart is broken that I willingly accepted this vaccine. That an innocent baby died to perhaps save my life, is a sin for me. Yes, I did not know until today but that doesn’t absolve me. Gracious Savior, forgive me of this act. May I meet that precious child in heaven, where she will be whole as a child of God. May God make good of this by exposing this evil to all our country and to the world

    Dawn Beth
    October 24, 2021

    Sweet Linda❤️ Rom. 5:20 where sin abounds grace abounds MUCH MORE🙌🙌There’s mercy and healing and forgiveness and grace. I thank God for 1 John 1:9. Peace to you sweet sister

    October 28, 2021

    I, too accepted the vaccine (not being fully aware of ALL that was in it.) It truly sickens me to think that some little precious one went through such agony so that I could get a vaccine. God forgive me, please. May God put an end to this, and may the American people be made FULLY aware of what is in this vaccine.

thomas garcia
October 23, 2021

All though it does not surprise me there is so much evil perpetrated by the powers that be these people have no souls. I understand God’s word says love your enemy but for me I have not gotten to that point yet in my life after watching for years what evil the democrat party has instilled upon us. They are so fake it is noticeable finally some of America is waking up and seeing them for who they really are allowing companies like this to do such evil to unborn children. It is amazing the double standards the democrats have, telling everyone along with actors media and athletes get a C19 shot to save lives yet they condone and push the killing of babies their so inconsistent in their thinking and need to be called out on that point make them realize their evil ways. In my opinion no woman has a right to murder and call it a choice once again the evil playing on words when the true evil is those who say we are for America and are destroying it with insane thinking.

God Bless America I will continue to pray for our country.
One other point if you hate this country so much you have the right to leave only in America, in other country they imprison you and then shoot you.

Deborah Candland
October 23, 2021

Father, please forgive us for being so complacent about the shedding of innocent blood when we know that this very blood cries to You from the ground. Convict us of the urgency of prayer. Let all deluding spirits be replaced by Your Spirit of Truth in our nation. Defeat and quiet the spirit of death seducing our nation, and especially Your Church. Revive us, Oh Lord, for this is our only hope. Do amazing things that can be credited to no one but Yourself for righteousness sake. Do not hold back the coming revival of love, and don’t let me miss is, Oh Lord. Let each of us pray, Forgive me and revive me oh Lord, with a newness of Your living water. Amen

October 23, 2021

Isn’t harvesting kidneys from a living child premeditated murder? Homicide. We have electric chairs for murderers don’t we? This is criminal. These “researchers” should be apprehended and tried in a court of law like other murderers.

Justice demands this. Civilized society demands it. We can’t live at this barbaric level. It can’t go unpunished.

Of course they wanted to keep it quiet. They knew it was murder when they did it.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
October 23, 2021

It’s far worse than most Americans realize. The so-called Father of Vaccine Therapy Dr. Stanley Plotkin in a 9-hour legal proceeding UNDER OATH finally revealed that over 76 healthy babies from the first to the third trimesters were used in vaccine experimentation… with extensive organ harvesting. I have linked a short segment of his testimony in my updated Plandemic depopulation exposé.

What came out this past week is that a significant number of women who were vaccinated while pregnant gave birth to healthy babies- who ALL DIED within several days of birth! Also attorney Thomas Renz received horrifying information from a Dept. of Defense whistleblower who provided irrefutable data with graphs and charts of the MASSIVE number of Medicare recipients who have died AFTER being double-vaccinated [His interview as well is linked in my updated blogpost]. Also the U.K. has now realized that the majority of hospitalizations and deaths are now occurring in the fully vaccinated!

The fact that nurses and doctors across the nation, as well as our law enforcement, military, and other professions are adamantly resisting the medical tyranny of forced vaccination clearly shows that they know something that most do not yet know: The remedy is FAR WORSE than the illness in the vast majority of cases. Also many now know that Big Pharma greed, corrupt media, Tech platforms, and the leftist Democrats have suppressed the low-cost original highly effective remedies [HCQ & Ivermectin] that would have save literally millions of lives!

PLEASE share the truth that is exposed in my post. Sharyl Attkisson also journals international updates of permanent damage experienced throughout the nations after being injected with these poison jabs… her reporting is stellar. And Dr. Carrie Madej is interviewed about the ingredients in these injections: Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, & AstraZeneca. Clearly these ingredients damage our DNA and will cause long-term illness shortening our lifespans significantly.

ABBA Father, we agree that the tyranny that America and the world is experiencing is NOT Your Perfect Will. It is an assault by the adversary against humankind and WE rise up and stand against the schemes of darkness to destroy democracy and our Constitutional Republic. We unite to intercede for the release of the Host of Heaven, the Angel Armies- to pull down the strongholds that have bound the world, and to allow the release of Your Presence, Your Healing Virtue, Your Divine Wisdom, and to usher in what IS on Your Divine Agenda… The Greatest Awakening in the History of Mankind, with a Harvest of New Souls born into the Kingdom… ALL for Your Glory ALONE, in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ, by the Power of Your Holy Spirit- AMEN & AMEN!


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    TRUST in JESUS!!
    October 23, 2021

    Beautiful, strong prayer! I agree with you!! Its is DONE in Jesus MIGHTY Name! Amen! Let us be John 17, Christ IN US the HOPE of GLORY UNITED for HIS purpose! Love Christ and love each other through Him!! WE BELONG TO JESUS!! No one else!!

    October 24, 2021

    Yes, I stand in agreement with every word of this powerful Holy Spirit filled prayer! May it be so Oh Lord, in Jesus Name, Amen! 🙏

October 23, 2021

Lord, we ask forgiveness for the people who knowingly and willingly sacrificed children under the “disguise of science and progress”. Lord forgive us that we have fallen so far. God have mercy on us – we have done nothing to deserve your mercy but we humbly ask you for it because we are in desperate need of it.
We pray and ask for justice for all the unborn children. Your justice is perfect and your mercy is perfect. As your people, we long and continue to ask that abortion would stop. This sea of innocent blood must stop. Many are praying and fighting and standing for the innocent unborn and just born. Hear our cry – help us Lord put an end to this deceptive butchery. Hold those accountable who have hidden the truth from us – those that have purposely deceived us. We ask that You would deal with them in Your perfect ways. Remove the billions of dollars from them – money derived from the lives of the innocent. We decree that you will hold them responsible while they are here on this earth. Lord let this be the end of abortion. Replace ungodly people making these pharmaceutical decisions with God loving and honoring people. In Jesus name amen.

James Cook
October 23, 2021

I am sorry to tell you, but all three of the major covid vaccines either contain or were tested with aborted fetal cell lines.

    TRUST in JESUS!!
    October 23, 2021

    ALL vaccines are evil and have DNA in them! They have ALWAYS been POISON! The whole system MUST be judged by our Daddy God and King Jesus in Heaven! Keep speaking TRUTH, AMEN!! God be with you!

October 23, 2021

Oh Lord,

No words! We have lost our way. We have slipped so far away from Your loving precepts that even sacrifice of our babies is being done without regard to their lives or the pain inflicted during these procedures. Oh Lord, forgive us! Clearly these companies realize how awful and barbaric their actions are or they would not seek to hide them from the public. Thank You, Lord for exposing their actions. Father, touch hearts and lead many to repentance! Help us all to stand firm and share these truths. Lord, come quickly! The darkness grows darker! Keep us sharing Your truth. May the light of Christ shine brighter and May His perfect love draw many out of darkness. Looking forward for the day when You will make all things new! In Your Name We pray!

Mary Olson
October 23, 2021

My heart breaks hearing about the murder of these precious babies for “science”. May you give these mad scientists back there
consciences. Father God may they turn from their wicked ways and embrace the truth of what they are doing. Open their eyes of understanding that they may repent and seek your face. May the truth be broadcast worldwide about the horrifying infanticide that is taking place. Let us boldly shed your light on this horror to all. We ask this in the mighty name of our Jesus, Amen.

October 23, 2021

For years and years, the church, Christians, have NOT done our part to stop these EVIL, DEMENTED, PEOPLE! I include myself! I admit that I had no idea what these monsters were doing after the abortions! Abortion, alone, should have been enough for all of us to demand, with our voices and our votes to say STOP, NOW!! We all should have been coming against these abortionists with everything we have! It is mind boggling what these men and women (some even call themselves Christians) have gotten by with! It is unbelievable that Christian pastors will not “touch” this subject in the pulpits across this nation. IF they had, I believe, firmly, that abortion would have ENDED long ago!! Some pastors did, but not many! As for me, I’m not waiting for any pastor to speak up against abortion. I will stand with those who are fighting and standing up!
God, I believe, HAS been WAITING for the CHURCH, to step up, stand up and speak up for the defenseless unborn! He has been so patient with us! It is WE who have NOT done our part! He is waiting on US to do what we can do and He will do what we can’t do!! We have to start inundating every Congresman and woman, Governors, etc., with calls, e-mails, etc. letting them know we will NOT vote for them if they don’t speak out for the unborn. Their silence is NOT acceptable. We need to get behind those who have been fighting this battle. We need to let our pastors know that we EXPECT them to speak out against abortion! Their silence is NOT acceptable either!
You may think I’m wrong, but I believe that Almighty God would step in and save this nation, if WE would step up and stop abortion! Not to speak is to speak! The babies ONLY have OUR VOICE!! They have no voice, but ours!

Denice Haley
October 23, 2021

We’re guilty of infanticide as the people of Molech. Lord, may we repent, grieve, and turn from this innocent bloodshed! May the Truth be forthcoming. Protect those who are forthcoming. And, may those guilty of this bloodshed be brought to Your Holy and Righteous Justice.

Mike Painter
October 23, 2021

How long before God will say, “NO MORE”?

    October 23, 2021

    Mike, I believe that God HAS said “NO MORE!” We have to cry out for His mercy, and do everything we can to stop this murder, or, we are going to face His judgement. I pray it’s not too late! Blessings to you.

    TRUST in JESUS!!
    October 23, 2021

    He’s been waiting for us to say No MORE! The overturning is coming, hold on and hold the line! He has heard our prayers and cries and caught our tears for the unborn and all of the evils being done in the world! JUSTICE IS COMING!! It’s ON THE WAY!! Be strong in the Lord, let Him fill you with His peace and comfort as we wait for His TIMING! Remember He NEVER FAILS and is NEVER late! He will NOT let us down! The shaking is coming so stay rooted in Him and you’ll make it through! The King reigns on His throne in Heaven and when He looks up there is no one there for He is he highest but when the devil looks up, he sees the FEET of our Lord and King, Jesus!! Jesus we join our ROAR with Yours, Let Your WILL be DONE on EARTH AS it is IN Heaven!! Be blessed Mike!

    October 23, 2021

    When do WE say no more??? When do WE demand this administration stop its attack on the unborn, on the aged, on the children? Texas Heartbeat bill is under fire. Vax for 5 – 12 year olds coming. Lions, it’s time to ROAR! SPEAK UP! Email/call your US Reps. Enlist an army. PUSH BACK. WE are the Ekklesia. GOD IS WAITING FOR US TO MOVE, to declare, to decree.

October 23, 2021

Jesus, the depravity of man is beyond comprehension. How You can forgive is beyond comprehension! Awaken us fully to the truth of our ability to be used by evil people and spirits for killing those made in Your image and being turned even on ourselves from sheer stupidity. Can we undo the brainwashing Father God? Are we worthy to be saved? Only You know and we turn to You for the answers. Jesus! Help us!

Christine Stott
October 23, 2021

Thank you intercessors for America for revealing this shocking butchery of God’s beautiful babies, the Lord says vengeance is mine I will repay! And I can’t wait….

October 23, 2021

This is terrible, an abomination to Almighty God. Killing living babies to harvest tissue for ANY reason is wrong. It is a slap in the face to Almighty God. Yes, I believe that this needs to become public knowledge. We the people deserve to know what kind of gruesome behavior that is going on in these laboratories. Infanticide, for ANY reason, is just plain unacceptable. Lord Jesus, please, forgive the people who have performed this terrible atrocity of infanticide, and give them cause to repent of the horrible act that they have done. Lord, let this be the end of the disregard of human life. Please, let ALL human life be seen the way that You see it- as sacred, and not to be so poorly regarded. In Jesus’ name.

October 23, 2021

An organization called Children of God for Life has a very complete list of abortion tainted vaccines and a list of the names of cell lines used (so you know what to look for on vaccine inserts). MMR, Chicken pox, and shingles vaccines just to name a few that have been around a while…

    October 23, 2021

    You do know that the Tylenol and other medicines used Aborted fetus cells at one time. Plus these cells are from fetuses aborted back in 1970. Yes, this should not be a secret. But no new aborted fetus are being used nor any aborted fetus is in the vaccines now.

      Gloria Hamilton
      October 23, 2021

      Where can you find a list of other products that use fetal tissue? I read this once before but not sure where to verify any of it.

      October 23, 2021

      But still, there is the foundation! The little newborn baby #293 gave her life for us to have that Pfizer vaccine. This was a Caesarian ‘live’ birth… a viable baby. And she suffered from the removal of her kidneys… Would/Could I give my kidney without anesthesia even to the person I love most in this world? I had 2 C-sections, so I’m wondering how they got those Mommys’ to participate. The mom could have had a spinal I guess w/o drugs. Tax payer funded research?

      May God forgive me & my country. I can’t believe where the abortion legislation of the 1970’s has taken America especially since we have the best birth control drugs available in the history of mankind. Instead of preventing backroom abortions, it has become a too common birth control method itself with so many unintended, chilling uses. God please continue to reveal the truth. We need to wrestle with our past decisions and see consequences clearly. Convict us to do Your will. AMEN

      James Cook
      October 23, 2021

      Child sacrifice is ongoing! Don’t buy this rationalization. For example, Walvax 2 was created in 2015! Furthermore, humanized mice are used in the creation of the monoclonal antibody treatment. And, to my knowledge, humanized mice are made using aborted babies. For example, the recent U. of Pitt experiment where they literally put scalps of aborted babies onto mice. The truth is there is an ongoing and necessary harvest of children in order to make new “medicines”.

      Santos Garcia, Jr.
      October 23, 2021

      Sorry Wilma- you are very wrong. 76+ aborted babies from the first to the third trimester of gestation have been used with extensive organ harvesting. You have been deceived along with most that repeat your statement. See my comments above, or go directly to this post and listen to Dr. Stanley Plotkin admit under oath what I state here. https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2021/09/16/it-is-time-to-free-america/

October 23, 2021

Amen! AMEN! Especially AMEN Lord to forgive us for our part Lord, we the people…forgive those at University of Pittsburgh, let Your Holy Spirit sweep through our nation Lord, bind those spirits of deception, greed, fear, idolatry, base selfishness and ignorance of truth and unbelief of Your truth. Loose Your HOLY Spirit love, power and sound mind, a spirit of real, authentic repentance and forgive us as You restore our land and the years the locusts have eaten. Oh Poppa God thank you for these brave souls, whistleblowers, bringing this horrific secret to light. Thank you for being our strength to bear it and for bearing the utter shame of this sin on Your cross Jesus. Thank you for that truth Jesus, may we soak our broken hearts in it and give You glory going forward in Your Amazing Grace, the Real Lion King, Real Merciful One, true Most High God! True Lord of Light! And Life❣️

Carole Ann Neve
October 23, 2021

The harvesting of these organs from babies should be known to the consumers who had taken this and other so called vaccines. So they want the public to be cannibals and murderers? In another IFA article someone made a comment on cell lines in certain medications sometimes daily used. This should be made known as well. I don’t remember the name of the article. I pray for the scientists and big pharma to stop this monstrous ritualistic plan to destroy us by mostly deception.

Bob huseby
October 23, 2021

Father forgive us as a nation for allowing these atrocities of horror. We ask that these Drs. would never be able to pick up another scalpel without an overwhelming conviction. Reveal to them the truth of the potential doctors, scientists, warriors, teachers, inventors,godly politicians, nurses,rescue workers,loving parents and on and on…whose lives they are erasing. Father we ask that the Parents of these babies become advocates for the abolition of this practice. We appeal to your mercy and grace as your judgment comes to America. Without such mercy we are surely doomed . We are on our knees in thanks for what Jesus has provided for us all!! It is in His name that we approach your throne this morning. Amen

David Camarillo
October 23, 2021

Amen, I totally agree with your powerful prayer and it has reached the throne room of God almighty.

October 23, 2021

This absolute depravity! Their conscience has been seared! That is the only way anyone could do such vile butchery on an unborn baby.
Father God we thank you for revealing this evil; for bringing it into the light of day. We continue to pray for the Supreme Court to overturn the wicked evil of abortion.

Dawn Beth
October 23, 2021

Reading this is so disparaging and eye opening. As if the blatant murder of babies is not enough!!
It is wicked at the core!! It’s never been about “personal choice”, that’s just the package sold to people to “validate” murder and destroy God’s creation.
Jer.17:9 AMP says
“The heart is deceitful above all things
And it is [a]extremely sick;
Who can understand it fully and know its secret motives?
Father, forgive us for our ignorance. We have allowed deception to reign. The enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy and we have not stopped him. Have mercy on Your people and hear the cries of You righteous ones Father. Put an end to the death culture that has become so pervasive in this world.
Jer.17:10-11 continues to say that You, the Lord, search and examine the mind and test the heart,
To give to each man according to his ways,
According to the results of his deeds.
“Like the partridge that hatches eggs which she has not laid,
So is he who makes a fortune in ways that are unjust.
It will be lost to him before his days are over,
And in the end he will be [nothing but] a fool.”
Father, thank You for revealing truth and for organizations such as this who will BOLDLY speak it and equip the saints with tools and prayer models to fight in this battle we are facing. Thank You that You have given us weapons that are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. So I pray that this truth would shake people and wake them from slumber, to stand and fight against this wickedness that reveals the true purpose for the murder of innocent live is money. You told us that the love of money is the root of all evil and here it is. Our enemy has dangled wealth and power in front of his prey, and to those who believe their actions are redeemed in the name of science, Father, take the veil off their eyes and convict them of the horror of their ways. In the name of Jesus, we come to You Father, not on our own merit, cleansed by His blood and righteous in Your eyes. Invade the hearts of our Supreme Court Justices and cause them to end the federally instituted and validated murder of our babies in Jesus Name🙏🙏🙏

Lydia B. Miller
October 23, 2021

No words can explain how awful this is!
It is beyond words,terrible, gruesome, horrific, insane, and evil!

I pray with all my heart these people involved be completely exposed and convicted. I hope they will serve their time as criminal offenders, in prison. Lord, open their eyes to see how evil this is, pierce their hearts for what breaks your heart.
In Jesus mighty name, no more killing babies outside or inside of the womb.Good-bye Roe E. Wade !!!
Father please put an end to this manslaughter! Dear God have mercy on these precious, helpless innocent ones!

Yes, we grieve and weep for the sufferings of these precious, innocent little one!
May heaven embrace them where all is kind, gentle and complete restoration,no pain in heaven!! A heaven where we hear the laughter of these babies!

Patricia Overbey
October 23, 2021

I absolutely do believe people should no how & where the organ came from. God help us. I did get the Moderna covid [AKA china virus shot] not happily. I inquired as I heard about the aborted fetus tissue. I was told it was not used in Moderna. I should have had more sense then to believe what I was being told God help us.

    James Cook
    October 23, 2021

    Unfortunately, all three of the major covid vaccines used in the USA either contain or were created using aborted fetal cells. The J&J used an aborted fetal cell line from 1985-1995. Moreover, the monoclonal antibody treatment (which I regrettably took) was created using humanized mice. Humanized mice are created with aborted babies. In short, as controversial as this may be, we all need to reject most vaccines and modern treatments until the medical community regains some semblance of ethics. They cannot be trusted, they have no moral compass except the almighty dollar and fame.

October 23, 2021

Thank you for this not surprising information. I am beyond grieved and sickened. Yes everyone should know about this. Psalm 52 comes to mind. What also comes to mind is God’s mercy on us and His desire that all be saved.

I wish this were not true and will share. Although God is merciful, we know He is just and right in His judgment. May we be faithful to tell others the truth of the gospel and stand firm until the end.

I truly am sick about this.

Cheryl Anguiano
October 23, 2021

We should at least mourn the death of these babies. VP Pence was instrumental in providing our babies a proper burial/cremation and now they deserve a memorial service around this country. So sad. Our Father hold these little ones in your bosom and show them the love they deserved. To sacrifice their blood is disgusting. Expose this truth Lord. May we renounce this spirit of pride and selfishness and protect the lives you create. Sear the consciences of those involved until they cry out to you for forgiveness. Amen

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October 23, 2021

Let us weep before our creator in repentance …

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