Phones, Selfies, and Rising Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigrants are sharing lavish selfies and critical info on the border, spurring even more illegal immigration. From New York Post. Gov. Greg Abbott is busing hundreds of illegal border-crossers to New York, but those hundreds will become thousands for one reason: selfies. Get prayer updates from IFA.   Smart-phone technology is a massive driver of … Continued

Fauci Steps Down – Time for Questioning

After Fauci’s resignation, Republicans released statements saying they still want to investigate him. If they do, we may finally get answers.  From The Federalist. Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that in December he will step down as head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and as Biden’s chief medical adviser, ending a … Continued

Georgia Guidestones: New World Order Exposed

“Collective human intelligence is capable of discovering acceptable solutions for the problems which confront us. We must work together to direct political and moral influences through channels of wisdom, not channels of brute force, or ambition. Using common sense as our guide, we must unite with the entire human family in establishing a limited world … Continued

Judge Stops Biden from Blocking Oil Leasing

A federal judge has now permanently stopped Biden from pausing new oil and gas leasing on federal lands. This is an answered prayer! From The Epoch Times. A federal judge issued a permanent injunction on Aug. 18 against the Biden administration’s pause of new oil and gas leasing in federal lands. Join others crying out … Continued

Biden Enlists TikTok for Voting Assistance

As the midterms draw closer, Biden has recruited popular China-owned social media app TikTok to help with the election. We must pray. From The Gateway Pundit. It is well-known TikTok is owned by Beijing-based technology company ByteDance, which was founded in 2012 by Chinese billionaire Zhang Yiming…. Have you taken your place on the wall?   … Continued

School District Bans ‘Political’ Flags

There is a battle over the education system in America right now, and the intercessors have to take their place on the battlefield. From Fox News. A Wisconsin school board voted in favor of a policy banning gay pride flags and Black Lives Matter (BLM) flags from classrooms due to what school leaders say is political messaging. … Continued

American ‘Suffering’ Percentage Hits Record High

Americans are suffering and there seems to be no end in sight. Let’s pray that the God of comfort and restoration breaks in. May these hard times become open doors for Jesus. From Gallup. The percentage of Americans who evaluate their lives poorly enough to be considered “suffering” on Gallup’s Life Evaluation Index was 5.6% … Continued

Is America Sustainable?

All great civilizations seem to come to an end. They rise to the pinnacle of greatness but can’t seem to sustain their grandeur. The strength of great societies is not limited to power and military might alone; they share common benchmarks of achievement: a high degree of social organization, citizen rights and duties, cultural refinement, … Continued

Concerns About Monkeypox

While some healthy skepticism of the vaccines here is warranted, we don’t want a monkeypox pandemic. We need answers, not political spin. From CNBC. Concerns are mounting that the window of opportunity for containing the escalating monkeypox outbreak may be closing, with vaccine shortages leaving some at-risk groups waiting weeks to get jabbed. Let the … Continued

Holiness and the Armor of God

Holiness is a word you don’t hear much in today’s church culture. After all, the trends of our day have focused on making it fun to go to church and that means avoiding any talk of things that do not sound like fun. Things like sin, repentance, surrender. Get involved in State Level Prayer with … Continued

Intercessors, Finish the Task!

Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of Jerusalem in an astounding 52 days! We are in this window of time as well! August 14-October 4 is 52 days. Yom Kippur begins on October 4, which will be the fifty-second day! This meaningful Jewish holiday is a time to atone for … Continued


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