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Lord, we pray that You would mobilize Your body. Empower and encourage every Christian to vote for Your values in our nation!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Faithful Christians putting their faith into action is what will protect and win states in elections.

From The Western Journal. Politico reported early this year in an analysis on North Carolina, “It’s a state Democrats have been buzzing about for years as a battleground hotspot. …

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“But the party has never been able to push North Carolina into true tossup-state status like it has with Arizona or Georgia.”

What these pundits don’t know about is the publicly quiet but politically powerful work of David Lane, the creator of the American Renewal Project. …

In 2021, Lane hosted 13 lunches for pastors in North Carolina spanning the state. … In the end, 50 leaders from the events ran for office and 25 won their primaries. On Nov. 8, 10 of those leaders were elected to office.

The dirty secret of GOP politics is that when Christians are engaged and vote, Republicans win. …

David Lane, after decades of work, has built a vote delivery machine for the GOP. He has proven his model in North Carolina, a state Barack Obama won when he ran for president, but Christians working with Lane have turned around. …

In “Counterpunch,” I analyze how the strategy of Saul Alinsky is based on division and ridicule. His purpose was to create division and fear in the underclass against Republicans. Both Obama and Hillary Clinton are devotees of his brutal and divisive tactics.

I believe Republicans need to answer this Alinsky agenda of division, fear and hatred with the message of Christ — a message of radical love. Christians need to answer with an agenda of unity, security and love. …

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(Excerpt from The Western Journal. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)

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Venisa Villar
May 22, 2023

Thank You, LORD God, that You reign!! Thank You, for every person praying strategically, and specifically for the state of North Carolina, and I join them in giving You, Faithful Father, the glory due Your Name for what You are doing in NC. In Jesus’ Name, I thank You, for Christian leaders like Virgina Foxx, Warren Daniels, Tom Tillis, Ted Bud, Mark Robinson, and others who are working so hard to make a difference and defend our rights and freedoms as North Carolinians, and as Americans. Father God, it is our hearts cry that in “2024” NC will be a complete “Red” state because of our BELIEVETHS in You, Lord God & Jesus, and in our Country and in our states, and in our Constitution, as well as the world. Thank You, Lord God, for all Your doing in the state of Florida, through prayer and a believing Governor that’s not afraid to do what’s right for his people. In Jesus’ Name, Lord God, give us a sold out man of God for the next Governor of NC, who will do the same thing …”for blessings are on the head of the righteous [the upright, those in right standing with You, God]…because the memory of the righteous [person] is a [source of] blessing, but the name of the wicked will [be forgotten and] rot [like a corspe] ( from Proverbs 10:6a;7 AMP).” In Jesus’ Name & Blood, Lord God, let us be always lead in Righteousness as a state in NC until Jesus’ returns for His Bride. In Jesus’ Name saved the lost among us as a state and may they know us by our love and may we be a city set upon a hill who’s Light is not put out!! Thank You in Jesus’ Name, Righteous Lord, that Your working to make us a Pro-Life state…Your will be done and Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven…thank You, that people are changing parties because for conscience sake it is the right thing to do and bless them and protect them for it..,because …”He who walks in integrity and with moral character walks securely, but he who takes a crooked way will be discovered and punished ( Prov. 10:9)..” In Jesus’ Name, Lord God, make us a righteous people through faith in the shed Blood of Christ Jesus the Lord for “ The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life and his words of wisdom are a source of blessing. But the mouth of the wicked conceals violence and evil. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers and overwhelms all transgressions [forgiving and overlooking another’s faults] ( Prov. 10: 11-12 AMP).” In Jesus’ Name, Lord God Most High, let us be a state that loves Jesus and loves like Jesus in our lives that we will continue to see Your blessings poured out on our State, Country and World. We’ve only just begun to see Your Mighty acts at work in NC. In Jesus’ Name we pray believing Who came to seek and to save the lost and to set the captives free. Amen!!

Gregorio Calvo
May 21, 2023

Yes, this is true! From II Chronicles 7:14 to the Godly leadership of Moses, Joshua,
Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, King David, and Paul in the New Testament, the Scriptures
demonstrate how the obedience and reliance on God brings tranquility, peace, and

From the Island of Guam, “Where America’s Day Begins”, we are praying for our Nation!

May 21, 2023

One nation under God. Amen

May 21, 2023

Lord Jesus, we ask you to stop the plans of the WHO and their global network of collaborators. Let our faxes, petitions and emails open the eyes of our leaders so they will protect our God-given freedoms without compromise. Help us destroy this “ring of power” that seeks to rule our lives. May it be thrown in the fires of Mount Doom.

May 21, 2023

Very encouraging! I am actively praying daily for upcoming elections, and I know many others are as well!

Charles Templeton
May 21, 2023

yes si da

Ken Budz
May 21, 2023

Lord please help people realize that one party is for Abortion and one party is not. One party is tough on crime and the other party is not. One party wants a secure border and the other party does not Lord please show that one party is evil, the other is okay. Amen.

May 21, 2023

“Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.””
Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭27.11. America cannot defy the God of its keeping and expect that protection to continue. Unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain (Ps. 127:1). America, without God, is not safe. America, in defiance of God, is even less safe. If it continues down the present course, another calamity may come on the land as on 9.


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