California Governor Proposes Infanticide Bill
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California Governor Proposes Infanticide Bill
Following the proposed infanticide bill in Maryland, California has proposed their own infanticide bill. This would prevent mothers from receiving criminal charges for killing their children, even in the perinatal period.
From Press California. Gov. Gavin Newson’s abortion council dropped a legislative bombshell. The group of policy makers intend not only to codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or weeks after birth.
New language added to AB 2223 last week revealed the disturbing intent. The proposed legislation would shield a mother from civil and criminal charges for any “actions or omissions” related to her pregnancy, “including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.”
Although definitions of “perinatal death” vary, all of them include the demise of newborns seven days or more after birth.
The bill from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-Berkeley) also protects anyone who “aids or assists a pregnant person in exercising” these rights.
It also allows a woman to sue any police department or legal authority which arrests or charges her for hurting or killing her child under provisions of the bill.
“For years, pro-life advocates have argued there is no moral difference between ending a child’s life days before birth or days after birth. California’s pro-abortion legislators now seemingly agree,” said Jonathan Keller, President of California Family Council.
“A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Every Californian must oppose this heinous bill.”
Newsom formed the “Future of Abortion Council” last year in an effort to turn California into a “sanctuary state” for the procedure. Organizers listed AB 2223 as part of their legislation package implementing a 45-point plan to “expand and protect access” to abortion in California.
A few weeks ago, Maryland introduced a bill that “decriminalizes neglecting newborns to death” using the same “perinatal death” language, though the bill hearing was canceled. In 2019, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam was widely condemned for a radio interview asserting doctors could decide to allow children to die after birth “if that’s what the mother and the family desired.”
The first stop for AB 2223 is the Assembly Judiciary Committee, though legislators have yet to announce a hearing date….
How are you praying for the unborn in California? Share with your friends and family to raise awareness.
(Excerpt from Press California. Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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What a hideous law. Governor Newsom must be demon possessed.
It’s hard to believe that a mother would be so cold blooded and egoistic to have her baby killed.
I think that a mother’s instinct and a change of mind would set in after seeing the miracle which a baby is.
Father, I pray that Your heart transforming power would break through the darkness of this bill! Build a rampart of righteousness instead of the wickedness that this bill would allow. Holy Spirit bring the truth of the gospel into the very heart o each legislator! God arise and may Your enemies be scattered break up the fallow ground so righteousness will be brought forth! Jesus You arethe giver of abundant life not death! I plead the blood of Jesus over this bill that will break the sting hold of the enemy! For Your name sake .
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.
As I traveled to the hospital this morning, I passed a a group of men and women standing on a corner of this major road. They were holding signs in protest of abortion and praying. I made a u turn, found a place to park, and told them how moved I was. I was on the way to see my husband in the hospital and they prayed for him. I then prayed for this group and their beautiful effort in support of the unborn…in support of life. As we prayed together, so many cars honked their support. I pray the prayers uttered from this little corner of the world are multiplied in favor and power. I pray the Holy Spirit convicted every person in each car that passed. I pray we hear the death knell tolling out the end to all abortion in CA, CO, and DE. And for those who are so ignorant to think they can defy God, have thine own way Lord, have thine own way. Our faith is in You Father, thanks to Jesus Christ and ever in the powerful Holy Spirit, Amen!
This is totally criminal Accion this administration is totally crazy and diabolic, 💯 not agree, repent
I’m praying that this evil legislation would not stand and people would call their representatives in that area and say no!
Whereas, the life of the flesh is in blood, Lev. 17:11. And Whereas, an infant in the womb often has a different non-transfusable blood type than the mother. Therefore, an unborn infant is a distinct individual human. Since killing a person is murder, and Satan has come to kill, steal and destroy, Jn. 10:10. This bill is a Satanic inspiration and must be STOPPED. People who are in a position or have knowledge of this wickedness must attempt to stop it. This is an effort to legitimize murder. Let us each take some action prevent this horrible bill. Here is the Governor’s public contact information:
Governor Gavin Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
……..His email contact:
Thank you Jesus for Michael! For giving this well thought out and worded petition to stop this audacious horrific criminal actions becoming legimized by such bad law!
Protect the babies, pre born and after birth. Bind this murderous, idolatrous, deceiving spirit Lord, and loose like a hurricane Your Holy Spirit, of Love, Power and Sound mind across our nation! Let mothers and lawmakers and the fathers of these babies think clearly and unselfishly and give them courage to act in ways that honor You and show proper respect for the gift of life You so graciously bestow.
Father God,
Yes, we pray for the sanctity of life. We ask for the Assemblywoman, Buffy Wicks (D-Berkeley), who brought forth this wicked bill to repent or suffer Your judgement. We ask for her removal from office. We ask for the repentance and the removal of all legislators who united with her in this evil bill. We decree that Your will shall be done to protect and preserve life from conception in California and throughout America. We plead the Blood of Jesus over the hearts and minds of these legislators who are meeting today and ask that You open their eyes, release them from spiritual blindness and bondages, and turn their stony hearts to hearts that seek after You, to do Your will, to protect life and to vote against this death bill. In Jesus name we decree that California and all of America shall be a sanctuary of life. We thank You for the states in America that already are sanctuaries of life with heartbeat laws and for those nations that have faithfully honored life we ask Your blessings upon them to know You the Giver of Life. Thank You for hearing our prayers and protecting life in California today and henceforth, in Jesus name, amen!
Amen! Lord thank you for Dr Alma, thank you for her faith and respect for Your Blood’s Power, it is by Your Blood we overcome, it is Your Blood that paid for all the blood stolen from these precious teeny, tiny people who have been massacred and will heal our land and the hearts broken by the evil of abortion.
Father God, only you can save us. Depraved minds are attempting to take over our nation. Oh God, forgive us for our complacency. Holy Spirit, we ask you to fill us with power to stand up for the innocent. Remove the wicked and install righteous leaders who will be guided by your word and glorify you. We need you so much Lord. We put on the armor of God and stand united as one in the power of the Holy Spirit to push back and defeat these murderous demons in the name and by the blood of our risen King, Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
This law shows how close our “democrat” have come to the “Euthanasia” thoughts of the III. Reich.
Sadly, the governor of the state of Colorado, where I live, passed a heinous abortion bill yesterday. It is essentially the same as Maryland and California. I am so deeply grieved and praying that the governor will be voted out in November. The people who write these bills and those who sign them have been deceived by the kingdom of darkness. Lord God, remove the scales from their eyes so they may receive your free gift of salvation. Bring a great awakening to America!!! Amen.
Yes Lord! We know You work all things, even the most evil stupid things, together for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. Please do this here, these misguided captives who are making such bad laws! Use these evil laws to open the eyes of people, to raise a moral outcry, to see how to ‘choose life or death’. Oh Poppa God, forgive us for straying from Your ways as a nation. Thank you for being the true Merciful One, for promising us, if Your people will confess our sin and repent, you will hear us and forgive us and heal our land. Poppa for too long your people here in USA have not prayed, not confessed our own sin, mostly pointed fingers at others sin or done good when convenient, rather than listening to You, trusting and obeying whatever Your call is…thank You for being so persistent, so patient in Your calling…thank you for working in response to our prayers, OR we are FINALLY praying in one accord with Your heart!!! (Thank you the Jackson is not getting a free ride into the Supreme Court Lord.) We ask You to move in power, so people all over the world knows You and praises You as the Living God! Like when pharaoh and his army were swallowed up by the sea walls that were held back for Israel to cross. That is not too hard for You Lord. And our world is even more desperate for You now than then.
This is unconscionable! Have we really reached a point where we could allow this horrific action to be legal!?! The left is out of its mind! We need to pray that such wickedness would be eliminated forever!
LordGod in heaven, I just come before-, you praying that no more innocent lives would be taken- as a result of the years of our sin, Lord-,and the babies would be protected, even that they are innocent and will go to heaven regardless- Lord let this satanic scar-,this crime..this evil satanic thing.. not be a blight upon Humanity any longer-that we would not sin against You anymore’ Lord please intervene- in Jesus name, Amen
Heavenly Father I cry to you for the lives of these children who haven’t had their chance at life or at realizing Your Holy Will. Such bill is so evil and can only be issued by followers of Satan, your archenemy. Please prevent it to pass Lord. May your will be done. Send your Holy Spirit. Thank you.
How far we have fallen! From legalizing abortion in the 1970s to be “rare and safe,” we have made it a “constitutional right” or a “woman’s reproductive right.” Abortion is the perceived remedy for unrestrained sexual immorality without consequences. No responsibility for our actions! When we start down the slippery slope of sin, we pick up speed as we get closer to the bottom of the pit. How grieved the God of Life must be to watch His creation exalt a culture of death, to consider the murder of the preborn (and now post-born) child a “right”! My heart aches, and my spirit cries out “NO!” I plead that we will seek the Lord and turn from our wicked ways so that God can heal our broken land and people. If not, I pray that His justice will no longer be delayed.
If is allowed, then who’s next in line for killing? The elderly? The disabled? People who are “guilty” of “wrongthink”?? O LORD, make us brave in this “brave new world”! Maranatha!
Satan the evil one has most definately infitrated and warped the minds and hearts of so many of God’s human creation’s. Hopefully many of these will see the error in their deviant and evil ways and return to their Father’s love through His saving grace. Jesus will make His final judgement on all creation, when he returns to destroy the evil one, and cast all non-believers into the firery pit for all eternity, as it is written.
We need to be the salt of the earth and warriors for Christ NOW. Lord, shake us of the complacency of the by and by in Jesus name
Oh Jesus Christ and God of Consuming Fire, this evil trend must be stopped and only You can do it. Please take away the power of these evil rulers to create these hideous, horrifying, disgusting, laws to kill little innocent babies.
This doesn’t move me! I believe we will continue to see the physical manifestation of the death of the death of the babies not only in Texas and Idaho but in every state in the UNITED States of America! – Thank You, Father, for the victory that has already been provided for us through the finished work of Your Son Jesus. It is finished! Jeremiah 1:5, Genesis 1:27, Psalm 127:3, John 14:13-14, Psalm 105:8, Numbers 23:19, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Hebrews 13:8
I dont understand..are you sayi g that because The Lord is sovereign..that these ongoing crimes will not outweigh the innocence of the unborn in the eyes of the Lord- due to the incontrovertible and tragic consequences of so many years of our sin..? disrespect intended, I just want to the grievous tragedy of this evil crime is so overwhelming to me
Over a month ago, the Holy Spirit awakened me to pray. After talking with the LORD and praying in the spirit for a time, I began to travail in the spirit. I then gave birth, in the spirit, to a beautiful, healthy baby. As I continued to pray and worship the LORD, I again began to travail in the spirit. Again, I gave birth, in the spirit. As I continued to pray, I heard myself say, “Thank You Jesus! It’s twins!”
The beautiful healthy baby represents the end of the murdering of the unborn in America. I am not focusing on what the devil is doing. I am focused on what the Holy Spirit told me. I will continue to stand on these scriptures until we see the end of the killing of the unborn in America knowing that “It is finished!”
My comment is my declaration of my stance.
Thank you for asking.
Yes Lord. Kill the bill now in Jesus name.
Father God, we are all created in Your image for the purpose of glorifying You in our lives.
We pray that You by Your Mighty Power would stop such laws in this nation. Forgive us we pray & have mercy on us!
We plead the precious Blood of Jesus over this & other similar laws.
Please remove this stronghold in America & cleanse our land from all wickedness!
We declare America & our children belong to You!
For most of my life I have been pro life. If you are pro abortion you are doing what the Old Testament called sacrifice of child to Bael. Wake up before its too late and you are sent to hell.
These people need to be charged with MURDER in the 1st degree and then caged like the animals they are, and I apologize to real animals for giving them a bad name
So God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27
The new typical normal for socialist democrats, kill future Americans and replace them invading killers. Pray for God’s great hand to protect us all.
Yes, it is true.. it is so ungodly ..replace real human beings with newly created transhuman creatures.. it seems that it is impossible to tell how far, into the time before the return of Christ-, is that we are already manifesting this evil of behavior.
I shudder to think how much worse it will get-before Jesus returns-,as the scripture says..” “if the days were not shortened,.. even the elect would not make it- or not survive”…(paraphrase) but it sure brings the point home
Gods dearest gift is a BABY
so Sweet and Good and Small of all the gifts He could give us a Baby is the
Best of all👶🏻🥰💕❤️👶🏻
Amen..God forgive us
Forgive me, Dawna, but we ALL need go stop using the term “pro-choice”. All it means is abortion. The baby has no “choice” and if these women were actually “pro-choice” they wouldn’t have sex if they don’t want a baby, so let’s please stop using that term; use “anti-life” or “pro-abort” which is more accurate.
Iam pro-choise YEA you have a choice NOT to get your SLUTTY A– knocked up
This is truly unbelievable, that anyone would not cherish all human life.
GOD,s judgement is truly on the US, its obvious in the way our country is going.
Once our country moved away from GOD being our foundation here is the result.
One time I was listening to Pastor Steve Brown-, on his Floridastation.. being broadcast through KtLw,91.9 – here in commiefornia-this was in about 2011 or so-,and he was describing the various.. I guess you would-,say states of existence of our relationship choices-, to God ,..and how He deals with us-,and one of the things he was describing, was how once we get-, or someone gets ..on a certain path of indulging in any sin.. ..God will actually allow that to happen more-, and actually.. as Pastor Brown put it -grease the wheels in that direction- instead of stopping us..because of our free choice…free will choice-, and that’s what petrifies me
Unfortunately, when you fail God s commandments these laws blind you as to what you are actually doing. I thought laws were all legitimate .? Later by the Grace of God I was awaken to my sin.
Blessings on you Herb! I so love your heart! I don’t really understand why Catherine chose the words for that first sentence either. I do however agree with her second, to a point, hence my prayers posted earlier.
I could be wrong about my impressions from her post as a whole, so I will simply say my thoughts.
This RN is HORRIFIED that so many so called leaders are even thinking about such evil laws as to not only consider killing babies inside the womb any way any time, but outside now too!
But I am not surprised…it’s due to Poppa God’s Word, His Sovereignity, He is so good and kind and sooo brave in His love for us that He does allow, no creates us with that gift to choose, knowing just how badly we will choose at times, as individuals and ‘corporately’…so the more we choose to sin, the Worse, more evil our appetites crave it.
I’d like to ask all who agree with abortion, what do they think will happen to them if they do not repent and end up in hell because of rejecting the only one who could, would, and did save them? God is NOT mocked! What a man sows he reaps, and the devil will do to them what he got them to do to others. That should be a sobering thought! The angels are reapers, and the devil is fallen and wants to bring a horrendous harvest on those who do his bidding because he hates them as much as the people he got them to hurt. God is dealing with all this and their judgment is at the door! Those who oppose God will NOT be able to hide from His Hand. All of humanity and creation NEED JESUS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus is the ONLY one who can bring a crop failure to a bad harvest.
Blinded, and such were some of you, but you have been washed by the blood. These infants will be safe in his arms, hopefully mother’s and those involved will come to their senses.
One time I was listening to Pastor Steve Brown-, on his Florida station.. being broadcast through KtLw,91.9 – here in commiefornia-this was in about 2011 or so-,and he was describing the various.. I guess you would-,say states of existence of our relationship choices-, to God ,..and how He deals with us-,and one of the things he was describing, was how once we get-, or someone gets ..on a certain path of indulging in any sin.. ..God will actually allow that to happen more-, and actually.. as Pastor Brown put it -grease the wheels in that direction- instead of stopping us..because of our free choice…free will choice-, and that’s what petrifies me
I’m so in unbelief that this could be even a possibility in America. I pray God awakens those who can and will do something to prevent this kind of actions.
Gavin- May God turn your heart toward him. May you have a “Road to Damascus” experience and return to cherishing life both in the womb and after birth.
Yes. If we are alive, we should cherish life. The enemy is so tricky, lurking about seeing who he can devour. Look at Putin! !
Amen-, I agree wholeheartedly ..I pray Lord God that you would cause Gavin Newsom to have a Damascus Road experience would just knock him off his horse his knees. and he would just collapse in tears ..seeing the error of his way- Lord.
Of course I’m continually put in mind of the intercessor at Intercessors of America- that was on one of the prayer programs about 2 months ago-,during the time when we were praying.. or right after the time when we had prayed for the 50 days of life ..and she had been praying against abortion- after Roe versus Wade- since 1973.
–think about how long that is. Lord God have can anyone know when The Lords anger will explode.
My dearest Heavenly Father, please remove this governor of California and all that are determined to butcher little babies from their official position with the government. Those that fight to harm an unborn baby or a newly born baby should be examined for mental capacity and Christian doctors work with them to remove that anger and hate. Stop this hate or power movement in the Name of Jesus. Stop the government from paying for these abortions in the Name of Jesus. Stop all sales of body parts of these aborted babies in the Name of Jesus. All things are possible with God so be free to ask him to cover all aspects of this abuse of babies.
Praying in agreement, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
How can Biden be in the same camp as a Catholic? Come quickly Lord Jesus. It seems must have madd up their mind where they stand. Be aware, their are GOP members who are pro choice. I thought it was a given. Even if we lose votes, we need to stand for ‘In God we trust’ and ‘One nation under God’. No wonder our lovey is about to go away! Come quickly Lord Jesus. All eyes on him and Israel. Only a third are destined due to their unbelief.
..I thank You Lord for those who have been overwhelmed with the sin of this crime-,that the abortion industry..that I know we have heard of ..there have been a handful of them.. and have left the industry-,and have come out and stated as such.. Lord, we know you are moving in this.. and I just pray-, Lord that you would move even more.. as we pray Lord-, that you would magnify our prayers-, Lord- a d stop this Jesus Mighty Name, Amen
This is so evil it is beyond comprehension. How anyone, much less a new mother could let her baby starve to death, or outright murder him or her, boggles the mind. This is what happens when you reject Christ and embrace the devil, who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. You don’t want to be around when God’s wrath comes down on Maryland, California and the entire murderous, Democrat party – it won’t be a party!
Whatever happened to adoption? If they carry it this far, adopt! No different than the death camps.
That is exactly what they are doing….it is exactly the same…they are attacking humanity from multiple fronts.. the idea is to eliminate the human race eventually,-and replace humans with transhuman cyborg type creatures..listen to the it is on Rumble. On that show-, Clay Clark has posted a series of videos- from the world economic forum. The main offender is an evil doctor named Yuval Noah Harari- he is the top henchmen for Klaus Schwab.. the CEO of the world economic forum.. Herrari says things like “people are now hackable animals”.. and he refers to himself and his colleagues in the reference of “we are becoming gods”.
He is serious.
I wish the red states could separate from blue and be our own country!
Look up Convention of States…
Pray against this evil Rev. and judgement only on those who refuse to repent. The Church in Ca is praying. Please pray with us that God will stop this bill
Father this day we stand United, shoulder to shoulder, shield to shield . With swords drawn we form a hedge of protection around th state of California . For th unwanted infants we decree th protection of Jehovahs angel armies. Their lives will proclaim that Jesus is lord!! The plans of darkness shall be thwarted as step by step California will join th many states adopting th “heartbeat bill”.. in our saviors name
Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus for the victory of our united prayer to defeat this death bill.
Nothing impossible for God 🙌
What is the definition of murder? I dont care how old a human baby is, if you him them it is murder by definition, to end a life by force or drug
And we go to great lengths to save animals and endangered species?? !!
May it never be. Open the blind eyes, save this generation.. ( song) we cry out!
I was shocked at the news that DEMONIC deceptions are telling the Mother that her baby gives permission to kill it!! Where is this happening?
Dear Father, We know You love both the Mother and the unborn child. We come against this demonic deception, in the mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son whom You sent. Set a protection around every unborn child and the mother, to shield them from such evil lies. We rebuke these demonic spirits and send them back to the Pit.
Father, in Jesus Name, bring into the path of women considering abortion, someone who knows You and will show them the compassion and wisdom to deal with their situation in a loving manner. We speak LIFE to the unborn and newly born,
Even if a child was conceived by rape or seduction, it should not be executed for the sin of an adult. Rise up, Godly people who will supply support or Adoption of “unwanted” children.
We thank and praise You. Amen.
This proposed legislation is both heartbreaking and horrifying. Abortion is horrifying at any stage of pregnancy and expanding the allowable by law time it can occur is beyond understanding. It seems evil continues to claim more territory, never satisfied with what it has, always wanting to do more destruction. Where does this end? It started with being ok to kill a baby one month, two months in the womb, progressed to eight – nine months in the womb, now to one – seven days after birth, then what? Where does it stop? how old does the child have to be before it is finally illegal to take their life? If we accept this, then is it ok to kill 2-3 yr. olds? Where do we draw the ever-moving line? If we follow this to its logical conclusion, then we might as well just go ahead and legalize murder. Which ironically, is what Roe vs. Wade did all those years ago, and what we are seeing now is just an expansion of that policy – small increments, but look where it leads! “decriminalizing” is just another way of saying “legalizing” – perinatal? don’t we call that one week old, two weeks old? etc. Changing the language doesn’t change the reality or the truth. May we right this wrong, repentance and prayer, followed by action in reversing any and all legislation that says it is ok to kill human beings at any stage of life. Life is a gift of God, may God forgive us – we have not treasured and protected this gift.
Heavenly Father, great and mighty God, we humbly come before you in prayer and ask that you would put a complete stop to these evil policies being made in California. Change the hearts and minds of those in power to create such horrific laws. This is an abomination to our nation and we pray against it. For these precious babies are yours, knit together in their mothers womb, fearfully and wonderfully made, created for a purpose and destiny. Please make a way where there seems to be no way, in Jesus name we pray.
Amen and Amen
How is it that those who so vehemently protest the mistreatment of animals could endorse the murdering of children?
Heavenly Father,
We lift our eyes to the hills, declaring that our help comes from you, our Maker! Forgive us, Lord, for any collaboration with the spirit of Molech in our land. We have lost sight of the Truth and strayed from your paths of righteousness in favor of whatever is convenient and pleasing for us.
Have mercy on us, O God, for we are sinners in need of you as our Savior. Convict lawmakers and voters of the egregious evil of this bill and prevent it from passing, in Jesus’ name! Overcome every heart with a spirit of repentance, Lord, that will usher in the revival of souls as we approach this Holy Week. Hover over our nation with your holy warring and ministering angels, Lord, and restore us to the foundation on which we were founded. We give you all the glory in the matchless name of Jesus!
It is totally shocking that our Congress would allow this to happen in any state and that anyone would even think it is ok to kill a baby before or after birth!!!! I pray that our country will come to its senses and stop the murder of unborn and born children and give the doctors and parent life sentences in prison if they allow it to happen!!!!
That is exactly what they are doing….it is exactly the same…they are attacking humanity from multiple fronts.. the idea is to eliminate the human race eventually,-and replace humans with transhuman cyborg type creatures..listen to the it is on Rumble. On that show-, Clay Clark has posted a series of videos- from the world economic forum. The main offender is an evil doctor named Yuval Noah Harari- he is the top henchmen for Klaus Schwab.. the CEO of the world economic forum.. Herrari says things like “people are now hackable animals”.. and he refers to himself and his colleagues in the reference of “we are becoming gods”.
He is serious.
Please add gettr and other social platforms in order to share. There are many who have boycotted twitter and facebook.
And Mewe and Gab please.
This breaks my heart. Jesus please stir the hearts of those in California to protect innocent babies. 💔🙏
Heavenly Father, may Buffy Wicks and all who agree to this horrific bill have their eyes opened and their hearts convicted of the evil they want to implement on the most vulnerable and innocent of your creation. May alternatives be found and funded for those who suffer with postpartum depression, mental illness, etc., so that there may be a Godly and humane outcome for the infants at risk. Lord, as a society, raise us up to find a solution and a safety net so that these precious lives are saved. Thank you, Lord, for the ministry of IFA in bringing this issue to light so that your church can pray. Lord, may your heavenly army stay strong in this battle and may we continue to pray for Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank you, Lord, for the ability to pray for your righteousness to reign in California, our nation, and the world. Let it be so, Lord! Amen
Oh God I pray for your perfect will to be done in the state of California concerning the babies unborn and born. Your will is to give life to these babies. Please remove the enemy now. And have the enemy’s people removed from power. In Jesus’ name who lives the little children💘
These law makers are as nazi concentration camp reasoning they are evil people crossing the line
Heavenly Father, we cry out to you please step in Abba and protect these precious babies. Please remove the scales off of eyes and reveal the evil behind all this. This a spiritual fight and every other spirit is under your spirit oh God. You are the righteousness Judge of the Earth. We need your help! Deliever us and our children from the hand of the wicked! Send forth your justice in whatever you seem fit. Overturn the injustices Lord and to those who sit in the seats of the scornful and plot evil and shed innocent blood visit their transgression with the rod. Let the net they have spread out for others catch their own foot! I decree a realease of the fear of the Lord and for the wicked to be overthrown as in proverbs 12:7. We bodly come to your throne and take a stand for righteousness in Jesus most powerful name! Amen
Father, in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus I pray and ask remove remove remove those that consistently have evil in mind!!!!!!
I pray and stand in the gap of those that have no voice the unborn!!!!!
Father by faith in the mighty Powerful Name of Jesus I say the killers are removed removed removed!!!!!!
A nation that kills it’s unborn children has a very big price to pay. I think we are starting to pay that price. IT MUST STOP!
We are already paying it. Trillions in debt and that’s not going away, Keri’s getting worse with giveaways, until he comes again. No accountability. Yes we said it and sealed it. Land of the ‘ free’. 🙃 raise up your standard in the churches. Have us be refuge places for the Preborn. Cause the pastors to preach from Gods word only and not be deceived by what the world has to offer.
This issue is horrific. Harvest Church will take this to our prayer meeting on Wednesday. We will be in tnteresery prayer!
The legislators are meeting today. Our prayers are for today, to stop this evil bill.
There are some good people living in the state of California. E.W.T.N. does have a television station located in this state. If the citizens do not contact their legislators to object to this proposal; then, God will allow the prophecy of the nuclear bomb attacking the people living in this state. It has been predicted our country will be attacked by seven nuclear bombs. If this proposal of this atrocity is not stopped, God will allow the destruction of every thing living human, animal, buildings, homes, land to be destroyed. Please pray, that people will wake up; and, ask God for protection.
May the Divine Hand of Justice protect the unborn & newly born from those wishing them harm 🙏🙏🙏
Job 21:4-7, 13-15;39:1; 42:2-6
Job 21:5 (ISV)Look at me, be appalled, and then shut up!
Job lamented to his friends, Is my complaint directed to a human being? Why should I not be impatient? Look at me, be appalled, and then shut up! When I think about this, I am terrified; trembling seizes my body. Why do the wicked live on, growing old and increasing in power? They spend their years in prosperity and go down to the grave in peace. Yet they say to God, Leave us alone! We have no desire to know your ways. Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him? What would we gain by praying to him?
The Lord replied to Job “Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn? Do you count the months till they bear? Do you know the time they give birth? They crouch down and bring forth their young; their labor pains are ended.
Job replied to the Lord, I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me. My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”
Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me. Dear Jesus, pray for me. Dear Holy Spirit, slay me. My heart grieves for the unborn. My heart harbors hateful feelings for their offenders. You care for Your creation, nothing escapes Your sight. I repent for those who are unwilling. I repent for those who are unable. I repent for everything in me that is not of You. Only one man is able to speak for the voiceless and He did when He spoke on the cross, “IT IS FINISHED.” I praise the Name of Jesus Christ over every womb, every mother, every “lawmaker,” all of creation for Your Glory. Amen
Thank you for sharing this passage from Job. It is so appropriate and relevant.
Abba Father, stop the slaughter of these innocent future (leaders) children of America. Stop the agenda of those who think little of your wonderfully made creation to abuse and even murder outside the womb the most precious and vulnerable among us. Create a clean heart of love inside the mothers who would even consider this as an alternative to being the loving parent they should be. Give conviction to lawmakers and doctors to stand up in defiance of these horrible acts among them. Save our future generations and give peace, protection and determination to those who decide to do the right things according to your will and your Word. In the name of (Yeshua) Jesus AMEN
Father, I agree with so many others asking You to change the hearts and minds of mothers considering abortion and add that You mercifully open the eyes of the fathers of these pre born children, give them courage and bold love to step up as a group to repent of the silence and believing the lie that they have no say since the mom is carrying his child he has no say. Poppa give us, Your children wisdom, to let Your Spirit give us the words of truth when You give us opportunity to speak, even pray, let us speak truth in love! To breakdown spiritual strongholds that have poisoned our people too long.
Dear Father in Heaven, We ask You for forgiveness for ever going down this path. We ask You to deliver us from deception and the curse that is brought upon us. A woman that can overrule her conscience to kill a newborn is a woman without love. Our love has grown cold. Please deliver us from this awful curse. It is demonic to believe that the baby is talking and giving permission to the mother to kill it. But we brought this on ourselves. Our love of sexual immorality….making an idol out of pleasure….please forgive us and let the Truth prevail. Open the mouths of True Disciples to speak with love and clarity about these matters with all boldness. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
Amen! Heather, this is a beautifully written prayer and it hits the exact sentiments of my heart!
Father, We repent for our own involvement/endorsement of this hideous, demonic practice of blatant murder through our complacency and inaction over the past 50 years! Forgive us Jesus! May we understand that how we treat children, we will give an account to the Father. “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell. you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 18:10 The angels are reporting our actions toward the “little ones” to the Father, whether good or bad. So I choose to be kind & generous to the children and defend the helpless.
I was shocked at the news that DEMONIC deceptions are telling the Mother that her baby gives permission to kill it!! Where is this happening?
Dear Father, We know You love both the Mother and the unborn child. We come against this demonic deception, in the mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son whom You sent. Set a protection around every unborn child and the mother, to shield them from such evil lies. We rebuke these demonic spirits and send them back to the Pit.
Father, in Jesus Name, bring into the path of women considering abortion, someone who knows You and will show them the compassion and wisdom to deal with their situation in a loving manner. We speak LIFE to the unborn and newly born,
Even if a child was conceived by rape or seduction, it should not be executed for the sin of an adult. Rise up, Godly people who will supply support or Adoption of “unwanted” children.
We thank and praise You. Amen.
I attended the last March for Life in Sacramento last year. Overwhelmingly, the youth in this State appose abortion in all forms. Pray for our youth, that they will be the might voice for the unborn.
Such an encouraging prayer Bobby, I agree and will. Amen!
Thank you for that encouragement Bobby , hallelujah amen!!!
O GOD! Give these evil legislators visions,dreams, nightmares; just as Nebuchadnezzar, and send Daniel’s to interpret them. May multitudes of righteous men and women rise to fight against these satanic authorities.
These horrible people have no soul, no heart, no compassion, no decency. If the smallest and least able to protect themselves can’t even be promised the gift of life, none of us are safe. Save the Baby Humans! Lord, have mercy! +JMJ+
Please dear Lord, God…go into the hearts, minds and souls of these pregnant women and change their desire for an abortion. Show them that there are other alternatives to abortion and remind them that abortion is the murder of their baby. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen
I bind the spirit of death in Jesus Mighty Name! I speak life to California and the Nation as a whole in Jesus Mighty Name!!
Ann Watson,
I am in full agreement with you here on earth we as the Body of Christ are here in the earth for such a time as this and therefore in the Authority of Jesus’ Mighty Powerful Name we bind the spirit of death and speak LIFE to California and the Nation in the Name of Jesus!!
I cover the entire state of California with the Mighty Powerful Blood of Jesus in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus taking hold with the
Spirit of the Lord in me!!!!
Victory Victory Victory in Jesus Name I claim for the unborn and the born and through the Blood of the Lamb over the enemy!!!!!!!
I strongly believe not only do we need to pray for the unborn and new born babies, but also the mental health of the mothers-to-be and those of newborns. The stability of the mother and father are crucial for the baby. I pray that you join in and pray for the mental health of the parents.
I agree! The chemical changes that happen during and after pregnancy are immense. Rest, Stability and Support for all Mom’s but especially those considering to murder their Babies.
Truly Oh Lord we have sown to the wind and are reaping a whirlwind. This began in 1973 and we all need to repent for not having a greater voice then! I was 15 and it appalled me then. Oh Father I pray for National repentance of this heinous crime and for your people to stand up and say no more! We have shamed young people who went astray rather then loving on them and caring for them and their unborn. Forgive us Lord for being so busy accumulating more stuff rather then rescuing the unborn. Forgive us Lord for being too busy watching tv rather then getting involved in our local crisis pregnancy centers. Lord show us how to stand up for life, the life of babies and the life of seniors who are systematically being murdered by this ungodly gov’t. We have been lulled to sleep by the latest tv shows that grab our attention rather then spending an hour or two a week to volunteer. Oh Lord, in wrath remember mercy.
In the last days a women shall have no pity on the fruit of her womb, and they shall make a man an offender for a word. Lord Jesus come quickly.
The globalists go back least 500 years- evil tyrants have been crushing free societies and self-governing republics,-or attempted self-governing Republics.. for millennia- there have been different types of pre- planned evil schemes in this realm almost forever..if it was another free Republic at stake..they also would be target. For me- it only underscores how dependent we are on God’s leading provision and mercy. I confess we have not done very well..Lord have mercy on me..and us all
Gee, why don’t they just pass a bill for genocide? That way, they can get rid of the ” older ” folks they don’t feel lives up to their expectations. How dare they take into their own hands to do the work of GOD!! Who do they think they are? We know their is talk of de -population of the U.S. by this method. This is also completely wrong. Have the morals of man dropped that far that we no longer give a darn about the old or the young? If they are not perfect, kill them off…right? Repugnant!!!!
This President and these leaders who are all instruments of Satan have been given over to a depraved mind. I am sick about this and more. Surely this is God’s judgment on our nation. We deserve to be wiped out. I cannot comprehend God’s patience with us.
this is outright murder and to even consider passing such legislation shows how far immoral these people have become and God will judge those murdering his children
Lord have mercy o us! Awakening us to the “Evil” these laws are doing to our future and our future’s generation.
Recall Newsom now! What kind of people are we becoming if we are willing to just throw away another person and say it is okay? Life is a life no matter how small or in what stage of development. Where will it stop? Will we start killing all sick because we don’t want to take care of them?
Yes, unfortunately that is where we are headed. 😔 Sad, very sad.