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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, deliver our nation from the perverse ideology pressuring us to embrace transgenderism. Holy Spirit, we need your power to set us free and deliver our nation from these doctrines of demons.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our nation has stepped into the twisted evil of the last days, calling evil good and good evil. 

From Fox News. USA Today included a transgender government official appointed by President Biden in their 2022 “Women of the Year” list.

Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at Health and Human Services, appeared to be the only transgender woman included in the publication’s list of women they wanted to honor.

USA Today shared their reasons for why each person was selected.

“Every day across our country, USA TODAY’s Women of the Year lead and inspire, promote and fight for equity, give others a place to seek help and find hope. They are strong and resilient women who have been champions of change and courage, often quietly, but with powerful results. And often despite their own challenges. Some of the women may be familiar names. Others may be new to you. Each has an inspiring and powerful story,” the editors wrote….

Others took issue with the outlet honoring Levine for COVID leadership, when as the Pennsylvania secretary of health she faced a nursing home scandal similar to the one under former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo….

Twitter has suspended accounts of users who “misgendered” Levine, including Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind.

Last week, Levine sat on an all-female panel in a discussion entitled, “A Conversation With HHS Women Leaders to Celebrate Women’s History Month.”

Are you wondering how this can be? Read this great analysis posted a few weeks ago on IFApray.org.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Jacquelyn Y. Miller
March 21, 2022

And we wonder why things are so bad and wicked here in America. Someone needs to give a strong lesson on biology and explain just what makes the difference between male and female. Have mercy upon us, O God!

March 19, 2022

Richard Levine, (Anthony Fauci, Andrew Cuomo, et. al.,) are responsible for the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents; this man’s bizarre and perverted life is proof of how Satan mocks those who diligently follow him and do his evil bidding.

You would think Levine would serve as a cautionary figure, instead of being celebrated by USA Today. Just goes to show how clueless and corrupt Mainstream Media is.

Victoria mcewen
March 19, 2022

Only God of Isreal will deliver American from all these sinful act . I thought Biden is a Christian.God hate this act in the book of leviticus and Roman.l have prayed and will continue to pray until the right behaviours are obey in the Western world

March 19, 2022

He’s not a woman. Take a DNA test and he will be a man. Born a man. Makes an ugly woman. What an insult to woman for USA Today’s magazine do that. Geez what is going on with the demons in the world. Stop accepting this garbage. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

March 18, 2022

This LGBTQ/transgenderism stuff has gone way too far! People need to accept who God created them to be! If He created you as a male, then you are indeed a male. If He created you as a female, then you are indeed a female. There is no third gender! Dr. Levine is really a male who’s masquerading as a woman! And ditto for Lia Thomas, the University of Pennsylvania swimming star as well! This is not hatred. Nor is it transphobia nor bigotry either! It’s a sin against God to change your biological gender! All your doing is just simply mutilating your body and just harming your body as well. We need to pray for all LGBTQ people for them to not seek God’s forgiveness but to get out of this immoral and dangerous lifestyle once and for all!

    March 18, 2022

    It won’t stop until we realize that government does not bestow life and gender to people. God bestows life and gender. Government should never be allowed to remove the rights of an unborn, reach into the women’s womb, kill her child, and not call this criminal. Let’s start here to rule for our Creator.

Christina Laurie
March 18, 2022

I am disgusted that a biological man can be honored as a women of the year. It is a sin against the God who created HIM. How can anyone claim HE is a woman, when biology and DNA claim otherwise.
I am ashamed of what USAToday has set forth.

March 18, 2022

I quit reading USA Today years ago. I saw the “shift” left into lies and garbage journalism. People I worked with aptly referred to it as “Useless Today “. Nothing has changed in relation to improvement – their publication has gotten worse. I really recommend Christians avoid reading it because it’s become another paper or online tool to try and tear down our society.

C and C Nelson
March 18, 2022

Any publication or news source or article…can call him what they want. They can use a well written script, teleprompter, argument, persuasion, etc. – it really doesn’t matter. They know they are lying. Square pegs can be beaten relentlessly into round holes and eventually they’ll get them in there but it’s still a square peg in a round hole. It doesn’t look right because it wasn’t meant to “fit”. One can try to convince themselves it fits but at the core lies truth & conviction — it still doesn’t fit. You know what else? Physically, it looks weird, strange, out of place. Because square is ⬛ and round is round! One can physically change the shape through force but everyone knows what shape it was from the beginning. Lies upon lies upon more lies…can never create truth. It doesn’t matter what laws they pass, what surgery is used, what drugs are taken, what clothing is worn…a guy is still male and a woman is female. Trying to force people to believe and accept it will NEVER change facts.

Laura Love
March 18, 2022

I believe it would be right to flood the internet with our own choices for woman of the year. While USA Today is attempting to normalize t-gender, we sit back and let it happen. We need to show the world some authentic women of the year. Who do you know…post that woman of the year every day in March on your own pages.

    Teresa Swinton
    March 18, 2022

    Yes! Lord we rebuke the devour of the enemy. We ask that you send the consuming fire 🔥 across this nation and burn up every foul, evil and anti Christ spirit that’s not of you in Jesus mighty powerful name🙏

March 18, 2022

What an incredible insult to womanhood… after all we have fought for, like the right just to vote!
I’m appalled but not surprised at Biden or USA Today for their ignorance on what makes a woman a woman.
Rachel Levine is no more a woman than my male dog is… God help us please!
This breaks the heart of God and mine too!

March 17, 2022

In its latest US-based television commercial, Adidas features Brazilian trans volleyball player and activist Tiffany Abreu as he competes on a woman’s team and dominates the game with his vastly superior physical male body.
As part of Adidas’ “I’m Possible” campaign, which discredits fair play and helps eliminate a true women’s sports division, the ad claims, “It’s impossible to take hold of the world’s spotlight overnight” and “compete as a trans woman.” Adidas is doing its part to make it happen…and they are trying to convince you to accept it.

Ironically, Adidas has a history of proclaiming its support for women’s rights and women’s athletics. Now it is pushing a totally opposite agenda that advocates men on women’s teams. Adidas wants it both ways, but it’s logically impossible.

Under Adidas’ “woke” agenda, it will champion men like college swimmer Will Thomas, a biological male who is single handedly rewriting long-standing NCAA women’s swimming records set by actual women.

Time to boycott Adida$$ apparently. I haven’t watched sports since they started kneeling for the Anthem and haven’t missed them one bit. I understand how these women have worked, disciplined and dedicated themselves to be the best in their sporting arenas, and no less than any mans dedication, but to have these still predominantly male owned sport companies kowtow to woke advertisers at the expense of the athlete for sheer monetary gain is despicable at the very least and even lower than that when this woke crap turns and they turn as easily with it in the name of financial gain. After all, there ARE 2 GENDERS and the male dominates in physical form over the female form so when could the owners lose? It infuriates me that these women can’t win unless they walk away and show the fans what it is to be “entertained” by men in women’s swim trunks. If I offended you I will not apologize as I’m sure our Lord is offended by these atrocities also. Please pray our Lord hears our outraged cries of pleading and for our nation to remain under His guidance.

    Diana D'Angelo
    March 18, 2022

    I totally agree with you. There are only 2 genders male & female. I do not think it is fair for a transgender to compete in sports. Having surgery to change your gender from male to female and /or female to male does not change your DNA or chromosomes. I’m not judging transgenders- I’m stating a fact. Feeling like your a female or male doesn’t really make you one even if you change your looks , have surgery & take hormones. It is not how God created you. I still love everyone but still think it is wrong & against God. Just because society agrees with any thing goes doesn’t mean it’s right.. When something is wrong it’s wrong. This is why our country is falling apart. There are no morals, values, integrity, respect for human life…

Bo Ehrig
March 17, 2022

We are living in dark times.

March 17, 2022

Biological men are and always will be men. It is ludicrous that he has been named woman of the year. This is an afront to all biological women.

March 17, 2022

I find this nomination insulting and a slap in the face to REAL women everywhere. Is the new mantra…I’m a failure as a man, so I think I’ll usurp a woman’s accomplishments? What a sad person that man must be. What false acclaim is being favored on him. Yes, this does make me angry. But I’ve never followed the ‘woke’ croud of sheep. FATHER, HELP ME WITH MY ANGER AND INTERVENE, WHERE I have little influence. In Jesus name I pray.Amen.

March 17, 2022

It is unfortunate that both our President and USA Today have now lost the ability to distinguish between men and women.
Please just rename the award “USA Today’s Women and Men of the Year” based on their achievements. Request that award winners choose their placement in a category based on their chromosomes. Then, various other physical, mental, cosmetic, clothing, pronoun preferences, and societal choices are irrelevant, as they should be.

Barbara Janicki
March 17, 2022

Women worked hard to get the right to vote once upon a time, then title nine gave women the opportunity to pursue excellence through sports and reap the rewards of hard work, dedication, self-sacrifice, team work etc. – all positive outcomes of sports – but now that is all being taken away again/erased by men who, like the swimmer, don’t experience success as males – so decide they will have better outcomes competing against females – so they “change” their identities when it serves their purposes – when it no longer does, will they change back again? I guess people can make decisions about/for themselves – but don’t ask me to participate in or to affirm your delusion – I also am free and that should include the freedom to choose what I will acknowledge as real, not to mention right and good and God honoring – no one else gets to choose that for me – transgenders’ rights don’t supersede the rights of everyone else – why should I be forced to “see” the Emperor’s new clothes? No hate here – just prayers for God’s truth to be known and shed light on this evil that is masquerading as human rights. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

March 17, 2022

That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. Satan must be laughing like crazy at what he has done to our world.

Sue Reyes
March 17, 2022

This is absolutely abhorrent to me and violates everything women stand for🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

March 17, 2022

Hell will accept this likely ugly-as-a-man as probably an uglier “woman.”

March 17, 2022

seriously????? butt ass ugly and a sin against women

Gaye Ellen Austin
March 17, 2022

Hard to believe in this day and age with the scientific data we have that someone with half a brain would know a woman is a woman anda man is a man! How cruel are these transgeneder people…makes 2Cor 4:4 come alive! “the god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe so they would not see the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God.”

Michael Barndt
March 17, 2022

woman of the year , cousin It of the year is more truthful , the people of Pa. will never forget what It and Tom Wolf did to our elderly and confined people in nursing homes , they should both be taken out and tarred and feathered

March 17, 2022

Feminists all over the country should be ashamed of this move. The person is a MALE! He was born a male and will die a male and all the gaslighting in the world will not change that. We have become a “sick” and “defiled” nation to believe this nonsense. May God help us all.

Augie Byllott
March 17, 2022

This is only part of the story. The number one swimmer in women’s collegiate sport is a man. A biological male, won the Miss Silver State USA and now holds the title of Miss Nevada. A man who calls himself Laurel Hubbard competed in the Olympic Womens Weightlifting competition. A man is the winningest contestant on Jeopardy. The Godless are lost, yet Christ died for them as much as He did for the faithful. Still, not one of us is worthy. It is only by His grace we are saved. Delusion seeks to supplant truth. God created them man and woman, that’s it. Nowhere did His Word proclaim, we are gender optional. The fact that the media, the government, and many misguided souls are buying into this foolishness demonstrates the need for God, because without God to order our steps, we, the human race would likely walk off a cliff or step in front of an oncoming train. Truth is not malleable, and just because the misguided say it is so does not make it so. Pronouns are him or her and are defined by how you entered the world when you exited the womb. No individual can be a they as it is a plural reference. Lord, it is only in You we find eternal truth and through You, eternal life.

    March 17, 2022

    The males competing in female sports would stop in an instant if females would simply walk off and not compete against them. Then, who will they compete against? Themselves? Forfeit a meet, a race, and leave him standing there by himself. Who will continue to come see that kind of thing. NO ONE! Publicity is what they want. It would die in a moment if there was no competition by the females.

      Michael Barndt
      March 17, 2022

      I feel that if they are born male and want to go through the process to become more female , we should make a new set of sports just for them , the national IT sports league and they can compete against each other and have their own viewers , as I will not watch them as it is , I no longer watch any sports , and I was an avid MLB fan as well as the NCAA basketball , men’s and woman’s , I stopped watching and going to games there is a time and place to protest and to me they are not it , we pay these people way to much money to play a game and if you say collage players are not paid 99% of them go to the schools on us , and now all the rest want us to pay off their loans too,

    March 17, 2022

    Thank you for what you prayed as it helped to calm my furious spirit a bit. I don’t think it should remain calm though in the face of these atrocities being thrust into our lives. I mean no disrespect to our Lord when I say I feel His anger in the temple when He turned the tables of the merchants over and spilled their coins in anger of the atrocities in His Fathers house. I do believe that money is one of the root today also.

      March 17, 2022

      I apologize I put this comment under a person I did not intend for. It was meant for Augie Byllott in the above comments/prayers.

    March 17, 2022

    Thank you for what you prayed as it helped to calm my furious spirit a bit. I don’t think it should remain calm though in the face of these atrocities being thrust into our lives. I mean no disrespect to our Lord when I say I feel His anger in the temple when He turned the tables of the merchants over and spilled their coins in anger of the atrocities in His Fathers house. I do believe that money is one of the root today also.

Holly Holy
March 17, 2022

Lord, there is a plan rampant around the world with many nations’ leaders and elites for The Reset or The Great Reset. Whether known or unknown to Dr. Levine, he was used for this by way or releasing Covid infected senior citizens back to nursing homes.

Lord, through the mighty power You have given us as Your children, we say “NO” to the plans of the enemy and transgenderism. We also say “NO” to The Reset or Great Reset and we call Your will to earth as in Heaven. We call for YOUR RESET, for GOD’S RESET right now, right here on this earth. The enemy has been defeated! Your glory be done, Father, now and forevermore! Amen

March 17, 2022

We need to refer to this individual as a ‘he’ whenever he is mentioned. Otherwise, we can refer to him as Dr. Levine. I noticed the article said, “She.” Words matter. He will stand before God as Richard Levine. Call him as God calls him. Nothing short is a travesty.

March 17, 2022

What has this nation become? God, forgive us, please. Richard Levine is a man, created by You. He is NOT a woman. Please God, touch his heart and take his blinders off. He is in need of Your help, Father.


March 17, 2022

Lord I pray you will break the spirit of confusion from Richard Levine. I pray that he will have a Damascus experience and come to the Way, the Truth and the Life and that the Truth will set him free. Break the evil networks of demonic activity and witchcraft that perpetuate this confusion in our world. In Jesus’ name amen.

Jonna Kay Darland
March 17, 2022

This should be a moral outcry! May God open this man’s eyes to the Truth …may God break the power of deception in our nation!

Sylvia Patterson
March 17, 2022

The church is asleep 😴
Father shake wake and quake the church !
Let all denominations in Christ Jesus arise repent !! Get on our faces .. cry out to God and come into the unity of Faith … which is Love 💕 … not doctrines but Love 💕 and with holy boldness cry out to God and take our nation back in Jesus mighty name! We decree and declare it ! Mark 11:24 says whatsoever we desire when we pray in faith ..believe that we have it when we pray in faith … then we shall have ! Amen and amen

Salem Zahn
March 17, 2022

Where wickedness abounds, grace abounds so much greater and all because of our Lord Jesus! Lord we repent on behalf of The United States of America because we have fallen so far into depravity and wickedness! What we are doing to the unborn babies through abortion and biological Frankenstein experiments with fetal tissues is a complete abomination to mankind and a horrible stench! Creating animal/human hybrids in those ungodly bio labs and cloning has to be the epitome of depravity! It sickens my heart and all I can imagine is the devastation we are reaping on our civilization through our Tower of Babylon mentality! Only through your power and the power of your Holy Ghost and the work of your Son Jesus Christ/Yeshua on the Cross at Calvary, can the wickedness of our civilizations be redeemed! Oh God in heaven! Have mercy on our souls. Forgive us, for we know not what we do! Only You Oh God can take our stony hearts and replace them with hearts of clay for You to mold into righteousness and into people who revere You as the one and only True God! Bless you Lord Yeshua The King! Baruk ata Adonai Yeshua HaMessiah! Amen and Hallelujah
Come quickly Lord!

Daryl Linkous
March 17, 2022

If Levine has done nothing else, he has shown how far we have slid as a nation.

March 17, 2022

The whole idea of transgenderism is an abomination before Almighty God, period. It is so symptomatic of the End Times that we find ourselves living in. Lord, please forgive all who are involved in this evil behavior, and cause them to repent. In Jesus’ name.

March 17, 2022

Wow!!! This country has gone crazy 😢 God is NOT pleased how this nation has forsaken the Word of God!! Father God, open the eyes of the people in this country so that we can stop being followers of man and turn back to You!! Please let us become a repentive people and turn from our perverted ways in the name of Jesus!! 2Chronicles 7:14 says it all!! Our nation is leaning on carnal knowledge. I BELIEVE GOD & WHAT HE SAYS

Sharon King
March 17, 2022

“Women of the Year” not “Persons of the Year” so wrong when there are many “women” who are contributing to society!
“In the beginning God created male & female…” Oh Lord, forgive us for turning something beautiful into a twisted worldly view 🙏

Paul Halbeck
March 17, 2022

Things are very demoralized when either we can tell or don’t care to differ between a male and a female.

March 17, 2022

This is disgusting and an insult to real biological women! I will never buy USA Today because of this. The evil and wickedness of the left is astounding. God will wreak HIS vengeance on them!

March 17, 2022

This is really sick! It seems like the world gets more and more evil and goes against humanity and its values. The “more out of whack” something is, the more people cling on to it and promote it even more. Disgusting!

John Escalante
March 17, 2022

We plead the blood of Jesus over this nation!

March 17, 2022

This is an insult to all women born
female and still maintain their
gender! Our country is having to
accept changes we never thought
possible. May God help us all🙏

March 17, 2022

Sometimes a new prayer isn’t needed. Sometimes what IFA posts rings truer in my spirit than anything I can imagine. In this moment Father in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth deliver our nation from the perverse ideology pressuring us to embrace transgenderism. Holy Spirit, we need your power to set us free and deliver our nation from these doctrines of demons. Amen

Rhonda Campbell
March 17, 2022

I live in PA. Richard Levine was our secretary of health during covid. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents as he ordered covid patients sent back to their nursing home at covid’s peak. His evil and perversion goes beyond the physical. We pray that he is healed of his warped mind and evil ideology. Good is the only one who can save him.

    March 17, 2022

    Yes and don’t forget he saved his mother while he condemned others mothers to death. Truly wicked!!!

    March 17, 2022

    And we pray, Lord, for whatever reason Biden.and his administration overlooked this, may their eyes be opened to this error and their approval and promoting of transgenderism. Forgive them and forgive this nation, Lord.

    “Jf my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” ~~ 2 Chronicles 7:14 ~~

March 17, 2022


March 17, 2022

I pray every evil is blocked from the minds of innocents. Minds are warped and it’s seems as if God had forgotten that we are only flesh and weak. Pray that God changes the heart of man and women who seeks him.

March 17, 2022

This whole gender identity quagmire so reminds me of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.
Father, I lift up praise that You have placed each & every one of us in this exact moment of time. Give us the ways & words to open the eyes, hearts & minds of those caught up in this lie, give us the discernment & wisdom to bring this lie & the great liar’s plans to naught. Comfort & heal those who have come away from this lifestyle & let them know that they are valued & loved. I ask this in Jesus’ Name.

    March 17, 2022

    Yes, dear Lord, let those who have come away from this lifestyle know that they are loved and made those who are fighting it, Father God, bring them to the right Christians to give them loving and abundant support. And Father, we ask You, may no one be influenced in any way by this individual in moving towards either homosexuality or transgenderism. Father, we know that all things are possible with You and as a result, for these things we pray and thank You in advance, Amen.

Hal Lundquist
March 17, 2022

Pitiful, sad, outrageous. This is a MAN. To call him anything else is an insult to God. This man’s confusion, his dysphoria has caused an even deeper rift in our nation. Women once again are demeaned. In all honesty I can only say that I pray that this man in his current position does no more harm. His coming to his senses and reverting to the gender that God assigned to him is between him and God Almighty. I cannot effect that. There is no mistake as to the gravity of the spiritual war that is taking place. Satan is kicking it up a few notches because he knows that he is going to lose and lose big! Yet as Satan does he will take as many with him as he can. Stand firm in The Lord our God. In Jesus’ Name.

Joseph Sullens
March 17, 2022

When a transgender person stands before the Lord, they will do so in their original body. God does not make mistakes.

    March 18, 2022

    Not sure Richard Levine will be standing before God in Heaven:0

March 17, 2022

This man, Fauci along with some others, are responsible for the deaths of millions all over Pennsylvania, this country and the world.

This one, along with Gov Wolf, is responsible for the deaths of thousands of elderly people in PA, which in turn raised the C death totals, which in turn kept us under subjugation and people in fear. This in turn led to mail in ballots, which in turn led to that fake illegal demented puppet in the WH!
Is it any wonder Iran is firing missiles at American consulates and Russia has invaded Ukraine if this “Admiral” is what they are up against!
This is an utter travesty and I pray every week for people to wake up and for God to have His way with him and God’s Holy Justice to fall on him and everyone involved in the plandemic, the murder of people due to their actions or inactions in the treatment of C, the organization of the fraudulent election and the burying of the truth!

Lord,we lift up ______, being in a position of authority in this nation. As they make plans on a daily basis, we ask you God to give them sound judgment and a heart that is more concerned with Your plans than their own, Pelosi’s, Biden’s, Schumer, Fauci, the teachers union, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Gates or anyone else who is putting forth ungodly plans and agendas to ruin this nation and install ungodly practices and communism. Lord, May you judge them and pay them back for any evil they have done, convict them and turn them from their folly and help them to make right what has been made wrong. Father, where there is deception and evil in these people’s careers as an authority figures in our nation, our states, our medical institutions and our schools, uncover it, and bring about your righteousness. Open their eyes to see clearly as You do and open their constituents, students, parents and clients eyes to see clearly as well. We pray for those at the highest levels of America’s government to see the futility of their own plans when they exclude God from the equation. We pray that they will have a ”great reset” of the heart and learn to call upon the Lord in prayer for His answers. If they do not, I ask you to ensnare them in their own traps as Haman was.
I declare to this wicked den of iniquity! The LORD is in control. He does not abandon his own! He is merciful. He is gracious. He is our righteous King and loving Father. He will snatch us from the jaws of the enemy. And we will praise him because he will save us from the gates of hell.

I declare the Word of the LORD to these wicked, demonic spiritual enemies of all that is good. “The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God. But the needy will not be ignored forever; the hopes of the poor will not always be crushed.
Arise, O LORD! Do not let mere mortals defy you! Judge the nations! Make them tremble in fear, O LORD. Let the nations know they are merely human.” Psalms‬ ‭9:17-20‬

I say to the enemy. You will be judged according to your evil works. You should tremble in fear right now as your camps turn to chaos and confusion by the strong arm of the LORD.
Let it be known to all that our HIGH AND LOFTY God Reigns!
I declare! Yahweh will repay the enemy for his evil deeds. He will repay the courts who oppose the righteous. He will repay the unjust. He will repay those who have stolen truth and filled the airwaves with lies, deception and fear mongering. He will repay those who have participated in thieving and conniving schemes to steal an election; to steal a Presidency; and to steal freedom from a Nation founded upon his holy name.
We long for the day when these scoffers and mockers will be silenced by the Hand of the LORD. “Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD, for he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.”

I pray that every false statement, false flag and those who falsely hold positions of authority will be brought down in defeat!

Rise up! O God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Rise up! O God of Israel and the Nations. Rise up! O LORD of the Angel Armies and rescue us from this worldwide dirge of greed, power, perversion, corruption and control. Rise up with healing in your wings. Heal the sick, the wounded, the broken and the abused. You are STILL our God. You still care. You are still concerned. You are still in control.

I ask you, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies don’t abandon America. You are STILL our God, even though our land is filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel. Jeremiah‬ ‭51:5‬-6

O LORD! Come and establish this Nation back to what our Founding Fathers intended. Nothing is too hard for you! Nothing is out of your reach. Nothing is out of your control. We call out for mercy upon America and we stand in strong faith that you will see us through!

Amen and amen.

Jane Kot
March 17, 2022

His name is Richard Levine, get his heart Lord, and save him from these evil works. Man shall not put woman’s clothes on, nor a woman put man’s clothes on for it is abomination before the Lord God Almighty Deuteronomy 22:5 Repent Richard

Pamela C
March 17, 2022

Once again women lose because of sin. I can only marvel at the patience of God. This is sickening. He’s a man whom God has given over and everyone who agrees with his delusions has also been given over.

JoAnne Pazara
March 17, 2022

Levine was an unattractive man and as a ‘woman’ is very ugly. Yet flaunts it. After viewing a picture of this person in a skimpy bikini, even though very overweight, I believe the delusional mental state is obvious. Yet, others bought it. What does it say about Those people ??!!!

March 17, 2022

Our nation has fallen FAR when they embrace/recognize a person changing the sex GOD HAS MADE THEM

March 17, 2022

This is the second man to be named woman of the year. Jenner was the first one. This is so ridiculous that it isn’t even funny. Wake up America!

March 17, 2022



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