God Is Answering Prayer in Ukraine!
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God Is Answering Prayer in Ukraine!
Eyewitnesses in Ukraine report God is moving in miraculous ways. Stories are flooding into IFA from our contacts in Ukraine. Let them encourage your faith and direct your prayers.
I spoke with a missionary, we are calling Yelena. She has asked for her identity to be protected as she works in Ukraine and Eastern Europe right now. Yelena was born in the Soviet Union in the area which would eventually become Ukraine. She moved to America at the age of 11 and later received the Lord Jesus as Savior.
Two weeks ago when Russia invaded Ukraine she saw the opportunity to return to Ukraine to offer humanitarian aid. She and a team of 4 others went to Lviv and began establishing connections with the local Ukrainian church. “The goal was not only to provide aid and necessities, but to provide people with Jesus Christ,” Yelena said.
God granted organizational favor.
When asked what God was doing in Ukraine, she mentioned how the team has been favored greatly by God, especially at the border on the Ukrainian side. The team was established quickly without having to wait in line (some organizations have waited up to two days). They had a way in and out. A tent was quickly set up. A separate team did shopping for whatever was needed and made a list. They had no problems gaining access to the other side and got whatever they asked for. They were able to distribute blankets, food, hot tea, and preach the gospel, all within 24 hours.
God is blessing the Christians at work in Ukraine with unity.
The teams have connected with many local pastors in Lviv. They all work together in many aspects and share with one another. Yelena told IFA, “We are activating [the Church] in evangelism. We provide tents and tables, and money for speakers.”
God is enabling the Church to demonstrate His power in signs and wonders.
A man who walked with a cane was listening to the preaching. He said, “I don’t believe what you’re saying.” He agreed to receive prayer anyway. He was healed instantly! Not only did he no longer need his cane, but also as a bonus God healed his vision. Then they introduced the man to the One who healed him…Jesus Christ.
Another time Yelena saw a young girl in line with refugees to cross the border in Ukraine. There was open air preaching nearby that everyone in line could hear. She did not accept Jesus at first. Then, someone had words of knowledge and she witnessed healings and miracles taking place. She saw backs, knees, and headaches healed. Then, she experienced healing and wanted to receive Jesus as Lord. Yelena emphasized the importance of this, saying, “We don’t just stop at healing. It’s important for the people to know Who is the One who heals them.”
Yelena is absolutely right. Physical healing is not an end. It opens the door to share God’s love and the gospel.
In the beginning much of the evangelism was one on one. Now they evangelize on a greater scale in buses. In two weeks over 4,000 people have given their lives to Jesus. Young, old, refugees, soldiers, there is no one beyond God’s reach.
You can watch the bus evangelism in this video clip.
God used the ministry team to rescue women from traffickers.
Many human traffickers are using this great tragedy as a cover to steal vulnerable women and children who are alone and seeking refuge. They look for women and children who are alone and offer them "rides."
Thankfully, team members have been able to spot traffickers right away by discernment. At least five traffickers have been arrested. A woman refugee was saved on the Polish side of the border. Earlier, Yelena's ministry team had given this young woman their phone number. She noticed the bus driver in Poland rerouted 30 minutes prior to the destination in Germany. The driver took her and the entire bus of thirty-five people to an old abandoned building where there was film equipment. She knew this meant trafficking. She called the team member at 1:00 a.m. They were able to contact authorities and tracked the traffickers. Who knows what would've become of those people, if the team member hadn't shared contact information.
Yelena shared these prayer requests and we ask you to join us in praying:
- Pray for their healing and recovery of team members so that the mission will continue. They are not used to the freezing temperatures. (Ps. 41:1-3)
- Pray for direction and wisdom as they expand into Moldova, Romania, and different places accepting refugees. (Ps. 32:8)
- Pray for the local churches in Ukraine to be firmly established. When the teams leave, for the churches to continue to serve the people and share Jesus. (1 Cor. 15:58)
- Pray for the people who have been traumatized by the bombings, sirens, and losing everything. Pray for freedom from panic, anxiety, and fear. (Ps. 94:19)
- Pray for the men who have been left behind and families who have been separated. (Eph. 3:14,15)
- Pray for resources to reach the hot spots such as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Irpin, Bucha, Cherkasy, and Dniprio. These spots are not easy to get into. (Is. 43:19)
- Cover the ministry teams in prayer and ask for God's protection. (Ps. 91)
- Pray that God would continue to highlight the vulnerable women and children and uncover more trafficking attempts. (Ps. 82:3,4)
Hearing this team and what they've accomplished in spite of what they have seen moved my heart to pray more. This is the kingdom of God! This is the great commission! Prayer increasing, unity in the body of Christ, thousands being saved in the midst of turmoil. That sure sounds like revival to me. I would love to hear more of these stories happening here in America!
Will you continue to pray for Ukraine? Will you continue to pray for America and the nations? Would you continue to believe that nothing is too hard for God?
Lord, we thank You for what You are doing in Ukraine and the favor You have poured out. We pray that You would cover ministry teams with Your presence. Bless the work of their hands as they reach out to the poor and needy and share the gospel, sowing hope to the hopeless. Impart Your strength and stretch out Your hands with signs and wonders through the name of Jesus Christ. We pray for continual favor over the leaders, team members, and local churches so the gospel can go forth. We pray for favor so the resources can reach the spots where they are desperately needed. Move over the hearts of the people who would try and stop the aid from going through. Make a way where there is no way.
We thank You for your gift of discernment and ask for an increase of discernment to uncover traps set by the enemy to exploit the hurting.
We pray that even traffickers would fall under the conviction and power of the Holy Spirit and repent of their wicked ways and encounter Jesus Christ.
We pray that You would guide these teams with Your presence as they head out and seek to expand. Show them the way they should go. Connect them with the right people to advance the gospel message. In Jesus' name, Amen.
"Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness. All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all. (Acts 4:29-33)
Are you encouraged by reading what God is doing? Share this with a friend who needs encouragement that God is at work in Ukraine!
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Thank you for showing how powerful God is for His people.
I am happy to be a new monthly partner!
There is Power in the name of Jesus!! He will break every chain of evil bondage!!
Pray with Authority in God’s Sovereignty over ALL things!! He has the victory, and He delights to have “His body” share in it!!
God is so faithful. Tears filled my eyes when I read about how God is working in Ukraine. I thank Him and praise His name. What a wonderful God we serve. Thank You Almighty God.
I found the X22 report explaining the battle over in Ukraine. The link is youmaker.com/v/EqZYaqvjGb1O_x22-Report-Ep-2726b-Did-Putin-Just-Seize-The DS-AssetsThe-DS Tre.html Dated: March 16,2022 by Channel 17
[email protected]
Thank you for sending these to me. I am praying for the people in the Ukraine.
Praise God!
Father, we thank you for what you are doing concerning this attack on Ukraine. What the enemy has meant for evil, you will turn it around for your good. The whole world will be amazed at how you will defeat this Goliath. I decree and declare by the majestic power in the name of Jesus that this battle is already won because “lose” is not in your vocabulary. Hallelujah!!! Amen!!!
Almighty Father, send your angel armies to Ukraine to keep the enemy from accomplishing what it sets out to do and protect the Ukrainian people, the children, the babies, the women and the men who are fighting. Send the Word that many will be saved. In Jesus name I ask for this and believe You are doing mighty works.
Ukraine is foremost on our hearts. Our God is not hindered or challenged at such devastating times as this. This is when His power & miracles illuminate to the world. We will continue to pray that He gets the glory!
Oh Lord our God we praise Your Holy Name. Father, we are so grateful for the lives that are being saved in Ukraine, please continue to open the hearts and minds of those who are lost and fearful. Father we thank you for the comfort, grace, and mercy, that you are showing to all the people of Ukraine. Father please keep those safe who are doing your work. In Jesus name amen
This is awesome work you are doing. God provided when we open our hearts to Jesus.
Very encouraging news. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Ukraine. Continuing to pray for the people of Ukraine.
I prayed and continue to pray for Ukrsinr
To the greater good of the brave missionaries who carry hope and message God knows and cares for His people whom He loves in Ukraine.
God cares and is making the way clear for help to come..
I am very sure He is watching and with your people as your citizens are standing against tyranny. Keep your vision in faith and fight the enemy which f given the opportunity,, will consume them.. I care, God cares and many many people will continue to pray and do what we can to give you back the homeland you have bravely chosen to defend
God knows all your physical, emotional and mental pain. HE will not forsake you.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray Blessed Mother Mary our heavenly mother, St Joseph her spouse and patron saint of families will do everything they can to restore the country and families and Ukraine will be a country claimed for God.
I am greatly moved by this report of how God is taking this awful situation and turning it around touching those who are in great need through Salvation, healing, and provisions I especially want to thank God for using Yelena and others in the gift of decrement regarding the trafficker’s . I pray for a shield of protection to rest upon all of those who are involved in this great move of God and for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction upon millions of the unsaved. Amen!
I’m glad for all the answered prayer. i have been intently interested in Ukraine since this all started several weeks ago. Information I know: 1st; reported by Charlie Ward-The Secretary General of the UN announced in 2014 that Ukraine has not registered their borders since 1991 (hence, this is not technically an invasion). Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney each have a son working for a Ukrainian gas company. Crowdstrike servers are in Ukraine. They would house election interference evidence in the 2020 Presidential election. Election interference by a foreign agent recovered by Russia, used to prove their innocence in the same breath show absolute proof of rigging. Also, one of X22’s videos tells how Putin is deliberately destroying biolabs and not civilians. The nazis are killing the people. Putin is taking the Cabal down in the Ukraine. If I can locate the video I will send it to you.
You are always faithfully in the middle of the storm.bless You and thank You our Lord and Savior!!
Thank you Jesus for letting us see some of the good You are doing in this time of terror.
Thank you for this good news. I’m sharing it on Facebook.
God can do everything. David took on Goliath and won. How many times did God save the Israeli’s against great armies? Never doubt God and keep on praying we are now in the “End Times”. Also remember that God told Noah he would not destroy the earth with water again. $22 billion a year for climate change. To some Americans fake science over rules God. Not in my life!
We really need to be praying for Putin and The Russian Orthodox Church that God will convict them and that they will repent.
Also, may these events touch many hearts for Christ all over this Planet.
Thank GOD for what he is doing The Holy Ghost is at work in Ukraine Thank God for our Lord Jesus Christ through Christ all thing are possible Love you all God Speed
We will continue to pray for God to pour his presence and for people to come to Jesus! God is using these times because He has great purposes! We will pray that your team will expand even more and for God’s favor to be with the people of Ukraine.
Thank you for being obedient to God’s calling.
God bless you.
I have always prayed, having been raised in a home where prayer was as natural as breathing, but I don’t recall even having such a burden for prayer as I have felt for Ukraine since the first of the invasion. Interestingly, though I still pray, the intensity of the burden has lifted in recent days. It’s like God is saying, “This is taken care of.” I will continue to pray for Ukraine, for Russia, for the US (my passport country) and Japan (where I serve).
Praying daily for Ukraine!
Thank You Lord God for doing what only You can do. Thy will be done Almighty God on this earth as it is in heaven. YOUR TOUCH. YOUR MOVE! THANK YOU!
Praise God. May our Lord Jesus be glorified and many come to know Him as Savior. All glory to God in defeating Satan.
Thank You Father for hearing the prayers of the Saints & moving in miraculous ways❣️ Thank You Holy Spirit for bringing a miracle, pouring out Your Dudamis Power, Your Resurrection Power bringing a Spiritual Awakening, Repentance. REVIVAL to spread across the Ukraine & into ALL Nations, including America, the land that We Love❣️ Thank You LORD, we BELIEVE, TRUST & COMMIT ALL into Your miraculous healing hands, Knowing that Your in our midst doing a mighty power work❣️ Oh so thankful in KNOWING that Your in Controll❣️ THINE OWN PERFECT WILL BE DONE, we ask in the precious name & power of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD & SAVIOR AMEN❣️🥰♥️🙏🇺🇦🙏🇺🇸🙏🙌🥰
In the midst of war, Jesus shows His love for all people and His miracle working power to heal and to save..Glory to God for His servants for such a time as this! VICTORY! Psalm 91:11 His Angels protecting from harm 🙏
What a great testimony I am praying.
What a powerful testimony of the greatness of God. So encouraging.
Praise God for His help!
What an amazing woman along with the others there with her. Prayers for all involved!!!!
Thanks for sharing; we need this to encourage us to continue praying!!!!! Glory be to God
Lord, we your people express our gratitude for what you are doing in that war torn country under extremely dangerous conditions for all that are there. We ask that you continue to pour our your Spirit on the workers and the people to whom they are ministering. May many be brought into a relationship with you through an encounter with our risen Savior. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Yes, I am greatly encouraged to pray even more.
Iam so moved and touched of what is doing in Ukraine and I pray that God almighty will continue shower His blessings upon the people of Ukraine and protect the ministry team from the hands of the adversary.
Praise God! I know God is moving upon so many of His servants just as He reminds me often to pray for Ukraine and the refugees. I just heard this morning of the counterattack by Ukrainian forces. In spite of all of the shelling, relatively very few casualties are being reported among civilians. Father God, I pray for food, water, and medical care to be provided timely throughout Ukraine to the fighters and to the civilians. I rejoice as I hear about the many Ukrainians receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Hallelujah!
Lord we ask You to do in Ukraine as you did in Old Testement times & in 6 Day War, turn the Russian’s against each other. Turn their weapons on each other & bring many to turn to You for Salvation, Spirutually & physically with bombs that don’t explode. You Lord can do all things. We praise you for the ones who are working for relief & to spread Your Word. In Jesus name, I ask, Amen.
Our entire church is praying with fait for all of you.
Oh Jesus, wash these ministry teams with love, protection and Godly wisdom as they seek to expand the Kingdom in Ukraine!!! May they be a blessing to all who they contact washing them with your Love and Peace!!! In Jesus Name!!!
Father God, we pray in the name of your son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and agree with your word. We pray for your church in Ukraine and Russia. It is written: “Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, oh Lord, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favor as with a shield” (Psalm 5:11-12). And Let the saints rejoice, “for God takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Let the saints rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds. May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them. This is the glory of all his saints. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 149:4-9).
Thank you, Lord, for the encouragement of your word of protection: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalm 46:1-3).
Thank you for your power displayed on the earth: “He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:9-10).
Lord Jesus, you are a great warrior and a great king! You rule the nations with an iron scepter and judge the nations with the scepter of justice: “Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom” (Psalm 45:5-6). We thank you, Father God, that “the scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil” (Psalm 125:3). We declare, “Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!” Amen and amen!
Thank you Gloria for this wonderful information about what God is doing. I am praying for the church in Ukraine and in the U.S.
Thanks for the encouraging news.
Thank you for letting me know about the miracles that Our God is performing. I will continue to pray day and night. May Gods will be done and a hedge of protection surround his people.
I take a stand for TRUTH! Ukranians are beingused by their Own Government! We know from days of old DECEIVERS ARE ALWAYS OUT FRONT with deception and causing chaos to eventually destroy the Innocent! GOD to have more Balaam donkeys is my cry! Ukraine has a WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM PUPPET AKA VLADIMIR Zelensky! Many are being LIED TO BY PAID MEDIA OUTLETS! I cry prayerfully for the Church to OPEN their eyes to GOD’s TRUTH and the reality that we are being called and Led by evil doers and wicked UnGODly people in DC who follow the god of this world! Oftentime TRUTH IS SO CLOSE THAT WE ARE UNABLE TO SEE IT AS IT IS. Sadly, I see Zelensky as Balak, the NATO allies as Balaam and Vladimir Putin the Donkey! Who saves Baalam in the end? Numbers 22 As I prayed I had a quick vision of innocent people being taking upon a high mountain with an awesome view by someone with very bad intentions. This same wicked one, calls attention to all the beautiful surroundings near the cliff and pushes them over, one by one! This is what Ukrainian soldiers guided by Neo-Nazis is doing to us spiritually and innocent souls that are volunteers and forced into fighting! The battle began in 2014 and has only increased due to gullible people who also are more Beholding to Government mandates than our SOVEREIGN LORD WHO NEVER STOP HEALING! Sadly, we chose to stop believing that HE IS OUR RAPHA, JIREH, AND SHALOM! JESUS asks us Daily to choose who we will serve! Joshua 24:15 By the way, his name is YESHUAH, JUST LIKE JESUS IN HEBREW. My soul says YES to HIM, NOT MY EVIL GOVERNMENT AND HATERS OF GOD! I have yet to hear anyone calling for WW3 to ask us to SEEK GOD IN ALL THE TURMOIL! MARK 13:7. Be blessed all as we celebrate the life and Sacrifice of St. Patrick! He was a true GOD-fearing son of GOD anointed to preach to lost souls in ENGLAND! FATHER GOD, please remove all scales from our eyes and give us YOUR VISION, ears to hear Holy Spirit and rendered hearts to recognize when you move Compassionately. I pray that every deceptive entity is EXPOSED to the world and that the Donkeys are revealing the ACTUAL TRUTH TO US ALL! In JESUS NAME FOR YOUR HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY AMEN!!!
Thank you, Gloria, for sharing with us how God is on the move. You won’t hear anything about this on the news. liberal OR conservative. In these End Times, He is providing miracles, signs, and wonders amongst His children in Ukraine. I pray that we here in America don’t need to go through similar persecution in order to receive the revival that people are experiencing as a result of this terrible situation in Ukraine. In Jesus’ name.
Thank you for their boldness and courage to help the Ukrainian people. Your miracles are testimony tithe fact that you are a good God and Your Kingdom is open to whomsoever will accept the Word
Dearest LORD, we ask that the world would see YOUR GREAT and AWESOME POWER and YOUR LOVE upon this situation for all the world to see YOUR HAND of LOVE, in JESUS NAME AMEN. Thank YOU LORD for answered prayers.
Thank you for sharing this powerful insight so that we remain determined to stand united in prayer for the Ukraine, as it strengthens us in spirit to know that God is moving so powerfully. Thank you for the prayer points and for laying down your lives for the furthering of the gospel. To God be the glory!
Thy will be done!
Thank you Lord for the many souls that will be reaches for Christ through the conflict going on in Ukraine. I’ve prayed and will continue to pray for this war to end and more importantly that God will move among His people to stand up for Christ and be faithful until He returns..
Wonderful article and such helpful information! Thank you! It may be that the kind of harvest being seen in Ukraine, and the unity the Church there is experiencing, could come to the US out of the same kind of chaos going there. Father, we ask You to prepare us for the days to come here in the US so that we can be agents of healing and spreaders of the Gospel. Help us Lord to stay out of fear. Please give us all boldness and presence of mind to be what You need us to be to lost, hurting and frightened people all around us. Isaiah 60:1-3
GOD is certainly intervening in this evil mess in Ukraine. He is guiding others to help out fellow mankind in the name of humanity and miracles are being performed daily. Our GOD is so good. Continued prayers for the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia; prayers that the Ukraine leaders remain strong in the very face of danger; prayers that the Russian leaders have a change of mind/heart to work towards peace. AMEN.
Father God, I lift up this IPF team and others in Your beloved country are being called to minisrer to Your people in Ukraine. Build their faith and trust in You to defeat the devil and restore Hope. In Jesus’ name
God’s sovereignty at work!
I have been praying for Ukraine since day one as I have been doing for Afghanistan. Thank you for giving what my prayers are teaching those in trouble. Amen
Thank you so much for keeping us posted. It is good to hear some good news.
The spirit of moloch has been loosed in our land. It has invaded our schools where they are teaching kindergarten children to play with each other’s sexual body parts. See the movie.
So very thankful that our wonderful Lord still hears and answers prayer. So glad people were healed and for those who received the Lord. PTL
Acts 4:29-30 And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.
as You stretch out Your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”…
Lord hear our prayers in Jesus name.
Father, I pray John 14:12 for Your servants in Ukraine and the surrounding countries/regions. Accelerate and escalate Your signs, wonders, and miracles. Hinder ALL the works of the enemy, Lord, and cut him off at the pass. Let Your gospel spread like wildfire through Your servants but also through the newly saved. Enable then to share their testimonies in a powerful way.
Warm up the atmosphere so that Your servants can remain well and give them concentrated sleep so they will be physically and mentally strong and edified. Give Your angels charge over them to keep them in all their ways and let no evil or plague befall them, in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen!
“So [as the result of the Messiah’s intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives].”
Isaiah 59:19 AMPC
Oh my goodness yes ! Our God is an Awesome God ! Saving these precious people . It encourages me that He is listening to our prayers for the Ukraine . And catching these traffickers is a bonus ! I pray that this would continue and He would protect the vulnerable and innocent and yes save those who are doing this wickedness !
Lord, I pray for all of the churches to be alive with your power in evidence. Also, Lord would you awaken the orthodox churches to come alive with the power from the Holy Spirit and that Putin will realize that what he has done should be stopped and would you bring a witness to him as you did to Saul of Tarsus.
Well, it’s nice to read that something good is coming out of something that is so horrible. How wonderful that there are people who are willing to put themselves in danger to help those who are under attack. I will be praying for all: the helpers and the Ukrainians.
I thank God for how He is working in Ukraine Continued prayers for Ukraine and her people
Thank you for what you are doing. God bless and protect you.