I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, You are moving to save the lives of Your precious babies. We thank You for this. Please protect all the organizations and workers who give of themselves to serve these innocent ones. Surround them with angels and do not allow any harm to come to them, in Jesus’ name.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As news is coming out of a potential overturn of Roe v. Wade, we need to double our efforts to pray. Although many areas of focus are important, I felt led to encourage people today to pray together over the people and organizations who tirelessly advocate for life every day.

Would you join me in praying the prayer below today?

“Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You so much for hearing and answering our prayers for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. We don’t know what all is going to happen yet, but You do. And we know and believe, according to Your Word, that we can and do have whatever we have asked You for in the name of Your Son Jesus—so we know that, whether now or later, You will overturn Roe and save the lives of the preborn.

Father, as all these things are happening, we lift up pro-life organizations and workers to You. And in the name of Jesus, we ask:

  • That You would triple the contingent of angels You have assigned to these people and organizations.
  • Protect their funding and increase their financial provision and support.
  • Protect their staff from the hatred and vitriol of evil people who do not have Your heart for life.
  • Protect their websites and social media outreaches.
  • Secure their ability to reach people via email.
  • Protect their bank accounts and their ability to do business in every sphere.
  • Rebuke the devourer on behalf of all these people and organizations in the pro-life movement, Father!

And Father God, we also ask in Jesus’ name that You would give pro-life people increased platform:

  • Give those who speak on behalf of the unborn a bigger microphone than ever, Father, and turn it up loud.
  • Open doors for the advocates of life. Open doors that no man can open and that no man can shut.
  • As they speak, give these precious workers the words to speak in due season. Give them such wisdom that no one can dispute with them, and no one can refute what they say.
  • Open the ears of every person who hears, and let them really listen and receive the truth about life and Your plans for every person.

O Father, we ask also that You would protect the health and safety of the pro-life workers:

  • Guard them and keep them as the apple of Your eye.
  • Hide them under the shadow of Your wings.
  • Protect their families.
  • Protect them from any enemy onslaught or retribution.
  • Let them dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Let no evil befall them, nor let any plague come near their dwellings (Psalm 91).

Father, we pray also that You would do a mighty work in the hearts of those who have advocated for abortion:

  • Change their hearts. Turn their hearts toward You.
  • Give them ears to hear You and eyes to see You.
  • Appear to them at night; give them visions of Jesus, the Man in white, and let them be forever changed by encounters with Your Son!
  • Let the court rulings and wisdom in support of life come forth quickly.
  • Let the evidence burn so deeply into the hearts of those who have embraced death that they are forever changed. Let them turn from death to LIFE.
  • Let them know You, Father, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent—as well as the abundant life that Jesus lived, died, and rose again for us to have.

O holy Father, You love these precious babies. Show Yourself today as the Father of the fatherless and the Defender of the helpless. Show Yourself to Your people as our Glory, and the Lifter of our head. Let good news come forth for the cause of life, and protect both all those who are advocating on behalf of Your innocent ones:

  • Every pro-life worker;
  • Every intercessor;
  • Every pro-life judge;
  • Every pro-life organization;
  • Every pro-life journalist;
  • Every pro-life politician;
  • Every pro-life marcher at our assemblies; and
  • Every other person who is defending the cause of the unborn.

Thank You, Father God. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen and amen.”

Did you pray this prayer today for protection of all who are defending LIFE? If so, leave a comment below and add your favorite Scripture or prayer points on this topic!

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She is the author of over 20 books, including 7 Days of Praying for Your Children: Help, Hope, and Encouragement for Your Parenting Journey. She blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing is featured on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, provides free mentoring and is instantly downloadable on most podcast services. You can also download her free ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Getty Images

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Val Johnson
May 12, 2022

Father God, thank you for hearing the prayers of Your people. We know this is Your battle for the life of the unborn and innocent. We humble ourselves before You and ask for forgiveness for allowing abortion in our nation and bribing poor nations with aid if they abort babies in their countries as well. Having mercy on us for this great evil. We grieve with sincere hearts because of how far America has fallen away from what she/we were meant to be. May we once again be a righteous Nation and a light to the World. In Jesus name. Amen

Mary Buckley
May 10, 2022

Psalms 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
He will make all of the nations sing his praise.

May 10, 2022

I prayed!

May 10, 2022

“ My angels are unraveling the plans of the enemies of our Kingdom. They are unraveling demonic schemes and government corruption. They are carrying out decrees of the King’s Ekklesia. The camouflaging garments of hidden agendas are being torn apart to reveal and expose the schemers aligned with hell’s kingdom. My angels are pulling on threads that hold together wicked cover-ups. The cover-ups will now unravel. I have commissioned Michael to release sufficient warriors from his army to assist my Ekklesias and unlock America. They will swing the battering rams of heaven, energized by your decrees of My word. My Ekklesia and the angel armies will explode on strongholds and destroy them, sending shockwaves around the earth.” This is a prophetic word I am sharing.

Sharion H.
May 10, 2022

The pressure against mob violence is starting to come on those that made decisions against a law that was without the authority to be one. Two rogue supreme court justices (Kennedy and Ginsburg) took it upon themselves, and no other Justices spoke out against them, to write a document that wouldn’t have stood alone in any courtroom. When it was reviewed, it didn’t hold water. It was packed full of lies and the baby in question was never aborted and is grown and living a happy life. Our Congress writes our laws. Our Justices are to uphold them one case at a time. Please set up protection for all the Justices and for all the organizations standing against this barbaric act.

Shelia Louis
May 10, 2022

I prayed.

Allena Jordan
May 10, 2022

Lord, I ask that You would create a platform for real dialogue between those who are pro-life and those who are pro-abortion. Just as William Wilburforce had to take people to the slave ships so that they could see the depravity of the situation for themselves, so also open the doors for a similar eye-opening view of what happens during an abortion. Many of us already have seen the deplorable act. Lord, send shock-waves into the hearts of people who do not yet value life. And, Lord, send grace and faith for them to believe in You. Make Your Word come alive to those who are Christians but still promote abortion. Change their worldviews. Jesus, may Your innocent blood cry out to the Father in this situation. Embrace every baby. Embrace every believer. Shake up every person who promotes abortion. Shake them to the core of their being. Deliver us all from evil. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Karren Wright
    May 10, 2022

    I agree with your prayer, I have thought if e ery pro choice politician would see an abortion it would be more than words it would, be real

May 10, 2022

Thank you for this for Pro-Lifers. I pray and speak to women/men going into the Pomona,CA Planned Parenthood facility. Much evil surrounds this facility. Pls pray for Pro-Life workers.

Cynthia D
May 10, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father Thank you for hearing our prayers for the unborn babies and for the many servants that are on the front lines and also behind the scenes! Praying in agreement for your strength& protection in the cleansing of this nation in the overturn of Roe v Wade! “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”

Joyce Swingle
May 10, 2022

Beautiful and comprehensive prayer. Lord, remember Your Word to Your servants for You have given us hope.

Dorothy Furagganan
May 10, 2022

Heavenly Father, I pray in agreement for the lives of the unborn and for all advocates in the pro-life movement. Lord keep them and their families and their organizations safe from the enemy’s attacks. Shield them Father and cover them with the protection of Heaven’s Armies! We ask these things and thank You in the Mighty Precious Name of Your Son Jesus! Amen and Amen!

Paul Conant
May 10, 2022

I agree with the prayers that have been uttered for the unborn and those advocating for them. According to Your promises, these prayers will be answered and Your will will be done! In Jesus’s name, Amen!

Delilah Narvaez
May 10, 2022

I did pray this and I will take it to our prayer appointment meeting. And we will pray it again.

May 10, 2022

Protect those babies who are aborted live and are left unattended to die on their own. This is what our former governor, Northam, did. He was a pediatrician prior to becoming governor.

Bless our new governor for making VA a “red” state which will NEVER allow this evil practice again!!!!!

Lucy Hines
May 10, 2022

Lord we ask for the healing power of the blood of Jesus. Wash over this Nation , and remove the stain of incent blood thats been spilled. And to heal the women who have been wounded and dont understand it yet. We cry for your great mercy Father. In Jesus name amen.


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