I Prayed have prayed
Lord, guide us with Your Spirit of discernment and truth.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

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November 13, 2020

Yes, it was very encouraging because it is very, very true-straight from the Bible, God’s very own Word. We should all testify that God is ALWAYS WITH us, FOR us, and ALWAYS GOOD to us-ALL THE TIME in EVERY circumstance, even when we are in pain and suffering. I can testify to these truths myself from experience too after knowing God for 62 years. He has never failed me though I have failed Him often. I also love it that these are YOUNG adults of various nationalities with some performing and others simply singing their praises to God!

Shannon Saldivar
November 12, 2020

Praise the Lord!! My heart jumped for joy. This was a great group of people singing and worshiping. No he is not going anywhere. AMEN. God bless you.

Alaide Macedo de Oliveira
November 12, 2020

Loved this worship…. Thanks God

Mary Nadwodny
November 12, 2020

Yes it did. Shared it with my daughter. We are both going through Metastatic breast cancer. She deserves to live longer. Heart breaking to me. Hopefully sheā€™ll find encouragement in the words.

    Krystal Marie Pister
    November 12, 2020

    Praying for a complete and total healing for you both.

November 12, 2020

Love it, put in my YouTube worship

Elizabeth Ann Ashley
November 11, 2020

I love the way the multicultural singers join in worship together and acknowledge that we are ALL God’s children. May the Glory go to God!

catherine chao
November 11, 2020

Yes, His truth never leave. Praise our Savior Lord Jesus!

Kimberlee Gilbert
November 11, 2020

what a beautiful promise and reminder of GODS love for his children. I needed this and have passed it on.

HE will never leave us !

Angie Rowland
November 11, 2020

Love that song because I know itā€™s true…He will never leave us!!!

emma schroth
November 11, 2020

Praising our Saviour all the day long. Great music!

Thank you

Joyce M
November 11, 2020

Yes, indeed!!!

Barbara Hesch
November 11, 2020

Yes! Very encouraging! Need music like this at this time of uncertainty in the days ahead. Worshiping and praising Him keeps us focused and grounded.Thank you IFA.

Laura Dominick
November 11, 2020

That was beautiful – I could feel the Spirit in that place! Thank you for sharing! Our Lord is with us always – to the end of the age! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord Jesus!!!

November 11, 2020

What a blessing to hear this song before my prayer time this morning! He will never leave this nation. He will never leave His people. We ARE His sons and daughters!!

Allena L Jordan
November 11, 2020

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. God is light and in Him in no darkness at all. No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


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