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I Prayed have prayed
Father, continue to direct our prayer! Be glorified in our nation!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

IFA had an amazing line up of guests to share truthful news about what is happening with the election processes, and how we can pray!  This action-packed call is full of  intercessory intel for your personal intercession for our nation!  Share this video with praying friends! Get the prayer guide mentioned on the call HERE. And sign up HERE for the Bible Read-A-Thon that was mentioned at the close of the webcast! 

Share how you are praying below in the comments!

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November 11, 2020

I was encouraged AND challenged! Love the new format. We don’t have to wait until the first Friday of the month to have a prayer time! Keep up the good work Kris

November 11, 2020

This is just what I needed! A friend invited me to watch this video.What helpful information and great interviews. It was done so well and very prayerfully. It felt so welcoming, like I was in on the discussion and prayer. Thank you Ifa

November 11, 2020

Praying Psalm 140.

    November 13, 2020

    The Holy Spirit connects His children! I had my bible open exactly to Psalm 140 when I scrolled through to read these prayers. Praise God and Thank you!

November 11, 2020

O LORD, I agree with these prayers, and also ask You to send forth angels to come protect and guide everyone who is working to establish truth and integrity in this election. Thank You for the beautiful victory that You are orchestrating, when the righteousness and justice which are the foundation of Your throne are made manifest!

stephanie allen
November 10, 2020

Father I pray Your sweet & loving Will be done over this nation. I pray for the lives that are at stake in this fight. Please Lord help our president save ALL of the enslaved here, & around the world, especially the children. I pray that those that choose to who hurt children get a rash or a mark that shows they’re vile & evil.
Father I thank You Lord that it’s You we’re trusting in all of this, not man.
In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray, Amen.

Cecelia Fisher
November 10, 2020

Father, you uphold the righteous and we ask you for protection for every worker and supernatural energy and strength. May they walk and not grow weary. Guide them. Grant them the right documentation, the witnesses and evidence they need for truth to prevail. You are not a God who endorses the pride and presumption of the adversary. Fight for the truth in our nation. Your word is truth. Forgive those who seek to destroy this republic that your hands have made. Forgive us for taking it for granted. May the media not be allowed to suppress the outcome of these investigations. Shine your light and reveal the glory of your name in righteousness and truth. Have mercy on us, Lord.

November 10, 2020

I’m new here and like a kid in a candy store!! TY IFA and all interacting on site. So glad you posted it for a repeat view, for others to watch who weren’t there, as well as for us to pass along to others.

The call/livestream gathering today was incredible! I was so touched by guests, their front lines stories. Made it much more personal. Prayed for them since. And felt strong presence of Holy Spirit amongst us. It accelerated my love and conviction for God and what He seems to be calling me to do as an ambassador of Christ.

November 10, 2020

He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Is 40:29

Heavenly Father, please give these precious workers the strength, courage, and endurance they need and uphold them with your righteous right arm. In the mighty name of Jesus.

Alan R
November 10, 2020

Father, we know you are in charge. Encourage and strengthen these Your appointed warriors. Fill them with Your joy at being Your boots on the ground. We know that if they persist, that in due season, they will reap your harvest.

November 10, 2020

I am praying for supernatural strength and boldness like the Holy Spirit poured out on Peter and Paul and the other apostles. Hold back, oh Lord, the forces of darkness: the world, the flesh and the devil that are behind Governor Wolf and hordes like him across our country. And our Father, surround and protect those seeking to stand up for righteousness and expose evil.

c. page
November 10, 2020

As Moses arms were uplifted by his supporters during battle, so may you have confidence that you are also being supported!!!!!!!

Armida Snyder
November 10, 2020

May God, who loves righteousness and justice prevail and be glorified! May He also deal with the deceivers and those whose intent is to steal the election. May God protect and guard President Trump and his family and administration in this time and keep their hearts quiet and hopeful.
And us, who pray for them….


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IFA President
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