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Father, we pray for Biden. More importantly, we pray for our country. Raise up new leadership that will honor You, Lord, as well as our American values and principles.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Despite giving them all they they wanted, it seems like the Left is pushing Biden aside. We found this a fascinating read–a detailed account of how President Biden has fulfilled the Left wish list and an analysis of why they do not seem enthusiastic about him. Read through to the end and let us know what you think.

Analysis. From The Daily Signal. The left should be ecstatic that President Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted.

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The left likes inflation. It reduces the value of old money by printing lots of new money. Those richer who have it, lose the value of their money; those poorer who don’t have any money, suddenly do.

When combined with low interest rates, inflation roars even louder. Not since former President Jimmy Carter has a Democrat been so insistent on inflating the money supply.

For decades, the left has amplified former Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s 2008 dream that the government must spike fuel costs up to European levels. That was seen as the best way to force unsophisticated Americans to quit burning gas and transition to renewable energy. Biden took that sermon seriously.

He canceled federal energy leases. He shut down drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He canceled pipelines and warned the oil industry its days were numbered. Biden has done more than any other Democrat to ensure fossil fuels were unaffordable, forcing America’s supposedly unthinking consumers to drive less or consider ditching their gas-engine cars altogether.

The hard American left always wanted unlimited illegal immigration. Biden agreed and has been lax on security at the southern border.

The result is that in less than two years, nearly 3 million illegal aliens have surged into the United States. Nearly all of them arrived unvaccinated, untested, and inadequately vetted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden worries little that record numbers of Americans are dying from drugs that now pour across the border. Cartels became richer and more powerful than ever under his watch, while child traffickers were freed from worries.

Biden did more than any prior Democrat to ensure massive illegal immigration as part of the leftist dream of flipping red states blue by changing the demography.

The left rails about imperialism, neo-colonialism, and military expenditure. Biden, without warning, simply yanked all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. He abandoned a $1 billion new embassy, a $300 million refitted U.S. air base, and $80 billion worth of sophisticated arms and equipment.

In other words, Biden did more than any other prior Democrat to ensure the United States was humbled abroad, and its expeditionary forces taught a lesson about the evils of foreign interventions.

The left fetishizes race. It enshrined the idea of “good” racial discrimination: To stop racial bias, one must be racially biased.

Biden was the first president to promise in advance that his vice presidential running mate had to be both black and female. For his Cabinet picks, Biden ignored most criteria of prior experience or specific expertise, but instead ensured that his administration was “diverse.”

No prior Democratic president has been so beholden to identity politics or so consistently used de facto racial, gender, and sexual identity quotas in his presidential appointees.

The left for years has railed about the criminal justice system. It believes punishment does not really deter crime, which is instead a result of racism and a toxic capitalist system.

Biden agrees. Federal attorneys mimic the so-called George Soros city and county prosecutors who enforce the law largely according to ideological directives.

No prior president has managed to weaponize the Pentagon, the FBI, or the CIA in ways that have transitioned them from traditional institutions to woke avatars of social revolution.

No prior Democratic president has so attacked conservatives, a strict-constructionist Supreme Court, and the Republican Party.

So why is the left so eager to oust Biden or at least ensure that he does not dare seek reelection in 2024?

Strangely, leftists do not grasp that Biden’s current record and unpopularity are due not just to his unmistakable cognitive decline. The problem is not just his often-toxic personality, or his creepy habits of trying to shake the hands of invisible people, or violating the private space of younger women.

Instead, the Biden administration has become an utter failure because voters detest its agendas. They recoil at $5-a-gallon gas. They feel their lives are being destroyed by 9.1% annual inflation and supply chain shortages.

The public is tired of near record annual increases in murders and other violent crime.

They are sickened by the tsunami of dangerous drugs pouring across the border and millions of foreign nationals entering their country without their permission.

They are irate that the Biden Cabinet never responds to these disasters. Instead, the administration denies the crises even exist.

Or it blames its own self-created messes on the Russians, or Donald Trump, or their own Democratic senators who balked at printing more trillions of dollars.

Now the left is looking for a younger, more charismatic, and more glib replacement president to advance their stale unpopular agendas.

But since when has changing an inept messenger ever changed a disastrous message?

What are your thoughts on this analysis? Do you think the Left doesn’t realize what voters want?

(Used with permission from The Daily Signal. By Victor Davis Hanson. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Joan Lemoine
July 27, 2022

I think the democrats want our nation to fall to Communism, Marxism, and Socialism!

Madeline devney
July 26, 2022

I pray that GOD leads us out of this darkness into the light of HIS SON, Those of us praying for this please give us fortitude, wisdom, understanding ,knowledge ,council, piety and fear of the LORD.

Micki Proshold
July 26, 2022

Biden’s not calling the shots. The shadow govt. Is. They have an agenda and it isn’t one that will benefit the American people and our freedoms. It is a deliberate intentional destruction of our Costitutional

Laura Cassel
July 25, 2022

The book of Jude came to my mind.
Jude verses 1-15
JUDE, a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, 2. To those who are called, beloved by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ: 2. Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you. 3. Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. 4. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, which long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of God into licentiousness and deny the only Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ. 5. But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. 6. And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgement of the great day; as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. 8. Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. 9. Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, which he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against himself a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” 10. But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves. 11. Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, having run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. 12. These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves; they are clouds without water, carried along by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots; 13. raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. 14. Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15. “to execute judgement on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

July 25, 2022

Completely out of touch and does’t care about anything good. Especially, hard working, patriotic, Christian people. Promotes the killing of babies, crime, open borders, drugs, trafficking and TRYING to suppress the American people.

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
July 25, 2022

Left or right: This whole world needs Jesus. He is the answer for the world today. Bless His Holy Name!

Patricia Donahue
July 25, 2022

I don’t think the left cares what the American ppl want. They have an agenda and they are steam rolling ahead with it and will take out anyone who gets in their way!! There is a hidden agenda much deeper than what appears.But God , he is our help and He will intervene, because His ppl are praying!!

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 25, 2022

#1. The Democrats party is only out for them selves, the elite is what they call themselves #2 their minds are Hungary for complete control of America and making slaves who go against them#3 they are truly ran by a puppeteers who hates America 🇺🇸 wants A communists ran state all power in his hands #4 Biden has served their agenda quite well, they think the control is in the bag, now it’s time to get rid of him, he did damages enough they see a won sign#5 now they think it’s mask time again, shut downs, so Fear will prevail, they think, We are Americans, we hopefully learned a lesson on the first go around, we like our freedom I decree this manipulation will not carry authority or power, or stifle our rights with other viruses with their evil agendas. We decree America will be saved by the blood of Jesus and that Blood covers America and other nations. We will never stop fighting, no more tricks to be used to fool us to gain control. The rightful President will be back not not a Socialist Elute agenda. America is worth fighting for. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️😘

July 24, 2022

I think the Left has misjudged the American people, “We the People”. If they believe they can get rid of Biden and put someone younger, oh, let’s say, like Gavin Newsom, then they truly do not care what America wants or needs. Look at California, it gives you a good picture of the America Biden and his evil cohorts has created, on steroids.
We are praying and believing that America shall be saved! We will not give up but will hold fast to His promises. God is in control and this nation is His.

Karen Ott
July 24, 2022

I think they underestimate the voice of the everyday people and will be surprised at the voting booth. Our country is smarter than they realize.

Joan Lemoine
July 24, 2022

He has done nothing but lie to the American people. He has sold out our Country to China, Russia, and Ukraine. He failed the American people in Afghanistan by leaving them back. He is flooding our country with illegals only for their vote. He has bought out all the formula to bring to the border to give to the illegals. He does not want America to prosper. He has ruined our economy by shutting down the pipeline. Cost of food and fuel skyrocketed. He lied about his son getting millions from Russia, China, and God knows who else! He wants this country to be a globalist city try. He wants to shut down the coal and oil industries, and force people to buy electric cars that we can’t afford!! He is nothing but a failure!!!

Rev. Queen Beatrice
July 24, 2022

We the children of God have already petitioned our prayers since 2015 until now. Our God has already heard our cries and prayers according to 1 John 5: 14-15 ( ” know or believe that He has heard us,” then by His faith living within us, we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. Church, this is the time for us to put in place, what Jesus teaches. He prayed the answer, what God said is the answer. He never prayed the problem. We should NOT dwell on the foolishness of the Left and Biden. They are meaningless! Our God is fighting the battles that we can’t fight because He has promised us He will fight for us. This should be the time for Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praises every day as we wait on Him. God our Father is removing Biden and most of them. The Left is not removing Biden! God is! Praise God! Let us Rejoice! RQB!

Patricia Noble
July 24, 2022

If the Left were able to elect a failing man like Joe Biden we know there is no election integrity…Knowing all the prayers for 2020…knowing God reigns…it seems our prayers were to no avail..as God has another plan..we wait to see how this evil can result in good.

Dwight Keafer
July 24, 2022

I believe that the elitists think that their cohorts in places of power (government, academia, media and big business) have reached a critical mass in which they can force through their agenda without the help of legal voters. If they think that they can reach their goals by fair play, they are delusional. But they are not inclined by either faith or world view to play fair, which is why we must fall on our knees and plead for God’s grace and mercy. A powerful move of the Holy Spirit in our nation is our only hope, in my opinion, but we should never concede without an all-out effort to do what is right and loving. In any case we should endeavor to live not by lies, but by truth.

Sue Tracy
July 23, 2022

Lord open Biden’s eyes to see he has not been on the correct path, lead him to repentance that leads to forgiveness, come Lord Jesus and heal our nation.

Gail Wood
July 23, 2022

Joyce in reply to your comment. God asked Job if he was there when He created the earth and Job answerd…..No Lord. I was not there. I was not there as well and many people could argue the point as to how old the earth is and still not be sure.
Billions of years is a figure of speech because I know that the earth existed and was empty and without form until God created His wonders in six days.
I won’t split hairs because I know this. My God is real and He lives and He is the same yesterday , today and forever and always. Because of Him we are all here. One day the earth will go through another change and God will create a new heaven and a new earth for us all who are called by His precious and most Holy name.
I praise and thank you heavenly Father for creating such a beautiful earth no matter how old it is.

July 23, 2022

We need change! Let’s pray and act according to the law. They said Trump did not follow the constitution, neither does Biden. All of us need to talk to our congressman and legislators, Governors, local and county officials and demand that we have the authority to educate our children according to our beliefs and the child’s best interest. The money should go wherever the child goes. The schools are no longer looking out for the best interest of our children. They can no longer teach our children with moral turpitude. It starts with the children if we are to survive as a country! Biden is compromised. He can not stand against evil.

Donna Kittrell
July 23, 2022

I don’t believe the left cares about what Americans want or need. I also believe it is so demonic that they naturally turn on one another.
I pray that Our Heavenly will intervene and that Holy Spirit will invade every corner of Congress and the White House. So that eyes and ears and hearts will be opened to THE TRUTH and repentance will break through and men and women will be saved in Jesus name.

Darla Ratliff
July 23, 2022

The LEFT knows EXACTLY what true Citizens want. They don’t care. They want the New World Order where’s they are in charge and we LOSE ALL OUR LIBERTIES. We would be slaves to their system. They want our guns, our property and our lives. They want to murder most of us to thin out the population. What is left, will be unprotected and vulnerable to their control.
Communism at its worse.

July 23, 2022

I have been praying for this for so long I often wonder if the Good Lord wants me to pray for something different. The evil from this administration has so permeated our society it has become almost too much to bear. Every day it seems something else happens to further the destruction of our country. I am tired. Tired of all this evil spreading like cancer across our country. I will keep praying God’s Kingdom come and his will be done on earth. I pray for all our police who are being treated so horribly. All of our fellow citizens who can’t believe what they are seeing happen in our country. I pray for all of us who long for this evil to end.

Linda Vaughan
July 23, 2022

Father God, we pray Joe Biden, Kamala Harris & all the leaders in our country.

We pray that You would open the eyes of the spiritually blind & ears of the spiritually deaf. Open their hearts to Your Truth.

We humbly ask forgiveness of our many sins as a nation & ask for Your forgiveness.

Thank You for removing the curse of abortion & pray You will make it unthinkable to kill the unborn in America.

We plead for Your mercy on us & we know that America shall be saved because of Your mercy.

Thank You! We pray in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

Lorraine Moss
July 23, 2022

Yes but we are stuck with this pseudo regime for two more years. They like Kamala even less than Biden. So they’ll keep propping him up like a mannequin til 2024. We should pray that the left ends up disliking this new normal so much that they won’t double down and vote for another leftist.

Kay Daves
July 23, 2022

I agree with the content of this article. I really respect the author. He has been a beacon of truth all along. It is tragic that the LEFT radicals have abandoned integrity and honor for what I consider to be demonic mania. I pray for them, many times with angst, but I do NOT want any of them to spend eternity from God’s presence. However, if they do not repent of their evil intent, I pray God removes them from office, including our President. It is shocking to witness the evil intent. Yet, God is exposing the wickedness that has been going on for some time. I do not think it is just the Left radicals, but many complacent and complicit politicians of both parties. They have enriched themselves inordinately at the expense of the American people.

Gail Wood
July 23, 2022

Maureen Burant . Amen to what you said in response to Zoe. Zoe we are not singling you out but the truth is that the earth has been heating up and cooling down for billions of years.
God’s word says that there is nothing new under the sun that has not already been. I live in a very hot southern state and it has always been scorching.
God provided the farmers the intelligence to grow food to feed humanity. God also provided men the intellect to know how to find the gas and extract it in order to keep the world moving.
God also said that meat was good for our consumption. In the old testament meat was eaten and always has been.
It is my firm belief that we eat the meat that God provides for us and that those same animals have a spirit that when they die , returns to the one who gave it.
As for the drilling in the ocean. Hospital waste and much more has been dumped in our oceans and have done far more harm than drilling for any fuels in the ocean.
God has His hand on the pulse of everything that is going on upon this earth .
Wicked men and women have come up with this insane fabricated lie straight from the father of all lies ( Satan) in order to gain control over humanity and therefore bring about their own evil agenda to bring about the New World Order.
Satan is no match for our precious Lord and take heart.God is not going to forsake us nor is He going to allow evil men to bring about the NWO before He is ready. Praise God !

    Joyce Haver
    July 23, 2022

    One must remember the earth is not billions of years old. Genesis. God’s word…around 10,000 years ago God created the world.

Joan J Freeman
July 23, 2022

I prayed! I pray for our country & that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven! When this occurs I know that all else will be well!💕💕

Roseann Davis
July 23, 2022

Of course they know what voters want. They just don’t care. If they have to steal and cheat in an election, they’ll do it to accomplish their objective. To get in as the head of a government and they make other big changes which no one wants. They don’t care if you and I know what they’re doing as long as we can’t stop them in meeting their objective.
They aren’t playing by the same rules as the rest of us. Their objective is much different. Their agenda is set to their objective: One World Government (will have to be communist). They are heartless that such an endeavour will require many dying by starvation and thus reducing the population number (another of their objectives). They will bankrupt small and middle size farmers and take over the mega-sized farms (have you noticed Bill Gates is the biggest farm land owner in America?) If they can control our food, then they’ll have complete control over each of us. We would then comply to their One-World government just in order to survive. The same will be true of all other businesses. They will be the elite at the top of the pyramid, then their military then the slave population at the bottom (people like you and me). They will make mountains out of molehills to manipulate us (think climate control). But for God….
There will be a time of reckoning . Their self-serving objectives will not fool our God. May God fight our battle for us as these people are demonically powerful and smart . But we must pray, obey and do what we can. We need His guidance, provisions and protections. Amen

July 23, 2022

I think they know very well what the American people want – they just don’t care!

Zoe Ella
July 23, 2022

Mostly, I agree. But have we not witnessed the seas beginning to rise, the storms getting more frequent and stronger and the more consistent heatwaves. Do not deny there is a climate change occurring. We do need to transition from fossil fuels and factory farms to more sustainable means of providing energy and animal protein. We need to plant more trees. I don’t like high gas prices, either, and I can’t ride a bike and don’t have space or money to keep a horse. Walking distances can be difficult for me. At the same time, I do not think we need to drill more in fragile environments, and that includes the ocean. So far a gas goes, we need to endure more until we can rapidly develop more sustainable energy sources – and by the way, fix our crumbling electric grid.

    Maureen Burant
    July 23, 2022

    Zoe Ella, I hope and pray that God will take those blinders off of your eyes so you can see that you have been duped by the foul author, Satan. Climate Change is a man- made up, Satanic lie that has many, many evil agendas attached to it. Money is a big one, as is control. Zoe, you must/or should know, that Almighty God controls the weather… He always has and He always will. God created all things! Throughout the entire bible you can read how God controls the weather. Those who have had a hand in this climate change evil lie… have mocked Almighty God. Our God will not be Mocked!

July 23, 2022

There is so much crime under Obama, Clintons and Biden was the one with his son Hunter in contact with Foreign countries and China to take over the USA by selling us out to CHINA.

July 23, 2022

“Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD and so bring wrath on yourself from the LORD?” (2 Chronicles 19:2)

Peggy Green
July 23, 2022

Dear Lord, never have we witnessed so much damage in so short of time. I can only pray that the time of the democrats will be shortened and that You, O Lord, will once again be honored by our leaders. Truly, we see scripture come alive from Romans 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools (professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves). Vs. 24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their own hearts to sexual impurity to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves abandoning them to the degrading power of sin. Forgive us Father for electing such men to office. Grant that we may once again return to Biblical standards when electing men and women to office. In His name we pray.

    Susan CC
    July 23, 2022

    Very well stated Peggy. May this be so, amen.

    Maureen Burant
    July 23, 2022

    Amen Peggy, Amen!

    July 23, 2022

    I have been praying for this for so long I often wonder if the Good Lord wants me to pray for something different. The evil from this administration has so permeated our society it has become almost too much to bear. Every day it seems something else happens to further the destruction of our country. I am tired. Tired of all this evil spreading like cancer across our country. I will keep praying God’s Kingdom come and his will be done on earth. I pray for all our police who are being treated so horribly. All of our fellow citizens who can’t believe what they are seeing happen in our country. I pray for all of us who long for this evil to end.

Linda Hoover
July 23, 2022

Dear Lord, Please remove Joe Biden from office and those in his administration who don’t honor You nor love this country, and replace him with someone who knows you personally, loves you and listens to your direction and obeys you – someone with the skill necessary to be good at the job and surround him with like-minded people. You are our hope and that’s enough. We’ve heard the promises in your word – “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways and seek my face, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” and we know you are faithful to your Word. You aren’t like men who lie. We’ve been doing what you told us and we’ve also heard the prophets who are saying, America shall be saved!!! Thank you, Lord!!

Martha Jayne
July 23, 2022

But God….

July 23, 2022

The evil always turn on their own, and history reveals this repeatedly. At the end of the war Hitler was privately furious that Germans didn’t fight “hard enough” for him and he convinced 10,000 Germans to commit suicide before taking his own life, Mussolini was deposed and executed by partisans, Karl Marx convinced two of his adult daughters and one son-in-law to commit suicide, Pol Pot died serving a life sentence imposed on him by his own Khmer Rouge.
This is not the Democrat Party of JFK that some of us remember. Today’s Democrats are God-hating Marxists and I would not expect anything less than they’d attack/abandon their own. They do Satan’s bidding but don’t notice Satan mocking them.

“And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.” ~ Romans 1:28

May Almighty God save America!

“The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His Name.” ~ Exodus 15:3

Barbara Hughes
July 23, 2022

I personally cannot thank you enough, that is all those at IFA, for making it extremely easy for us to cast our votes for the main issues at hand in our country and particularly each state. I further pray and ask God that he will bless your endeavors to reach the praying masses of the USA, to not only pray but also take action in these last days. May God continue to bless America and the IFA.

Eugene J. Lentz
July 23, 2022

He (Biden) has given them all they want and will go the distance to even keep breaking Constitutional Law if they ask for it.
This is because they are protecting him, in return.
He would, no doubt, be in Prison if Trump or the Right was in power.
Now I can see, agreeing in total with this article, that a younger more Dynamic, Charismatic, Dangerous, Communist Manifesto type could enter the scene… maybe making Biden look bad(as part of the plan) but Exonerating and for sure Pardoning him (and his son).
Now, turn the page. Where do we go next? Providing that Republicans, *good Republicans) take the Presidency and at least the Senate again, that would be a great new reset for a Traditional America…we shall see.
That would be seeing prayers answered and stopping this Fastracking AMERICA into Oblivion… Either way, it whatever happens will happen in God’s Time (not ours).
We, Intersessors know the power of prayer and that it is Gods Poll !
Seems the polls anymore are manipulated, but Gods Poll, Prayer, will always be accurate and as long as we keep these poll numbers strong we will be blessed in every way, unlike Sodom and Gomorrah.
Thank you God in all Your ways as we here so humble ourselves to become a device, here on this earth and in these times, (Your time) for you.

    Barbara Hughes
    July 23, 2022


    Elizabeth Griessel
    July 24, 2022

    Dems rarely go to jail for anything they do, even trying to kill a person running for NEW York governor candidate. Why the double standard of punishment. How did this ever start and remain? God is in control and I pray he comes very soon.

Bo Ehrig
July 23, 2022

The left is Godless. They do not have the Holy Spirit in them.
Because they will not invite Holy Spirit in.
This is what a Godless society looks like. Just as it did over 2,000 years ago. Nothing has changed.

    July 23, 2022

    The Democrat party publicity renounced God at one of their conventions . The absence of God’s Spirit has resulted in evil!

July 23, 2022

They have no clue what the American citizens want or even what it’s like to live in the real world. They are blinded by their evil agenda.

Susan CC
July 23, 2022

After a quick search, I learned Victor Hanson wrote this article. Although his opinion is shared by many, truth is denied. In reality, we have no elected president. There are two individuals who are consistently identified as the real policy makers. Neither one is named Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. This “presidency” has become one of the biggest mockeries in my life. The following history is comparable to ours…nothing new under the sun…please draw your own conclusions. Remember Jesus Christ’s words, “on the Day of Judgement, we will have to account for every idle (careless, empty) word we have spoken.”

2 Chronicles 36
During Zedekiah’s reign he:
* Did evil
* Ignored God’s command to humble himself before Jeremiah.
* Rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar. Zedekiah swore (by God) an oath of allegiance to Nebuchadnezzar.
* Defiled the Lord’s temple.
* Again and again, the LORD sent word to His people through His messengers because He had compassion on them. But they MOCKED the messengers of God, DESPISING His words and SCOFFING at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD against His people was stirred up beyond remedy. vs. 15-16
* God destroyed Jerusalem.

Jesus forgave us while being mocked, despised, scoffed, and crucified. I ask Him to intercede for us as I pray we are not destroyed for our lack of truth. You are, El Emunah, our God of Truth. I am praying a revival of truth, justice and righteousness in our land. I am praying revival for all the lands of the earth. In the Name of Jesus, may it be so. Amen

Deuteronomy 32:4 (OJB) He is the Tzur, His po’al is tamim; for all His ways are mishpat; El Emunah and without avel (iniquity), tzaddik and yashar is He.
Deuteronomy 32:4 (NKJV) He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.

Barbara Janicki
July 23, 2022

I think the left doesn’t care what voters want, they realize – they just don’t care because the few want to impose their radical, un-American agenda on everyone else no matter what it takes to get that done. They stole an election in plain sight and are now gaslighting us – saying we did not see what we clearly saw – as long as they control the media this will continue – the silencing of any oppositional voices – we are subjected to Jan. 6th 24/7 – would that Benghazi had gotten even a fraction of that attention – there was so much wrong there including four deaths. The “breeching of the capital” began at 12:30 – Trump’s speech didn’t end until 1:11 – (those paid to incite and execute the entering of the Capital building messed up their timing but the media covered all that up and more) – doesn’t matter who the “messenger”/candidate for the left is – their message is the same as the terrorists “death to America” – they just use different words – they want to “remake our racist institutions”? or have equitable outcomes (communism) – but the result is the same – they are biting the hand that has fed them – that has allowed them the freedom to succeed – I don’t understand why they hate their own country. Praying we will repent like Nineveh and that God will have mercy on us as He did on Nineveh. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Amy Stonehill
July 23, 2022


Lynda Scripp
July 23, 2022

It’s despicable how they have advanced there agenda. But it isn’t just the Democratic Party that has done this. Most of the Republican Party has endorsed it as well. Most of what the democrats have proposed should have been fought by the Republicans. Oh they gave a minimal “show” of not agreeing with the agenda. They were the “minority” party. There are so many questions that baffles the mind. They should fight harder for the election fraud that most people know took place. This January 6th inquisition “sham”
Is but a joke. They should be fighting this tooth and nail so both sides have equal representation. The Hunter Biden stuff should have been over by now and he should be in prison. Joe Biden should be impeached for his treasonous acts. I Could say more, but I’ll stop there. God Almighty knows the whole truth. The church is waking up & this whole charade is coming to an end thanks to Intercessors a d the IFA. Repentance needs to come.

James Allen
July 23, 2022

I don’t believe Biden is the President. There is more & more evidence coming out despite the censorship. Rick Joyner from MorningStar Ministries who is a prophet for over 30 years and before that a “Marxist” wrote a very insightful book “Marxism’s Strategies for Destroying America” where he accurately listed 45 Marxist strategies are “operational” NOW. Biden is part of that operation. I do pray 🙏🏽 for Biden that he repent for his sins especially for promoting sexual perversion, abortion etc – tell the whole truth and resigned. I’m not led to pray for anything other this. If the Left want to eat their own then that’s on dem – it’s Biden choice – their choice to commit treason & rebel against GOD and the Covenant GOD has with this country

Kelly W Maynard
July 23, 2022

I think they do know. I think they are so bent on fulfilling their agenda, that they do not care. BUT, what they have not yet realized is… the power of the great I AM and His Ekklesia! We are the legislators! We decide how a nation will go! And all it takes is a remnant! A Great Awakening is happening now!

July 23, 2022

It looks to me like the Dems are desperate. They are becoming aware of what an inept president that Sleepy Joe is. He is giving the Democrat party an even worse name. He is empowering the conservative Americans , and liberals, to vote him out of office. Biden has gone far beyond the typical liberal agenda. He has infused, or forced upon we the people, a radical, socialist agenda. This is payback to the radical Globalist Elite and their New World Order who bought the election for Biden in 2020. How else could this pathetic old man be elected to the presidency? Lord Jesus, You know what a mess that our nation has become. Only You can put us back on the right path. Give us cause to seek after Your ways, and please, bless our nation with revival. We So desperately need an End Times awakening. Thank You, Jesus!

July 23, 2022

I appreciate the insight and fact filled reports that ifa publish. This is an excellent article. As believers we must stay informed and engaged.

July 23, 2022

Oh Jesus, change or remove the Biden Ad. Deliver us from evil government. Bring your warring angels to Washington and defeat our enemies. In Jesus name I bind Baal, Jezebel, spirit of pride and witchcraft. Protect all godly officials and our Supreme Court Justices. Protect our godly churches, pastors and families. Close the doors on those churches who promote woke theology . Please especially protect our unborn children, our children and youth. Please Lord we cry out for Revival. We decree America will be saved!

July 23, 2022

I truly believe they are delusional……”thinking themselves wise, they became fools”. And outright wicked. Pray for God’s intervention in their lives.

Diana Stutevoss
July 23, 2022

Biden has always been just a puppet in the hands of the evil puppeteers, who have been promoting all these toxic agendas that do nothing but promote destruction of our families, cities and nation. Biden in and of himself is not but a small piece of the power behind it all. Removing him will only give the left opportunity to bring another who they can also use to continue to promote and improve all their destructive plans.
We do need to be in prayer without ceasing, and pray that God will demolish all those strongholds. We, the church need raise up in strength through the Holy Spirit to fight with prayer and upholding of God’s word and truth.

July 23, 2022

One thing missing in this country is repentance. That is the only way the Lord will move.

July 23, 2022

The Cabal put Biden in office because he agreed to do what they wanted. They are and will turn on him when they are done with him. Who knows, maybe they will allow exposure of the criminal things the Biden family has done? Sounds like what Satan would do 🙂

We must remember that our battle is not against the Biden family or the Cabal, but against the spiritual forces of evil driving their behavior.

    Eugene J. Lentz
    July 23, 2022

    Well said and another option.
    Evil has no allegiance. It will use its own and devour them when finished with them.
    I pray for their deceived Voters and even supporters such as BLM, Antifa and others performing their evil deeds for those that the Evil are using up Will see the light, have understanding, before they be tossed by their (the Left’s) wayside.
    Use and abuse,
    Evil has No Allegiance!

Frankie Hutchens
July 23, 2022

The left has their agenda which is to destroy our freedom and country by following satan’s lead. All of them are lost and so money and power hungry, they are like ants running directionless trying to be queen and they are failing miserably. People perish for lack of knowledge. Soon they will turn on each other which is what we are seeing happen to Biden. Lest, we don’t forget, Obama is the “neck” behind the scenes.

July 23, 2022

I write Pres. Biden weekly, asking him why “he hates America.” I get the obligatory email thanking me for contacting the White House, but never answers to my questions. This article has answered so many of them.

Paul W. Conant
July 23, 2022

Would Kamala Harris make a good president? Pray for her heart to be changed.
This article only covered half the evils of the Left that we’ve been praying about. And how do we pray about Biden’s health? He may have both cancer and Covid. May God change his mind and heart (like He changed Hezekiah’s son, Manasseh. Do it again, Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

    July 23, 2022

    The cancer Biden had was skin cancer only which is treatable.Another lie by Biden trying to get sympathy and I don’t buy it at all.

July 23, 2022

I firmly believe that they don’t CARE what voters want. They have discovered that they can line their pockets & insulate themselves from the disasters they are causing. What they fail to take into consideration is that GOD is greater than they are & is exposing their evil for the world to see & will then move in Red Sea fashion to rid the world of their presence – IF, of course, they do not repent & turn away from their evil ways.

July 23, 2022

I believe God has blindfolded the hearts and minds of many to accomplish his almighty plan.

July 23, 2022

We have sown to the wind and are reaping a whirlwind. We have been asleep for the last 50 years enjoying our TV shows, the latest fashion and food. How many in our churches show up for prayer time and when they do are our prayers focused on self or the world at large. Are we sharing the gospel everywhere we go or talking instead about the superbowl, Desperate housewives or Emeril?
“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land” 2 Chr 7:14.

Denny Brodhecker
July 23, 2022

In order to understand what is happening in the United States at this time one must look into the Bible’s prophetic teaching to see what this is all about. The world is on a collision course for a one world government and ruler. In order for that to happen the United States which is or was a deterrent to the globalist’s plan has to be reduced to a less influential political player. This is being done by those in the behind the scenes government (those unelected personalities like George Soros).
Lucifer stated “I will sit on the mount of the congregation on the side of the North” and with the help of his minions he is accomplishing his dream “I will be like the Most High God”.
The days of the Born Again Christians “holding back” the evil plan will soon come to an end at the Rapture. Halleluiah! “What that will be when my Jesus I will see and I look upon His face the one that saved me by His Grace. When He takes me by the hand and lead to the Promise Land, what a day GLORIOUS DAY that will be.

Michael Holland
July 23, 2022

The left wing of the democrats are socialist/communist oriented: thus comes in the second half of the leadership head. But Lord almighty God we declare that the seed of Stalin, Mao,al lenski be quelch at the root. That America be kept Free from the oppression by enemies that surrounds her;like ravenous dogs: trying to tear her apart: that send the heavenly hosts of warrior angels: fighting with us to destroy the plans of enemy: that encroach on our God given freedom. We pray that the tables be turned around and that we will the victory and biggest tsunami of Holy Ghost movement called the fire of GOD.in Jesus name: amen

July 23, 2022

I believe the devil is so caught up in his pride that he doesn’t see the writing on the wall. I, also, believe the democrats will try to get Gavin Newsome in there. Unfortunately, that is possible without an election. We need to pray, specifically, against that.

Jackie Hendricks
July 23, 2022

Biden is no leader and never have been nor is the entire Biden/Harris Administration leaders at all The Biden Administration are destructive deceptive thieves they stole the 2016 Election from President Trump who won by a landslide President Trump is the real president and the laws of the land was so weak for some reason they just let it happen which was wrong before God. Now everything is a mess and I pray that God have Mercy Grace Compassion on our country for it’s errors and forgive it’s sins and heal our land in Jesus Christ Name Amen. Biden Harris Pelosi Schumer The Muslim woman all the Socialists Communists Marxist Fauci all need to be released from their illegal duties masquerading as leaders of our Country The USA and they need reprimanded/do some time and pay fines for the deaths they have caused and for trying to destroy our Country and trying to destroy the next generation of citizens. They need to pay heavy fines too. And Bill Gates and the Billiionaires that support all the evil works need to pay some heavy fines as well. I pray God is turning everything around and cleaning out our government and putting the right people in the right offices that honor Him in Jesus Christ Name Amen.

Deborah Guebert
July 23, 2022

The left, having gotten control of the ballot box, no longer cares too much what the voters think.

Cindy Sue Murray
July 23, 2022


July 23, 2022

The Democratic Socialist party is destroying the USA! They are hell bound led by the money of George Soro to make this nation NWO! They have setup FEMA CAMPS as concentration camps just like HITLERS NAZI GERMANY, they want get rid of all God loving people!

July 23, 2022

The left knows precisely what America wants. They just don’t care and only desire to ram through their demonic agenda.

July 23, 2022

The left does not care about the American voters or our nation but only about money and power in the Democratic party. It is a sad time and we need to all call upon God to save our Nation and this world.

July 23, 2022

Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, will most likely be the pretty boy face of the Democrat party. Look at the destruction of California for his results: education system is among the worst in the nation, homelessness overrunning city streets, taxes through the roof, crime soaring, more people leaving the state than moving in, and hundreds of businesses moving to other states because of over regulation.
Not exactly a track record to be proud of.
The Democrat party has had a super majority in the state legislature for years, so everything they want to do gets implemented and the rest of the nation can see the results of those policies.
Praying fervently for Brian Dahle to be elected Governor of California in November and the return of sanity to this state.
Father God,
We need Your intervention in our nation’s elections. In the Name of Jesus, first of all give citizens insight and discernment, knowledge and revelation to choose wisely whom to support with their vote. Secondly, please secure our elections so that every legal vote is counted once and every illegal vote is not counted.
Our eyes are on You and our hope, faith and trust are in You to raise up righteous leaders to govern our nation with wisdom that comes from Your Holy Spirit.
Thank You for Your unending kindness and mercy to the USA. Thank You for returning us to our foundational documents in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Thank You for forgiving our sins, and delivering us from evil.
We long to see Your will done on Earth as it is in Heaven, and for You to receive all the glory for Your goodness, justice, and love. Amen.

July 23, 2022

No, I think the Left does not care at all what the voters want. The Left only want to push their money making agendas to get richer.
What we, the voters, the US Citizens, want makes NO DIFFERENCE to the Left – they HATE us because we stand in their way. They WANT to destroy us. But God is bigger than their agendas.

Stephen Swanson
July 23, 2022

Since the beginning of his faux presidency I have been praying for Manchin and Sinema daily. By pure necessity.
Then praying directly for policy issues that are crucial. Bypassing him. (Or them). Like fossil fuels.
Playing 3D chess and thinking of consequences without him. And not railing against Hunter Biden like conservatives do. What are they thinking?
Praying for election integrity, which is no sure thing yet. Including the use of machines which can be manipulated.
Getting our priorities correct like relying on prayer instead of using our co-laborers in the gospel (Republicans) who just voted, 47 of them, to make homosexual marriage federal law.


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