Cable news network behemoth Fox News dipped in viewership among a key demographic in recent ratings reports, and lost 32% of viewership in daytime.
Nielsen Media Research said that CNN took both top spots among the 25-54 age demographic during primetime on Friday. Anderson Cooper’s show, “AC360,” took the time spot with 604K viewers. Chris Cuomo’s CNN show took the second highest slot.
Fox News’ total viewership also fell an astounding 32% in the two weeks after the Nov. 3 election compared to its viewership the two weeks before the election.
While Fox News’ viewership dropped, the viewership for CNN and MSNBC increased to near parity. In weekday average daytime viewership, Fox News garnered 1.63 million viewers, CNN received 1.68 million viewers, and MSNBC received 1.71 million viewers. . . .
Fox News averaged 2.98 million viewers in prime time, with CNN averaging 2.05 million, and MSNBC seeing an average of 2.18 million viewers. . . .
Critics of Fox News have excoriated the network after they called the state of Arizona for former Vice President Joe Biden on election night while most other outlets were saying the results were too close to call. The state has since been called for Biden by the mainstream news outlets.
President Trump has also turned on the cable news network and has been criticizing Fox News in favor of some of its lesser-known competitors. In one instance, he appeared to refer to himself as the “Golden Goose” and blamed them for the 2020 election.
“Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose,” the president tweeted. . . .
“The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was @FoxNews!” he added.
In another missive sent out in March, the president accused Fox News of not doing enough to get him and other Republicans re-elected.
Some viewers have posted on social media that they are actively seeking alternative sources of news, including the YouTube channel of BlazeTV host Steven Crowder.
Editor’s Note: Watch the video below to see more from President Trump on his critiques for Fox News.
(Excerpt from The Blaze. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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I believe Chris Wallace,helped Biden in the 1st debate. He didn’t ask the questions to Biden that he should have ,and he was combative with President Trump. He should go to CNN,or MSNBC to coddled Biden.I dont want a news agency that coddles one candidate over another. Fake News does a really good job of that. I felt he helped Biden
We haven’t turned Fox news on again since November 3rd,2020.
Don’t like Chris Wallace and lost in clouds Jaun Williams. Will not watch again until these 2 are moved to Prime Time to fail and get fired due to low ratings.
Fox News daytime has now joined the ranks of Fake News Media (FFN: FOX FAKE NEWS). The once conservative news network has turned aganist the very people that made that made them successful and has sided with those who wish to destroy America. With clear, rampant, massive, historic voter fraud, they have choosen to deny the truth and go against every thing they once stood for. No wonder viewership is down and CNN is leading ratings. No wonder milllions have switched to Newsmax. Millions more will continue switch until Newsmax will be the “Number 1 Rated News Network in All of Cable News Networks “.
Yup – Fox has shown its true colors. I am now looking to get my news from IFA ☺️, Newsmax, and OAN, and some lesser-known sources that I believe are very good.
I listened to Fox for what I believed to be accuracy in reporting, from people who shared my values. I enjoyed hearing the voices of Americans in the news media who openly spoke about their patriotism, God and the Judeo/Christian values this nation was founded upon. I did notice as the programs increased in popularity, the personalities became more brash and forceful. O’Reilly went from expressing an opinion best kept to himself, with a self deprecating, boyish grin, as if he were mid-sentence when he realized something “escaped” that shouldn’t have, to interrupting his guests and ending the conversation in a dismissive and arrogant fashion as if his opinion was the only one that mattered. Hannity, was my favorite leading up to the 2016 election before he began a relentless nightly diatribe intended to “encourage” people to vote, but was more akin to being hit over the head repeatedly with a 2×4. I believe most of us listen to the news to be informed, not to be told how to think, and what to do. When Mark Levin came along I enjoyed the added weight his perspective brought to the lineup, both as an attorney, and a constitutionalist who served in the Reagan White House. He is direct and passionate, but if we are not passionately engaged in what is happening politically at this precarious time in our nation, we never will be. I find Tucker Carlson to be a voice of reason with a depth of intelligence and understanding. That said, with a few exceptions, the current Fox News no longer reflects the values upon which it was established. It is apparent in reading the articles online which, at times, can make you wonder if you were redirected to a MSM website. The most revealing place of all, in knowing I am no longer in a place of shared conservative Christian values, is in the commentary of the individuals below. I used to read the comments thinking I might learn from another perspective, or add depth to my own understanding. I was shocked to read the responses of others. There is little the way of respect, common courtesy, good manners or a tie that binds us as Americans living as One Nation Under God, with the freedom to express our own views, and listen respectfully to the thoughts of others.
Switched to Newsmax. I will never watch Chris (democratic) Wallace again!
When you go to the evil side, you will lose all your viewers.As for the other mentioned here, if you are walking in the kingdom of God, are you kidding, I haven’t watched them in decades. They serve satan and God will deal with them. I listen to heavens network, news max absolute rightside network many God are raising up for truth.
Isaiah 50
The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue,
to know the word that sustains the weary.
He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.
The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears;
I have not been rebellious,
I have not turned away.
Father God, open our ears to listen to your life-giving words. Open our mouths to share life-giving words with others. Open our eyes to see what is happening in the powersphere (the spiritual realm). Let us not be deceived but discerning. Your word says in Isaiah 55,
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and you will delight in the richest of fare.
Give ear and come to me;
listen, that you may live.
I pray for more and more people in this great nation to get their news from heaven. Heaven is above all, sees all, hears all. I pray that more and more of your church will put down the remote and pick up the WORD. That they would be drawn to intimate friendship with you in these tumultuous times. In Jesus Name. Amen.
We switched to Newmax and OAN after November 3.
We switched to
Newsmax along with many family and friends. The only thing we watch on Fox is Tucker Carlson.
Father, bring fair and honest reporting to all news media outlets, in Jesus name. Amen
I used to actually give thanks to God for FOX News, grateful that there was somewhere you could rely on getting truth. But I turned them off when they hired Donna Brasile. Seriously? They would hire someone who lied and cheated in a political capacity without any repercussions?
Completely done with Fox News. Stopped watching on November 3rd. Looking for the truth tellers!
Try NewsMax and OAN channels
Thank you, I will at some point. Just taking a needed break. Listening to God, His prophets and staying in the Word.
Fox news had been on the downhill slide for awhile but they gave themselves a big boost when they decided to play tag along when they “awarded Biden” the state of AZ long before AZ was even decided. Instead of standing on their own, they instead “played political follow the leader” and caved to their own internal pressure. When they tried to explain (excuse) why they did it, the off switch for Fox went into full overdrive.
But it was coming. Fox news attempts to include alternate opinions has resulted in great compromise in who they have on their shows. I realize that “diversity of opinion” is important in the world of journalism but it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your original foundation to do so. In addition, a few of the newer Fox “decision makers” that have come on board are liberal and left leaning – which in turn has affected their program content. While they continue to leave the big 3 alone at night, the damage has already been done. If they can return to basics, they might recoup some viewers but the initial self- inflicted damage has been done. There are too many other sources available to find facts, truth and unbiased reporting to expect that Fox will recover those viewers who have already left.
As far as CNN or some of the others who parrot them, I have no idea why any Christian or someone seeking real and factual news would even give them a look. Those channels are a bastion of lies and personal bias…and the only way they will ever change is that they hit rock bottom.
A few too many news anchors on Fox seem to be in play with the Democrats. I’ve been watching Newsmax as an alternative for quite some time now and have switched entirely to it. Also, I’ve been spreading the news about Newsmax and those people are probably doing the same. Word of mouth, best form of advertising.
I have been watching NewsMax for some time now. I have also found that OAN is a good channel to watch also.
Thank you Lord that there are some news channels that support You and Your ways. I pray for the truth to be displayed at all times.
I have switched almost exclusively to Newsmax TV – DISH 216.