Habakkuk was written during a day in which the prophet saw violence, lawlessness, and injustice go unpunished. Sound familiar? Habakkuk questioned God’s justice as I know many of us are doing right now.
“How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save? Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds. Therefore, the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted (Hab 1:1-4).
That Scripture sounds like it could have been written today. Habakkuk questioned God, because it seemed evil had won the day—as it feels now.
I have had friends say since the election, “It will be a long time before I can pray again.” But do we stop praying because God didn’t answer our prayers in the way and time-table we thought He should?
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts (Is 55:8-9)
Several years ago, my pastor passed away from cancer. Only in his fifties, it was a shocking and premature death. He had stood in faith—and the man had strong faith. He had written books on healing and held miracles services in which many people had been healed. And yet he wasn’t—at least here on earth.
The outcome wasn’t what we had prayed and expected. As a result, it shipwrecked many who said, “If he couldn’t get healed, we certainly can’t.”
Wrong answer then and now.
Now is when we must grow roots downward.
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness (Col 2:7).
At this time, we need to go back to the Bible to remember who God is and what He has done. Let us not forget who He is:
- He is a God of justice.
- He said the wicked will not go unpunished.
- He is also long-suffering and merciful.
- But when His judgement comes…and it will…it will be swift.
- He hears the cry of His people.
But what happens when it seems He hasn’t?
I was reminded today of the much-quoted Scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray,” In my opinion we did that. But a friend reminded me the verse didn’t stop there. It also says we are to turn from our wicked ways.
When Nineveh was delivered in biblical days, it was because the entire nation fasted, prayed and repented. America is still a divided land of those who seek after God, those who want to remain neutral and those who seek to remove Him. Many of us had prayed for divine deliverance. Repentance and revival come usually in one of two ways. By supernatural divine intervention that brings the fear or the Lord or by oppression and persecution of the Church. It appears we are headed into the latter.
We have seen many Christian leaders and believers who have abdicated their positions of authority and chosen to remain silent in the face of evil. That happened in the day of Hitler and we see the tragic results. We need to learn from that tragedy. Will we continue to remain silent and say, “This must be God’s will?” Was it God’s will when Satan deceived Adam and Eve and gained rulership of the earth? When Hitler exterminated the Jews? Or the many other acts of ungodly leaders? Just because something happens, doesn’t mean it was His will.
Some have immediately embraced the new leadership thinking it will bring unity. I cannot congratulate an administration that TOOK office in every sense of the word.
But I can and should pray for them. But how?
First, I cannot pray for their success if they work to force ungodly mandates back into law. I cannot align with evil.
But I can pray:
- That they will walk and govern by the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom (Prv 9:10).
- That they will govern according to righteousness and godly justice.
- That America will not be forced to take part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead we would expose them (Eph 5:11).
- That God will deliver us from evil (Mt 6:13).
- That they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will (2 Tm 2:26)
And when I don’t know how to pray, I can pray in the spirit. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans” (Rom 8:26).
This isn’t the first time in history that people have waited to see God’s deliverance. We must not give up hope because He said He would deliver.
But we also need to remember that when Jesus lived on the earth, the people expected him to deliver them from the evil leadership of Rome. That wasn’t His goal. He came to deliver them from sin.
His plan and goal have never changed. Do we continue to pray for justice and deliverance from evil? Yes. But more importantly, may we press in to pray for repentance and revival not only in America but around the world. And may we not remain silent in the face of evil.
Lord, we choose to trust in You with all your heart; and lean not on our own understanding. We make the decision to seek Your will in all we do, and You said You would He would show us which path to take. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from which comes my help. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow our feet to be moved for He neither sleeps nor slumbers. Thank You Lord that You are our keeper. You said You would preserve from all evil and preserve our soul.
Help us see from Your perspective. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear. Lord, we pray for our governmental leaders that they will serve with righteousness. We pray that evildoers will be thwarted and the wicked will not go unpunished. We pray for courage for those in leadership to stand up for righteousness and justice. You said when the righteous are exalted the people rejoice. May the righteous be exalted Lord and evildoers removed and may we continue to seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To order her new book: “INFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org.
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Father, we pray against false accusations and “created” violence in the next few months. We come against the twisting schemes of evil. We pray truth is exposed and the enemy’s plans thwarted. In Jesus name
Nailed it, Karen! Thank you!
This was encouraging, thank you. The Pharisees expected the messiah to raise an army and conquer the Roman Empire. Jesus came, raised an army, and conquered the Roman Empire but not the time frame they had expected. In the 300’s Constantine miraculously became empiror of Rome and made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. On December 25, 800 Charlemagne became King of the Holy Roman Empire. The pagan Roman Empire was changed to the Holy Roman Empire in 800 years. The army that Jesus raised were the faithful Christians whom God used to take control of the Roman Empire through their faithfulness. We must remain faithful for the God’s faithfulness is like a shield and bulwark
Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you! I am praying for increased faith during this time.
“I believe, Lord, help my unbelief”
Thank you for this beautiful message and wonderful guidance for prayer in a difficult time!
My goodness. Just had to share.
YouTube was recently caught removing thousands of dislikes on Biden’s WH page.
Also, unusual activity on Instagram made the news as well. A significant number of Instagram users are complaining that they unfollowed Biden’s WH page and Instagram won’t let them unfollow. They reported that they have been forced to see the content on their feed even though they had unfollowed multiple times.
Apparently, Biden’s accounts are not as popular as they would like the public to see and they are manipulating things to hide this. Unbelievable.
This is HUGE!
Praise the Lord for exposing the media’s coordinated efforts.
Below are the articles.
Thank you for sharing this news. It certainly continues to affirm the American people do not and did not confirm this man to be president.
My pleasure. Praying this continues to come out to more networks. It appears that there are more sites carrying this story today than yesterday.
To me, this exposes more of a tightly woven bond between media and the left than ever before.
Praise the Lord for exposing it and praise the Lord for sites like ifapray for giving God’s children a place to pray, praise, and share together.
God Bless you and your household.
In Habakkuk the Lord tells us to write the Truth on a banner and run with it.President Trump won the election,there was massive fraud,corruption,illegal activities,law violations and Biden told us as much on national TV.So we can not be a part of the CORRUPTION.We must carry our banner high,run with it and tell everyone.Call the Senators, representatives, secretaries of state, Governors.Tell your neighbor,friends at church,tell your kids babysitter.Broadcast it on your social media,call your local news.We can no longer be silent!! If we allow this to happen and the only thing we did was pray we are as guilty as the criminals!!!
Thank you Karen for lifting your head up from the circumstances and proclaiming the promises of God’s word. Very well written.
God spoke to me in a dream this morning because I have not been believing that President Biden is in the WH. It was a shock. At first I thought it was the enemy, but after conferring with my pray warrior teams and Elders, I realized that there are many more spiritual reasons as why God placed Biden in the WH then I had initially percieved. God outlined to me in a string of visions——that Trump would one day win the White House in 2017. He just did the same through a process of Confirmations for me about Biden. I am still marinating on the prophetic word but have realized that we can not look to one man (Trump) to make America great again. We can only look to Christ. It is impossible for a single man to “lead America back to religion,” rather the onus is on us, the church, the prayerful, and the seeking. Do not fear, do not be afraid about Biden being in the WH. Rather, trust in God who placed him there that all things are working for the good of those who love him.
At this time, I think we can all feel a kinship with Habakkuk. I once read in a commentary that the purpose of the book (Habakkuk) was to vindicate the justice of God so God’s people would have hope and encouragement.
His main subject is, that which occupied Asaph in the 73d Psalm, the afflictions of the righteous amid the prosperity of the wicked. The answer is the same; the result of all will be one great reversal, the evil drawing upon themselves evil, God crowning the patient waiting of the righteous in still submission to His holy Will.
Of the twelve minor prophets none wrestled more earnestly with the problem of evil in a disordered society than Habakkuk.
The big question for us is: what are godly people to do when the moral and spiritual fabric of their nation is being ripped apart and the political and social structures are disintegrating? This is the disturbing problem addressed by the prophet Habakkuk.
Habakkuk is a unique book. Unlike other prophets who declared God’s message to people this prophet dialogued with God about people. Most Old Testament prophets proclaimed divine judgment. Habakkuk pleaded for divine judgment. Let me say that again: Habakkuk pleaded for divine judgment.
Habakkuk was alarmed by the increase of lawlessness, injustice, wickedness, and rebellion—perhaps he came to the realization that society was too far gone and the only left for God to do was to “clear the table” though His judgement upon the land.
I don’t know if we as a nation are at that point yet, but we can’t be far from it.
Brothers and Sisters, how should we then pray???
This is SO interesting, Stephen, thank you for your post – I’ve learned a lot about the book of Habakkuk that I hadn’t known – and it’s certainly a word for this time. Wonderful post! God bless!
Thank you. Reading all the posts only confirms the Lord’s actively at work and bringing His purposes to pass. Check this message out from David Barton…I believe you will find it encouraging: https://youtu.be/xo_MjvT6NOc
Oh, I love David Barton; I listen to his wonderfully informative lectures on Pastor Andrew Wommack’s television show, whenever he’s on as a guest. Thank you for the link, Stephen; God bless!!
Very well said . Not only do the people need to repent , but the government just as Nineveh and they were saved .
Thank you for this perspective, Karen. The Lord is still on His throne, and those who are His, who continually praise Him and set the Lord before them, will NOT be shaken (Psalm 16:7-8).
I think that it is important for all of us who follow Christ to remember that the Lord not only instructs His followers to love those who oppose them, He commands it! We don’t pray for those in authority because we feel like it or approve of their leadership. (How many Roman emperors attained their power legally?) No, it is our RESPONSIBILITY as disciples of Christ to pray for those in authority and to give them no reason to accuse us (1 Peter 2:13-17).
Even if others consider us their enemies, our obedient response to our King must be to love them by doing good to them, blessing them, and praying for them (Luke 6:27-36). This is how we advance the Kingdom of God in America. Let us repent of equating conservative values and the conservative movement (for which I am grateful) with the Kingdom of God. His Kingdom is worldwide and knows no boundaries. This doesn’t mean that we remain silent or passive in the face of evil, but I believe it does mean that we know who our REAL enemies are (the powers of darkness), where the REAL battle is (the heavenlies), and what our REAL weapons are (full armor of God). So, let’s continue to battle for the soul of America by praying fiercely/boldly AGAINST the powers of darkness and FOR those who are deceived and enslaved by them. There is a harvest waiting!
I also want to share that back in October 2020, while I was praying for the election, the pandemic, etc., I sensed the Lord saying that He has heard, and is hearing, the prayers of His people from all around the world, BUT that He will answer the prayers in a way that may not be what we want or expect.
Because of this word (and the unshakable nature of His Kingdom), recent events have not upset me. Quite the opposite, in fact; they have revitalized me to stake my claim in my Eternal King and not a man or system. In fact, I sensed the Lord saying to me a couple of weeks ago that He had two possible directions for America in 2021 — a Trump presidency or a revival/purification of His Bride. I believe He chose the latter. As long as our hope is in a political leader and “America as we want it”, then His purposes may be thwarted. So, perhaps when we pray for His Kingdom to come and for His will to be done, the route to that is through the cross of obedience and suffering.
Lord Jesus, our Glorious King, give us the grace to lift up our heads and proclaim that we will not be shaken — because Your Kingdom is NEVER shaken. Teach us how to love our enemies, including praying for them. Renew our passion for the Great News that sets people free from the bondage of sin and evil. Bring repentance and revival to your church in America and around the world. May Your Kingdom come, may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven — starting with us. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!
Thank you so much Karen , you posts have been a light from God for us this past year and now. Love and prayers for you❤️
Dear Karen,
I would ask that those of you who still believe pray for those of us who have given up.
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9 NKJV
Thank you for this exhortation! And for your prayer points. This is a word in due season.
Personal, family, church, local, state, national, global, what web we perceive. Historically and scripturally
Karen I join your prayer.
Habakkuk 3:13 gives me comfort in severe trials.
13 Thou went forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah.
God will cut off the head of the enemy. It isn’t enough to enact laws against abortion and other national sins, the root needs to be destroyed. And His Kingdom needs to be planted in our hearts.
This scripture and those around it are a great antidote to doubt which has been expressed by many since the election.
Habakkuk 3:18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
YET… the most powerful word in that Scripture passage.
church abraham believed god and it was counted onto him as righteous he waited 25 years for a son and god never told him how long it would be HE STOOD and all those years noah built a ark that took 1oo years HE STOOD Can we not STAND for a measley few weeks how can we insult god will so little faith and trust for all he has done please stop doubting god
Wow! What an article—bravo! I am so glad you encouraged us to pray as you stated. I never stop praying because Jesus told us not to and God’s plan is usually different but the best. He has proven that over and over. Thank you so much for your article!
Thank you, Lord, for this word of encouragement today. Sometimes we take our focus away from You and placed it instead on men. Yes, Lord, your thoughts are not my thoughts and your ways are not my ways. Your plans are much greater than any plans made by men. You are faithful to us and I will remain faithful to You. Thank you for never changing, and for your love and mercy on us. May those who are still in darkness are able to see your glory and yearn to be closer to You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I continue to pray that this tide of evil will be turned back, but I know that may not be Your plan. Lord bless and protect us as we walk through the darkness that is descending on our once-great nation. Lord I pray the insane decrees of these wicked usurpers backfire on them, and instead open the eyes of the deceived to their evil. Lord, I also pray you will bless and protect the rightful and true President, Donald J. Trump and his family from the evil schemes being hatched against them. May you restore him to his rightful office and sweep aside the wicked people who stole power. Lord please guide us out of this darkness and into Your righteous light. In Jesus precious name I pray O Lord, Amen.
Amen Danny, I’m in agreement with you! Thank you for remembering our true President Trump and praying for him. Praying in agreement with you!
Jesus said, BLESSED are you when you are persecuted for righteousness’ sake! God it seems is allowing persecution to come on the church in America because just as with the early church, persecution brought about a fervor of sharing their faith as they were dispersed into the world. In my life it brought about an increase of faith and a higher level of boldness! As the world experiences more hopelessness, Christians will be ready to offer them the only true hope, JESUS!
Psalm 94:20
Can a corrupt throne be allied with you.
One devising corruption.
No I stand with God!
HALLELUJAH! Again and again, we will PRAY and BELIEVE and STAND!
The battle belongs to the Lord!
And we decree, that when Our Savior returns, WE will be found among the FAITHFUL in the earth.
We delight to do His will, we delight to TRUST in the ONE who has saved us, protected us, wiped away our tears, and blessed us beyond measure.
How can we NOT trust HIM?
Blessings to the saints, be encouraged!
Remain on your post and stay in position.
Thank you for those great scripture verses on how to pray. Today I used them to pray for our leaders and this administration. What a blessing it was to have them as my guide.
Excellent article, Karen. Once again, you have hit the nail right on the head. God is still on His throne. No matter how ungodly people become in these last days, that fact will NEVER change. We cry out to You, Lord, on behalf of the land that we love. We cry out to You on behalf of our leaders. Please, guide them in all that they say or do. We bind the influence over them of the evil one. We loose the goodness and grace of Holy Spirit upon our leaders, not only in Washington, but in all our state and local governments. Our trust and hope is in you, Lord. Help us to stay focused upon You and Your will for us. In Jesus’s name we pray.
Thank you Lord Jesus that you are a God of Justice and that you will judge the unrighteous.
We thank you for the people of intercessors for America that continue to cry out to you day and night on behalf of the United States of America.
I would also encourage you to join the Clay Nash 222 prayer call Monday through Friday at 719-718-6038 you are muted but you can stand in agreement to pray on behalf of America.
Or listen later at his website. Also great prayer daily posted by Dutch Sheets called Give Him 15
stay in the fight Saints God will give us the victory
Time to be the candle on the hillside. Lord, give me strength and courage.
There is only One Commander in Chief–HIS Name is JESUS.
There are far too many differing opinions.
It is time to be silent and for all of us to get on the same page–GOD’s page.
To take time to LISTEN to what our Heavenly Father is saying, and then to do what HE tells each of us to do.
A house divided shall fall, and with all these differing opinions it certainly does not make for a sense of security–rather the opposite.
Just one person was the cause of Joshua’s defeat in the battle of Ai.
One covetous person!
Time to do what Joshua did, and seek The LORD and find out from HIM the cause of this disastrous defeat, or we shall lose the next battle, too!
Let us remember our brave founding fathers. They were strong people of faith who came to the new land for religious freedom to worship Father God. They didn’t accept the oppression from their overlords.
We should do nothing less.
We should pray and fast and intercede for justice truth and light. We voted for freedom God and country. Remember that God didn’t place this corrupt admin. Evil stole and it wasn’t his to take. It won’t stand.
Trust in God but we must never accept corruption and evil. Stand strong in the Lord and EXPECT God to make a mighty move for His United States. It is coming. GOD’S TRUTH will be revealed through his miraculous plan. All glory be to YAHWEH, who reigns forever. HALLELUJAH!
I was always fascinated by Habakkuk,especially the last verse since i seemed a contradiction. Years later and walking through other issues I found it was an ABSOLUTE. it didn’t matter if the fig tree didn’t produce and the corrals were empty signifying ALL around me had changed, the one thing I could count on was GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS STILL HERE TO RULE AND REIGN IN MY LIFE.
Please hear our cries! Lead us to repentance and bring revival to Your Church. In Jesus Name!
My husband and I have been praying for our nation extensively. Recently, our prayer time has gone for hours at a time. As we were praying this past weekend, the Lord led us to pray Proverbs 24:17:
Do not rejoice and gloat when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad [in self- righteousness] when he stumbles, or the Lord will see your gloating and be displeased, and turn His anger away from your enemy. (Amplified)
We have been repenting, and are now led to include this Truth in our prayers. I cannot help but wonder if saints fall into this trap of gloating about the falling of wicked people, as has become the “norm” in our nation. It seems like we can’t wait for the next news cycle, where the wicked get so much glory, and when one stumbles, we are so quick to gloat. Father, we pray for Your mercy on us, for You to heal us and forgive us for our sin, and that You would turn our hearts back to You in Your great mercy. In Jesus’s Name we pray!
Amen to your anointed words and prayer! This is not only a time to be in intense prayer for repentance and revival, but we also need to clothe ourselves with the armor of God and do battle against the evil demonic forces that are seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. For we battle not against flesh and blood but against evil principalities and powers. Please join me in deep prayer, brothers and sisters in Christ, as we stand together to fight against Satan and his minions.
Almighty God is and remains on His throne!! Hallelujah!
We prayed “Thy will be done “. He is now exercising His will. The post WWII generations have grown fat and lazy. They have itching ears which hungered after false Prophets and a Gospel which coddles and caresses and has no cost. The people chose Osteen over Obadiah. Now the Church is being winnowed and the Chaff is being blown away into the wind. BUT GOD is drawing His Church to His bosom as the Shepherd cradles the Lamb. Do not fear for God is doing a mighty work in the Church. Don’t stop praying: pray more. And be blessed as you see His Hand confuse His enemies and give comfort to His People. We do not belong here. If you feel bad because you have just realized that then Hallelujah! God bless you and keep you.
So true Peter. The church wants to hear good things but not those words that bring discomfort and conviction of the way we think, or our lifestyles, which may be less than Godly.
Lord help us to hear the TRUTH, uncomfortable or not, and respond to what you are saying and calling us to do, whatever that may be and whether we want to or not. Let us walk in obedience to Your words and Your ways. Amen
I agree. We should love what God loves, and hate what he hates. As I was awakening from the slumber of complacency, it occurred to me that so many believers embrace the Church on Sunday, then embrace the culture the rest of the week. Movie theaters are packed (or were before the restrictions) with Christians who subject their minds to the ungodliness that comes out of Hollywood. Christians support corporations that give generously to Planned Parenthood. A local church here organizes archery competitions in the sanctuary. Another local church plays trivia games with questions about movies and TV shows prior to the start of the service. The Church is infested with ungodliness. Let us return to Holiness and holy living, that we may love what God loves and hate what God hates. And then to be a true light to the world.
Yes you understand 100%. As the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom the Church does not appear to be wise. God created the Universe and that alone should instill in us an Holy fear. Fear as in awe not terror. The terror is for the ungodly. My late Father was a Theologian and Professor of Systematic Theology. The rot started with Barth and continued with Brunner Kung and Bultman. Underpinning the failure of the Church to evangelize the lost is a low view of Scripture. As The Serpent hissed at Eve “Has God ssssaid…?” So those who reject the infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture do the Enemy’s job for him. The results are the Toronto “Blessing “, The Prosperity Gospel and the legislation of evil into the Laws of the Land. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ” says the Lord.
But where shall I go, Lord. You are the only one with the Words of Life.
Do not be discouraged if the world system has let you down; for then we know truly that God will never let us down. He is our only hope that never changes; we can trust Him for He is the same yesterday, today, & forever. Hold on it’s in His timing. If I do it, it will last a little while, but if I wait on Him, it will last forever. Stand & see the glory of the Lord.
I know the often overlooked part of 2 Chron 7:14 is “ turn from our wicked ways.” The American church mostly thinks we are not wicked. Lord Jesus reveal our wicked ways so we can turn from them. Anything that rises itself up, or I put in your place is wicked.
Help us Jesus!
Amen! Lord God Almighty, You are still High and lifted up and Your throne fills the temple. You are answering our prayers and shining Your Light in the darkness. You are giving time for repentance prior to judgment. We must pray for leaders to know the Savior, govern righteously, to see Truth with unveiled eyes which have been blinded by the god of this world. I pray that the Lord guides them according to His purpose and plan and remove those that oppose Truth, Life, Justice.
We the Ekklesia must put our roots deep in the Word of God and walk in the Holy Spirit that we have His wisdom, strategies, His power and might in combatting the darkness that aspires to deceive, kill and destroy. Romans 15:4 His Word is meant to instruct us in how to live, the Scriptures impart to us encouragement and inspiration so that we can live in hope and endure all things. Gid is the source of endurance and comfort. Let us glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
post Mario Murillo’s blog. Israel suffered defeat because there were not enough warriors. Exodus 1, the labor had to get hard enough before the groaning turned to crying out. We complain on Facebook, groan in ourselves but the majority do not war for victory and cry out for help. Then they refused to enter the promised land so that the brave got stuck in the wilderness with the fearful. And then there is the scenario that Mario mentioned – not striking the ground with our arrows enough.
Yet the faithful must guard their hearts against bitterness that they are stuck with so many lukewarm.
Thank you so much, Karen, for beautiful words of truth that light our hearts, minds, and souls to His plan that never disappoint us…then and now. God bless us all, God bless America.
I so agree with Karen’s advice to press in for repentance and revival. If God’s Holy Spirit brings conviction for the sins of His people and we repent, we will see a great revival —one that revives the church and makes us fall in love with Jesus all over again. A great revival of God’s people and His church may lead to a Third Great Awakening. Awakenings bring salvation to many sinners.
Revivals are for the church. Awakenings are for the unsaved. The Great Awakenings recorded in history crossed oceans and engulfed entire nations. May we press in and pray for repentance and revival! And May God receive all the glory for these wonderful changes!