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I Prayed have prayed
Father, do a new thing in us and our nation. Help us to come together as a nation in unity.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the midst of 2020, I could feel the momentum begin to swell. The number of people who were engaged with what was going on in our nation was growing at a rapid pace.  It was a beautiful sight.

People were standing in faith, praying together from city to city,  interceding for our nation and leaders like never before.  Seeds that had been sown over the years were beginning to produce a harvest of hearts crying out to God to heal our land.  It wasn’t imagined – we all saw it.  The Body of Christ had come together to stand in faith and see God do something mighty in the earth.  It was a time of unity in prayer that was exciting to behold.

Thousands filled our cities and our Capital on several occasions for one purpose; to praise God and to pray in unity.

The Bible says in James 5:16, “The earnest, heartfelt, continued, prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working.” (Amplified)

This scripture exemplifies the intercessory prayers on behalf of the United States of America.  Those prayers made tremendous power available.  You could feel it in the atmosphere. Our prayers were being heard from heaven.  Excitement was building in the kingdom of God.

Then November 3. Although disappointment and disbelief were evident, it still seemed that the majority of believers remained in faith, believing God would do something before January 20.  Prayers continued, more fervently than ever, as we watched the election play out.

Scripture tells us, “Disappointment makes the heart sick.” We saw this truth wash across our nation.  I felt it; we all felt it.  However, we cannot allow disappointment to diminish the momentum we gained in 2020.  We cannot lay down our swords.

Okay, it didn’t happen in the way or the time we felt it would – but was God surprised?  Has He changed His mind about our nation?  No, absolutely not.

Millions of people cannot pray like they did throughout 2020 and things remain unchanged.  It’s simply not possible.  We gained momentum.  But, the only way to keep that momentum going is to continue to gather and pray.  We cannot give up now.

That’s what disappointment does, it tries to get you to let go of the promise.  The promise of a nation of freedom, with leaders of integrity. The promise of a healing of our land.  The promise of rest on every side.  That is what we contended for and that is what we must continue to contend for.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen.  We must continue to release our faith for the fulfillment of the promises of God concerning our nation.  We must also keep our eyes on the unseen (the promise) and off what we can see.

Whether we see it or not, things are changing in the spirit.  We have made progress.  We have gained and must maintain momentum.  The question is, will we continue to press forward, or will we in disappointment give up?

Now, more than ever, we must stand together in unity and faith.  We must stop all this bickering and slinging mud at one another.  We need to come together with one purpose and one goal and pray.  It’s not the time to stop praying – it is time to double up on our prayers.  It’s time to cover the earth with prayer and praise.  God is moving.  He is doing a new thing.  Can you perceive it?  More importantly, will you be a part of it?

Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

How can IFA encourage the momentum we gained in praying for the nation over the last 4 years? Share your ideas in the comments below!

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Barbara J Rauls
February 16, 2021

How can we stop our momentum? Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Peter, Paul are in the great cloud of witnesses because unlike the “Greatest Generation” as my dad and other WWII veterans were called, we are the Spiritual “Greatest Generation.” God chose us for the honor to be born in one of the last generations to bring in the Greatest Harvest ever experienced by mankind! We war in the Spirit against everything the Antichrist can throw at human kind. We have the E.M. Bounds, Rees Howells, Billy Graham, D. L. Moody, and Smith Wigglesworth to name a few modern day Giants of the Faith leaning over the balcony of heaven cheering us on to complete our race and complete it well. God has given us His Spirit, His Angel Armies, Jesus as our Intercessor and Chief Counsel so that we can see his Glory fill the whole earth!

February 14, 2021

Aren’t you anticipating the next big reveal God is going to do? When I get discouraged and see so many opposite opinions being expressed, it’s hard! I have this reassurance that God wants us to put our faith just in him and keep our eyes there. This site helps me do that when I grow weary.

If the computer fraud truly occurred, that is the biggest threat we have ever seen plus it is invisible!. It is the Lord exposing this new, invisible evil that occurred. I only hear “It’s not true!” but no one shows me how they can prove that.

Presidents come and go but our privilege to vote will remain; confidence in our vote count is major. Don’t you feel God working here?

I thank you God that you answer prayers for truth to be exposed. Please guide our courts to judge with great wisdom from you. Thank you for forgiving our sins and loving us. You listen to our hearts. Thank you for the many miracles in our country’s history. Give your prayer warriors visions and energy and hope. Renew us; open our eyes and fill us with your Holy Spirit. We love you, Lord; we can trust you alone. Revive us, call us to your purpose and heal America. May every knee bow and every tongue confess that you are Lord.

Duane Barker
February 11, 2021

Good Morning! Father has been telling me that the heavy lifting has been done and to follow through, as Jesus’ disciples followed Him through. Praying in the Spirit, but more importantly be led by the Spirit even to regular times of rest. YES!

Myra Harris
February 10, 2021

I heard the message from Allan Jackson a couple weeks ago. The key word was “relentless “.
Then I read an article and they used the word “relentless “ but it was the constant pressure against the church in a communist nation. Now I understand we are never to give up, relax some, or even quit. We are to be relentless in our prayers and the gates of hell will Not prevail over the church. Churchill said, “Never give up, never give up!” That should be our resolve.

February 9, 2021

I needed this reminder today and God stirred my spirit to keep on interceding for our nation. For the children who are living in fear. For the unborn who are denied life, for the hurting, the broken, the lost, and the hopeless. God’s promises are yes and amen!

February 9, 2021

So often I hear from left and the right how we need to stop bickering and mud-slinging. Is trying to explain the facts to ears of people who put up a wall in their heads & respond with vitriol bickering? Is pointing out the hypocrisy & evil lies & deeds of the people tearing down our country mud-slinging? There are extremists on both sides, but there will always be extremists, & I do not believe they are going to change by hearing calm-down rhetoric. Sorry for the comment that is not upbeat, but I just get so tired of the same old comments addressed to ‘the choir’ even by well-meaning people.

February 9, 2021

Glory be To God!!! Father You are Worthy!!
I was going to share 1st Thessalonians 5:18. So I encourage all to read start with 5:14.
But Holy Spirit gave me 2nd Timothy 2:17 as I stated reading verse 20 hit me…are we at this time going to be vessels of honor or dishonor……I am struggling with disappointment, this is the truth and I know God is Faithful!!! I went back and forth with this scriptures and am so encouraged myself, I believe our greatest weapon and hope at this time is to Worship our Creator, Our Father, Our Lord and Savior Who Is King of Heaven and Earth!!! To remind Him of All His wonderful promise and to thank Him for All the wonderful He has do and is doing.
We have been giving the Fullness of His Spirit, Holy Spirit who is OUR COMFORTER, He will lead us into All truth.
So stand up Mighty Warriors put your armor back on and when you have done all to stand stand in the presence of the God who owns it all Who has all power and all authority Who is Worthy of Our Praise or Adoration or Love and are Trust!!!

Leslie Moon
February 9, 2021

Being a warrior/ intercessor takes commitment and God given strength. I feel that many of us wanted a “quick” “let’s get back to normal” scenario. Look at the battles of old we were just reading of David who went up against giants many times. Each time he committed his battle to the Lord in prayer. Our knees must get nicely calloused from long times in prayer. “Pray without ceasing.”
Many who have been intercessors for a long while have seen many battles with glorious victories as well as set backs. Intercessors this has to be something we are committed to doing.
Prayer is powerful: it takes down giants, saves the lost and most beautifully connects believers who have never met but are joined for all eternity by Christ.
Intercessors revel in how God is forming you and giving you grace, peace, HOPE! He has the United States in His hands; it is not for us to wring our hands striving to manipulate a condition, it is for us to see His magnificence as He undermines the enemy he has already defeated.

Sharon W
February 8, 2021

I recommit to praying for this country. I’ve been extremely disappointed in the direction this country is heading and have lost my fervor. I know our Lord & Savior is in control…I have no doubt or fear on that point. I’m just sad about the loss of freedom of speech. I know full well that the evil one is behind that. Therefore, knowing that God is stronger I choose to trust Him and His plans (not my plans). Be with us Lord Jesus. Give us strength to stay the path you’ve chosen for us. We love you and trust you.

February 8, 2021

Is God ever doing a new thing! I have been patiently expecting the answer to our prayers. I held onto my hope but I could not imagine the magnitude of our problems. Praise God for this group and hearing our prayers!

Corruption makes me sad but God makes me glad!

The invisible mechanics of the voting system were just explained in a way the average person could understand. God is revealing TRUTH we never imagined! He is revealing a picture of corruption far bigger than this one election. Does this season not take your breath away?? We have important work to do; praise God; keep praying!

What a gift to a country founded on faith in God as it approaches her 250th birthday! Thank you, LORD! Please continue to help us restore your America to “one nation under God.” Help our country return to You, our firm foundation. Our faith can only be in you, LORD! We praise you! We trust your Word; we love your promises. We want your Son and your Holy Spirit in our hearts and institutions. Thank you for hearing all these prayer warriors! Use us Father, God, to witness and bring many more Americans to know Jesus as their personal Savior, too! We love you LORD!

Marguerite "Peggy" Occhiuzzo
February 8, 2021

This is so true. It was like a balloon popping. I was waking up numerous times thru the night to pray but I confess I told The Lord “I’m tired. I want to sleep now.” Did I feel my prayers were in vain? Sadly, I really did BUT I am being renewed. I am an intercessor and even tho I am not at the point to pray for the leaders by name, I pray “for the leaders” of our country.
We cannot be weary in well doing even when we are. Let’s rise up and see what GOD has in store for us as Believers!
Abiding in Him, then, now and forever!

February 8, 2021


We want to thank You for the privilege of partnering with You through this IFA platform in this great endeavor of praying for the United States of America. We also thank You for ministering to the intercessors and their families’needs in America and around the world.

We believe You are breaking off the spirit of weariness and hope deferred. We declare that the intercessory prayer movement in America is mounting up with wings like eagles. We pray, that “the God who gives endurance and who supplies encouragement grant us to be of the same mind with one another in Christ Jesus, so that with one accord we may with one voice glorify and praise and honor the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 16: 5-6).

We stand fast, believing that You are faithful. We align with Your purposes that You birthed for this nation. Let our prayers from across our nation and around the world be joined together with those from the ages whose prayers and purposes live on through us. Bring us to into the fulfillment of these prayers for a godly nation. We proclaim that Your blessings flow to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9).

Show us, Lord, our connection to past revivals and moves of Your Spirit. Allow us to receive that same anointing and impartation from You through their legacy. We pray for the great revival that is being birthed right now from coast to coast and from our north to south borders, in Alaska and Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. We thank You for exposing the evil in America, especially the unrighteousness in our government. We ask You to shake and expose all of the evil people operating in America‘s government. We pray for the integrity of our elections, and all those who participated in the biggest election fraud of a nation be brought to quick judgement and the victims be given full justice, especially President Trump.

Father You raise up leaders. We proclaim Psalm 75:7, “It is God who judges: He brings one down, He exalts another. Indeed God decides who will rise and who will fall.” We agree with God’s promises that Trump will rise in victory and the administration that usurped power will be brought down in God’s perfect time. Father You are allowing the Biden administration to rise for moment in order to expose all the corruption and evil Executive Orders. We declare that each one will be reversed quickly.

We pray for Your sovereignty over our US Supreme Court judges, that not their wills, but Yours be done. Proverbs 21:1-9 says, The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.

On behalf of our nation we repent from the sin of abortion and all forms of sexual immorality, racial prejudice, violence, and greed. We know our repentance is part of Your plan in bringing in revival according 2 Chronicles 7:14 that “if we Your people, humble ourselves and pray, turn from our wicked ways and repent that You will heal our nation.” We believe and declare that we are moving into the greatest revival in history. Prepare our hearts to serve You in this great movement of Your grace and judgment.

We ask You for these things in the holy name of Jesus… Amen

Nélida Torres
February 7, 2021

I felt very confused for awhile. To many people talking but spiritual teachings were limited. I don’t want to know everything that didn’t happen; I want to know about the things that did happen! I’m sure they’re are many things that brought God glory in this season. Can we hear about those too.

February 7, 2021

I truly enjoyed & felt convicted by Kim Potter’s comments to do as she said, “Now, more than ever, we must stand together in unity and faith.” That was one of the comments that really struck me- I certainly was discouraged when I didn’t see the questionable election results not get investigated more. I believe we who have been praying about that weren’t sure what else we could do. It has also been unbelievable to see all the hard work done & all accomplishments made during these past four years to seemingly to have been swept away under a rug or by the stroke of a pen.
So more than ever, I’d sure like to see in our local groups, intense prayer rising up again!!!

February 7, 2021

At first I felt very discouraged and despondent like just stop. I then realized the importance of becoming involved on the local level for that is where it all starts. Local political persons may aspire to higher offices. That is one reason persons need to know local politicians and their characters and beliefs before they try to seek higher offices. If they are not fit they need to be held in check before they can do damage. Most of us are really uneducated voters. I said this because I think the average person is really focused on his/her life and family trying to provide shelter. security and the basic needs that are involved in their day to day life. Politics comes to the forefront when one and ones way of life is being affected or during an election cycle.
Voters need to be educated in civics, what their role is in the electoral process and how this has can make a profound difference in the lives of each of us as citizens.

February 7, 2021

Jesus said “my kingdom is not of this world”. It’s a matter of spreading the good news and loving others with kindness and genuine compassion. I see very little of that in conservative circles these days, sadly. Love is the measure of everything that matters, according to scripture. I used to respect this organization, but it seems that your organization has left the way of wisdom and is drinking the Kool-Aid of partisan politics and mis-information. Jesus noted that lying is the language of Satan, and that is what Trump and his ardent power hungry and/or deluded fellow leaders have been spewing for over 4 years. What you are now are promoting as truth is, in many cases, outright lies! Christian nationalism is a heresy and that is what this walks, talks and smells like. If you care about our country (I do), please take a hard look at this stuff, because such lies are destroying the very foundations of our country. Related to someone’s comment: I care greatly about the unborn too– and the people who are in such circumstances that they feel that an abortion is the only way out. Also, did you know that under President Obama the abortion rate (as far as the numbers are available) showed a huge drop–down to the levels of pre-Roe v. Wade! Perhaps the most important thing is to better help the mothers and fathers who are in such circumstances, so as to get the abortion rate as close to zero as possible. Changing the law, by itself, will not do that and might even work against that fundamental goal.

Eleanor Boyd
February 7, 2021

Maybe God is letting this nation have the quail it asked for?
Maybe He’s still in control – even though it doesn’t look like what we expected it would look like for Him to be in control?
Maybe He has a larger purpose in mind than the outcome of one election?
Maybe He is truly in the process of saving our nation?
Maybe we can stand still and see the salvation of our God.

February 7, 2021

Thank you for this!
So true & so important! God is moving! We are gaining ground! The battle is the Lord’s! He invites us in to be an effective part of it!
He gave us all the weapons we need to tears down the strongholds & be victorious! We need to continue to pick them up and move forward.
He has given in His Word examples of His faithfulness when the enemy comes in like a flood & the victorious results – David, Daniel, Esther, Jehoshaphat – to mention a few!

Stand firm! Our redemption is drawing nigh!

Blanche F Franks
February 7, 2021

In Deuteronomy, God was so angry at the Israelites for making the golden calf while Moses was with God writing out the 10 commandments on tablets. He told Moses go back down and leave me alone that I may destroy them and blot out their name from under Heaven. He was also going to kill Aaron. Moses for 40 days and nights laid prostrate before the Lord and the Lord held off his judgement. That could happen again. We need to keep praying and fasting, maybe God will hold back his judgement on us. God always provides hope.

Holly harrington
February 7, 2021

O Lord give us discernment in picking our battles & courage to continue & not give up. Help us to band together in agreement for what is true & righteous altogether. Before us is much falsehood about COVID, lies about symptoms, deaths, false numbers, surpression of good treatments & a egregious treatment labeled a vaccine that is even deceiving the elite, the believers. We ask for you Lord to reveal your truth on these issues to the whole body of Christ & deliver us from the snare over us. Please guide IFA in prayer for this & to not fall into the falsehood of the manipulation of the world.

Regina Ford
February 7, 2021

Agree wholeheartedly. There is synergy right now in the courts of heaven. One can put a thousand to flight, two can put 10 thousand to flight. Gods has gone before us to fight this battle Exodus 14:14 states and 1 Kings 12:15 says something remarkable. Read it. Our Lord overrules Daniel 4:26. I trust God and will continue in prayer. Luke 18:1 no time to back down. Dress up in Christ and press forward. This is a war with no casualties. Christ is the Commander of heaven’s armies. Eternity is now!!! Fight on Christian soldiers!!!!

February 7, 2021

Lord thank You for Your word and prayer. We can be inspired by Your word and we can bring our concerns to You. Lord please bless America, we need You Father. Amen

Jenifer MacKenzie
February 7, 2021

Thank you Kim for your article of encouragement. On January 4, 2021 several hours after I attended a prayer vigil for election integrity in my community outside in the freezing cold; I was feeling encouraged that there were others who wanted to pray, The Lord crushed me with the thought “what about the millions of babies that have been systematically slaughtered in this nation for 48 years?, who is praying for them?” I immediately fell to my knees and began weeping and repenting for not having done more to stop this abomination. I cried, grieved, and prayed for 2 days. Then I asked the Lord what do you want me to do? I’m a 75 year old woman and no one is going to listen to me. The Lord instructed me to speak to pastors and church leaders about this and to encourage their congregations to seek the Lord on this issue in prayer and fasting and repentance. I believe God is judging America. This is America’s most egregious sin; allowing the slaughter of these babies that Almighty God created and loved. The Lord gave us the most prolife president that we have ever had, but the church in our country did not support him 100 %, some Christian leaders did, but many judged him for sins of his past, and etc. I also listened to two powerful messages by Pastor Adrian Rogers on the sin of abortion; One is called “Innocent Blood” from Proverbs 6: 16-17 and Exodus 20: 13; the other message is “The Sin of Silence” from Proverbs 24: 11-12. You can listen to these messages on Adrian Rogers’ website lwf.org Love Worth Finding. Pastor Rogers speaks how the church has failed to stand in the gap for these precious babies. I have shared this with two pastors and a Christian brother and so far only one of the three was interested in gathering to pray. God has given me a task to do and I will not stop until He tells me to. IFA can encourage all Christians and most especially church leaders to pray, pray, pray. Ephesians 6: 18 emphasizes prayer, prayer is what makes the “whole armor of God” work. There are so many scriptures that command us to pray. I’m not a theologian or any kind of expert, but God has revealed to me that our nation as a whole has grown indifferent to the Lord and that’s why our nation is in chaos & wickedness. Our Sovereign, Holy, Holy, Holy God is calling us to prayer and repentance. Holy Father, please forgive us as your people for allowing the slaughter of babies to continue in this our nation; have mercy on us all, I pray that people would wake up and call out to you, we need You Lord, please show us the way, Your way, please help us to stop the infanticide that has gone on too long! I pray all these things with thanksgiving in Jesus Holy Name, amen
My fellow intercessors, I ask for prayer in completing the task that God has given me, thank you

    Rosemary Barkley
    February 7, 2021

    God sent your message to all of us to contemplate. Thank you for your message full of hope, faith and encouragement to still believe God is with us in this dark time for our America. We must fight to keep our country One Nation Under God. Thank you for your message. I’ll be honored to pray with you🎚

    Regina Ford
    February 7, 2021

    So beautifully stated. Our hearts must be softened by the Holy Spirit and fire

    February 7, 2021

    You are not alone
    Daily we count the covid deaths but shut out the reality of the true virus of abortion
    Who puts their faces on the TV screen…
    It time to get out hands dirty

    February 7, 2021

    I’m with you in this. 78 yrs old, asking God what I can actually do about it. I called the pregnancy center here and told them I wanted to volunteer. She said they always need volunteers. She said go online and fill out the application. It’s a Christ centered ministry, they counsel the women and share the gospel with them. They do not do abortions or refer women to those clinics. I’m still in process. I feel, like you, that this is the absolute worst sin sanctioned by our government, and God is a just God, and cannot bless America until we get this right. So, I agree with your prayers for the unborn. I pray Roe vs Wade will be overturned, in my generation.

      Leslie Moon
      February 9, 2021

      What a God honoured posture. Continue to seek to serve the lost. Bless you as you minister!

    February 8, 2021

    Oh, how my heart grieves for our lost children. What has America gained from abortion?? Look back. Is the world a better place?

    We have lost so many children since 1973 they would double the populations of the two large states of California and New York.

    Our lost African American children alone equals the size of New York State. (20 mill)

    All the remaining aborted children equals the population of California. (40 Mill)

    Lord, I repent for infanticide. I was wrong; my generation was wrong; my country was wrong. Please forgive us and help us stop this great sin. You tell us how much you value each life in your Word. Please Holy Spirit, convict our country to change our laws; our hearts are hardened from this sin but you alone can change hearts. In Jesus Name we come to you, Lord. Amen & amen.

Brenda Ayers
February 7, 2021

Continuing to pray! Great article. Thanks for the encouragement!

February 6, 2021

We will not give up! Godos faithful! He will do more than we can think dream of or imagine ! We believe His desire to bring America to greater heights.

February 6, 2021

The Lord has placed a burden on my heart to pray. It will not go away. I can’t sweep it
under the rug.
Father help us to “stand fast”… To “be strong and quit us like men” Help us to run with patience and keep our eyes on you maintaining the focus you have given each of us for such a time as this. In the mighty name of Jesus

February 6, 2021

May hard times drive people to their knees and may we see a return to the Lord, REVIVAL!

February 6, 2021

I believe that God told me to remember 2 Chron 7:14 says that His people must humble themselves and pray and seek God’s face and then He will heal their land. His promise was not to raise up political leaders sympathetic to Christian values but to heal our land. Thus I believe that we need to continue to humble ourselves before God and pray and to encourage other Christians to humble themselves and pray in order for us to see a true “healing of our land” knowing that for some or many of us it may not be in our lifetime (I am 81) but it will be seen by our descendants.

February 6, 2021

Thanks Kim for encouraging words. Now we must pray God’s heart for what is before us. Not a time to wallow in disappointment. There is more God is doing if we wait for it. Be busy about kingdom business. He is changing our hearts.

Marlene Falvey
February 6, 2021

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Job 13:15

February 6, 2021

Amen!! God is on the move!! He is uniting His Ekklesia!! All of the prayers already prayed and those yet to be prayed will bring the desired fruit!!! Glory to God!!!!🤺🏹🔥⚡️💫🕊

Sara Whitinger
February 6, 2021

I agree with you and have noticed this also. To encourage you though, God has many yet who are not wavering. Just like giving Gideon an army…God still choosing His! We have been given many words from God thru all this & God “ALWAYS” keeps His word. Yes, we will pray, wait & see the salvation of our Lord!!! I look forward to your postings & pass them on to others. Thank You, Love in Christ, Sara Whitinger

Susan CC
February 6, 2021

Kim, you said, “it’s time to cover the earth with prayer and praise. God is moving. He is doing a new thing. Can you perceive it? More importantly, will you be a part of it?” Yes, to covering the earth with prayer and praise. Yes, God is moving and as the Author of Creation, is always doing a new thing. Yes, I do perceive it and desperately want to be a part of it! Thank you for this timely reminder and I say, “Amen.”

BTW, momentum is defined as the force that keeps an event developing after it has started, great choice of word. I pray we not only regain but surpass all desired levels. To God be the glory!

    Toni Kushner
    February 6, 2021

    For many years I have prayed that the Lord would prepare me and my family for this time, as we prepare for the return of the Lord and await a great harvest. The Lord spoke three words to me after the election stand, Wait and Watch. So I stand in faith, knowing He is always faithful, I wait for those who wait upon the Lord shall be renewed in strength and I Watch for the Glory of the Lord shall be seen. When one looks at the complexity of the nation and it’s many challenges, we can surrender and know It’s not by might, nor by power, but by My strength says the Lord. He gives to us the honor to watch Him move and pray for HIs will to be done upon this earth for His Glory. Oh, how I desire to see the glory of Our God shine forth as in the days of old.

      Susan CC
      February 6, 2021

      Thank you Toni! I thank God for speaking a word to you that you not only heard but are standing firm on! Open your eyes, His Glory is still shining forth but He is bringing us into a new day!

February 6, 2021

Thank you for this article. It is so encouraging to hear my fellow believers are preserving in prayer. I too pray daily, fast two times a week and pray with a friend weekly.
Victory belongs to Jesus!

February 6, 2021

Thank you for sharing this wise counsel in the face of our disappointment with the outcome of the election and of our prayer campaign for our government officials. I don’t know who Francis Frangipane is, but I do renounce my disappointment and recommit to praying in faith and waiting on the Lord. His ways are not my ways. His wisdom is far beyond my understanding. Prayer is our spiritual weapon against the powers of darkness.

    Susan CC
    February 6, 2021

    Susan, Francis Frangipane is a remarkable man of God. I am sending you a link to his website and encourage you to read the 3 part teaching, A Place for Him to Rest. He has been an encouragement and I hope will be for you as well. Blessings.


Sharon Wehmeyer
February 6, 2021

Thank you for that reminder. Although I saw disappointment I still saw faith and hope in the Christian community because we all know how this story ends. But on those days that we are feeling low, it’s great to be reminded that God is still with us and he promised never to leave us, and for that I am thankful and grateful. Thank you for your messages each day which keep us focused on what is important and that is Jesus Christ.

Nelda Oakley
February 6, 2021

When I share anything to my Liberal friends or family, I check my heart. Is it because I want to prove something? Or it because I truly care about them? If my motives are genuinely motivated by love then I do it and never argue or name call. Continuing to pray and do whatever opportunities the Lord opens up.
Thank you Lord that we don’t have to understand but continue to trust YOU.

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February 6, 2021

Thank you for the encouragement Kim. I know many need it. I think that many in the body of believers were deeply wounded by the events that took place the last couple months. We are still trying to make sense of it. Some of those wounds are healing very slow. Just speaking for myself, I had never experienced anything like this type of disappointment. But it has also caused a great deal of reflection and soul searching in my ongoing relationship with God. I’m sure many could attest to that.
We have to find the momentum and reasons to dig in as God wants and needs us to. There are prayer bowls in heaven still waiting to be topped off and overflow.
God will answer. He will act. I see slivers of prayer being answered. Maybe not on the scale we had hoped for. At least not yet. Is something great and needed about to break loose that will be the hand of God? Perhaps. That’s in God’s hand. Considering the damage that the new administration has already done, we are hopeful that God will intervene because we need His help like never before. Our nation and every person in it need God’s intervention.
I again want to encourage everyone to keep lifting up President Trump and family. I cannot imagine how much healing they need after the demonic driven assault they have been subjected to. President Trump is a fighter but even the best soldiers suffer deep wounds in battle. Watching the new illegitimate president work solely to undo much of the great progress done under the Trump administration is both sickening and frustrating to watch. Much of it is evil. With that in mind, now it makes even more sense that we must not give up and we must again get back in the game in more ways than ever before. What can we do – how can I help? Pray – pray – pray. Involvement… action… relentless contact of government officials…do not accept “form letter replies” for answers…there is so much “we” can do it’s endless. And remember, when each of us are doing all or some of those things listed, it means we are “operating in unity”. You may be doing some of those things by yourself but as we are faithful to do them together across our nation, we are in unity and that is of critical importance. Unity is one of the keys to “God’s secret kingdom”. So is the “law of perseverance”. There are 10 universal laws or 10 kingdom keys. But we have to utilize our “faith” to exercise any/all these keys. In order to do that, we must get back in the game. And trust that God will continue to heal the disappointment or wounds that still may linger.
**Lord, you have heard our prayers. Forgive us for our doubts and heal our wounds. Our nation is in need of miracles from You Lord. We want to see the people of our nation return to you with repentance. To restore to you the honor and reverence you deserve. Hear our cry Lord. We deserve judgement but we humbly ask for your forgiveness and mercy. In your name we pray amen.

Debra Walls
February 6, 2021

Unity in prayer. Praying John 17 Jesus prayed for us, is praying for us, and will continue until He returns.

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Lavigne Ann Kirkpatrick
February 6, 2021

Disappointment, Dispair and fear are NOT from God. We need to put on the FULL Armor of God ( which includes prayer) and STAND BODLY in the Lord! The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as the lion. Proverbs 28:1
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

    February 6, 2021


    February 12, 2021

    May I also encourage us, as the body of Christ to recall that God appeared to Joshua as he prepared to fight for He is the Captain of the Hosts and He will do the fighting for us as we submit ourselves to Him and learn to do His will. My heart has heard and believed these words..”It is finished” God is not a man that he would lie. Our enemy and death has been defeated and we are victorious, through Christ’s wonderful and perpetual victory at Calvary. However it is not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, therefore remember who is our Head. Surrender yourselves under the mighty hand hand of God and He will lift you up in due season.

Ann Moeller
February 6, 2021

I am a part of a group of ladies who have been praying since October… praying for Donald Trump AND our nation. We are continuing to pray.

    February 6, 2021

    Amen! Our group of ladies are still praying and even more, twice a week, we pray for President Trump and his legal team, republic party, churches and all Jesus followers. May God unify His people to stand, The battle belongs to the Lord. “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:13-14‬

      Ann Moeller
      February 6, 2021

      Thank you for your response. I am encouraged and will continue to hold you up in prayer as well as all the other people praying for our country. 🙏❤️

February 6, 2021

Let us not grow weary in doing good. For it is by HIS strength in us that helps sustain and maintain our spirit. Be strong in the LORD and in the strength of HIS might. Gotta keep putting on the full armor of God faithful children of God. May we pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication…to that end may we keep alert with all perseverance and make supplication for all the saints. Let’s keep fighting and doing battle on our knees being armed with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.

February 6, 2021

Rest is a weapon too and so many faithful intercessors need this right now. I won’t judge them for being weary and wondering if their prayers made a difference. God promises rest for the believing who have not hardened their hearts in Hebrews. Soon we will be rejoicing beyond belief. Keep the faith!

February 6, 2021

May I suggest that the epistle of James, especially chapter 2, be kept in mind as all of us pray? What about obedience? How many Christians are giving their kids a truly Christian education? How many of us are taking care of the “widows and orphans”? How many churches are providing Biblical courts as Paul commanded the Corinthians? How many (especially pastors) are calling out the wrong-doing of mayors, city councilmen, county commissioners, representatives in the legislature, governors and warning them that they must repent in the public square? Is it possible that God is waiting for us to demonstrate our repentance?

Carrie W
February 6, 2021

We need to discipline ourselves and spend more time in prayer and Bible study. Demonstrate our faith with positive action. Don’t trust feelings and emotions.
Choose this day what you will believe. I believe God is restoring our country by exposing the corruption first so we can see how and what has been going on for decades – reality that has been hidden from the public. Then we are seeing how far and wide and deep it goes and who is involved. It has been mind boggling. Also how high up the ladder in the political framework it goes – all the way to the top. Horrors!
This revelation has been known to God; He wants us to know it so now the people can rise up and conquer and take back our country. We each have a role. My role is to intercede. Another person’s role is to find and disclose corruption like Mike Lindell and others have done. Someone will arrest and prosecute, and so on.
I suggest we all pray, find our role and step into it and do it. God IS blessing America in ways we don’t yet understand and He is helping us to reverse the curse and fulfill the blessings that are coming.
We are a Republic, not a corporation. Hallelujah!
May God continue to bless the Republic of America in the mighty name of Jesus.

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February 6, 2021

Thank you, agree.

Lord Jesus, please send an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you church in America and around the world!
“We walk by faith and not by sight” …

Karen Mire
February 6, 2021

Believe the Lord and you shall be established. Believe his prophets and you shall prosper.

February 6, 2021

I and many others will not give up. Jesus is Lord now and forever.
Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit now and forever Amen

Paul Cirillo
February 6, 2021

I was, and still am one of those bitterly disappointed in the “election results.” I did stop praying for a while, but am thankful for the prayers of intercessors on this site. I am beginning to regain hope that God has not abandoned us, but believe that a very important prayer priority right now is that we should continue to pray for encouragement for intercessors who have given up. That may be just as important, if not more so, than praying for the country itself.

A big thank you to those who prayed for me.

February 6, 2021

Reason is out the window its no longer what the people want. Our Enemies have a louder voice.{ That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good.

Sharon Pearce
February 6, 2021

Hmmm…wow… I have read other such pieces, and it is true that Luke 18 says: Men ought always to pray and not to lose heart. It is also true that after the disillusionment of the Cross and the personal failure of the “soon to be apostles,” Jesus had to come to them to restore and heal them.

I have a limited perspective, but from the view that I have – it looks like the praying church left it all on the floor… That does not mean we did it all perfectly – just with a whole heart. Some of this is sheer grief and heartbreak that has to be healed.

This is a verse that comforts me: Do not rejoice over me, enemy of mine. Though I fall I will rise; Though I live in darkness, the LORD is a light for me. Micah 7:8

Someone I love said this: Lots of people know how to go to war and lead in that way. Not everyone knows how to build a family and take care of them.

The praying church will rally. Jesus will see to it. Now He is coming to us – one by one – as a Shepherd and the Lover of our souls. Oh! How we need Him!

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. PS 34:18

If we believe in the fivefold offices, it might be time to give intercessors and watchmen some pastoral care.

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Patsy Bowen
February 6, 2021

If the only change we see is more spiritual momentum and more people praying, it will all have been worth it! For our focus should be in the Spirit, not in the flesh. Father God’s perfect will shall be accomplished through the valiant efforts of the faithful, not because of us, but for His glory and our ultimate good.

February 6, 2021

Father God, help us come together in unity and continue to stir our hearts in obedience to You. Help us gather more and pray and humbly bow before You in obedience and repentance. Help us to be witnesses to others for You.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Becky Penton
February 6, 2021

Encourage one another !
God is on the move.
Just recently two of my grandchildren had a wonderful experience in their faith walk. Revival among our young people is stirring hearts!

Connie Rae White
February 6, 2021

Prayer is work. Ministry is work. Any experience with ANY organization will reveal that 10% of the people do 90% of the work. So it is with prayer and ministry. When I was a child, seventy years ago, our church had prayer meetings every Wednesday night and most Sunday evenings. The whole congregation knelt to pray and it went on for at least an hour. We must return to the work of prayer. It is not convenient and it is not comfortable (and one doesn’t have to kneel), but it must be consistent if we are to see the breakthrough we desire. No matter who the president is, GOD IS KING and HE is still on the throne. None of this mess surprised Him. He has a plan. WILL YOU who read this commit to be faithful in prayer. I do.

    February 6, 2021

    Amen, we must run the race God has set before us. Our hope is in Christ. He never let us down how can we lose hope in ourselves. We have not lost our country yet God will intercede as this is His nation. The Constitution was written with God at its center. We must stand strong in the Lord and have faith, God is in charge. Once we quit praying and depending on God to make things right, evil wins he has beaten us down mentally as our thoughts are not with God. We must get back to the word and humbly back to prayer. He knows our hearts, but it is our responsibility to ask Him our desires and He will fulfill them. His timing may not be ours, finish the race and don’t grow faint. God Bless
    In Jesus Name we pray, Amen

February 6, 2021

Francis Frangipane has a wonderful word about disappointment. I just read it a few minutes before opening this IFA article on disappointment. Since I don’t believe in coincidences, I feel like the Lord wants me to share it.I think it is a very important word for today. Bless all you fellow intercessors.

    February 6, 2021

    Thank you for sharing this wise counsel in the face of our disappointment with the outcome of the election and of our prayer campaign for our government officials. I don’t know who Francis Frangipane is, but I do renounce my disappointment and recommit to praying in faith and waiting on the Lord. His ways are not my ways. His wisdom is far beyond my understanding. Prayer is our spiritual weapon against the powers of darkness.

February 6, 2021

IFA is doing a wonderful job at keeping the Body of Christ energized in prayer! Keep doing what you’re doing – you are a major force!

    February 6, 2021

    Yes, agreed! Thank you so much. IFA, we need you and we need one another.

February 6, 2021

Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in America as it is in heaven.let the host of heaven invade the U.S.A. from the White House to the out house..let the Fear of The Lord invade and clean out every area the enemy is hiding..let all those attempting to remove Our God be removed and be brought to justice..Let the Vengence and Fear of the Lord fall NOW!!

Susan Dunn
February 6, 2021

I read Mike Evans book” A Great Awakening is Coming” and it gave me insight to see that the church in our nation needs to wake up, get on our knees to seek forgiveness and then prepare for battle. We also need to be praying as Jesus prayed in John 17.

Carri Cullinane
February 6, 2021

I stand committed to our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, and with this body of intercessors to repent and pray without ceasing for each of you and for this nation.
Lord, forgive us, give us wisdom and gird us up with the power of your Holy Spirit which you so freely gave us so that we may STAND always faithful to you. In the authority of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Peggy Robinett
February 6, 2021

Amen we are armed and dangerous and rom 8:31 applys God is for us so who can stand against us.

Liz Fleming
February 6, 2021

Amen and many of us have not stopped praying but after Jan 20 IFA had an article which sounded like it had given up. It referred to Biden as our president. Many commented and disagreed with that message. I am still fervently praying but stopped following IFA as it sounded like you had thrown in the towel. Are you still with us? Are you still believing God has heard our millions of prayer and will answer? I firmly believe that He has not given us over to communism. I totally believe He hates the crimes committed against our children and babies and that He is using the Trump team to rescue them. If IFA stands with us in those beliefs I will continue to pray with you. We do need more prayer than ever now. The battle is not over here! It is secure in Christ, our LORD of hosts, but we must walk it out here and I believe we will see victory! Are you with us IFA?

    Anna Lovato
    February 6, 2021

    I believe that we must obey God. To pray for the person who was declared to be president, is a biblical mandate. So IFA gave us prayer points to use as a guide in praying for President Biden and VP Harris. I, too, found my own prayers sticking in my throat and my broken heart did not “feel” like praying for them. But the prayers suggested by IFA were in the right spirit and I have been able to do what God commanded. At the same time I continued to pray, continued to believe that God was planning an amazing work, in his time, that would point undeniably to HIM. We must be on guard against this spirit of disunity that seems to point its ugly finger at one another, at our fellow believers. God wants us to love one another, which is not a warm fuzzy feeling, but an act of obedience that allows God to use us in mighty way! Trust God only and watch what HE is going to do!

      Liz Fleming
      February 6, 2021

      Anna, thanks for your response. I know the enemy would like to divide us. I’ve been praying for unity. And I pray for mr Biden’s salvation but will not pray for him as my president as he did not win the election. It was stolen. I hope my response didn’t sound harsh, I was trying to explain to IFA why they may have noticed a decline in followers.
      We must be United and continue to pray but I pray for President Trump and for Mr Biden. Thanks. In Christ

Elizabeth Crouse
February 6, 2021

Each one must continue to pray and share. I have witnessed how much people are praying. So much evil and lies, but I am asking God to bind the evil. Money is being spent unreal that we don’t have. No common sense approach from someone who knows how to wisely spend. Programs that Christians don’t believe in are funded generously. Money is given to people who don’t deserve or need it. Praying, praying, praying

nora larrabee
February 6, 2021

We need to repent from our sins, seek God and not man, for our answer. Keep our eyes on God and the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross for us, preparing ourselves and look for His soon return!

Peggy Jones
February 6, 2021

We are committed to praying for our great country! Amen and amen🙏

Ron D. Mazzucchi
February 6, 2021

God, help us to be more determined in prayer for the spiritual healing of America.

February 6, 2021

Yes, yes, yes, and Amen friend.

Sandy Smith
February 6, 2021

On January 20th God told me to pray for president biden. He said to pray the 40 days of pray if my people book. I wasnt happy and i grumbled. But i obeyed God. He will take care of everything in our obedience.

Mary K
February 6, 2021

We must not give up but rather reenforce our resolve to keep praying. How can we not pray for our Heavenly Father, our Abba Father who loves us with an everlasting love. Pray for revival to come to America, a new Awakening, unlike any Awakenings in the past, to far exceed it, that many, and I mean many would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

February 6, 2021

I’ve noticed from all kinds of comments to these various articles that many people have given up and given in to disappointment and feel that now we have nothing to look forward to but persecution. I don’t want to be one of those with that mindset.

    Ron D. Mazzucchi
    February 6, 2021

    I agree, we must never give up. Even though we are miserable sinners, if we pray with a loving heart, God will hear us and if we pray enough, God will heal our country.

      Homeschool Cindi
      February 6, 2021

      If we are still miserable sinners, then who is God talking to that have been made righteous through the blood of Christ, able to be presented without fault and with great joy as they come boldly before God’s throne – his courtroom?

February 6, 2021

F rom
A mericans
I n
T he
H eart of
rises an aroma of humility and conviction of gratitude toward the one and only Lord God of our salvation.

For without faith it is impossible to SERVE God. Therefore, unlike our last administration, you simply could not hold an office in the highest level of government without having faith in the leader.

I, by faith, look forward to an administration filled with leadership that serves from a foundation of faith.

Lord, as we humble ourselves and pray, and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways may we hear this day from heaven that our sins are forgiven and this land is being healed.

Raze the putrid smell of hypocrisy and dominance of one man over another who takes by force the lives and livelihoods from those who are doing your will, whom you have loved since before birth. Remove the stench of complacency and doubt that hinders and blinds men’s souls.

Anne Marie Traylor
February 6, 2021

I was reminded this morning,while reading this article, that during world war two we had many setbacks, and appeared to be losing. People kept praying and eventually the tide turned and we won. Derek Prince wrote a book titled ‘ Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting’ We are in a war for this nation which we can only win on our knees. We must not give in to dispare, but keep pressing in to God.

    February 6, 2021

    This happen also in the civil war, the north was losing every battle until President Lincoln sent a proclamation that the people would fast and pray for the war effort. The north only lost one battle after the people were faithful. Let us be the Faithful people and fast and pray for our nation. We can not lose the Constitution in one fail swoop of evil and cheating. We can not lose America to ignorance. We can not lose the evil Trump was fighting against: peace in Israel, aboration, child trafficking and child sacrifice. We must pray for the the children of the world. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen

      February 8, 2021

      I believe you meant we cannot lose TO the evil THAT Trump was fighting against. If so then I can agree with Amen.

February 6, 2021

Amen. It may be for our nation but more importantly for our family, our neighbors and yes even our political officers.

diana bogue
February 6, 2021

Thank you! I am passing this on to family and friends. We all need to keep encouraging each other to pray and remain faithful as we see our nation falling further every day down a path of unrighteousness.Satan wants us to give up and believe God is not hearing us. Let’s be faithful soldiers!

February 6, 2021

1 Samuel 17 Who is this philistine that we should cower when we have the armies of the Lord at the ready in this spiritual battle through prayer? We have the 5 smooth stones of the Word of God and the prayers of the saints to defeat the enemy. Luke 1:37 “For nothing will be impossible with God.” So gear up my brethren with the armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” AMEN!!!!!!

February 6, 2021

I agree with you, Kim. We need to keep fighting the good fight of faith. Biden becoming President was, and still is, a bitter pill to swallow. Nevertheless, we need to keep up intercessory prayer for the happenings in our nation as our top priority. Lord, give us perserverance in praying and reaching out to legislators to voice our feelings on important issues. Lord, You say in Your word, that no weapon forged against you shall stand. We believe it, stand on it, and trust in You, even if in the natural, we don’t see what we what we think is right.

February 6, 2021

We are now going to see events in the “Back of the Book” come in quick secession. Sleepy Joe is being used by “evil forces” to do some extremely harmful things to the American people. Never thought I would witness this stuff in my lifetime.
If you are a Christian you can find real comfort and courage in your salvation! Don’t ever think that your prayers are not important either. As we witness things “spin out of control” our prayers will be our comfort and protection.
I hope the Church will stand strong and not withdraw into a timid existence. Just remember we have been given the power of a strong mind! Keeping our eyes on the prize is the answer. Also, the Jesus Vaccine mixed with faith is the beat shot we can get. STAY STRONG BROTHERS AND SISTERS!

February 6, 2021

We can keep intercession going and we can keep moving forward with our Father’s divine guidance.

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

We have a wonderful God and throughout His Word we see over and again His loving-kindness, tender-mercies, and patient-endurance ever flowing out to His children and guiding us along the right pathway. We do not deserve it but He is true to His word and has promised never to leave us and always to lead and guide us in the way we should go, even during those times when we prove faithless and allow discouragement to set in – even on those occasions when we deliberately disobey Him or try to work things out in our own strength. He IS always there.

“Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame” Isaiah 50:7

Father we declare we will not shrink back from intercession and moving into what You have for us. Instead, we will overcome. In our spirit Father we can feel the coming of the great awesome revival that the world has never seen. Help us to set our face like a flint and keep moving forward regardless of the opposition’s tactics to distract us and attempt to stop us. With You LORD there is victory.

May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Sharon Mysicka
February 6, 2021

What you said is very true and timely. We can’t back down. The enemy certainly doesn’t.

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February 6, 2021

Thank you for this beautiful article. It lifted my Spirit and reaffirmed my commitment to pray harder and more frequently.

Cindy B
February 6, 2021

Yes!! We must continue to stand and pray!! I begin every morning with praise and prayer and time in God’s Word. I know that God hears and will answer our prayers!! While we don’t always understand His timing, it is always perfect for His Kingdom purposes. And while we may feel disappointed, there are already so many who are accepting Christ. Revival is here! Mario Murillo and Sean Feicht are drawing huge crowds and lives are being changed. The eyes of many are being opened to the lies of the enemy. We are on the winning side!! Let’s stand and await our victory!! Come, Lord Jesus, come!!

deborah hyland
February 6, 2021

Intercessors must visualize themselves locking their shields in a circle surrounding the enemy ( each prayer point ) and boldly speaking fiery decrees directly at the enemy . He is extinguished . he is annialated in each category . We have won and tell him he has lost . Tell him ” you have been defeated ” Speak directly at him .We will attack on all fronts . ” You have lost Satan ” speak the written word directly at him for it is written ” no weapon of your formed against us shall prosper.. and every tongue that rises against us shall be condemned ..for we are the children of the most high God . picture ourselves looking down from the balcony of Heaven .. for we are already seated with the Lord We have already won . Dont stop warring against the adversary do not put down your swords under any circumstances because it is the Lords Holy Spirit fire of love and truth spoken that is our weapon .. remain joyful because joy is faith without doubt . Continue to relentlessly attack the demons directly this is WAR . BE EXTEMELY BOLD ..TOTAL CONVICTION IN YOUR SPOKEN VOICE . no time for velvet glove praying this is straight up iron fist undercut to the dragons throat . break the backbone of the enemy send him doing backwards somersaults with a broken neck back to where he came from in the name above all names Jesus Christ our Redeemer we speak these things amen amen

    February 12, 2021

    Praise is an important part of spiritual warfare. In 2 Chronicles 20 verses 17 to 22  
    17 Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of Jehovah with you, O Judah and Jerusalem; fear not, nor be dismayed: to-morrow go out against them: for Jehovah is with you. 
    2Ch 20:18  And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground; and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before Jehovah, worshipping Jehovah. 
    2Ch 20:19  And the Levites, of the children of the Kohathites and of the children of the Korahites, stood up to praise Jehovah, the God of Israel, with an exceeding loud voice. 
    2Ch 20:20  And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem: believe in Jehovah your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. 
    2Ch 20:21  And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed them that should sing unto Jehovah, and give praise in holy array, as they went out before the army, and say, Give thanks unto Jehovah; for his lovingkindness endureth for ever. 
    2Ch 20:22  And when they began to sing and to praise, Jehovah set liers-in-wait against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, that were come against Judah; and they were smitten. 

Melissa Rush
February 6, 2021

Amen I am contending with you!

Homeschool Cindi
February 6, 2021

Yes and amen!

God is not bound to man’s calendar, nor has he changed his mind. However, much damage was done (might I note, even through IFA) as leaders referred to Joe Biden as the president. Language was used the implied this “Ishmael” was to be acknowledged as legitimate.

He is no more the president of the United States than Maduro is of Venezuela. The thief is never the owner, even after he spends the stolen resources. Believers calling things that are not as though they were and aligning with the false prophets of MSM has consequences.

I believe there has been a beautiful shift within the Body of Christ as we press into the Lord’s will. The sheep are being separated from the goats, and we’re about to see a huge move of God.

The results of this election are far from over as we stand and watch God’s plan for this nation unfold.

    Laura K
    February 6, 2021

    I agree. This is not over. God’s got this!!

    Cheri Romain
    February 6, 2021

    Thank you for bringing this up. When IFA started calling Mr Biden “The President” I stopped opening the emails. Some other strainge things happened that made me lose confidence in IFA.

      Carol Newhouse
      February 6, 2021

      When another Christian makes a mistake, our response should not be to turn our backs on them…but to pray for them. IFA may have done/said some things you disagree with, but overall they have served well Christ and His will for our country. Part of the failure of the election were Christians who “gave up” after a few errors by other Christians and didn’t vote at all. If they hadn’t done that, Trump would be in office now. …and we need to pray for those Christians as well. We all have made mistakes.

February 6, 2021

ThereARE More that Be For Us than Against us Almighty God~ Open Eyes too SEE it is TRUE! Enable Discernment to Prove a Lie of Corrupt mis-information isn’t True At All & Let Us Be United In Spirit Holy Spirit & TRUTH and Lord You are Truth; Make Bold And Increase Our Clear Vision and Turn Up Our Spiritual Senses Oh Almighty Lord Come Move Upon Your True Eklessia To Behold Your Will Your Ways Functioning In Your Beloved. We NEED You Awesome Lord Our Deliverer! Come Part the Red Sea , Remove the King Herods ; Send those to Push Down the Jezebel s and Stomp Round the Jerrichos. For Truely the Sound of Worship Must be Heard and PURE!!! And Then Mighty God All Is Youres Whether we Go Into the Den or Fire and Live or not ~You Will we Serve Honor We Seek n Press Into You! Let Your Will be Done! Your Kingdom Come Set Itself Down Upon Us Your Beloved Children and … Bride. Have Mercy Oh Lord Our God and Do ALL it Again former and later! Let us See Our Abba Delieverance Again! All Glory2GOD In Jesus Amen

February 6, 2021

I agree prayer is important. I also believe we need to stand with people who are making a stand for righteousness. I see many Nations enduring worse than our nation. I pray that God will bring forth many leaders as we’ve seen recently who have a heart for Jesus as David did.
Know more than ever we should Love Him with all our hearts, obey what He calls us to do and love one another. Truly love and care for one another so others may see who’s we are.

Sherry Mallory
February 6, 2021

The enemy would like nothing more than to see the body of Christ in disunity and discouraged. That oppressive spirit prevents the full movement of God because we have allowed our emotions to take over. Lord, help us to rally in unity to stand firm on Your promises. You are a God of mystery and we can trust You are at work. Keep us strong as we stay fixed on You. Give us Your insight, effective prayers, and fervent hearts to forge on with You. This spiritual battle is Yours and we accept the invitation to join in. Make us mighty warrior who are one step ahead of the enemy. No weapon formed against us will prosper. Holy Spirit, keep us from straying and flow in and through us. Quicken us if we become discouraged and give us Kingdom vision. In the mighty name of Jesus

    Laura K
    February 6, 2021

    In total agreement. Lord keep us close to you in faith and trust

Marianne Strenger
February 6, 2021

Our test is in our growth of faith in and knowledge of our great God. Remain inprayer and know He is God. He will be exalted amongst the nations.

When I was little, my Dad did house projects and I would watch as he would use certain tools and fashion his plan into reality.

Let’s watch God fashion His plan into action and trust He will make the crooked places straight before us and tell us when to trust and when to speak.

Trust Him He loves us more than we can know, but we are growing in the love that never fails.

Remain in His love.

Virginia Drastata
February 6, 2021

Praise God, praise God. yes I am with you all the way. We need to seek the face of God to take the blinders off our hearts and allow His Holy Spirit to flow like never before. Sometimes we get down and tired but

God is the lifter up of our heads and He will not suffer us to be moved. God is a God of justice and mercy and He has given us every tool to fight the good fight fight of faith. He will sustain us as we walk with Him. Don’t look to the things around us as if we can’t do this, We are more than conquers through Him who saved us. Has He not told us, The battle is not our but His??? Therefore let us stand stronge,for He is our King of Kings and LOrd of Lords. God is real and wants His people to trust Him. Faith, yes He has given us His faith to believe, therefore praise Him for the gifts He has given us, let us use every gift to His glory. Let His glory shine so others will want to know Him . God is waiting for many sons to come to glory. Let us not wast the time He has given us, for the fields are white and many need to turn to Him . Thanks be to God for life and the opportunities He give us to share Him. Be encouraged in the Lord.!!!!!!

    February 6, 2021

    Virginia thank you for this scriptural and encouraging reminder of who we are and what we have at our disposal because GREATER IS JE WHO IS IN US RHAN HE WHO IS IN RHE WORLD🙌🙌🙌. After reading Kim’s article( thank you Kim) your response spurred me on to remember it is over already, the victory has been won and our job is to not grow weary in believing and to be encouraged in our most Holy faith, which in itself is really the very first a d greatest gift we received by Gods grace. So let’s remember who we do battle alongside and who our great commander in Chief is🙌🙌🙌 Hallelujah, we shall not be overcome.

Anne Conolly
February 6, 2021

Praise God!! I have to say, I was disappointed, and my heart was heavy. I at one point this week wanted to give up. Our God did not give up on us. As I was led to the scriptures in James about patience, and enduring. (James 5: 7-11) focusing on Christ our hope. Broken – Restored – Romans 15:3 For even you (Christ) did not please Himself, but as it was written “The reproach of those who reproached You fell on Me” For whatever things were written before were written for our learning (our history) that we through patience (also found in James 5) and comfort of the scriptures might have HOPE…Father God, the God of patience and comfort grant us to be like minded toward one another according to Christ Jesus. Reason: that we may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. V-7 THEREFORE – receive one another just as Christ also received us – to the glory of God. -Abound in hope – how by the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us continue in prayer with one another let us run the race set before us looking to Jesus the AUTHUR and finisher of our faith. To God be the glory!

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Donna Freeman
February 6, 2021

standing firm with other believers, praying and continuing to believe God will do and is doing what He said He would do! Jesus, what a wonder you are!

Fonda Mann
February 6, 2021

You are right! God is still working in this situation! So many times the cloud of witnesses that we see in Hebrews 11 did not get their answers immediately, it took time. Our father of faith Abraham for example, waited without wavering in his faith for the promise. Just remember that without faith it is impossible to please God. He raised Lazarus from the dead, He created an army out of dry bones. He has perfect timing, and he has spoken to us through the prophets that he still has a plan! We have to trust God, and stand. And when we’ve done all to stand, we have to stand. Rise up in Faith Church! We are the army that God has assigned to march through the land, LET’S ROLL!

Carlina Shepherd
February 6, 2021

Yes-agree with Heaven- when He returns will He find faith on the earth. He reigns and is sovereign- stand in faith Body of Christ

Bonnie Busby
February 6, 2021

Actually righteous anger should be explored and taught. We have been taught to turn the other cheek way too much.
Matt 23:13-19
“you are indeed the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. ³² Go ahead and finish what your ancestors started. ³³ Snakes! Sons of vipers! How will you escape the judgment of hell?

³⁴ “Therefore, I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers of religious law. But you will kill some by crucifixion, and you will flog others with whips in your synagogues, chasing them from city to city. ³⁵ As a result, you will be held responsible for the murder of all godly people of all time—from the murder of righteous Abel to the murder of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you killed in the Temple between the sanctuary and the altar. ³⁶ I tell you the truth, this judgment will fall on this very generation.


  ³⁷ “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.
Anger & groaning grief is needed! At the end of this scripture I felt Jesus must have burst into tears at their hardness of heart. Grieving and groaning Lamemtation prayers are mostly what I have. Grieving for our crooked leaders! I havent stopped praying but the prayers are more Romans 8 groaning now.

    February 6, 2021

    Never never give up amen! Thank you! GOD got this! Hallelujah hallelujah it’s not over yet! Watch and see what GOD does! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

February 6, 2021

Never,Never give up! GOD never will give up on us. He loves us! Praise you father GOD. We love you! We put all our trust in you! Holy Spirit you our welcomed here! Fill us with your love, peace, and joy! Thank you in JESUS name! Amen 🙏

February 6, 2021

Very true article. We must continue to pray for one another also. Since the election I have lost my son’s dad to a heart attack, my brother to cancer, my job, and several friends to covid-19. During times like this we need JESUS, as well as intercessors praying for one another fervently as well as for the issues we face. Let’s use our prayer time also to lift up one another as I am sure I’m not the only one going through trials. FATHER GOD thank YOU for every intercessor praying for America and the world today. Please strengthen us with power and might in our inner man as we cry out to you day and night in JESUS Name! Give us the issues and people that YOU want us to intercede for daily, and in the night. Let us gain power and strength from YOUR WORD and pray YOUR WORD when we have no words of our own! In JESUS MIGHTY Name I pray! Amen!

    February 6, 2021

    Suzie, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I am praying for Holy Spirit‘s comfort for you. I lost my husband and my father within weeks of one another several years ago. I’m sure you know this but at this time cling to Jesus! He is your one and only source.As tough as it is, it is a wonderful time too because the closeness with him is so sweet.
    I will be praying for you.

    Virginia Drastata
    February 6, 2021

    My dear Suzie, My heart goes our to you and I pry the Lord bring a peace over you , only He can do. I understand grief for my husband went to heaven in Nov. 2019 and it gets hard but God. Only our faith in knowing God is with us can bring the peace only He can provide so I pray His peace overtake you and He supply all your needs as only He can. Miracles happen all the time and I pray all your needs be supplied with much opportunity . The Lord bless you greatly as you rise above all the hurt and god’s love be felt all around you. In Jesus Name.

    February 6, 2021

    May the God of all comfort encourage and strengthen you, Suzy. May He give you hope in your time of grief for these losses in your life.

    February 6, 2021

    Suzie, May God continue to lift you and hold you in His hands. Your words of encouragement and strength to the family of Christ in your darkest hour is a testament to all of us of the amazing grace of our Father in Heaven to enable those He loves and those who seek Him to find peace and strength through our faith. Thank you for sharing with us. May Gods peace continue to wrap around you and shield you🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

    February 6, 2021

    Ruth Caye Jones was a pastor’s wife in Pennsylvania and a mother of five children. As a self-taught pianist and organist, Ruth wrote several hymns and worked with her husband in a radio ministry that they founded. In 1943, the world was at war, and Ruth was distressed by the headlines of the newspaper, which showed that Allied progress was slow in Europe, and casualties were high. Supplies were being rationed at home in the United States, and everyone was living under incredible strain. Opening her Bible to II Timothy 3:1, she read, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” A song began to form itself in her mind, and she jotted the lyrics on a small pad of paper she kept in her apron pocket. A series of musical notes also began playing in her mind, which she realized were coming from the Westminster chimes of the clock on her mantle. She combined the words and music into this song.

    In times like these you need a Savior,
    In times like these you need an anchor;
    Be very sure, be very sure,
    Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
    This Rock is Jesus, Yes He’s the One,
    This Rock is Jesus, the only One;
    Be very sure, be very sure,
    Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
    In times like these you need the Bible,In times like these, O be not idle;
    Be very sure, be very sure,
    Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
    In times like these I have a Savior,
    In times like these I have an anchor;
    I’m very sure, I’m very sure
    My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

    When I was growing up, we listened to “A Visit With the Joneses” I don’t remember if my mother met any of them in person or not

Sharon Victor
February 6, 2021

Thank you for this encouragement! I pray that God would help us to walk worthy of Him, that we would be fruitful in every good work, that we would increase in the knowledge of Him, and that we would be strengthened in His glorious power, and that we would be thankful to Him who made us meet to be partakes of His glorious light.


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