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I Prayed have prayed
Father, renew our strength. Give us restoration and fill us with Your joy and life.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

And he shall speak great words against the most High and shall wear out the saints of the most High. (Dan 7:25)

I have thought of this Scripture many times over the past few months, as I see the weariness on the faces of those who have been standing in faith, declaring God’s unchanging Word.


I have thought of this Scripture many times over the past few months, as I see the weariness on the faces of those who have been standing in faith, declaring God’s unchanging Word.

Many of us have been unable to escape spiritual fatigue in this past season.  At times like this, I thank God for Isaiah 40:29 which states, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”

During intense times of intercession or warfare, it is vital to keep our spirits strong. Proverbs 18:14 says, “The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain and trouble.” If we are going to walk through this season in victory, a strong spirit is absolutely vital.

Perhaps you don’t feel spiritually weary – perhaps you think things are going along fine…I know that is what I thought, too. That is until a major medical issue proved me wrong.

I am a faith person. I felt my faith was strong and my spirit was intact. However, looking back, I can see the warning signs.

Things that are hard to see in the midst of battle, are glaringly obvious as I look back.

Some of the signs of a weak spirit are:

  1. Feeling overwhelmed. “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. (Prov 24:10)
  2. Hopelessness. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” (Prov 13:12)
  3. Short-temperedness. “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.” (Prov 16:32)
  4. Physical exhaustion. “But now it comes upon you, and you are weary; It touches you, and you are troubled.” (Job 4:5)
  5. However, the greatest indicator of a weak spirit is negative or complaining words that come out of our mouth.

When we find ourselves in a place where our words are not lining up with God’s Word, it’s time to strengthen our spirit.

Many years ago, I heard Keith Moore say when you are going through hard times such as sickness, financial attacks, or any other battle, it is time to build up your spirit.  He said you do that by reading at least four chapters of the Bible per day.

I know it sounds like a lot – but it only takes a few minutes.  I have followed his plan many times over the years, and it works, every single time.

We have to go back to the beginning.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

Before anything was – during a time of chaos and darkness – there was the Word and the Word was God. It changed everything then and it can and will change everything now. The Word is more necessary then ever during times of challenge and weariness.

Recently, I was studying the scripture in the New Testament that says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). What I discovered was that it was referenced to an Old Testament scripture I love.

Jeremiah 6:16 says, “Thus, says the Lord: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls.”

I believe these three verses are showing us the way forward is the old path, where the good way is.  The way of Jesus and the Word.  “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”  Jesus and the Word and God are one.  It is the way through. It’s HIS path…

It is the way to rest for your soul. It is the way to a strong, enduring spirit.  One that will sustain us in any season.

Perhaps you are feeling weary.  Maybe even soul weary – if so, there is a way to peace and rest.  It is found by looking for the old path – where the good way is.  It is by casting your burden upon Jesus knowing He cares for you and will give you rest.  And it is by digging and digging and digging in the Word of God.

I encourage you to challenge yourself.  Take ONE MONTH and read four chapters a day – every single day.  Then see how you feel at the end of the month.  Do you have more rest?  More peace?  More faith?  Have your burdens become lighter?

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Give it a try.

My prayer for you is that at the end of the month, your spirit will be strengthened, and you will be restored, refreshed, rested and filled with the Zoe life of God…may it be so.

Will you accept this challenge? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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April 22, 2021

Thank you I needed this. Been feeling weary in my soul. I take the challenge.

Ronald Raper
April 15, 2021

Tianne thanks for the heads up that I need to Strengthen my Spirit I feel some better now.

Jeanne Peeters
April 14, 2021

Great word! I too accept the challenge.

Ronald Raper
April 13, 2021

Me and my wife Faye have been going thru a rough patch for awhile we lost our Son a couple of weeks ago he passed away from a number of Health issues. I am also a Disabled Vietnam Veteran with PTSD and Agent Orange issues 11thacrBlackhorse 6/67-6/68. With everything going on in our Country my Nerves have been bothering me Alot. Also me and my Son did not have the best realasonship he had ADD and PTSD and a # of other issues and thec Devil has really been giving me a Hard time remenbering all of his Faluts and wrong decisins he made. I have ask the Lord to forgive me and I tryed to turn the problems with my Son over to Him. Thank you guy’s for your Prayers and also our Dauther has Cancer her name is Wendy sorry about the spelling. I received Christ in my Life in 1986 Born Again but have come short of his glory the last little while the Lord brought me out of the TET Offencive in one piece. Godbless Ronald&FayeRaper

    April 14, 2021

    Standing with you brother in the season of trial you are facing and have faced for many years, May God strengthen and keep you as your heart continues to stand firm with him. A Psalm 141 comes to mind that he will make all your bed in your languishing, the knowledge that Jesus will look after you, he knows and cares and is your healer as you rest in Him and he will take you and your family through all your distress is our promise, fear not He is the shade on your right hand and is the source of all your life. He has a plan for you and that plan is for good and not for evil and will cancel all the plans against you and nullify the weapons that seek to destroy you..No weapon formed against you shall prosper, Isaiah 54 and I know how the devil can trouble through our minds, so may I encourage you to continue put on the whole armour and stand firm in faith..even while lying on your bed.. Jesus knows and cares for you and will give your the rest your heart desires..press in to Him He is faithful to hear and answer your hearts cries. I hear you on earth and He who never slumbers or slepps and made the ear most certainly has heard your cry too. May God bless you and answer your need suddenly, I this ask in Jesus precious name. You and your family are precious in His sight.

    April 22, 2021

    Certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayers. Blessed be God who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me. Psalms 66:19
    God bless you and your family with His peace and favor.

April 12, 2021

Blessed. Needed this.thank you.

April 12, 2021

I gladly accept this challenge. Reading this article made me realize how tired my spirit is from 9 years of chronic illness. Thank you for this article.

April 12, 2021

I feel the same way–I love IFA, but what is supposed to be “fuel” for prayer usually makes me feel extremely overwhelmed and hopeless. I’m hoping with this challenge that more time with God’s words and less time with man’s words will help. Thanks

Jan Vinje
April 10, 2021

Yes this is a great thing and God honors our desire to pursue Him! I too have felt heaviness and oppression. There is a constant weariness with little release because of the relentless evil in the surrounding local and national governments and the massive lies being forced on the public that are enslaving our future and disrupting all that has been truth and freedom as we have known it. There is no conscience to even alert the liars or convict them as they are sold out to a Socialistic and satanic worldview!

Sheril Phillips
April 10, 2021

Thank you so much for this article. Yes, many of us have gone through and are experiencing weariness with intense spiritual warfare these last several months. But it is a great reminder and one that has kept me encouraged and strengthened to be in the word and focused on Jesus the Word. This is a wonderful encouragement and challenge and I gladly accept reading 4 chapters of the word of God daily.

April 9, 2021

I started reading 3 chapters every night beginning January 1, 2021. Doing this keeps me hopeful and less affected by the corruption that appears to be everywhere. Also praying more. IFA is a blessing.

    Peter F Schlegel
    April 9, 2021

    As one who listens to the prophets I know this is so very true. The scriptures will build your faith, strengthen your testimony, and fill you with the love of God.

April 9, 2021

Yes, the fatigue and hopelessness that set in the depths of the soul are accutely felt by the carnal man as opposed to the spiritual man, as St. Paul elaborated in his epistle to the Romans. There is always that intense battle of the spirit and the flesh that rages each day in everyone, but the reliance on Jesus alone and his immutable promises will disarm Satan and cast out these destructive impulses. I can speak from personal experience as my sweet Mother, Marlene, whom I had the supreme blessing of being with all of my life incurred the horrific affliction of bladder cancer which spread perniciously throughout her body and caused her death in October of 2018 shortly after her diagnosis in June of 2018. I had seen my father, Salvatore, ravaged by Ileitis back in 1972 when I was almost ten years old and my mother and I spent an entire year tending to him in New York Hospital as his pain and suffering increased with each passing day. I have learned to put on the spiritual weapons alluded to by St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, chapter 6, and pray for my parents souls and mine to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit so he can raise us up on the last day. As our blessed Lord says quite definitively, “whoever believes in my father and me has already passed from death to life” and Saint James gives us a back door reinforcement for trust in the Lord’s promise by stating, “whoever is a lover of this world is a hater of God.” We must not allow ourselves to worry about the events and problems that transpire in this life, for it is short and fleeting; however, seeking the kingdom of God first and then having all else given to us, as stated by our Lord himself, will takes us to the road to Calvary with a resoluteness and serenity of both heart and mind. In closing, we must take literally what St. Paul says in his 2nd letter to Timothy, i.e., “if we suffer with him, we will reign with him.” Amen and may the Lord bless you all during this Easter Octave and protect you from the onslaught of Satan and his demons.

April 9, 2021

Overwhelmed has been my companion when considering the news and framing prayer while trying to use the IFA prayer headlines for guidance. Now I see, why. I have not prepared for the battle with the consistent daily Word of God that is life for the battle. Thankyou for this Word, this Truth, encouragement and challenge.
By the grace of God, and the power of His Spirit I accept this challenge as well. Thank you…I specifically needed this call.

Kelly Lake
April 8, 2021

Thank you, Kim. I will do this challenge and read 4 chapters a day of the Bible for the next month!

Brenda Dormann
April 8, 2021

Amen by HIS grace I will
Put aside family and relatedchallenges and accept this challenge. TO GOD BE THE
GLORY. Thankyou Kim

April 8, 2021

Tough times! Lawless leaders…..Corrupt Courts…..two tier justice system and on and on!

April 8, 2021

Kim, I always look forward to your articles, and I am always blessed and encouraged. They always seem to come at just the time most needed. Today’s article was again timely, and a great blessing, as were many of the comments following. Thank you.

Yvonne Pendleton
April 8, 2021

From the mouth comes what is in the heart. Will we bless God only in the good times? states Job. I will bless the Lord at ALL times states the psalmist. Can we not do the same?

Yvonne Pendleton
April 8, 2021

God will return all the enemy has stolen if we TRUST Him. 1Tim 6:10 states that the love of money is root of ALL evil. Some have made money their god. Forgive us, Father.

Charlette L Luna
April 8, 2021

God is good; Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; lift up your voice to God! Pray in the Spirit and with understanding, Oh, magnify the Lord! In a time of deep depression as a new believer, a sister called me and said I needed to praise the Lord! I balked, but obeyed and after saying with sarcasm Praise the Lord, the more I did it the sarcasm left and the Lord lifted the depression. Our God is so good! He is absolutely good!

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    April 8, 2021

    Hi Charlette, I agree. I learned this in a time of great sorrow. Praise passages and verses is where I often go when bogged down in the heaviness of situations or details. We read of times when Songs of praise proceeded armies into battles. Some days I praise knowing others are battling in prayer details. My spirit is revived.

April 8, 2021

Boy did I need this. Especially lately…

Claire Braaten
April 8, 2021

I am going to accept this challenge
this day Thursday April 8, 2021…Lord
I ask Your blessing, favor, and strength as I fulfill this challenge.

April 8, 2021

Yes I will read 4 chapters of the Bible…..thankyou Kim…God bless you and keep you well
Love and blessings

Nancy Mouledoux
April 8, 2021

My spiritual life began to strengthen and grow when in 1998 I began to read through the Bible every year. It is about 4 chapters a day on my schedule. No one thing I have ever done (with the exception of tithing) has ever changed my life spiritually and in every way as much. Do it!!!

Cecilia Crawford
April 8, 2021

I accept your challenge as a test. Thank you in advance. God bless you greatly.

Steve Williams
April 8, 2021


April 8, 2021

Yes, I absolutely accept the challenge! It is a privilege and honor to do this! The Lords word is truth and I need it daily! Thank you and GOD bless all of you.

Shirley Gue
April 8, 2021

Amen, let’s feast on God’s word together!

Jill Loraine Bullock
April 8, 2021

I’m starting today because I’ve been experiencing a complaining and easily offended attitude. Time to get back into the Word so I can get back to walking in the Spirit instead of in the flesh.

April 8, 2021

This is a great and encouraging article, Kim. Something that has become extremely important for all Christians, is to seek intimacy with God. We strongly need His wisdom to navigate the rough waters that we are living in today. Yes, there is a proliferation of evil all around us. We need to take authority over the debased, wicked things that are happening, in the powerful name of Jesus. This alone is where our hope lies.

    Colleen Swanson
    April 8, 2021

    Kim, I enjoyed your article very much! Yes, I accept your challenge to read four chapters in the Bible each day. Thank you for your “A New Thing Ministry.” I enjoy reading it also!

    April 14, 2021

    I heard something that echoes this encouragement to read God’s word.. which is to help us find strength. It was to do with intimacy and drawing closer to God to hear His heart and give him time and really listen to His word.. rather than think “I know what this passage says already”.. because when we stop thinking we know it already, God may then have the opportunity to show us what he wants us to learn from it today and that can change our heart’s perspective in a moment. I think it is so that God can show us our circumstances from his point of view and then we truly have the mind of Christ and will act in accordance with His will and not our own.. which is our prayer.. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Also recently while saying the Lord’s prayer “hallowed be thy NAME” came under the Spirit’s scrutiny “name” what does that mean.. and do I truly revere it enough? “Magnify thy name” I read in scripture.. One word started a barnstorm in my heart and revolutionized my perception of Holy God..as I said it over and over and tried to comprehend that one word, my spirit soared and God was magnified incredibly in my understanding.. it is good to read but then to also meditate on the words we read.. they digest and become part of us for our betterment and strength in the same way food does when it digests.

Pamela Perkins
April 8, 2021

Yes, I will commit to reading 4 chapters a day of God’s Word. Renewed strength is what I yearn for in this weary world. Blessings ❣️

April 8, 2021

Boy, did this hit me where I LIVE! My self-admonition to “fret not over evildoers” needed some help. I’ve walked with the Lord for 40 years – long time to see evil-doing increase – and I’m sure I’m not alone. Thanks for the word.

April 8, 2021

This is good. I love it. I have had periods of weariness and even discouragment but you know what? I read the “hope of salvation” or “helmet of salvation” resource and studied the verses on HOPE. Y’all I experienced heaviness like Mr. Prince and the Lord used that resource to show me how he would deliver me of the depression (and oppression)!
I meditated on verses the bible says about HOPE. I got that spirit of heaviness lifted and a refreshing I have not had in a long time. 🙌

God’s Word is a jumper cable for the weary soul!📖⚡
Praise the Lord!

Acts 2:25
Romans 5:1-5
Romans 12:12-15

Gabriela Kolinski
April 8, 2021

Thanks!! Abba, for your word. That, is sharper then a doable edges sword, that pears the innermost of our soul. And changes our way of thinking.Thanks that, by your word we will be transformed by the renewal of our minds. And we can’t conform by the patterns of this world. Let us be like a tree near water who bare fruit on time an our leaves don’t wider and all we do wil prosper!!! In the name that is above all names, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen, amen!!!!

Laura Siedenburg
April 8, 2021

Our church’s “motto” for the year is: BUILT BY WORDS: YOU GET WHAT YOU SAY
When I saw your article, it was a confirmation of our Pastor’s decision regarding our focus for this year. Watch our words; speak the Word of God and stand on it regardless of what is happening around us or even in us. Only His Word sustains. He has proven that to me over and over again for the past 40 years and I’m so grateful. Thank you for your article and the encouragement. May the Lord continue to bless and encourage you as you build up the body of Christ.

April 8, 2021

Father God,
Thank You for providing the gift of Your Word! It is a love letter we get the privilege of reading everyday. It brings rest to the weary, encouragement to the broken-hearted and life to the seeking and lonely orphan! Jesus, You are The Living Word and Our Eternal Hope! To You be all glory, honor and power forever and ever! Thank You! Thank You! In Your Name We pray!

Linda k Rice
April 8, 2021

follow Sean Feucht. You won’t be weary. Jesus is presenting Himself

April 8, 2021

Very good timing for this. Will take the challenge also. Father please renew our strength and help us to Not give up or grow too weary. In Jesus name, Amen!

Carol J Devarenne
April 8, 2021

A wonderful and very helpful article. Just what I needed. Thank you!

April 8, 2021

This morning I was reading Mark 4 about the sower and the seed. Then at the end of chapter 4 it shows Our LORD asleep in a ship when a great storm arises. The disciples were terrified and woke JESUS up:

35 And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.

36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships.

37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.

38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?

39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?

41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

This is HE WHO we serve! HE is in charge of the White House, those in it, every ungodly executive order, the woke group, the trans folks’ situations, BLM, antifa, CRT; ALL OF THIS FOOLISNESS! Our GOD IS IN CHARGE!

I sang in a church youth choir when I was 15 in 1965. We sang a song called “Peace, Be Still!” This song was written by James Cleveland who faced major struggles in his own life and in the midst of them reminded himself WHO IS IN CHARGE OF ALL OF OUR STRUGGLES.

He wrote: The disciples said: Master, the tempest is raging…….. Carest thou not that we perish? How canst thou lie asleep?

JESUS answers them: the winds and the waves shall obey my will, PEACE! Be Still! Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, or demons, or men, or whatever it be. No water can swallow the ship where lies the MASTER of ocean and earth and skies; They ALL shall sweetly obey my will! Peace! Be still!

We serve the MASTER of demons or men or whatever it be! Pray believing that you have it and you will have whatever you say! I expect the storm to be over ANY DAY NOW in JESUS Name! HE WILL DELIVER HIS PEOPLE!

Denise cross
April 8, 2021

I am so weary and overwhelmed. This season we are all.in has been so hard and stressful. I needed this today and thank God for it’s timing. Will take the challenge!!

Lesta Andersen
April 8, 2021

Yes, I will accept the challenge!

Thank you for encouraging me to keep fighting the good fight of faith!

Kathleen Schaffer
April 8, 2021

Yes I will take the challenge.

April 8, 2021

Yes! Thank you for this article. I accept the challenge. I love our Lord and want to know more about Him. Thank you for the encouragement.

Dawn Beck
April 8, 2021

Thank you for this challenge. I accept. I have never read through the entire Bible, have started and stopped and even purchased a “Bible in a year” Bible. I read devotionals and scripture every day, but have never read 4 chapters. I’m in🙌🙌

    April 14, 2021

    I read words written by good men in their good books for years and my life stagnated because what they contained was like old musty food that had passed its used by date and all the goodness was lost along the way and was incapable of touching my heart for eternity. Its not the same as the WORD of GOD..
    I am an admirer of The Creator’s handiwork especially in our backyard as that is where I spend a lot of time, we have doves which are regular visitors and whom i am pleased to feed as but only those that are willing to come close and get to know me and show a willingness for relationship. A pair of these doves last Spring had a pair of “dovelets”..chicks and I was priveleged to be able to observe their progress. We knew of them in the nest and continued to supply the parents with fresh seed and water, then as the to little ones left the nest they would sit on our back fence and I was instructed by the Holy Spirit..my Father’s voice was clear to me on this..”sit and watch” so I pulled up a seat obeying with pleasure..for I love these little ones and I love my Father. A drama unfolded and taught me a lesson I know I will never forget, for when God shows you something it is indelibly written in our hearts.
    There were three doves, a parent dove, the male and two babes. The food was located in front of them on the ground. The father dove few down to the food source, a bowl of unmilled wheat and a bowl of water. He began to take some of the seed. Then one of his offspring proceeded to fly down to beg for some seed from her father as she would have done in the nest. She fluttered her wings and bowed before him and it was a sight to see. Her father refused her by flying immediately back to his original position on the fence. She then flew next to him. This scene was repeated at least three times until, the little one understood that she was to take the seed for herself. It was time for her to eat for herself. A big step for anyone.
    The lesson for me was forthcoming: God gives us spiritual sustenance and He even uses the Word seed in a parable in the Gospels to describe it. Seeds are like incredible powerpacked kernels of truths that once ingested transform our hearts and minds..but we must take the seed ourselves if we want to grow into creatures which are able to fly with the lord in the heavenlies, far above all principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. There is time for everything under heaven, and there was a time when as new Christians we took our food from spiritual God given men and women, as babes we need the milk of the word, which spiritual parents would impart to us through speeches and sermons and the like, but then we are to come to an time of taking the meat..through reading the Word for ourselves and having times of daily communion with the Lord alone and thereby growing in Christ built up into His likeness. We need to take our food from God’s word and search out God’s will for ourselves just as the Bereans who were praised by the Apostle Paul in the Book of Acts. Second hand food wont do us the good that eating for ourselves and drawing near to God to hear His truth and receive first-hand His power and strength to do His will.. Jesus needed all the help He could get from the Father to become our victor in the heavens, we also must follow his example.

      April 15, 2021

      May I add that taking the food directly for yourself can protect us from the leaven of the scribes and pharissees, or people who would lead us away from God to follow them instead for their profit and our loss.. God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path and also helps us discern the thoughts and intents of the heart, it is a plumbline for truth. We must be careful as Cjhristians to know and keep God’s word but also to ask for wisdom understanding and knowledge from God because there are “scammers” in every walk of life. Whom Jesus warns of us of in John 10 when He mentions our enemy who also twists God word, as in Jesus temptations so we need to be on guard continually and get to really know both the Author by His WORDs and also His Voice, for we have a enemy who is seeking to devour us, but God’s WORD will keep us, God’s promises strengthen us and help us through every trial and temptation and at last we will be with Him, to the Home Jesus has prepared because He has said He will never leave or forsake us.

April 8, 2021

Yes I will take the challenge.

Brenda Underwood
April 8, 2021

Yes I will take the challenge.

April 8, 2021

Those who accept this challenge will be forever grateful. I already have a daily through-the-Bible program set up to read it in a year. Thank you for challenging us to read and study. Yes, our faith is strengthened when we read.

    April 12, 2021

    I do as well, learning the Bible well but will study it for a lifetime as you always discover something new even in scripture already read.

Maria Pera
April 8, 2021

Yes I will take the challenge.


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