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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, lay on our hearts the desire to turn to You in prayer FIRST before anything else. Lord, do YOUR work in our nation and in this world.
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IFA Founder and Board Member John Beckett talks about the power of prayer. Have you seen the power of prayer at work in your life? Encourage the faith of others and share your story in the comments section below.

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John Acufff
July 5, 2020

awesome testimony

Stella Grant
July 2, 2020

Father God,
I thank You that through the Person and Work of Jesus You have disarmed satan and brought captivity captive to Jesus. Thank You that Jesus now has authority over every person on earth; every tribe, tongue and nation and You have proclaimed that every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Thank You Father that You are not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So we ask that Your Holy Spirit remove the veil that satan has placed over the minds of the unbelievers and open their eyes to see Jesus and their ears to hear His voice. Enable us to see that each of us is created in Your image, male and female. Holy Spirit convict of sin, of righteousness, of judgment and give unbelievers the ability to discern between truth and error and choose between life and death. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Deliver us from evil. May Jesus be exalted, magnified and gloried in and through His people. May others see our good works and give glory to You, our Father in Heaven. Purify Your Body. Send a revival. Send an Awakening. Amen.

July 2, 2020

Prayer works! God gave me a vision which I prayed into for 7 years and finally, my Jewish husband bacame a Born-Again Believer and was Baptized in the ocean at Camp St. Christopher near Charleston, SC. Also, I prayed and asked God if He was going to heal my nephew of Level 4 Bone Cancer in 1986. God did and now that nephew is married and a Pastor of a Lutheran Church in Ann Arbour, MI. Praise God for answered prayer.

Brinda Friday
July 1, 2020

Lord of Lords, King of Kings, the Great I Am, I come humbly yet boldly because of the shed blood of Jesus before Your throne of grace asking for the salvation of our leaders at the local, state and national level. I acknowledge that I am in and of myself powerless but You are the Almighty. You are a bulwark never failing. I ask You to intercede where I have no words. Lord, would you quell the unrest of our times? Grant wisdom and cooperation to our leaders to act for the good of our nation. I know pestilence comes from Your hand of judgment. I pray that those who are not seeking You would be found by You. I pray You would make Yourself manifest to those who are not asking for You. Cleanse Your church, grant us zeal in prayer. May we, Your bride, seek Your face, turn from our sins. My heart’s desire is to see Your Spirit move in the hearts of Your people so that healing could come to our land. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

Carolyn B
June 30, 2020

When God’s people come together and seek His face, He moves mightily. He’s always up to “knee mail”, 24/7.

    Martha Robinson
    June 30, 2020

    Amen and Amen!We are praying and looking for God to do great and mighty things in the United States. Praying for the Great Awakening! May you be blessed.

Linda Fincher
June 30, 2020

Praying for our nation. .
Romans 10:20
I was found by those who did not seek me;
I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me.
Father, please make Yourself known throughout our land. May our nation experience a revival, and return to You.
Father God, You promise to hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.
If we will humble ourselves and pray, seek your face and turn from our wicked ways.
Only You can heal our land.
Help us to see with Your eyes, and love with Your pure unselfish love, and forgive others as You forgive us.

June 30, 2020

How many stories would you like? My favorite. My sister in law loved and prayed for my brother for 20 years. God delivered him from alcohol. He has been dry for 7 years. With no desire to drink, even with alcohol in the house. She also prayed that her husband would treat her like a queen. He does.

    Martha Robinson
    June 30, 2020

    What a testimony of faith!Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.A lesson to all that we must keep asking because His timing is not our timing and His timing is ALWAYS the best. So glad you shared this story of the power of prayer.To God Be ALL Glory!

    Jeremiah 33:3
    Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.

Patricia Moulton
June 30, 2020

Faithful Father has provided rain for curling corn due to lack of moisture. First 1/2″ to soften the earth then 2″ to soak in rather than run off. Had prayed for several weeks prior and His love is so amazing for creatures and mankind.

    Martha Robinson
    June 30, 2020

    I’m so thankful Jehovah God has answered your prayers for rain. Hope your corn yeilds the best crop ever. God’s blessings to you and your family.

Rebecca Berube
June 30, 2020

Thank you for your message, John! Prayer WORKS!🙏🙏 “Rejoice always, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, in EVERYTHING give thanks!
God bless you!


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