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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, help us forego food and self in order to seek You. Bless this fast and add power to our prayers.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Fasting is one of the “secrets” of answered prayer. The Bible assumes we will fast. As IFA Founder Derek Prince taught, it is not “if” we fast, but “when” we fast.

There is no doubt that our nation, and the world, are in crisis. We see it all around.

IFA was founded as a ministry of intercessory prayer and fasting. We are passionate about praying for the nation and you can see that in every post we publish, and all our resources. We also believe “Fasting takes our prayers to another level. (Mt 6:16-18)” Our nation needs our prayers to be taken to another level!

So, we want you to know about a three-day Esther fast that begins tonight, Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at sundown, and ends Friday, July 3, 2020 at sundown. Friday is also the first Friday of the month of July. For many years, IFA has called for fasting and prayer on the First Friday of every month. We believe “Collective fasting on the first Friday of every month is the single most unifying action the community does together.” Participating in this three day Esther fast will also include joining in the IFA first Friday fast.

To find out more about the fast, go to GOVPRAY.COM.

Here are some wonderful teachings by Derek Prince on fasting:

How to Fast Successfully

Crisis Calls for Fasting

When You Fast

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Sherry Schubert
July 4, 2020

I will join your prayers….I am
consistently prayer…I was raised LDS or Mormon I have fasted through out my life, as the scripture tell us to do so… when it dose not come early in other prayers dedicated to the pictular movement.

Arlene Arrington
July 1, 2020

Yes and Amen to this. Esther 9 we decree the day they hope to over power us to the contrary we will over rule them. Esther’s request for Hamen’s 10 sons has been granted. The gallows they build for us they themselves will be hunged..

    Arlene Arrington
    July 1, 2020

    Dear Saints, along with this Esther Fast please consider what God said in Isaiah 58 God’s chosen fast deals. We must cry loud in this hour “You have come to the Kingdom For Such A Time as This right now. We are a royal people making a powerful difference.

July 1, 2020

“ If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Father heal our land! Pour out your spirit upon this nation and deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever and ever. Remove the scales from our eyes that we may see the truth and the truth which is you GOD shall set us free. This nation was founded on You and will return to You. I pray for Your revival in the White House, the Congress, the Senate, and for it to pour out over the streets. A mighty river of salvation will flood this land. A great awakening is at hand. Deliverance, salvation, and healing is on the way. Pray Saints of God! Get on your knees and pray! For this is the day that Lord has made.

Jane Fain
June 30, 2020

Perfect timing. We need to pray for the Great AWAKENING. Pray for people to wake up and stop watching CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC. Need to pray that Black Lives Matter is defunded and will have a miraculous encounter with Jesus Christ. The same for Antifa. Defunded and meet Jesus. Pray that there will be division and confusion in the enemy camp. That Senator McConnell will continue to bring men and women of integrity before the Senate Judiciary Committee to be confirmed so they can take their rightful place to serve on whichever bench they are called to serve on. That the corruption on our Supreme Court will cause several to step down from the bench permanently. That on September the 9th of this year, that Hillary Clinton will have to appear before the judge/or justice group as required and that justice WILL finally be served and that abortion will once again no longer be the law of our land. Expose the corruption in Congress, Hollywood, the universities and colleges , dismantle the Department of Education and send the responsibility of education our children back to the states, completely defund the National Education Association, Defund Planned Parenthood, dismantle Big Pharma and the AMA, and pray for people living in hidden sin in our churches. This is where much of the revival would take place. These are the items that come to my mind needing prayer. God bless everyone and I look forward to seeing God’s handiwork.

We have a lot of praying to do. God bless all.

Maribel Arteaga
June 30, 2020

Dear God,I repent for my sins and the sins of my ancestors. I ask that you continue to bless the United States of America and all who live here. Help our country to heal from unjust actions and ungodly words and deeds. I ask that you protect the men and women in uniform , especially the Police Officers thru out the country. In Jesus Name Amen. Thank you Jesus

    Arlene Arrington
    July 1, 2020

    Yes and Amen to this. Esther 9 we decree the day they hope to over power us to the contrary we will over rule them. Esther’s request for Hamen’s 10 sons has been granted. The gallows they build for us they themselves will be hunged..

Rene George
June 30, 2020

I want to share a vision God had given me years ago .
I was at a prayer meeting at the church I was going to at the time . We joined in a circle and the Lord wanted me prostate on the floor. When I was on the floor. He showed me a particular person and I began to weep uncontrollably. Till I was wrung out . Then He showed me another one , then another . Each time weeping . He then showed me a vision of Him on the mercy seat . There were stairs and I was on the left and there were two on the right. There were only three because He was showing in Spirit it is only in Spirit we can do this . We were weeping , then it split in two . Heaven then earth . On earth there was a violent rain ( which means mercy in Hebrew ) .
When I got up I was so saturated in the Spirit I couldn’t control it . I was weeping in front of a chair and the Lord said to me , ” That’s for that sinner. ”
Our prayers are touched by God , but when there is a cry for mercy with the tears of the saints , there is a level of revival from that . God will not deny or turn away . His mercy in the land is the outcry . I pray this will touch you as it has touched me and to soften your hearts to cry with the tears of the saints !
Praying in the Spirit with you ! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Maynard Beck Sr.
    July 1, 2020

    Awesome testimony Rene! Were there any other factors involved with the experience? – were you in a season of fasting, etc.? is the church you were attending still strong in the spirit? how about the church you attend now? Just curious because it seems that the church in the United States overall today is a lukewarm bucket of spit…
    Thanks so much for sharing,

A Tennessean
June 30, 2020

Dear God, please raise up Your people to humble themselves and pray. Convince us of our need for purging from worldliness and vanity. Stir us to love and serve the Least of These. As You end abortion, please give us wisdom how to help the many children who will be born needing love. Please, Abba, empower us to be what You’ve envisioned for us to become but we cannot without Your enabling. Strengthen us for this fast. Give us wisdom to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath through this.

Please raise up an army of prayers for 24 hour prayer, Lord. We need You and so many things need prayer, that a single “sweet hour of prayer” doesn’t cut it. But we have so many things taking our time and attention. Please turn our hearts and minds to You. Thank You, Abba. In Jesus’ name, for Jesus’ glory, Amen.

    MY Choi
    June 30, 2020

    Dear Lord, please bless America to bless Israel. Please protect President Trump and his administration from all harms. Please free your people in HK and South Korea from evil power and let them stand back up to praise Adonai and to be a passionate messenger of gospel once again. Please enlightens people and let them know the cunning plots of evil behind all political correctness propaganda. Please protect your people from all the evil doers.

MaryJo Coleman
June 30, 2020

Thank you!

Jackie L Thomas
June 30, 2020

Thank you so much for organizing nation wide prayer for our nation. God can work when we join our hearts together in prayer! And our nation needs our prayers now more than ever!!

c cameron
June 30, 2020

Praise God, coincidentally already begun a fast but more encouraged by this group fast.

Candace Baker
June 30, 2020

The Lord was leading me also to begin a 3 day fast today for our nation. Then I found this article-what a blessing!
I am joining with you

Toni Thornton
June 30, 2020

With the Lord’s
Help we will pray.
Hal & Toni

D.R. Warring
June 30, 2020

Father, thank You for Your Word, that IS You (John 1:1) and for all its instructions for a life of overcoming faith that overcomes evil because of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Lord God, You have provided many weapons of warfare like prayer and fasting, the sword of Your Word, the power of the Holy Spirit in us, and praise and worship to confuse, rout, and defeat the powers of darkness. We praise You!

Thank You for the atomic bomb power of prayer with fasting to alter the natural realm via the spiritual one and to move You to move Your heavenly hosts on our behalf.

We love You, bless You, honor You, and glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.

June 30, 2020

Ezekiel 22:30
“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.

This verse clearly states that even if one person stands in the gap, God will hear and not destroy our land. I thank God for IFA and I pray for revival in our land during this fast. Let our hearts turn back to you Lord, let our land be healed and let unity and peace reign. Holy Spirit, sweep over the United States of America in Jesus name, Amen.

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