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Father God, we pray for clarity. Reveal the truth about all vaccines, and give us safe vaccines that will protect Americans with no side effects.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Millions of Americans saw their government lie about COVID vaccines. Now other vaccines are being called into question.

From The Epoch Times. The United States now faces its highest-ever childhood vaccine exemption rate in history, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report published on Nov. 10.

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Before the pandemic, the United States had maintained nearly 95 percent nationwide vaccination coverage for 10 years.

Yet between 2020 and 2021, vaccine coverage in kindergarten-aged children fell to 94 percent; between 2021 and 2022, it dropped to 93 percent.

Vaccine exemption rates have also increased to 3 percent.

“It is not clear whether this reflects a true increase in opposition to vaccination, or if parents are opting for nonmedical [vaccine] exemptions because of barriers to vaccination or out of convenience,” the report authors concluded.

“Whether because of an increase in hesitancy or barriers to vaccination, the COVID-19 pandemic affected childhood routine vaccination,” they continued.


Post-COVID Skepticism Spilling Into Vaccine Skepticism

Dr. Cody Meissner, a professor of pediatrics at the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, was concerned that people’s skepticism toward the current COVID-19 vaccines may have also affected their attitude toward conventional vaccines, leading to the decline in CDC-recommended and state-required vaccinations, as recently reported by the CDC.

He suggested that the CDC’s initial delayed recognition of myocarditis as a COVID vaccine side effect in adolescents and young adults, coupled with the agency’s encouragement to vaccinate, as one example of what may be contributing to people’s distrust. …

Pediatrician Dr. Mark Barrett said that the current trend is likely caused by people distrusting recommendations from the CDC, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and even their doctors. …

Pediatrician Dr. Derek Husmann said that children having the lowest risk of severe COVID-19 gave parents and pediatricians a unique perspective, making them question the broad need for vaccines. …

California pediatrician Dr. Samara Cardenas said that the public slowly came to realize the COVID-19 vaccines were not safe nor effective as initially promised, and this may have also prompted parents to question the need for routine vaccinations. …

Conventional Vaccines vs. COVID-19 Vaccines

Some doctors are now troubled by the risks posed by declining rates of conventional vaccinations and the potential for increased outbreaks due to vaccine-preventable diseases like polio. …

“Measles, polio, diphtheria, for example, are vague concepts to [parents]. And so, these diseases are not known, therefore not respected or even feared, leading to questions about the vaccine,” Dr. Schaffner said.

“I tell current medical students that before we had measles vaccine available in the United States, back in the 1960s, there were 400 to 500 children that died annually in the United States, secondary to measles and its complications,” he explained. “Their jaws drop. They have no idea.”

However, some doctors have become more cautionary about childhood vaccine recommendations, fearing denial and the potential coverup of side effects.

“There is a potential public health concern when children remain fully unvaccinated for all traditional childhood vaccines,” pediatrician Dr. Renata Moon, who previously worked as a professor of medicine at the University of Washington, wrote to The Epoch Times. “[But] the question on everyone’s mind is, ‘what safety data do we have for each childhood vaccine?’ …

Safety of Childhood Vaccines Scrutinized

Recently, childhood vaccines have faced renewed scrutiny. These include the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) and diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP) vaccines for their links to autism and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for its links to encephalitis.

Yet long-term vaccine safety data and vaccine studies are lacking, and this applies to all vaccines on the market. …

A 2017 pilot study led by professor Anthony Mawson at Jackson State University compared vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated children aged between 6 and 12.

The researchers found that while fully and partially vaccinated children had significantly fewer cases of chickenpox and pertussis, they had 30 times greater odds of being diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and around four times greater odds of having allergies, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism. They also had about five times the odds of having a learning disability and almost four times the odds of having a neurodevelopmental disorder. …

Since these studies are not randomized and controlled, they do not indicate a causal relationship but suggest potential health concerns.

The study findings suggest that children may be trading long-term health for infectious disease immunity, Dr. Husmann said. …

An Opportunity for Safer Vaccines

While Dr. Husmann questions the safety of vaccines, he is keeping an open mind about adequately tested and safe vaccines in the future.

“I do not [want my patients to be] necessarily anti-vaccine; what I want them to be is vaccine freedom-friendly … I want my patients to be open and accepting of any vaccine that is truly safe and effective.”

Similarly, Dr. Cardenas agreed that it is a good thing that parents are proactively learning about these medications.

“Everybody should get instructed and educated on what is happening when you are being injected or even when you’re getting medicines. You should ask your doctor, what is this for? What are the side effects? I think the public is beginning to do that, and I think it is very good.”

What do you think of childhood vaccines? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Taveesaksri/Getty Images Pro)

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November 30, 2023

I than God that I have great health and immunity. However now I wonder if I grew up and have lived with a learning disability.

Kristy M
November 20, 2023

I am very concerned about our skyrocketing rate of autism in children. I have three grandsons; the oldest is on the autism spectrum and the middle child is severly dyslexic. They all were born in California which requires the complete childhood vaccination schedule to go to school. I also read that Amish kids have zero autism. They don’t take any vaccines. I had chickenpox and mumps as a grade-schooler and it wasn’t a big deal. But I was vaccinated against smallpox and polio, which I believe is a very good thing. Shouldn’t we pay attention to this and reserve our conclusions, keep our babies from getting vaccines that don’t protect from life threatening disease?

November 19, 2023

I sum up my opinion on vaccines of any kind by saying I trust the God designed immune system over injecting a man made concoction of anything into my body or my children’s. After the blatant killer covid vaccine, I now find that many other people seem to think I’m not so crazy after all…

Peggy Schmudlach
November 19, 2023

Ask your doctor????? Ask your doctor????? I don’t think so considering many of them lied to keep their job or get the payouts that the govt offered them to jab their patients!!!!!

November 19, 2023

Childhood vaccines have not received proper quality control in over 60 years. Look at lawsuit RFK jr. won right before 2020. The injections, and some medications, are using aborted fetal cell lines. The way they procure these cells has to be done while the host is still alive. In turn, we participate in the murder of these babies and then ingest/inject our bodies with the cells. I pray that Christians will wake up to this evil and stop participating ignorantly in it. The so called vaccine eradicated diseases were managed with sanitary measures. The vaccines did not show up until later. Agree Dr. Tenpenny is a good source. So is http://www.nvic.org

    November 23, 2023

    Dr. Tenpenny is certified in Integrative Medicine. She is not a researcher. She is not an immunologist.

Jens Brynteson
November 19, 2023

Good luck with asking your doctor.. Most are just pill and vaccine pushers for the pharmaceutical companies . We have a sickness industry in this country. Not wellness. There is more money to be made with sick people..Doctors are not taught nutrition in school. Nutrition should be our first line of defense. We don’t need more chemicals, potions or poisons to be healthy .As a Christian we should not be putting all this poison in our bodies. God our creator put everything we need to be healthy on the planet. I am 70 years old and take zero pharmaceuticals or vaccines. Never have and never will . IFA is not giving medical advice. They are just trying to wake people up.

    November 23, 2023

    There are many doctors in this country with many different viewpoints. I would suggest that you look around and find one that you have confidence in. The chances are if you come down with something as serious as cancer that you will be following their advice because they are your only chance.

November 19, 2023

None of you have lived in countries which didn’t have vaccines readily available. You have no idea of the suffering.

November 19, 2023

This article does not reference research or give the counter viewpoint. We live in generations that came after the first vaccines which saved innumerable lives and were regarded as miracles. If i want to know about vaccines, I will ask my doctor. The IFA needs to get out of giving advice for medical issues and stay with their stated goal, intercession for this country.

    November 19, 2023

    I agree. IFA needs to stop giving medical advice. They are not doctors. No one asked them their opinion.

    November 19, 2023

    I should clarify my comment, this article references ONE ‘pilot’ study. There are many ‘pilot’ studies. A ‘pilot’ study is not in-depth research. An article on vaccines should reference various research done by established labs (Havard, Princeton, Oxford, Standford, John Hopkins University …) from all over the world.

      November 19, 2023

      Definition of a ‘pilot’ study:

      ” A pilot experiment, pilot study, pilot test or pilot project is a small-scale preliminary study conducted to evaluate feasibility, duration, cost, adverse events, and improve upon the study design prior to performance of a full-scale.”

        November 19, 2023

        Pilot studies are often conducted by students. There is no mention that this one was even peer reviewed. There is no name associated with it. Any news source that references ‘pilot’ studies is not reliable.

          November 19, 2023

          I self-correct myself. There is a professor mentioned.

      November 19, 2023

      Jackson State University???????

      November 30, 2023

      You do realize that many of those very institutions are the teachers of socialism and government control in our lives don’t you? They are Godless and do not care about the truth. Only government over God at all costs.

November 18, 2023

I have mixed emotions. I have 8 children and the first 5 had all of the shots that were required at that time (there is way too many more out there now). The next 3, I didn’t have vaccinated until the age of 2 and whatever they needed for that age and on they had. The one child who had a reaction to the shots was child #4 of the first 5. She almost fainted on the way home. The doctor said she just had the maximum protection. However, she is the only one who ended up with diabetes, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, in her 20’s. Coincidence? Maybe, but I’ll never know.

I myself, on the other hand, as a child had the red measles and yes, I did end up needing glasses. However, there were none of those shots available when I was a child. I don’t remember having the diseases such as the mumps, chicken pox, or the 3 day measles or any other disease. I’m in my 70’s now and I don’t get the flu shots or any of the covid shots and I’m not on any prescriptive medicines. Maybe it’s genetic, I don’t know. Or maybe there are just too many shots put in our little babies all at one time that is not healthy for them.

As a Christian, I never exposed my children to deliberately get anything. The all did get the chicken pox anyway. But when disease is from the enemy why would we deliberately expose our children to disease whether it be the real disease or a shot? Let natural immunity happen and let death happen. Then we wouldn’t have to have people complaining about over population or needing birth control would we? If we raise our children to KNOW Jesus death is not a bad thing. If we believe in healing and have faith, then if it is God’s will, they will be healed.

I don’t mean to sound harsh. True I haven’t lost a child to death just a husband. But we need to let God be God and remember we are not.

Karen Peters
November 18, 2023

The traditional childhood vaccines appear to have been very effective in preventing those diseases (small pox, measles, polio etc.); but they were thoroughly tested for many years, which Covid 19 was not. I would trust them, but not recent ones (Covid etc.).

    November 19, 2023

    I think you need to do more research. I believe Karma’s comment is true.

November 18, 2023

Honestly I was guilted into my son’s he started seizures a week after two year shots and autism happened like overnight three days after three year shots . Most in special needs community do think some form of vaccine injury. I wish I had never done . We did detoxification of heavy metals from shots and we got his voice back and with lots of Prayers and God’s help seizures are under control. We are blessed wasn’t worse . They are pushing more every year and our autism rate is multiple times all other countries as our vaccines are as well. They need to be spread out and get rid of the companies not being responsible for injuries that do occur.

November 18, 2023

When you realize that your government has lied to you about many things. Then you just don’t believe anything they say.

R Jones
November 18, 2023

The stated reason that vaccine companies were given immunity from liability for adverse effects and deaths in the mid 1980s BY CONGRESS, was that it was determined that “VACCINES ARE UNSAFE” and CANNOT BE MADE SAFE. They then made it so that vaccine companies would not be held liable for those vaccines on the children’s schedule. However, they DID allow for a few victims and their families to have “some” recompense for death/disabilities. The road to this recompense is long and tricky, with many not getting the recompense. Any family member or medical personnel merely questioning their safety has been labeled as a vax denier, until now the deaths are so rampart, that only the blind cannot see.
Childhood vaccines for the most part were started shortly around the time that major health improvements in large cities and municipalities were occurring. The occurrence of the diseases had already dropped significantly after clean water, correct containment of sewage, and improved construction changes to buildings were implemented. It is questionable as to how much the improvements in decreasing childhood deaths were made secondary to the vaccines versus the lifestyle changes.
The skyrocketing increase in childhood autism and other chronic diseases have been another issue. We see after the 1980s that because they did not HAVE to prove safety, then they did not allow either for questioning of safety, easily by stating vax questioners as kooks. Often it has taken whistleblowers to find out the shenanigans the vax industry has used.
We need as Christians to get back to healthy lifestyles of good clean natural food (non GMO), fresh air for the children to exercise and play in, reading physical books, decreasing our online presence, socializing and going to church in person, and lobby for vitamins/minerals to be kept out of the FDA’s agenda. We need to look to GOD for health, wisdom, and salvation. The New Testament states often that part of our redemption through Christ is health.

God, Thank you that through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we can have both spiritual and physical health. Let us look to YOU.

This is also true for the medical countermeasures that were moved to the FDA in order to get EUA after relabeling the mRNA shots to be a vaccine. By looking at the increased disabilities and deaths from all causes by a factor of 12, since the rollout of the injections

    November 18, 2023

    Excellent article. A very concise explanation of what vaccines are all about. It’s also interesting to go to the CDC website & look up the ingredients in the vaccines that are given to babies & children.

      November 18, 2023

      You might want to make a copy plus a “Hard Copy” of what you see on the CDC and other accredited health websites as they do seem to me to change quite markedly over the years and these good people are not noted for “Undeniability” liability 😉
      Like many here I am now into my eighth decade and had friends who were stricken by poliomyelitis in one way or another. That and other terrors from the twenties and thirties should not be lightly dismissed – they were real, actual killers and life-changers – unlike the present day risk-averse “COVID” clinicians and politicians who have possibly damaged beyond repair medecines’ reputation for TRUTH.
      We are still all responsible for our own decisions – give us the TRUTH and WE WILL DECIDE – Keep it from us and YOU will be out of a job 😉
      May our Father in heaven steadfastly guide us all through the dangers of misdirection, falsehood and greed – Amen

    B. Ann
    November 19, 2023

    Vaccine companies being given IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY for adverse effects and deaths says it ALL.
    God, Thank you that through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we can have both spiritual and physical health. Let us look to YOU.

November 18, 2023

With the vaccines industry’s very long partnership with the abortion industry AKA child sacrifice (the earliest I am aware of is the 1930’s when they began POLIO vaccine research testing by exploiting the eugenics law, force aborted (murdered) the babies of women in mental institutions and used them to test the vaccines on. I posted about it on my blog with a link to the article with sources: “Bloodthirsty men: In 1936, babies were aborted from women deemed “insane and feeble minded” under the wicked cover of eugenics to research vaccines”

Also, there’s lots of documentation that exposed the polio vaccines that just the the COVID vaccines that much data was wickedly skewed to make Polio vaccines look like they eradicated polio but that was not the case. They stopped spraying DDT at the time which gave people gave Illness That ‘Looks Just Like Polio’ new diagnoses TO MAKE IT APPEAR like they succeeded. The vaccine industry only ever been about the money and satan exploiting it to hasten people’s death by making them sick.

I can’t ever agree in prayer regarding any need for any vaccines for anyone.

“No plague comes nigh my dwelling is my protection” – the Lord requires our heart believing faith to receive His Word and if He said it that’s enough for me.

Look up: Sausage Making at FDA: How Human Cancer Cells Got Into Vaccines
In a 2012 meeting, the FDA voted to allow the use of human fetal cells and adult human tumor cells in vaccines, despite acknowledging the many risks, including that vaccine recipients might later develop cancer.

Look up: And 1986 The Act movie, chapter 2, Polio that exposed the polio vaccine lies, AND an article called: “A Story About Polio, Pesticides and the Meaning of Science: We’re told the science on polio is settled — but that may not be the case. There are scientists who believe polio-like symptoms could be caused by toxic substances, including pesticides.”

I do however pray the vaccine industry is brought down , totally exposed, and wiped from the face of the earth. Revelation says all the nations were deceived by sorcery (original Greek, PHARMAKEIA).

    November 18, 2023

    Swordandspiritwriter – thankyou for your input. However, I feel sure you must also share a great – even growing – distrust in ALL forms of media reporting – they do seem to me to be almost entirely politically or financially motivated, and TRUTH remains outside of their collective dictionaries.
    We must all ask God to help us determine the differences between the TRUTH of those who genuinely seek mankinds’ benefits and protection from deadly illnesses, and those whose avarice and greed masks all initial good intentions and inspires them to ride roughshod over decency and humanity.

    November 19, 2023

    Thank you swordandspiritwriter for your comment.
    I repeat your belief-
    “I do however pray the vaccine industry is brought down , totally exposed, and wiped from the face of the earth. Revelation says all the nations were deceived by sorcery (original Greek, PHARMAKEIA).”
    Thank you for sharing your research and biblical wisdom.

November 18, 2023

Lord, expose the harmful additives to vaccines such as mercury and aluminum. Give us honest pharmaceutical companies who will refuse to use any harmful or questionable ingredients.

    November 18, 2023

    Ever heard of “Hydra” in your studies Delores ? It was widely reported that microscopic studies of early covid “vaccines” were visibly contaminated by this lifeform ( mangled mainly, but still identifiable ) . Some even claimed the life-form was a component of the manufacturing process ! Interesting to note that even small parts of a Hydra are capable of growing back into the full original form of the creature – horrible thought !!
    I still remain aghast at the substances our so-called government scientists call VACCINES. Thes concoctions do not prevent our becoming infected and they do not prevent our spreading of the disease amongst the rest of humanity either “vaccinated” or not.
    To me that represents deliberate misdirection BY OUR GOVERNMENTS – and sadly in collusion with our own previously “Trusted” medical “Doctors”.
    They ALL have a great deal to answer for at some stage – and answer for their deceits they most certainly will in one way or another !
    Lord protect us from the wiles and deceptions of evil men and women, for whatever base reasons they may have – Amen.

      November 19, 2023

      I have found research confirming the hydra component found in Covid vaccinations in addition to the other harmful ingredients in vaccinations. My conclusion –

      Lord protect us from the wiles and deceptions of evil men and women, for whatever base reasons they may have –

Sheila Price
November 18, 2023

This article verifies that some of the cluster vaccines are connected to cases of autism, which has been suspected for years but not addressed.
My question is, when there are so many cases proving the connection, why are cluster vaccines still even a part of the vaccine system?
If I were a young parent now I would refuse the cluster vaccines. It might take longer for vaccines to all be administered but the little bodies have a better chance acclimating to them one at a time weeks apart.

Ron Glenn Deere
November 18, 2023

It is routine in the medical field to compile a list of health problems suffered by people as a result of their being administered a certain drug. It would behoove a drug company to “listen” to these complaints because if they do not, then these drug companies would come off as non-caring. It is truly reprehensible that our government DID keep a web list of problems regarding the Covid 19 vaccine, BUT they did NOTHING about this at all to my knowledge. As I said, this implies that they do NOT care about American citizens that have medical problems, even though many have died as a result.

    Sheila Price
    November 18, 2023

    When there are money people behind the covid vaccine who have publicly stated they are about the business of decreasing the earth population, then of course they don’t care about life other than their own.

      November 18, 2023

      And of course Sheila, “they” never close the Gates behind them do they !
      What “Goes around, Comes around” eventually – this is a basic tenet of Nature that even the grossly wealthy cannot avoid.

November 18, 2023

Vaccinations initially had been of benefit in protecting against smallpox, polio, etc. But the pharmaceutical companies (?) seemed to become more concerned about making profits and exploiting people than anything else. There are merits to some vaccines, but to be made to receive (especially the newest ones), is wrong. In these days, if one hears from God for themselves to take or not take a vaccine, and prays if takes one, this would be a better way than fighting about it

    November 18, 2023

    Many a rabid dictator has claimed his orders were “For the greater good” of the people – history tends to expose the truth.

November 18, 2023

This article is a great start! We have not vaccinated our child born in 2022 & she is healthier than my other 3 who were vaccinated. My other kids have been diagnosed with neurodevelopmental delays & ADHD. I think there’s a direct correlation to vaccines!

November 18, 2023

I don’t believe it necessary to give our children vaccines. My grandson was injured from a vaccine when he was a baby. It broke all the blood vessels in his abdomen. He was purple from the neck down. Do your own research. Dr Tenpenny is a good start.

    Cynthia Abbott
    November 18, 2023

    Dr Tenpenny has had her license revoked because of false information. Do your research on that please .

      R Jones
      November 18, 2023

      Many state boards are part of the NWO now. If they revoked her license for “misinformation,” then that would be a GOOD reason to listen to her, albeit judge for YOURSELF what she is saying. Other WELL KNOWN and respected physicians are in the same boat.

November 18, 2023

Please educate yourself on the components of anything injectable. IFA had an article approximately 2 years ago written by Tanya Foster who can be found at 67owls.com. Also, the site avoicefortruth.com can provide information to help you make informed decisions.

William Rutledge
November 18, 2023

We do not know yet the long term Detrimental effect on our heart and immune system, of young and old. Is part of population control, money, and totalitarian government control key motives? Pray for discernment, wisdom and boldness, to Trust and Obey… God, and stand for Him!

    November 19, 2023

    Who was it said those immortal words “In God we trust – all others must prove their cases.” ?

November 18, 2023

There’s a common theme in hesitancy to vaccines today and rightfully so. Once your gov’t officials lie to you, then proceed to cover the lies over & over, then the foundation of trust is gone. Couple that we lying from big pharma, no prosecution for the lies at almost every level both public & private – then the public ceases to trust. Add to the mix trying to use lawfare to force people to vax, misuse of funds, etc. The medical profession can either serve people (which they took an oath to do) or they can be self serving, even when they know damaging truth.
They’ve established a repeated precedent, through all of this combined, for people NOT to trust vaccines.
Sadly, too many within gov’t & medical profession don’t seem to want to address the root cause of “why”. They still think it’s business as usual.

    November 18, 2023

    Any industry that requires aborted babies to make its “products” can never be trusted ever. They are also for profit and shareholder and self loyal. And as you mentioned, they have a terrible public history of fraud and lying and bribing doctors and so much more evil.

    I like many are beyond hesitant. It’s a forever NO from me for me and mine. No perpetuating their evil child sacrifice for profit model.

    November 19, 2023

    Spot On MN – Well said !

Paul Fishman
November 18, 2023

When the American and Canadian Governments had forced vaccinations during Covid-19 2020 to 2022 they set into motion a trend to discourage vaccinations due to their lies with the help of the WHO and the CDC. These two governments and others around the world did this on purpose so people wont take reasonable health measures in the future so they can reduce the world population. Quite a sneaky and deliberate global plan??!

    November 19, 2023

    Some are now calling it “The Open Gates Plan” for obvious reasons ……

November 18, 2023

Pray, pray, pray you guys !!
My wife and I refused the Covid shot. I was mildly sick for a week while my wife was hospitalized but we both survived. I have a boxful of Covid test kits which I received in th mail…how much did our government pay these pharmaceutical companies for these?
HOWEVER we must not forget. In th 1950s many thousands of people were on ventilators for Polio but now there are zero!!!
Pray for Devine Wisdom my friends. James 1:5, Eph. 5, 6-10

Karen Alexander
November 18, 2023

When a medical product is not fully tested and then test results are tried to be hidden for decades and there is no accountability for harm done to those who take it, you have pretty much summed up why people are waking up and making their own medical decision on what they will allow to be put into their bodies. Our bodies are a gift from the Lord and we need to be responsible for them not the government.

November 18, 2023

Another connection between child illnesses and vaccines is the MMR and childhood leukemia. The rise in leukemia correlates with the introduction of the MMR in the 1980’s to babies beginning at 3 months of age. I had not known of this study until recently. Our son died of ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) in 1989 at the age of eight.

    November 19, 2023

    The loss of every child is a great tragedy Terry – I extend to you my most sincere sympathies . Maybe one day we will ALL become wiser and more properly informed / advised in this uncertain area of “medecine”.
    All governments telling ONLY the TRUTH to the people electing and honouring them with their trust, will be a good starting point – sadly there is little evidence of that mindset appearing yet !

Dona Schmidt
November 18, 2023

My daughter was mandated to get the “ new variant Covid shot”, by her volunteer job working with animals! Not even a week later she tested positive with Covid. Symptoms: sore throat, achy, cough, etc.
Now quarantined through Thanksgiving! Father, not only do I pray for her healing, I ask that You would open the eyes and remove these unjust mandates by companies who enslave people unjustly . Wake up people like my daughter who will stand against unjust mandates! Lord help us!

As for other vac. I bowed to the cdc and had our children vaccinated. Would not do it again, they now are married and follow cdc guidelines! 🥲🙏🏼

Brian lynch
November 18, 2023

The CDC cannot be trusted, plain and simple, whether it is related to children OR adults. They do not have anyone’s good as a concern.

    November 19, 2023

    Aided and abetted by that beacon of worldwide honesty and trust, the “WHO” together with an absolute army of well-financed and induced “government agencies” !
    In any Crime, the wise detective says “Follow the MONEY !”

November 18, 2023

Dear Lord, open the minds so they will know you provided in nature all that is needed. Show them that the vaccines are the work of the devil. In Jesus name, Amen.

    November 24, 2023

    So, I assume that you take no medicine???? What happens if you get cancer????

Sheryl Dawson
November 18, 2023

The increase in vaccine exemptions for children is the one silver lining in the very dark cloud of the covid so called vaccine which is really a bio weapon. Deaths, injury, disability and immune disorders continue to rise. VAERS is being altered to hide data. While another Congressional hearing was just held, most government officials are silent about the scam because they participated in some way and/or are directly complicit and compromised by taking donations from big pharma. The revolving door from CDC/FDA to big pharma continues. The participation of DOD in Operation Warp Speed is also telling. The admission by Birx in her book of lieing to Trump and seeking to undermine his Presiency is proof of her treason. There is coming a reckoning, and I pray God will completely expose this fraud and depopulation scheme upon the world. IFA recently interviewed Dr Naomi Wolff and if you have not heard it, I recommend it; I am currently reading her book and it is excellent.

On a personal note, I lost a brother last year to turbo cancer– he took 5 shots. Another family member is fighting a bacterial infection that has destroyed his gut — he took 5 shots. A friend died of liver cancer – he took the shot to travel. Another friend is suffering several auto immune disorders; she was never sick before taking the shot for her work. These are the examples of which I am aware but many people are suffering privately, not knowing their conditions are related to the shots they took. Most doctors do not make the connection or deliberately ignore the connection as they pushed the shots on their patients. It is important as one must detox as well as be treated for symptoms. The Wellness Company and FLCCC are excellent sources for detox protocols.

Dr Peter McCullough’s new documentary, Shot Dead, is heart wrenching and stunning. 46 minutes in it references the FDA’s media blitz in which influencers were paid to push the so called safe and effective vax; many faith-based organizations are on the list. I pray those organizations give the blood money back, repent and tell their followers and contributors what they did and apologize for being involved in this evil.

Lord, expose the global cabal who planned this evil scheme to depopulate the earth and bring them to justice. Awaken all people to the dangers of mRNA technology and heal those suffering from undermined immune systems. Expose our corrupt HHS/CDC/FDA and big pharma and judge them. Awaken people to your natural health remedies and strengthen their immune systems. Amen

    November 18, 2023

    You can throw most medications that are now prescribed into this sane dangerous category as the vaccines. The side affects on most of them are ASTOUNDING. It is very clear they are not interested in curing us – only in prolonging illness and causing death.
    God, bring the entire medical entity, and all Government agencies and people involved, to accountability. Tear down the stronghold of death that looms over our country. In Jesus’ name.

Jeanette Emmons
November 18, 2023

Will never trust any vaccine in the future!! Too much info available about ALL of them being dangerous from harmful substances in them

    November 19, 2023

    Which is precisely WHY the injections were MANDATED !
    I am not yet into “Curses” and such like, but I am coming to the conclusion that worldwide if ALL the pushers and conspirators were called before their Maker at the same time , He would have quite a long queue on His hands ! I imagine the reduction in worldwide population would still not be sufficient to keep Mr. Gates happy though ( it would be the least objectionable “start” though to my mind ! )

November 18, 2023

Deliver us from evil please beloved hus


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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