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God, I thank You that even during times of chaos and uncertainty we can trust in You and Your Word. May we always keep our trust firmly planted in You.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone. This is the dictionary definition of the word, trust. In the Strong’s Concordance, trust is defined as to have confidence in, to be secure, to feel safe, and to have no care.

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Lately, I have been compelled to take a good, hard look at what the Bible has to say about trust. Furthermore, I have had to delve even deeper within myself to determine the answer to this question: Do I trust God completely?

If you had asked me a month ago if I trusted God, my answer would have been a quick and firm, absolutely! However, after digging into the Word of God, I have had to ask myself some difficult questions. Questions like, “Having faced many battles without yet seeing breakthrough for the past couple years, do I feel secure in what the Bible says about me?” And “Looking around at what is going on in our world, do I feel safe and secure – do I have any cares in my life?”

The Bible says God knows the secrets of our heart, even when we fail to see them (see Ps. 44:21).

These were indeed hard questions; however, God already knew what was in my heart. He was simply revealing to me what was already evident to Him. This began a wonderful study on the benefits of trusting God completely.

As I began to search through the Word of God, I first discovered I was in good company. Abraham, a covenant man of God, tried to take matters into his own hands when God promised him a son. After waiting years, he and his wife decided to make Gods promise manifest by producing Ishmael. His failure to trust God completely did not alter the promise of God.

King David was a man after the heart of God. Yet, time and again we read where he cried out to God and ask, “Where are you?”

O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand? (Ps 13, NLT)

We also read about Peter in the New Testament who swore he would never deny Christ. Yet just a few verses later we see where he did just that. Did he fully trust God?

There are many more examples of people in the Bible who questioned God or struggled in times of hardship, yet nothing changed the outcome God had for them. He was simply allowing them to see into their own heart.

Proverbs 4:23 tells us to keep our heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. I love how the New Living Translation reads…

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

What is in our heart determines the course of our life. For this reason, it is vital we know the truth of what our heart secretly holds. God wasn’t showing me my faults to condemn me, He was revealing my heart to me because He loves me. He wants the course of my life to align with the Word of God and He will do whatever is necessary to make sure I stay on the right path. Even and especially when life has thrown me a few curve balls which may cause me to stumble. I thank God for that!

Our world is in chaos, it is more important than ever to make sure we remain in a place of fully and completely trusting God and His Word. He is our hope. He is our protection. He is our provider. He is our healer. He is our peace. Everything we have need of can be found in His Word and in His presence.

We must choose to trust God in the midst of the conflict, and while questions plague our thoughts. We can, like David, choose trust regardless of what is going on around us. Let’s look back at the remainder of Psalms 13.

But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me (v.5-6.) I find it interesting that David says, “I will rejoice because you HAVE rescued me.” He spoke this mere seconds after saying, “God, how long before you deliver me?” That is trust – that is faith in God and His promises.

He, like God, spoke the end from the beginning, amid questions and conflict. We must do the same thing if we choose to truly trust God. He was familiar with the benefits of trusting God. Some of those benefits include:

God is a shield to those who trust Him. (2 Sam. 22:31)

God hears the prayers of those who trust Him. (1 Chron. 5:20)

God gives direction to those who trust Him. (Prov. 3:5-6)

Those who trust God are surrounded by mercy. (Ps. 32:10)

There are many more promises in the Word of God for those who trust in the Lord. That alone should compel us to develop a trust and faith in God that is unshakable. Today, I challenge you to ask yourself some hard, yet necessary questions.

Do I have complete, unshakable trust in God’s promises?

Do I feel secure in God, fully persuaded that I will see an answer to my prayer?

Do I feel safe and protected, knowing no weapon formed against me shall prosper?

Do I have any cares in my life, have I really cast them all on God, fully believing in His faithfulness?

My friend, we must ask God to reveal any secrets our hearts hold that would hinder the Word of God from coming to pass in our lives. We must have a heart that truly trusts God, a clean and loyal heart. It is vital in this hour. I challenge you today to meditate on the Word of God and His promises concerning trusting Him completely. As you do, may this become your life prayer: Create in me a clean and pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps 51:10)

Do you have unshakable trust in God? Share your thoughts on this article in the comments.

Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. Her daily inspirational writings are available at www.anewthingministries.com. Photo Credit: Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash.

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November 25, 2023

To me trusting God is when we don’t need to understand but we trust Him!

November 18, 2023

I think the biggest evidence in the life of a person, who truly trusts God in these areas, is peace. Do you have peace when others around are worrying and freaking out? If not, then we need to examine our hearts to find out why. When the world sees the peace we have it gives opportunity to witness. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27. Great article.

Debra Askew
November 18, 2023

Thank you for sharing this, what a blessing and a challenge for us to keep trusting God, I feel my whole life has been based on trust in God only to be challenged with more 🙏 ❤️

Brian lynch
November 18, 2023

In these End Times that we live in, with all of the ungodly junk that is being thrust upon us by the enemy and all of the people that he is using, clinging to and trusting the Lord and His goodness are absoulutely essential. We who are people of faith in the Lord desperately need to have this connection. We need to be salt and light to a lost and dying world. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief. It is not for us to question the goodness of God. /We need to trust in Him completely.

November 18, 2023

I am happy to reevaluate where I stand with our Father. When I visualize my shield of faith, I visualize the word TRUST painted on my side as I hold up faith. The two are necessary to walk in peace. Hid brought me through cancer and worse, the abandonment of family during Covid. It is always God who lifts me out of that into His marvelous love. I have to take a few seconds to remember His ways are not our ways. I can trust I have a friend in Jesus. Thank you for taking time to write the questions I need to answer in order to stay in gratitude to where he is leading me. Blessings to you! E


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