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Wonderful Counselor and Healer, reveal Yourself to our country’s First Nations as a God of redemption, love, healing, and justice.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland recently wrapped up her “Road to Healing” tour in Bozeman, MT. It is the government’s attempt to come to terms with the role it played in 408 boarding schools that, between 1819 and the mid-1960s, sought to eradicate Native American culture, religion, and identity in tribal children. Starting with the Indian Civilization Act of 1819, the U.S. enacted laws and policies to establish and support the schools. The stated goal was to “civilize” Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians, but that was often carried out through abusive practices. Religious and private institutions that ran many of the schools received federal funding and were willing partners. Many of those schools were operated by (mostly) Roman Catholic institutions. In recent years, horrendous abuse has come to light, resulting in the deaths of 500 children. That number is expected to climb as more claims are being investigated.

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During one of Secretary Haaland’s stops, Rosalie Whirlwind Soldier, a 78-year-old Lakota Sioux, recounted some of the abuse she suffered. After her mother died when she was just four years old, she was put into a Native American boarding school in South Dakota and told her native Lakota language was “devil’s speak.” She recalls being locked in a basement at St. Francis Indian Mission School for weeks as punishment for breaking the school’s strict rules. Her long hair was shorn in an effort to stamp out her cultural identity. And when she broke her leg in an accident, Whirlwind Soldier said she received shoddy care, leaving her with pain and a limp that still hobbles her decades later. “I thought there was no God, just torture and hatred,” she said.

To Secretary Haaland, confronting this history hits close to home. She is Native American herself – a member of the Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico. Like many others, she has experienced the struggle of losing her native language and witnessed the impact of deculturalization on the broader community.

Two other Native American politicians, Democrat Sharice Davids of Kansas, who is Ho-Chunk, and Republican Tom Cole of Oklahoma, who is Chickasaw, are assisting in these recent efforts to uncover and confront the past by co-sponsoring a bill to create a truth and healing commission on boarding schools. It had its first hearing in May 2022, passed the appropriate committees, and is now awaiting action by the U.S. Congress.

It is unsure what the government could and would do to heal the wounds of the past. It is unclear where the funds would come from to foot the bill for the healing commission. In addition, their efforts are bound to meet a wall of mistrust among Native American groups. Said one Native American from Minnesota who also experienced abuse in a boarding school: “I have reservations about what’s going on right now because I don’t trust them.”

What is perhaps more disturbing is the role Christian institutions played in running these abusive schools. That is a matter of earnest prayer because it has created a significant barrier to Native Americans’ receptivity to the gospel. These religiously run schools represented Christianity to Native Americans. Unfortunately, it was being presented to them as abusive discipline and hatred, not as forgiveness, love, and a relationship with a heavenly Father.

Last year, I spoke with a youth worker who served a small outreach to the Ojibwe of Eastern Minnesota. He confirmed that their work was so difficult because of this gaping wound. “Most Native Americans hate Christianity and want nothing to do with it because of the boarding schools,” he said.

It is quite possible that the “Road to Healing” tour and the government-funded investigations into boarding school abuse will cause that resentment to deepen and jeopardize the recent openness to the gospel.

But God…

Where people see nearly insurmountable challenges, God sees opportunities. After all, He has been sending messages about revival among our country’s First Nations for a while now. The year 2025 marks 50 years after Dr. Billy Graham gave his prophetic speech at a conference on American Indian evangelism. “You are now awakening. Just around the corner, you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change not only America, but the world.”

According to Leviticus 25:11, every fiftieth year shall be a year of Jubilee. It is a year of returning to one’s own possession and redemption from oppression – an opportunity to restore a right relationship with each other and with God and an opportunity for healing wounds of the past.

God and His incomparable power to heal and redeem is far stronger than our government and its dollars and commissions. The resentment against the gospel from the pain of the past is no match for Him. He can break through lies and barriers and heal wounds deeply embedded in any nation’s soul.

The news reports on the “Road to Healing” tour remind us to pray specifically for healing in the hearts of Native Americans as part of the revival we are asking the Lord to pour out. We do so from a place of faith in God’s incomparable grace, mercy, and love and the knowledge that He wants all to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (see 1 Timothy 2:4-5). For Native Americans, knowledge of the truth means the realization that religious institutions have misrepresented Christ and that He wants to be known by all as Savior and Redeemer.

For a more detailed Prayer Guide to pray for revival among the Native American nations, click here.

Father, Redeemer, thank You for knowing even the deepest wounds embedded in our souls. We pray today that You act with favor and grace toward our First Nations who were so brutally oppressed in the name of Christ. May revival come with healing in its wings in ways the government could never accomplish. May it sweep every nation, tribe, band, and clan. Open their eyes to see Jesus as savior, redeemer, and healer, Who calls them into a love relationship with the Father. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

 Share your prayers for the Native Americans across our nation below.

Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at www.deeperlifeblog.com and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo Credit: Earthly Beauties on Unsplash.

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Neil Sogge
November 19, 2023

Lord God, we ask for healing for the Native American communities, that have scars from the past. May these people who suffered abuse in the name of Christianity first be given grace, and may they be able to come to reconciliation with the Christian sector. Help Christians who outreach to them be ever full of patience, love, compassion, and sincere conciliatory hearts. Enlighten the Native peoples to finally see Jesus the Divine Savior.
May they call upon Him. May a seed be planted and grow and gain momentum. May grace come in waves and Native Americans come to You in massive numbers. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lori Meed
November 19, 2023

As usual, Remco,thiscarticle is timely and excellent. How we need, as the Body of Christ, to own our ‘evil ways’ and repent and ask forgiveness of the First Nations people’s. If we do that, God promises to heal our land – their land.

George Leaf
November 19, 2023

Father, Redeemer, thank You for knowing even the deepest wounds embedded in our souls. We pray today that You act with favor and grace toward our First Nations who were so brutally oppressed in the name of Christ. May revival come with healing in its wings in ways the government could never accomplish. May it sweep every nation, tribe, band, and clan. Open their eyes to see Jesus as savior, redeemer, and healer, Who calls them into a love relationship with the Father. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Nancy Rife
November 18, 2023

Thank you for this much needed article, Remco! I heard Jay Swallow talk about the Indian schools in 2006 at a conference in Ann Arbor.
Lord, May there be true repentance and healing of these deep wounds among the Native Americans! In Jesus name Amen

Bobby Clements
November 18, 2023

In true CHRISTIANITY forgiveness is a major principle. But, when “false christianity” tries to eradicate a whole nation of human beings just to take their land, then it makes it extremely difficult for true CHRISTIANITY to teach JESUS CHRIST, who embodies forgiveness and love. Like John Bunion { forgive my spelling } wrote in Pilgrims Progress, we have a very narrow road to follow and we must stay on course. May we do better than our ancestors.—Praise GOD always. !!

Allena Jordan
November 18, 2023

Father, this is a time of breakthrough for our Native Americans. Lord, many of them continue to teach hate and distrust of “white” people. Father, I ask that Your Spirit would hover over the reservations and native Americans wherever they are to bring a heart of forgiveness, understanding and restoration. Lord, You are the only One Who can change a man’s heart and His outlook/worldview. Now is the time, Lord. Send Your mercy, grace and a spirit of love and forgiveness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

November 18, 2023

Lord I come before you humbly asking that you would speak to the hearts of believers to minister to our First Nations lord. I pray that you would speak to the hearts of First Nations and minister to them through your Holy Spirit lord. I know that my family experienced shame and abuse at the hands of their family for even mentioning/asking about being Native American. I can only imagine what pain, anger, shame, fear and probably hatred that the First Nation people have for you and the Bible. Lord soften their hearts lord. Please lord allow them to receive the gift of salvation. Save from from the devils demons, lies and grips, lord. Because Heavenly Father you are the only one who knows how and can. Free the First Nations from curses of witchcraft lord and from demonic oppression. Please lord grant their deliverance. Please lord grant them freedom from evil, unforgiveness, bitterness and deception. Amen

Janea L Gardner
November 18, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, how this misrepresentation of you and your son must grieve your heart. This abuse of American Native children cannot and must not be tolerated. Self rightous Pharisees were once again caught abusing our children. Thank you Lord for exposing this sin. Only you can heal the soul wounds . Please move upon the hearts of the offenders to repent of their wicked ways. We ask for and allow Reconciliation to take place as the US government and Roman Catholic church ask forgiveness for their child abuse and misrepresenting Christ, We ask that you send your true church representatives to assist the Native American tribes to find true love, peace, healing by opening their eyes to the Savior Jesus Christ. We ask that Native American people and their children which are their heritage be given back their dignity and their God -given authority as they would accept Jesus Christ and his redemptive love for them. Amen

November 18, 2023

Heavenly Father I know this broke your heart as it is not who you are. I love these people and reach out when I have the opportunity. I pray for healing for each tribe so they can receive your love.

JoAnn Abrams
November 18, 2023

A point to consider is that abuse was used in the name of Christianity to convert these children, not the love of Christ and acceptance of His sacrifice on the Cross. When we come out of the ways of the world and into the Kingdom of God, Holy Spirit guides and teaches us about the old ways that are no longer acceptable for a Believer.
Honoring God through some customs can be done with Holy Spirit’s direction. God has given many languages, they are not “devil speak”. It is a beautiful thing to hear different languages worshipping and praising God. Let revival wind blow across the tribal Americans and the United States. Blessings and grace…

Susan Eddlemon
November 18, 2023

Tribal Americans, It must be said, have an inherent susceptibility and sensitivity to the moving of the Holy Spirit. They are indeed vital to our nation’s revival and turning again to God.
I prefer the term ” tribal Americans” to the term” native Americans”…. For I myself am a native American, born to European descent parents in Ohio….. Just saying!

Richard Spurlin
November 18, 2023

If Hamas is defeated in Gaza, should the Hamas culture be preserved for their children? If the Lord’s Resistance Army is finally defeated in southern Sudan and northern Uganda, should the LRA culture be preserved for their children? Satan uses human emotions and misguided sentimentality to blind people to truth.

Richard Spurlin
November 18, 2023

Those people practiced genocide, slavery and human sacrifice. What part of that “culture” should be preserved?

Richard Spurlin
November 18, 2023

The Lokada practiced genocide against the Cheyenne and others. Like most indigenous peoples, they indiscriminately killed men, women, the elderly and children. They were pagans worshipping the creation rather than the Creator. I cannot fathom how professing Christians could romanticize such abominations.

    Pamela C
    November 18, 2023

    This is why they need Jesus, like we all do. Romanticizing is wrong, but what some did to these people is just as wrong. Pray for all leaders and have the wisdom to get out and call out when leaders don’t listen to correction, advice, etc. Meanwhile, guard your heart.

      November 18, 2023

      Sorry Pamela, I was trying to reply to Richard, but it keeps putting my comment below yours and I can’t figure out how to delete.

    November 18, 2023

    Abusing children can never be justified under any circumstances!!! Using your logic, the Allies should have taken the children of the Nazis and abused them throughout their childhoods in order to stamp out any German identity.

    How did Jesus say to treat children? What did He say about those who hurt children? Were these Native American children cared for with kindness and love? No! They were stolen from their parents and horrifically abused. This is one more in America’s long list of national sins that we are being judged for by God.

    As citizens, we must repent on behalf of those who committed these and other sins and ask God’s forgiveness and restoration among the various people groups who live here. God wants to bring repentance, forgiveness, restoration, and unity, and heal our land, but first comes awareness and confession.

    November 18, 2023

    Abusing children can never be justified under any circumstances!!! Using your logic, the Allies should have taken the children of the Nazis and abused them throughout their childhoods in order to stamp out any German identity.

    How did Jesus say to treat children? What did He say about those who hurt children? Were these Native American children cared for with kindness and love? No! They were stolen from their parents and horrifically abused. This is one more in America’s long list of national sins that we are being judged for by God.

    As citizens, we must repent on behalf of those who committed these and other sins and ask God’s forgiveness and restoration among the various people groups who live here. God wants to bring repentance, forgiveness, restoration, and unity, and heal our land, but first comes awareness and confession.


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