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Lord, we thank You for what You did at SatanCon. Continue to move, God, in and among those who attended the gathering.
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God did amazing things at SatanCon. 

From Fox News. Christians associated with an organized evangelistic outreach at the recent SatanCon in Boston claimed approximately 100 people converted to Christianity during the event.

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Kris Kubal, chief program officer at the Purcellville, Virginia-based Intercessors for America (IFA), told Fox News Digital that their sources on the ground claim there were approximately 120 conversions to Christianity attributable to evangelism efforts at the venue. …

Multiple Christian groups, such as IFA, converged on Boston over the weekend in response to SatanCon, dispatching members to post around the event, pray and communicate their faith with those in attendance, Kubal said.

IFA’s regional leaders in Boston told the Christian Post they felt called to pray for the souls of the attendees. …

“Our approach was very different from what you may have seen on the news,” Kubal said, noting that those associated with her organization were not the ones shouting and brandishing protest signs outside the hotel. “Our approach was to speak in love, and we were more interested in people being set free, not praying against them; having conversations, not shouting.”

Kubal said they were surprised to learn during their conversations with some of the Satanists that many of them had been raised as Christians, but “maybe had a hurt from the church and now had navigated away from the church.”

“So that was a surprising thing,” she added.

While some people were antagonistic toward their efforts, Kubal noted the absence of any notable clashes and said there “were a lot of good conversations that happened.”

Kubal added that “we may never know” the ultimate results of their evangelism outreach in Boston, and quoted John Quincy Adams: “Duty is ours, results are God’s.”

Sean Feucht, founder of the Let Us Worship movement, was also involved in the outreach and said approximately 250 Christians from 20 different nationalities “mobilized” a response to SatanCon. …

In what he described as “a concerted church effort” involving local ministers and multiple groups, Feucht said participants worshiped, prayed and “led at least 98 people to Jesus, but prayed with hundreds more.” …

Both Kubal and Feucht suggested that the U.S. is engulfed in a spiritual war that is becoming increasingly apparent.

“I think the darkness is getting darker, I think the light is getting brighter, and this is the season we live in,” Feucht said. “It’s one of great polarization.” …

From The Christian Post. Christians from across America infiltrated The Satanic Temple’s SatanCon in Boston, where they met with and witnessed to atheists and satanists at what was billed as the “largest satanic gathering in history” over the weekend.

The gathering was held in downtown Boston on April 28-30, with the theme of “Hexennacht in Boston,” a German phrase that means “Witches Night in Boston.”

Evangelist Sean Feucht shared a video from the event on Twitter Sunday that showed one of the SatanCon attendees on stage ripping up pages from the Bible. Some of the Christians who were covertly ministering at the event claimed that nearly 100 people had made decisions to follow Jesus, he added. But that claim has been disputed by others.

Lynn MacAskill, one of the regional leaders in Boston for Intercessors for America (IFA), was among the Christians at the event. She told The Christian Post, “While Christians were definitely in the venue and mingling with the SatanCon attendees, we did not hear of any salvations among attendees.”

“However, we were told by several sources that Revive Boston and YWAM evangelists did record 98 salvations and at least 15 recommitments to the Lord among regular people during street evangelism,” MacAskill told CP on Tuesday.  In Feucht’s defense, MacAskill said the stories were simply “crossed,” but he was correct that Christians were in attendance at SatanCon.

“Numerous Christians from several teams did minister to SatanCon attendees though, with some great stories, so seeds were definitely sown,” she added. “God really did move as we were able to be in the venue. Everyone was peaceful and polite, and we felt God gave us specific prayer assignments, especially on Sunday, that were powerful.”

MacAskill added, “There were many opportunities to show kindness and love to those attending in the name of Jesus.” Leading up to the event, Christians from across the United States prayed for the Christians who planned to attend the gathering.

“You could definitely tell a lot of prayer had gone before us due to the peaceful nature of interactions and openness of many, though definitely not all attendees, to dialogue with believers,” MacAskill said. The IFA Boston co-leader revealed that most of the attendees were “averse to being prayed for.”

“A lot of them had been raised Christian and had been hurt or oppressed by the church, so I think that’s something we as the Body of Christ need to learn from so as not to push people away from knowing Jesus,” she continued. “Several evangelists shared with me that although they were opposing the Church, many of them smiled or their eyes softened or even shed tears when they heard the name of Jesus and that He loved them.”

Nevertheless, MacAskill believes “seeds were sown,” and now she charged believers to continue to show the love of Jesus to the world: “We need to be faithful to continue to pray that these seeds will be watered and that other Christians will be called to show the love of Jesus to these people wherever they call home.”

According to its website, events and panels at the event included: “Hellbillies: Visible Satanism in Rural America,” “Deconstructing Your Religious Upbringing,” “Sins of the Flesh: Satanism and Self-Pleasure,” “Reclaiming the Trans Body: A/theistic Strategies for Self-Determination and Empowerment” and “Re-imagining Lilith as an Archetype for Reproductive Justice.”

SatanCon was held intentionally in Bean Town and “dedicated to Boston Mayor Michelle Wu for her unconstitutional efforts to keep TST out of Boston’s public spaces.”

The organization was referring to the efforts of city leadership to pass a measure prohibiting the use of city flagpoles as a “forum for free expression by the public,” which followed a U.S. Supreme Court ruling finding that Boston’s refusal to allow a Christian group to fly its flag on a city flagpole violated the U.S. Constitution.

The Satanic Temple has been engaged in a feud of sorts with the city of Boston that dates back to before Wu assumed the title of mayor. In 2021, the group filed a lawsuit against the city for denying its requests to give invocations at city council meetings.

Are you encouraged by this news? If so, share this article with friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from Fox News. By Jeannie Ortega Law, The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Canva)

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May 5, 2023

Father, As these new converts return to their homes, put them in places where they will find the love of Jesus and be discipled members of God’s family. Heal them from the effects of being so involved with the enemy, cast out demonic presence; guide them to loving churches; and heal the rifts in families that lost their children to Satanism.
In Jesus name.

Roselyn Brown
May 4, 2023

Thank you Jesus for the victory, and there are many, many more to come in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Pastor Gerald Waldron
May 4, 2023

I cannot tell you how this wonderful this is. To covert and recommit to Christianity, 120 persons? To God be the glory!!! AMEN!!! I was praying for three responses to occur. I told some brothers about this and asked them to pray. I do not know if they did, but they poo poo’d it as not that big a deal. We live and learn who is the soldier/teacher and who is the resident/teacher. God knows and that’s good by me. I feel more encouraged to read this, thank you all.
God bless you. Let the light keep shining brightly. To God BE THE GLORY!!!

Sarah Adegbile
May 4, 2023

This is such a great news to hear, that God is moving and does not want any soul to perish. Father. Thank you for answering prayers.

Beverly Watson
May 4, 2023

Praise God and bless those Christians who attended this event. The seed was planted. God will grow the seed. Blessings to Sean and all those who strove to let the light of heaven shine. 🙏🏻

Sarah Stout
May 4, 2023

Thank you for this report on what happened at Boston last weekend. I was wanting to find out, because I certainly did pray over that, and now I am encouraged to continue in prayer for ongoing results.

Bllie Reynolds
May 4, 2023

Thank you for the article for folks who could not be there. Christians must show up everywhere and let people know that God loves them, whoever they are.
Thanks for sharing.

May 4, 2023

Glory be to TMHG 💓!!📖💯✨🙌✨

Last days messenger - D
May 4, 2023
Christine Stott
May 4, 2023

Lord, we thank You for what You did at SatanCon. Continue to move, God, in and among those who attended the gathering.

Penny Marrone
May 4, 2023

My prayer team prayed and so happy that many were there to talk in love and got them to receive Jesus.

May 4, 2023

Lord, your example was to use your word to battle this ultimate evil. May we do the same; “ Submit yourselves, then, unto God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

May 4, 2023

Thank you to those who “harvested” some of the people who were going to attend this event. Souls were saved and Our GOD reigns. All glory to GOD.

Barbara Janicki
May 4, 2023

Praying FOR the attendees of this conference and not against them – that is the key. God is not willing that any should perish, grateful for all who showed up in person to share God’s Good News with those there – not to condemn them, but to show them God’s love and forgiveness for them, same as for each and every one of us. Knowing numbers of conversions doesn’t matter, God knows what seeds were planted, seeds that will bear much fruit later. Ours is to obey, God does all the heart changing, transformative work in our hearts and minds. Showing God’s love, not judgement and condemnation was truly the right approach. These people are held captive by satan’s lies, Thank You, Lord, that You came to set the captives free. That’s us! We are all held captive by something until Your Truth sets us free. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

May 4, 2023

Dear Lord Above!
Thank you for the bravery and love that was displayed at SatanCon. Please protect those who gave or rededicated their lives to You! Please let us show Your Love more consistently and remember to build each other up!
In Jesus Name amen!!

May 4, 2023

Praise God! We thank you for moving at SatanCom as we prayed and expected. You are a powerful God. Continue to grow and bring in your harvest. In Jesus’ name, Amen

May 4, 2023

Opening up the hearts of many who seek your blessed face, Lord! What more could you ever ask of us? And, what more could those amazing brother and sisters ever need? We thank you for your goodness and sovereignty, dear Father… for you are why we love.

May 4, 2023

Normally I post comments here that gently challenge our presuppositions in the interest of representing both sides, but today I’m just here to say, I think this is the healthiest comment section I’ve ever seen here at IFA. It seems like all of the half dozen commenters here understand that satanists don’t actually believe in satan, they just pick up the mantle of an old familiar (post-biblical but still pretty important to Christianity) character to (maybe not so gently) provoke thought. And I think the best response to that provocation is to live by example. Show the Satanists the best possible representation of Christian society.

May 4, 2023

Father, you are greater than the evil, wake us up to pray and not become lazy. We need to be diligent and unite in prayer after all, we have the blood of Jesus! There is no greater warrior then
Jesus, He is our deliver and He goes before us and behind us, let’s not grow weary in doing good. March on christian soldier!!!

May 4, 2023

Thank you to all the Christians that showed up to witness to all in the area.

May 4, 2023

Praise God 🙌

Billie Stoker
May 4, 2023

Greetings, Nan. Praise God for the souls; and thank you for the report.

George McSorley
May 4, 2023

Awaken your church Lord, give them thy voice to speak to the hearts of the lost in our society. Amen

Ted Bjorem
May 4, 2023

Praising You Lord O praising You because You always inhabit our praises

May 4, 2023

Praise the Lord for the calm and peaceful atmosphere!! God bless all those who prayed. How wonderful that many were touched by Jesus and seeds were planted. Most of all thank you Father God for anointing the Christians who attended the satanic conference with just the right actions and words through the power of Holy Spirit. You cannot fight evil with evil such as yelling or praying against the satanists or chanting or holding hateful signs. We must fight God’s fight with the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. Then God’s goodness and love will have the victory. A big thanks to God for the amazing salvations that took place ( approximately 100 people) !!! Glory hallelujah!!! What a mighty God we serve!! Let’s do it again as Holy Spirit leads us.

    Angela Wilson
    May 4, 2023

    Yes!! Praise God for those who have entered into His Kingdom – whether or not they were from the actual conference, or people encountered on the street. God doesn’t waste anything! The fact that this conference took place, and God saw to it that His people were in position, shows that He can use any venue and still have THE VICTORY!

    Father, have mercy on the woman who tore out the Bible pages. Forgive her, Father, for she knows not what she’s done. Visit her in her dreams with the very Word that she denounced and tried to eviscerate. It is LIVING and POWERFUL!… In Your dear Son’s name, amen.

      A G
      May 5, 2023

      Yes, I thought same!!!!! yes! Yes to all. And Father, you love her! Have mercy! Reach out with your light and love! Thank you in advance for the miracle that you’ll work in her heart! Thank you for the tears of joy when she turns to you! Thank you for loving her and all those blinded by satan! You are a loving, compassionate Father! In Jesus’ name, Amen


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