CDC: 1 in 4 Teens Is LGBTQ+
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CDC: 1 in 4 Teens Is LGBTQ+
This is a demonic epidemic among the youth of America. Our prayers can turn the tide.
From The Christian Post. One in four high school students in the United States identify as homosexual, bisexual or are questioning their sexuality, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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The latest edition of the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System found that 74.2% of high school students claimed to be exclusively attracted to the opposite sex in 2021.
Of the remaining participants, 11.9% identified as bisexual, 3.2% as gay or lesbian and 9% as “other/questioning.” The survey examines the responses of 17,232 students collected in 2021.
“The percentage of students with a sexual identity other than heterosexual has increased steadily, from 11% in 2015 to 26% in 2021,” the CDC added. “Increases in the percentage of LGBQ+ students in YRBSS 2021 might be a result of changes in question wording to include students identifying as questioning, ‘I am not sure about my sexual identity (questioning),’ or other, ‘I describe my sexual identity in some other way.'”
Data compiled by Gallup, released in February, showed that the share of the American population identifying as LGBT had doubled over the past decade, driven by a large share of Generation Z categorizing themselves as something “other” than heterosexual. The survey examined Americans’ self-identification with the LGBT community based on responses from 10,736 adults in the U.S. collected in 2022.
Gen Zers, classified as adults born between 1997 and 2004, have a much larger share of their population identifying as LGBT compared to their older counterparts. Nearly one in five (19.7%) members of Gen Zers consider themselves part of the LGBT community. By contrast, just 11.3% of millennials identify as members of the LGBT community, followed by 3.3% of members of Generation X, 2.7% of baby boomers and 1.7% of the silent generation.
Generation X consists of Americans born between 1965 and 1980, baby boomers are those born between 1946 and 1964, and the silent generation comprises Americans born before 1946.
Among the LGBT-identified members of Gen Z, 13.1% identify as bisexual, 3.4% describe themselves as gay, 2.2% consider themselves lesbians, 1.9% categorize themselves as trans-identified, while 1.5% select the “other LGBT” category when asked about their sexual orientation.
Overall, the share of Americans who identify as LGBT reached a record high of 7.2% in 2022, a slight increase from the 7.1% measured in 2021, and the 5.6% measured in 2020. In 2012, the first year Gallup collected data on LGBT identification, just 3.5% of Americans embraced the label.
Similarly, “Gen Z Post Election Research” polls conducted by the Walton Family Foundation and Murmuration in conjunction with SocialSphere and released in February found that Gen Zers were much more likely than older generations to identify as either gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or some other form of queer.
Only 75% of Gen Z respondents called themselves “heterosexual or straight,” an identification embraced by 92% of older adults. Nine percent of Gen Z respondents considered themselves bisexual, as did 3% of adults aged 26 and older. The survey measured the share of gay respondents at 2% among Gen Z and 1% among all other adults. The percentage of respondents who identified as lesbians came in at 1% among Gen Z respondents and less than 1% among older adults.
A noticeably higher share of Gen Z respondents reported having an “other queer identity” (4%) and categorized themselves as “transgender or non-binary” (4%), while less than 1% of adults 26 placed themselves into each category.
Share your prayers for the teens of America below.
(Used with permission. By Anugrah Kumar from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Elyssa Fahndrich on Unsplash)
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AMEN! Our young generation is very confused with this demonic identity crisis that has been building up negative influences. Help us Lord God, your our only hope 🙏!
It is tragic to see the enemy kill, steal, and destroy the lives of children with this evil ideology. I have seen it rip families apart and rob the children of a life intended to be productive and fulfilling. Is it surprising that the enemy has his way so easily? Our defense against the forces of evil is the active place ment of the armor of God on ourselves when the evil darts are fired at us. When the evil day comes we stand, withstand, and stand again against it. The Bible says we can extinguish the flaming darts of the enemy with our faith.
So is it a wonder that the lost, those that do not have a sufficient relationship with Christ, are deceived so easily? The more I see the enemy take ground, the more I desire to share the risen Christ to this lost world, that have no hope to resist this evil without Him.
I do not believe this “report.” The narrative of this day is NOT to be believed because many who have a voice misrepresent the truth. Sadly, this includes our media and most of our current government departments due to the corruption of this administration. So….
“If you look closely at the word TRUTH in Hebrew you find it is spelled Aleph, Mem, and Taw. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and Taw is the final letter. God’s words to us are as sure as a beginning and an end just as our praise to Him is to be as sincere as beginning to end. Truth exists from beginning to end. Not only that, the Mem is in the exact middle of the Alphabet so all truth is unchanging on its journey from beginning to end. Truth – ‘emit will not change from beginning to end.”
Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?”
Titus 1:2 “…in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began.”
Dear Heavenly Father, from the foundation of the world, Your truth has been unchanging. It is sure and sincere and salvation to all who seek it. I pray this day, You will shut the mouths of the liars. I pray this day, ALL children will know their worth and in that knowing, be free from ANY confusion. From the womb to life, I pray Your protection will shield our children. I ask this in the Name of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior. May every child love the Name of Jesus. Amen
Thank you for this lesson share! I too was just going to comment about nonbelief in this report. Polls are only given to selected few(100 or 1000), by the poll ” companies” and the select audience or participants are usually in certain communities where the subject matter presented is geared towards the direction of the questions. How many times has anyone thought, ” Well they never asked me,” or has seen ” polls” on fb or other places, but never participated, because the questions were ” slanted” towards the pollsters opinion?
We are in the age of a society, that believes the ” lie in exchange for The Truth!” and that ” good is evil, and evil is good”.
Rom. 1: 24-26..vs. 25 …who exchanged the Truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” Paul was speaking to Romans, to Jews and Gentiles. What was happening then, was the same in days of Noah, days of Sodom and Gomorrah, days of Moses and wilderness wanderings, Nothing is new under the sun! We must learn to discern, and not believe everything presented as ” see, here is proof” and always consider the source of the report. God will give us the discernment, and will guide us on how or what to pray about as these ” reports” or events or situations come before us. Always, we need to seek wisdom and guidance in order to know how to pray .
Heavenly Father May u give the parents the wisdom of how to talk, teach their children the word of God. Parents to spare time for the kids other than buying them expensive phones ipads name it or their fellow children to teach them.( parents be responsible for the kids) Holy spirit please intervene where we have neglected our duties as parents in Jesus name Amen
I don’t believe this from CDC! They’ve lied TOO MUCH to us!
Father, again expose this lie in Jesus name!
we excepted them all, to Love them and for to Love themselves Amen
My King Jesus in the name of Jesus, We will continue to pray for the teenage Will find they DNA in Jesus, the devil is blind sided this kid’s of a lie and lier, Please Father You blew your breath in All humanity, of Your Spirit, I ask You in Jesus name to blow in They eyes So they can See The truth, in You and blow in to the ears So They can hear your voice and mostly of all blow in to They Heart so the feels Your Presence of love , That They Are Love no matter What. and except by you my King Jesus
I do not believe that this figure is correct……Absolutely not!
Regardless of the figures, , we know there is real warfare out their to hijack the minds of all children and young adults. May they know WHOSE they are…
In Jesus’ merciful name, Amen
Do we honestly believe a report produced by the demionically influenced CDC.? Do you honestly believe that 25% of our youth are homosexuals or gender confused when less then 2% of our entire population is LGBT?. Neither do I. I believe this narrative propaganda was produced to further confuse and place in the minds of unsuspecting youth that they are not who they believe they are. A lie from the pit. This does not negate or lesson the need for great intercession and prayer. Make sure you know who is at work in the heavenly realms and address him aggressively. Also know that God is greater than anything the enemy claims, in Jesus name! Additionally, pray that Christian media and all Christians will have far greater discernment, insight and wisdom than has been demonstrated in this article. Lord give eyes to see and ears to hear. Amen! Pray, pray pray for the youth of America.
Amen, Keith! My thoughts exactly! And, the demonic-run CDC, etc. are trying to normalize this heinous lifestyle into acceptance by the general public and our youth.
Praying for more boots-on -the-ground-followers of Jesus to minister to all ages of children.
We know this is all a cry for attention and a cry to figure out purpose and meaning in young lives. Wherever there is a fragment of acceptance and understanding, the lost will follow.
Bring the Gospel now Heavenly Father to each one of their young hearts.
May the never ending love and Grace of our Mighty Savior come and rescue all that need His salvation here. May one voice raise up with the Truth of our Triune God and may this epidemic be snuffed out. Consume the land and the schools Holy Spirit with Your wisdom and power and reverse and discard the nonsense that there is a choice. May boys be boys and men be men. May girls be girls and women be women… with conviction and assurance of the roles God made for each of them!
In Jesus’ name, Amen