A Divided America Needs a United Church
A Divided America Needs a United Church
Analysis. An increasingly divided America needs a united Church – now, more than ever. After all, God’s people, like no other people on earth, have access to divine wisdom and truth, and can lead people to the gospel that reconciles us to God, sets us free, and gives us hope. We are supposed to be living examples of unity, love, reconciliation, and forgiveness, and employ the God-given power of prayer to bring about lasting change. One Body, with one message about one Savior, one God, and one Holy Spirit, and one way to be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.
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It appears that we are anything but united. Last week, 70 churches in Georgia announced their split from the United Methodist Church, the first of many nationwide. Some of those will dissolve, others will go on as independent congregations, and yet others will join the newly formed, doctrinally more conservative Global Methodist Church. To many news outlets, LBGTQ rights are at issue. But to many of those who split, as voiced by a lifelong Methodist pastor I know personally in a phone interview with WSBTV Atlanta, the split is more about staying true to the authority and infallibility of Scripture than gender inclusiveness.
The schism has been brewing for several years, partly because an unlikely coalition between conservative southerners in the U.S. and the primarily orthodox African church has sought to keep the UMC as a worldwide denomination true to the authority of Scripture, whereas a large number of others through other parts of the US has become more liberal in theology and practice.
The UMC split is the latest of several that have taken place in mainline churches. Similar splits occurred in the Episcopal and Presbyterian denominations. On the surface, the issue often seemed to be views on homosexuality and the notion that conservative notions on what the Bible teaches equate to exclusivism.
You could, of course, argue that Satan is attacking the unity of the Church wherever he can. And he does indeed because a divided Church is a weakened Church with a compromised gospel.
In my opinion, however, these splits are part of the global Body of Christ being prepared for the return of Christ, who wants to find His Bride ready (see Matthew 25:1-13), whether Satan has his hand in it or not. In Ephesians 5: 25-27 we read that “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”
“The washing with the word” is a significant phrase. It signifies the centrality of God’s living, active, motive-exposing, mind-renewing, transforming, ministry-equipping, truth-imparting, Satan-busting Word in the sanctification of the Church. From it should spring all our views, decisions, and actions regarding life, relationships, and above all, God Himself.
The result of being “washed with the word” is the removal of all lies and falsehoods, everything that is in accordance with the world and contrary to the truth that is in God Himself and that He has revealed to us.
The key to letting Christ wash us with His Word is our decision to believe, trust, and obey that Word. Do we give it the authority it deserves as His revelation and face being labeled exclusivists, bigots, haters, and “behind the times” by a world that prizes tolerance of a “do whatever you want to do” lifestyle?” Or do we choose to try to attract people to Christianity by being inclusive according to the world’s definition and remove anything from the gospel and Christian teaching that might offend?
Scripture warns us that spiritual truth cannot be understood by unspiritual people (1 Corinthians 2:14), that to some the gospel is the stench of death rather than the aroma of life (2 Corinthians 2:15,16), and that friendship with the world means enmity with God (James 4:4). Jesus warned in Matthew 10:34-36 that He did not come to bring peace, but the sword, dividing even households against each other over the truth of the gospel.
And yet He fervently prayed in John 17 that all who would believe in Him would be one as He and the Father are one.
What gives? Don’t church splits fly in the face of that, as the world seems to find more reason to not believe the gospel because of our quarrels, divisions, and strife?
I think it is helpful, and hopeful, to see the global Church as a Body of believers united by faith and not by doctrines, campuses, institutions, and theological views. In other words, it is a worldwide movement, a community of redeemed people inhabited by one Spirit, characterized by a vibrant faith walk that attracts people by the life of God in them and by the truth they hold to and proclaim. Some may meet on church campuses, others in home fellowships. Some meet openly and others in secret. Theological or denominational systems can get in the way of Christ being made visible through the lives of His children. After all, God draws unbelievers to Himself through the uncompromising truth of His Word and His love made manifest in His sons and daughters, not through denominational distinctives or theological systems.
Jesus also warns us in Matthew 24:10 that many will fall away from the faith during times when pressure on the Church mounts. That is already a reality in large parts of the world and is knocking at our door as well. Churches suffering in countries where Christianity is illegal are rarely divided. That seems to be part of the sifting and purification process, as those who stay faithful to the end will remain.
So let us not be dismayed by church splits and how the world may view Christianity in light of them. Rather let every fight, every fall, every split serve as an encouragement to keep praying for unity in the Church, and an increasingly united Body of believers to become visible by its love and its knowledge of and obedience to the truth.
“Father, we grieve over church splits and theological disputes, as we know they grieve the Holy Spirit. We also grieve over compromise on the truth and authority of your Word to be more appealing to the world. We pray, therefore, for unity in the American Church. Bring a great spiritual awakening to the centrality of Scripture, its authority and power in our lives. Unite us in desperate prayer to see Christ made visible by our love. And while the world casts doubt on our faith because of the dissension it sees, may you continue to draw people into your kingdom, one life at a time, through the aroma of life that comes forth from those who are filled with the Holy Spirit and walk with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
How are you working toward and praying for interdenominational unity? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
Author Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years’ experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the US. Born and raised in the Netherlands and pastoring his first church in Amsterdam, he moved to the US in 1986. He and his wife Jennifer currently live north of Atlanta, GA When not writing books, he blogs and assists his wife as content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo Credit: Daniel Morton on Unsplash.
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“That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me,” (John 17:21-23). I agree, with YOU LORD JESUS, Amen.
Lord Jesus We pray for unity in Your Bride. As Jesus prayed in John 17:11 …Holy Father keep through Your Name those whom You have given Jesus, that we maybe one as the Father and Jesus are one. Sanctify us by Your truth. Your Word is truth. John 17:17. Purify Your Bride that we may be holy and spotless before You. We repent of our self-righteous behavior & the division it causes. Unite us under the Blood of Christ. Let us love our brothers & sisters in Christ through Your Word & truly be the body of Christ giving preference to one another in love and truth. In th the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen ✝️🙏🏻🙌🏻🔥❤️
I pray o holy God, Father God and Lord Jesus, let the outpouring of your grace cover the multitud of errors and sin in your church, where you call us to live in love and truth in Christ, bring down the separating walls of the ekklesia, you united jewish and gentil because you are the maker and God of all people, we ask forgiveness and your direccion, soften our hearts to see our brethren in love, sin is sin but weren’t we sinners when you saved us? So please, help us, remove the veils from our eyes , ears, and hearts, so we walk not on the law but i. Love and unity in ChristJesus., many times we do not know how to deal with transgender o homosexuals, but let us ask you, to let us see them as you ser them, with compation and mercy because you saw us that way, and the ones who much have been forgiven, have to forgive freely. Give us your wisdom, and your love, bind religousity from the ekklesia, and teach us to walk in loce and truth, in Christ Jesus. Amen
There can never be unity in false doctrine, as Jesus’ prayer in John 17 ask that we would all be one as He and the Father (and Spirit) are One. Therefor there can be NO DENOMINATIONS in the Holy Christian Church. When you go against what Jesus has taught and given in His Church – the Body of Christ – you are on your own.
It’s interesting that you should use Ephesians 5:25-27 and St. Paul’s phrase “washing with the Word,” which describes Holy Baptism, and then never talk about Baptism, which he further describes as “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,” (Titus 3:5). When you turn the work of God into human good works with “believer baptism,” there can never be unity in that :church.” When you claim Jesus is not Bodily present in the consecrated bead and wine of His supper – as He said “This is MY BODY,” there can never be unity! Note how many so-called “Christians” gather in large, darkened auditoriums and listen to worldly “music” and are told what they must do to be a “good” Christian and be saved.
Yes, this is the work of the devil to split Christ’s True Church on earth. Even the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is falling to the church growth temptation to become Protestant, looking to numbers rather than faith. But Holy Scripture is still the only foundation for Church doctrine, and the only guide for Christian living. Without Scriptural doctrines and practices, you don’t have a Church, just a religious club.
Repent now, while you can. Search out a True Church on Earth (a confessional LCMS congregation is all I can recommend, now) where the Gospel is preached in all it’s Truth and purity, and the Sacraments are administered according to the Gospel. Of course, there is no fame and profit in that, so you will most likely continue to limp along in your own self-righteousness, writing meaningless articles like above.
Yes, I think brother Brommet’s assessment rings true to how Christ’s church is instructed in the Bible to witness and grow in a world out of touch with its Creator.
Father, I pray that churches as a whole will see themselves as one body with Jesus as the only head, and that that they will seek the sole guidance of the Holy Spirit in this Christian walk, not the dictates of their flesh. Galatians 5:16 says “I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. The Word of God can’t be compromised. Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away but not His Word, so the church needs to live solely by the Word of God.
Thank you for helping me understand this Remco! We will just continue to pray for unity!
Christians do need to be united as one, between all the Protestant sects and also the Catholic, Roman and Orthodox. However, there is more. We need to unite also with other faiths, other expressions of veneration of God, who share our basic values, even if their expressions are widely different. We can come to understanding between ourselves, and work together to counteract the massive forces that are seeking to destroy all deposit of faith, requiring that people believe in the State only. (Similar to worshipping the Emperor of Rome). Quarrelling among ourselves will only make us weaker and more vulnerable.
I stand united with those who live in God’s words. Let us not be divided . . . for if we are, then we are not living in God’s words.
In I Cor. 3:4 Paul says :”For when one saus, I belong to Paul, and another , I belong to Apollos, are you not proving yourselves ordinary unchanged men?”
(Read verse 3 also)
So today are we not saying we are of Methodist (Wesley); we are of Presbyterian (Calvin). Denominations automatically divide the “Church” just by dint of emphasis on different doctrines . I suspect that in most “denominations” part of the true church resides. Those are the ones who say “I am of Christ … I bear His name and no other.
When I was first born again decades ago, the Lord told me To pray for the unity of the church which I have been faithful to do. I used to “Worry” about how it could come about as many are so entrenched in the denominational system. Then I realized God can do it in the twinkling of an eye. Duh!
The last several years the Lord has told me He is making a new wine skin for His church in these last days. As we observe the tremendous rise of evil and rebellion against God and His word of truth, we pretty much know that there is great persecution coming and also a great harvest of souls.
Let us be willing to let go of the old wine skin and look for the new thing God is doing in out day. A
Couple of things I am sure of about this new wine skin is that community and relationships will be paramount and the priesthood of ALL true believers will be released into operation.
Don’t you just long for the gathering of the saints in every place where unity of love for one another and love for Christ will cause the Holy Spirit to come in power and perhaps the building will shake? Ha! Ha! Come Lord Jesus come!!
Excellent article! I am glad to hear that there is a conservative , Scripture-honoring faction within the United Methodist church. I pray for all the denominations that have allowed themselves to be deceived by satan. They obviously need the spiritual gift of discernibg of spirits. That said, we desperately NEED to come together as the Body of Christ. Just as the globalists are uniting to do evil in the natural, we Christians need to come together in one accord. We need to be awakened froom our complacency, and rise up in the Kingdom authority that Jesus has given us. We need to be a pure, spotless bride, ready and watching for the return of our Lord and Saviour.
A spoken Word to Mikah – May 08, 2011
The Books go against every denomination and religion. The Church of the Living God, back into one accord.
The PILLAR CLOUD cover photo on “The Truth of the Kingdom: Red Letter Edition” was taken during a visitation on May 16, 2010. Are you surprised that the Holy Family still travels in a cloud?
This holy Book builds on the foundation laid by the prophets and apostles, with our Redeemer and High Priest as the cornerstone. The purpose is to restore mankind to the Eternal Law of Father Yhovah and the lifestyle known as ‘The Way’, by revealing false teachings, traditions of man, and end-time prophecy. This Book is a must read for spiritual leaders in all religions, so they can come out of the IDOLATRY OF FALSE BELIEFS and prepare the Congregation to be saved on the Day of Wrath. The false religion of Protestantism was birthed in 1577, a branch off of the false religion of Catholicism that was birthed in 321 by throwing out the Sabbath commandment and introducing idolatry into worship.
Ironic that as the globalists pursue their takeover by attempting to unify economics, health care, (WHO) “environmental controls” etc., it is God’s church that should be unified worldwide, across denominational lines, across national lines, across all man-made lines and barriers. After all, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” and “Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” We should be pursuing unity in Christ with our brothers and sisters around the world more actively than the globalists are pursuing their brand of unity with intent to take over the sovereignty of nations and of individuals. The world will be a better place if we achieve unity before they do. To achieve this, we do, each and everyone, need to be “washed in the Word” – God’s eternal truth, as you pointed out. May we as members of the body of Christ, as Christ’s bride, be as passionate about pursuing unity worldwide as the globalists are! The world will be a better place if we win the unification race. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
Well done! I do hope you read my comment. I do not use the name of the sun god Amen-Ra given to us by Catholicism so I did not give you a hand clap although it was well deserved. What ending did Messiah use when talking to Father?
Lord, I agree with all of the prayers that Pastor Brommet has expressed here so eloquently. I agree.. my prayer is that every Church split and Theological dispute be used by You For Your Glory to highlight your healing power-, and your glorious words that spring forth life.. and encourage people to be drawn to you.. in unity and in grace and in resurrection power. I thank you for all these things Lord.. in the mighty name of Jesus, Lord and I pray that we could be all used to strengthen the foundation of your church.. Lord and to be Witnesses be on the path of righteousness for your namesake. In Jesus Name, Amen