Did you catch the press conference with Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and others about the election fraud litigation? Thanks to our friends at, we offer you prayer points to focus our intercession. has called for fasting and praying until the election is settled.
Saints, please fully watch the linked press conference held yesterday, and refer to the following list as we pray and fast over the coming weeks.
- That witnesses and whistleblowers would come forth.
- That godly, patriotic lawyers, investigators and advisors across the country will rise up to prosecute the many local and state election fraud cases that are about to emerge.
- That judges across the country as well as the Supreme Court will fairly adjudicate based solely upon the evidence, truth, US Constitution and our established body of law.
- That a deep and thorough cleansing of our government ā including, but not limited to ā our political, legal, law enforcement, educational, military, economic, national security, bureaucratic and judicial systems will result from this process.
- That those who are guilty will be found guilty.
- That those found guilty will pay a fair, just and constitutional penalty for their crimes in order that our republic may preserved and that future law breakers would think twice about repeating their mistakes.
- That the lawyers, investigators, politicians, informants, judges, reporters and anyone else pursuing truth and justice in this matter would be granted supernatural courage, wisdom, discernment, guidance and energy, and that they and their families would be surrounded with hedges of divine protection.
- That those defrauded in the election would be vindicated, and awarded whatever seat is rightfully theirs.
- That the national and global powers (whether they be private individuals, personalities, politicians, academics, foundations, media outlets, social media platforms, financial institutions, corporations, governments, etc.) that have conspired to develop, fund, conceal, deceive, perpetrate or enable this fraud would be exposed for who and what they are, and that they would be publicly discredited, bankrupted, sentenced and removed from the playing field.
- That the Holy Spirit would convict and break the heart of every single person who had anything to do with this corruption, and that they would genuinely confess, repent and turn to the only one qualified to fully forgive, cleanse and redeem.
- That the forces (physical and spiritual) that would seek to cause division, anarchy and destruction would be quelled, and that lives and property would be spared.
- That the Church would continue in prayer with an attitude of humility, grace, and thankfulness, forsaking vindictiveness, arrogance and pride.
That a massive movement of the Holy Spirit would sweep across our Church, our country and the entire world.
(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Share your own prayers in the comments below!
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Heavenly Father in the name of your son we pray that if your will you forgive those who have sinned and help our president the one you chose be vindicated of this crime and see him reseated as president as so chosen by the people your people Amen
I will say this. If there is one — just one fraudulent vote…then fraud has been committed. But we are talking millions in multiple states. It has been planned for months. The president warned us along with many others “months ago” that it “would happen” and it did.
There’s no gray area here. Sadly, people (and even sadder, some Christians) think it couldn’t happen here in our lifetime. Its been going on for years if not decades but never of this magnitude. Never with this much central coordination.
I have stated for years that electronic voting machines were going to be the trojan horse of voting. As a friend of mine told me that works in security technology, “quote” {electronic voting machines can be reprogrammed from as far away as Malaysia in a matter of 30 seconds. Software can be installed to manipulate, at will, any machine or computer from various locations or other means}…She stated this years ago and now we are seeing that its true. Combine that with the other forms of cheating and we have a mess of fraudulent proportions that we have never seen – all orchestrated.
I will be blunt. If there are Christians commenting on this feed that think it didn’t happen, you have been deceived. Please, if you value truth, integrity, honesty and hate lying and dishonesty, then pray toward that end in regards to this election. You are welcome to opinion but don’t come on this feed or site and tell people to accept fraud and lying and that we need to prepare to move on. We don’t have to accept things that God wants us to fight against….
I am a Catholic Intercesor for our Country! It humbles me to see so many Christians(Catholics included) joined as one for the Good of our Country and all the World, because the Good of our Country affects all the World. You are very right when you say that we are coming to GOD this late! I felt the same and asked God for Forgiveness! At the same time I felt we were Claiming to God as Prodigal Children who acknowledge their Sin and Humbly Beg the Father for Mercy! Let us Remember the Parable and Trust He will Receive Us Back! We are on our way back, He will run to Us in due Time. He ran to the Prodigal the moment He saw him coming.
We, Catolices, believe Mary,The Mother of Jesus is our Greatest Intercessor in Heaven. She bore Him for Nine Months and was very close to Him on the Cross! We are begging Her, too as a Mother in Heaven to Pray For America, Our own Catholic Church which is in Much Need of Conversion! Please Pray for Us, too. We are all Brothers and Sisters in GOD.We are all His Children!! Love and Prayers!
“Let God arise and His enemies be scattered”I pray the that Americans will be God fearing people again and respect the values and principles that this country was founded upon.He is our KING our JUDGE and our LAWGIVER.We take dominion over the enemy of righteousness in Jesus mighty name!”
We can win this. Through our prayers more evidence has surfaced, including mathematical analysis, identification of Eric Coomer, information from Gen. McInerny,many affidavits. It needs to go to the Supreme Court eventually because legal efforts have not been working in Democratic stronghold. They have to start there because that is where the problem is but dismissals there are not failures, just steps to the Supreme Court where I believe God, who sent us this President, will continue him.
Father God, I humbly and confidently ask that you would forgive the Christians in America for waiting until this late hour to fall before you and fight for our freedom and Country. Heal our Land. Bring justice to those who purposefully do evil, stealing the election, and promoting rebellion. Pour out your Holy Spirit to draw our nation to You. Fill believers with a holy boldness that we would fearlessly proclaim the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ without condemnation or pride.
We Bless your name and worship you alone,
In the strong name of Jesus, we pray, Amen
Father God, I humbly and confidently ask that you would forgive the Christians in America for waiting until this late hour to fall before you and fight for our freedom and Country. Heal our Land. Bring justice to those who purposefully do evil, stealing the election, and promoting rebellion. Pour out your Holy Spirit to draw our nation to You. Fill believers with a holy boldness that we would fearlessly proclaim the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ without condemnation or pride.
We Bless your name and worship you alone,
In the strong name of Jesus, we pray, Amen
I spent a couple hours listening to the Pennsylvania testimony.
I’m glad I’m not a politician. 3.5 Hrs. of testimony is too much.
Let me boil down what I heard for you:
If you are predisposed to believe that the election was stolen things look suspicious.
If you look for hard evidence it is lacking.
1) They didn’t let us see the ballots when opened, we were too far away, we werenāt allowed in.
2) The rate of counts was not accumulated in a normal manner. There were spikes as groups of ballot counts were added.
3) There should be a forensic analysis of the data to look for and explain anomalies.
4) People were doing suspicious things that were not explained to me.
5) There should be a forensic analysis of the data to look for and explain anomalies. We didn’t do it but somebody else should.
6) At least one place did not have a written procedure for handling ballots.
7) There should be a forensic analysis of the data to look for and explain anomalies.
8) We got a print out that looked odd.
Response to Rob McCancel on your points:
1) They didn’t let us see the ballots… this broke a Pennsylvania law requiring sight of the signatures
2) Rate of counts included over 700,000 ballots returned in a greater number than ballots sent out to voters
3) Forensic analysis will explain how the voting machine received multiples of the same ballot groups re-voting the same ballots with additional but illegal votes
4) People were doing suspicious things – in fact things which showed no process and no standardized practice
5) Same as #3. Poll watchers did observe the anomalies of the ballot processing. Some of the witnesses provided testimony of where they did spot analysis.
6) See #4.
7) See # 3 & 5.
8) The print-out looked odd because the anomalies of spikes after ballot counting stopped; then started without poll-watchers, and then state employees went to court to keep poll-watchers from their authorized duties…contrary to Pennsylvania law.
And yes, if anyone, and especially you, Rob, chooses to discount the testimonies, the experts and their expertise and deny the dispositions of merit, you can indeed bundle up your thoughts as lack of hard evidence. This isn’t true, but you can choose to hold that opinion and for you Rob, I pray tonight. I am praying for the hidden to be revealed and people to hold fast to truth.
As it has been proven over and over, like today in PA with Republican judges, we need to start to believe what is appearing to be true as we have prayed for awhile now for truth,there has been no evidence of widespread fraud so more and more with every failed case seen by Judges there is no proof. Voter fraud is allegated by some but not proven nor does Guliani claim fraud in court either. We need to have another prayer strategy like that truth comes out but that we start to believe what is looking and proven to be the truth while there were done irregularities there is no widespread truth showing up even before Republican courts of these claims and pray for President Trump and Elect too. We must believe these judges and embrace the reality.
Pray that blinded eyes will b opened & God will b glorified in this election process.
Praying for God’s anointing on His “Special Forces” to fight this battle, to guide and direct them in the Holy Spirit to uncover critical documentation and witnesses to the crimes committed against the American people. To unveil all the works of the enemy. Asking for God to give the “Special Forces” strength, courage, direction, supernatural energy, wisdom, and the Peace of God which transcends all understanding – In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Father God, I cry out to You in this election process. I pray for Trump’s legal team for discernment, and clarity. Please remove all confusion and chaos from the legal team trying to do it’s job. Lord I also pray that truth and righteousness will prevail in this election. In Jesus’s precious and holy name I pray, Amen!
I pray that St Michael the Archangel will defend us in the battle, that He will be our heavenly safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil who prowls around the world seeking the ruin of souls; and that St. Michael and his Holy Angels will encamp around our President, our US of America, around us, and around the whole world.
Thank you, Lord for all provision and protection necessary to complete this election and bring closure that Your Word be performed. Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done in the USA just as You designed and see it in Heaven. With You, we speak comfort to our President, Vice President , all elected officials, and the legal team and the families thereof who are for You and standing for righteousness. Gather Your people in one accord with one voice to worship you in Spirit and Truth until we see, experience and see manifest everywhere Your righteousness, peace and joy in Holy Spirit overtake this nation. Draw all peoples close to you by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Let today be the day of salvation. We dispatch angels to go forth and perform this Word and minister to all mentioned above. All glory and honor to You mighty God. In Jesus Christ we stand.
May our sincere prayers be heard, and heeded, Blessed, and then resonate through heaven so every heavenly soul will join us in this desire for a moral leader. In His Holy Name, Amen.
Lord Our God, we pray your everlasting dominion reigns over us especially now during this time of intensity.
Please grace the process with your loving and fair presence. Amen.
O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongsā
O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!
2 Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
[a]Render punishment to the proud.
3 Lord, how long will the wicked,
How long will the wicked triumph?
4 They utter speech, and speak insolent things;
All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves.
5 They break in pieces Your people, O Lord,
And afflict Your heritage.
12 Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O Lord,
And teach out of Your law,
13 That You may give him [e]rest from the days of adversity,
Until the pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For the Lord will not [f]cast off His people,
Nor will He forsake His inheritance.
15 But judgment will return to righteousness,
And all the upright in heart will follow it.
16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
Let every evil principality be DISMANTLED! We are an army dressed for battle. We come to the enemy’s camp and take back what he stole. Take back what he stole. Kings and priests – take your place! Let the prayers and crys of the saints come before the Lord. Here the cry of your people, God! We cry for mercy. We cry for justice! Hear our cry God! Jesus, you only know victory. Every battle you are in, You win! You love justice! Hear our cry!
I have not stopped praying, believing God to bring about true justice and truth concerning this election. I keep my president, vice president and their families, praying daily, and often before the Throne of God’s grace. If God be for them, who can be against them!!
Praying with thousands of others that truth would be uncovered. Praying for the people in the front lines to have God’s stamina,God’s protection, and His wisdom.
May they, through Christ, expose the things that were done in the dark, and bring them to light. To God be the Glory!! Great things He has done, and is doing. Our/My eyes are on Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of my faith!
I decree integrety voting process and that righteousness and justice would prevail across America to all the legal battles connected to this election and our voting process. I decree the voting process is and will be cleaned to be a fair and honest process and great exposure is occuring now and into the future. I decree that justice and prosecution will follow and people of corruption will be exposed and prosecuted. Our God reigns over America and the ekklesia is active and obedient to King Jesus. No king but Jesus and the destiny purposes of America are and will be done in Jesus name. We are obedient to his direction. Proptection to all righteous people in this process. Now media- I decree judgement is coming to you and new news outlets are and will arise that are fair and truthful and not propaganda machines. Corrupt news media outlets are coming down and being exposed to the glory of God. Our God reigns and we the ekklesia are and will continue to rise up. Third heaven decrees are on our lips and being roared over America now and in future. We are pressing in and will not relent.
…in the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. To God be the glory now and forevermore! Amen.
What a joy it is to pray for our President and his legal team and then obey and ask Jesus to get under this burden with us, so as to give the burden of this crisis to HIM, asking HIM for HIS divine intercession on behalf of HIS CHURCH and prayer warriors, for this is all indeed a spiritual battle. I, too, pray to Father, in Jesus’ name that the Supreme Court would move Inauguration Day to March to allow the time necessary to gather all evidence needed to keep President Trump in office.
Praise God for hearing our prayer.
Make us as worthy to be to receive all that we ask for.
“…Make us worthy to receive…”
Come Lord Jesus and forgive us. Lead us in the right direction as your people and of all countries. Fill us all with your peaceful Holy Spirit. We are thankful for you being our Heavenly Father. Amen.
Lord, I pray that Youād create the perfect storm which allows all of these witnesses, law suits, etc be brought forth within the time frame that is legally allowed for them to be heard. I pray that Trumpās legal team will not run out of time to have these cases heard prior to Inauguration Day, and I pray that our Supreme Court will choose to move back the Inauguration Day to March (as it used to be in the past), especially in light of all the fraud taking place. In Jesusā Mighty Name I pray amen!
We can not pray that the Supreme Court will choose to move back the Inauguration Day as that is a legislative decision (i.e. 20th Amendment.) To do so would be the same judicial activism that we are praying against. God will work in His time.
Oh I didnāt realize this. Iām praying God gets the victory… and that the Trump team doesnāt run out of time in fighting for us as a nation…. however, I know that our Great and Awesome God is fighting for us as we fast and pray! I believe this with all my heart!
Thank you for making me aware of this.
Joshua spoke to the Sun and to the moon to stand still (daylight) to finish the enemy in the battle.
In another account Joshua was in battle meanwhile Moses was on the mountain top with lifted hands praying for him to succeed. As he got tired, that affected negatively to Joshua and the army.
Then Aaron and Hur took a āStoneā for him to sit on and they stood on each side of Moses holding up his hands for Joshua to prevail against the enemy.
All we need is to Believe and act. God is fighting with us. We will finish well!
The Victory at Makkedah.
Those 5 kings were defeated then and will be defeated. In Jesusās name I pray Amen.
Amen & Amen! Lord, however You plan on settling this election, we humbly cry out to You! We are grieved over the sin that prevails in our nation, including idolatry of money/sex/sports/politics, abortion, homosexuality, etc etc. We repent, Father!! Please show us Your grace and mercy! Heal the divisions in our land! In the Name of the One Who said, āI Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man will come to the Father except by Me,ā I pray this in His Mighty Name, Amen!
Read Isaiah 59:12-19.
As His people…Continue to pray for truth and justice to come forward. Ask God to energize the hearts, minds and prayers of the body of Christ.
Liken your prayer strategy to a marathon. You are tired. You know where the finish line is. You can picture it but there are doubts that you can make. But something inside keeps you going. You’re beat up, tired, sore… but you must finish. The voice inside of you pushing you to complete what you started is greater than everything that is pushing on you from the outside to give up.
God is saying “don’t give up. Rely on Me. I will answer. Believe in my promises. Believe in what I, the Lord God, have shared with you through multiple prophets”.
Thank you Lord for leading me to encouragement found in Your Living Word while crying out to you!
The wicked lie in wait for the righteous, intent on putting them to death;
but the Lord will not leave them in the power of the wicked or let them be condemned when brought to trial.
Hope in the Lord and keep his way.
He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are destroyed, you will see it.
I have seen a wicked and ruthless man flourishing like a luxuriant native tree,
but he soon passed away and was no more; though I looked for him he could not be found.
Ps 37:32-36
Praise the Lord.
Father God, I pray that this will be a time where many will run to You. Cause many to fear You and not be able to sleep because knowledge of their evil deeds keep them up at night. I pray they will turn to You and confess and repent and then do what is right and come forward with any evidence they have that supported fraudulent activity in the voting process.
āYou alone can rescue. You alone can save.
You alone can lift us from the grave…ā
Thank You for Your incredible mercy and grace, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen
Dear God, Thank you for the courage and bravery shown by Trumpās legal team! We ask for Your protection over them and their families! We pray for the courts and Supreme Court Justices to execute Your Justice rightfully and thoroughly! Pray that their judgement over the election fraud reflects Your Will!
In Jesus name we pray.
We pray righteousness and justice will flow down like a mighty stream!
May the truth be exposed, we pray for election integrity, and protection of all fighting for exposing election and voter fraud!
Jesus name we pray, amen!
Habakkukās prayer
Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.
Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy.
Hab 3:2
Father God, may you move at warp speed to bring these cases of President Trumpās before the Supreme Court. May justice be done and may President Trump be inaugurated for four more years.
What a truthful and enlightening press conference given by Trump’s legal team!
Yes, we should and we must continue to pray for God’s intervention in this fight against voter frauds in the nation.
Father God,
As we are waiting on you, we have no fear to ask you to help us do what is right for America. America needs a spiritual revival across the land, we must repent from our sin and surrender to Christ Jesus so that we can be forgiven and that we can receive your gift of eternity shamelessly. Thank you for bringing forward citizens with good conscience to report voter frauds under oath in the various states without fearing possible political and economic retaliation from people who commit these frauds. May I ask Father God to protect them so they are free from any sort of persecution. Father God, please also protect Trump’s legal team, particularly, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell & Jenna Ellis, give them wisdom and strength so that they are able to sift through useful fraud reports, verify their correctness and affidavits and present them as evidences in courts. Father God, this is a spiritual battle for truth – to ensure electoral integrity is not compromised in this election. We ask you to intervene, to bind the enemies of divisiveness and corruption. In Jesus’ name.
Father, I pray that Biden supporters, President Trump, the church, and the world will see your Son at work in this election. May they not be so aware of attorneys and litigation as of the God of the Angel Armies! May President Trump come to the end of trusting his lawyers and begin trusting in YOU. May he be transformed by putting it all at your feet. May he tweet that You are his deliverer! May his staff and supporters focus on what YOU ARE DOING! May there be no doubt that Jesus is in charge…that He is the one who opens the world to truth…the one who places the president into four more years of service. May Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris see You in all your power. May they humble themselves to know YOU. amen
Correct, Shawna. I do follow the Scripture you quoted for legitimate constitutional authority. I just thought that in the midst of an attempted coup that I would not find that to be the fitting selection nor would I talk about lifting either side in prayer pending the result of the legal challenges as if there were some semblance of moral equivalence. I don’t see riots by mostly peaceful demonstrators, bringing in preprinted ballots at 4AM, intimidating poll watchers, etc. to be of a legitimate political party. I would have chosen the threats of Senaccharib and Hezekiah’s prayer of faith for Scriptural guidance. I recently read of a young lady who grew up in Venezuela,but now here, and said what she has been seeing here is the same that she saw during the coup by Chavez. Both in China and Russia the communists overturned a legitimate government. Even in Cuba, Batista was not that bad for that part of the world, certainly not a Jeffersonian statesman but nothing like Castro.
Prayer going up. Miracles do happen.
We need President Trump to stay in the White House and finish his promises. We also need all the good that he has done to stay in place and not be corrupted by the Democrats. He has done so much good for the citizens of this country and I want him to get a chance to go on I have no confidence in Biden. He is a puppet and will do the bidding of the Democrats. He will end up being bad for this nation.
This current situation reminds me of Acts 12:5-17 when Peter was in jail praying for his release and concurrently the Saints at Mary’s (John’s mother) house were also praying. Let us not forget Vice-President Mike Pence and his wife who are believers and the spiritual leaders that have surrounded President Trump. I’m sure that they are praying and probably President Trump and the First Lady. As we join forces together in faith, believing that what we pray for shall come to pass (Matt. 18:18-20; John 16:23-24; John 15:4; John 14:13-14), we shall see the victory. For there are many more strongholds that must come down in the Name of Jesus.
Such a cloud of witnesses have much power available when praying in the Holy Ghost! I thank you for the opportunity and count it an honor to join my supply of faith with my brothers and sisters in Christ!
Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer that came from your heart. We, as a country united, need all of the prayer power we can muster. May God bless you and your family to keep these prayers going all around the world.
Praise God for this wonderfully blessed ministry and that the Lord if all will continue to bless it.
Almighty Father, I declare and decree every point in this prayer message from #1That whistle blowers and witnesses will come forth, that they will not be intimated by anyone, through #12 That the church will continue to pray for justice to be done with all humility, grace, thanksgiving, forsaking vindictiveness’, arrogance or pride. Give Lawyers, and Judges a heart of integrity to hold up our Constitution of the United States of America. I pray in Jesus name Amen.
Father we beseech thee to help the computer code breakers unravel any and all fraudulent software schemes of the enemy. Give the technical and engineering specialists who assist the legal teams supernatural ability to detect, illustrate and communicate any deceptive and fraudulent software. We pray that any system insecurities be exposed and the truth come to light. Lord it took a long long time just to detect several missing lines of computer code that brought down two 737 Max aircraft. We declare that any fraudulent software in the voting machines be swiftly detected at the Lordās rate of speed ā light speed! We declare that any nefarious internet snatch and change software also be detected and exposed! We plead the blood of Jesus over these requests ask for your supernatural intervention at this time. In the mighty name of Jesus.
Amen Chris
Target arrow prayer, I stand with you against any schemes of the enemy and code breakers arise!
Father we humbly come before you, seek your face, turn from our wicked ways and pray at this time. Accordingly we claim your promise in the courts of heaven as described in 2 Chronicles 7:14: that you will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our lands. We ask in the name of Jesus that the Holy Spirit direct us to pray in real time for the specific battles that need prayer, locally, nationally and globally. Give us strength Lord to report for daily duty as your prayer warriors and give us confidence in our armour and weapons you alone provide. For the enemy is working on all fronts and we ask for your strategic real time wisdom during this heavenly war. Remind us Father that we wrestle not with flesh and blood. The battles we wage are spiritual ones in the heavenly realms. Father we beseech thee to bind all lies, occult spirits, secret cults, the spirit of witchcraft, all spirits of Baal, deception, hidden agendas, evil demonic schemes, one party press, and fraud, corruption, betrayal and treachery of government officials and beauracrats in America and Canada and the world who are complicit with the enemy. We declare that the globalist stranglehold waged on citizenās minds by way of relentless evil lies and fear promoted by the media and deep states around the globe be bound, and we declare that the peoples of the Earth be set free to learn the enormity of lies they have been told and the realities of truth that has been hidden in the name of Jesus. We declare in the name of Jesus that this BLINDING OF MINDS AND INTELLECTS shall cease and that medical tyranny, betrayal, lies, corruption, and fraud be fully exposed and CLEARLY SEEN by our peoples. The real virus is fear and we therefore bind the spirit of fear on our peoples and loose Godās almighty spirit of courage. Lord we declare that truth, mercy, freedom, justice, and a Holy Spirit AWAKENING be loosed to run free America and Canada and the world. Rouse people from their slumber and massive ignorance of the globalist agenda and the lies of this medical emergency used to provide cover for national coups while imprisoning us in our homes to make us feel helpless. Father we ask for your divine protection and supernatural wisdom for President Trump, his family, cabinet, and legal team. We further bind the powers of leaders and government officials in the United States and Canada and the world who are part of the evil globalist agenda to enslave humanity and that their powers be weakened, confused, and convicted by the Holy Spirit and that their plans be utterly demolished. We pray for an overwhelming number of believers to become your prayer warriors! We plead precious blood of Jesus for all requests we have petitioned. In Jesus mighty name! Amen!
Lord, I trust in you. Help us to be patient and to contain our sanity until the get a clear outcome of this 2020 election.
Father, uncover the evil corruption in this election. Bind the lying spirits and shine your righteous light on uncovering the deception.
Wow Jenna Ellis really set the stage for the challenging election situation. G-d bless the team of lawyers and judge and jury to deal appropriately with the worldly voting fraud exposure by corporations and individuals. Father G-d Please protect the people who are still coming, and who already brought in their affidavits on the corrupt voting discrepancies of lies and deceit going on at the polling places such as ballot harvesting, and changing ballots. We want an honest election in 2020. In G-d we trust!
These are excellent prayer points, and I would like to offer for your consideration an asterisk to point 12.
Before the election, there were many prayer gatherings across the country with a focus on 2 Chron. 7:14. Rick Joyner said in a recent message that weāre not done with this passageāthat we needed to stay humble before the Lord, continue to seek His face, and turn from evil. When I looked more closely at this passage, the definition of āraā, the Hebrew word for evil, caught my attention (H7451): bad, inferior quality; wicked, evil, mischief, malignant, hurtful, moral deficiency, adversity; inability to come up to good standards; āIt is unethical, immoral activity against other people, whether by speech, by practice, or by offering improper sacrifices. This depicts a very negative attitude toward God or man.ā (Spiros Zhodiates). I believe harboring offense toward another or God falls into this definition.
It struck me that many in the church fell prey to offense in this election. Jesus said that offenses would surely come and that in the latter days many would be offendedāeven at Godās leadership and waysāand as a result, their love would grow cold. Only the love and patience of God at work in our lives allows us to overlook the offenses of others (Prov. 17:9; 19:11; 1 Pet. 4:8.
Many looked at President Trumpās checkered past aided by the media constantly adding fuel to stoke the flames, and they drew the conclusion that God couldnāt possibly have chosen someone like him; his character is too offensive in their opinion. Just look at what heās done! āHeās a womanizer!ā āHeās a racist!ā āI hate his tweets!ā These are not my beliefs, but I have heard Christians complain about these things. Consider that God chose Samson (womanizer), Jonah (arguably a racist), Peter (his tweets may have raised a few eyebrows), and many other unconventional, unlikely people to serve Godās purposes in their respective generations. Even Jesus offended many, especially the religious leaders (Matt. 13:57; 15:12; Mk. 6:3; Jn. 6:60-66; cf. Rom. 9:33). This offense at Godās chosen leadership fits the definition of āraā (wickedness) in 2 Chron. 7:14.
In response, I think we need to remember Jesusā words: āin the same way you judge others, you will be judgedā (Matt. 7:2). Further, we have forgotten what Paul saidāsuch were some of you before coming to Christ (1 Cor. 6:8-11; cf. Isa. 44:22). Most of us are in the midst of progressive sanctification, meaning we did not experience instant transformation to the perfect character of Christ the instant we were saved. God still uses flawed human beings in this age to partner with Him in His work… thatās all thatās available!
Perhaps we should consider that President Trump, like each of us, is a transformation in progress but in a very public platform. How many of us could withstand that level of scrutiny? His ongoing transformation was clearly evident when a friend told him he was the most famous person in the world, to which Trump deferred to Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 12:21-23; see
I would like to suggest that those who did not vote for Trump because of offense should reconsider their position. Harboring offense clouds our judgment and makes us susceptible to deception, willingness to betray our beliefs and other people, which in turn leads to a spirit of lawlessness and love that has grown cold (Matt. 24:10-12). Love keeps no record of wrongs (1Cor. 13:5).
If you didnāt vote for Trump for other reasons, thatās between you and the Lord. But with so many prophetic voices in agreement about Trump serving a second term as Godās chosen instrument as well as considering the fruit of Trumpās track record of fighting for the unborn and for the right of churches to assemble for worship, his unwavering support of Israel, and his desire to see American jobs brought back from overseas, I wonder how any believer would choose to rather vote for an individual with a globalist agenda, who advocates late-term abortion, has shown indifference to the nation of Israel, and has no strong stance for the rights of churches. God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Prov. 6:16-19), and if we have the mind of Christ, we hate what He hates.
I believe Rick Joyner is rightāwe still need to humble ourselves before the Lord to repent. The Body of Christ in some measure allowed offense to dictate our actions rather than the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God never told us to follow our heartsāthe heart is deceitful, desperately wicked, and unprofitable unless aligned with the Spirit of God (Jer. 17:9; 13:10; Psalm 141:4).
So here is the asterisk I would like to add to point 12: repenting of falling prey to the enemyās strategy by letting our hearts be consumed with offense that led us into his trap of deception concerning this election.
This passage came to mind as I contemplated this: when Joshua tore his clothes and threw himself facedown before the ark after the defeat at Ai, the Lord said, āGet up! Why are you lying on your face? Thereās sin in the campā¦ā (Josh 7:6-11). In other words, deal with it.
I still steadfastly believe the Lord has chosen Donald J. Trump for this hour in historyāGodās counsel stands. I have often thought of this verse since the election: āI am watching to see that My word is fulfilledā (Jer. 1:12). Like Joseph, the Word of the Lord is testing us now (Psalm 105:19), and we need to repent of offense, cling to truth and love, and take our stand to intercede for Godās prophetic Word to come to pass as the prophet Daniel did before the only wise God who reigns in the affairs of men.
Amen to all you said in your post!
K Taylor like Shirley I’d like to add my AMEN to what you said and add one thing. I like to go by Bible numbers. I added up the date of the 2016 election and the number means “resist truth”. How appropriate to all that has happened. I know of a couple who are believers (friends also)who can’t stand President Trump.. Blinded by the CNN and MSNBC news media propaganda machines. They thought I was nuts when I voted for him the first time. The husband is not doing well physically right now. I said that about the meaning of the number because as you can read I have experienced it first hand. So Sad. I pray for their eyes to be opened up.
HALLELUJAH!!! More exposers of the corruption!!! Perseverance, strength, protection, and for all that are on Godās KINGDOM! Thank You Lord that as You said, āNo weapon formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgement you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me,ā declares the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17)
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle-BUT the victory rests with the Lord. Proverb 21’30-31
The Lord is with the lawyers, investigators, politicians, informants, judges, reporters and those who pursue truth and justice as mighty warriors so the persecutors will stumble and not prevail. The enemy will fall and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten. The Lord Almighty, who examines the righteous and probes the hearts and minds, LET US SEE your vengeance on them, for to you Father God, we commit our cause! We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Risen Lord. Amen
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Decree The Victory! In the name of JESUS !
I pray and ask you Father for divine wisdom, discernment, and supernatural abilities to detect liars and infiltrators attempting to work with anyone in any capacity in defending justice in this election and all elections across the United States at this time. Let those whose hearts are not right and not set upon preserving the greatness of our republic, cause them to speak what is in their hearts. Expose the darkness, Lord! Expose the hearts of those who have evil intent. We pray and ask this in the mighty and holy name of Jesus Christ, the name above every name.
Thank you Abba, for the courage of Rudy Guiliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis and all the people working on the President’s team, may they be granted your Grace, wisdom, Divine protection, and divine e ervy to complete their tSk. Of helping our brave President.
Powerful prayer points/guide. May our OneTrue God who is ALL powerful take the prayers we pray and release His Holy Spirit and His Angel Armies to bring the answers from the Spiritual realm to the earthly/physical realm!!! Bringing great purging, cleansing, redemption across our nation and world! Giving Himself glory as He takes The United States of America back to its original God ordained and covenanted destiny! Destroying the works and agenda of His enemy- satan himself. God, the King, will have USA. We are not property of the ruler of this world. We, as a nation, were created by God for God! And He, who us for us, will save us!
Lore we are a sinful nation unworthy of your grace or consideration. Nevertheless we reach out to you as sinners and beg you to have mercy on our nation that was founded on biblical vaules-have mercy and allow justice to rule with the election of 2020. May your holy will be done and may you be glorified in the consummation of this election. If Donal Trump actually won this election with the most electoral votes then let justice reign in the US. We beg you lord to hear our prayers.
I believe this crime was allowed to be committed so that that perpetrators could be brought to justice. I used to think the “deep state” was only a theory; no longer. This situation has brought Christians to our knees, realizing how precious our freedoms are, and how easily they can be taken from us. But our Lord is not finished with the USA, nor is he finished with us! I do believe we need to pray, daily and often. Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. We are going to see the results of that!
I pray for the mental, physical and spiritual health of President Trump, Vice President Pence, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jay Sekulow and the entire Trump legal team, and ask our Lord impart them with His wisdom. I pray the covers can be let down so that the corruption is clear and obvious. I also pray that anyone who knows anything about this crime come forward.
Thank you Elohim, Adonai, and Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. AMEN.
GLORY! These prayer points are consistent with the ways the Holy Spirit has been leading me to prey.
Lord I commit to war with the prophetic word given to prophets as far back as 2007 (Kim Clement who has passed)an stand firm with millions of Christians that America will accomplish her righteous destiny.
Praying in agreement with all these prayer points and that truth & justice will prevail! May the Holy Fear of a Righteous God, who is greater than any man, will be feared among those whose hearts are cold toward Him and that the Holy Spirit would begin a divine work to convict and draw all the Lordās enemies into a saving faith in Jesus-Hearts and lives changed. Open their eyes and hearts Lord to the false gods they are following blindly. We praise you & thank you for how You are going to be glorified through this election.
Father, our country is hurting right now. We see wrong being called right, truth being called lies and the forces of evil being unleashed against all that is righteous and honorable in our land. Father, I ask for your protection over President Trump’s legal team physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I pray you will equip each of them with supernaturally insight and favor in being able to expose the corruption and fraud that happening during the election. Father, I pray your protection over President Trump, his family and administration. Father, led us into all truth and may your name be glorified in our land. I thank you and praise you for hearing the many fervent prayers on the hearts of our people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dear Lord! Thank you so much for this team of people who want what is right and honest and fair! They are working on behalf of our beloved nation! Thank you for them! Please help them to be successful! We need YOU!!!!!! Thank you, Lord!
God Is Still On His Throne And He Is Still In Charge! Lord God in the name above all names in which all authority and dominion over all things I ask that every speck of fraud and falsehood in this Presidential Election be brought into the light for the world to see, that the perpetrators all guilty of fraud and wrong doing be brought to justice and receive the full Constitutional Penalties for their crimes (TREASON) against President Trump Vice President Pence and the American People and that You cause it to happen quickly, and that America be full restored to being One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All!! Amen!
I am praying as I’ve never prayed before. LORD, have mercy! Expose the darkness and corruption! Strengthen President Trump and his team, protect them, and give them favor as they press forward in the cause of righteousness.
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. for we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. (2Cor. 2:14-15)
Lead us in Your triumph, Jesus, in this national emergency. May we be faithful to our posts in this battle, fighting in Your power and releasing your fragrance of love.
A remarkable press conference, and in some cases a clear demonstration, based on the questions and impertinence of reporters that badgered the presenters, of the almost total hostility of the press toward revealing of these facts. May God in His mercy toward the United States, raise up the righteous, cast down the wicked, expose the liars for the liars they are, and order punishment upon those who have committed crimes in furtherance of their political objectives.
Thank you Lord that you do hear our prayers … the evidence is gathering itself against spiritual and physical forces that their deeds and their words may be used against them in the highest court of law.
Thank you Lord that people are being called to come forward for such a time as this to reclaim what the enemy has tried to chisel away from a country founded on trust in you. This election has revealed the very darkest of nature and policy of the principalities and powers of darkness so that they parade their sins in arrogance against those whom they have deceived.
Thank you for the loyalty of Patriots who are putting together the evidence and discovery that will overwhelmingly deal a death blow to the defense council of the corrupt enemies of our country. Lord, prepare the hearts and minds of every person involved in the court hearings and deliberations of the evidence to be presented. Cause justices to remain unbiased and professional in their verdicts.
Thank you Lord for putting President Trump in office to expose how very deeply corruption persists at every level and in every office in the nation. By his example may every state in the union bring forward their evidence to be turned in for discovery to expose the lies and half truths made to do the work of whole falsehoods. Call forth jurors to put aside politics and biases in favor of truth and justice for all. amen
Father in Heaven, I am reminded of Mordecai and the burden he carried on behalf of his people, the Jews. As we carry the same burden we wear the sack clothes of repentance and humility. We strip away from the pride and arrogance of self professed leadership or knowledge and take up the mind of Christ. We cast down every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We declare you are God over all that is pure, pleasuring, honorable and true, of good report, just, lovely, faithful, long suffering, gentle, and that establishes redemption and forgiveness. You are the Father to the fatherless, the healer to brokenness, the life giving bread and water. And we declare you the āI Amā over all knowing und unknowing. Jesus, the Son of God we acknowledge your kingship and the
Savior of the world. Your example is the ultimate example and with you āall things are possible.ā Thank you Jesus for bearing the cross of Calvary. For representing the greatest level of truth in love. Help us to represent your perfect will and utilize our weaknesses with your redemption. You prove that your burden is ours as together we manage the post of position as Mordecai did. I declare āI will rightfully stand my post till you have lifted my burden.ā Give us strength and power in humility and in love for your people like never before. We ask you to cause our forehead to be like flint, in Jesus holy name.ā Amen
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.” Proverbs3:5-6
LORD, let all Your people trust You with an undivided heart. We acknowledge that You alone have sustained this country through out its history, and You alone can save it now. LORD, please cause all of those who are in leadership to defend this country against fraudulent elections and attacks foreign and domestic and to acknowledge You with undivided hearts as well Let them put their full trust in You and act faithfully and by faith in You with great boldness and courage. In accordance with Your Word, make their paths straight. Let the world see this, and acknowledge that You alone are God and there is no other. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Heavenly Father, so good to be in Your presence today as Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for sin covers me with
His robe of righteous so I can approach Your perfect holiness. Thank you for the Intercessor’s specific prayer points given in the article. It was very helpful to me in praying over this matter of election fraud investigation.
Lord, in reading your Word this morning, the Old Testament reading was in Daniel 9:1-11-1. As I read Daniel’s prayer to the Lord, I thought, Lord, this a prayer I could be praying for America. I should be praying for myself, America, and the world. Your Word never changes.
Lord, I will pray that prayer over Your Church, America, the world. I will make the “pleas” “not because we deserve Your help, but because of Your mercy”. I pray, Lord, for the same “insight and understanding” to guide
Your people today that You gave to Daniel so our prayers to You will be pleasing according to Your will, and not ours. Honor, glory, majesty to Your awesome Name. In Jesus’s, the Savior’s Name. Amen
Well said.
Father, we come into your court of heaven and decree the end of the control of these spirits: tyranny, deception, chaos, perversion, witchcraft, intimidation, and violence over our nation. I pray this power over us be removed. I pray what has caused lies to so easily spread and the truth so difficult to be revealed to be destroyed by the hand of God. Oh Father, lift this veil of evil over our nation off of us. Allow the truth to come forth, remove the resistance that has been over us for so long. Father breath your life into our nation.
We lift up this group of people that are exposing the corruption to overcome these forces of darkness that so desperately want to keep control. Give them strength and wisdom to discover the hard evidence that can be used in a court of law to prosecute those that have done such evil to our nation. I pray the fear of God be placed in the hearts of the evil doers. May they see visions of horrors that is their fate if they do not confess their sins. May they see confession as their only alternative to the living hell they experience inside their hearts. May they see their only priority is to confess all they know and expose those they know that have been complicit in these evil actions to rig and election. I pray dear Father, that you silence the lying media that spread such false information to deceive the American people. I pray for a fundamental change in the way the media operates. Destroy their current method of spreading propaganda, and shift their purpose back to reporting news.
Father, break the back of the enemy, bring out the truth, bring justice, and then begin to heal our nation.
I am totally in agreement and praying the same daily and throughout the day. The other day the Lord howled me an old flour sack with the stitching across the top. It has many threads mixed together that makes it hard to get into, but once you find the ONE thread and pull on it, the whole thing unravels and that one thread comes out with no problem to allow access to whatās inside. Right now it looks like that thread is not accessible, but God knows which one it is and in His timing will pull it and it will come out quickly.
Abba Father we need You more than ever! You are the Commander of Commanders of the Armies of Heaven and the battle is Yours. You have given us so many examples in Your word and acts of the defeated foes through all history, even those who had proclaimed kings themselves,1 Kings 1 is a clear example. Father restore our faith, trust and steadfastness in prayer as a Nation to the One and Only God: The One who is, who was and is to come. Father, please help those who are in the middle of the battle to overcome the enemy in Your Holy Name” May your will be done.
Lord, divinely protect from all harm and supernaturally guide our righteous legal defense team led by Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis in victory in these battleground states and throughout our nation to reveal all the election fraud and its culprits. Surround the legal team with a great cloud of witnesses both spiritually (Your warring angels) and physically (more whistleblowers with signed affidavits) in order to overcome evil with divine strategies for the reelection of President Trump, America’s spiritual restoration, overthrow of Roe vs Wade, stopping of all human and drug trafficking, and for the promotion of religious liberty to spread the gospel throughout the world in partnership with a reborn Israel, awakened to their Messiah Yeshua, so that America and Israel may work hand in hand to fulfill the Great Commission before Your return. We claim the blood of Jesus upon all intercessors, whistleblowers, and our legal team for protection and supernatural power to fulfill Your will. Amen
Did Dietrich Bonhoeffer pray for his government?
Why do you ask? Paul instructed Timothy to pray this way. āI urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleā for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.ā
1 Timothy 2:1-4 NIV
I asked because I read, I think, a comment, about praying for whatever administration we would have, as if the Democrats equate with those of, say 1960. The communists merged with the Democratic party when FDR became president. A Democratic administration, particularly the one in question, would not be a bulwark against communism. While the Bible does exhort us to pray for those in authority, in a republic, we the people, are that authority as well. The communists sometimes invade and sometimes use a fifth column by taking over the system semi legally as was the case also with the Nazis. Either way it is an assault on the government, not a legitimate government. They may win elections but only by fraud or intimidation. If we should pray for such a government it should be for its demise. So I was looking for more specificity. Would we pray for the communists if they were invading with bombers, amphibious assaults, etc.? In the sense of praying for enemies, yes, but not for their governing. As far as what we know about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, we know he was involved in an assassination attempt.
Understood. I did not see the comment you were referring to. I agree with you, Arthur, that we ought to pray differently for an administration (government) that opposes God. I do not know how Dietrich Bonhoeffer prayed, but I do know of his involvement in an assassination attempt on Hitler. One would assume he prayed for Hitler’s demise. I certainly would have. I agree with Edmund Burke that evil triumphs when good men do nothing. Our prayers have the power to affect outcomes. Good men (and women) must not only contend FOR the will of God in prayer, we must also contend AGAINST the schemes of the evil one. So in answer to your question, I too believe we ought to pray against invading communists–whether they raid by land and sea or by fraud and intimidation.
Besides what we know of Dietrich Bonhoeffer being a praying man we can be sure he and other Christians did pray for their government as shown by they were not as evil as they could have been!
It is sad that at such a time as this, we, as Followers of Christ, are focusing our attention on whether Donald Trump has been ‘cheated’ in this election. We are our brothers’ keepers. These elected officials salaries are paid by honest hard working Republicans and Democrats. These are people who pay their taxes faithfully and are now hurting because they are sick, out of work, etc. Now, the same government that they support will not support them. When these men and women get paid, I am sure they don’t care whether the money comes from Republicans or Democrats. THEY JUST GET PAID. People are hungry. The food lines are unbelievable. This is America: The GREATEST COUNTRY in the entire world and people are hungry. My prayer is that when those elected officials go home for Thanksgiving and they sit down to enjoy their meals, that they are reminded of the many people who are not eating because they did not do their job. Charity begins at home. These people took an oath to look out for Americans. Jesus said, “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:31-36,40). These are the things that please God. If Donald Trump is to be President, God does not need trickery or cunning or games to make it so. He is GOD. He is Sovereign. We should be about our Father’s business and leave the rest to Him.
We absolutely need to be about our Father’s business and serve all of the least of these. I would just like to point out that primarily Jesus was calling the members of his BODY, the CHURCH, (not the rulers of the land) to take care of the poor, the widows, the orphans, the prisoners. When God’s church shirks its duties to the least of these, people then turn to their government to pick up the slack. This should not be so; CHURCH, ARISE!! and minister to those in need, as Jesus has directed us to do!
My point exactly. Jesus fed the hungry. Not all of them believed in Him. He saw the need and He handled it. We are supposed to be ‘One NATION under God’. Just what are the duties of the rulers of the land? CHURCH, ARISE? We are spending too much time dealing with politics. We have no time to take care of each other. That is the shame.
It is not sad, but joyous that as the Body of Christ we are praying together for God’s will to be done. It is an opportunity to open our hearts and hands to those in need as well as to pray for righteous leadership especially in government so that we may continue to do His bidding through laws that protect our religious liberties.
self righteous aren’t you !
God and Father of us all I pray for your grace to reveal to Alvin what is true self righteousness! And how much of it other’s can see in him!
If using God’s Word makes me ‘self righteous’, I GLADLY accept that. I follow Jesus Christ and bow down to Him and Him alone. I bow down to no man.
We are living in the days of Elijah battle against good and evil, a showdown is happening in the spirit I believe, the Lion of the King of Judah, or the prophets of baal, we have a choice to make in the Body of Christ which side we are on.
I thank you that we have victory in the Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you battle was won 2,000 years ago when you died on the cross, and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. So I thank you that the prayers of the saints will not be lost, in this election, thank you we are victorious in you, all glory goes to you, the saints in this nation and the world are praying, for our victory, as America goes so goes the world, and the world is watching.
Lord thank you and praise you raising up an army of warriors, that will not give up or relent. It’s in your precious name Jesus the name above all names, your name be lifted up above every thing, we face in this world
Heavenly Father, we repent, individually and as a Church and a country. We have made you into a Republican God, or a Democrat God. You are neither Democrat nor Republican. You are the true Independent. You are Who you are, and you are on your side, not our our theirs. Let Truth be known, regardless of where it leads. May we humbly and graciously accept whatever the Truth tells us. May we serve and pray for whichever Administration is in control, as if we were serving You, Almighty. May the world see that we belong to no Tribe except the Tribe of the King, we serve the Lion of Judah! Amen.
I stand in agreement with the Body of Christ!
I am standing firm on this verse:
1 Corinthians 15:57 NIV. But thanks be to God ! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, thank you, for bringing all this to light. I thank you for the great cloud of witnesses and evidence that has come forth. I praise you for the legal team that is representing our President and our electoral process. I pray for facts and data and witness affidavits to be so clear that this fraud cannot be denied. Prepare the hearts of the judges to do their job based on the constitution of our nation, not based on their feelings nor opinions. Protect everyone who is standing righteously for the truth. Give them strength and courage and resolve to fight this battle. When it is dark, give them hope. May the lawyers do what they do best, fight for this righteous cause! Give them wisdom and give Rudy Giuliani & his team supernatural strength. And, May the truth be plain and reach all the American Citizens so that they know and can understand the truth. In Jesusā Almighty Name I pray, Amen.
ADONAI, You will establish shalom for us, for all our works You have done for us. ADONAI ELOHEINU, other lords beside You have had DOMINION over us, but we remember YOUR NAME ALONE. ISAIAH 26:12-13. My souls longs for you at night. Yes, my spirit within me seeks You. For when Your Judgements are in the earth the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. Though grace is shown to the wicked, he does not learn righteousness. Even in a land of uprightness he will act wrongly, not perceiving the Majesty of ADONAI. ADONAI your hand is lifted up yet they do not see it. It will be said in that day, behold, this is our ELOHIM, We waited for Him, He will save us. This is ADONAI, we waited for HiM. We will rejoice and be glad in HIS salvation. Amen
Lord, thank you, for bring all this to light. I thank you for the great cloud of witnesses and evidence that has come forth. I praise you for the legal team that is representing our President and our electoral process. I pray for facts and data and witness affidavits to be so clear that this fraud cannot be denied. Prepare the hearts of the judges to do their job based on the constitution of our nation, not based on their feelings nor opinions. Protect everyone who is standing righteously for the truth. Give them strength and courage and resolve to fight this battle. When it is very dark, give them hope. May the lawyers do what they do best, fight for this righteous cause! Give them wisdom and give Rudy Giuliani & his team supernatural strength. And, May the truth be plain and reach all the American Citizens so that they know and can understand the truth. In Jesusā Almighty Name I pray, Amen.
Lord, we thank You that You have gathered these lawyers on the President’s team to fight these irregularities and evil actions during our recent “election”/attempted coup d’etat by the fs of evil in our country. We cry out to You that these issues will be dealt with appropriately. We pray that truth and integrity would be the hallmark of the investigation, as well as the re-election of President Trump. We thank You and praise You in advance for the outcome.
Let the LionĀ ofĀ Judah restoreĀ theĀ roarĀ ofĀ PresidentĀ DonaldĀ Trump and make it strongerĀ thanĀ everĀ before!!Ā Let President Trump, all his godly advisors, all members of his legal teams, and all whistleblowers be filled with dunamis power, energy, boldness, courage and perseverance from on High- they willĀ neverĀ giveĀ up,Ā neverĀ surrender,Ā andĀ neverĀ concedeĀ toĀ falseĀ results.Ā Dress them allĀ inĀ theĀ fullĀ armorĀ ofĀ God! The LionĀ ofĀ JudahĀ withĀ HisĀ MightyĀ SwordĀ inĀ handĀ goesĀ beforeĀ them all;Ā YahwehĀ SabaothĀ andĀ HisĀ HeavenlyĀ HostsĀ followĀ behind;Ā they areĀ flankedĀ byĀ and encouraged by theĀ greatĀ cloudĀ ofĀ witnesses;they areĀ completelyĀ surroundedĀ byĀ aĀ hedgeĀ ofĀ protection,Ā and fullyĀ coveredĀ byĀ theĀ bloodĀ ofĀ theĀ Lamb!Ā Let them waveĀ theĀ BannerĀ ofĀ JehovahĀ NissiĀ inĀ oneĀ handĀ andĀ upholdĀ theĀ BlessedĀ ConstitutionĀ ofĀ theĀ UnitedĀ StatesĀ ofĀ America inĀ theĀ other!
We loose the Truth, and we bind every lie and send them back to the pit of hell from whence they came. Let every twisted lie, scheme, deception, curse and hex of the enemy be brought to light, uprooted, nullified, and totally destroyed; let every new seed of evil that the enemy tries to plant fall on rocky ground, and be sterilized so that they can never germinate and grow in the first place!
ThoseĀ thatĀ areĀ forĀ President Trump, for his advisors and lawyers, and for every single whistle-blower areĀ bothĀ greaterĀ inĀ numberĀ andĀ greaterĀ inĀ HolyĀ SpiritĀ PowerĀ thanĀ thoseĀ evilĀ forcesĀ ofĀ anyĀ andĀ allĀ kindsĀ thatĀ areĀ arrayedĀ againstĀ them. Therefore, weĀ proclaim,Ā declareĀ andĀ decreeĀ thatĀ thisĀ battleĀ forĀ theĀ soulĀ ofĀ AmericaĀ belongsĀ toĀ theĀ Lord,Ā andĀ theĀ KingĀ ofĀ KingsĀ willĀ beĀ victorious!!Ā AMENĀ ANDĀ AMEN!
We also pray for those who have been deceived to believe the lies of the enemy: Lord, remove the blinders from their eyes- give them eyes to see, and circumcised ears to hear, and resurrected hearts of flesh to understand that Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life! Let the conviction of the Holy Spirit pursue them, the loving-kindness of God lead them to repentance, and the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ wash them whiter than snow from all their sins and make them citizens of Your heavenly Kingdom, Lord!Ā We thank you for the blessings of more souls saved; we praise you for the mighty works these newly converted souls will do for Your Kingdom through the Holy Spirit dunamis power you fill them with when they accept You as their own personal Savior; and we worship you because of who you are- the perfect, loving God of the whole universe! In Jesus’s name, Amen!!
Amen! Hallelujah!
We also should pray that angels stand guard and protect the legal team as well as all involved as whistleblowers, etc…. That divine protection over them as well as steel will be their spine against any intimidation and threats.
And the corrupt root be exposed and extracted from where it has started in this country…… Raise the righteous, Lord and expose the corruption and justice be the root growing strong in America again, in Jesus name.
Lord God, thank You for waking us up to pray, to intercede, to worship You like never before. Our eyes are firmly set on You! We praise You now for parting the Red Sea which we fully believe You will part! The battle belongs to the Lord!
The Court of Heaven, where āThe Lord, the Righteous Judgeā sits and rules, is the only
totally true and just Court to which we can and must appeal.
Earthly Judges are
āunder His authorityā and can be swayed by His will.
Every appeal which is made here on earth, must be preceded and accompanied by an āAppeal to Heavenā if we expect righteous rulings.
It is critical for the Remnant to pray & fast. The demonic fake news propaganda is brainwashing so many. We must pray for those who are in fear, confusion and who are watching that garbage. These are huge numbers of lost, weary, blind souls.
Yes, Lord, my heart hurts for those who are deceived and have no hope. I pray that through all this, the lies will be exposed and many will see, and come to repentance. And may all true believers become united together as one true church with Christ as their head, believing and working together in unity as Jesus’ representatives on earth to the glory of God.
Amen!!! You got it !!!
Father, I pray that we would continue to pray in faith, not looking to left or the right, but eyes on You Lord. We believe as we pray for holy intervention & a godly outcome in Jesus Name.
God we cry out to you , we need you!
We watch and wait in your presence, when you breathe life into us we see how you perform miracles!
Thank you for being faithful to us!
The angels are fighting for His people.
Through God’s grace , mercy and power A host of Angels will stand watch over President Trump ,his family, the Trump legal team , and all the attorneys.May the work you do through them bear much fruit , bringing you honor and glory! With out you we are doomed,but because of your love for your people, you do not give up on us!
God Himself will move to expose evil, and bring justice swiftly.
We ask for deep wisdom for the Supreme Court,may your voice ring loud and clear. May conviction come to our leaders, call them to repentance from things that are not of you! Instill the fear of God in their hearts so they would make righteous decisions. In Jesus name we release your powerful, anointing over each one of them, the anointing that will destroy the work of the enemy.
Father, I pray that our Legislators will come out of their hiding places and speak out in righteous authority against the obvious fraud. May there be an army of believing Legislators that will be brave enough to risk their place at the table and speak out! I pray this in Jesusās mighty name, the last Word and Authority!
God be praised and may the victory go to His people in the matter of the election and revival in this country!
I am praying with you
Father you are the Righteous judge! I ask that you would be the one with the dial say over this election Lord. You stand for righteousness and justice. We decree that Trump will Trump in 2020!!!
Heavenly Father, we come to you in the NAME that is above every name, JESUS CHRIST, the SON of the Living God. The ONE who sits high and looks low. The ONE who is able to do, exceedingly, abundantly, above, all that we could ever ask or imagine. You know the numbers of hairs on our head and you know our name. HELP!HELP us Lord’ for if you don’t help us, we can not be helped. We are your people, a Royal Priesthood, hewn from THE ROCK CHRIST JESUS, which can not be moved. SO we TOUCH and AGREE, No weapon formed against this Nation nor your people shall prosper. For you give your Angels charge over thee, and we dispatch the GUARDIAN Angels, WARRING Angels, and MINISTERING to Hearken unto the voice of the WORD of GOD and carry that word out, IJN. We speak to the principalities and Powers of the air, and command you to cease and desist NOW in the NAME of JESUS. We bind your powers and render them inoperable by the BLOOD of the LAMB and the word of our testimony, which does not come back to you empty nor void. oh yeah oh yeah..Uh.huh. Satan, Loose your hold off the minds and lives of the people. Scales come off eyes NOW! TRUTH BE REVEALED. WE DECREE AND DECLARE RIGHTEOUSNESS PEACE, DELIVERANCE, HEALING, RESTORATION, PROTECTION, AND JOY UNSPEAKABLE AND FULL OF GLORY FOR YOUR PEOPLE, AND THIS NATION! AHYAH! WE BIND GREED, DECEIT, HATRED, MURDER, ANARCHY. WE SPEAK TO THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL AND COMMAND YOU TO COME SUBJECT TO THE WORD OF GOD. MAY YOUR OWN EUNUCHS THROW YOU OUT THE WINDOW OF WICKEDNESS…NEVER TO RULE AGAIN! Oh GOD, have your way in the lives of your people, and show Yourself Strong on behalf of the righteous. FOR WE SERVE A RIGHTEOUS GOD, HOLY AND TRUE, IJN AMEN
Thank you for this powerful prayer which I have prayed with you!
Oh wow! Words of great power!!!
Holy Spirit rain down, Holy Judge decree justice, Sweet Savior redeem the lost, Hound of Heaven draw souls to You! Reigning King BE GLORIFIED!
Alleluia! Praise the holy name of Jesus, our King and Redeemer!! Amen and Amen!!
Yes and amen! Let all all works of evil, darkness, deception, and counterfeit light be exposed, dispelled, dismantled, and destroyed by declaring Truth and Light!
Lord, I pray specifically for Sidney Powell. She has pledged her life, her fortune, and her sacred honor to bringing a cleansing to our election system. I pray that you will arm her with strength for battle and that you will humble her adversaries before her. (Psalm 18:39) I ask for you to surround her with a legion of angels that will guard her. Protect her life and her steps and words from stumbling. Allow her to trample the lions, the adders, and the serpents that are corrupting our system. (Psalm 91:11-13) Be at her side and keep her her foot from being snared by those that will surely come against her. (Proverbs 3:26) Cause her righteousness to shine forth like the day and her just cause like the noonday sun. (Psalm 37:6)
Thank You, Lord, for the Deborahs rising up in our land to judge rightly Your laws and commands! We lift them up before Your throne and pray over them that with wisdom and power they will speak and judge righteous judgments. May Your word overshadow all they are inclined to speak and act upon. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
ā Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice. Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever. He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. He is in his heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.ā
Ps. 112:4-8
āContend O Lord with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.ā Ps. 35:1
ā The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cries; the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.ā Ps. 34:15-17
We are crying out, Lord, for the church to repent, for salvation to sweep across this nation, for Your truth to reign in all arenas, starting with the body of Christ. Then You will forgive and heal our land. We trust in You, the ALLmighty, the King of kings, the Most High, Sovereign, Creator, our Redeemer and Fortress, our Rock and Savior. NO one or NO thing can thwart Your plan!!! We canāt wait to see what You are going to do in answer to our prayers! We know You will do what brings You the most glory!! In the mighty name of Jesus we give You Your church, our fears, our lives, and our nation. We are in very capable hands and we LOVE You, Lord!!!
Thank you for leading us in prayer for Sidney Powell. She is a brave warrior and needs Godās protection.
Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH. – Zechariah 3:8
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth. – Zechariah 4:6-7,10
This is the word of the Lord concerning the 12 prayer points: The team of men & women that are appointed to prosecute the wickedness and deceit of the elections will be… “men wondered at…”.
The “Great mountain ” is the mountain of lies, deciet, thievery and corruption. It shall be be brought down, COMPLETELY LEVELED TO FLAT PLAIN-UNCOVERED for all to see and marvel at.
The “plummet” is the justice of the Lord that WILL PREVAIL in this matter of the elections.
REMEMBER: As we pray, intercede, and war in the second heavens [as Moses on the hill
Ex.17: 8-17 ], SO GOES THE BATTLE ON THE EARTH.[as Joshua in the valley]. God, the Almighty, has placed in our hands the success or failure of the outcome of this moment in our nation. FEAR NOT! FIGHT! AND SHRINK NOT BACK. FOR THE LORD HAS DETERMINED VICTORY IF WE STAND RESOLUTE IN FAITH. DECREE.DECLARE.AND SAY UNTO THIS MOUNTAIN “BE THOU REMOVED AND CAST INTO THE SEA!!! PTL & PTL! MARK SPONSELLER
Father, i have heard prophetic voices say that 2020 would not be the year of vision, but of hindsight. May it be so.
Father, i ask You to bring corrective lenses to this nation. That all may see. And all may know the corruption and fraud that has been hiding in darkness. Concealed by media. Censored by social media. And pushed by deceived politicians and Hollywood elite.
Let the scales of deception fall off every eye. Let those who have been deceived have the grace of humility and brokenness to acknowledge the lies they have believed.
Restore relationships in marriages and families that have been torn apart by this collaborative national deception.
I ask You, Father, for accountability and consequences for individuals, companies, corporations, politicians, actors, anyone willfully, rebelliously involved in deceiving the American people (on any level, and in any way)
Iām asking for a season of ācalled into accountā.
Iām asking for energy, strength, commitment, unity, order, protection, grace, and breakthrough for President Trump, his family, his staff, his legal team, eye witnesses, and whistleblowers. Empower them supernaturally by Your Holy Spirit for every bit of the breakthrough You desire for this nation.
And supernaturally bypass the mainstream media so that truth is fully revealed to every American citizen.
Please leave no stone unturned, Father.
Please do not leave the swamp partially drained. But fully drained, in Jesusā name.
Until there is nothing left to see…..but truth. And raw reality. And full blown hindsight for a nation deceived.
Then restore us. Restore marriages. Families. Churches. All relationships. Restore integrity. Restore foundations. Bring a revival that looks like a wave of restoration. And prepare the Body of Christ to receive those who have been deceived….and use us as ministers of reconciliation on all levels.
Give us eyes to see. May our national hindsight come sooner rather than later.
Daddy, can we have just one more chance as a nation?
And may we see 2021 bring forth Your vision for this nation in the earth? We need You. We want You.
Dear Lord, we pray: Revive and resuscitate the living word of our U.S. Constitution. We bring it to your altar, God- a living sacrifice in need of your resurrection power! It is the source of the “west-running brook” called the United States of America, a country contrary to all that came before it, that was birthed out of Your wisdom given to our founding fathers by divine inspiration. Oh God, uncover and restore to us the discarded values of our country’s firm foundation, and truly make us “…one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all”; and keep America a shining city on a hill that continues to be a glorious beacon of religious freedom, reflecting Your Glory throughout the world- Amen!
God Bless America!!
Father we are so thankful that your children hear your voice and another they will not follow. Your righteousness exalts a Nation Lord . With You and You alone we will see your glory Lord shine thru. In the mighty Name of Jesus.
AbbaFather you hear the prayers of your saints and you told us in Mathews 18:20 where two or more are gathered in YourName you will be in our mist
ABBA I believe this you are here among your interssors. And those who are praying for our nation
We are believers and we stand on your word for you are the King
And I pray these corrupt and evil people will turn their hearts to you
I pray that in Ga senate vote that people vote for Godly values of this
We pray that the
Fraud of our elections will come forth and those responsible will be dealt with
You tell us to pray in our prayer closets so Lord I thank you and give you the glory and I Rest In Peace you will bring forth the truth and justice will be done
I praise you and give you the Glory in Yeshuas name
May the Lord, Our God strengthen and protect the cause of righteousness and may His Name be Glorified. You instruct us “not to pervert justice, show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the rich, but treat your neighbor fairly.” Our governing institution has perverted justice and this ultimately has effected every part of our justice system and the people it is to protect. Forgive us Father for our sin of greed for money and power over others. It breaks my heart how we have pursued selfish ambition at the cost of the vulnerable in our society. You are a God who extends mercy, may we as a nation repent and turn form our wickedness that you may restore this nation for “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to it”. Oh, how we need you for the battle is great, but Our God is greater. Amen
Lord, we hear a cry covering our land attempting to drown out all other voices. This cry has been shouting out lies, causing anxiety, stress, blame, hatred and division, not only throughout our land, but in the body of Christ.
But I hear a word, O Lord, a voice arising! Psalms 29:3-5 says
3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters: the God of glory thundereth: the Lord is upon many waters.
4 The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon.
Yes, Lord! Break down and break through every other voice that has sought to separate Your body to bring it low! May Your voice thunder through the fog of deception and bring the clarity and light of Your presence and glory! Roar out of Your holy place and tear Your enemies in pieces, destroying them utterly. May Your voice be the only one remaining in this land and throughout the world. In Jesus’ mighty and glorious name. Amen!
Our Father who art in Heaven,I pray to You through Jesus,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven and I pray the petitions listed above humbly and sincerely.
Fair and honest elections are the backbone of our Republic.
It is time in our intercession to Sing!!! Sing in our intercession. Sing in our prayer closets. Sing on the streets. Sing in our churches. All that singing from a heart seeking our Lord!
Consider–What would happen if many in the Nation, believers in Christ, suddenly started singing praise and blessing to the Lord. What would happen in our political climate? Are we willing to just stop what we are doing and SING Praise to our Lord–especially in this political mess? See 2 Chr chapter 20.
God will fight for us!
I agree with you Jim.
The past month I have been led to to sing praises from Scripture, acknowledging our Almighy, Sovereign God.
This revives my spirit to be able to stand strong in the battle and pray.
Lord I humbly come before You our Righteous, Holy and our fair Judge. Oh Lord all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Lord I pray for repentance and turning from our wicked ways of all saints and sinners in the United States of America. Where there is brokenness, division, hatred, judgemental spirits, corruption, cheating, lying, fraud and hardened and rebellious hearts take these people from the darkness into Your marvelous light for Your Glory. Bind the enemy from using our minds as a battlefield of confusion and help us walk confidently in our renewed minds rooted in Your Word. May Your Will, Purpose and Eternal Promise guide the outcome of the Election and prepare us for Christs Return. In Jesus name. Amen
Blow the trumpets & shout like in Jericho! May the walls of corruption come crumbling down! To the glory of the LORD!šš¼šš¼šš¼
Tonight, Nov. 21, 7:30PM EST online – see “Peace” in action at the Rally of Hope -
Hosted by the Mother of Peace, āI will devote the remainder of my life to ending war, immorality and greed, and liberating Godās heart so that we can build a world overflowing with true peace and love.”
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
America is a central nation in God’s providence of restoration – we must pray and fast for this nation. Thank you for these prayer points and your commitment to enabling God’s will to be accomplished in this nation.
“For he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” God’s plan is to save the world and we must protect and love this nation so the providential nation of America can lead the world back to God’s bosom. Please Lord we pray for President Trump and our able leaders to fulfill this task” Amen, Amen, Aju!
What a beautiful list of prayer points – and I say a hearty AMEN!!!! May it be so, Lord Jesus!! Thank You for Your mercy and that You delight to listen to the prayers of Your Church! We are so thankful that You are using this turmoil to train us to be bold prayer warriors and to STAND in faith! We will NOT give up, but our eyes are on You – watching with excitement and anticipation to see how You unravel and expose this great evil and defeat it! May all glory and honor and praise go to You and may the entire world know that You are God Almighty!
Praying with you and in His power and name. Thank you for being part of the biggest battle for freedom.
I believe it is not by accident that the court battle will take place at the season of Christmas and Hanukkah.
Lord we all realize this is so huge this is so deep the corruption is everywhere and our country needs a DEEP cleansing of your Holy Fire – thee is no one else but You Lord You are the only one who could take on this huge evil upon on our nation and turn it around – we call upon You Lord – change, cleanse, purify your people – may our nation, once again, be a shining light – a city set on a hill working for Your kingdom advancement – Help Lord we are so deeply in need of Your help we canāt fix this – thank you and forgive us Lord for allowing this to happen to our wonderful country. in Jesus Name
Beautiful prayer! I join you in praying for repentance & revival & healing in this land!
On the 12 point framework indicated above… requested by your people… the intercessors… we come boldly before the Courts of the Supreme (Yahweh)… in confidence that You have heard our heart cries… and will act. We thank you! Amen
Lord we pray that you would give us Godly government that protects and defends the most vulnerable among us. Remember the elderly and unborn and full term babies need your help. Forgives us as a nation for eating, and going about our lives while these lives have been snuffed out. God save the children, they need a helping hand, God purge our nation from this bloodshed in our land, their our future generation, weāve got to take a stand so abortion can end today, today. God save the Children.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your saints rejoice because we follow the Alpha and Omega, King of Kings and Lord of Lords and You are on the Throne!!
You place kings over nations and you are involved in this election, even in a time such as this! We can trust you completely!
Father, we are asking that you reveal the corrupt & evil wickedness that is surrounding this election and ask that you mercifully intervene and bring forth the LIGHT and TRUTH. Shine BRIGHT in the dark places!
Enable those fighting this battle with supernatural wisdom, discernment, strategy, energy and stamina. In the face of ridicule and extreme opposition, may their Light shine forth. May they be a witness to courage, moral standards, Christian principles and enable them to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of their calling in You.
Lord, may we all soon rejoice as we watch it all unfold. May YOU get all the Glory, Honor and Praise!!
In Jesus Mighty Name, Susan
Your kingdom comeā¦Your will be done right here on earth as it is in heaven!!!
A mandateā¦ Given to us the ambassadors from heaven, Here on earth. Weā¦ The Ekklesia (ruling council) of the Lord Jesus Christā¦ Have been given the keys to the kingdomā¦ We have been well trained to use themā¦ And we unleash what is already been unleashed in heaven and we bind what has already been bound in heaven.
Lord, God, I lift up this whole election 2020 to you and ask that you shine your light, for darkness cannot stand in your light. Guide those investigating the fraud be led by your spirit to the undeniable evidence and guide us into a cleansing of our voting system. Itās not just about President Trump Lord, as you know, itās about the unborn children, itās about Israel, itās about the America that you inspired so many years ago through our founders. Have mercy Lord and May truth prevail. In Jesus holy name I pray. Be glorified through this United States of America.
Amen, Linda, I come into agreement with you! The bible says over and over that God blesses those who bless Israel, and no one in recent memory has done more for Israel than President Donald Trump has! God will keep His Word on that!
Amen! Lord God Almighty, thank you that you still sit on the throne and your hear our prayers. Please Bless the United States of America, one nation under God, and all the nations across the earth.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Your name. Please protect us, the Body-of-Christ, from those who seek to destroy our civil society through corruptions. We love You and seek to honor You, Father, by choosing to use Your gift to us ā the gift of of free will choice. Father, please stop the evil acts against You by your enemies seeking to turn our truth into their lies. Evil perpetrators are seeking to destroy and corrupt Your WILL. They seek to twist the honest-goodwill of others toward evil acts. Please stop your enemies, Father. They seek to deprive us āYour Sons and Daughtersā of Free-Will choice and have devised corrupt schemes and equipment against You. They want us to act against Your Will. In Jesus name, please destroy their evils against You by thwarting their plans against the Body-of-Christ. Save us, Father, from their Evil perpetrations. We love You, Father, and pray that YOUR WILL be done in Jesus name.
Gregory Lapointe
Romans 8:38-39. (King James Version)
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord
Not even the powers of hell!!
I pray that prayer warriors would stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! That the weak would say, āI am strongā. Lord we lift up and carry each person involved in your work for this country and for your will to be done. Lord keep them use them anoint them with your glorious calling!
Lord, you remind us in Esther how even when a decree was made that would destroy your people, it was through prayer and fasting your wisdom was imparted to know what to do. Lord, grant us your wisdom how to intercede and grant wisdom to our President and his supporters to follow you. May you be glorified and your righteousness, and justice and your Son, Jesus Christ be lifted up for all nations to see and you be glorified. Grant us the latter rain of revival and May it begin with those called by your precious Name.
Double Amen to this prayer! And adding that Our God destroys their one world order evilness in Jesusā Name, Amen!!!
Yes – a triple AMEN!!! š„°Let there be a HUGE revival as a result of the world seeing our Lord’s victory!!! One last hurrah before Jesus comes for us!!!
And that their schemes/plots be revealed like Haman’s were. We don’t hang anymore in this country, but I pray that the perpetrators of these crimes be brought to justice. The people cry out to You for justice. In Jesus’ name, I ask. Amen.
Time is of the essence, but LORD we trust in Yours. I pray for a miraculous awakening to spread across our land especially as people are forced to stay home in many locked down and curfew-instated states. May they turn to You and be sensitive to Your voice and revelations. Especially those who are most struggling.
Praying for the healing of all impacted by Covid and that the pandemic lead to joy in the morning, rather than serve as the entryway for the spirit of the antichrist to reset the world order. May the reset bend towards the victory of the righteous and redemption of the wicked instead!
Prepare our hearts for Christmas. For the Truth made flesh.
And please vindicate the President.
Thank You Lord for exposing this outright, blatant lawlessness. We pray Lord that the arrogant, lawless perpetrators be held accountable for their total disregard of the law.
It is apparent that they think that they are above the law and think that their wealth supercedes Your Almighty hand. They are wrong. We pray that any attempt to bully, coerce or intimidate Attorneys, whistleblower’s, or witnesses to backfire. The idea that they think that they can undermine the will of the voters because of their position or wealth is dispicable to put it lightly. Deal with them accordingly Lord as only You can. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Yes Lord, isn’t this one of your detestable things, unequal scales ( fixed voting machines)? Lord come upon those perpetrators and bring swift justice to them. Have mercy on their souls.
Heavenly Father, We thanks you for calling forth witnesses and whistleblowers to expose the truth. Father we thank you for bringing what is in the dark into the light but we know there is always MORE WITH YOU, LORD! Bring more whistleblowers and witnesses forward. Fill with them with truth and help them to know that they can be BOLD and very courageous. Just like Joshua entering the promised land and lead our people to the victory you have already secured. We thank you that you are raising up godly lawyers, advisors, and investigators who across this nation and you are showing them where to see the fraud and prosecute the fraud and destroy the corruption on city state and national levels. We thank you you are placing godly men and women in judicial seats and you filling them with godly wisdom, courage and boldness to adjudicate as the Righteous Judge…for Jesus lives in them. Hallelujah! We thank you that you never gave up on us and that truth still rings as the plumb line for our nation and it is ringing louder and louder as you add to our numbers daily. PRAISE THE LORD! We pray mercy for any and all of those who helped in this deception to not only take over our country but thought they could wipe our our faith. We pray they would be convicted of their sins and repent and come to salvation. However, Lord if they do not repent, they cannot be saved and we pray they PRAISE GOD. There is no one like you, Lord. We summon the power of the almighty God as it states in Psalm 68:28 Display your power as you have in the past.We thank you that we have been able to watch you move and we look forward to watching you and following you as the days progress. YOU DESERVE ALL THE GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE and LOVE from us…Increase each of these in our hearts and minds…In Jesus name’
Lord, protect Rudy Guliani and the team of lawyers with supernatural energy to battle evil and be victorious for President Trumps reelection. I plead the blood of Jesus over our nation to repent and pray for redemption in your Holy Name. Amen, Dana from Ozark, MO