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Lord Jesus, as we remember the destruction of the temples in Jerusalem, we should also remember that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Give us discernment about movements and technological advances that seek to alter or even destroy the miracle known as the human body.
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Analysis. As a researcher and writer, I’m constantly reading about the ideas of many kinds of people–pastors, scientists, doctors, lawyers, professors, politicians, and all types of scholars. But out of all the information I read about and digest, one particular topic will bring me to my knees in prayer every time.

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That topic is transhumanism. I’ve written about this before, but recently it seemed more important than ever as the month of Av arrived on the Hebrew calendar, beginning on July 29, 2022 and lasting until sundown on August 27.

Traditionally, this month is regarded as the most tragic on the biblical calendar because both of the Holy Temples were destroyed on the 9th of Av–also known as Tisha B’ Av. The three weeks of sorrow leading up to this date are a time of reflection, fasting, and mourning, as Jews around the world contemplate the destruction that has taken place in Jerusalem and its holy sites. Many pray for the restoration of the Temple, so that one day all Jews can once again worship within its sacred walls.

As the 9th of Av (Tisha B’ Av) just passed on August 6 and 7th, I realized that many aspects of this biblical holiday and time of remembrance could be applied to what we are seeing in the world today. As the push for transhumanism continues, we are facing threats to the “bodily temple” that God designed. The words of 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 declare, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.”

For reference, transhumanism is defined as “a philosophy that advocates for the use of technology in order to overcome our biological limitations and to transform the human condition.” Advocates say it is also “part of the natural evolution of the human being, or an extension of humanization.” Transhumanists believe in a concept known as  singularity, which is “a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed. Understanding the Singularity will alter our perspective on the significance of our past and the ramifications for our future.”

Joe Allen, an avid researcher and expert on the topic of transhumanism writes:

“The concept of ‘transitional humans’ hurtling toward a technological Singularity unfolds on three levels. The bedrock is biological life—our bodies and brains. Above that is cultural life, where embodied souls are guided by language, tools, and custom. In the 20th century, the emergence of artificial life—silicon-based digital beings—opened bizarre possibilities.” Allen says there are five vectors which are rapidly converging on the transhuman ideal:

  • Gene-editing (body)
  • Neuroenhancement (brain)
  • Bionics (cyborg culture)
  • Robotics (digital body)
  • Artificial Intelligence (digital brain)

Those who follow or advocate transhumanism do not see the human body as being designed by God, but rather an evolutionary piece of equipment that can be manipulated, altered, and even regenerated. They do not believe that those who receive Christ have received bodies that are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and their bodies bear the imprint of their Creator on every cell, tissue, organ, and bone. Just like the Temples that were destroyed during the month of Av, these new technologies which can include biohacking, brain implants, biosensors, and genetic therapies have the capability of destroying what God has already built. The building blocks of the code of life can be torn down and scattered asunder like the stones that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:1-2. 

“Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. Do you see all these things?’ he asked. ‘Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.’”

There’s one voice that seems to be the most prominent right now among a sea of transhumanists. You may have already heard of Jewish professor and World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Noah Harari because his comments have caused quite a stir in the Christian world. Why? Because they point to the idea of tearing down the ways we think, behave, and even worship. To do this, the human body itself must be rebuilt, but not through cells and tissues. Instead, artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation, and mind control will provide the architectural plans for this new bodily temple.

One of the first areas a transhumanist wants to demolish is religion, or a relationship with God. Harari says, “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.” A transhumanist must wipe out all notions of an all-powerful creator because they see themselves as evolutionary beings who can transcend to that position themselves.

Harari explains his views on religion in an article he wrote for the Guardian in 2017. He writes,

“What is a religion if not a big virtual reality game played by millions of people together? Religions such as Islam and Christianity invent imaginary laws, such as ‘don’t eat pork,’ ‘repeat the same prayers a set number of times each day,’ ‘don’t have sex with somebody from your own gender’ and so forth. These laws exist only in the human imagination. No natural law requires the repetition of magical formulas, and no natural law forbids homosexuality or eating pork. Muslims and Christians go through life trying to gain points in their favorite virtual reality game. If you pray every day, you get points. If you forget to pray, you lose points. If by the end of your life you gain enough points, then after you die you go to the next level of the game (aka heaven). As religions show us, the virtual reality need not be encased inside an isolated box. Rather, it can be superimposed on the physical reality. In the past this was done with the human imagination and with sacred books, and in the 21st century it can be done with smartphones…To the best of our scientific knowledge, human life has no meaning. The meaning of life is always a fictional story created by us humans.”

Religion in Harari’s mind is a set of rules and fictional stories that need to be destroyed like an old, dilapidated building. Transhumanism also seeks to tear down the identities God gives us so a new identity can replace it. Truth is fluid so humans can live life on their own terms.

Harari declares, “The past controls us through various stories that ancient people invented and we still believe. For example, we think about ourselves as belonging to a certain nation like Israel or Brazil and we believe in a certain religion like Judaism or Christianity, so when I ask myself, ‘Who am I?’–I might reply that I am Israeli, I am Jewish. Yet all these nations and religions are fairly recent developments, while humans have been around for more than 2 million years, none of our nations and religions is more than a few thousand years old… Judaism is only 3,000 years old. Christianity is about 2,000 years old. And even after they appeared, all these religions have undergone repeated changes. The Judaism and Christianity of today are very different from what they were 1,000 years ago. They are not eternal truths, but rather human creations….so history is not about the past, but about the present. The past is gone–the people who lived in the past are dead and we cannot go back there. If history is just a study of the past, it’s irrelevant…if two men love one another, how does this harm anyone and why should this be bad? Even if there is a god, no good god will punish people for love.”

What will this new identity be comprised of? Speaking at the Royal Geographic Society in 2015 on a program titled the Myths We Need to Survive, Harari reveals his answer:

“You don’t have any answer in the Bible on what to do when humans are no longer useful to the economy. You need completely new ideologies–completely new religions–and they are likely to emerge from Silicon Valley… and they are likely to give people visions based on technology. Everything that the religions promised–happiness and justice and even eternal life, but here on earth with the help of technology, and not after death with the help of some supernatural being.”

The last quote makes it very clear that Harari sees Christianity and the Bible as false and irrelevant. On a Talks at Google interview, he stated: “All these stories about Jesus rising from the dead and being the son of God, this is fake news.” Additionally, he views humans as insignificant, elaborating on this In a 2017 Ted Talk Dialogue. Commentator Chris Anderson asks Harari, “What are humans for?” Harari answers, “As far as we know, for nothing.” Then he continues by saying, “I mean, there is no great cosmic drama, some great cosmic plan, that we have a role to play in. And we just need to discover what our role is and then play it to the best of our ability. This has been the story of all religions and ideologies and so forth, but as a scientist, the best I can say is this is not true. There is no universal drama with a role in it for Homo sapiens.”

Later in the same interview, he explains, There is nothing that–you know–Joseph Goebbels, didn’t know about all this idea of fake news and post-truth. He famously said that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will think it’s the truth, and the bigger the lie, the better, because people won’t even think that something so big can be a lie. I think that fake news has been with us for thousands of years. Just think of the Bible.” As Harari says this, laughter rings out from the audience.

Because God is not respected and is seen as non-existent in the transhumanist world, then certain human rights do not exist. Instead, the goal is to move beyond what is human, or transcend it. Therefore, the use of digital monitoring such as biometric sensors/implants, is not considered taboo. In essence, artificial intelligence is given god-like status because its algorithms can determine one’s decisions and path in life, such as what you eat, where you live, your gender, and even your political opinions.

At the Athens Democracy Forum in 2020, Harari spoke with Brad Smith, the President of Microsoft about this new age of surveillance that will hack the human body.

“I think maybe in a couple of decades when people look back, the thing they will remember from the Covid crisis is this is the moment when everything went digital and this was the moment when everything became monitored–that we agreed to be surveilled all the time–not just in authoritarian regimes, but even in democracies, and maybe most importantly, this was the moment when surveillance started going under the skin–because really, we haven’t seen anything yet. I think the big process that’s happening right now in the world is hacking human beings–the ability to hack humans, to understand deeply what’s happening within you…the most important data is not what you read and who you meet and what you buy. It’s what’s happening inside your body. So, if we had these two big revolutions, the computer science revolution or the infotech revolution and the revolution in the biological sciences– and they are still separate, but they are about to merge. They are merging around the biometric sensor. It’s the thing–it’s the gadget–it’s the technologies that convert biological data into digital data that can be analyzed by computers and having the ability to really monitor people under the skin–this is the biggest game changer of all because THIS IS THE KEY FOR GETTING TO KNOW PEOPLE BETTER THAN THEY KNOW THEMSELVES. I often give the example from my own personal life that I realized I was gay only when I was 21 and I keep thinking about the time when I was 15 or 16, how could I have missed it? Something so important about myself. It should have been obvious, but I didn’t know. Now today, or in five or ten years, any algorithm of Microsoft, or Amazon, or the government would be able to know such a thing when I’m 12 or 13, just by monitoring what’s happening in my body–what’s happening to my eyes–let’s say I see a boy and a girl walking on the beach–where do my eyes focus? This is the crucial revolution and Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept–to legitimize total biometric surveillance.”

In another clip he boasts, “Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans, they have this soul or spirit– they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside me, so whatever I choose whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will–that’s over.”

It’s clear that transhumanism and God’s plan for human beings cannot coexist.  2 Corinthians 6:16 states, “what agreement can exist between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will dwell with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people.’” God gives his people freedom, while transhumanism doles out digital slavery.

This issue requires continual prayer because the stronghold over transhumanists is rooted in the denial of God’s very existence and sovereignty over humankind. Consequently, it cannot be ignored because many global thinkers and leaders follow this same mindset which declares, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High,” (Isaiah 14:14).

As Christians and citizens of heaven, let’s pray that this movement would be exposed for what it is, and that some of its prominent leaders would receive a lightning bolt of truth from the Almighty himself. Also, it’s important that we do not buy into the latest technology advancements, just because they are the newest upgrade. Certainly, when it comes to our bodies, we should think twice before allowing the newest gadget to monitor, or perhaps enhance us. Lastly, there is also a movement called Christian Transhumanism, which merges Christian theology with the tenets of the transhumanist faith. This is one more reason why we must educate others about what transhumanism really is.

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, our bodies are designed like a beautiful holy Temple that houses our genetic code, our mind and our spirit. We must reject the notion that technology can enhance or replace what you’ve already declared is good. Just like the Holy Temples that were destroyed on the 9th of Av, we run the risk of repeating history if we bow to agendas that seek to tear down your blueprint for life.

How do you think we can we warn others about dangers of the Transhumanist Movement?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling Mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. Her latest book, Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, was released in June 2021. Photo Credit: Canva.

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August 30, 2022

Thank God you posted this! I pray everyone on here reads this and shares it with their families!

Carol Vigo
August 22, 2022

Jeremiah 16: 19-21 “O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress, to You the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, “Our fathers possessed nothing but false gods, worthless idols that did them no good. Do men make their own gods? Yes, but they are not gods!
Therefore I will teach them- this time I will teach them My power and might. Then they will know that My Name is the Lord!”
These verses give me great hope that God will destroy these evildoers just as He scattered the builders of the tower of Babel. He scattered them because with their common language they could achieve anything. The common language of today are the ones and zeroes of IT. Come, Lord, and scatter them quickly! In Jesus’s Name. Amen

August 19, 2022

I feel so sorry for Mr. Harari. He has been captured by the enemy and convinced of all his lies. This is satan’s only way of taking over the world. So clever, but so stupid to think that God would say, “O my, what am I to do. Satan is so smart and I am going to lose all my people.” Hahahahahaha. Never. God is so big, so magnificent, so amazing that I can’t wait to see what he will do to save this generation when the church awakens to this ridiculous invention of man. Time to worship the One true God and give Him all the glory and thank Him for what He will do sooner than later. Hallelujah!

Lazaro Polanco
August 17, 2022

Very well explained Angela.
Keep up the good work.
We need to pray for the Lord’s return with great urgency.
God bless.

August 17, 2022

Thank you for the article Mrs. Angela Rodriguez. I have receive news that opens my eyes to radical agenda, this is good to know because I did not understan what transhumanist movement is all about. God Bless you; this topic needs to be expose at churches, youth groups, pastors and parents. We need to warn people in the church about what this movement is all about. God Bless you for your hard work

Debby Slovich
August 17, 2022

Ms. Rodriguez, amazing article, insight and wording explaining things like this. Making spiritual insights apply to technology!! You are so gifted in writing! Godspeed, ma’am!!

Bonnie S
August 16, 2022

I had a Pacemaker inserted to correct my erratic heart beat. And there is a monitor by my bed. I am a Christian, but I want to live. Now I feel invaded upon.

August 16, 2022

Let the concepts of the blind be thrown into the sea, in Jesus name, Amen.

D.R. Warring
August 16, 2022

Great article. Thank you! “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High,” (Isaiah 14:14). The exact verse (passage) that came to mind.

He mentions COVID being critical “because this is what convinces people to accept–to legitimize total biometric surveillance.” This is NOT the first time these evils have used the world’s population as guinea pigs for their sorcery (Pharmakeia, Rev 9, 18, etc.) or to attack the human body, DNA (human genome). From the beginning, vaccines have been inspired by satan to alter/make people sick/steal, kill, and destroy His image bearers.

Female DNA from aborted (child sacrificed) babies is being injected into newborn baby boys, toddler, etc. via VACCINES. Not of God!

Forced abortions on mental patients when eugenics was legal in the US in the 1930’s that these wickeds then used to test and research the polio vaccine on. From the pit of hell!

I write about autism spectrum DISORDER as one of many specific attacks of the enemy on this last of the last days generation that is NOT of God nor His will (1 Cor. 14:33). It has put so many children and young adults “out of commission”, including out of the GREAT Commission to preach Christ, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead AKA proclaim liberty to the captives, be fruitful and multiply, etc.

It’s NO accident that this disorder (ASD) also robs children of the power to speak/their minds. The Word is VERY clear of the importance of wielding His Word against the powers of darkness with what? Our mouths. Captive tongues and minds cannot do so. Praying fervently for this autism epidemic to be uprooted from the earth and destroyed and for total healing and deliverance for children/YA’s from ASD.

I recently same across a book called The Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism’s Dirty Little Secret that I am very interested in reading. A reviewer of it said, “The author draws a likely connection between autism and vaccines and the advent of transhumanism, citing studies to lend credence to his theme: autism is a reaction to foreign substances in the body/brain…”

August 16, 2022

Thank you for so perfectly bringing this to light. I’ve been well aware of the Transhumanist movement for sometime now but only recently saw how they are no longer trying to hide it. Your info is spot on and I truly appreciate enlightening others through IFAPray.

August 16, 2022

This is one of the most frightening reports I have ever read. This man is mentally unstable. The fact that he has followers, young and easily influenced, is even more disturbing. Digital enslavement in a dystopian future where nothing has meaning makes suicide a very attractive option. God has given us a perfect creation to steward along with free will. We have a sinful nature which turns our faces to gods and idols who can do nothing other than enable our own self destruction. Lord, protect us from ourselves, all too often we know not what we do. Protect us from those who seek to destroy that which you have so lovingly and perfectly created. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Carol Vigo
    August 22, 2022

    Jeremiah 16: 19-21 “O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress, to You the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, “Our fathers possessed nothing but false gods, worthless idols that did them no good. Do men make their own gods? Yes, but they are not gods!
    Therefore I will teach them- this time I will teach them My power and might. Then they will know that My Name is the Lord!”
    These verses give me great hope that God will destroy these evildoers just as He scattered the builders of the tower of Babel. He scattered them because with their common language they could achieve anything. The common language of today are the ones and zeroes of IT. Come, Lord, and scatter them quickly! In Jesus’s Name. Amen

Darlene Estlow
August 16, 2022

Father, in Psalm 2:4 it says, “The One enhroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, ‘I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.'” We trust in this King that God has installed on Zion. May we not walk in fear but in victory, knowing that fools who deny God will not be victors!

Barbara Janicki
August 16, 2022

“God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning – the sixth day.” All of creation, including us humans created in God’s image, was pronounced “very good” by the Creator Himself – we started out perfect, the pinnacle of God’s creation. There was no room for improvement, none was needed, no where to go but down until after the fall when sin entered into God’s perfectly created world. Romans explains this saying – “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. . . . we ourselves groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” Romans also says all of creation has been since the fall and is currently “in bondage to decay” – We are waiting for the “redemption of our bodies” – those new and glorious bodies that we will have in eternity. But those bodies will come from our Creator, God – not from we ourselves via transhumanism. I was not familiar with Harari’s philosophies until reading this article, but from the quotes of his it is clear that transhumanism is all based on a lie and then more lies – not even twisted truth, just lies. Saying “humans are for nothing” – that we have no purpose and that we need to be rebuilt by technology? That we are going to re-create ourselves? This is undisguised rebellion against God. Trying to make ourselves the potter instead of the clay (one of his statements was we created god and gods, not vice versa?) – it won’t work – there is only one Master Potter, and we are His. “Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” Transhumanism seeks to pervert and to destroy God’s good and perfect creation – us! Our Heavenly Father is the One who restores us, heals us, empowers us with His Holy Spirit – “in Him we live and move and have our being.” Ironically in Him we have freedom, transhumanism is bondage for every individual. We were created for community with God, our Maker and with each other. Identity in Christ fills our lives with deep eternal meaning and purpose. Everything matters, everything is sacred when done in obedience and service to our Lord and Savior. Transhumanism might as well be called “anti-human” – it is leading us away from every aspect of what it means to be human and into a counterfeit digital world that is not real. God blessed us with our five senses, the better to behold and to enjoy the beauty of this created world that He gave us and asked us to take care of and rule over. (“Taste and see that the Lord is good.”) The value of sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell cannot be overstated. Virtual “experiences” – if indeed you can call them that, provide none of the human connection that we crave and were created for. There is a reason we gather together to worship and learn and break bread etc. – we flourish in community. Children learn better in person with other students to share the experience with. (sorry I digress) Satan is trying to destroy the pinnacle of God’s creation, human beings, because we are created in His image and He loves us. We can only combat these lies of transhumanism with truth – and God’s Word is truth, eternal living truth that will expose and outlast every single lie. Prayers for all of us as we fight against transhumanism with God’s truth. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    Maggie H
    August 16, 2022

    Thank you, Barbara! I always appreciate your comments and even look forward to them. We ARE “the pinnacle of God’s creation”! Much of my life I spent bemoaning who I am, even as a believer. Thinking about all of this “stuff” makes me realize (at 77 years old) how precious we are, as God made us to be. I can meditate on this for a long time! We are made for community. “When the brethren dwell together in unity the LORD commands a blessing.” ( I can’t remember the address of that verse from Psalms, I think)

Lin Mohler
August 16, 2022

Thank you for 9th Av, and transhumanism, and spiritual aspects discussion and prayers 8/16. So important for the Church to know about.
I learn quite a bit re: these from CHD.tv (Children’s Health Defense – click on “shows”, then click on “Tea Time” or “This Week” or “Friday Roundtable”. Harari, WHO/WEF medical/transhumanist agenda.
If you don’t already, watch Daystar.com (then click “Watch” then “On Demand” then “Covid” or simply go to Censored.Daystar.com. World experts discuss these topics from a Christian perspective.

Also may be useful in specific prayers to see Daystar.com, click on “Watch” click on “On Demand” click on “COVID”. Or just go to Censored.Daystar.Com. Excellent expert descriptions for Christians to be aware of regarding the mRNA codes, digital controls, transhuman agendas faced by a Christian world. I believe this is where I saw there is a new advance beyond inserting a chip. It apparently involves a QR code imprinted on a velcro type material containing each person’s biometrics. That is then pushed down on our skin, sort of tattoo fashion with miniscule punctures from the velcro thing that contain what a chip implant would have. I believe the interview said it could also deliver “medicine”.

A bit “out there”, but want to mention because God is a Supernatural God, Jesus told us about spirits and demons, so in response to the spiritual comment of all this: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s just-released book “Return of the gods” (three gods: Baal-Possessor/Ashterah – Transgender/Molech-child sacrifice), inspired by his prayer time with the Lord (interview on Sid Roth/Daystar last Friday) describes this spiritual action going on right now. But God! Matt. 16, Jesus took his disciples on a field trip to the Gates of Hell in Philippi (the tourist attraction at the foot of Mt. Hermon where supposedly gods spoke from Hades). The disciples were becoming cautious as threats against Jesus accelerated. He sat them down and asked them who people said he was. Then he asked them, who do YOU say I am? Only Peter was able to say Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus responded that this is a spiritual revelation that came from God, by the Holy Spirit, and that on the rock of revelation by the Holy Spirit, the Gates of Hell would NOT prevail over Messiah’s power in the Church. Jesus had also told them earlier about the stronger man rifling the Thief’s house- so we are not to fear any of this, but Call on the Lord! The entrance to Hades was said to be guarded by a three – headed dog, which I find interesting, as Rabbi was apparently shown there were three gods involved in our current situation.
I also find NLT translation of Ephesians 1-3 very confirming in its clear description of the unseen powers, principalities and rulers, over which God has given the risen Jesus Christ authority, both in the heavenly realm and on earth, and that this is God’s purpose for the “Jesus Plan” of redemption: to use us, the Church, to demonstrate His wisdom in its rich variety to these unseen rulers. We need to unite in the Holy Spirit and get our wisdom on!

Herb Johnston
August 16, 2022

Thank you Angela for this well-informed article.. I just finished watching today’s broadcast. As Victor Bitar said in a comment below.. what is new.. it is just human beings deciding they can be God’s just like in Genesis.. when Satan said “you will be like God ..with your eyes being opened”.. the difference now is they have the weapons of Technology which are so pervasive in our society and so powerful.

Lord -,I just come before you now in Jesus name-, praying and believing that you will have mercy on us.. that as we are praying for YuvallNoah Harari- to have his eyes opened.. and have his heart transformed.. we know that as it says in Romans and that Angela quoted today on the broadcast.. they have reprobate Minds.. I have not been aware from the reading of that scripture that it indicates that, that condition can be reversed.. which has given it such great weight of Terror.. for me, over the years.. and Lord we know that you can do all things.. so I simply agree here and ask that you would move Marlene deeply in the mind’s hearts and souls of at least one of these people on the world economic forum.. mainly Yuvall Noah Harari.. and that this would be a witness unto your glory for the rest of the crew in that organization that are so deeply entrenched and Evil.. at the very least that you would change their hearts as easily as you change the course of a river.. that in that transformation we could receive a reprieve from the onslaught of Terror that is being put upon us,..that we would not have to be tormented with death like the ancient Christians in the Roman Arena.
Have mercy on us oh Lord.. in the mighty name of Jesus,- Amen

    Herb Johnston
    August 16, 2022

    ..typo…should be-,
    ” So I ask that you would move mightily and deeply..

    Not…”Marlene, and deeply”

    Could you guys please install and edit feature here in these columns so that we may correct these mistakes before we post our prayers and comments.. as no one is perfect. Thank you so very much

Prof Mudpie Dickens
August 16, 2022

““You don’t have any answer in the Bible on what to do when humans are no longer useful to the economy.”

I don’t mean to be insulting, but seriously, how utterly imbecilic is Harari? People no longer useful to the economy? Ummm….. the answer is right there – if he wasn’t so intellectually dishonest – in the very first chapter of the Bible, where mankind is made in the image of God.

This man is both ignorant and evil. A bad combination

Rich Swingle
August 16, 2022

Angela, thanks for the article and for telling us about http://www.Technocracy.news. I see they also have a channel on Telegram.

Praise you for giving us awareness of what’s really going on in the world. We pray for Revival and Awakening before all of our rights are eroded!

    Herb Johnston
    August 16, 2022

    Rich, I often think that we may wind up like the Christians of ancient Rome in the Coliseum Arena.. being attacked by wild animals or other horrid destinies- and while I am so very grateful for the encouragement by being able to be part of the prayers here, – especially being that I do rely on them so much, – for accurate and Godly direction..

    I hope that as some of the prophets are saying.. America will be saved..

    but it seems to me we may be going through some awful things on the way to that.. even the worst of things that will take our lives.. I hope that I am spiritually and emotionally mature enough to not shirk my duty in that area.

    Angela Rodriguez
    August 16, 2022

    Rich, thank you so much for reading. I love technocracy.news. I learn something new every time I visit the website. They also have some great podcasts. May the Lord bless all the work you are doing. I really enjoy reading your articles.

Allena Jordan
August 16, 2022

To follow the news about technology, Angela recommended this website:

Malcolm W Puckett
August 16, 2022

Two things:

1. This is similar to the book by C S Lewis, The Abolition of Man. He predicted this kind of effort over 50 years ago.
2. The “source” who spoke through Edgar Cayce for around 40 years told of similar events that occurred in the lost world of Atlantis. Some of those happenings sound eerily like transhumanism. Satan has been seeking this for a long long time.

    Angela Rodriguez
    August 16, 2022

    Malcolm, thank you for sharing. I was in Virginia Beach recently and out of the corner of my eye I saw Edgar Cayce’s Heath Center (also known as A.R.E.) as I was driving. I went on the website and it mentions Atlantis and other strange things that remind me of transhumanism. You are right- Satan keeps trying to abolish what God created- human bodies.

Zoe Ella
August 16, 2022

Cyborgs? Borgs? God forbid. Protect us as You created.

Allena Jordan
August 16, 2022

This is an attempt to “become like God” in preparation for the appearance of the anti-Christ, undoubtedly.

August 16, 2022

Great article and call to prayer. However, I believe that Noah Harari is a satanist. That’s why he hates Christianity. He never says that satan is fake news. The same applies to the top leaders of communism. They understand that people become defenseless to their lies without the Lord.

    Angela Rodriguez
    August 16, 2022

    Karen, it’s true that he doesn’t say “Satan is fake news.” Also I have noticed on TV (Netflix, Amazon movies etc) that they constantly take Jesus’ name in vain. They constantly curse it. Yet they don’t curse Buddha, Mohammed or Satan. It’s always Jesus’ name. And this shows complete disregard for the one true holy God. The enemy knows Jesus is real and holy, so he wants humanity to demote him and disrespect him on every level. It’s very disturbing. Thank goodness we know Jesus as our Savior and are not blinded by the enemy.

Victor Bitar
August 16, 2022

What is so new?
Not much really.
It is just an up-to-date fall for the most ancient lie of Satan to Adam and Eve: YOU CA BE LIKE GOD, when you believe my lie and follow my rebellions against THE CREATOR AND SUSTAINER of ALL life.

August 16, 2022

It didn’t end well for the enemy when he said “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be as The Most High.”
It didn’t end well for Adam and Eve when they succomed to the idea of “ye shall be as gods.”
And it didn’t end well for the tower of babel when they decided to build a tower using bricks and slime that would “reach into heaven.”
And it won’t end well for WEF and those who follow their “we shall be as gods” agenda either.
Matthew 24:24 (in the last days)……if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.
Lord God Almighty, by Your grace, mercy and power open our eyes and the eyes of our children and grandchildren to Your Majesty Father. CAUSE us to fear You and You alone and give unto us and our households a spirit of discernment so that we may not sin against You, Father, in Your Holy Name we pray, amen.

    Angela Rodriguez
    August 16, 2022

    Amen Carol– so true! God wins every time!!!! Hallelujah! May God bless you and you family.

Karen Van Wyk
August 16, 2022

Who cares what Harari says?
Why are you even discussing it as relevant?

    Louise Kingston
    August 16, 2022

    We must not ignore global agendas flagrantly attacking God and His people. Focus on Christ and what He needs us to do, but always be aware of the enemy.
    Dear Eternal Father, Please protect us from the evils that are exponentially growing on this earth. All honor and glory be Yours alone on earth as it is in heaven. Let Your Spirit lead and guide us. Confound the ways of these evil people who want to destroy the sanctity of humanity. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the one and only Savior of mankind, Amen

Steve Parks
August 16, 2022

My heart saddened with Harari’s answer to “What are humans for”….”Nothing”, If that’s his thought, he is to be pitied., so deceived. Pray for him!

Judy Knight
August 16, 2022

It’s very disconcerting to think we have already accepted and think that electronic devices such as monitors and heart pacemakers and tens devices and the like are wonderfully helpful advancements in health technology. My husband has an interstim electronic stimulator implant in his lower back to regulate his bladder function which won’t work without it. He’s had it for 14 years and they’ve been replaced 3-4 times during this timeframe. After reading this article I fear we have already been set up to accept some of these transhuman advancements. May we pray to be very discerning of where we are headed technologically and ask the Lord to give us wisdom as to where it needs to stop in respect to not crossing a line into godless mind control or surveillance. Lord Jesus, we are yours, mind, soul, body, and spirit! Let no ungodly thing from the mind of Satan and godless science be able to take control over what is yours! We submit only to You! In the mighty Name of Christ our Lord!

August 16, 2022

“History began when humans invented gods and it will end when humans become gods,” said Yuval Noah Harari,

“Humans are now hackable animals.
I think that fake news has been with us for thousands of years. Just think of the Bible.” As Harari says this, laughter rings out from the audience.

Father God, bless Angela Rodriguez for bringing light on this Transhumanist Movement, another evil agenda and to mock God the creator of heaven and the universe.
In the book of Psalms, David writes in
chapter 139 verses 13 and 14: “for it was You who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been fearfully and wonderfully made”.
Father God. I decree this scripture shall resound around the world louder than
The Transhumanist Movement. And we shall not bow to agendas that seek to tear down our blueprint for life.
In Jesus’ name. Amen

Ron Peterson
August 16, 2022

Yuval Noah Harari and his disciples are in for a rude awakening. God is in control and will demonstrate His authority in ways that even the most advanced artificial intelligence can’t compute.

August 16, 2022

Wow! Great research and definite call to spiritual war against the works of darkness.
When over time, I pondered not only transhumanism but the whole broad subject of machines and robots considered as “living, thinking beings,” in both fiction and actual technology from say HG Wells ? War of the Worlds, the old TV series, The Biobic Man, to Terminator and many others in fiction to a whole host of human substitute robots from say to “serve man” from high tech house cleaning devices to proposed military robotic soldiers to replace human soldiers on the battlefield I believe Holy Spirit began to help me see a datanic agenda in much of this.
God created man “in His image and likeness”as a “living soul” or person. A proud, jealous satan was cast out of Heaven. He is powerless to attack God directly. But indirectly, his bitter hatred against God drives him I believe to sek to attack and destroy what-or who–is loved by God, that is the human race and esp God’s childten. (Revel 12). Not necessarily direct, one person at a time, but mankind as God’s divine species created in His image and likenese, that is, as a “living soul.” u
Now, this might use some refinement, but it occurs to me that the concept of evolution, which I understand, actually began with the Greeks and Paul seemsto possibly refer to in Romans 1, is a direct attack on the “soul” component of the “living soul” being. That is, a human as reflecting God’s very divine image as distinguished from lower life forms such as animals which the spirituall blind world considers humans.
Then, satan’s “Final Solution” to destroy the second element of a “living” being in the whole of “living soul.” Things like transhumanism and robots which in the end tend toward lifeless matter and machines complete satan’s final blow. Now technology itself is neutral and only good or evil depending on how it is used. But consider how more and more, satan I believe is seeking to create an illusionary, virtual reality technological world not only in terms of George Orwell 1 984 style use of technology as a tool of would-be tyrants to control the world. But also, the substitution of artificial, technological substitutes such as social media, texting as a substitute for real relationships with real life people face to face. For relationship.is at the heart of God in the Three-in-One or Trinity and in.God’s people.
Satan cannot create anything, esp real life. He can only create synthetic, illusionary substitutes, or deceive a human into letting him use his God-given faculties. But even more treacherous, I can see how the Deceiver can deceive the gullible and ungodly into believing transhumanism can offer them “eternal life” without God, that is, just get a new machined body part. Of course, that is the ultimate Lie from the pit of Hell. Not only because Jesus alone can give salvation, but because God alone is the Author of real, life both biological and eternal.
We must war to demolish such deceit and lies(eg 2 Corin 10:,5-6?) But I believe the Lord God Almighty will destroy bothe the Destroyer and his evil schemes.

    Angela Rodriguez
    August 16, 2022

    Thank you so much for reading and responding. It is true that Satan would love to destroy the human body that God made and replace it with his own version–his own seed for humanity. You draw lots of insightful parallels in your response. Certainly we can watch movies and we will see this was all planned ahead of time. We are seeing much of it before our eyes. But like you said, God will destroy these evil schemes. May God bless you!

August 16, 2022

Father, burst Mr. Harari’s well imagined bubble. Cause Him to spread Your Word with even more fervor than he has when putting it down.


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