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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we ask You to bring out all the truth about the 2020 elections. Reveal how China has corrupted our elections and defeat their evil plans.
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IFA participated in special meetings this week detailing disconcerting information about dangers in U.S. election systems. This report confirms what was revealed. In a server in Wuhan, China holds private, personal information and data about 1.8 million U.S. election workers. Find out the FBI’s strange response and then share your prayerful thoughts in the comments. And share this article–people need to know.


From CD Media. . . .Information was released that True the Vote many months ago stumbled upon a server in China which True the Vote says holds a great deal of personal information on 1.8 million U.S. election workers. The data was brought to the FBI which has so far done nothing with it.

Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips told the audience they are now a target of an FBI investigation over the issue, not the CCP.

(Excerpt from CD Media. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Lawrence Baker
November 9, 2022

All glory to God.
God will only bless what he agrees with.
He is the God of truth.
If you hope for truth, then think like God does; lest Satan beguile you misleading your intent as gossip or Slander.

Hala Whitley
August 26, 2022

Of course the F.B.I knows and they don’t want the truth out. It was obvious when the election fraud took place that no one will ever be held accountable least of all China and the corrupt F.B.I and the corrupt Department of Justice. Our nation is in a world of hurt right now. We need all prayer warriors on deck. Lord, we sure do need your help in getting justice served in all of the corruption that has taken place, is still taking place, and we need your divine wisdom and guidance as to what we can do to stop this. Empower and embolden your people Lord to carry the torch of freedom and to stand strong against so much opposition. Sometimes Lord we feel so helpless when nothing is being done to correct all of the evil that has enshrouded our government. Lord we ask in your holy Name!! We thank you Lord and love you for always hearing us. None of this comes as a surprise to you. Amen.

Julius Maresh
August 23, 2022

This certainly appears to be something worthy of an FBI (if international -CCP- CIA should get involved) investigation. The couple stumbling upon this information should be supported and not vilified by the FBI.

Richard Webb
August 21, 2022

As Poll Watcher I hope they have sufficient information to convict me of being a RADICAL CHRISTIAN PATRIOT!

Kathy Emahiser
August 19, 2022

Father, we thank you that everything that has been done in the darkness is being exposed by the light. Let your light continue shine ever so brightly that all corruption be exposed and dealt with so that the world will know that you are also a God of justice. In Jesus name I pray with thanksgiving, Amen.

Sue Tracy
August 19, 2022

Lord uncover what has been hidden and bring assurance for the November vote that we are free to vote whom we choose.

August 19, 2022

Lord God, we lift up Catherine and Gregg to your throne of grace. Help them to be clothed in the armor of God to daily stand strong against the schemes of the evil one. Deliver them from any spirit of fear, intimidation, deception, or tyranny. Let the name of the Lord be their strong tower, a fortress of their salvation, that they run into and are safe. May integrity and uprightness protect them because their hope, a hope that does not disappoint, is in you. Protect and guide them with your eye upon them. Give them and any advisors your wisdom, guidance and discernment to know how to answer and what to do next in each situation. Keep their hearts in perfect peace, hidden in and knowing you as their prince of peace at all times and in every situation.

August 19, 2022

Who would have thought the swamp was so soiled. They’re infiltrated everywhere!😱😢 Overwhelming. Forgive me.

Diane Oestreich
August 18, 2022

My husband and I were suddenly blocked from serving in this year’s elections after we had served faithfully in several elections. We were stunned when we we were told we were permanently banned from serving in our county. Could it have anything to do with the fact that our county uses Dominion Voting Machines and that we asked questions about the machines and the horribly outdated voter rolls we had worked with in the 2020 election when we took our training for the Newsom recall election in California in 2021? Hmmm…. Lord, pour out Your justice! Expose in a huge way the evil of the CCP’s interference in our elections and their accumulation of elections workers’ personal data. Put a shield of protection around Catherine and Gregg and their families–and the information they have found. Expose! Expose! Expose!

Virginia Rinehart
August 18, 2022

I pray for Catherine and Gregg’s safety and protection for them and their families. This is a spiritual battle and satan and his demons will not tear down what God has raised up! I call forth Gods legions of angle armies to take down this demonic plan to destroy this country that God has established. And to protect everyone who brings forth truth of any demonic plan to destroy this country and God’s remnant. Thank you Lord for the information that has been brought forth thus far.
In Jesus Name

dale dorsett
August 18, 2022

Lord You know the will of the American people was violated and such injustice is also violation of Your permissive will also. You permitted Saul to be king over Israel and even anointed him out of Your free will that honored the choice of the people of Israel. This violation is not only of the choice for president and other positions that were hacked by internet and stolen by other theft but it violates your honoring the choices of Americans by Your the free will to choose that You desire for all mankind.

Thank You for moving with Your angels and power along with freedom loving people against those who want to steal the freedoms of this world and bring restoration to our country and the world. Let justice reign and Glorify Your Name.

Lord there are those who want to violate Your Word and supercede Your timing to allow the global rule. Satan has never been allowed to stop Your plans and He will not succeed now. Thank You for deliverance! In the mighty Name of Jesus let Your will be done on earth as in Heaven. Amen!

JoeAnn Grant
August 17, 2022

Working with computers has given me knowledge of how easily an election tallied electronically can be manipulated. I am deeply convinced that the 2020 election was stolen, and I am terrified that the election process on which our nation depends may be permanently tainted. Dear Heavenly Father, please intervene in the governance of our land, preserving our freedom to worship You and live according to Your precepts. We need You in all facets of our lives for we are nothing without You.

    Dale Dorsett
    August 18, 2022

    I worked in high tech most of my life in communications and also had computer experience. When I saw the experts present cyber data from off the satellite to Mike Lindell on his documentary I KNEW for sure the data was real. The proper protocol was used to hack specific computers by foreign computers and shift vote data t o favor Biden.
    The cyber hacking is practically ignored by so many and the controlled media and even many politicians. IT IS THE REAL TOP PROOF OF FRAUD. Sure ballot harvesting and other scams were pulled off but nothing compared to foreign computers hacking ours. Funny how cyber hacking is a big issue in so many other things going on but not elections, showing how corrupt people are in our government structure.

Darlene G
August 17, 2022

`Having grown up in an America where everyone was patriotic, at home and in the schools, this gc threat is horrific, in that the very government is so self deceived. I pray, Lord, remove the veil of deception from their minds and eyes, cast down the mind blinding spirits, shine your light of Truth into their minds that they will SEE clearly the evil that they project upon us – and repent. Give the gov’t and leaders the same shocking revelation and visit from Jesus, Son of God, that Paul received on the way to Damascus.

August 17, 2022

Lord, thank you for Gregg & Catherine, their amazing integrity, their work ethic, and their faith in You! Protect them from the enemy, esp those who seem to be wolves in sheep clothing! Uncover the corruption of these wolves & bless Gregg & Catherine financially. May they have double for all their trouble!!

August 17, 2022

I had an ery feeling that something was wrong about the 2020 election! I do believe it was rigged. President Biden didn’t get in an honest way, but cheated!

August 17, 2022

Dear GOD – please protect Gregg and Catherine as they search for the truth and expose the lies and deception of 2020. Only YOU know the truth about what is going on with the government, the “Agenda”, pandemic, vaccines, etc. We seek your wisdom and revelation. Help us be guided by YOUR Light and guide people to turn away from these evil ways. It is very alarming that the FBI is against Gregg and Catherine and sees no wrong with the CCP!

August 17, 2022

Pray for the security, protection and well being of this nation, elections and for the people that are honest like Gregg and Catherine, May the Lord Jesus reward them for their good deed. Father destroy the evil in people’s heart and returned them to rigtheousness so they can see your love for them. Amen!

August 17, 2022

Lord, have mercy! Spirit of Truth and grace, restore righteousness, justice and fear of God in this nation!

Elizabeth Crouse
August 17, 2022

Unreal evil. America can control but this administration has no idea

    Lazaro Polanco
    August 17, 2022

    I believe this government and all agencies are in on it, globalist thugs.
    Everything that’s going on it’s part of the plan to destroy this nation.
    Soon they will come after Chrst followers.
    Watch and see.
    God bless.

August 17, 2022

Father we ask in agreement that you would deliver Greg And Catherine and all a true the vote from any oppression from any body &everybody at the FBI in Jesus name Amen!

August 17, 2022

Thank you Jesus that you are shaking the systems of the world and the unseen powers in the heavenly realms.Send your angels to battle on behalf of the USA. You are Light and Truth.We rejoice because you are exposing lies and your Light will overcome the darkness. Let the entire truth about the 2020 election come out now. We worship you and bless your Holy name. And say to God be the Glory! Amen

    August 19, 2022

    Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Blood 🩸 He shed on the Cross, along with exposing the fraud and coup that took place on our nation, that You decertify the election, so that future books in schools teach the truth of the illegitimacy of the usurped gov over us, defiling American principles, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Bev Cunningham
August 16, 2022

Father God we pray that what is hidden will be revealed. Protect America’s election process. Let our freedom to
vote not be compromised O God we
pray in Jesus’ name.

August 16, 2022

To quote an old cartoon, “We have found the enemy and it is us.”

Terrie O'Neal
August 16, 2022

Thankyou for this information. I will pass the news. We need to be praying for Catherine and Gregg as they are truly doing this country and it’s citizens a great service. We are truly in the end times that is spoken of in IITimothy. Thankfully we can pray to our Lord and Savior and he will make things right. I am praying as well
that many more people in this country will suit up, stand up, speak up to spread the truth. Our founding
Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. It cost most of them and their children- all of the 3 things they stated. How can we not do the same? I am standing and doing what the founding fathers did, and I am praying more people will follow. Thankyou Lord for your courage, and for the peace that passes all understanding! In His Service, Terrie O

Rebekah Carey
August 16, 2022

How can we trust our voting system with all the info found and especially with China having all that personal info on Americans?
If The FBI can be trusted, which I doubt, where is the integrity we need during our voting?
Lord Jesus stop the demonic powers that have possessed so many of our Democratic Party and the Rinos. I know the swamp wants to remain in control but, lord show them that it’s you that remains in Control over us! In your precious name we pray. Amen!

Jane sanderd
August 16, 2022

Lord we need the truth to prevail! Protect our children’s. I pray that parents can find a way to home school or put there children in Christian school. I pray that the ungodly leaders will be removed,

August 16, 2022

Dear Lord Jesus and Heavenly Father, we ask that all the evidence of this crime be saved and not destroyed! A database is easily wiped out and the logs are also easily wiped out and a disk drive that holds the data base is easily wiped clean. We ask that the individuals G&C have additional evidence besides just the story of the computers and that that evidence also be preserved. We definitely pray for the safety of the 2 individuals G&C and any others who are involved in this exposing of treasonous corruption.

For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. – Luke 8:17

Christine Martha
August 16, 2022

Father, we call your mighty warrior angels down around Gregg and Catherine and all that pertains to them, to protect and defend them from harm and harrassment. In Jesus’ Name. We say to the ungodly elements of the FBI and CIA, Daniel 5, Mene, mene, tekel, parsin. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting! Your time is up and you must now be removed from your position in govt.! Angels, proceed to remove them!

August 16, 2022

Father forgive all the people who teach the scripture, no matter small or large groups, and yet will not teach, over and over and over again the story about Naboth’s vineyard. Ahab wanted to buy Naboth’s vineyard but Naboth would not sell his INHERITANCE. yet all over America individuals are and have sold America out, be it farm land that Bill Gates has or millions of acres that China has in Texas. what is left? we need to understand, AMERICA IS NOT FOR SALE no matter how badly a person or a family needs dollars.

laurin hollander
August 16, 2022

Whi are these people who discovered this information on a server in China? Secondly, every activity on any electronic device is tracked. So how is it that a federal dept. such as the FBI is taking action against these people? What is the real and true story here?

August 16, 2022

Read Ps. 94:20-22, “Can a corrupt throne be allied with you?” Read the rest, because it says “God will wipe them out!”
Lord, we pray for you to clean out those who want to destroy this nation and destroy our freedom to worship you, destroy marriages, children, the educational system, and institute socialism. We cry out to you to lift up the standard of your Spirit against the enemy, and cause him to flee!

August 16, 2022

Heavenly Father, You alone knows everything. I pray that everything that was hidden in the darkness in 2020 election will be revealed. No lies and deceive will prevail, in Jesus’s name. I speak and declare that corruption and greediness will be stopped. May their hearts be convicted as the fear of the LORD falls on them who corrupted the election.
Thank You Abba Father for the victory!

John T Stewart
August 16, 2022

This year I will wait and vote on election day! to thwart the efforts of those who can interfere. They say this made it possible for Kari Lake to get 7 of every 10 legal votes.

Darlene Estlow
August 16, 2022

Father, this corruption has got to end. We ask protection for True the Vote and their staff.. We ask that the FBI might be stopped in their persecution of those that would reveal evil. I declare over the FBI that their evil schemes would be revealed and stopped.

Cheryl Lynn Brown
August 16, 2022

The FBI is so corrupt.

August 16, 2022

We must have a plan, how do we get together with out any one from the opposing side knowing is a very big step and Plan this out…
We need God to get this Evil administration out of office, This jOE bIDEN crime
family really need to be put in Jail with all his cronies! For 18 months this administration has forced the people to take the cOVIT shot, How many people died, How many people are at this minute in the Hospital with blood clots?
Also we must take down tWITTER , yOU tUBE, lINKED-iN, gOOGLE, ect,ect
We now know this administration is bent on DESTROYING AMERICA!

Betty B
August 16, 2022

Heavenly Father, We praise and thank YOU for Your great love and mercy for this country. We pray for protection for Gregg and Catherine as they search for truth and expose the lies, deceit, and corruption. We ask for protection for all the people who work with Gregg and Catherine as well as for their families and friends. Father, we are asking YOU to hear from heaven and heal our land. The wicked & evil plots have been so well hidden that we have been deceived. Only YOU know the truth about what is going on in our government, the pandemic, the vaccines, and elections, and we seek Your wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and revelation. Help the USA turn from the evil wicked ways in the Mighty Name of JESUS we ask. Amen

Rich Swingle
August 16, 2022

This isn’t surprising, based on what we’ve known already, but it’s very disconcerting, especially since the FBI turned on Catherine and Gregg and not the CCP!

Lord, thank You that this information has been brought into the light. We now pray for justice!

August 16, 2022

Please pray for President Trumps protection. The Lord gave me a vision 2 days ago that I don’t feel I’m supposed to release yet . Just please pray for protection over his life.

August 16, 2022

It’s definitely time to abolish the F.B.I. Any personnel wishing to work for the new organization s/b allowed to reapply but must go through a thorough vetting process. The way it is right now there’s no saving it.

August 16, 2022

We have been praying that not only will truth be found, but that action will be taken to correct the illegal actions. Here is truth found, but the authorities are siding with the law-breakers! The overseers of the FBI are next to be prodded into action. How can “we the people” do that?
I’m remembering that my trust must remain in God, not in government. Lord Jesus, forgive me and my nation for failing to be zealous for You. Bring Your grace and mercy, balanced with Your justice, to return us to the path of light and truth.

August 16, 2022

Lenin is dead and capitalism is alive and well! GOD is in charge and we are to pray, believe, speak those things that be not as they were, (biden and the entire corrupt bunch are out of office) for instance! Help us FATHER GOD to trust YOU in everything in JESUS NAME!

August 16, 2022

We are owned by the CCP . It’s like Lenin said, ” When it’s time to hang the last capitalist they will be fighting to sell us the rope”. We need all the prayers we can get !!!

    August 16, 2022

    Lenin is dead and capitalism is alive and well! GOD is in charge and we are to pray, believe, speak those things that be not as they were, (biden and the entire corrupt bunch are out of office) for instance! Help us FATHER GOD to trust YOU in everything in JESUS NAME!

Kenneth Southerland
August 16, 2022

Dear Lord Jesus, the devil is hard at work to destroy our country. He clearly has our highest level of government in his back pocket. These elected officials that took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, represent U.S. citizens, defend our country from foreign powers and oppression and live as millionaires on our tax dollars. They are doing the opposite of this and when someone speaks up, they are oppressed in different ways. I wish that they would see their ways before it is to late for them. Surely they know that when their time comes that GOD almighty is going to smite them down into the depths of hell. I guess they don’t believe that Christ Jesus is coming back to defeat the devil. No one knows when that will be, but it is coming and it will be swift.

Kenneth Southerland
August 16, 2022

Dear Lord Jesus, the devil is hard at work to destroy our country. He clearly has our highest level of government in his back pocket. These elected officials that took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constition, represent U.S. citizens, defend our country from foreign powers and oppresion and live as millionares on our tax dollars. They are doing the opposite of this and when someone speaks up, they are oppressed in different ways. I wish that they would see their ways before it is to late for them. Surely they know that when their time comes that GOD almighty is going to smite them down into the depths of hell. I guess they don’t believe that Christ Jesus is coming back to defeat the devil. No one knows when that will be, but it is coming and it will be swift.

August 16, 2022

This is so scary!

August 16, 2022

Catherine Englebrecht, Gregg Phillips and any others who work for True the Vote, and frankly any conservative organization should bring their concerns and information to the Republicans in Congress who care about justice. There are only a few but they are the ones who can directly dealing with the corruption in gov’t agencies. They can protect the information, bring it to the public’s attention via the media and also present it to the proper gov’t entities to be investigated. But, at least the public knows and the (honest) media will keep it in the news. The DOJ and the FBI are fully corrupt, at least their leaders at the top are. They’re anti-parent, anti-Christian for sure and basically anti-American. They’re nothing but a political arm of the corrupt democrat party. Conservatives must give up thinking we have a good gov’t. They must first think of protecting themselves with Christian lawyers and Christian gov’t leaders. I believe these are truly the last days but God still gave us a promise. “If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves, repent, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will heal their land…” Our prayers are powerful and we also need those in gov’t to repent and pray too, and we must keep up the pressure on them to do this, to wake up and fight back against this evil spreading across our land.

Wendell Owens State of NM IFA prayer leader
August 16, 2022

Abba Father, I use my shield of faith to block all attacks from the Beast, and strike him with the sword of the spirit so that he is wounded seriously where he can no longer attack Catherine & Greg whose only purpose was to be honorable & honest.,,, in the name of Jesus!!!!

Jaye Guyer
August 16, 2022

We also need to pray that the extreme corruption within the FBI be uprooted and all those involved be brought to justice in the mighty name of Jesus!

Zoe Ella
August 16, 2022

It gets stranger as it goes on. On all sides, everyone is accusing everyone else – in order to distract??? From what?? In Christian terms, what the devil is doing to try to take humanity for himself. In political terms, an effort to put us all under the rule of a semi-invisible elite and controlled by AI. In social terms, which is connected to both the above, to alienate us one from the other and destroy our will to do, create or choose on our own? Add in abortion, plague and war – to cull the population??? It gets to be overwhelming. Creator God, protect us. Heal us, your Earth and all its denizens, and bring in a social order that is just, compassionate, reverent and in accordance with Your will. Prevent us from becoming like Borgs, computer controlled to do whatever the collective wants. Protect Your people.

    August 19, 2022

    I want to clarify that i belive the enemy is trying to bring about the evil plans you have mentioned, but, I’m Not saying Amen to the evil plans because I’ve been sensing the enemy remind me that I am to use it only when I mean (Let it be so) …… so …………Dear LORD I say Amen to Zoe Ella’s request for protection and for us to live according to Your perfect will, in Jesus Name. And also that You cover us n the blood of Jesus to shield, deliver, and protect us from all the evil plans. In Jesus Mighty Name I ask. Amen

Deborah Thomas
August 16, 2022

Dear God your word says nothing will stay hidden you will bring the evil to the light; I pray protection over Catherine and Gregg; I pray that your will be done over this evil agenda in our world-our nation-our government; God you have the whole world in your hands; I pray Lord come quickly in Jesus name;

Corinne C. Edwards (C.C.)
August 16, 2022

Father, thank you for bringing these hidden issues of our election system to the light! We pray You’d place protection around Catherine and Gregg. I pray You’d forgive us as a nation for turning our backs on you. Help us to walk in light and in truth, while turning away from the gods of sports, sex, youth, money, “genderism,” & politics. We repent for bowing the knee to these gods and we renounce them in the Name of Jesus Christ. Lord, only You can deliver us from the bondage these gods have on our nation. We praise You alone for You are worthy! Thank You for hearing our prayers when we cry out to You, in Jesus Name Amen

Richard Kent
August 16, 2022

Just like in Ezekiel’s day when God took Ezekiel in the Spirit inside the Temple to reveal what evil things were happening as they worshipped idols. God can reveal the inner thoughts, plans, and motives of those involved in election fraud. Praise Him who sees all. His plan is predetermined.

August 16, 2022

Father we thank you that no weapon being formed against your people is prospering. I decree that your people are covered and protected under our spiritual constitution Psalms 91! They cannot even locate us in the spirit realm and we thank you for the uncovering of the plots, plans and schemes of the enemy as we march onto victory!!!!

August 16, 2022

Biden sold his soul long ago. What does he care about any American. That is true about about all of the liberals who don’t know what progressive means. They are actually “Regressives”. Read the Bible. You will figure it out. It’s all about delivering us to China hoping we buy electric cars. Think about it.

S. S.
August 16, 2022

No power formed against us shall prosper . Look to God alone for his strength to overcome the evils that seek to harm our Country and Nations . Pray, pray pray for His will to keep being revealed in these dark times and more people to seek him every day . Amen 🙏

    Karen P.
    August 16, 2022

    God will ignore us if we don’t change our ways. We must follow the 10 commandments. Too many of us pray for God’s protection without fully worshipping Him! Praise our Lord!!!!

August 16, 2022

I pray for those being manipulated by demons will be rebuked. I pray that God will break down there lies and the truth will prevail. God is good, may he use them to glorify his word and that the world will know he is the King of Kings, The Lord most High!! Amen

Mary Ann Mertz
August 16, 2022

Dear Lord, We are grateful for the wisdom and knowledge that you continue to release to all of us. We pray that EVERY eye and ear of the American citizens will be opened to the truth. You are the truth, and the truth will set us free. We pray over Catherine and Gregg for their protection and safety, that NO WEAPONS FORMED AGAINST THEM SHALL PROSPER. (Is54:17) We also pray over Mike Lindell and his upcoming MOMENT OF TRUTH SUMMIT that will be live this weekend. (FRANKSPEECH will have 48 hours of streaming with all 50 states represented) Let all hear additional truth about our past elections and know that we must stand strong for our country, our children and grandchildren, and demand changes. Lord we know that you are FOR us and not against us! We thank you that you are leading us during this time of great changes. We were all put here for such a time as this. Praise God!

Lois Hollywood
August 16, 2022

I pray that the LORD will hide all the information of my fellow election workers from the enemy’s eyes. I do this job as a patriot of America and as one of God’s children.

August 16, 2022


    August 16, 2022

    They are still working out things on that platform. I tried to sign up months ago on my PC but it’s not available on the Google Play Store yet but it can be pre-ordered there. Those with Android phones can pre-order as well. Those with iPhones can sign up through the Apple App Store. I wouldn’t be surprised if Google is blocking them in some way to delay them getting subscribers. They’re in lock step with the democrat party in censoring conservatives. They own YouTube and are constantly censoring conservatives, Christians, Republicans. They just censored My Faith Votes, who sends out emails, letters and had videos on YouTube to get the message to Christians to vote, etc. They are full-blown socialists and must be stopped. If conservatives stopped using YouTube maybe they’d feel the pain.

Avril Blackwood
August 16, 2022

Thank you God, that you are our Father in heaven. Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank you Lord that Your kingdom come and your will is being done in the world, especially the USA. Thank You Father that your kingdom come and Your will is done in the USA as it is in heaven. Give the USA what we need daily. Forgive the USA of our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead the USA oh God not into temptation. Deliver the USA from all evil. for Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen

Ninamarie Shinta
August 16, 2022

We must stand strong in the LORD and the power of His might! Continue to resist the devil and
he will flee from you . The CCP does not stand a chance against the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!
Keep praying!

Pam Schulz
August 16, 2022

Heavenly Father – Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. Thank you for gifting Catherine, Gregg and their team with uncompromising bravery and relentless tenacity to expose the unrighteousness and corruption that has been allowed to go unchecked – and seemingly unchallenged – in our election system. Our nation has been negligent, complacent and, in some cases complicit, in allowing election fraud to relentlessly creep into the body politic and become embedded in our nation’s election apparatus. God we repent for our complacency in allowing this wickedness to invade our land. The depth, gravity and complexity of the situation we now find ourselves is a tangled web of lies, deceit, deception, graft and greed. Seemingly, those charged with protecting the rule of law and holding to account the guilty have failed us. Deliverance my man is in vain. We humbly implore you Lord to render Justice on our behalf. Hold guilty O Lord those who have perpetuated wickedness, lawlessnesses and allowed injustice to infiltrate our land. Frustrate the plotting of the shrewd who seek to steal, kill and destroy free and fair elections. Expose and prosecute on our behalf those who have been complicit in destroying election integrity. Hold them guilty O Lord, by their own devices let them fall. Capture the wise by their own shrewdness and quickly thwart the advice of the cunning. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering the heartfelt cries of Your people. In Jesus’ All-Powerful Name we pray. Amen.

August 16, 2022

We ask that you release your hosts to reveal the corruption that America has been under. We ask in your mighty name that all demonic and evil practices, plans, schemes, lies and plots be shattered and brought to nothing. We ask that our enemies will be exposed to the fullest and not one thing will go uncovered. Let us stand together as a nation for Your Will and Heart to be done. Let us have boldness to speak up and speak your truth to those that are spiritually blinded. We also pray dear Lord that those that have been walking in the middle be shown the truth. Let their hearts be circumcised and softened to what is right, just, moral and truth. We pray for President Trump and his family that your spirit will cover him like a blanket and protect and prepare him for what you have ordained for him. We ask this and are standing firm in believing that you are laughing at our enemies because we already won. Let us walk in the confidence of this victory. Amen

Joy Whipp
August 16, 2022

The surprise (stealing our votes) is how long this has all been known to go on in one form or another. As a young hopeful and fully naive woman I volunteered to be a “poll watcher” in the Chicago area. What a joke. There was the “keep the watcher busy talking” distraction move, or “tell the watcher the sad story of voters life while handing them the envelop of cash”. Somehow I was able to write down what I saw and my observations made it anonymously into the Chicago Times. The only “feel good” out of that whole experience.

I chose to vote every time it comes up but have KNOWN all these years it is a joke. Living in WA State is a constant reminder of that fact.

[email protected]

August 16, 2022

The FBI and DOJ higher ups are corrupted by the establishment part of the democratic party. It is incredible what they have done to Conservatives, Christian Americans and President Trump. If you do not agree with the liberals, they will do their best to destroy you. It is like what happened with the gestapo of Hitler’s Germany. We need to pray that the FBI and DOJ are cleaned up so this does not happen to America.
God Bless us all!

    Kathy S
    August 16, 2022

    Not just the Democrat party, but also the entrenched rhinos in the Republican Party as well. Corruption in every branch of government and through the whole bureaucracy in DC. Lord we pray for both houses to be cleaned out. Father send a Holy Ghost powered cleaning squadron to every office of every department in DC.

August 16, 2022

Let us pray for a out pouring of the Holy Spirit for salvation.
That is the only sure hope.
Let us pray that as many see all the evil, they will turn to the Lord

Geraldine Randolph
August 16, 2022

God have mercy

Janet Semones
August 16, 2022

Almighty God, we know this administration has been selling out to China for a long time, and we know this is a result of the wicked, dark hearts of men. I pray you will defeat every scheme of China’s leaders and remove any leaders from U.S. positions in all branches of government that do not have the best interest of the American people at heart. I pray you will bring justice, righteousness, and integrity to all branches of government. I pray for revival in the land. Open the eyes of those who refuse to listen and to see what is actually happening in our nation and in the world, and restore spiritual sight to the blind. In the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Daniel Druk
August 16, 2022

I believe that all of this is happening so that the evil doers will gather together and after they gather together, God will deal with this. This is my belief and I have faith that God is in total control and will deliver us in an instant from these evil doers who are attempting to take total control of the Godly people of this world. Please everyone, don’t hold back. Please speak the truth with boldness. God is for us. For we are the chosen ones who God put on this earth at exactly this time. Never stop hoping. Never stop believing, Never stop thanking God for your place on earth at exactly this time. God save America and the good people of this world from all evil. We pray this in the holy name of Jesus, Amen.

August 16, 2022

What would u expect from the corrupt FBI? They have proven, they are the enemy of the working American middle class,period. Lord protect those who have exposed this evil.

Joyce Swingle
August 16, 2022

Praying for the Lord’s justice. Will not the Judge of all the earth do rightly!

August 16, 2022

This is a very profound and disturbing development.First of all, we need to protect our propietary information. Cyber security is of the utmost importance. The FBI’s reaction to Gregg and Catherine is appalling. I ask the Lord to put a supernatural hedge of protection around both of these brave patriots. I also pray that the truth would be revealed, and dealt with appropriately by our government. In Jesus’ name.

Jannai Washington
August 16, 2022

Father, I want to thank you for exposing the depth of the level of corruption in our nation’s government. I confess, in the past I have been ignorant of Satan’s devices because I have been too distracted to see; therefore, I have failed to partner with Holy Spirit to pray your will in the earth. Have mercy Lord, have mercy.
Father, protect the individuals who have discovered this fallacy and bring to justice all the players involved in our nations descent. Let the wisdom of God lead them and let them be used as a tool in the hand of the Lord.
Lord we need you. If you don’t save us, we will not be saved. Lord, continue to raise up a generation of people who will stand for righteous and will not cower down for fear. Be their strength, shield, and rear guard. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Dona Schmidt
August 16, 2022

Father, You know how the secular media calls this news to be false. Yet we believe that You will bring out the truth, that someone in the fbi will have God given courage and righteousness to pursue this truth and nothing will stop it from coming forth and bringing righteous results. Father, Your Word says that You hate differing weights. False balance so I believe You will bring out this truth and nothing will stop what Your purposes are and it will be fulfilled . We align ourselves to You! I bless You Lord for those who have done this investigation, for Your Spirit in them leading them to the fraud that took p,ace, protect them and may their work not be in vain. Ministering angels, warring angels break down the idolatry of false balances. Let us see victory Lord Jesus.

August 16, 2022

God can make a way where there seems to be no way! Lord, help us, vindicate your innocent people and let the guilty ones receive their due recompense, we pray in Jesus name, AMEN!!

Joyce Neeley
August 16, 2022

Is. 52:10
“The Lord will lay bare HIS HOLY ARM in the sight of all the nations, and ALL the ends of the earth will see the salvation of OUR GOD.”

Velma Gonzales
August 16, 2022

Pray 🙏 for ✌️all over the world.

Kathryn Jennings
August 16, 2022

We who have the insight to ACT through Prayer for all issues of evil, Must Also take a solid active role in being the example of change by participating through our presence at poles and where ever we Must to ensure that we will Not Allow corruption. Remember, the Righteous taketh…Taketh by force. Sometimes this is a Literal Action. NOW Is the Time for All of us to be Active. Praying that we Unify to ACT! Grandparentsarise.com

August 16, 2022

The FBI is the American Gestapo and it is being exposed every day for what it is. Left unchecked, they would drive us to Babi Yar and deal with us the old fashioned way.

August 16, 2022

The Lord will not let wickedness go unpunished. The truth will reign supreme. In Jesus’ name.

Jack and Donna Cornell
August 16, 2022

Don’t send me information that is NOT what you are titling it to be! WHERE IS THE ARTICLE OF ‘PROOF’????
What is wrong with you!

    August 16, 2022

    Direct your anger at the right target.
    Don’t shoot the messenger.

    Karla Streng
    August 16, 2022

    I know this is a prayer line so please forgive me… There are many places where this information has been out yesterday on the Internet and then just “disappeared”… Wiped clean by the powers bent on deception and destruction. Father, open our eyes to the truth, Shine light on what is hiding in the darkness and on those who are trying to prevent this information getting out! Expose the evil! I asked this in Jesus name, Amen

    August 16, 2022

    your trollness is shown in no reply

    August 18, 2022

    ????? Do your own research Jack and Donna and let us know what you come up with in JESUS NAME!

August 16, 2022

Lord, knowing that no one opens their doors at night until they first turn on the lights to fully luminate the area, TURN ON YOUR FLOODLIGHTS! Reveal those things that are hidden and make YOUR righteousness breakforth like the dawn. Cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness and in Your judgment, remember mercy. You know the hearts of men. Bring justice to the evil ones who schemed and plotted against us, and have mercy on those truly hemmed in by their fear of the enemy. Give them courage to stand, blow the trumpet of truth, and confess their weakness while at the same time revealing the plans and purposes of the enemy. It is written:
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
Romans 12:19 NIV

We trust and praise You LORD for what You are doing because it is You and You alone who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Amen and AMEN!

August 16, 2022

God, I ask you to reveal who in America is compromised with the CCP! Not only reveal that, but as you said in your word, we cry to You as Christians and ask You to remove them and all of the wicked from every level of leadership position in America. I pray angels will remove them and that those who love You will replace those evil workers of iniquity in America. Let there be Godliness in America again. Let Christianity reign in America again. Praying for a Great Awakening and a turnaround in the 2020 STOLEN Election, Lord! Please don’t let the wicked rule over the righteous in Jesus name, amen!!!

John H. Rapp
August 16, 2022

I’m not surprised that the election worker info was found on a Chinese server. If they keep looking, hopefully they will also find data on all the counties in the US, and the 2010 census records for each county, from which the voting machines in the 2020 election were rigged over the internet. Over 60% of it was from IP addresses in China. This is from captured data, presented last August. Let’s keep praying that more corruption will be exposed and also prosecuted, that the ways of the wicked will be thwarted (Psalm 146:9), that those who fear God would be strengthened and given much wisdom, and that the unrepentant would be removed from office. God has done great things against powerful forces in the past – let’s seek His face, with fasting, for Him to show Himself strong, that His name would be exalted.

Deloris Cole
August 16, 2022

This is kind of scary to me. I worked the polls for 20 years. I know how much the group tried to maintain the integrity of the vote.

It amazed me when the fraud came out. It’s grieved my heart.

    August 16, 2022

    God himself favored America, because we chose Him, and we protected Israel. Thank you for serving, let not your heart be troubled… His hand will move on our behalf. He is not finished with America yet, or with us. Have found Julie Green on Rumble or Juliegreenministries to be an encouragement. God is faithful, He will hold us, defend and protect us! Peace over you all.

Angela Osipuk
August 16, 2022


Lola F Pierce
August 16, 2022

The Holy Spirit is a Preformer of The Word Of God-The Bible -On His own -He is an investigative reporter-that explains why -What is done in darkness is always brought to the light -We Love You -Holy Spirit-AMEN

August 16, 2022

Heavenly Father, our hearts are broken over what has happened to our country. Please forgive us for not humbling ourselves before You and giving You the praise, honor, respect, and glory You deserve.

We ask for Your help, Your power, Your mercy and grace in our plight. Father, our country has been taken over by those seeking its destruction. Those seeking absolute control and removing the freedoms You give us at birth.

Lord, we ask in the mighty name of Jesus for Your intervention in all these matters, bring out all truth, hold accountable every soul who has worked to purposely destroy America. Please restore to this land the bounties of a country that puts You first in all things. May we return to You with every fiber of our beings, restore to us the years the locusts have eaten, and more importantly we ask that souls be won for Your glory, that people would see the eternal significance of accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Thank you for hearing this prayer, and for Your love.

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

August 15, 2022



The above just happens to be the prayer for day 5 of “Hold the Line’s” 30 days of prayer for America. Please join me in praying a fortified hedge of protection, extra measures of wisdom & courage for Catherine, Gregg and many others.

PRAY PRAY PRAY for our precious country!!!

    August 16, 2022

    Can you provide a link to the 30 days of prayer notices?

      August 16, 2022

      [email protected]

      Sean has been worshipping & sharing JESUS from coast to coast since the early days of the pandemic. He & his “Let us Worship/Hold the Line” gatherings praise & look to the ONLY ONE Who can intervene, heal & help us out of this mess. After this designated 30 days of prayer he’ll/they’ll be gathering in Washington on Sept 11th.

      If that link doesn’t work for you, please let me know ok?

Marta Gallegos
August 15, 2022

Very troubling but does not surprise me When a presidential candidate campaigns from a basement? When biden stated his policies on the presidential debates he did say what some were . BUT the most telling one was he got more votes thlen Obama? I have left comments on some social media that biden sold his soul to the devil (china) LETS KEEP PRAYING for our Rep Representatives to grow a spine And to serve WE THE PEOPLE CHRIST JESUS IS LORD AMEN

August 15, 2022

This goes along with credible research by Sydney Powell, Mile Lindell and others. Pray, and also watch M Lindell’s Moment of Truth Summit this weekend. Jim & Merry in China

    Nelson Lazear
    August 16, 2022

    Sadly there is no effort to pull all of those individual silos together. Lindell’s work showed votes being changed, in China and elsewhere and produced actual numbers that demonstrated the “real” tally and more. The lack of response by governments demonstrates just how lost we really are.


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