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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray that Your will would be done on our Supreme Court and Your kingdom come in our nation.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

President Biden has nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become a Supreme Court Justice. An IFA intercessor saw a judge who looks like her in a vision, even before Justice Breyer’s retirement was announced. Here’s what happened:

Terri attended an IFA event where President/CEO Dave Kubal shared about the efforts IFA led with the Dobbs Supreme Court case on abortion, which we expect to be decided by June. He shared about the Amicus Brief and 50 Days of Prayer. He shared that we know of no other Supreme Court brief that included prayer and the names of intercessors. We also know of no other prayer effort that focused on praying for justices, and their clerks, by name–not for one day but for 50 days.

While Dave spoke, Terri prayed with her eyes closed. As she prayed, she had a vision of the head and shoulders of 3 figures in black justice robes. She could see the face of only one–a Black woman. This woman had dust particles in front of her eyes. Then a hand came up from the left and flicked the dust particles away.

The vision ended and Terri asked the Lord what it meant. Terri’s next thought was to pray for this woman, that the dust would be removed and that she could see.

A few hours later that day the announcement came out that Justice Breyer was retiring and that President Biden will be picking a Black woman to replace him.

We reached out to Terri about Justice Jackson–she said that the woman she saw in her vision had very similar eyes to Justice Jackson.

Intercessors, this continues to be our assignment: pray for Justice Jackson, whom President Biden has nominated to the Supreme Court at this time. Pray that any dust before her eyes will be flicked away so that she will see clearly about the Constitution and our laws.

Pray through a research memorandum on Judge Jackson prepared by Judicial Action Group: Click HERE.

From Politico: President Joe Biden has selected D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as his nominee to succeed retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, making history by picking a Black woman for the nation’s highest court, the White House announced Friday.

In a message posted on Twitter, Biden called Jackson “one of our nation’s brightest legal minds” and he said she “will be an exceptional Justice.”

Jackson, 51, was long considered the leading contender for the post, particularly after Biden elevated her last year from the trial court bench to the appeals court seen as second in power only to the Supreme Court.

Jackson is popular with liberal legal activists looking to replace Breyer with a justice willing to engage in ideological combat with the court’s conservatives, who now hold a formidable six-justice majority.


However, the White House moved quickly to shore up Jackson’s right flank by emphasizing her ties to law enforcement.

“Because of her diverse and broad public service, Judge Jackson has a unique appreciation of how critical it is for the justice system to be fair and impartial. With multiple law enforcement officials in her family, she also has a personal understanding of the stakes of the legal system,” a posting on the White House website said. CNN broke the news first earlier Friday morning, and several other news outlets, including POLITICO, quickly confirmed that Jackson was the pick before the White House released its official statement online…

Among Jackson’s selling points with left-leaning lawyers: In 2019, she authored an unsparing opinion rejecting former President Donald Trump’s sweeping claims of executive privilege in the House’s investigation into Trump’s dealings with Ukraine.

“Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings,” Jackson wrote, as she ruled against the Justice Department’s argument that Trump White House counsel Don McGahn was free to ignore a House subpoena at Trump’s direction.

And just two months ago, Jackson joined in a momentous D.C. Circuit decision that turned down Trump’s effort to block his White House records from being disclosed to a House committee investigating the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021…

Some conservatives and moderates hoped that, if Biden was choosing from the three women widely seen as finalists, he would pick Childs. At least one prominent senator expressed strong disappointment Friday after word emerged that Jackson would get the nod.

“If media reports are accurate, and Judge Jackson has been chosen as the Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Breyer, it means the radical Left has won President Biden over yet again,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) wrote on Twitter before the nomination was officially announced by the White House. “The attacks by the Left on Judge Childs from South Carolina apparently worked…”

Jackson is likely to face questions during the Supreme Court confirmation process about her rulings as a trial judge that have been overturned by the D.C. Circuit, including her decision rejecting a Trump attempt to fast-track deportations and executive orders limiting the power of government unions.

Jackson’s confirmation is considered highly likely, since any nominee put forward by Biden can be confirmed in the evenly-divided Senate with 50 Democratic votes and a tie-breaker from Vice President Kamala Harris, even if no Republicans go along.

While Supreme Court confirmation battles have become highly partisan affairs in recent decades, there is some prospect of a bipartisan vote for Jackson based on the GOP votes she won last year.

One potential selling point for Jackson with Republicans: Her family ties to former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan. Her husband’s twin is Ryan’s brother-in-law, and as a member of Congress, Ryan testified in support of her nomination to the district court.

What do you think of the new circuit court member? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from Politico. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Darlene Estlow
July 4, 2022

Father, we lift Justice Jackson up to you. We ask you to work in her life, show her her need for you as Lord and Savior.

Sue Tracy
July 2, 2022

Lord we humbly ask you to do for us what we can not. Thy will be done Lord that your name may be glorified. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. Protect and guide our nation for you are our Supreme Ruler; we look to you for Your leadership concerning our judges and justices.

Gregory Kaski
July 2, 2022

Interesting. Before reading this prophecy I was praying for Jackson and felt led to pray off any blindness over her sight and break off any spells or curses over her. Also, that the Lord would give her a supernatural encounter and awareness of heaven and hell, for lasting sobriety with respect to justice and judgment and a fear of the Lord with respect to her rulings. Let it be Lord that Ketanji Brown Jackson receives a grace to live in repentance to transformation and breakthrough and may her eyes be open to the tricks and traps of the enemy with respect to the words we speak and their power over others. Give her good and righteous counsel and humility to discern what is godly in her decisions. May it be that regeneration works in her heart and mind as needed for heaven’s work through her here in America. Praying for her repentance to holiness and truth. Bless Ketanji Brown Jackson with new sight together with grace, mercy, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and the fear of the Lord! Amen!

April 8, 2022

I think we need to continue to pray for her. We should not be so rude as to make her believe that anything we want to present will be contentious and vindictive. She may rule impartially in her cases . God help her rule righteously.

Jon Williams
March 7, 2022

Look for the democrats to drag this appointment out until Senator Lujan(D) from New Mexico can get back to work. He recently had a stroke. Not sure what his medical status is now or when he’ll be back. Without him, a vote along party lines would give republicans a majority and a win.

March 4, 2022

Another political appointee with a Pharisee spirit no doubt…nothing new under the sun (Progressivism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Activism aka Phariseeism) But G-D as in the case of Saul (Paul the rabid Pharisee) who had a ‘Damascus road’ encounter with the Risen LORD and the conversion of Saul. “And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” (Acts 9:3-4).

So LORD G-D we pray the scales will fall off the eyes of not just this Supreme Court ‘nominee’ but every single one of these persecutory left leaning Democrats & Demagogue.

Skye Alison
February 28, 2022

Reading the Judge’s statements and positions, I see nothing at all ‘remarkable’ here – only the same kinds of things we have received at the hands of liberal justices! Now it certainly would be remarkable if this judge had the sand flicked away so as to see clearly the issues on abortion, marriage, sexuality, etc. She has a great smile, but this is not a Justice I would choose to adjudicate a particular moral or freedom of religion issue if I were a defendant in a court case.

February 27, 2022

Because of family ties, Paul Ryan’s endorsement would be expected, and not really expected to mean much.

February 27, 2022

I am a new monthly ministry partner. My first thought was where is this article coming from with a title like “The Remarkable Story….
Sometimes God gives us what we ask for to teach us a lesson. Will we continue to pray for people that are not for Him?
Or pray God’s will to be done when He’s given us the Authority on earth to be the Church and take the keys? I’m concerned with this article as a monthly partner. I’ll do more research. May have to reconsider.

February 27, 2022

As a note, I see that a portion of this article was written by or contributed to by Politico. That is most certainly reflected by some of content. Politico, even though it’s supposed to be neutral, rarely comes off that way. And it’s easy to see that “twinge” in this article. (perhaps be more careful IFA, regarding who comes into the henhouse for information or opinion?)
I don’t see any real “plus factors” with this judge. She most certainly doesn’t stand in protection of all life, born or unborn and her many other decisions are more akin to her ideology, not the law “as written”. She has a real bent towards ensuring the “equality laws” are not necessarily enforced but interpreted from a certain viewpoint. (that’s not neutrality – it’s opinion based on her personal viewpoint. Viewpoints often have little to do with existing laws as written) Contrary to what many people believe or have been “coached to believe” {by the media, etc }, the law must be interpreted NOT on how a culture is shifting and not on a person’s own moral compass or lack thereof. It’s a dangerous judge that makes decisions based only on their personal or influenced ideology, belief system and their own experience or mindset. That usually means they often exclude the framers, their intent of why & how the Constitution was established and as many judges today do too often…. leave behind prior judicial wisdom/decisions based on what is best for a nation. In other words, quit trying to make or establish laws that buckle to 10% of the people (population) who put pressure on the court system. Way too many judges, such as this nominee, express their desire to be “trail blazers” instead of ” supporting the law as already written”. Their legacy becomes more important than the role they have been placed in – to ‘uphold the law’ through decisions they must make.
Whenever a judge is nominated, by someone, based on fulfilling a promise that NEVER should have been made, it’s a recipe for problems that are avoidable. And that is what we are looking at here.

February 27, 2022

As I read about Judge Jackson, the Holy Spirit placed on my heart that God can work with her. I am typically like a lot posters here that anyone on the left is evil. I have a close Christian friend who over many months we discussed the evils of our current president. She could only point to how vile Trump was (I didn’t take the bait) and after we prayed this past Friday she said the Holy Spirit told her Joe Biden and Harris are evil. She was very disturbed by what the Spirit showed her. My friend’s change and statement were remarkable, as if the dust had been lifted from her eyes. The evil one’s influence can blind all – including believers and his main goal to intimidate and keep anyone from God’s truth. It amazes me that Pontius Pilot asked Jesus what is truth. God allowed Pilot to be so blind to the fact that Truth was standing in front of him. I am and will continue to pray for this women, the Senate that God shows them the path they should take. In the end I will accept God’s will and continue to be an intercessor for our people and this country.

    Jessica Renshaw
    February 27, 2022

    Amen: GOD CAN WORK WITH HER through our prayers that the dust of deception be removed from her eyes and heart!

C and C Nelson
February 27, 2022

Well, it’s not a good pick. Biden did what he said he would – picked according to race & gender as he said he would. Sadly, this judge isn’t deemed to be the “most qualified” but this administration doesn’t care about qualifications…. only in a way that suits their radical agenda. If qualifications were important – if that was actually the case, then Biden surely wouldn’t be president. But that’s an entirely different discussion that involves more than “qualifications”.
She is an activist judge. Let’s understand that fact. She does not value life because if she did, she would protect unborn children. Her track record says taking the side of PP and other “pro-choice” (pro-death) organizations is important to her, at this time, and more so than equal rights for “all lives”.
As far as relational connection to Ryan, I wouldn’t say that’s a “plus”. Sorry if this offends some people but Ryan was not a conservative. He talked a good game. He maybe a believer (?) but his voting record says he’s a RINO. When push came to shove, Ryan was a waffler.
God can change anyone’s heart. I pray that He will miraculously intervene in her life and remove the blindness from her life.

    Jessica Renshaw
    February 27, 2022

    >God can change anyone’s heart. I pray that He will miraculously intervene in her life and remove the blindness from her life.< We should all pray this! Weren't we all, every one of us, at one time in our life, "blind" before God gave us spiritual life and sight? Pray she will become a formidable force for TRUTH on the Supreme Court!

Thedore Trampe
February 27, 2022

This lady is just another member of the far-left that Joe Biden has promoted. To get an idea of her views, all you have to do is look at groups that praise her: Planned Parenthood, NOW, NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Southern Poverty Law Center. She is radically pro-abortion. To say her story is “remarkable” is a sad joke..

Rev. Ramona Stonecipher
February 26, 2022

I am very disappointed. This Judge is so political! She hates President Trump. She speaks out against pro-life people. She’s an advocate for Abortion. I can only guess of the endless damage she would do in regard to our Constitution! She’s the enemy. Period. I suggest that we pray for her salvation. Anyone can say , “Thank you God” in front of an audience, as she did in her speech of acceptance to President Biden. But making a reference to God and ‘walking with God’ is two very different things! And Ms Jackson has fooled no one. It is my prayer, that God provides a way to block this nomination! I pray, that if she does come up for a vote, that God will move Democrats hearts and minds, and they will do the right things and vote NO!
I pray that if there is a Christian among them, that God will put them on their knees, and make them see ‘spiritually’ through His eyes, the horror this woman would do if she were placed on the highest Court of our land. I pray Father that You wake up Your Church – that You ‘shake’ those who profess to call You Lord, but deny You, and Your Commandments, because they fear those in power over them. Pelosi, Schumer, the liberals already on the Court, carry a big stick! God’s stick is bigger! I pray we saints, His Army, stands up and says, “Enough is Enough!” We pay for God’s help – what if God chooses you to be that help!!! Me to be tagged for that help! Have we forgotten the ‘POWER OF ONE’! The ground is level under the Cross. Let’s do something about this whole mess!!!

Ray Bowen
February 26, 2022

I have never known or heard of a lemon picking anything but another lemon.
However, I do know God specializes in making good lemonade.

Herb Johnston
February 26, 2022

We do not have a 6 judge majority- Roberts ia evasive-, and non- commital..basically having deceived evangelicals at the beginning of his nomination , posing as a conservative..remember also..he
went to that island.
We Do have a 5 judge majority.

Lord I pray in Jesus name that in your vision, that you gave Terri, will in fact come to fruition as reality, Lord,and as we lift up toYou, this nomination to You, Lord,- I ask Lord that you would move in Justice Jackson’s heart mind and soul mightily and deeply, Lord, that the dust would be removed from her eyes as you gave the vision to Terri-, Lord and that our land can be guided in Godly jurisprudence and our system could be healed and the hearts and minds of all those who come into contact with her judging Lord,..witness the glory of your hand moving ,Lord.. in Jesus mighty Name..Amen

Joseph Cristel
February 26, 2022

Why do we constantly pawn the selection of our officials off on God? He said for US to have dominion over the forces on this earth. Yet we assume that if Biden’s choice gets confirmed it must be God’s will. Really? Maybe we just dropped the ball.
Last thought. Why do we constantly acquiesce to accepting a bad choice on the belief that God can “fix” them later when they’re in office? That’s nonsensical. Did God make Saul an apostle first and then get him converted later? Would you hire an anti capitalist socialist to run Chrysler instead of Lee Iacocca in hopes that he would turn into an Elon Musk? Evidently, that’s how a lot of us pray. Light has no fellowship with darkness. Don’t settle for anything less than God’s standard of righteousness. He demands it of YOU….You demand it of THEM! Lord, take the dust out of our eyes that we may see with the clarity that you see with.

February 26, 2022

If we believe in the Sovereignty of God as the Supreme Judge and the orchestrator of all events in a nation, we must allow the process to go through. No matter who controls Whitehouse, Congress, Senate and the Supreme Court, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST REIGNS SUPREME. HE IS THE ONE WHO SAID, “ALL POWERS AND AUTHRORITES GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH.”

Jennipher Williams
February 26, 2022

“…the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought…” Romans 8:26
Like with the situation in Ukraine, I don’t know the mind of Christ or the will of God in that situation or regarding JB’s nomination of this judge. Therefore, because I am filled with Holy Spirit, I am authorized by the King of kings to just pray in tongues about all of it which ALWAYS prays the will of God perfectly. Not only does this bypass any biases, wrong assessments or preconceived notions I may have, but it’s a straight “hot line” to Heaven leaving the kindgom of darkness absolutely clueless of what God is up to. (I love it!)

    Carol Vigo
    February 26, 2022

    I’m so sorry! I hit report comment unintentionally. 🙏

February 26, 2022

The BLM was a very huge voice in the choice of Jackson. She is not a friend of
America and Americas true values !!!

Robert L. Kahlcke
February 26, 2022


Linda Jenkins
February 26, 2022

According to Alan Dershowitz, a VP is only allowed a tiebreaker vote if it’s on legislation, not for appointing any kind of judges. If it comes to this & the VP does a tiebreaker it is illegal. My prayer is that if this nominee is approved she will hear all the facts presented supporting medical science proving a fetus is a live human being.

Stella Reynolds
February 26, 2022

I pray for the will of God, and if Judge Jackson is His in His will, I pray that the magnitude that she is to become will weigh in her heart and will cause her to search God to guide her in her decisions!

Lois Wilma Griesser
February 26, 2022

I have NO knowledge of the Supreme Court nominee. However, when praying a few weeks ago, I felt led to pray that whoever Biden chose would be God’s choice because only God is able to see the heart. I prayed that she would have a defining moment with the Holy Spirit and be born again. I prayed that God would bring repentance in her heart for any area that was not in agreement with the Word of God, the Bible.
I definitely felt the prayer was anointed by the Holy Spirit.

    Melissa Bolger
    February 26, 2022

    I had the same prayer a few weeks ago by Holy Spirit. Interesting…

TC Price
February 26, 2022

You almost had my vote.
Right up until you mentioned as a selling point to Republicans her close family ties to Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan??

I will never forget the mess that self centered scoundrel caused while a member of Congress.

As far as a political friend, associate, or crony of Paul Ryan being nominated by Joe Biden and the Democrats for Supreme Court Justice?
No thank you.

Ruth Cannedy
February 26, 2022

Maybe she will realize how many African Americans have been aborted and have a change of heart.

    February 26, 2022

    I doubt it. She doesn’t care for black people just because she is black. Blacks are the largest group to be aborted. She knows that yet is a staunch defendant of murdering tiny innocent humans. It got her rich, so that’s all she and the Liar in Chief (Biden crime family) care about. They are not concerned with anyone but themselves and their deviant offspring.

      Jessica Renshaw
      February 27, 2022

      God can change hearts. He does it all the time. He changed mine. Pray for God’s love to take Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s heart captive and soften it, turn it to love and serve Him. Our Lord Jesus gave His life for this woman and has a purpose for her that may supersede Joe Biden’s purpose in nominating her!

Toni Kushner
February 26, 2022

I don’t know the will of God for our next justice, but I do know that Isaiah 55: 8-13 tells us His ways or His thoughts are not ours and so whatever the pick I will trust in His leading in how to be faithful to Him even when it does not meet my thoughts or even the prayers I would pray. We may as a Nation go through changes that will test the foundation of the Faith He has laid, but I have learned to fix my eyes on Him and trust the work He will do in me. The Scripture is true when it says we are but “jars of clay” and so even though I pray as the Spirit would lead I must not build a vision for our Nation on what I see or on what I want but on what I do not see. God has a pick for our next Justice and I will fix my eyes upon His and trust His outcome for me individually and for a Nation. May He bring us all closer to Him.

Scott Howard
February 26, 2022

Since I do not know anything about her, I simply pray that Yahovah’s will be done.

Cathy F Townsend
February 26, 2022

I agree. Before there was a selection for Supreme Court Justice, I thought I heard Holy Spirit say, ‘a dark horse’ is coming. I do NOT mean this as a pejorative. What I believe the Holy Spirit was saying is that this person would appear to be liberal but once functioning they would adjudicate as a Constitutional justice and we would be pleased with the selection. I submit this. I LIKE what her comments were. I listened to her whole speech.

    Nancy Berkey
    February 26, 2022

    I pray God purges her heart and soul to stand up for righteousness and to stand against any evil 5he Liberals will do. I. Jesus’ Name. Amen 🙏☦️

February 26, 2022

“Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
John 9:39
This women does not have dust in her eyes she is blind like our Lord Jesus Christ said. And IFA seems to heading in that direction. We pray that this women’s nomination is defeated and that she accepts Christ as her savior. Nothing else.

Alice King
February 26, 2022

Lord, you see the beginning from the end and most of all you see the heart. In the Name of Jesus and in His mighty authority, I bind attempts of the enemy to use this Supreme Court nomination to further the agenda of liberal strongholds and to keep Roe V Wade and other pro-abortion laws intact. Lord, I release your truth about this nomination to those in the confirmation hearing. Lord, take the scales from their eyes and blinders from their minds. Lord prick their hearts to choose wisely. Lord, bring the person of your choice, a man or woman of integrity, truth and righteousness who has a heart for this Nation, for its founding documents and the people of this Nation (Deut 16:18). Lord, we give you praise, honor and glory. We magnify your Holy Name, In Jesus Name, Amen

Paul W Berndt
February 26, 2022

I can’t believe that iFA would take any other position than encouraging Christians, who are supposed to know God’s standards of righteousness, to pray that this nomination is defeated and that the defeat is strong. But alas you are showing that IFA is willing to play with the politics of riding the fence!

    Toni Kushner
    February 26, 2022

    My prayer is that God’s will be done. If this is His will then we should ask the Lord how do we pray and live our lives being faithful to Him and to His Word. I don’t know the will or the purposes for God, but I do trust His leading and His interaction for this Nation. Isaiah 55: 8-13 addresses this understanding and in the end we will go forth in joy, because the Lord is with us. The one thing I have learned about the work of God in my life is that we are but “jars of clay”, but even in the adversity of life He is Sovereign, so whatever the direction of His will in a pick for a Justice I know I can trust this even if it brings challenge to the foundation of Faith He has laid. He is God and no justice will change this belief for me. Our call is to pray for His will and trust Him for how it will effect us as His Children, learning to view our future not with temporal eyes, but with an eternal vision. May His will be done for our Nation and for the lives of all who follow Him.

Sandra Chank
February 26, 2022

Praying that God will intervene to prevent her confirmation. She has been a pro abortion activist in her past. Protect the unborn, Lord. Praying the scales will fall from her eyes, and she will reverse course and be a pro life advocate. In Jesus name I pray…Amen

Rev. K. J. Winnie
February 26, 2022

Comprised is real strong in politics & we need to pray God’s will be done even if it goes against our own thinking & believe, politically speaking!

February 26, 2022

This vision should be tested.
The days are full of deception, we need to be very wise and discerning.
Even Terri said ” she had very similar eyes to Justice Jackson.”
I just think there’s room for caution here.

Reba Muni
February 26, 2022

One more avenue for them to go after Trump. More evil in the highest court in the land. This Supreme court has not boded well for Conservatives , GOD or our Constitution. Ryan and Graham are RINOS. WE NEED TERM LIMITS, FOR ALL GOVT LEADERS INCLUDING JUSTICES. It’s in my opinion, deep state corruption runs in some of the Supreme Court Justices. It’s becoming more and more difficult to believe in justice and integrity in our government leaders.

God almighty help us. Expose the truth. To GOD be all the glory !

February 26, 2022

She’s probably abortion!!

Ellen Smith
February 26, 2022

Disappointed in this article, no facts stated, very little on her beliefs and just one persons “vision”. I will continue to pray that the “best choice” regardless of race is chosen

February 26, 2022

Weeks ago, during our weekly intercessory group prayer, the vision of a Trojan horse came up. We have been praying with this in mind since..
Father, we praise you for being who you are! You are the Lord of ALL, NOTHING is impossible for you. You know every hidden thing going on in our country right now, but You are UNCOVERING all, even the true heart of your people!…Although some are overwhelmed by the wicked plans of the enemy, we see your sovereignty at work…we see the glory coming..so Father we thank you that what the enemy thinks will work for them will be turned to their demise!!! Lord , we thank you for the Trojan horse you will be placing in strategic places..including the Supreme Court! …If YOU are for us, Lord , none can stand against us…. YOU have our rear guard!! We thank you Lord in the mighty name of Jesus!

February 26, 2022

Did not see any information regarding her stance on abortion???

    Sandra Chank
    February 26, 2022

    Read an article on You tube saying she was a pro abortion activist before coming to court. Pray that God reveals truth to her and she reverses course. With God, nothing is impossible

    Jessica Renshaw
    February 27, 2022

    At this point she is pro-abortion and has expressed that in many ways. She is not a friend of the unborn. But many Christians are getting impressions in their prayers for wisdom about this choice that God will use our prayers to change that, to remove the blindness she has to the life and value of the unborn! Rather than criticize or condemn–pray, pray, pray that if she wins the nomination to the Supreme Court, God will do a new thing in Judge Jackson’s heart and make her a powerful defender of the unborn!

February 26, 2022

Started concentrated prayer for Ketanji Brown Jackson upon nomination yesterday. I am still praying for each Justice on SCOTUS daily by name. May they each have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Father God and be guided by Holy Spirit.

Donna Apperson
February 26, 2022

Well I don’t agree with her views, but God knew she would be chosen. I am confident in Him who turns everything for our good for those who love Him who are called according to His purpose. I know our Father has a plan that will reveal His glory in the process. I am confident in Him because of His character & nature.

Lori Meed
February 26, 2022

Father we ask that you give us judges as at first, ones who rule according to the constitution. We know that even what appears to be a coup by the left, is watched over by Your wisdom and Your providence. Your hand is upon her, and we ask that she would not turn to the left, nor the right but hear Your voice saying, This is the way, walk in it!

Linda Dickman
February 26, 2022

Only God knows the game plan. What I can do is pray.

Patricia Bogan
February 26, 2022

Unfortunately, Jackson is just another Biden move to the far left. A quote I saw earlier, was that Jackson would make Sotomayor look like S. Palin. That is a disturbing thought knowing Sotomayor’s history on abortion, Covid etc. May Republicans & Democrats realize she should Not be on the Supreme Court! Ryan’s congrats are mute!
May Our Sovereign Lord change the hearts & minds of those in power. God … America needs you desperately!

Barbara Janicki
February 26, 2022

God is sovereign, He sets up kings and deposes them (Daniel), and that applies to judges as well. We pray for our leaders/judges etc. in obedience because God tells us to do so and leave the results to Him. Our prayers invite God into the situation, we have to trust that He is working His perfect will even if we don’t see the result we desire at the moment. God can use what men mean for their evil purposes to accomplish His always good and perfect and pleasing will. Prayers always that the eyes of the spiritually blind will be opened, like the eyes of this potential judge, Jackson – nothing is too hard for God. Prayers for all our leaders, that they will stop doing what is wrong and start doing what is right. God is the maker of our hearts, only He can change them. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

February 26, 2022

Oh gees! This is not what we need now. She must not be confirmed ! Find a way to block this, find a way. The good of our country depends on it.

Hershel S Houk
February 26, 2022

She is a danger to the USA. Her pro abortion ideals are discomforting. Biden himself is a huge disappointment in itself.
I am praying she will NOT be confirmed.

raleigh b Robertson
February 26, 2022

i want to see her true exposure concerning abortion, antifa and BLM, illegal immigration, CRT, transgenderism, how she stands on these issues will show if God is in her life. i willnot support anyone who will not expose the truth behind all the fake news about the fake vaccine and what it has already done to millions world wide and what is going to do in the coming years. i bet we will never hear about these issues because the sheep in america have fallen asleep and until they wake up they will not be addressed

    Sandra Chank
    February 26, 2022

    Praying that God pulls back the veil of deception and that all the enemies evil plans are revealed. Already, much HAS been revealed. Many who voted for Biden have regretted their decision. God is going before us. Thank you Father. Amen

Kelsie Goodwin
February 26, 2022

A few things:
1) Biden did not choose Ketanji Jackson. She was chosen by the people running our country and he was told to say that he chose her. Follow the Dark Money. Glenn Beck posted a video on this a few days ago. There was a campaign to get Breyer to retire and the same people sent her name to Biden. So it could mean that God revealed who the left chose.
2) The world in general has dust in their eyes and they don’t want to see. There are some who don’t and some who don’t have as much but not enough people are wanting to hear and know objective truth.
3) It could also mean that if the clearing came from the left it likely means that God will use the leftists sinful foolishness to clear the dust. Which may be painful for us who can see what is happening.
Father, I ask that you will clear the eyes of Ketanji Jackson and many others to see objective truth and know you. I pray that the forces of evil in our nation be disbanded and exposed and destroyed. Lord I pray for Weiss and Soros and other very powerful evil people who seek to subjugate your people that they will see you and know that you are God. Please turn our nation to you and forgive us for our sins and save us from evil. In Jesus name. Amen

Beverly Inchalik
February 26, 2022

I believe the use of race or gender as the sole criteria for nominees to the Supreme Court, or any other Public office is both unconstitutional and morally wrong. The record of Ms. Jackson’s decisions and their results should be the focus of her Senate confirmation hearings, vis a vis the vetting of Justice Clarence and Ms. Sotomayore (sic).


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