The Miracles That Saved Israel from Iran
The Spirit Behind Earth Day Revealed
Eyewitness Testimony From Israel Under Attack
U.S. Vetoes Palestinian State at U.N.
Israel Strikes Back at Iran
The Miracles That Saved Israel from Iran
The defense of Israel on Saturday, April 13, 2024 was statistically impossible. Professor of physics, Maximilian Abitbol, who is also an expert on the defense industry, demonstrated this:
I wanted to share something that is much more than a feeling. Something that comes from a real calculation: What happened in Israel on last Motzaei Shabbat was not less than the scale of the splitting of the Red Sea.
I am a Professor of physics and I worked for several years in the defense industry in Israel, in projects that are still the cutting edge technologies of the defence of the State of Israel. When I look at what happened on Motzai Shabbat, on a scientific level – it simply cannot happen!! Statistically.
The likelihood that everything, but really *Everything* works out, does not exist in complex systems.
Like the defense systems that were used to defend Israel from the massive Iranian attack. These systems have never, *but never*, not only in the State of Israel, been tried in real time!!
I took a pencil and dived into the calculations to check the statistic probability that such a result would materialize. The large number of events that had to be handled, when each missile or UAV is handled independently (that is, human error or some deviation of one operation, is not offset by other successful operations), compounds the chance of making a mistake. With all the high technologies, a breach was expected in the defense of the skies of the State of Israel. Even if we got 90% protection it would have been a miracle!!
What happened is that everyone, but everyone – the pilots, the systems operators and the technology operators acted as one man, at one moment in total unity. If this is not an act of G-d, then I no longer know what a miracle is.
It is Greater than the victory of the Six Day War or the War of Independence. Those wars can also be explained through natural events. BUT The rescue that took place for the people of Israel on Motzai Shabbat is simply impossible naturally.
I believe that this miracle saved the lives of many people from Israel. If the defense system had failed to intercept a number of cruise missiles, the result would have dragged us into a very complex war. I wouldn’t bet that next time it will work like this without Divine supervision. The simple proof of what I said is that the managers of the defense industries, who develop and manufacture these systems guarantee no more than 90% success! And we all saw, with our own eyes 99.9% !!! Thank You Hashem!!” M. Abitbol
Throughout the attack, intercessors all across the world were praying. The results are a proven miracle!
We also share this excerpt explaining how President Reagan’s foresight on the strategic defense initiative, although mocked and ridiculed, was the beginning of the incredible military defense we witnessed last weekend:
Allow me to identify who saved the people of Israel last weekend from Iran’s missile barrage: Ronald Reagan.
In 1983, President Reagan in a televised speech proposed what he called the Strategic Defense Initiative. Its core idea was that the U.S. would build defense systems that could shoot down nuclear-armed ballistic missiles …
Democrats and much of the defense establishment mocked the idea, with Sen. Ted Kennedy naming it “Star Wars.” Sen. Joe Biden summed up the opposition in a 1986 speech to the National Press Club:
“Star Wars represents a fundamental assault on the concepts … that have buttressed American security for several decades, and the president’s continued adherence to it constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.” …
No nation more quickly recognized the necessity of missile defenses than Israel … Within two years of Reagan’s announcement, Israel signed a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. to develop missile defenses. The fruits of that four-decade partnership couldn’t be clearer. …
Reagan’s experience with the Strategic Defense Initiative has lessons for the U.S. today, with the unmissable irony that ardent SDI foe Joe Biden is pocketing its political benefit this week.
Among the arguments against Reagan’s missile-defense plan was that it would “provoke a response” from the Soviets. SDI’s development got bogged down in the politics of arms-control negotiations between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. Reagan’s critics, including a virtual media consensus, said SDI would make our own nuclear-missile arsenal less vulnerable, increasing the Soviet Union’s incentive to launch a pre-emptive first strike. Reagan insisted he wasn’t trying to protect missiles but the U.S. population.
If we have learned anything the past three years, it is that Mr. Biden is saturated in the don’t-provoke-a-response school of foreign policy. …
By happenstance, the House Armed Services Committee held a hearing on U.S. missile defense Friday, hours before Iran launched its attack. The committee members, both Republicans and Democrats, had a prescient complaint, asking Pentagon officials about America’s underinvestment in its defense industrial base and why the Biden defense budget would cut some $400 million from the Missile Defense Agency. …
Mr. Biden deserves credit for helping Israel repel Iran’s missiles and drones. It’s clear, though, that the world has entered a new era of state-sponsored missile attacks—first Russia into Ukraine and now Iran’s swarmed assault on Israel. To meet that threat, Mr. Biden would have to admit Reagan was right.
Iran attacked. We prayed. God answered. Post a prayer of thanks in the comments!
(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Yoav Aziz on Unsplash)
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Dear God
We cannot thank you enough for the protection of your children. You have truly delivered us from evil. We pray that those who are blind to the truth that their eyes of understanding maybe opened. We thank you for leaving us or forsaking us.
Thank you Father of all fathers.
Amen and Amen
We give God the glory for protecting His people whom He’s never forgotten. He’ll continue to do so. Amen🙏🏾
Father we thank you for helping Israrl beat the odds, we thank you for the great technology .May Israel (and her enemies) never forget however that Israel’s safety; salvation, and victory is only in You, by your power because of your great faithfulmess to Your covenant nation. Thank you for being such a faithful God
Thank you Father for your protection of Israel. We praise you and humbly ask you to continue to protect the apple of your eye, Israel. Amen
O G-d, we give You the glory!! May all those fighting Israel awaken to the obvious that You have an eternal covenant with His chosen people and His Holy Land. Our prayer is for them to turn in repentance to seek Truth, Jesus (John 14:6, I John1:9). The Torah tells of enemies being sent against Israel and Judah because they lost their fear/reverence for and faith in You, the Mighty God who had delivered them from slavery and had given them their own land by defeating their enemies. The Jews returned as prophesied and will never again be driven out of Israel, but Americans are not Your chosen people with such a unique promise. Forgive us for our many ways of not abiding by Your statutes and for not acknowledging the consequences You are sending. We cry out for the hearts and minds of spiritual leaders to have an Isaiah 6 encounter with You in order to be purified for the coming spiritual battle. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen
God Bless Israel.
I praise you Lord for the protection of Israel! Amen!
✝️🙏What a THRILL to get to witness GOD’S MIGHTY HAND over Israel, PROTECTING her in the way He Has Promised! To God be our praise!!!! 🎉✝️🎉
HERE’S TO THE POWER OF OUR GOD!!!!! We will never stop praying for God’s Protection over Israel. ✝️🙏
Our Jehovah God is over all things. He reigns supreme! Now I pray that all of the evil against Israel will fall by God’s hand. Iran’s current leadership and Hamas need to be defeated for good. The hostages in Gaza need to be freed and united with their families. Thank God for His protection! Gos bless America!
Thank you Lord for protecting Israel. Please continue to guard them.
Now I pray for the fall of the evil tyranny of the theocratic Iranian regime by non-violent means and freedom for the Iranian people.
I pray for the freedom of the hostages in Gaza and the destruction of Hamas.
And, God bless America!
God is in control of everything!
I saved “One For Israel’s” teaching about what the Lord of Hosts means. His Name is Adonai Tzva’ot in Hebrew. The author concluded with this statement, which I love and have read so many times:
When we call our Heavenly Father the “Lord of Hosts”, there is so much in that name. Yes, there are the myriad armies of angels at His disposal, and yes, He is a warrior, mighty in battle, but He is also the conductor of the beautiful orchestra that is the entirety of all creation. Every atom, every molecule, moves in accordance with His purposes and at His command. He sustains everything by His powerful word.
Dear Lord and God Almighty, You are El Shaddai. You are Yahweh Elohim. You are El Elyon, El Gibor and Adonai Tzva’ot…You are undefinable. I believe EVERYTHING that has life breath and existence is sustained by Your Powerful Word. And I believe when we pray in accordance with Your will and purpose ALL things are possible. I pray You will guide each prayer offered from the countless who call You Father. I pray that You will continue to be Israel’s Iron Dome above and a wall of fire around every son and daughter, there and abroad. I pray the world will see miracles are Yours, Alone. May there be victory for Your people in this battle and every other battle seen and unseen, known and not yet known. I ask this and so very much more in the Name of Jesus Christ. He is Your Powerful Word who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, who walked among humanity, who was crucified, resurrected and who will return to avenge us who cry out to You day and night. Please increase our faith Lord. Amen
And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
Luke 18:7-8 The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Praise YOU Lord!! YOU are our hope and defense!
Praise our awesome God, who once again preserved His special people, Israel!
I watched the drones and missiles in the air on TBN! I prayed for Israel to be preserved, along with millions of other Christian believers, and God did the miracle of destroying the drones and missiles!
Thank You, our Awesome Lord God!
What a Miracle and in GOD’s timing. This is the best report I could have hoped for. It also brought fond memories of a better administration under President Reagan whose actions in this defense strategy were applied in such a critical time as this to help our great ally, Israel.
Lord we give you thanks for when the enemy will rise like a flood the Spirit of God will set a standard against it; by this you proved your sovereignty over all
Thank You for You alone is GOD
Thank you Abba for saving Israel
Father God, we thank you for your divine protection of Israel. We will continue to pray for Israel’s protection and for your healing hand upon their land and people.
In Jesus Mighty Name,
Hi. This letter was NOT written by Dr. Maximilian Abitbol from Oxford, rather it is a translation of a Hebrew letter written by Dr. ABITBOL MARC, the CEO of Visionix, that was sent to the rosh yeshiva of Shavei Hevron where his son studied and recently served in Gaza.
Here is an interview with Dr. Marc Mordechai Abitbol discussing the contents of the letter:
And here is the text of the original letter:
Thank you David for sending forth this important information
The Australian people Stand With Israel
Nothing Less than Total and Complete VICTORY
Father, we thank You and praise You for defending Your country, Israel, once again. Lord, we ask that You would continue such incredible results in favor of Israel and bring their entire population into Your kingdom.
Praise be to God!!! He is the God above all Gods!!! And He is able to do abundantly more than we can ask or think!!! He is the Lord of Hosts!!! And He is for us, so who can be against us!!! We trust and praise Him and worship and adore Him, the One who laid down His life for us to give us eternal life with Him and there is no god like Him, no god, nothing greater than Him!!! He is the God of all grace, our God of mercy and great is His faithfulness!!!
Praise God
The Lord of heaven’s armies is with us. The God of Jacob is our protection.
Ps 46:7
Thank you Almighty God that this strategy was effective 99.9%. Please continue Your divine help in this war
In Jesus Name
Thank You Father God for rescuing Israel from Iran’s attack last Saturday.
Thank You that this scientist proclaimed IT WAS A MIRACLE & HE HAD WORKED WITH DEFENSE SYSTEMS IN ISRAEL!
I am reminded on October 22, when the six shofars blew at the National Mall and on the steps of the White House where President Donald J. Trump introduced Amy Coney Barrett as the newest Supreme Court Justice was the exact same time at both places. That time was 5:04:33. It came to the attention that there were only six shofars at the celebration at the National Mall and the Word always told seven were needed. God reminded the people discussing this that Trump means Trumpet. There were indeed seven trumpets at 5 pm and 04 minutes and 33 seconds at both places. Our God is great!
The attack from Iran was indeed another miracle. When all the pilots, system operators, and technology operators acted as one man, at one moment in total unity, and saved Israel. The possibilities are that it wouldn’t happen, but it did. Again, it was the Hand of God that moved on behalf of Israel. Isaiah 11:12 tells us that God will step in and save Israel if they are overpowered. We serve an awesome God and He is GREAT!
When you see and hear the miracles you HAVE to believe in the God of this universe. When you see and hear those who attack Israel are going to pay. He says “I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse it.”. Thank you precious Jesus that we know you are in control and we can see your hand over Israel. I’m so thankful that we as Christians are grafted into the olive tree. We bless your name Oh Lord
Oh father, how we praise your name you and you alone have given the knowledge the technology to be able to protect your people I thank you also for your heavenly angels that cover your people in Israel and I want to just glorify you praise you thank you, Lord🙌🇳🇮❤️🩸
Lord God, your mighty arm was and always will be strong for Israel. We praise your name for hearing the prayers of millions and responding with such amazing protection for those in the air as well as those on the ground. We thank you for the proven statistics that all involved in Israel’s defense worked in one accord, a feat that defies the odds. We serve an awesome God who continues to reveal His awesome plan.
Thank you Lord God for defending Israel in real time, in an undeniable and practical way- yet totally impossibly supernaturally successful!! All glory to Your holy name Yeshua!!
So grateful to learn more about this amazing miracle! Praise be to God! Thank you IFA for getting this info. out-
May this troubled year be transformed by the love and power of the Holy Trinity into the year of the new great awakening. May the beginnings at Asbury, Auburn, and the University of Geogia spread like wildfire through our colleges and universities bringing countless young leaders into the service of the Living Lord.
May this Pentecost be full of signs and wonders so great that the secular media will be forced to report them. May they turn untold numbers of hearts and souls to you, Blessed Savior.
Abba, Father, God, thank you for protection for your people. Thank you that you showed up and showed off who you are and you have never left nor forsaken your people. We thank you for what you are doing and what you have done. We declare victory for your people. Israel is surrounded by your warring angels as are we. Protect America as well.
Thank you Lord for protecting Israel! Thank you for this miracle! Thank you for the countries that helped protect them! I pray for peace in the Middle East, and I pray all the hostages will be treated well and released soon – In Jesus Name – Amen!
ABBA we as a people are so grateful for YOUR hand of mercy over YOUR precious people of Israel. YOU by YOUR SPIRIT demonstrated the miraculous Power causing Iranian strikes to fail 99.9%-noted by this message a bonified impossibility with man….only by YAHWEH’S power. I was one who joined the synergy of believers trusting YOU show YOUR people YOUR LOVE. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU-we love YOU ABBA and Isreal.
Last Saturday I felt an urgent call in my spirit to join the IFA call to fast & to stay awake & pray. I felt like God was doing something big & I wanted to co-labor w/ Him as He did. Thank You, God, for completely delivering Israel, Your Chosen people, in Jesus’ name!
To God be all the glory and praise! Let us all remember that only You are able!
We must listen and obey to participate with your guidance and direction.
Thank you to all who are willing to obey, even when it seems to come at a great risk.
Thank you Lord for your miraculous protection and provision against all odds in the natural. YOU are still the God of miracles.
Thank you Lord for your mighty hand of protection over Israel. You are the God of miracles, our Waymaker, and Light in the Darkness. Thank you for hearing our pleas.
We pray that your divine
Armor will cover this Holy Ground and the people there would be in awe of your supernatural power and glorify you, in Jesus the Messiah’s precious name. Amen
10Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things which have not been done,
Saying, ‘My purpose will be established,
And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;
11Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man of My purpose from a far country.
Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass.
I have planned it, surely I will do it.
12“Listen to Me, you stubborn-minded,
Who are far from righteousness.
13“I bring near My righteousness, it is not far off;
And My salvation will not delay.
And I will grant salvation in Zion,
And My glory for Israel.
God will bless Israel at Iran’s expense. Iran is the Bird of Prey from the east. The Lord knew this time is coming for His purposes to be fulfilled.
Thank you Father God for hearing our prayers, keeping your promises to protect your people and never forsaking us! You are the one and only true God!!
Praising our Great God for His miraculous intervention in the attack on Israel last week by Iran. Praying that the response the world leaders will be the same of King Darius when he saw the miracle of the Almighty God of Daniel in the book of Daniel 6th chapter verse 26. I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God and steadfast forever; His kingdom is the one which will not be destroyed, and His dominion shall endure to the end. Amen
God swatted those armaments OUT and SIDEWAYS and made them ineffective!!
‘No weapon formed against you will prosper’… Is 54:17a
Thank you Lord for Your continued defense of Israel. Thank you for alerting intercessors all over the world to stand on the wall’ for the Apple of Your Eye. Thank you for the miracle and the unity of defense systems. May Your name be glorified in Israel and many come to worship the Jewish Man, their Messiah.
When People pray,
God makes a Way.
When Folks believe,
God parts the Seas.
On our knees, we
are getting stronger every day.
When People pray,
God makes a Way.
”Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward. As for you, lift up your staff and reach out with your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land.“
Exodus 14:15-16 🙌🏼🙏🏼
Praise God Almighty!
Thank you, Father, that even in this day you are a God of miracles! You never give up on Israel or on us, even when the odds are stacked overwhelmingly in the enemies’ favor. May you be glorified in all this and may many souls turn to you because of this. We praise you and give you all the glory!
Thank you, Jesus you are faithful to all generations and the Jewish people are the apple of your eye and you will make sure they not only live but they have abundant life…
Father, thank you for the reminder that you always play the long game…you do not change. Protecting Israel is a given yet I marvel at the way you continually show your power and love. What an amazing reminder that you provide. Thank you to the great I AM. He never sleeps…He never slumbers. YES and AMEN!
THANK YOU, FATHER! There is no denying!! You saved Israel!
Thank you our Heavenly Father for protecting the apple of your eyes. I never doubted that you would not protected Israel and her people. Master we appreciates your love and goodness for all humanity’s. Thank you as well for answering our prayers. I love Israel and will be standing my her through eternity.
He that keeps Israel never slumbers!
His name is The Almighty God!
I give Him unending Praise for His Love and Faithfulness, in Jesus name.
Praise God. I love you Lord Jesus you are are rock Lord and you you you are a sheild about us glory to you name Lord. Thank you for embarrassing the enemy
All the Glory goes to God!!! Hallelujah! Thank you Yeshua Hamashiach for protecting Israel and hearing our prayers!!!
Thank you my Lord and Savior!! You alone are worthy to be praised. I adore seeing how you work how you mystify even those that hold themselves up to be authorities. You have chosen to use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; (1Corinthians 1:27) Keep protecting your people and leading them to you. Continue tearing down strongholds and loosing chains!! I love how merciful and gracious you are and I stand in awe of you continually. I pray that through all of this the harvest of souls that recognize and return to you will be mighty indeed.
may the almighty God of Israel, creator of All things be praised for ever, to him alone be all the glory, God has demonstrated his being a tower that Israel run into for protection again. even if it were stones that Israel threw up it will still intercept those missiles just like David’s stone that killed Goliath… it was totally God at work. thanks to God, May God continue to protect Israel against every adversary in Jesus name amen. God promise he will disappoint all their instrument of war,… the God that watches over Israel neither sleep nor slumber…
Dear LORD JESUS ALMIGHTY thanks be to HIM for the defense of the homeland
Everything is possible in YOUR might
We are meer slaves trying to stay the hand of our enemy
Thank you Father! You are a mighty God who reigns over the heavens and the earth! You protect and defend Israel with perfect wisdom! You give strength to your people and cause them to triumph! We thank you Lord and ask for your hand upon Israel to turn back to You as they see your mighty hand that continues to save them! Thank you Yeshua!