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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You that You set the captives free. Set us free and use us to share the gospel message with others.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From CBN. Nichol Collins lived as a lesbian and drug dealer for 20 years.  But after a brutal attack she became a Christian and now stands up for God and her faith.

She went by the name Esco in the clubs and streets of Los Angeles, where she was known for partying and violence.

“My breaking point was as I was living as a transgender, lesbian drug dealer in Los Angeles, I was attacked by a man from behind with a hammer, and all glory to God, miraculously I suffered no injury,” she tells CBN News. “And so I tell people that God literally used that to knock some sense into me.”

Collins says while surrendering her life to God, leaving her old lifestyle was not easy.

“It took me seven months to come out of men’s clothes,” she explains. “I didn’t just jump into dresses right away and my hair was bald and so all my hair has grown back today but I didn’t always feel so beautiful. I felt very awkward, but as I submitted myself to God, he began to beautify me with salvation.”

After breaking free, Collins says God gave her a mandate to restore the Biblical standing of the rainbow which the gay rights movement claims as its symbol.

“I saw a hand coming through the clouds clutching the rainbow and I saw an inscription in those clouds that said ‘Take Back the Rainbow,’ and I jumped up and began to sketch it out,” she says.
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“I think it’s very important for the church to become educated and partner with people such as myself and those who have testimonies of deliverance to come in and show them how to express the love of God without compromise and to let people know that God loves them right where they’re at.”

“And he’s able to change them from the inside out,” says Collins.

Are you praying for someone caught up in the bondage of LGBTQ? Post your prayer for their freedom in the comments!

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June 13, 2023

Heavenly father, thank you Lord Jesus, for this beautiful woman’s and how you healed and delivered her I pray, Lord Jesus for my precious firstborn son, Stephen and his partner James that they will come out of bondage into the light and love of Jesus heal them, Lord, emotionally, spiritually, and physically bring good people into her life rebuke every demonic lying spirit and I pray Lord Jesus that they would go back and tell people the truth about you when they are delivered Lord Jesus, I claim your word that the children of the righteous shall be delivered. Deliver my precious son, Lord I miss him and bring him home out of the land of the enemy I pray all this in Jesus name amen amen

June 6, 2023

Lord God, please deliver my grandson and his partner from their homosexual life together. They are such nice young men but are deceived. My grandson was raised by me for several years and he knows you and you say that those who are raised in the Lord, when they are old they will not depart from it. Bring him back strongly and may his partner be saved also. Thank you Lord.

Jessica Renshaw
June 6, 2023

For all those who trying to transition away from the gender God designed you to be at birth: God is not ashamed of the way He made you. He delights in the person He created you to be and you will never be more truly “you” than when you embrace the identity He has inscribed in the DNA of every cell of your being..

June 5, 2023

Father I pray for 3 women-two are lesbians, the other is a male impersonator. Please free them from this bondage. I love them & want them all to know the true freedom only you can give! I pray for all those standing in the gap for loved ones caught up in these sins. I know you can set them all free. I pray they would all have encounters with your holy spirit & be set free. In Jesus Name. Amen

Darlene Estlow
June 5, 2023

Father I pray for 2 loved young men who want to want to be trans-women. Touch their hearts and set them free that they live their lives in joy and freedom. Open the truth to their eyes!

Doris Whiteing
June 5, 2023

Lord I pray for Your mercy and grace on Your beautiful innocent children you have created for Your glory! Put a hedge of protection around them Father that they are protected from the evilness of these days. I pray no weapon formed against them will proper. They belong to you Lord Jesus and we speak the wicked one touches them not! Hands off our children satan in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Pour out your Spirit upon them, the Lord says, “Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and shake the world.” “…the seed of the righteous shall be delivered”. Our God will rescue the children in Jesus’ name!

Franchesca Simpson
June 5, 2023

I stand in agreement with those praying for freedom. Both for themselves and for others.
I lift up my daughter in prayer that the Father would complete His work in her and complete her deliverance from transgenderism. That she would have a radical encounter with the one true God, recieve His love and begin to see herself through His eyes.
I lift up all of those who are being lied to. I pray for the wounds to be healed and for the emptiness that has been left by the lies of the world to be filled with the love of our Father.
That this generation who has been so deceived would become a heralding trumpet speaking the truth and bring thousands to the love of Jesus.
Thank you Father! Amen

Elizabeth Kachidurian
June 4, 2023

I pray for deliverance from homosexuality for my son Ron and for his return to serving the Lord with all his heart. I pray God will use him to minister salvation to the LGBTQ community.


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