I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You that states are beginning to stand up to Critical Race Theory. Embolden more leaders and states to take a stand against evil.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an invention of the left, an ideology that seeks to divide the nation, redefining power structures based on race. Many states are starting to pay attention.

Proponents of CRT claim everyone can be divided into two groups: those with power and those who donā€™t have power. Those with power are oppressors. The categories of oppressor and oppressed are based on group identity. The identities are race, gender, religion, income, sexual orientation, immigrant status, and gender identity. These are all identities the left has used for years to divide us as a nation. These identity categories determine whether you are the oppressed or the oppressor. Terms such as intersectionalityĀ are used when someone falls into more than one category of oppression.

Here is a quick summary of how CRT works: the degree to which you are oppressed determines your authority. The more you identify with the categories of oppression, the more moral authority you have. Also, the more oppressed someone is the less responsible they are for their actions. Those who are from the oppressor group will gain moral authority by submitting to those who are oppressed. This is called beingĀ WOKE!

Jesus cares about all humanity and ā€œcategories.ā€ The Apostle Paul clearly explained, ā€œThere is [now no distinction] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.ā€ (Gal 3:28)

Critical Race Theory in the states

Ā In February, a group ofĀ West Virginia legislators introduced House bill 2595Ā whichĀ would ban critical race theoryĀ programĀ throughoutĀ the state.

InĀ NewĀ Hampshire, HB 544 was introduced, proposing to ban all critical race theory training programs.

Most recently,Ā FloridaĀ Governor Ron DeSantis proposed a $106 million initiative to support a new civics curriculum for students. Critical Race Theory wouldĀ be excluded from the new statewide civics educationĀ proposal.Ā ā€œOur schools are supposed to give people a foundation of knowledge, not supposed to be indoctrination centers, where youā€™re trying to push specific ideologies,ā€Ā statedĀ DeSantis.

In Loudoun County,Ā Virginia, schools have already adopted critical race theory–parents with dissenting views are being targeted.

InĀ Oklahoma, State Senator Shane Jett introduced Senate Bill 803. The bill would prohibit Oklahoma public schools from teaching students “divisive concepts.” Read the bill text here.

Critical Race Theory and Biblical Christianity

CRT and Intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity for the following reasons:

  1. Critical Race Theory claims our identity is rooted in race, gender, etc. but the Bible tells us our value comes from being created in Godā€™s image and ā€œGod shows no partiality” (Rom 2:11).
  2. Critical Race Theory offers a different view of sin than Christianity. The Bible says ā€œfor all have sinned and fall short of the glory of Godā€ (Rom 3:23). Critical Race Theory identifies ā€œsinā€ as being born in an oppressor category.
  3. Critical Race Theory offers a different view of salvation. In the Bible, we are all equally guilty of sin. Salvation can only be found in Jesus through repentance. Critical Race Theory teaches that the oppressors are guilty and the oppressed are not. Their hope is through activism.

Our identity is in our status as children of God and the love He has for us. Oppression is used to brand whoever the left seeks to condemn. To get more information about this ideology please download the IFA Special Report here. Remember that CRT is meant to divide our nation and is rooted in Marxism. It is a complex strategy that is seeking to enforce its ideology on every American and separate us from our biblical roots centered on Godā€™s love.

Critical Race Theory in Education

Critical Race Theory is attempting to be introduced into school districts nationwide to indoctrinate our children and parents are legitimately concerned. As believers, we are called to both prayer and action. We pray for God to counter this divisive and destructive ideology, we encourage you to seek ways to actively oppose CRT in your community and state.

Here are 7 Ways to Push Back and Counter CRT:

  1. Go to school board meetings in your area. Look for and speak up against the CRT curriculum that you identify.
  2. Above all, teach your children, grandchildren, and others the truth from God’s Word on how God loves unity and hates division. Pray for them to hunger and thirst for truth.
  3. Review your children’s and grandchildren’s textbooks and assignments for evidence of CRT influence or ideology. A quick automated word search of a syllabus for words such as “equity,” “bias,” “justice,” or “diversity” is one way to easily scan for CRT.
  4. Send messages to your local elected officials about your concerns with any CRT material you see being used in your community, including schools, government training programs, universities, and more.
  5. Find other like-minded individuals who will pray and stand with you against CRT intrusion in your schools and government. There is strength in numbers.
  6. Pray for those who are speaking up against the CRT agenda–teachers, administrators, and parents. They need prayer and support. Encourage them to speak out as they take a stand
  7. Share information like this with others in your community, so that they too can be well-informed about the concerning and pervasive nature of Critical Race Theory.

(Photo Credit: Canva.)

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Mike Kelley
April 7, 2021

CRT is the beginning steps to a communistic government for America. The outcome would be a disaster for us and the majority of the worlds government.

March 29, 2021

Thank you IFA for your CRT resource guide. Very helpful! I’m reading as much as I can about it so I can better dialogue with the average person about these issues. I live in “woke” Portland where the overwhelming majority of my neighbors are socialists. Having fruitful dialogue & sharing the gospel truth & its redemptive hope is the goal. Also, pray for our youth! God bless you guys.

    Jean Arnett
    March 30, 2021

    I pray for you and praise our Lord for people like you out in the trenches. Stay strong, Sister in Christ.

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David McIntosh
March 29, 2021

The protocols say that the fake sciences of Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzchism will be used to pervert the minds of people.
It’s good to fight against Marxist lies and fake marxist history.
But, churches will need to also develop warfare against the deceptive teachings of Darwinism and Nietzchism…

Nancy Bryda
March 28, 2021

I bind the negative effects of CRT in America and loose exposure of how it violates biblical principles about identity, sin and salvation and how it is rooted in Marxism. I loose this information on leaders in government and in our schools. Ekklesia arise and be pro active in this area for the destiny purposes of God in our schools and governmet. I decree we will participate more in government on a local basis to help get CRT out of our schools. I loose biblical values in our country and a third great awakening and for reformation of our culture to biblical standards. I bind the “woke” culture and loose true Jesus awakening and for the real truth to prevail in America especially in our schools.

Pam Rambo
March 28, 2021

Thank you for exposing this diabolical attempt to rid society of of truth in exchange for a lie!!!

March 28, 2021

I for one is extremely appalled by what is going on in our nation. This CRT is outrageous, sinful, evil, and not consisting of Christian values. This should not be taught in our schools. We are all equal and united through our Lord and Savior. This is destroying everything we have learned and truly making us weak and very robotic. Instead of being independent for ourselves and our nation, we will become dependent on those who are not guided by GOD. I pray that GOD will open our eyes and follow his teachings and not be sucked into false teachings of Critical Race Theory. Let us follow His examples and the privilege of continuing to practice our faith. We need GOD to turn our nation around by providing His teachings into those who wish to destroy our livelihoods and ways of life. Let us remember that GOD is in control and that we must stand up for our faith and beliefs.

March 28, 2021

This is ANti-God and wrong. CAll your Congressmen and your news media and tell them so. Stop this evil and made up nonsense.

John CAsey wrote a book that the CLIMATE CHANGE agenda was a scam for more government control over our lives. Tell congress that is so and research all the scientists that have said that, and then write it to a bunch of congressmen. Get 100 people to do that, and we can get that stopped.

Terri Maples
March 27, 2021

This is a very dangerous theology that is being pushed on people. As a teacher last year I was required to attend a critical race inservice that lasted all day. It was very condescending to white people. I refused to go to another conference on this topic. It is being slipped into our curriculums. We must speak up and get involved for our future children to not be influenced by this evil doctrine.

March 27, 2021

I’m a teacher. We must pray and be physically involved. Whether or not we like it the media is also using their ability to infiltrate our children in this false doctrine also. We must activate. Our children are using media now more than ever trying to be in contact with life beyond the covid restrictions.

John Butler
March 27, 2021

A critical issue of our day. Only concerted actions by Christians and prayer will stem the tide.

Dr. Tony Salinski
March 27, 2021

Back in the early 1970s, I was involved in the communist movement in my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. I had refused to join the Party on several occasions, fearing my name appearing on Nixon’s “enemies list.” We were operating under the direction of a KGB agent who called himself “Andrei.” Not long after the Kent State affair, Andrei came to us and gave us two new instructions. First, we were to stop calling ourselves “communists.” I asked what we were supposed to call ourselves, and received the following response: “Call yourselves anything you want. Call yourselves ‘Democrats,’ ‘liberals,’ ‘progressives,’ ā€˜leftists,ā€™ ā€˜socialistsā€™–ANYTHING but ā€˜communistsā€™!” Then came the second order: “Enter the Democratic Party and begin the infiltration tactics we’ve taught you.” I left the movement shortly thereafter, and from that day on, Iā€™ve never called them anything BUT ā€˜communists,ā€™ I see you calling them ‘Marxists’ and for that I applaud you. But the general public doesn’t really understand who Karl Marx was, and ‘Andrei’ might even approve of the use of that term. So, I urge you to use the term he WOULDN’T approve: COMMUNISM.

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Ron Peterson
March 27, 2021

Thank you for providing this information!

March 27, 2021

I pray for my grandchildren in Jesus name. For the public school they attend. That Lord you put a protective hedge around them. I pray for their salvations. Fill them with you word, peace, joy and love. Keep them safe from the influences by there teachers and school policies. Very liberal, school board and teachers! In your name I pray this. Amen šŸ™

Dorothy Ter Horst
March 27, 2021

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling critical race theory. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, In Jesus name, amen

Donna Liput
March 27, 2021

CRT is outrageous! This should not be taught in our schools. Look at what God has done for all people everywhere. He gave us His Son who willingly took the penalty for our sin ( rebellion against God) to give us eternal life with God here and now and for all eternity. Here and now as believers saved and beloved we walk in the light of the gospel showing love to everyone and living in true unity through Christ. There is no separation. We are all leveled at the cross. In Christ we have true equality. This other thing is mans way of approving and accepting sin and continuing to live apart from God and in sin. Lord, keep opening our eyes. Without You we will be sucked into the false teachings of Critical Race theory and the fake ā€œ social justice ā€œ gospelā€ Only in You do we have true freedom. You have set us free from the bonds of sin and death. in The risen Christ we are free to share the gospel which frees us from the sin that separates us from You. And right now we still have the right to practice our faith. please help us protect that right. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen


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