I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we give thanks to You for the good legislation being proposed in various states. Encourage Your people who serve in state legislatures. Show us how to pray effectively for them, in Jesus' name.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In what can only be described as answered prayer, multiple state legislatures are introducing bills to bring election integrity to their states following the November election.

On Thursday, New Jersey (NJ) Assemblyman Gerald Scharfenberger (R) appeared on the IFA Pray for America’s Leaders webcast. In the November election,Ā  NJ voters were not allowed to vote in person due to Covid.Ā  Because he believes that was wrong, he introduced Assembly Bill 5401, which would require New Jersey to provide the capability to vote in person to all voters in all elections. Rep. Scharfenberger will also be introducing a bill that would require the New Jersey government to offer a hotline for state residents to report election fraud. In 2020 he introduced a bill requiring all registered voters to show a form of I.D. at the polling place, but this did not pass. Rep. Scharfenberger emphasized the importance of prayer and contacting your legislators.

In another encouraging development for election integrity, the Arizona House of Representatives just passed multiple bills meant to overcome many of the challenges they experienced in the 2020 general election. The package consists of the following:

  • HB 2039 Requires hand count audits to be statistically significant with a 99% confidence level
  • HB 2569 Prohibits private funding of elections activities. (like big tech billionaire(s) did to the tune of $400M)
  • HB 2792Ā Prohibits mass mailing of ballots to voters who DO NOT request one. Adds a class 5 felony for violating this statute.
  • HB 2793Ā Requires an affirmative request to be registered to vote (ie. proactively prohibiting automatic and mandatory voter registration). Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.
  • HB 2794 Prohibits an agent of the government from modifying a statutorily prescribed election deadline. Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.
  • HB 2811Ā Prohibits same day voter registration. Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.

The bills are in the Arizona Senate now.

Texas lawmakers are following suit by introducing several omnibus bills,Ā House Bill 6Ā andĀ Senate Bill 7Ā to reform election procedures and ballot security measures.

Michigan House lawmakers passed House Bill 4127 in the house which is a measure that calls for cleaning up the voter rolls.

Georgiaā€™s Henry County on Monday conditionally granted a Georgia Coalition the right to unseal ballots from last Novemberā€™s presidential election in Fulton County. The group is looking for potential voter fraud.

Oklahoma State Senate passed a resolution rejecting H.R. 1, the ā€œFor the People Act of 2021.ā€ They feel this federal legislation, spearheaded by Speaker Pelosi-led Democrats is a federal takeover of state elections and it violates the tenants of federalism.

Pennsylvania is seeking immediate feedback through anĀ online form to a legislative special committee created to act on election integrity and reform. The bipartisan Senate panel recently began a comprehensive review of the 2020 General Election. The second hearing will continue its comprehensive review of the 2020 General Election. The hearing will take place on Tuesday, March 23 from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 1 of the North Office Building. The committee invites all Pennsylvanians to watch the live-streamedĀ here and submit comments through theĀ online form. Ā Special thanks to our Pennsylvania Intercessors who linked us to this information! Do you live in Pennsylvania? CLICK HERE to send a message to your State Senator.

I encourage you to watch and pray over this past Thursday Prayer call to learn of the many encouraging developments with respect to election integrity occurring throughout the nation.Ā  Erick Kaardal, with the well-respected Amistad Project, spoke on potential voter fraud issues. New Jersey Assemblyman Gerald Scharfenberger shared on the current state of election integrity in New Jersey. Rick Warzywak from Michigan Capitol House of Prayer discussed election integrity developments in Michigan and the spiritual issues that are at play. Please go here to watch the PAL webcast.

Is there encouraging legislation in your state? Leave a comment and we will all pray about it!

(Camille Solberg is IFA Legislative Director.)

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March 23, 2021

In Virginia, I am afraid we have a Democratic Governor, two (D) Senators and a Republican Representative. So needless to say, I feel that my voice is not heard at all except for my Representative, I just receive the generic email responses from the others.

Linda Lou
March 22, 2021

Lord, I pray that my Governor Kemp of Georgia will humble himself and admit his failing to recount the votes and to pledge himself and our state to voter integrity. I pray that he will get “out of bed” with China and be fully committed to honesty and integrity in all areas of leadership. I pray that he and Raffensburger will realize the harm that has been done as a result of lying and cheating on the part of my in authority and that they will repent and do what is right for our state and our country so that we can make a comeback. I pray he will think of his children and our grandchildren and what they will face if we don’t come back to You, Lord, and Your commands. I pray for Holy Spirit conviction to fall upon them to do what is RIGHT and now what is easy.
In the precious Name of Jesus!

    Jennifer Jara
    March 22, 2021


    Penni Bulten
    March 23, 2021

    Heavenly Father, Turn Gov. Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensburger and they shall be turned. President Trump offered them the opportunity to do what is right, even if only for a few citizens. They turned it down. Turn the situation around, whether they will turn or not. Their hearts are in Your hand, to turn as you see fit. Convict them of their sins and crimes, and if they will not repent, replace them with just leaders. There were many issues with the election in Georgia, including fraud. Bless the legislature for boldness in trying to solve the problems. In Yeshua’s name.

March 22, 2021

2022 is going to be a slaughter.

    Penni Bulten
    March 23, 2021

    If God does not permit election fraud to be fixed, that will be accurate. Republicans will be in the minority indefinitely. Keep Praying!

      March 23, 2021

      I meant it the other way, that the Democrat Party will experience a slaughter. With the lists we have of those that voted to accept the fraudulent election, all of these will be gone. Then those that voted to impeach President Trump …. those will be gone. Then all those who’ve joined movements will vote out RINOS. It’s going to be a slaughter.
      Instead of just praying, how about getting out there with the rest of us and getting people to sign petitions to remove people like Governor Ducey, Katie Hobbs, the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, etc.

        Penni Bulten
        March 23, 2021

        I don’t live in Georgia or any of the states involved. But I do get involved in signing petitions for recall of those officials that are violating their oaths of office here in my state, Contacting my Congress persons, and signing and creating petitions here. Thank you for the advice, though.

    Linda Lou
    March 23, 2021

    We get what we speak. We must keep the faith! We must be people who speak truth and hope, not failure and doom. God is still in control and He has allowed this to awaken the church from our apathy, I believe.

Nancy Maloney
March 21, 2021

We live in NY, and our Governor, is finally being investigated for the atrocities he has perpetuated throughout this past year and earlier.
He has kept our daughters group homes shut down all this time.. we brought one of our daughters home to live with us, but our younger one has not been to her program in over a year, and is kept in the house, except for doctors appointments.
Please pray for Fathers justice with this Governorship, and that a Godly man can step into his place, one that Fears the Lord.
Thank you

Marla Ainscough
March 21, 2021

The state of Illinois needs prayer. We have a very liberal governor and House and Senate who share that philosophy. God is moving and there are men and women coming into office who are conservative and want change. Thank you for remembering us.

Yvonne Metcalfe
March 21, 2021

Lord please that IN would follow suit and pass responsible election laws and help us get rid of the machines and bring back precincts and clean the rolls and protect voter ID, in Jesus name I ask it amen.

March 21, 2021

Let your local, state and federal legislators hear from you on a regular basis. Thank them and encourage them, when they do the right thing. Let them know you have their back when they introduce Bills and legislation that is against this administration’s evil agenda. Many of them are afraid to stand against the Biden/Harris agenda. The Democrats have enormous amounts of money backing no them. But……if God be for us, who can stand against us!! It is going to take the mercy of our Heavenly Father to get believers through this. We are in a position we have never been in before and ONLY GOD can turn what the enemy means for evil for our good. Stay on your knees!

Celi Saenz
March 20, 2021

I just want to scream, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! God is good and maybe all of this ugliness HAD TO BE EXPOSED! I’ve lived in a nice suburb of Chicago, Illinois and there were rumors that the Dems were dirty and used dead people’s identification for votes. But 2020 was ugly and left me broken hearted and bitter. It us hard to go to work and respect the people that u work with bcuz they hated President Trump. But all if this ugliness brought me back to God and I’ve never felt the Holy Spirit until now. I have a little girl and I’m going to get her involved in the church as well. I have her every other weekend and we’re newish to the area but I just found out that a good church by me is now open for in person service. Praise God!!!! He is in control and Good!!!!

    Susan CC
    March 21, 2021

    Your comment so encouraged me Celi. Yes, “praise God, He is in control and Good” and so is your heart for HIM. May your little girl be blessed in such abundance because of your faith! Amen

Jesse Lewis
March 20, 2021

A mass mail-in voting bill, also known as House Bill 153, has been proposed during this year’s Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis. My fellow Marylanders need to contact their representatives to vote NO!

March 20, 2021

Lord I pray for the Arizona audit to uncover any fraud and determine if Dominion Voting Systems machines flipped or manipulated the vote count. If they did, I pray there would be a firestorm of indignation across the World, and they would be brought to justice. Any witchcraft of the jezebel political spirit trying to cover this up be bound in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I plead the Passover blood of the lamb over those involved in this investigation and over your exceedingly precious intercessors O God, please reward them with your favor. Thank you Lord!

Leonard Piro
March 20, 2021

Don’t know what is happening here in Arizona regarding election reform?

    Blanche Munnelly
    March 20, 2021

    There are several bills that passed the House in AZ, and are now in the AZ State Senate

    HB 2039 Requires hand count audits to be statistically significant with a 99% confidence level
    HB 2569 Prohibits private funding of elections activities. (like big tech billionaire(s) did to the tune of $400M)
    HB 2792 Prohibits mass mailing of ballots to voters who DO NOT request one. Adds a class 5 felony for violating this statute.
    HB 2793 Requires an affirmative request to be registered to vote (ie. proactively prohibiting automatic and mandatory voter registration). Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.
    HB 2794 Prohibits an agent of the government from modifying a statutorily prescribed election deadline. Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.
    HB 2811 Prohibits same day voter registration. Adds a class 6 felony for violating this statute.

    Also, the State Senate has just ordered a re-count of all presidential ballots from the 2020 election. Here’s a link to the article.

    https://www.theepochtimes.com/arizona-state-senate-ordering-hand-recount-of-2-1-million-ballots-for-2020-presidential-election_3742329.html?&utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&[email protected]&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-03-20-3

Wanda Marcus
March 20, 2021

I am happy to see these efforts to secure our right to integrity in the election process, however, all of this won’t secure the process unless we can trust the voting machines aren’t manipulated.

Sharon Elkins
March 20, 2021


To my knowledge, there is NO helpful legislation to make elections fair or anything like that in my state. Therefore, it would be GREAT if someone CAN help in this regard!! I live in WA state. Thank you so much!!

    Jo Shook
    March 20, 2021

    Yes, I agree we need election integrity here in WA STATE! We need to go back to in-person voting with a valid ID. South Dakota has done it right.

March 20, 2021

As a lifelong Oregonian (75yr), daughter of a lifelong Oregonian (92 yr at his death), I too was concerned by mail in ballots when they were instituted here. Since that “convenience” started, I have voted only on election day, by hand carrying my signed ballot, and casting it in person at the elections office of our county courthouse. “Trust But Verify” (Ronald Reagan) is required in this world. Oregon has become a haven for progressive liberalism and GOD’S MOVE is the ONLY answer for us, as we are sorely outnumbered without His Hand & Power. Prayer is my privilege, power. Thank you for your direction, information and God bless our intents and influences.

March 20, 2021

All the states, cities, and counties, must come together and stand as one in unity against the destruction being carried out in our nation. We are not helpless, God is for us, yet each one of us must do our part. I have written my South Carolina senators, and representatives, now I pray they will boldly act on our behalf. Our prayers must have corresponding action, or we will continue to reap the darkness, evil, and wickedness of this government.

A Moss
March 20, 2021

I am so thankful states are working to claim back their rights and stop the stampede of the federal government to circumvent free and fair elections and the right of the people to be able to trust in election results. Truly the results of fervent prayer.

March 20, 2021

I praise God. Mike Lindell in Absolute Truth (on Rumble) said that actually the huge voter corruption found and not dealt with at any level election theft was a blessing. Why? I believe it opened up what has been going on for many decades with Democrats. Total red districts over nite turning blue?! God hates unfair balances and weights. The bill that the Democrats want put forth now for opening the door for total election theft totally 100% shows their intentions. To get control and keep it by hook or crook. They are very evil people. Jesus said we know a tree by itā€™s fruit . Their fruit is as rotten as a old food filled garbage pail left out over a hot humid summer. It smells and stinks up to Godā€™s high heaven. I thank God for honest law abiding representatives. It appears they are all Republicans. Sad state of the Democratic Party. Itā€™s filled to the brim with reprobates, perverts, murderers, and thrieves and liars. But by the grace of God I use to be one. Then I found Jesus. If they repent Jesus will save them too. His loves them but they are going to Hell if they donā€™t repent and get saved. That goes for everyone. I pray they do. ā€œWoe to those who say evil is good and good is evil.ā€ Pretty much sums up this country now sad to say.

Brenda Snyder
March 20, 2021

Please pray for the legislature in the State of Washington to bring our elections back to where they used to be. Mail in voting has become the norm for many years. Because I trusted the election process, I never questioned it. Now that our state is predominantly democrat, I have reason to question the integrity our election system.
Prayer is powerful, and if I can do nothing else, I can pray. Will you join me? Pray that our governor will be open to hear our concerns and bold enough to take action.


Brenda Snyder
[email protected]

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Bold action in the Name of Jesus, yes and amen Brenda!

    March 20, 2021

    This election steal is wakening many people up!!!! Those who want to be woke that is. There are some who were brainwashed to hate Trump so badly they would do anything to get rid of him. That is pathetic and shows how dumbed down people are. Trump was a master at policy that was good for all Americans. It was amazing to watch. Biden is a mess and the Democrats are doing everything to destroy America. Will this wake people up. Not if they watch MSM.

    Mary Lou German
    March 20, 2021

    Same scenario in Oregon, where I live. When they switched us to mail-in ballots years ago I liked the convenience of voting by mail, but 2020 has opened my eyes to the vulnerability to election fraud. My constant prayer is for righteousness, justice and TRUTH throughout our land!

    Eva Gisondi
    March 21, 2021

    My husband and I used to live in WA with our 2 sons. My youngest was born there. We love WA, but yes, it is very liberal and needs prayer. There is a revival already breaking out in CA, I will pray with you for it’s coming to WA. God IS doing some great things in these days. Be encouraged my friend.

    Penni Bulten
    March 23, 2021

    Praying for your Governor to do what is right or lose the next election.

Bob Bowers
March 20, 2021

please pray for OR. state.

Barbara Hesch
March 20, 2021

I live in New York, on Long Island. Even though my state is very blue, L.I. is surprisingly Republican. Because it’s very suburban, and family oriented, I believe most of the residents here hold to traditional values. Democrats have been trying to change things by setting up sanctuary cities and they’ve succeeded in my town. I just sent an email to my Democrat Assemblyman, and told him how concerned I am about the border and what that would mean here. The gang problem is very real. Illegals should have never been given drivers licenses and they were in N.Y. That meant votes for Biden. But what can we do with Schumer for our senator?

Susan CC
March 20, 2021

Father, I praise you as I read through the prayers offered up to You. You are the One God, the Only God, the Good God who hears each and every one. If we confess Jesus as our Savior and believe You raised Him from the dead, we are saved. I stand on that right now and ask that this seal of approval be applied to each prayer here. I humbly pray and hope it would greatly please you to tip those bowls and save us from those who do not know You. I pray Your righteous Will would rule in each and every state as it is in Heaven and for those who stand in the way…have Your Way! I thank you Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and thank all who are persevering in prayer.

“…the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of Godā€™s people.” Revelation 5:8

James J Manning
March 20, 2021

Pray for Nevada

March 20, 2021

Lord thank you for the work you continue to do at the local and state level. We humbly but insistently ask that you would stir daily in the hearts of citizens across our nation, both saved and unsaved, to get and stay involved in our election processes from top to bottom – from start to finish. Continue to reinforce and impress on us that we must be involved and that it will take sacrifice that we may not be used to. But provide for us to see it through and to help others understand that all of us must be involved in order to see continuing fruit come forth. In Jesus name amen.

March 20, 2021

Heavenly Father, I thank You for good legislation being proposed in various states. Encourage Your people who serve in these various legislatures and show us how to pray for them. I pray also that more states will engage in good legislation. In Jesus name, Amen.

Carmen LaBianca
March 20, 2021

Dear Sweet Jesus,
Thank you for this first step in addressing the voter system now in force jeopardizing our election system.
We ask you to also intervene in this cancel culture system now developing attacking our freedom of speech
and our basic rights to assemble and read literature of our choosing.
The Democratic agenda is transforming our beautiful country into a racist hateful, Country void of religious freedom and love for one another.
Please intervene to save our precious freedom and restore our our rights under the Constitution.

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Father, please intervene to save and restore, yes and amen Carmen!

Rev. Ronald Roland
March 20, 2021

We are trying to solve a spiritual crisis in America with secular band aids.
America needs to REPENT nationally for 60 million dead babies, looking back to Sodom and Gomorrah, and persecution of the True Holy Christian Church – the Body of Christ, while promoting all false gods.
We are going down the same road ancient Israel went down 2500 years ago, yet we refuse to see that the results are the same, because Christ has been forced out.
As long as the national media promotes evil and stifles good, how will people know the truth – which is no longer taught in our schools, either.
This election thing should bring one great awakening in America and a return to Christ – or else . . .

Joni Schwarting
March 20, 2021

In Nebraska, we are supporting HR14, the Convention of States resolution. It has been brought out of committee and will be going to the floor in the near future. This is a grassroots movement to reign in our out of control government. Pray that NE will pass this resolution and join 15 other states who have already passed it. Get familiar with this movement if you want to take action.
Also, the NE Education Dept. is reviewing gender identity & sexual orientation curriculum to be implemented statewide. Pray that parents and concerned people will come out of the woodwork to defeat this terrible infringement upon our children. Thank you intercessors!

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Father, help us save our children, in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

    March 20, 2021

    The COS movement is a very dangerous movement. It uses deceitful language and false logic in an attempt to bring about another Constitutional Convention (Article V) by asserting that the states can control the delegates. That is demonstrably false. I remind everyone that the first Constitutional Convention that gave us our current Constitution set aside their mandate to modify the Articles of Confederation and wrote a new Constitution in secret that changed the ratification requirement from 100% of the states to 75%. Here is an excellent analysis of the COS effort that is based on original documents: https://www.renewamerica.com/columns/huldah/210317

Shirley Gue
March 20, 2021

I am praying this will be but the tip of the iceberg for every state in The United States of America, especially the state of Maine where I live , to pass State Election Integrity Bills to advance The Kingdom of God everywhere in The United States of America so the knowledge of Christ will cover the Earth like the waters cover the seas. Amen!

Mary Ann Martino
March 20, 2021

This is the most encouraging news Iā€™ve heard in a long time! I pray they they are approved and spread across the country! We canā€™t have the socialists hijack our elections!

March 20, 2021

Encourage legislatures to get a resolution for “No compulsory vaccination and no discrimination against the unvaccinated”.

    March 20, 2021

    I’m in agreement with Gloria in the name of Yeshua, Jesus for vaccinations to not be compulsory or mandatory, amein!

Marcia Barthel
March 20, 2021

As always, California and its state legislators and its mayors and their councils need continued prayers for our Lordā€™s wisdom and that His will be done through their deliberations and decisions. Prayers, too, for repentance for each citizen and elected official for the ways in which we have ignored our Lordā€™s sovereignty over our lives.

March 20, 2021

In my state of Connecticut as I’ve already mentioned on every forum (including this one) that I possibly could, Showing proper ID was always a requirement. Except for this year! It was the first time in my voting history that we weren’t asked for identification. I reported this to every branch of every possible government including the DOJ. I was shut down here on the local level. An attorney from the DOJ actually called me back and asked a bunch of questions.

    Beth Beck
    March 20, 2021

    Iā€™m glad that you have picked up the baton and made it your goal to advise everyone you can, this is the slippery slope!! God bless you for your diligence

Dorthy Johnson
March 20, 2021

I am from Wisconsin. Little action that I know of is happening here. Have certainly prayed about it. The Governor is a Democrat but assembly is all Republican controlled. Three cities, Green Bay, Milwaukee, and Madison were the main areas of fraud. Am heartened to see what is happening across the country but we need it here!

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Father, raise up righteous boldness in Wisconsin and expose the lies wherever they “hide.” In the Powerful Name of Jesus!

James Bushnell
March 20, 2021

Ever since the Democratic party won the White House, I have not heard back from my Democratic Senators here in the state of Washington. I have sent many emails asking for their response on bill’s, but have received nothing from them. Is our state the only one like that?

    March 20, 2021

    I do receive email responses back from everyone here in Ct. but they are all generic as they all assume that I am in support of their evil bills.

      James Bushnell
      March 20, 2021

      I do find it very interesting that before they controlled the White House and Senate they would at least acknowledge your email’s. Thank God, He is in control.

    March 20, 2021

    Washington state is so infiltrated with ā€œDemocratā€ control that they probably donā€™t feel a need to answer as we know how their votes will go. Now I see the light as to why we all vote by ballot in Washington state for many years. Fraud? How would we ever know with the control they have. God knows ALL things…by the grace of God may His will be done in every state in America! In Jesus name we ask and pray Amen.

March 20, 2021

IFA please correct the scroll feed here
Reading comments is impossible as it continues to get longer and narrow the farther down you go
Thanks for looking into this

Julia Woodrow
March 20, 2021

Can you pray for California? I believe it is a red state except for San Francisco and Los Angeles.

There were alot of seedy things that happened on election day as well here and likely so 55 electoral votes.

    March 20, 2021

    Julia, California was like my 2nd home until all this happened. It was my dream to move there someday permanently so I do pray. Newsom ruined your beautiful state. I have not been back since all of this. Not even to see our family.

March 20, 2021

We praise you Lord for all you do! Thank you for this movement that has begun toward making sure our election system continues to be one we can trust. Lord we continue to ask that you uncover all truths. We love you. We thank you. We praise you!

    March 20, 2021

    Not much going on in Colorado except that Gov.Polis declared today as meatless Saturday. I’ll be grilling a hamburger in his honor.

      M. Rae
      March 20, 2021

      Susan, I live in Nebraska and Governor Ricketts heard about the meatless day and declared this Saturday “Eat Meat day”.

March 20, 2021

Oh God, we ask that you hear our prayers and lead us to victory in our battle against fraud. God, you have seen it all. You know every way that we have been wronged. God, we humbly ask that you continue to give us signs and victories that will encourage us and calm our hearts. We already know that you can do all that you say. You have given us your word that you never leave us or forsake us. We know this fraud was allowed for some greater reason that we are not being able to see at this time. We trust that you will deliver us from evil people having power over us.
We ask for all of this in the name of your precious son Jesus. Amen.

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Yes, deliver us from evil, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen

      March 20, 2021

      God, thank you for friends who encourage us. Please give all who worship you mighty strength and the wisdom to carry us onward to victory. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Elizabeth Crouse
March 20, 2021

Thank you Lord for state leaders who are passing laws to stop evil legislation. Praying you will bind lawmakers who are not governing according to your laws.

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Yes, bind them in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen

    March 20, 2021

    There could be a mass exodus from states with such radical evil ways. But… the giants in these states are defeated if God so leads and directs us to move forward in defeating evil. May Your will be done in the USA and in each state O God our help in ages past and our Help today! Jesus be with us to do your will every day. Amen.

March 20, 2021

Please pray for Florida to join the House bill 6 and the Senate bill 7 for voting rights in the state.

March 20, 2021

Praying for REVIVAL throughout our land. For those in authority to come face to face with the Lord God Almighty!!
from CA

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    For all authority to know they serve the Lord God Almighty, yes and amen in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Linda Lee
March 20, 2021

I wonder if all of the states need to do what Oklahoma is doing in fighting off HR1? The federal overreach will need to be shielded from the states so that the states can maintain their freedom to govern.

Dear Lord, please give state legislators Godly wisdom and discernment, and purity of heart with great conviction. May they always stay one step ahead of the enemy. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Hide the plans of the Godly from our enemy. Yes and amen in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Carolyn Levin
March 20, 2021

I live in the blue state of Delaware. Please pray for major breakthroughs that are now taking place in regards to the pandemic, pro abortion, transgender issues.

March 20, 2021

Lord guide us and our people in taking back absolutely every right as given our original constitution.

Gary Wood
March 20, 2021

Lord God creator of Heaven and Earth we praise you for what you are doing in America.

We pray that these various bills will become law in these states.

We ask that you would strengthen those in other states such as North Carolina where those who are standing up for what is right and just are being attacked .

We pray for the courage and fortitude to continue through to completion the reforms necessary to establish accountability back into the election process.

In Jesus name amen.

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Father, may it be so in North Carolina and every other state…total victory in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

    New Hampshire
    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York
    (North Carolina)
    North Dakota
    Rhode Island
    South Carolina
    South Dakota
    West Virginia

March 20, 2021

Lord GOD we pray for your help in all our states for voter integrity, thank you for all that you have done so far, we pray that you will continue to reveal more of the truth. Lord GOD we pray for a great revival though out the world, help us as Christians to be ready for the many people that will need guidance and friendships. We pray for our families to unite and heal once more though all this past year, leading up to the 2020 elections. Bless and protect President Trump and his family.

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Father, reveal truth through revival, yes and amen in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Kenneth Budz
March 20, 2021

Lord please help the people have fair elections throughout the country and in individual states and counties, cities and towns. May voter ID and other good legislation pass all over the nation. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Your GOOD Father God, over the whole nation, yes and amen in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Karen E. Kendrick
March 20, 2021

I am in Washington State and we have had mail – in – voting for a long time.Every time a Republican runs for governor who wins they get taken to our courts until they lose.
This election our Republican contestant took our governor to court because he believes he should have won but for our Sec of State who allows illegal immigrants to vote and says she has no legal right to ask them if they are here illegally!
We are outnumbered by democrats..
Our Governor even allowed Satanists on our capital steps to preach their sick agenda!
Please pray for our state!

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Al Barrs
March 20, 2021

This appears to prove that not so many States are in the Socialist/Communist camp!

True American Patriots, regardless of Political Party who are Constitutionalist Conservatives must speak up in public and support similar legislation in all fifty States!

    Susan CC
    March 20, 2021

    Support us Father as we support right, yes and amen in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

    New Hampshire
    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York
    North Carolina
    North Dakota
    Rhode Island
    South Carolina
    South Dakota
    West Virginia

      Al Barrs
      March 20, 2021

      Yes, AMEN!

      And our Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, is leading the States pack back to a free and independent nation… Ron may very well be our Vice President in 2024 when Donald Trump moves back into our White House. -True American History researcher and writer…


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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