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I Prayed have prayed
Father, hear our words of blessing as we speak Your Word over Washington DC and our American government. Exalt this city in righteousness—and do not allow evil to reign there—in Jesus’ name.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Friends, in these dire times, we have to use every spiritual weapon of prayer at our disposal. We must pray, speak God’s Word, fast, and intercede for our nation:

  • For peace to reign here again;
  • For righteousness and justice, which are the foundations of God’s throne, to be established;
  • For righteous rulers and governments to come forth;
  • For God’s people to have and operate in extreme wisdom;
  • For our freedoms to be protected; and
  • For our ability to freely preach the Gospel around the world to be preserved.

In every arena, our freedoms are being removed by ungodly and wicked leaders—leaders of the nation, states, cities, counties, and even by the leaders of corporations. Nevertheless, GOD is on our side and He will fight for us as we pray.

Proverbs 11:11 tells us this:

“By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.”

Today, I felt led to craft a blessing we can speak over Washington, D.C.—a blessing proclaiming peace and righteousness to the capital city of our nation.

I believe that as we speak this blessing, declaring God’s Word over our land and over her governmental branches, the Word of God will take root. Remember that Hebrews 4:12 tells us the following:

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

The Word of God is one of the biggest weapons of our warfare. Therefore, as we speak it out, trust God to move in response to our pronouncements of blessing over this city!

Are you ready? If so, speak this blessing over Washington, D.C. with me today:

In the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous, I speak blessings over Washington, D.C. today. I declare first that Washington, D.C. shall be exalted in righteousness; it shall not be overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

I also decree and declare in the name of Jesus that righteousness and justice must be established in Washington, D.C. now. In the name of Jesus, I decree that true justice must be established; that mercy can also reign where God wants mercy, but that justice must be enforced where our God deems justice is needed.

I speak over Washington, D.C. that there is nothing hidden which shall not be revealed. There are no secrets which shall not be made known.

Therefore, in the name of Jesus, I command corruption to be exposed and dealt with according to justice NOW, in Jesus’ name:

  • I declare and decree that good and holy whistleblowers must come forward to expose the crimes of others.
  • Criminals in D.C. must confess and repent of their crimes publicly.
  • I decree that there will be no adverse consequences to true whistleblowers for the revealing of others’ crimes; they shall only experience the consequences of their own crimes, if any; but they shall be safe and protected from the retribution from the wicked.
  • I bind any false whistleblowers who speak lies against the righteous. I declare that they may not speak and their lies shall not be heard nor listened to. Their lies fall to the ground right now, useless and of no effect.

I speak to Washington, D.C., and I bless you, O city, with the righteousness that exalts a nation.

I declare that righteous government is formed within you right now, and no unrighteous governments may be formed whatsoever. If any unholy shadow governments exist, I command them to be revealed, exposed, prosecuted, crumble to nothing, and be brought to justice.

In the name of Jesus, I loose angels to watch over our capital city—Washington, D.C.

I speak that every good and righteous politician and their families, staff, and loved ones are protected and hidden in the secret place of the Most High. No evil can befall them, nor shall any plague come near their dwellings. A thousand may fall at their side, and ten thousand at their right hand, but it shall not come near them.

I also decree and declare that every unrighteous politician in Washington, D.C. must fall.

We speak to every wicked politician, staffer, and government official, and we say: “Be saved, or be removed, in Jesus’ name.” We declare and release both the justice, mercy, and judgment of God into Washington, D.C. wherever GOD deems it necessary in order to accomplish His highest and best purposes.

I speak that good, holy, righteous, and God-fearing politicians must arise and arrive in D.C.:

  • I speak that good and holy politicians must be elected in every election going forward.
  • Even right now, God is preparing them.
  • Even right now, God is funding their campaigns.
  • Even right now, God is personally going before His servants in politics and defeating every hindrance that comes against them.
  • Even right now, the voters who will vote for good and righteous politicians are registering to vote and voting the Bible at the polls.
  • America is turning toward righteousness right now, and I declare and decree that every politician that arrives in Washington, D.C. from this moment forward must be a servant of the Most High God, and Him only shall they serve.

I declare that righteous laws, and only righteous laws, may come forth from Washington, D.C.:

  • I bind and forbid the formation of any unrighteous laws.
  • If wicked politicians even try to pass wicked laws, I decree that they shall be hindered and stopped at every opportunity.
  • Confusion shall enter the camp of the wicked and they shall not be able to pass any unrighteous legislation at any level.
  • I decree that order and wisdom enter the camp of the righteous in Washington, D.C., and godly politicians will bring good and holy laws to table that shall be passed and passed quickly.
  • I declare and decree that no one can stand against the righteous in this whole city.
  • The enemy may come against the righteous politicians one way, but that enemy will flee before them seven ways.
  • Every wicked person shall tremble in fear of the righteous AND OUR GOD in Washington, D.C.

I declare and decree that our government passionately and aggressively defends our freedoms:

  • I bless our nation with cherishing and protecting free speech, the free exercise of religion, free press, freedom to assemble and gather, the freedom to move and travel, the freedom to do business and not be discriminated against, and the right to bear arms.
  • I decree and declare that our right to free and fair elections is preserved, and any and all election fraud is exposed, punished, and prevented from happening again.
  • I bless our nation with the protection of all our freedoms.
  • I declare and decree that any attack or infringement upon these freedoms shall be soundly defeated and our freedoms preserved.

I bless Washington, D.C. with peace. I bless her with safety. I release the highest and best purposes of God into this city that we love. I command the people of God in and around Washington, D.C. to rise up and bless the Lord with all that is within them. I release the testimony of Jesus and the Spirit of prophecy into our capital city, and I decree revival comes.

Washington, D.C. shall be saved. America shall be saved.

I decree that the blood of Jesus washes away the color line, the economic line, and every other line that divides our people. I decree that Americans dwell together in the unity of God’s Holy Spirit and the bond of peace. And I bless our nation, these United States of America, with peace, prosperity, and times of refreshing in the presence of the Lord.

In Jesus’ holy and precious name, as it is written, so let it be done. Amen and amen!”

Beloved, God hears our prayers. He hears our cries of faith, and He sees everything that is hidden.

The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God, and as we release His Word over our nation and over her capital city, God will hear and move.

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author and speaker who equips people to walk in the manifest presence and power of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about radical prayer, the prophetic word, the supernatural lifestyle, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can contact her here or download her free ebook containing 555 names of God for prayer and worship here. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayers of God’s word over our nation and capital city. . .

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June 12, 2022

Thank you for your prayers and declarations over Washington DC! I just prayed and declared them over the city from Reagan National airport as I’m here on a layover with a 3 hour delay until my flight. I looked online for a good prayer for Washington DC and your prayers came up!! Thanking God that His justice and righteousness is flowing like a river through and all around our capital city! 🙏🙏🙏

James A Jones
March 27, 2021

I awoke this morning remembering my dream. I remember
the name (Blake) in
my dream and patients under his care! His building was old and very few amenities and
had stairs with no elevators but those
suffering were floating up and down
stairs. All in this building had one
thing in common they were black and
I’m white. Only one
person in the entire
building was seeking some kind of
assistances and
me too!

I attempted to speak
to I assumed were
nurses but felt they
were Angels and I was seeking assistance for a person needing assistances and I heard a
voice coming from
a treating room that
rudely spoke in a loud tone saying wait your turn and
women from other
rooms said no worries she has issues and asked me why
I was there. The only thing I remember was to say I had
no idea but directed

I was able to speak to Healer Blake as he was known by
all in this very old
building full of
bright light and during my dream I was
instructed to search
the web for Blake’s
Blessings and wanted to share my dream. I have seen
Jesus’ face with his
arms opened wide
for me during a severe illness landing me in the Hospital for 3 months and another siting was a
picture of Jesus’ face profile on my
mother’s kitchen window and I told her to take a picture and while looking at
the negatives I seen
Jesus face looking
after my father passed the day before his passing!

Just wanted to share! I have a picture of the negative
in a picture frame in
my home!

I was a former HR
Mgr.,Library of Congress and witnessed
lots of illegal acts
that landed me on
60 minutes in the 90s and lots of news
coverage of all news
organizations in DC

I will close for now
Blessings and Healing for all that understand my words.

James Jones
St Petersburg Fl 33713
Email [email protected]

I will be happy to send anyone that
wants to see the
profile picture if you
provide me your

Jan Seeger
January 17, 2021

Jamie: I feel so blessed to stand with you and our other brothers and sisters to declare and decree these words of power and might over our land. It uplifted me and I will continue to be a powerful prayer warrior in the mighty Name of Jesus. God bless you and God bless America and God bless our President Donald John Trump. In Jesus Nane. Amen!!!

Elaine Rintoul
January 16, 2021

So powerful! The Holy Spirt is great within you! God bless you and all who read this! God is in control and we trust Him!

January 15, 2021

Thank You IFA
I am Taking these biblical powerpacked prayers to my birthday lunch tomorrow!
Will have each person read a paragraph til we are Done!
The actual winds ….of change… are blowing hard over Texas today!
May God be exalted. He is about to deliver His Miraculous Supernatural resolution to the ills of mankind in His Perfect timing! Glory Glory Hallelujah!
As an Aussie here in DFW, i remain sincerely grateful that Almighty God guided us here 3 years ago.
We have come with deep love & appreciation for our President Trump…..and a mission to keep asking Americans to Wake Up & Pay Attention, Please?? Let’s all do what we can, He will do what we can’t.

Karen Gibson
January 15, 2021

What a prayer a victory over evil!

January 15, 2021

A great prayer template for our states or local govt as well.

Lorenza Passarella
January 15, 2021

Thank you 🙏 Jaime for sharing the prayers for Washington DC!
So powerful!
Many of Gods people have called themselves into a 21 day fast!
Ask the Lord what He would have you do!
Pray for yourself, family, friends, church, work, our nation etc!
Thank you 😊 for teaching us how to pray!
You are such a blessing!

Chris Sullivan
January 14, 2021

“Father, Command your Angels who excel in strength who do Your commands, to subdue the enemies of the righteous under our feet. Our eyes are unto You O God the Lord: in You is our trust: leave not our soul destitute. Keep us from the snares which they have laid for us, and the gins of the workers of iniquity, Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while we escape, Father we pray the eyes of the blind are opened , they understand the truth in Jesus name and are given the power to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. we know You usurp no mans will. thy Kingdom come and Your will be done in each individual situation.” We give You all the praise , Honor and Glory in Jesus Name. Thank You Father. Amen! Scriptures from Psalm 103:20 and Psalm 141:8-10 used for prayer for all as the Holy Spirit led.

Christine Martha
January 14, 2021

Love this prayer! In agreement! Thank you for sharing it!

January 14, 2021

Thank you! Just the encouragement I needed today to keep pressing in & not throw in the towel. I pray in agreement! To God alone be glory!

Pamela K
January 14, 2021

I spoke this out loud into my atmosphere, as a decree and a declaration, and a prayer. At the phrase that said “whole city”, my mouth spoke “HOLY city”. I had to smile as I thought that NO mistake. God wants to make D.C. a HOLY city for His Glory. Thank YOU, JESUS. LORD, keep showing us the strategies to stand for Righteousness in our country. Shalom to all.

January 14, 2021

This has been a very long process, and please know we are all praying for Good News!Hallelujah – we have a wonderful leader who went to Texas, to the Alamo … “Remember the Alamo”, very symbolic.

Thank you dear Lord for giving us this great country a nation filled with your righteous love and blessings! A people so fierce for you word and willing to wait on your will, for the year of the Fig tree has arrived, the sifting has already begun and we will triumph over evil. The Hebrides revival in Scotland has transcended to this generation and will become the most glorified era, thanks to 20 years of planning and placing the right leadership in place, at the right time for us to see your mercy at work.

So many of us have been confused, saddened about our future and all along dear God you have been orchestrating the most magnificent miracle this nation has ever seen. I am so thankful for your guidance and the gifts of discernment which have carefully led me to see your love of this nation.

This will explain everything to you, if you don’t already know, please visit this site. https://www.simonparkes.org/post/doug-billings-and-simon-pakres I have been following Q and digesting bits and pieces for awhile now. Hopefully you too will rejoice that this is our future. God bless you all.

    Donna Piper
    January 14, 2021

    Watch this!!!
    Laurel has great info
    Thank you.
    Praying the”voices” out in Christendom would shut their mouths & listen to some truth! One reporter for a Christian news outlet yesterday was asking the President to resign! Such a grief to my heart!

    Jan Davisson
    January 16, 2021

    I keep seeing people posting and suggesting videos by Simon Parkes. I looked up his website which is very strange and disturbing. I double checked his photo with the website photo because I thought it must not be the same guy…it is. Please just look it up for yourselves to see what I’m talking about.

      Jan Davisson
      January 16, 2021

      Btw, you have to look his website up through Bing…you won’t find it through Google.

        Jan Davisson
        January 16, 2021

        One more thing on Simon Parkes, if interested…I just looked up his website again and he has, since a few days ago, taken down the weird and disturbing stuff in his bio. He had a long paragraph listing his belief in many very strange things…the least strange of the things in his list, believe it or not, being…aliens. He also said he does “soul readings” …which sounds New Age – this has also been taken off his bio. For more info look up this article which I believe includes a video of him talking about his experience with aliens – Website – We Love Trump, Article name: This Is Why I Have Not Covered The Simon Parkes Videosby Noah

Billie Cash
January 14, 2021

Praise You Holy Father! It is done. It is completed! To God Be the Glory ! In Jesus’ Name

Karen Cohen
January 14, 2021

Thank you! Oh, thank you, for placing this powerful and effective tool in my hands! I can turn now from grieving, and fuming, and turning my back on the media, and I will lift up the sword of the spirit instead.

God bless you!

January 14, 2021

I agree and God will triumph over the wicked!

January 14, 2021

What a critical time to reclaim our nation’s capital for the future of this nation and the nations of the world. May God change the atmosphere, the beliefs, attitude and the intents of our government. May righteousness prevail and evil exposed and brought to justice. Our beloved nation is in peril and we declare that we stand on the precepts and principles of God Almighty to restore the foundation.

January 14, 2021

God be with us and praise to His name. Amen

January 14, 2021

I agree and speak this out in the name of Jesus.Thank you for this prayer.

Jan Blake
January 14, 2021

Amen & Amen!

JoAnn Richmond
January 14, 2021

Right on time and excellent decrees for weapons of spiritual prayer over nation. I give you %100 on this prayer.

Gail Segars Rainey
January 14, 2021

Dear Leader/Sister in Christ, Jamie:
I prayed this prayer and decree with you and others here and when I got to the end of your prayer and saw that it came from your ministry, FromHisPresence.com, I knew in my spirit that it was you who had written this prayer before I confirmed it. In fact, I will be going to USPS today to mail a request for three of your prayer/Bible resources before I ever read this prayer. Holy Spirit has gifted you with such a wonderful anointing. You have the Heart of Christ which we all want. May our Lord continue to bless your worldwide ministry as we are in the time of a GREAT and GLORIOUS END TIME HARVEST of SOULS as this world has never witnessed before! Hallelujah!!!!

January 14, 2021

Jaimie, what a refreshing, encouraging article! I thank you for reminding me that we need to remain pro-active in our approach to interceding for the happenings in Washington D.C. Lord, please give me and all the intercessors for this nation, the supernatural ability to bless and not curse our nation’s capitol. Keep us focused on what Your good and perfect will is for America. Keep us vigilant in crying out for our nation’s capitol, and all that takes place there. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.

January 14, 2021

Thank you for these words for us to decree. Plan to use this as my prayer and declaration guide in these days to come. Our words our powerful. They speak life or death. We must pray God’s solution, not Satan’s destruction .

Anita Murphy
January 14, 2021

“God arise, and scatter your enemies” in America, and in the world! Bring a revival that will infiltrate and
change every part of this world that You created; a revival that will bring all mankind to the feet of Jesus and receive Him as Lord and Savior of their lives. I am believing for great things to happen that will lift
Your Son, Jesus Christ, up so high that all the world will humble themselves before Him and give You their
hearts, minds, and strengths to worship and to serve You. Ah, so be it “for such a time as this.”

Peggy robinett
January 14, 2021

Dont see anything you have not covered Jamie. I am writing it down and sharing with others and am in total agreement. I am not giving up on God’s intervention and he is greater than anything we can or cannot see! Go christian soldiers we are called to fight the good fight of faith and we win in jesus name and by his annointed power and plan! Ptl for encouragement and unity in the body of christ and his warring and min istering angels to aid us. Praise God for all the intercessors prophets pastors teachers & godly leaders!!!so be it established..

Carol Trotter
January 14, 2021

Thank you for this might prayer & blessing. We agree completely in Jesus’s name, may it be so. Amen and Amen

January 14, 2021

Amen! Thank you and I join you in declaration!

January 14, 2021

I pray for ALL the people of our nation and world that we would look to God for truth and justice. That we would humbly repent of the unrighteous, thoughts words and deeds we have committed and look to God for strength to do what is right, seek justice and humbly walk with God. May we see our fellow humanity through God’s eyes – where there is no plank – may we show His love to our neighbor because he loved us first. Amen!

January 14, 2021

Lord God Almighty,

Your Word is clear and Your character is perfect. You will not give Your glory to another (Is 42:8-10). The blessings over Washington DC and our nation can not come from one party, one man or any other earthly sources. They can only come from You! You alone have sovereign power over all things. You alone hold the past, present and future and You alone know what is best! You created this world and You have given us free will to accept or reject You. Our country continues to shut You out. We continue to glorify self and arrogantly we continue to remove You from the town square. We sacrifice our babies on the altar of convenience and we have distorted and approved laws that take Your Holy institution of marriage twisting it into an unnatural evil that corrupts families. We have watered down Your Truth only sharing scriptures that we determine to be acceptable leaving our friends and families dying from a lack of knowledge. Lord, I read these blessings and I cry out for mercy, but wonder how can You move Your hand? We have fallen so far. Can You bless such a nation? Can we come to You as Abraham came and petitioned for those in Sodom and Gomorrah? If there be only 10 that are found righteous there? You said You would not destroy the cities if there were only 10! (Gen 18:32). Lord, hear the cries of Your Children! We plead for Your mercy and grace. Lord Jesus, in Your Name and by The Power of Your blood, please save Your bride from this destruction. In Your Name we pray! Amen

    Laura K
    January 14, 2021

    I am in absolute agreement with what you have written.

January 14, 2021

AMEN AMEN AMEN! Know this will he declared daily from DC-speaking the words directly over the Capitol grounds. I refuse to give up ground or give up this nation. I will fight until the last breath in my body. Pls pray for the lukewarm churches in DC who do not stand for anything and refuse to condemn abortion as wrong.

January 14, 2021

I would like to add that this blessing flow from Washington, D.C. through out the whole United States, thanking and praising God for His Faithfulness to always be with us.

January 14, 2021

“Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight.”
2 Samuel 10:12

Melissa Stahlin
January 14, 2021

Whew! NOTHING is impossible for God and with God! Amen!

January 14, 2021


Please watch Joni Lamb’s “Table Talk” this week. Go online or on Roku (the Daystar channel) to view the episodes from this week. The episodes with Pastor Jimmy Evans and Tom Horn will explain the current events.

Rolanda Shrader
January 14, 2021

We stand against the spirit of Jezebel and declare she will not rule and reign over Washington DC. Jezebel is defeated in the NAME OF JESUS. We are as strong as war horses in this battle between darkness and light. We stand in VICTORY and SHOUT VICTORY!!!

January 14, 2021

So as it is written so let it be done. Amen and amen.

Patricia M Tryal
January 14, 2021

“When the enemy comes in like a flood, we lift up a Standard-the power of His Blood!”

January 14, 2021

While we wait, let’s educate ourselves on who is being considered for Biden’s cabinet, and what their background and interconnections are. Glenn Beck has researched this, worth a look at The Blaze.com. Praying for holy boldness for members of Congress in whom dwells the spirit of God to speak and vote as God directs them.

January 14, 2021

Yes! I stand in agreement

Linda Sansone
January 14, 2021

Psalm 85:6
“Will you not revive us again Lord, so that we may rejoice in You?” All the power and glory and praise to You, our God, in Jesus’ name. Amen

January 14, 2021

This is excellent! God has done it this very day, let us rejoice and be glad! (Ps 118:24)

Terri Leggo
January 14, 2021

God is who he said He is, He will do what He has promised, I can do things through God who strengthens ms,
God’s word is alive and working in us.

January 14, 2021

Thank you for these prayers.
Agree with all.
Luke 18:27 NKJV
27. But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”


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