You can’t dwell on the frightening images you will see on cable news. You can’t cave in to the hysteria. There is something extremely important you must take care of.
After you have taken every precaution necessary for siding with truth—after you have settled it in your soul to remain strong in the Lord, wholly trusting in Him, it will be time for you to fight in a new way. . . . .
Turn your time of waiting into the most important breakthrough ever. Turn feelings of helplessness into fuel for an amazing outcome. These are days to let God do a shocking new work inside you.
It all begins with the story of Paul being arrested and put in prison. Satan put Paul in prison, intending to inflict massive damage on Christianity. He thought Paul could no longer win souls, and he could not teach the fledgling churches that desperately needed his Apostleship. . . .
He began writing. And writing would be the most devastating thing Paul would ever do to Satan’s kingdom. If Paul hadn’t been confined, he might never have had the time to write. . . .
Now let me show you how to make this illegal new attempt to confinement in your home, his next major mistake.
1. Model faith to your children. Settle it in your soul that God will pay your bills, protect your job and restore what you have lost. Don’t speak fear and doubt in your home! The greatest lesson you will ever model for your children—and the greatest gift you will ever leave to them—is to confess that everything that has been lost will be restored. . . . The greatest thing your children can watch you do is trust in God.
2. Read the Bible. Dump all the negative contradictory rhetoric confused preachers are speaking. Preachers are losing credibility because they foolishly predicted things and then recanted their predictions In the Old Testament such “waffling prophets” would have been stoned. . . .
Stop needing a “word from God” from people. Take a breather from digging for emotional resolution. This is a long war that won’t end quickly. In 2 Timothy 2:23 Paul warned, “Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels.”
Instead, read the Bible! Now that you have a lot of time, get the Word of God in you. . . .
3. Make a list of goals for this waiting period, and work hard to meet those goals. Already, you see how many things have stolen your time. You see how many things that previously cluttered your life, seem unimportant now. Because you are a child of God, nothing of yours that is vital will be stolen. . . .
It is a time to make overdue changes, and big and bold plans for the future. To do that, you must get to work. That means no binge-watching Netflix! It means you seek the heart of God and ask Him to show you the goals He wants you to accomplish. Write those goals out, and make the righteous choices that give those goals the very best chance of coming to pass. . . .
Lastly make the most important goal list of all: the things you are never are never going back to.
4.Turn prayer into a habit. Inspiration will lead you to pray, but you must decide to form the habit that will keep you praying. The chilling fact is that if you do not pray during this pandemic, you will never pray at all. Let God deliver you from the greatest hindrances to prayer that I know of: impulse prayer and feeling-based prayer. . . .
5. Focus on personal repentance, not national repentance. You do it! Don’t wait for others, or even think about other people’s repentance. People have been babbling about national repentance as if it was something other people need to do. We don’t see national repentance happening yet, so don’t wait for it to happen. Repent on your own! . . .
Remember, God is judging America as much because of the world, as because of the church. The carnal church has left us open to this disaster. And yet, without repentance, we have zero reason to believe it won’t go back to exactly the way it was before. . . .
But, we must not set our hope on that. Our hope is founded on the knowledge that we must repent before God—and that is personal repentance. . . .
Total trust will lead to the real miracle of mercy. You see, you can stand as a priest between the sins of America, the sins of the church, and God. That is true intercession. There is a righteous core of believers who can turn this plague away. (read Numbers chapter 16)
Remember, God said He would spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were just 10 righteous people. We are not going to rebuke this away; we are going to repent it away. . . .
We must give God what He is seeking. We can’t worry about how many others are interceding, even if there are only a few. The promises of the Lord are never vague! Neither are the conditions to His promises. . . .
(Excerpt from Mario Murillo Ministries. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Encouraged in that I must keep remembering that God wants us to depend on Him and His word alone, and He will lead us without running to a good word from the prophets. The prophets have too big of a load if the body depends on them, We must individually pray for strength and stamina for the prophets and get one on one with God, then go to the prophets for conformation.
My prayer is for personal confession of sin and that my almighty Father’s Will will prevail in our country!!! God please bless America and keep our leaders safe and secure. Bring our leaders to their knees in humble prayer. In Jesus Name, Amen
Obedience! We know what to do as the author outlined, stir us up to be obedient so we can be world changers in our sphere of influence!
This Article is exactly what I needed to hear at this moment in time tonight! The article makes total sense and is filled with loads of encouragement and truth! Then at the very end I see that it’s from Mario Murillo and it made my heart even happier. I so admire and respect this man and his ministry.
The emphasis on personal repentance. Thank you!
Timely and right on word from the Lord! Hallelujah. It’s absolutely about our individual relationship before the Lord! I’ve spent an entire year repenting to the Lord for sins I had no idea grieved His heart. I’m SO thankful for a year of slow down so that I could hear the Lord and repent. I want to be 100% the Lord’s with clean hands and a pure heart! I want to ascend the hill of the Lord. I pray all the Saints experience every ounce of God’s goodness and faithfulness in this season. May God bless my brothers and sisters. Amen
This article was confirmation of what God put on my husband and mine heart… each point is what we both discuss last night that we are resolve to do… God is faithful to get our attention. So glad we belong to HIM.
I want to thank Mario. He pointed out that I pray repentance, not rebuking. Now I understand more of how to pray.
Again I say.. Amen! to this post from Mario Murillo. Wonderful words to walk out and deal with what is happening right now in our nation. We must stay calm, no fear and no anger. God is in control and he is using people to bring about what he wants for this nation. Trust in God. He brings good things out of chaos. Remember CHAOS is “Christ Has Already Overcome Satan.” Hallelujah!
“‘Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive’” genesis 50
I was thinking about many of the events that have transpired. I thought about big tech and how they are trying everything in their power to suppress truth. And then I thought , maybe this had to happen so Christians would get rid of their social media accounts. Maybe God wants our time , maybe we have put our trust in the information and the communication of these secular entities more than we have trusted God. Maybe this had to happen in order for God to strip the power big tech has. Maybe God had to take away the voice of trump and his attorneys, etc. in order for us to seek God for answers instead of man. I am not saying that what they have done is not evil but God could be answering prayers in another way we can’t understand.
I also think about this virus and how many times I have prayed for school aged children who are being lied to by our own education system. Maybe parents eyes will be opened about what they are teaching our children and God can restore. I think about how many Christians have put our sole hope in medical professionals (not to say medicine is bad in any way and God can do a lot of good through science , after all He created science ). But have people listened more to Dr Fauci than crying out to God to ask for His answers ?
Maybe this is the beginning of God trying to restore but the things we have known have to be taken away , have to be stripped down and it’s not going to be easy. God wants us fully. There is so much hope. God is never late , His timing is not ours.
God ,
I’m a simple house wife. I don’t understand all these things that are happening but I know You have a plan and what the sons of disobedience are planning for evil , You can use for good. Please strengthen us with faith at this hard time and let us continue the good fight. We will not stop praising you and giving thanks. Please send justice down in Your perfect timing so You get all the glory.
“My brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” James 1
My church back in Texas had a 72 hour media fast at the beginning of each year. It was such a blessing without all of the distractions to dedicate those hours of peace to the LORD. It is so much easier to hear HIM! No phone, tv, radio newspaper. A big bonus is getting so much done in that time!
Beautiful Christina! Thank you for the reminder, and for sharing your perspective and vulnerability. Sending prayers and love your way. God Bless!
Christina, Absolutely! I totally agree with you. We have homeschooled for many years (much to the chagrin of others), because we wanted to raise up Biblical-thinkers. But now that the schools have closed, many Christian families are homeschooling, and using Biblical curriculum. Just within my small circle of friends, there are 5 families now homeschooling, which amounts to 13 children! Not to mention that the parents are being taught true history through a biblical lens alongside their children. We are raising up an army for the Lord. May God bless you as we both pray from our place of “simple housewife”!
My father used to say that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world-I agree-homemaking is valuable.
From a retired teacher.
Father God, make me an instrument and use me to do Your perfect will. In Jesus name, Amen.
Trust in the Lord is critical. Too often focus on affairs & hurts of those close to us, but ignore affairs of nations & men/women who carry such responsibilities. Prayer & study of Bible doesn’t just happen. Must be intentional in developing those habits. Ask Lord what those bold plans to pursue are ( I have my agenda, but is it Lord’s?
To God Goes the glory. I do believe what main stream prophets have said but ultimately what are those things come true tomorrow or in 5 years or even in 10, My eyes are on Jesus and my trust is in his plan. I am trimming my candle and filling my oil and praying for God‘s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. My prayer is that I stand ready for my groom and his mini in the body of Christ would stand with me.
Thank you IFA. Amen. ,And pray for God to raise up His spiritual leaders, He is our portion (Lam 3:24); pray that when God chooses to sift us that He will also increase our faith so that we may encourage our brothers and sisters (Luke 22:31 & Zach 13:9); pray that we will daily dress in the armor of God (Ephes 6:10-18); be wise in the LORD, keeping watch with oil for our lamp (Mathew 25:3-13) so that we may continue to shine as lights in this crooked and perverse generation (Phil 2, 2:15). Amen, come, Lord Jesus, come. (Rev 22:20).
Thank You! I have been repenting! We all need encouragement as we travel through these dark days in our Nation’s history! We must keep our families strong in the Lord Jesus Christ✝️🙏
Amen. Yes Lord. Make me faithful.
1 Peter 5:6
James 5:16
Glenn – Yes and amen, may we have spiritual humility and May our Father in heaven’s discipline over us produce a harvest of righteousness and peace (Herb 12:11) as we have no righteousness of our own.