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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would arm us in our fight against the enemy. Help us to not rely on physical weapons, God, but on the spiritual armaments that come from You.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The recent Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has caused quite a stir for many different reasons. One portion, in particular, raises a lot of red flags for people around the world. I am referring to the proposed increased funding to the IRS which will almost double the number of armed agents employed by the Internal Revenue Service. The new bill provides funds for an additional 87,000 armed IRS agents. Who wouldn’t be concerned? It begs the question, “Is this the same government that is against the American people owning guns?”

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As this latest news from the Biden administration makes its way around the nation, it is having a profound effect on gun shops in nearly every state. My daughter, who is a gunsmith, has witnessed an exponential increase of people scrambling to purchase guns and ammo due to this latest perceived threat. Men and women alike are attempting to arm themselves. How should  we as the body of Christ respond?

While praying about this situation, God dropped something in my spirit. As the enemy is attempting to become more weaponized, He reminded me that as the Body of Christ, we are already armed. He has given us access to every weapon we will ever need. These weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. These weapons are without fail and undefeatable. It is important that we are fully armed. We must take up the weapons in our God-given arsenal and begin to use them. Or perhaps, determine to use them more effectively and more consistently. For in this profound act, we will begin to see even more battles won by the power of Almighty God.

Here are the weapons He has provided for us:

The Word of God

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4:12).

The Word of God defeats the enemy every single time. The Bible is our offensive and defensive weapon that brings victory. It truly is our two-edged sword. When Satan himself came to tempt Jesus, Jesus used the Word of God to send him packing. We must do the same thing.

The Holy Spirit

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Jesus said in Luke 24 that we would be endued with power from on high – that power was the infilling of the Holy Spirit. When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, the power of God comes upon and within us. Satan has no weapon that can stand up to the power of the Holy Spirit.


Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him (1 Jn 5:14-15).

The Bible teaches us that prayer is powerful. The fervent prayer of a righteous man makes great power available, dynamic in its working. When we pray, things happen. Change takes place. Mountains are moved. Strongholds are destroyed. Prayer is a vital weapon in the hand of every believer.

Name of Jesus

If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (Jn 14:14).

The name of Jesus is the name above every name. At this name, every enemy will bow. At this name, Satan must flee. When we pray in the name of Jesus, the Bible says we will have whatever we ask, why? Because there is great power in that name. That name, as we know, will never lose its power.

Blood of Jesus

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death (Rev 12:11).

Oh! The Blood of Jesus! There is nothing more powerful than His precious blood. It cleanses. It sets free and it will defeat every enemy.


This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare (1 Tim 1:18).

God has spoken many prophetic words over us, our family, and our nation. We can take these prophecies and proclaim them daily. These prophecies become a weapon of war in the hands of a believer.

Prayer of Agreement

Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven (Mt 18:19).

The Bible says two are better than one. In prayer this is a profound truth. When two agree, truly agree, on what they are touching in prayer – results will be seen. We are seeing this happen all across our land. We are seeing answers to prayer of agreement. Take heart – our prayers are being answered.


For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways (Ps 91:11).

Angelic assistance is vital for the level of battles we are currently fighting. These angels of God are sent to minister to us as heirs of salvation. They assist us in battle. They keep us from harm. It is important to remember, when we are in war, God will assign His angels to guard and keep us. We see this throughout scripture, and it remains true today.

Praying in the Spirit

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Rom 8:26).

There are times in battle when we simply don’t know how to pray. Or perhaps we have prayed all we know to pray and do not know what else to do. In these times, praying in the spirit is vital. When we pray in the spirit we are praying the divine will of God. We are praying mysteries. We are praying the deep, deep things of God.


Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger (Ps 8:2).

When we praise God in the midst of our battles, it shows the enemy that we trust in God implicitly. It denotes that we are fully persuaded that God will fight our battles for us and we will come forth victorious. Always remember, there is no better time to praise God than when things seem hopeless. Think of Paul and Silas in prison. They praised God and the prison doors opened! He will do the same for us today. Praise God with your whole heart and watch every closed door open to you, every bondage be loosed, and every battle won.

Armor of God

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which, you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints (Eph 6:10-19).

It is important we daily arm ourselves for battle, especially in the days in which we live. Part of being fitly armed is putting on the full armor of God. In doing so, we can stand against everything the enemy attempts to bring our way. The armor of God keeps us prepared in every situation.

When we follow God’s plan for battle, we will remain in peace.

The Bible says in Psalm 144:1, “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.” God’s desire is for us to be victorious. He has given us everything we need for victory. If we seek His face, He will teach us to best use those weapons to win the war.

So as Christians should we be armed? Absolutely. We must arm ourselves with the arsenal of weapons God has provided, for in them and with them every battle will be won. Every battle and every war. Today, pick up your weapons. Lay hold of them and use them to defeat the enemies of God. Once and for all.

Please share this teaching with other intercessors. Let’s arm ourselves with the weapons God has provided.

Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Bob Carlson
October 20, 2022

The Scriptures on spiritual warfare are faith-building and encouraging. I certainly agree with all of them. But the message of this article is woefully incomplete and misleading. Self defense and the defense of innocent people is a Christian right and responsibility. The implication of this article is that a Christian should not be armed. At least that’s what I understood. How foolish and irresponsible. It makes me wonder if the writer is uninformed or possibly in bed with the enemy of our freedoms.

Monica Kennedy
August 29, 2022

While I believe that God will protect us, we also have a responsibility to do our part. We live in a fallen world and the darkness is ever increasing. When a country’s citizens are disarmed, it is very easy for a tyrannical leader to take over, as Hitler did in Germany.

The second amendment of our constitution guarantees our right to bear arms for a reason!

August 23, 2022

Too late for long reply. And praise.God for those spiritual weapons. But while not perhaps designated as weapons, spiritial mindsets lilr Gpd’s love, peace, joy, forgiveness and such are also powerful weapons as we keep in mind that Jesus already defeated.the enemy satan. Our job is to enforce his victory already by the weapon of faith in our present situations.

But also.to remember those human instrumemts satan uses to do his works are blinded to do will ate usually blinded by the enemy. B
But often if we per Jesus do not resist evil, but overcome evil with good. darkness with light and hate with love. Eg years ago at National Day of prayer, when kindness and love shown to protesting atheists, they allowed believers.to pray for their needs. Very effeminate homosexual when told in love of Gods goodness, love and Kingdom for him cried out “I want that!!” And withoit even.
Bit !ore and more, media, even so-called conservative media, too often views opponemts from am earthly carnal view and reaction derogatory labelling(ie.cursing an individual) a nd sting up spirits of anger, bitterness, strife, hatred,etc of which only dr ags us down from our spiritual position of being seated with Christ in Heaven on His throne down to the enemy’s level and weapons of fesh from where we cannot .win.
nut weapons of th Sporit likenlove, kindness, grace etc can often turn our enemies into followers of Jesus and our allies and friends!☺

August 22, 2022

You never answered the question directly. Big surprise. All you said was that the Lord ‘dropped something in your spirit’ and that we were to be armed with what He supplies in His arsenal or arm ourselves with the Word! It’s a good thing our founding fathers didn’t simply stop with prayer but took up arms so that you have the freedom that you enjoy today!!

August 22, 2022

The Spirit of God want us to be prepared spiritually first and physically for warfare. Scriptures tell us that the Lord was with David and instructed him to go after the enemy who took their families and goods. God gave David good success. Yet David had to fight a real physical battle. We are in a different kind of battle in our days, but we are not to give up our means of protecting our homes and families. God with our founding Fathers made the provision in the Constitution for this right. God is with us when we are fighting for the right things that are shown to us in His word. God was seen by soldiers in modern wars where they witnessed miracles of survival and protection, yet they carried and used their armaments to push back the enemy armies too. As believers in Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross, we ARE soldiers in God’s army first under His Command. He knows not everyone will be inducted into the earthly army, but we are to take care of our families when danger is imminent. We do all we do as unto the Lord first, then He will guide and direct us according to His plans and purposes for our lives and those we love. Seek the Lord first, He has everything under His control. Rejoice because the war is already won, we may be called upon to squash the skirmishes. We are overcomers in this life, so rejoice over the coming victories. Praise to our Commander-God!!!

David Scott
August 22, 2022

While a missionary in Christchurch, New Zealand, I became aware of a place used by satanists & witches called Witch Mt., which overlooks the city from the Port Hills. In prayer I asked God to destroy it with an earthquake. 3 days later a small quake split the ritual area in half, but didn’t completely destroy it. About 3 years later, God told me to do a Jericho march around the largest Anglican cathedral in the city because of their apostasy. I met a Maori brother doing the same thing, so I have a witness. About 2 months after we returned to the USA, an 8.2 quake brought down the steeple. It was followed by 4,000 aftershocks. Then a 7.8 quake brought the rest of it down. God spoke to a Chinese friend to sell his house & move to solid ground because He planned to destroy the city. That 7.8 quake also finished the judgment at Witch Mt. There are more details about this in my first book – Ambassador Undercover. They are also recorded in my recent autobiography – Divine Appointments.

Santos Garcia Jr.
August 22, 2022

When the economic collapse that is looming worldwide happens- sooner than most think, the community of nations including America will need to transition to gold and silver (and other precious metals) backed currencies.

Where the colonists armed during the pre- and post Revolutionary War period? Yes of course. In 20 months the world has fallen into grave chaos, so although I applaud sister Kim for this great essay- we need to be armed in the Spirit as well as physically.

ABBA Father, we thank You that You are Sovereign, and that You are allowing the world to wake up and recognize the grave assault on our lives- by the WEF, CDC, WHO, and too many of the alphabet agencies and programs. We agree that You are in the process of a Divine Intervention that WILL manifest on the near horizon… by Holy Spirit, the Angelic Hosts, and Your warriors in the physical realm as well. Praise You and THANK You in advance… in the Name above ALL names, the LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN!


August 22, 2022

While I do believe in the power of our Father, an armed man breaking into our home with intent to harm would be met with same. Evidence the woman who defended herself and two young daughters from harm by an armed intruder this week. Let’s just say he won’t be doing it again.

August 22, 2022

This article still didn’t address being physically armed. It is totally correct as far as being spiritually armed but it did not address being physically armed. Our history we have had to be physically armed to free the country against tyrants. That’s what it needed to address.

August 21, 2022

Best summation yet, Bill G. (On Dec. 7th, 1941…)! & Kathleen–good also. Well, said & balanced.

Cynthia Weatherwax
August 21, 2022

I know that their are times when one has to draw the sword to keep the peace. In our case it’s guns. We have the right to bear arms and because of that we are not controlled by the government. Rest assure that criminals have guns as well. So we protect our families, and our neighbors. Israel is having to deal with battles that involves guns and rockets that keeps the enemy at bay. I think every home should have a gun. Then crime would go down.

Gail Wood
August 21, 2022

My family has been in the south since before 1700. Over the many years Southerners have been proud gun owners . It is our right and probably our duty.
I do not like guns but I am a gun owner. It never comes out of it’s case unless I am at a gun range practicing but I know it is there if needed. I pray to God that it never will be because I do not like guns and pray that I or anyone I know is in a position to have to use one.
The constitution that mine and many other families fought for over the many generations says that we the people of America have the right to freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.
Most gun owners are everyday people like us who prefer to look to God as our protector and pray daily for His devine protection.
We are not a threat at all to our Government or anyone else and we love our country.
We love it enough that we pray for her always and even for the souls of the current Administration. And enemy would never do that.
We are not the enemy . God sees what our wonderful nation is going through and He sees us and He hears our crys for deliverance from our enemies both domestic and foreign.
I want to encourage us all to look not to the left or to the right but straight ahead to where our precious Lord and Savior beckons us to keep fasting , praying , trusting and seeking Him.
The enemy looks like he is winning and that we are beaten but that is a lie straight from the enemy. Skirmishes may be one by our enemies but God always wins the battle.
God bless you all and all glory , honour and praise be to our wonderful God.
Praise You …..,,,Father , Son and Holy Spirit

    August 22, 2022

    Thank you for expressing what so many of us believe and feel

Vicki Kee
August 21, 2022

Though I agree with this teaching, I find myself wondering why his daughter works with physical weapons. I pray these things but still want a physical weapon. I don’t have one yet because I am trying to get my husband on board. Why did Jesus say to sell your cloak and to buy a weapon? You don’t need money for praying your way through. Look at Australia. They gave up their weapons and lost their freedoms. We don’t need to use our weapons…but we need them to know that we have them if and when were might need them. Personally, I would be more hesitant to be a threat to someone who I know has a gun than to someone who I already know doesn’t have a gun. Just praying isn’t enough. We already know that God has our backs even without the prayers…if you pray regularly anyway. Another way to look at this. A lot of countries have devastating bombs. None of us want them…but we have them so that the other guy won’t use theirs because they know that we have ours. Will we ever use them …I pray to God not. It is the same with our guns. We pray to God that we never have to use them.

Darlene Estlow
August 21, 2022

Thank you, Father, for your wisdom. May we protect ourselves!

August 21, 2022

Yes! AND Be led by GOD! We have a Constitution that is a deterrent to tyranny! The elected and un-elected officials today has No legal right to change our Constitution. Their bills are worthless! FATHER GOD please order our steps and direct our paths in JESUS NAME!

Mary Mumper
August 21, 2022

Christians need to also learn something from history. Solzhenitsyn tells in the history of Gulag Archipelago that the inmates sat around and talked about what they wished they would have done to save them the torture. They wished they would have had weapons, even axes or such. God gave us this ONCE great country and the second amendment of the constitution is to protect our families from torture from a tyrannical govt.. It is better to perish then to have your children tortured unmercifully. There is a scripture where Christ tells the disciples to purchase a sword. Self protection of oneself and family is godliness.

    August 21, 2022

    Well said, Mary. That’s exactly what I was thinking.

Dwight Keafer
August 21, 2022

I am reminded of the Aslan character in C.S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia. He never worked the same way twice. So we see in the Old Testament, God involved his people in various ways to fight the enemy. Then, as now, our arch enemy, Satan, moved and empowered his captives to wage war on the saints. As Christ moves through his Spirit in the church we will be directed individually and corporately how to stand, knowing that the gates of Hell will not prevail. We must not neglect the spiritual weapons enumerated above, but we must also consider that we must make a stand for truth. Whether that stand involves the sword or the pen, our hope and trust in God is at the core.

Lord, help us to hear your voice, the voice of the Good Shepherd, in our midst. Then help us to take our stand as you direct. Lord, we would not desert you in the heat of battle, but we are so weak. Help us; give us courage to endure with patience the trials of our faith that lay ahead. At times the strength of the enemy seems so overwhelming that it is hard to seem him as a defeated foe. Help us to stand firm on that Rock of our Salvation that cannot be moved until we see you coming in power and great glory. Amen.

Vern Marks
August 21, 2022

Father, thank you for your faithfulness to your people again and again throughout the ages! We are more than confident that under your guidance we will win every battle! You always cause us to Triumph! put my self in agreement with all the other saints praying for all that we pray for here at Intercessors For America! We give the praise and the glory and the honor! It’s in Jesus’ name we pray! 🙂

August 21, 2022

Also agree that fasting and being armed with a weapon are Godly things we can do as led by Holy Spirit. God works in many ways according to the person and the situation. For me, however, I would probably shoot myself if I had a gun. My grandma did have a small gun in a drawer for protection because she lived alone. That was a good idea.

August 21, 2022

Wonderful teaching on the power of the believer!!! Truth in every word. We must take the time to apply these things to our lives daily and then we’ll know the love and peace of our Lord in true undefeatable power!!! It’s important to apply God’s various weapons as needed and applicable throughout the day, not just habitually and ritualistically once a day in an “ official prayer time “. A prayer time is good but we also need to fight our spiritual battles guided and annointed by Holy Spirit applying all these tools of battle to each situation that we face. Godbless us all as we grow spiritually every day!!! LuvNan

Chip Matthews
August 20, 2022

Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke22v36 We are in the middle of a Communist Coup of our nation and every nation that was lost to dictators and tyrants was first unarmed. I am a seasoned intercessor but I also believe in being armed for self defense and protecting my family and to put the fear of God on the enemy(Ecc.3v8)

Annette Marie Rousseau
August 20, 2022

As the body of believers in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. We need to add fasting to our prayers. Esther changed the entire empire that was going to kill all the jews when she proclaimed a FAST of all her countrymen. We need to be models of Queen Esthers fast. Fasting comes in many forms. Not always 3 days without food. In these times we need extended fasts however God and The Holy Spirit will lead. Please exhort your followers to add fasting to their prayers. This is the only thing that is going to bring The Hand Of God to intervene. People have bent over backwards and spent alot of their own monies and free time for our country both politically and medically with the Bioweapons push. We need Gods Hand to move. Fasting is a B12 to our prayers; actually it is dynamite to our prayers. Thank you for all you do.

Annette Marie Rousseau
August 20, 2022

As the body of believers in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. We need to add fasting to our prayers. Esther changed the entire empire that was going to kill all the jews when she proclaimed a FAST of all her countrymen. We need to be models of Queen Esthers fast. Fasting comes in many forms. Not always 3 days without food. In these times we need extended fasts however God and The Holy Spirit will lead. Please exhort your followers to add fasting to their prayers. This is the only thing that is going to bring The Hand Of God to intervene. People have bent over backwards and spent alot of their own monies and free time for our country both politically and medically with the Bioweapons push. We need Gods Hand to move. Fasting is a B12 to our prayers; actually it is dynamite to our prayers. Thank you for all you do.

Lori McColley
August 20, 2022

I believe in the right to bear arms, no doubt. But we have to keep weighing the fact that we are living in 2 kingdoms. Here is a thought provoking read. https://kdhenderson.wordpress.com/2020/09/23/when-you-feel-painfully-and-hopelessly-stuck-in-a-season-you-dont-want-to-be-in/

August 20, 2022

Amen ! Thank for this revelation you shared ! It’s powerful and uplifting ! Yes we have the victory in Jesus name the name above all names ! The undefeated name ! Every weapon there is bow in the mighty name of Jesus ! The blood of Jesus covers us all from the schemes of the enemy ! Amen and Halleluyah 🙏

Bill G.
August 20, 2022

Concerning these very troubled times, we often ask, what is God’s will concerning us?
One of my pastors in my church left me, in one of his teachings, perhaps the most indelible one of all (although I still confess to be a Christian dumbbell):
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will concerning you”.
1 Thessalonians 5:16
Simple…and I keep coming back to it.

August 20, 2022

The only thing here I question are the “prophecies”. C’mon folks, give us a break with these. So many were not fulfilled, how can you even type that?

Otherwise, I think your article is good guidance.

    Bill G.
    August 20, 2022

    Keith –
    God’s prophecies, if they were TRULY from God’s prophets, are infallible. It is also vitally important that a person who studies God’s Word, that he or she have trusted fully in His Son through confession of sin, repentance, and acknowledgment of His shed blood to wash our sins away, and believing in His Resurrection, NOT our good works, for entrance into eternal life….anyone who has not done this does NOT have God’s Holy Spirit residing in him/her and cannot understand nor fully accept His Word.
    I say all this not as condemnation, but as concern, that you follow the Lord’s directives in Scripture….they are eternally true.

Adair Jones
August 20, 2022

Ty so much!

August 20, 2022

I agree that we need to arm ourselves with all the Spiritual Weapons GOD’S Word provides for us, but we still need to be diligent in protectong ourselves , family and friends. I have a concealed carry permit and am armed in most areas where weapons are permitted including church. We also have a security team at church who are armed. I feel safer worshiping church and am ready and willing to lay down my life for my friends, esp my pastor.

Leigh Barrett
August 20, 2022

I am very impressed with your approach, to use the weapons that God has made available to us in the battles that we will inevitably be involved in. Counter culture, bless your hearts.

Bill G.
August 20, 2022

On 7 December 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked, without warning, the U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor, and military and civilian installations on Oahu, resulting in the deaths of over 2,200 Americans. It was the darkest and most frightful day in our history. Japan had already been guilty of militarily assaulting China and other SE Asian nations in the 1930s, killing 100s of thousands of mainly civilians. That was only the beginning. On Dec. 8, Adolph Hitler and his Nazi government declared war not only the United States, but also on all of our Allies, including Great Britain. Now we were involved in a true world war, and it became a costly one. Millions died, but millions of Americans and Allies took up not only arms, but countless prayers and intercessions to defeat the Axis. My father was a submarine commander in the war, and he was responsible for the destruction of many Japanese vessels, and the deaths of hundreds of enemy sailors. Yes, war is hell. But sometimes it is necessary to use both spiritual AND physical weapons to defeat evil, it has been that way not only for America but also for Israel, both in ancient and modern times, and for other nations who have refused to submit to Satan and his tyranny. That is History…His Story.
Keep praying and believing in Jesus – but keep your powder dry!

August 20, 2022

Yours truly absolutely agrees in regard to our spiritual weapons never the less, though she does not currently carry or own a firearm she fully supports and encourages the rights of others to do so and if and when she returns to the U.S. she will obtain, train in firearm safety and use, then she too will carry. There is a balance, wise if at all possible begin each and every day in prayer & devotion time, then strive to remain in a spirit of prayer through out our day. In ALL circumstances we should and must pray. There may come times though when we must be willing to defend ourselves, our families, home, friends and our country against enemies who have chosen willfully to follow in the ways of the evil one. Nothing short of deadly force will stop many of these ones. Those of us who can and are willing should be prepared as others have done to deal with those who misuse their firearms to harm the innocent, then leave it in God’s hands as far as judgement goes remembering that someone who is committing these kind of crimes are willfully putting themselves at risk of someone standing up to them and stopping them with yes, deadly force. Do not hate or fear the enemy, do not hate or fear firearms. Let us pray always. May our precious Heavenly Father grant us peace and wisdom, in Jesus mighty name, amen.

August 20, 2022

This is awesome. With respect, I would like to add:
Camoflage Col 3:3
For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
If we are hidden, the enemy can’t find us.

Ms Mary
August 20, 2022

This is a powerful article.
I give You praise, Lord, and I thank You for what You are doing in our land, and all the nations of the world. I thank You for keeping Your promises. I thank You for turning things around, for the exposures that are continuing, more and more, just as You said through Your prophets. Yes, I believe that THANKSKGIVING is another weapon.
We give You thanks. Now, before we see it.
The Lord has made bare His holy arm! Isaiah 52:10

Zoe Ella
August 20, 2022

If God is life and love and Christians are for God, it follows that by using guns, Christians would be putting themselves on the side of killing, anti-life. It may look difficult if the mob is coming to shoot you, but we have been told that life will win over death. That is a broad statement, though, not a guarantee that a Christian will survive a bullet or other form of violence. What we need to seek within ourselves is a faith strong enough to be willing to transition to the other side.

    Ms Mary
    August 20, 2022

    I understand the reluctance on the part of some Christians to use guns. Personally, I do not like guns. But there are several things that come to mind. For instance, the commandment that says “do not kill” should actually be translated “do not murder”. We have had numerous examples where a shooter was stopped from killing more people by being shot himself, sometimes by a bystander. I know of examples of just seeing that a person had a gun was enough to prevent violence or robbery.

August 20, 2022

I’m grateful for the above witness. I don’t recognize our country and need to walk in faith, instead of fear. Thank you.

Corazon Hall
August 20, 2022

Our heavenly father will prevail.

August 20, 2022

I once had a great Bible teacher that consistently said that we should understand the Bible teaching as a whole and not just pick one verse or group of verses and take our meaning from that. That when we find a verse that seems to be disagreeing with another verse we have either misunderstood one or the other or both.
It is true what you have said in the article . Our dependence on God for our protection is paramount. However I would also note the following verses from Luke 22 when Jesus was talking to his Apostles about His soon not being with them. We are to be both spiritually and physically armed for our defense. To be one without the other is leaving an opening for the enemy.

35 And He said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.

36 Then said He unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And He was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And He said unto them, It is enough.

    Ms Mary
    August 20, 2022

    Thank you for posting that. Clearly, we can’t take just one verse. While we have weapons that are not carnal, we can certainly use guns when necessary. I was just wondering if there was anything in the New Testament about self defense and you answered that. And we know Peter had a sword, as he used it to cut off someone’s ear!

Jefferis Peterson
August 20, 2022

No question that prayer and praise are our most powerful weapons. But remember we are also a Constitutional Republic, which means that just government is an extension of the will of the people. We have a right and responsibility to defend just government. Unlike Rome, submission to authorities was to unelected rulers. IOW, the government did not derive from popular consent or the will of the people. Our military takes an oath to defend the Constitution, not political leaders. If the leaders violate the Constitution, they are not only NOT to submit, but to resist and arrest them. As citizens of a Republic, we also are to resist unConstitutional violations, and not submit to them. We are also to obey God, not man.

When Jesus told Peter to buy a sword, it was a short defensive sword called a makaria, which was legal for anyone to carry even under Roman rule. It would have been for defense against brigands and robbers in their travels, as they were also told now to carry a purse. The sword was not to be used to defend against persecution for the sake of Jesus, but for self-defence against lawlessness.

See that Turn the Other Cheek meant in its historical context: https://www.scholarscorner.com/turning-the-other-cheek-what-it-meant-in-its-historical-context/

August 20, 2022

Just an excellent teaching and observation. I’ve always felt the same way. After watching the movie War Room, we once again we see and hear the power of the name of Jesus, Yeshua, after this excellent post.

David Esteban Ortiz
August 20, 2022

This is the kairos for our polemos: the time (season) for our war (in Christ). Amen. So be it.
To God alone be the glory and the honor. The victory is HIS.

David Oliver
August 20, 2022

Yes! Every Born again believer, is armed. Knowing how to use your weapons is half the battle. Our mind is the battle field? Our thoughts should only like Christ. As a man thinks so is he. Whatever, you are focused upon is likely what you will become. Remember that we are spiritual being made in God’s image and likeness.

Heavenly Father, I pray speaking the Word of God only. May every parent teach and lead their children the way to follow biblical principles. Inviting and acknowledging the Holy Spirit during your prayer time in Jesus’ Name.

May we all have a strong desire and expectation focus upon things above and not upon things in this world. May we receive new revelation from the Lord as we increase our daily prayer and praise. Confessing Jesus is Lord over your life He shall also, confess your words to God the Father in Heaven. The Lord watches over His Word to perform it and the angels of the Hearken to our spoken words in faith. If God is for me. Who can be against me?

We must be very careful in these end time days. Remember, Death and life is in the power of our tongue. We are spirit being. Most of us receive whatever we are speaking not aware of power of the spoken word. The Word of God is living and alive.

Therefore, whatever is your heart (spirit) that’s what you are likely to speak. Daily prayer, praise and speaking the Word only will break the rock in pieces says, the Lord. will change any situation.

May God continually guide us with a desired heart in fellowship with the Lord. In Jesus’ Name Amen. Glory to God.

August 20, 2022

Yes, I agree with all that you and our Daddy shared, but Nehemiah had his team armed with a weapon in one hand and a tool in the other if Nehemiah hadn’t told Israel to have a weapon to protect and fight back the wall would not have done up. What about Jesus telling his disciples to go sell something and buy 2 swords. My first and foremost weapon is Elshadi and all that He has provided for us, but those weapon are only activated and effective in our intimate relationship with Daddy. Secondly os the 2 amendment my right to bare arms for those who with to steal, kill and destroy my family and my life. Yes I can and will use my spiritual weapon, but too I will use my 45 if puish comes to shove with Satan children.

    John H
    August 20, 2022

    What would history look like if Elijah had a spiritual advisor who told him, “God placed Ahab & Jezabel in power, just submit to leadership and be humble”

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
August 20, 2022

God has given us the weapons for our warfare. He tells us in
Ephesians 6:10-18 that we are to put on the whole armor of God and have them covered in prayer. He is not going to put the armor on us. He does the providing. He also reminds us that our warfare is spiritual, thus the spiritual weapons. We are fighting demons. Satan is our real enemy, and he delights when we leave him out of the equation. He loves it when he can make us believe that he does not exist. Also, God has told us in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, again, that our weapons are not carnal. We are losing because we refuse to acknowledge the truth of God’s Word and call out Satan for what he is…a liar. This is not a political issue. It’s A GOD THING.
Come on, Soldiers of God! Let us suit up together and do what God told us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

August 20, 2022

There are many times in the Scripture where the Lord led His people in battles and provided practical strategies. The warriors/workers who rebuilt the temple worked with a sword of protection beside them. To protect one’s family is Godly and innate. To stand as our forefathers did in the Revolutionary War was clearly a God led move as He lead this country into a covenant relationship with Himself. Balanced Bible reading clearly teaches us that we can not put him in a “box”. Yes, seek His face, intercede, speak decrees and be prepared to do what He says in any given situation. We are praying we never cave to passivity and repeat devastating history.

Jill myllykangas
August 20, 2022

This is what I needed to remind me that God knows my pain. Just had a break up in a relationship….and it hurts very deeply. But God knows my pain and his plans are better than mine.

Grant Windholz
August 20, 2022

“We the People” in this country have the right to bear arms because it’s stated proof in our Constitution. However, with the “Armor of Christ” we are always protected as believers in Him!

Betty Beardsley
August 20, 2022

I agree with this article by Kim Potter and fully believe we should trust God at all times in every circumstance. I also know that Peter had a sword with him when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus because he used it to cut off one ear of one of the soldiers. I know God can protect us at all times and it all places, but I also know there are Christians who are killed for their faith. I think we all need to pray about whether to be armed physically but WE ALL NEED TO BE ARMED SPIRITUALLY.

    John H
    August 20, 2022

    I agree. I never like theology that boasts of knowing the will of God without having to hear the voice of God.

August 20, 2022

I love this article. It reminds me of Phil Robertson from his Unashamed Podcast. Okay so we all or at least most of us know all about the Duck Dynasty Family and how they build duck calls and buck calls and what ever else hunting related ( I don’t know I mainly just know about the duck calls) so naturally Phil and his family have guns and know all about gun safety and the 2nd Amendement right. The reason why I bring this up isn’t to contradict the article at all I promise I’m getting to my point but On Phils pod cast he talks about how on multiple occations he’s had intruders and he greets them with a double barrell shot gun and says I’m not sure that’s a good idea son. Why are you here and what’s going on you know that sort of thing in. Phil then invites the intuder to talk about what’s going on and he reads the Bible with the intruder. My point is owning a gun shouldn’t always have to be neccarily be a bad think. It doesn’t neccarily have to be a weapon to cause harm but more just of a deterrant to get the introder to stop and think twice about what they are doing. Phil is truly wise and Blessed by God well anyway I just want

ed to bring it up because in away it goes with what this article is talking about. Which is pretty much the question of to own a gun or not own gun which is the question. In my example I am using Phil as an example to argue both sides if that makes since. Guns are great for deterring and the Bible is great for saving lives and teaching intruders about Jesus’ Sacrifice and that there is forgiveness, and salvation and that what ever that intruder may be going through it doesn’t have to be their story and they don’t have to let it define who they are. They are then not only shocked but transformed because first of all they’re freaked out because your not trying to blow their arm off but because your introducing them to Jesus who died for all of our Sins.

Anyway when I was reading this article that was the first thought that came to me. Thank you and God Bless.

August 20, 2022

We should always rely on God’s word first. Where do you stand on actually having gun(s) in one’s home?

    John H
    August 20, 2022

    But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
    1 Timothy 5:8 ESV

    This scripture is talking about food and clothing but, I’m pretty sure protecting a wife or child is part of “providing for”

Lane. Bishop
August 20, 2022

I agree 100 per cent with your spiritual arms. However the Bible does not say nor indicate we should not be physical armed as welll. Even JESUS said buy a sword. Likewise the church who say we must obey the government using Rom. 13 are deceived and will answer to the God of Heaven for misleading his people, either innocent or guilty!! Lsne Bishop

    August 20, 2022


    August 20, 2022

    Wasn’t there a gentleman who carried a firearm down in TX and saved many people in the church that day by firing back at the perpetrator of evil intent? Praise God that that gentleman was armed and trained in the use of his firearm. If it’s your family or the person using evil intent against them, I believe the choice is clear.
    In all things remain prayerful and may glory be given to God.

    So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do “all” to the glory of God. 1Cor 10:31

August 20, 2022

Thank you Jesus for Kim, her faithfulness and courage to listen to You and take time to write this message from Your heart, to write all these truths down for us, the gifts from You that are our weapons of warfare for the good fight!
A very well organized listing in fact!
And for IFA to print it…and balanced.
As Christians we are provided arms by our Poppa God, King of the Universe, Commander of the Angel Armies!
We, our calling as children of the Light, sometimes requires our good works to do violence to the darkness, not the captives of it.
Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy of the current administration too. It is not new.
And thank you for not condemning gun ownership, for I do believe gun ownership is a privilege as much as driving or voting.
Most of all, praise You Jesus for coming here to the planet. For defeating the enemy on Your cross and giving us Your Spirit, Word, Friendship through all our days here and the promise of Your return.
Help us, this generation be found faithful til You Come Lord Jesus…Maranatha!!!

Eunice Montfort
August 20, 2022

The article about the armor of God vs trusting in guns to protect us was very helpful. If we are sold out to God, then He said we “abide under the shadow of the Almighty, and we dwell in the secret place of the Most High God.” There is no safer place. No weapon formed against us by Satan or his demons can touch us without the permission of the Lord God Almighty. If God does give His permission, as He did with Job, it if for a specific reason, a specific season, and it is totally under the control of our loving Heavenly Father. We don’t have to trust in guns for our protection.

Kathy Emahiser
August 20, 2022

Father, in the name of Jesus help us not to grow weary in well doing for we will reap a harvest if we don’t give up. None of what is going on in this country or abroad catches you by surprise. Our mandate as believers is to keep praying, knowing that you will work everything out for good if we maintain our trust in you and be obedient to the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for the good things you have already done and continue to do. In Jesus name, Amen.

August 20, 2022

All very true and important since how battle is a heavenly war. But don’t forget the scripture also said to take up your sword and the children of Israel were always ready. With the evil that is loses today one needs to be wise in every area.

August 20, 2022

I totally agree with you, that our voices would rise above this evil! BUT, God gave us a brain. Of course we need to be armed…and not just with words! If criminals invade our home, murder our loved ones, what will you do? Serve them lunch?? Our Pastors need to share what is going on today, not be concerned about offending anybody, but educate, and protect our flock. Christians are on ‘ the radar ‘ now. A LOT of hate crimes are being committed, just because we are Christians. I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t take take that, like a lamb going to the slaughter! I am one of many would shares the Gospel, pray for folks daily ( been in prayer ministry for 40 years, and won’t stop) God is FIRST and FOREMOST in my life, but will ‘ PROTECT ‘ my family, friends and strangers!

    August 20, 2022


    John Hansen
    August 20, 2022

    I agree.
    Prayer and faith in the love of God ARE MY MAIN ACTIONS. Never the less, when it’s time to put food on the table for my wife and kids, step one is go to work.
    I then take the money I earn and buy food. All they while I thank God for my job and His blessings with a thankful heart

Dewey W Whitworth
August 20, 2022

Simply put YEs if you choose to be armed.

Jaye Bren
August 20, 2022

And a Glock isn’t a bad accessory after prayers too!

R.W. Nichelson
August 20, 2022

No, we should let evil men rape, and kill us at their leisure. Sounds insane right? That’s because it is! Even a disciple took a sword against a soldier to protect his Master. Have you not read that yet?

    August 20, 2022

    Be careful how you use scripture.
    Whoopi Goldberg recently tried to say God is for abortion because He created us with freedom to choose, for when we realize we have made a mistake.
    Are you forgetting what Jesus said to that disciple?
    Now, I am NOT saying we are to let sick people rape us or even be like the quakers and not prosecute criminals when they do evil to people.
    I got nothing against owning guns. We still participate in a shooting fundraiser for a family ministry!
    What I clearly hear in this prayer message is Who do we, people of the cross, children bought by the priceless Blood of THE LAMB, Who was slain and now lives, trust in. What weapons has HE provided us….
    Do we train to use them as well as a Glock? Or those guns mentioned.
    We do not need to argue over gun ownership here.
    We simply need to remember our spiritual weapons when faced with fears, questions, folly of others.
    Personally, I treasure some battle ax verses ya’ll!
    Kim, thank you for this before the battle admonishment to tighten our belt! to be ready!

August 20, 2022

In this age of “God, guns and country”, it’s good to hear a Biblical perspective on the real weapons of the Christian life.

Cynthia Taylor
August 20, 2022

Agree, all of this plus. FIRST, we as a church and individually Must repent. God let enemies invade and take over Israel when they forgot HIM and worshipped idols. What are our idols? How have we forgotten HIM? What keeps us distracted? For example, why is our southern border being invaded?? Why is evil taking over? Could this be Gods judgement? I think we must look inside first and ask Holy Spirit to reveal.

We MUST use our voices to oppose evil, I’ve started writing emails and include scripture to attempt to bring the individual awareness of God and His word. I wrote an email yesterday to the superintendent of schools in Kelly Texas that was considering taking the Bible off the shelves. It occurs to me most have no idea what God says in His word. I do this respectfully but seasoned with Truth. We must engage everywhere with our words in love seasoned with SALT. Use our voices! Use God’s words. Proclaim scripture out loud in our private prayer time.

God says there is a time for everything under the sun. Ecclesiastes 3

God bless y’all and start speaking up.

    August 20, 2022

    AMEN! Good work!
    Thank you for sharing too.
    Sometimes people want to do ‘something’ but they just don’t know what to do. Or think ‘it’ won’t matter.
    But whatever good thing God gives us to do, is not too little to matter. We have no idea what HE will do with it.

August 20, 2022

We need both spiritual and physical weapons. I hope this article does not sway anyone in either direction, but make no mistake about it, every country where it’s citizens are wo weapons, there is tyranny and communism. The word of God is absolute truth, but even Jesus told his disciples on the SECOND mission to arm themselves. We are to be gentle as doves and wise as serpents. Be careful to know spiritualize yourselves right into the enemies hands. Our God is a God of war. That is spiritual and physical and it’s all throughout the Word and it goes from Genesis to Revelation.

    August 20, 2022

    AMEN! Well said.
    Thanks for that reminder too, that Jesus told the disciples who needed a sword to buy one. Luke 22:36
    He wants us to do good. Love always does good.

    August 20, 2022

    Yes amen!

    August 20, 2022

    “I hope this article does not sway anyone in either direction…”

    What a strange position to have. At minimum I would hope this article would at least sway everyone towards praying more.

Don Loucks
August 20, 2022

Remember the Black Robe Regiment of our Forefathers – they taught these very Scriptures from their pulpits but set aside their Pastor’s robes to defend our right to be free and courageously fought with carnal means to defend our God given rights to worship our Lord YaHshUaH and defend their families when immediately pressed to live with Liberty or die. Be prepared both spiritually and with a weapon in your hand if the danger is immediately at hand. Being spiritually prepared will prevent much bloodshed in the immediate future. Pray without ceasing. Thank you Father YaHUaH for your Word and provision to combat our enemies first with the weapons of our warfare and if necessary the weapons in our hands. I pray in YaHshUaH’s Name. Amen.

Don Loucks
August 20, 2022

Remember the Black Robe Regiment of our Forefathers – they taught these very Scriptures from their pulpits but set aside their Pastor’s robes to defend our right to be free and courageously fought with carnal means to defend our God given rights to worship our Lord YaHshUaH and defend their families when immediately pressed to live with Liberty or die. Be prepared both spiritually and with a weapon in your hand if the danger is immediately at hand. Being spiritually prepared will prevent much bloodshed in the immediate future. Pray without ceasing. Thank you Father YaHUaH for you Word and provision to combat our enemies first with the weapons of our warfare and if necessary the weapons in our hands. I pray in YaHshUaH’s Name. Amen.

Lynda Harden
August 20, 2022

Thank you for providing this information that I can use in many ways to defeat the enemies of God I am taking notes for my own use and to remind me of my weopens in Christ.

August 20, 2022

In Christ, we have all we need. That said, many Christians have weapons in their home, in my case, hunting guns. I would HATE to use them on another human being. Lord Jesus, please, help me to see that in You, I have all the arming that I need.

August 20, 2022

Do you think that our forefathers would agree with this? We had Pastors in the pulpit solid Christians that stood firm for our freedoms in case their lives for those freedoms. God calls us to do all we know to do and sometimes that means doing something physical not just praying and wishing

    August 20, 2022

    Those forefathers would have agreed fully with every weapon Kim listed. No doubt from reading some of their words.
    They understood that real freedom, real liberty is a gift from God. That our kind of republic is only possible when men a governed within.
    They went to war because the king at the time was a tyrant.
    Americans, especially those of us born here, are getting a taste of tyranny.
    Don’t do knee jerk moves. Like an earlier commenter sited, God tells us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

David Mansfield
August 20, 2022

Almost hopingly was looking for “arm”. Shame on you, cause I didn’t find it.
Meanwhile google sh*t is messing with my message as we speak.
Anyway, progress is being achieved. Progress is happening. Awakening of previously unawakened are now happening. There’s nothing that can stop us from freedom . + and hold it w/God.

August 20, 2022

The reason the author of this article wrote it the way she did is that we all understand the power of physical weapons, but there are very few Christians who understand and believe what the Word says about our spiritual weapons. Even fewer who actually put it into practice.
So listen to the scripture in this excellent article, meditate on it, and make it part of your formidable arsenal!
If you are wondering whether or not Christians should be armed with physical weapons, then you don’t know your Bible. Don’t sit around waiting for Kim to tell you what to do, ask the Lord, read his word and decide for yourself.

Dale Wilson
August 20, 2022

Very good article…to the point and truthful. I do not find anything to disagree with regarding what this article says. BUT…. I would like to remind my brothers and sisters in Christ that the days we live in are what a lot of our godly forefathers feared when they included the Second Amendment in our Bill of Rights. A government that now seems to think that IRS agents, of all people, now have to be armed and…are told to ‘be prepared to use deadly force’ !?! I honestly do not know who to believe in almost any of the news media today as to wether it is true or not these agents are told to use deadly force. But knowing that we have a veery satanic government now in place and also knowing that God does not want us to lay down and be doormats to these satanic so called leaders…. I will keep myself armed with guns and pray to our almighty Father I or we do not EVER have to use them. God wants us to be vigilant in our walk. Yes… PRAY and stay ready

August 20, 2022

Please don’t ignore Luke 22:35-38, it is there for a reason. God does for us what we can’t do for ourselves (which is a lot), but he expects us to do for ourselves what we can.

    August 20, 2022

    Cliff, I am glad you add the specific scripture, I had to look it up.
    I’m just sad you assumed she ignored it.
    I know there are some Christians who use scripture to justify gun grabbing.
    But Kim didn’t. She simply gave a good reminder of the arsenal Poppa God has given us, of spiritual weapons . Which most Christian’s don’t know about or even use.

Molon Labe
August 20, 2022

You are misrepresenting the scriptures. Jesus did not want Peter to hinder the progress to the cross.

Jesus also told his disciples to sell their cloak to purchase a sword. Picking and choosing scripture will not benefit anyone.

    August 20, 2022

    Molon, sounds like you have misinterpreted Kim’s article.

The Prayer Sentry
August 20, 2022

OMG – What an arsenal. Than you sis. CHRISTIANS, ARMED & COURAGEOUS.

David James
August 20, 2022

You are 100% correct about arming ourselves with God’s spiritual weapons. However, you do forget that all Christians have a duty to prepare themselves with proper carnal weapons, to protect themselves & their family members, and even other innocents who are in need of help in some situations, when such is within their power to do so. Surely, part of our duty is to be armed against intruders. Even Jesus asked the Apostles if they were armed, and they explained the weapons they possessed, and Jesus said: “It is enough”.

    August 20, 2022

    God forgive us, your children, biting at each other, misjudging teachers, arguing , accusing, when they are simply and beautifully, admonishing us in Your Word. Forgive us for taking offense when no offense is given… for trying to defend having guns to each other for no reason, rather than taking in the truth of the teaching.

    Poppa God, I am sooo beyond thankful for a clear teaching like this. It was years of reading, studying that You pieced to together for me to clear up so much error!

    Lord please bind the spirts of confusion and strife over Your church and loose Your Spirit! Bring Love, shalom, healing, patience, kindness, restoration so we can stand together saying Come along with Your Spirit to the lost in this world.

      August 20, 2022

      Dear sister,
      Please know that a counter point is not always an offense given nor taken. In our great big family of Poppa God’s we have varying perspectives, gifts and talents and it is not always with strife when a brother or sister cross references scripture. True love within any family allows for free will and free thought in light of scripture. We simply state our thoughts and trust God will reveal truth to each of us through his word. So we Poppa, we love you and each other sister! We do. Poppa has an open door policy and his kids like to communicate (respectfully). ❤

Joseph Everett
August 20, 2022

A bait and switch title here? A fine article I assume, because I only skimmed it once I realized you did not address what I expected – as the title promised you would. May I suggest you correct this misdirection by tackling the subject of the physical arming of believers and patriots in the near future? And perhaps be a little more respectful of your readers in the future with more straightforward titles? Don’t we get enough click-bait elsewhere? Sorry, but I’m a little upset. Thank you.

    Pamela C
    August 20, 2022

    Joseph, I understand your frustration. But no one can answer that question for us other than ourselves and no one should answer that question for us other than ourselves through seeking God‘s will and direction for us.

    My answer to that specific question is, (and this answer is only for me) arm myself only if I intend to kill someone. Because guns and weapons kill. God has said do not kill. And yes love always protects. Believe me, if one of my loved ones were in danger of being harmed and I were present, then I would do everything and anything in my power to stop that person from harming my loved one. I am not very strong, but I would certainly hope and pray angels would help me in such a situation. But as for me, I do not want to intentionally arm myself with a weapon.

    You need to check with God and listen to God about whether or not you should arm yourself.

      Preacher Tim
      August 20, 2022

      Pamela, you are wrong on a few different points. You stated that you would arm yourself only if you intended to kill. Way wrong philosophy. Truth is, the mere presence of a firearm prevents about 98% of violent crime. Criminals are cowards. They see a gun – they leave you alone.
      I carry a weapon (Sig Sauer P365SS) on my hip even when I am preaching. I know many other pastors who do as well.
      And you are wrong about guns killing people on two fronts – first, as mentioned above, guns discourage FAR more violent crime that they promote, and second, yes, it’s cliche, but it’s true – guns don’t kill people; people kill people.

    August 20, 2022

    Thank you thank you Joseph!
    The title was poor and did set up so many to miss so much of the message.
    Kinda shows me the importance of prayer, especially where words are being used🥰

August 20, 2022

Jesus rebuked Peter at the garden of Gethsemane, when he drew his sword and cut off the soldiers ear. Jesus said, Peter put your sword away, he who lives by the sword will perish by the sword

    Molon Labe
    August 20, 2022

    You are misrepresenting the scriptures. Jesus did not want Peter to hinder the progress to the cross.

    Jesus also told his disciples to sell their cloak to purchase a sword. Picking and choosing scripture will not benefit anyone.

    August 20, 2022

    Peter, we so gotta love him!
    Please don’t forget too, that Jesus knew the plan but Peter did not.
    Jesus told the disciples to buy swords at one point before the garden.
    The point dear ones is that we use all the weapons according to His good plan.
    Not just when we ‘think’ they are justified.

August 20, 2022

At least 10 years ago I asked Holy Spirit this question. Is it ok to carry a gun? I even taught a class on it hoping to hear others opinions. Wow! After all these years I finally got an answer I am truly satisfied. Thank You Holy Spirit.

    Preacher Tim
    August 20, 2022

    People who are armed spiritually but not physically are called “victims.”
    When a cracked-out thug breaks into your house at 2 a.m. you try witnessing to him, I will shoot him if needed. We will see who survives – your family or mine.

August 20, 2022

Very well written article and follow-up comments!!
We have access to the – Blood of Jesus, the Words of Jehovah, and the Angel Armies ( which outnumber Satans hosts 2/1)!! So why is there even a struggle???
The answer to that dilemma is revealed in th Eph. 6 foundation verse…..” so you can stand against the WILES of th devil”.. In the heavens Satan is outnumbered and outgunned -BUT- he is very good at his WILES, very very good! And he has had alot of practice.
One of his powers is his patience- he will spend generations changing mindsets. He understands our humanness. Our pride and insecurities are targets of his “firey darts .
So -my friends-NEVER take a single breath without your armor and weapons of warfare !!
In. JESUS all-powerful name we stand. Amen!

August 20, 2022

Never never never give up your guns. An unarmed populace is easier to control. It is the earmark of every fascist, communist, socialist government in history, from Pol Pot to Hitler, Cuba, China, Venezuela. Disarm the people first, then enslave them. Yes, pray, and be wise and stay armed both spiritually and physically.

Joyce Neeley
August 20, 2022

Like 22:36
“He said to them (his disciples) but now if you have a purse, take it and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and but one.”
Dear Jesus, please give us the wisdom we need to face these perilous times. You have given us Holy Spirit power to face all obstacles.
Praising the LORD for what you are doing and about do!
Praying in JESUS name. AMEN

Kenneth Webber
August 20, 2022

A few years ago in my prayer time time the Lord told me He knew the things I would die for. Now He wanted me to make a list of the things I would kill for. He said it was important to have thought through those situations, I spent a few days and went back to the Lord with my list. I asked if it was the same list for everyone. He said that it wasn’t, but it was important to know. I asked that he make me that dangerous first in my prayer life. AIt was a sobering moment in my intercession.

August 20, 2022

Luke 22:36

August 20, 2022

Great reminder of the spiritual weapons at our disposal. However, Christians are killed by evil people every year. I’ll keep both my gun and my spiritual weapons, thank you very much.

August 20, 2022

May the peace that surpasses all understanding guard our hearts till the day of Christ’s return.

Jan Barwick
August 20, 2022

Everyone should read 11 Chronicles 20 about Jehoshaphat when the Ammonites were coming against Judah. He called all of Judah to pray. ….”the battle is not yours but God’s”. We are so overwhelmed with the evil that is coming out of Washington that we hardly know how to pray. May we all repent before the Lord and pray full and confidently that our Lord will fight this battle. And read Ephesians 6:10-18. Claim it and believe it. May our Lord have mercy on us all.

August 20, 2022

Jesus said, ” But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag. And if you don’t have a sword, seel your cloak and buy one!” Luke 22:36 NIV

Lynn Allen
August 20, 2022

Lord – Help us use ALL your weapons against the enemy as some seek to destroy what is good! Help us to be courageous and without fear!
Give us the strength to meet the enemy as they are equipped.

In Jesus Name.

Michael Newberry
August 20, 2022

I’ll need to study about this on my own, but I’ve heard that China did not persecute Christians before communism took over and many Christians in China at that time were a bit lukewarm, (similar to America today). They did not believe that their government would persecute them as Christians. Then, when communism took over in China, many Christians fell away from the faith. This article points out the most important part of being a Christian; being close to the Lord in spiritual maturity now, before persecution begins.

August 20, 2022

Let me finish the article for you by listing some other weapons that are also in the Bible.
Flaming sword (protected the garden of Eden from unauthorized entry).
Slingshots and stones (David’s modern day version of a deadly projectile, used offensively by the way).
Bows and arrows (another deadly projectile used to fulfill prophecies such as the killing of kings).
Swords and knives (from Abraham saving Lot’s family to beheading giants).
Weapons of mass destruction (biological weapons known as pestilence, snakes, and bears; environmental weapons known as drought, earthquakes, hail, fire and brimstone).
Gravity (evil queen being pushed out a window).
All of the above in the physical realm were used to accomplish either a defensive or offensive act.
Use the above as seems most appropriate to you, but at least now you have “the rest of the story”.

August 20, 2022

So True. Thank you for the comprehensive , powerful message so needed and full of hope ! Father, help us to be faithful

Eileen Ealy
August 20, 2022

In the book of Nehemiah, the Jews met adversity when trying to build the wall. Enemies surrounded them in every side. FIRST they prayed, THEN they took up weapons and continued the work. They had a tool in one hand and a sword in the other. Our relationship with God is 2 fold. We pray and we act upon what we can do, trusting that the Lord will give us the victory. Prayer is the prerequisite to action.

    Greg "Arnie" Arnsberger
    August 20, 2022

    Yes, that is what the US Navy CB”s, Sea Bees, came from…Tools in one hand and a weapon in the other…

August 20, 2022

I believe the current government administration has once again resorted to intimidation and scare tactics in order to force their will upon the American citizenry. This started in 2016 when we elected an American businessman into the highest office going against their will which ignited a chain of events leading up to today. I’ve been praying everyday since the first signs of intimidation began, and will continue to pray and take the steps needed in order to secure my home and the well-being of my family and friends. I have faith in the Lord, and He will, in His time, strengthen our entire nation against the enemy that is within its offices and halls of authority. I pray daily that we will prevail.

Chip Murray
August 20, 2022

Two swords…sword of the Spirit in our hearts, and sword of steel on our hips.

August 20, 2022

What kind of question is this? We should be so well armed that the leftists tread carefully when dealing with us. When Sleepy Creepy signed the so called Inflation Reduction Act, he knew the armed IRS agents will not be hired for accounting purposes. They will act as the the Gestapo for all of us.

Anna Amador
August 20, 2022

I feel we Christian’s need to arm ourselves for anything that might harm us and our families. Satan don’t sleep and he kills. We must above all have a strong relationship with God the father for He protects us. Psalms 91
Than 2nd have self defense items such as guns.

Annabel Stehli
August 20, 2022

Thank you for your well- written, comprehensive, inspiring words.
We are armed, or will be, with material weapons as well. Where would David have been without his slingshot? Peace through strength.
Where teachers are armed there are no school shootings.

timothy price
August 20, 2022

David prayed and practiced. His people were in danger so he picked up a stone.
Simple faith, acting justly, saved them.
Any questions?

August 20, 2022

Thank You for this encouragement! We are in this battle together in unity with the Spirit! Excellent scripture to keep focused on the Lord!

John Truly
August 20, 2022

The spiritual weapons listed are real, powerful and unquestioned. I personally am left with the question, as many should be, whether the believing Christian should also be physically armed – be it any variety of physical personal defense. Avoiding that answer after posing the question in the article title is rather vacuous.

Ultimately the choice to arm oneself with whatever means remains with the individual’s free will. As for my choice, it is to protect my home, family and self physically as well as spiritually.

If someone breaks into my home with intent to do harm I have a responsibility to protect my family. This is the first line means the Lord provides for my family.

Bill Cleveland
August 20, 2022

Heavenly Father, arm us with Your Word to go forward with speaking your word today and every day. We will stand and put our toes on the line for you with out prayer armor on. AMEN!

August 20, 2022

Christians were armed in the Bible. So, yes.


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