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God, we pray over these shortages and our power grid. Prevent blackouts, Father, and keep us powered!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As green policies heighten demand for transformers, American distributors are unable to keep up.

Analysis from The Wall Street Journal.  Empty dirt lots are scattered across American cities where developers once planned to build new homes. The problem isn’t that builders can’t find workers or obtain permits. They lack the electric transformers required to connect homes to the grid. …

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Thank President Biden’s green-energy policies, which are increasing demand for transformers and the specialized electrical steel to manufacturer them while creating enormous market uncertainty. The lack of transformers is exacerbating the country’s housing shortage and causing longer and more-frequent power outages.

Broadly speaking, there are two categories of transformer. Large power transformers, which are located at substations and weigh hundreds of thousands of pounds, step up voltage from power generators and step it down for distribution. …

Smaller distribution transformers step down voltage to levels that homes and businesses can safely use. These are necessary for connecting homes, businesses and electric-vehicle charging stations to the grid. Until recently, they were easy to obtain and replace but wait times now exceed 18 months. …

The U.S. is increasingly relying on imported transformers, including from China, which presents cybersecurity risks. …

Demand for transformers is growing worldwide as low-income countries develop their power grids and wealthier ones go green. The U.S. now finds itself in the difficult position of having to compete with other countries for transformers and electrical steel at the same time as the Inflation Reduction Act subsidies supercharge demand.

But forget about building out the grid. We can’t even maintain the one we have. An Energy Department report last year warned that most large power transformers will soon need to be replaced. The average age is 40 years, and normal life expectancy under ideal conditions is 20 years. Aging transformers “cause higher failure risk,” the report notes. …

The Biden administration plans ensure that such problems can and will get worse. The Energy Department in January proposed efficiency standards for distribution transformers that would require an “amorphous steel” not readily available in the U.S. Climate activists lobbied for the new standards because they say more-efficient transformers will reduce power losses and the need for fossil-fuel generation.

That’s debatable. What isn’t is that the standards “would upend the market and manufacturing process” for electrical equipment, as automakers, utilities and home builders noted in a May 22 letter to Mr. Biden. As a result, “plans to expand domestic steel capacity and manufacturing of critical electrical equipment, such as transformers, are now in flux.” …

How are you praying for our grid? Share this article to keep people informed.

Some verses to keep in mind while considering this topic:

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22).

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6–7).

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Canva)

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June 11, 2023

Lord, please give the right people, those that are concerned with these problems….give them increased wisdom, knowledge & real world solutions for our nation & it’s citizens. Raise up new people with a hunger, vision & dedication to these problems. We pray that new start-up companies will be created to build all the necessary parts to replace, renew & expand the capabilities of our grid. Stop & rescind any new green energy policies & laws that are harmful & built on lies. Remove from power or influence any/all people who are wrongly directing such policies.
Help your own people to be mindful of saving or reducing energy use where possible. Give us creative ideas to move forward in doing so & to share such ideas with others. Amen.

June 6, 2023

In December of 2020 I was praying our nightly prayers and out of my mouth popped words for protection of our electrical grid. Never prayed about it before or ever really thought about it. The next day there was a news article that the, or a, building that holds our electrical grid codes was hacked into. I knew that God had me pray the night before due to this. And so I’ve been praying for our electrical grid nightly ever since. In December 7th of 2021, there was an article in the Bangor Daily News titled “New England Could See Rolling Power Outages for the 1st Time This Winter”. I thought that it was odd that the reporter was saying in essence that New Englanders would just have to toughen up if they turned off the electricity due to climate change purposes in the middle of a New England Winter. It gets below in the negatives on the East Coast! So with the constant chirping of climate change and how we all need to sacrifice for the planet that it’s mighty convenient that suddenly our electrical grid is in crisis and we’re being told to freeze in winter and to sweat in summer for the good of the planet. And how in just the past few years that our elected officials suddenly care about the state of the electrical grid while also telling us we need to turn our power off at certain times to help the grid and planet and, again, New Englanders were being warned that the grid might be shut off in the middle of Winter for climate saving purposes.
The Bible says that you’ll know them by their fruit, and to put it another way by their actions you’ll know them.

Dear God, please expose to all the truth about the electrical grid here in the US and the true state that it is in. If there is any dishonesty going on about the grid please expose that as well and who is doing it and why. God you gave us electricity and it is a truly amazing thing and so many lives, people and animals and plant life, are reliant on it for the day to day but also to literally live (like with medical devices for breathing , etc.). The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but you came, Lord Jesus, to bring life and life abundantly. Thank you God for electricity and all the benefits and lives saved because of it. Thank you so very much. Please send us the Holy Spirit and give us the prayers to pray so that the plans of the enemy would be exposed and brought to nothing and that everyone in this country would know the truth and that truth, Your truth, would set us free from lies and deception. Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.

June 6, 2023

Lord we ask for leaders who will seek YOU first, and not lean on their own understanding.

Joyce Neeley
June 6, 2023

Father God, we humbly come before you, giving you Praise and Glory !
I thank you Lord for giving us Your knowledge to make this earthly world a more pleasant place to abide in by establishing the work of your hands in us.
Ps.90:17 “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us——yes establish the work of our hands .”
We fear you only Lord God! Help us to bind and loose all things not of you !
Give us the courage and strength to speak to the evil that’s perpetrating itself throughout this world. Thank you for giving us the authority to cast out the evil in The name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Steadfastly believing Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
Amen, amen, amen!

Allena Jordan
June 6, 2023

Father, this land of freedom and innovation was Your idea in the first place. Therefore, I declare and decree that new manufacturing businesses will arise in order to produce things the infrastructure needs in order to refurbish existing transformers, as well as to build new industrial parks and neighborhoods. Father, You own the cattle on a thousand hills. We cry out to You to make provision where there seems to be none. Thank You! Amen.

    Darlene Estlow
    June 7, 2023

    Amen and amen! Praise God we can come to him with our need and watch him work. I join you in your declaration and decree.


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