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I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You that even when we can’t see You working, You are indeed working on our behalf. Give us the eyes to look into the future, and the words to declare Your blessings over our family and our nation.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

I, like many others, have prayed the prayer of faith and seen people instantly healed. I have fasted and witnessed a tremendous breakthrough. I have laid hands on the sick and seen those who couldn’t walk actually walk again. I have confessed the word of God over a situation and seen things change before my eyes. I have received communion and experienced a miracle of healing for myself. These are some of the things I have seen happen in my life and in my walk with God. These seasons in life are amazing!

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While I am thankful for these times, I have to ask: What do you do when you go through a season, and nothing that has worked in the past is working then? Or when the prayer of faith seems to hit a brick wall; or when fasting doesn’t bring a breakthrough; or when you take communion day after day and see no change — what do you do in those times? What do you do when you pray daily over your city, its leaders, and your nation, and yet things appear to get worse and worse, despite the most fervent prayers of God’s people?

These can be very difficult and discouraging times.

There’s a song lyric that comes to mind as I ponder this question today: “Even when I can’t see it, You’re working. … ” We see this truth throughout the Bible from beginning to end.

As we know, God was working in the family of Noah even before the flood came on the earth. Deliverance was set in place before the first raindrop fell. The Lord was working in the life of Abraham to produce the promised son, even when Abraham couldn’t see it. God didn’t stop working despite Abraham’s trying to make it happen in his own way.

He was working in the life of David when he was on the back side of the desert, tending sheep. He trained him through experiences with the lion and the bear to prepare him for victory against the Goliaths that lay ahead.

He was working on behalf of the children of Israel, even when things appeared to get continually worse for the people. God was working behind the scenes to fulfill His promise that “this enemy, you will see no more.”  Not only was He working on deliverance, but also on provision. His people left the place of bondage with no feeble ones among them and with great wealth.

Even when they couldn’t see it, even when they failed to believe it, He was working. The same applies to you and me today. When we don’t see it, He is working on our behalf.

If this is true, and it is, what do we do when nothing that’s worked in the past seems to be working in our present situation?

We walk by faith.

Hebrews 11 is filled with people who didn’t see that God was working on their behalf, but they believed it, and He was. They saw the promise of God fulfilled because they continued to trust God through it all.

Urged and Prompted

I love how the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, translates Hebrews 11: It says those believers were “urged on” and “prompted” by faith. Isn’t that awesome! What is prompting you today? What is causing you to press forward? I can tell you what: faith in God and His word!

With Eyes of Faith — Invoke Blessings!

Verse 20 in the AMPC says: [With eyes of] faith Isaac, looking far into the future, invoked blessings upon Jacob and Esau.

I love this! Many are praying and believing for their children to return to God or find their purpose in God. Are you, like Isaac, able to look far into the future and invoke the blessings of God upon your children today?

This applies not only to our children, but also to every aspect of our lives. We can look into the future, with eyes of faith in God and His word, and begin to declare blessings. We can do this upon our children, our marriages, our finances, our health, our businesses, our homes, and our nation. And we can invoke the blessings of God upon ourselves too.

Have you, like me, found yourself in a place where nothing seems to work? Have you then wondered what to do? Just like Isaac, we must look into the future and see the plan of God for our family and our nation. Then, we must call those things that are not as though they already are. We must invoke the blessings and the promises of God — every day. For how long? Until faith arises in us once again, and we see the promises of God become greater than the circumstances we are facing. As we do, we shall become like one of those written about in the book of Hebrews: a person of faith who, without fail, sees every promise of God fulfilled. We have His promise that we shall see the goodness of God in the land of the living — in our life, in our family, and in our nation.

Has this encouraged you? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. Her daily inspirational writings are available at www.anewthingministries.com. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Vanessa Trant
June 8, 2023

Thank you, this helped me so much.

Darlene Estlow
June 7, 2023

Thank you for this article. I pray that those who are going through this would hold onto the Word and walk in faith and trust.

Susan Cutucache
June 7, 2023

“I love this! Many are praying and believing for their children (husband) to return to God or find their purpose in God. Are you, like Isaac, able to look far into the future and invoke the blessings of God upon your children today?”

“Have you, like me, found yourself in a place where nothing seems to work? “

    Susan CC
    June 7, 2023

    Dear Heavenly Father, I do love the confidence Kim has shared with her readers . It is grounded in YOU. I am in this place she refers to but You know this well. I ask for Your help in the lives of all of us who are in this position. Keep us here, move us on but whatever You do Lord, let us feel Your hand upon us in a perceptible way. I am standing on Your promise that we shall see Your goodness in the land of the living — in our life, in our family, and in our nation. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen

Jessica Renshaw
June 7, 2023

I am in that season right now, Kim. My faith is at its lowest ebb, i am seeing few of my prayers answered and i feel distracted and unmotivated. Yet i myself experienced a huge miracle recently, in fact God did a series of miracles in my life on March 29 and the days since then–He brought me back from the dead through nurses in ICU after brain surgery to remove a tumor. But i didn’t know it. I didn’t remember anything of this until afterward–the seizure, the Code Blue, the heartbeats wildly fluctuating from 40 to 180. I just woke up three days later feeling disconnected from God, feeling only a cloud of darkness over me and the conviction that the Darkness was making a claim on my life. (With a tremendous effort because of brain fog and mental confusion from the brain surgery i was able to tell him he could not have me, in Jesus’ name) For the first time since my salvation 60 years ago, I wondered “Where was God?” My daughter assured me God had been in the details and timing of everything, that “even though I could not see it, He was still working.” I concluded maybe He had something new to teach me, even a new level of authority to pray for the healing of others, but I am not seeing any change as I try to focus and pray. It is hard to read the Bible because of all the evil and pain it records, I can’t bear it. I am making great, almost miraculous, progress physically, my surgeon marvels that the scan at six weeks showed my brain had “healed itself.” and I am profoundly grateful for this. But why am i not radically different spiritually? I don’t care if my brain function and memory are impaired–i can lean on God’s strength, for His glory, but everyone prayed that i would feel God’s or angelic presence and they assume that what i went through has brought me closer to God and it doesn’t seem to have; “nothing seems to work.” (I guess i just need to read your articles again!)

    June 7, 2023

    Jessica…wow!! That’s a very big and unexpected trial!!
    All physical shut downs seem to be harder on me than the emotional ones. I don’t know why.
    March 29 is all very new still for you. I pray you are able to put on the full armor of God each new day still as all this new season of trauma, faith, battling and acceptance whirls around you.
    I only had a small concussion last year and found myself feeling the way you expressed above. You have been through much!!

    Praying you are patient with your mind’s recovery.
    May today, our precious Jesus, draw so close to you once again, that you are unmistakably secure in His love and care. May His praise return to your lips.
    Wash over Jessica in Your peace, Your comfort and Your light.
    In Jesus’ name, Amen

    Your Sister in Christ.

      Jessica Renshaw
      June 8, 2023

      Thank you and bless you, Grace. My husband and i read a warfare prayer aloud together every morning which includes putting on the armor of God. At least i am saying the words, committing myself to God daily even though it feels like my heart is not always in it. I trust God will restore my passion for Him.

    Darlene Estlow
    June 7, 2023

    Father, wrap your arms around my sister. She may not be able to hold on tightly to you at this point, but may she know you are holding onto her. Give her the gift of trust as she goes through a period where she sees no fruit. May the light of your kingdom fall on her and dispel the darkness.

      Jessica Renshaw
      June 8, 2023

      Thank you, Darlene. Your words give me comfort and hope. I receive and claim them and will let God work His perfect will in me in His own time.

Nan Johnson
June 6, 2023

Every Christian sooner or later will go through a time when it seems as though God has stopped answering their prayers and is seemingly unreachable no matter what we do to try to get through to the Lord. We want to see Him work out the concern that is so big and important on our hearts and minds. Work it out we plead. Do a miracle again!! I believe there is a purpose in all this frustration. God wants us to learn persistence in prayer. Sometimes we give up too easily. Also we may begin to take the miracles too lightly as He answers promptly time after time. We can even think we’re superior Christian s!!! We can learn a lot about ourselves and our Lord as we struggle with waiting and not giving up. We may even learn more about what the Bible says regarding the matter. Father God has a good purpose for us through it all. He never puts us into a hard time without purposing that time for our good and our spiritual development. Romans 8:28 says “all things work together for good to those who love and serve the Lord. “ Also remember Galatians 6:9 “ we should not grow weary because we will reap in due season if we do not give up. “ If the Christian Life were always simple and easy, we would never grow strong and close to our beloved Jesus. Difficulty and persistence and determination are needed to be a fully developed Christian. Thanks be to our perfectly wise and loving 🥰 God !!

Marsha Bashor
June 6, 2023

Even though we cannot see it, we believe and trust in you Lord, that you are working in our lives and bringing about goodness into our families and finances and health❣️Thank you Lord for helping us to believe.🙏💓

Nancy Rife
June 6, 2023

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬ ‭ESV‬‬. Good fruit takes time to mature. And so we press in to the Lord and trust Him. “The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O Lord, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.”‭‭Psalms‬ ‭138‬:‭8‬ He has promised to never leave us or forsake us.


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