I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for overturning Roe, and we thank you raising up strong biblical leaders like Senator Cruz. We pray that You would continue to raise up pro-life leaders, God, who will stand with Cruz in steering our country away from abortion.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Roe was an “egregious departure from the Constitution,” says Sen. Cruz in this press release on the Dobbs decision.

From Sen. Ted Cruz. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case:

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“The Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs case, reversing Roe v. Wade, is nothing short of a massive victory for life, and it will save the lives of millions of innocent babies. The decision reverses one of the most egregious departures from the Constitution and legal precedent the United States has ever seen, and one that has resulted in the deaths of 63 million American children.

“Roe was wrong the day it was decided, and it has been wrong every day since then. If you search for the word ‘abortion’ in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you won’t find it. The Court at the time acknowledged that, and yet Roe created a brand new constitutional ‘right’ out of whole cloth. 

“And while the left manically argues that the Dobbs decision makes abortion illegal throughout the country, that is false. What this decision does is leave abortion policy up to the states and returns power to the American people—which is exactly how questions of abortion were handled before Roe. 

“This is a momentous day, and yet the fight for life doesn’t end with the Dobbs decision. It simply begins a new chapter. I’ve been proud to stand for life in the U.S. Senate, and I will continue to do so as we navigate the path ahead.”

How are you praying for the complete and total end of abortion? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Press Release from Sen. Ted Cruz. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Mona McCombs
July 12, 2022

Father God, first of all thankyou for sending your son Jesus Christ. Who survived the killing of children by your supernatural protection! Also lord thankyou for sending us President Donald J. Trump for standing up for life and placing three conservative judges on our Supreme Court. We ask you to protect him and his family so he may return to his rightful seat as our President. I believe it’s not your will to let this injustice to continue, especially with our children at stake. Also lord please remove men in those seats of congress and the senate that refuse to do your will. Lord give we the people the tenacity to run for school boards, stand up for truth, speak out truth with no fear of man. Lord bring to light all the darkness and evil for all to see, expose it all. I decree that all the evil men of influence such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Rockefeller, Blackrock, one world government forum, any and all be dismantled and stopped by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Let his blood speak a better word than that of Cain and able concerning the innocent blood that’s been shed across this nation. Lord I thank you that your exposing any and all Ministries that don’t support pro-life. Lord it’s shocking, let all that attend these churches confront there pastors and if they don’t repent than help the sheep find a pastor. I thank you lord for healing my body so I may go about my fathers business to help serve our lord and savior. In Jesus name I pray amen

June 25, 2022

Malachi saw it right. The real change needs be in the hearts of fathers, turned toward the children they sire rather than viewing sex as recreation with no thought for procreation. How will it happen?. Seems impossible. And yet, a true awakening will accomplish much. Now it’s time to pray pray pray.

Deborah Farr
June 25, 2022

Forgive me, I left out Chief Justice Roberts. God bless him abundantly!

Deborah Farr
June 25, 2022

Thank you, Lord, for leaders like Sen. Ted Cruz and the supreme Court Justices Kavanaugh, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Coney Barrett. Abundantly bless leaders such as these, willing to stand for blessings and life and stand against curses and death. You, God, stated the choice through Moses so long ago (Deuteronomy 30:19) and you gave your one and only Son to become the curse on the cross to then be raised to life to give us life. (John 3:16, Galatians 3:13, John 14:6) We unite with these leaders as prayer warriors choosing life and blessings for our families, our communities, our country, our world. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers, our pleas, our confessions. Thank you, Lord, for receiving our sacrifices of praise and fasting. Thank you, Jesus, for leading the way in humble, obedient submission. Thank you, Jesus, that “for the joy set before you, you endured the cross, scorned its shame, and now sit at the right hand of the Father, exalted high above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked.” (Hebrews 12:2, Ephesians 1:20-21)
Now Lord we pray for ourselves, that you would “create in us pure hearts and renew steadfast spirits within us to continue to stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.” (Psalm 51:10, Philippians 1:27) Raise up in each state, Lord, your people ready to stand together and say, “We choose blessings and life!” Let your “Spirit rest upon us, your Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, your Spirit of counsel and of might, your Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.” (Isaiah 11:2) Give us creative ideas, open doors of opportunity, and hearts overflowing with love and obedience to serve in the unique and individuals ways in which your Spirit leads. We know that you orchestrate all our individual labors of love into one harmonious work for the good of all those who love you. (1 Thessalonians 1:3, 1 Corinthians 12:1-30, Romans 8:28)
We love you and pray in your name, Jesus.

June 25, 2022

Thankyou for our Righteous leaders like Ted Cruz. God bless him and his family. With protection, prosperity Wisdom and strength, as he fights on the Frontline. So Thankful for Him🙏🏼 Thankful for the Victory of bringing this murderous abortion down. Its just the beginning of more to bring down throughout consistent prayers. God have mercy “Save America “

June 25, 2022

Thankyou for our Righteous leaders like Ted Cruz. God bless him ad his family. With protection, prosperity Wisdom and strength, as he fights on the Frontline. So Thankful for Him🙏🏼

Pat Bauer
June 25, 2022

Praise God! A profound miracle. We need to continue to pray also for our elected officials and Supreme Court Just ces who are risking their lives to fight for Gos law. My prayer and fasting that our country will again become Christian. YOU GO GOD! Lead us to you!

Ann C DePierro
June 25, 2022

I finally feel confident that our intercession has been heard and respected.


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