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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the complete and total destruction of abortion. As this issue moves to the states, we pray that You would move in and through us as we intercede on behalf of the unborn.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Analysis. Math in the Kingdom of God is different. An intercessor at heart, I gather regularly to pray with my fellow D.C. believers, placed from coffee shops to Capitol Hill and everywhere in between.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


These fellow prayer warriors inspire me, and I inspire them. Together, we are stronger than we would be apart.

In the Kingdom of God, 1+1=3.

When we gather, we have exponentially more spiritual power and authority than when we remain siloed. With that basic Kingdom principle in mind, consider this:

Rally the Troops

The greatest battle of our generation is upon us.

You can no longer remain a foot soldier.

We need you to rally your own troops in prayer in this crucial hour.

The Supreme Court gave a victory for life Friday, but now the fight will be in the states. And it will be fierce.

This article is a simple call: gather fellow believers in your home for the next several weekends to pray for the ending of abortion in all 50 states. Even if only 2 or 3 are gathered, there He is with you.

My articles for IFA usually get at least a few thousand readers. If all of us gathered fellow believers in our living rooms for “Roe v. Wade Prayer Nights” then we could marshall up tens of thousands of spiritual troops for this important spiritual battle.

Or you can join an IFA state prayer group. God went before this ruling, assembling IFA prayer groups in all 50 states and some territories. You can find out more at the state page and sign up, including your state and phone number, to receive information about state news and your IFA state prayer group.

Will you accept the call?

With this in mind, let us pray:

-Father, help me to have boldness to rally others to pray in this crucial hour. Put it in the hearts of my friends to pray together to advance your Kingdom in the earth and free our nation from the darkness of abortion.

-Lord, end abortion nationwide! Save the lives of millions of babies, Lord!

-Father, give our leaders and grassroots activists at the local and state level the grace to outlaw abortion in all 50 states. Let no state remain unyielded to the will of God.

Verses to press into as you pray on this issue:

“When I say to the wicked, ‘You wicked person, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved.” -Ezekiel 33:8-9

“And when they had entered, they went up into the upper room where they were staying: Peter, James, John, and Andrew; Philip and Thomas; Bartholomew and Matthew; James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot; and Judas the son of James. These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” Acts 1:13-14

How are you praying for an end to abortion in each and every state? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Casey Harper is a writer in the Washington, D.C. area covering national politics. He has worked for The Daily Caller, The Hill, and Sinclair Broadcast Group. A graduate of Hillsdale College, Casey’s work has also appeared in Fox News, Fox Business, Washington Examiner, and USA Today. Follow him on Twitter: @CaseyHarper33. Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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Carol B
June 28, 2022

My local pregnancy resource center provides real solutions. Free diapers, baby clothes, toys/books/cribs and other needed items. We have a discretionary fund if a mother needs cash to help pay rent or utilities, etc. We belong to a helpful organization called Heartbeat International. There are a few thousand agencies like ours out there. Please investigate in your area and if led by God, volunteer to help.

    June 30, 2022


    Thank you for that bit of info. Will add to my list. Hopefully my questions will get some people to think about what’s next to help women in need to keep their babies.

June 28, 2022

What are Christians going to do when abortion is stopped and there are pregnant mothers in need of help? Christians for years keep cheering about and praying for the end of abortion but offer no real solutions after that. What are the solutions to help the thousands of pregnant mothers that will need help? Please bring this up whenever you hear someone happy about the overturn of RvW and the like. And please let me know of some REAL ANSWERS to this question. Thanks!

Herb Johnston
June 26, 2022

Lord, I Thank you for the trigger States. I pray you could continue to give them great boldness and courage. Lord I pray that you would give us words to speak to people, and in those times I pray that we could move and speak in HUMILITY
I pray that our teachers and prayer leaders could also deal with us in humility.. let us be filled with tenacity and single-minded purpose as your power guides us and your words fill our minds-, that we would not grow weary Lord, but only see the moment and the effort in front of us-,as each step forward becomes a journey that endures as long as needed.
And I pray for courage in the hearts and minds and souls of our prayer leaders-, and that you would uphold their physical and mental health in your gracious love and the power of your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name, amen

June 26, 2022

Father I pray for those like myself who may struggle with sharing our faith or even sharing our own political opinion with others. Father I pray that you encourage us to have the courage and strength to trust and abid in you more then us just sort of giving into our fleshly desires to wanna remain reserved or shy. Help us to feel confident in knowing that we know that we are doing good and simply serving you oh Lord. Ezekeil 33:8-9 is a very great example and reminder of why folks like myself should not give in especially if we want to serve you Father. Father I pray that our fear of falling short of the Glory of God should over come the fear of upsetting someone or the fear of opening up and letting others in. I thank you Lord for your wisdom and I am greatful for Intercessors For America and alot of the resources they provide as well as other great Christian Organizations and ministries. Help us to have the disscernment.

I pray all this in Jesus name Amen.

Martha Johann
June 25, 2022

Thank you for posted prayers because I need to be shown exactly how & what to pray.

Marsha Bashor
June 25, 2022

I agree with the saints to pray for all the states to ban abortion. Only the Lord God can move upon them and do it. Lord help all of us to speak up.

Maria Morais
June 25, 2022

Father and Lord we thank you fir touching the hearts of the Supreme Court Judges in overturning Roe vs Wade. We are so humbled fir answered prayer sweet Lord of Heaven and earth. We come before You and place our petitions in front of the courts of heaven asking that this abortion curse be removed completely from all states. Let life of the unborn prevail fir You Abba are our creator and the giver of life. We ask this in prayer in the night name of Yeshua. Amen!

Viera Anabalon
June 25, 2022

God is faithful and it was worth praying for over 40 years! May God change hearths and
revive our nation! Thank you LORD!

    June 25, 2022

    One sets to flight a thousand and two ten thousand. 1+ 1 = 10!

June 25, 2022

I am in absolute agreement. There would be no needed abortions if fornication and other sexual sin was not occuring. Praying for heart change and transformed lives thru the cleansing blood of Jesus.

Edward Benya
June 25, 2022

Holocaust pre-partum ADDRESSED, Holocaust post-partum still in question.

brother Don
June 25, 2022

Immorality is the root issue as Jan Mckay said.

Jan Mckay
June 25, 2022

I just wrote a comment after the article of the “coming storm”.
Abortion is many times only the damage control for immorality. Pray that God would raise up voices who will extol virtue, virginity, committed marriages and Godly families!

Anna Amador
June 25, 2022

Thank you for your front line leadership. Your emails help us pray.

Ashley Dickenson
June 25, 2022

From UK: my first reaction? Hallelujah.
Though of course there will always be difficult circumstances: rape, incest .. but even in the case of rape abortion is not necessarily the answer.

    Tennessee girl
    June 25, 2022

    So true. In cases where the rape is ongoing, having a baby resembling the perp could be the girl’s only proof that will actually move people to help her out of the situation. And incriminating him, leading finally to his needed retribution so he STOPS. If people really care about women they MUST outlaw this evil tool rapists love to keep their victims available and silent. Lord, please raise iron bars to keep out the evil influencers from our state governments!

Jessica Renshaw
June 25, 2022

We will arrange to participate in these times through our state prayer coordinator and our local church . Thank you, Casey.!

Jessica in Long Beach California.


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IFA President
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