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Mississippi AG on the Dobbs Decision
The Dobbs decision just came out. Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey are overturned!
“Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.” Justice Alito for the majority.
Crowds are wild outside the Supreme Court.
Pray for protection and join IFA to praise God for this great victory at 12:15 pm ET TODAY. or (667) 771-7909.
David Kubal, President and Chief Executive Officer of Intercessors for America, a 501(c)(3) ministry organization dedicated to seeing God’s purposes for America fulfilled through sustained prayer and Spirit-led obedience, made the following statement today after the Supreme Court Announcement in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization:
“Today marks a point in history that many could not imagine would be possible in their lifetime – Roe v. Wade has been reversed. Intercessors have been praying for decades to end the false definition of viability and personhood and for our nation to protect the most innocent. Our prayers have been answered, but we are not finished yet.
“Now is the time for the Church to make a significant impact in our nation and to do so by interceding on the state level. We have the opportunity to impact our states through laws protecting the unborn. This is the next battleground in the fight for life.
“Prayer has gotten us this far and I am excited to see it work on the local level as we mobilize prayer warriors to specifically intercede to support life-protecting laws in their own state.”
Watch for more on the IFA newsfeed.
Post your prayers in the comments and share the news!
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I keep comig back to see again this post. To give thanks, and renew the firm hope that we have in our number one intercesor…thank you Jesus, glory be to the Father in your name!
Praise God! Never grow weary or faint-hearted in prayer, for God listens to our prayer for justice and righteousness! This encouraged me so much today! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
And God our Father, help us stay awake and watch and pray, continue to intercede and give thanks to You for Your faithfulness and Your gracious doing! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Lord thank you and praise you for this Monumental decision that we have prayed for all these many years. Lord let us continue to stand ready and battle formation against the onslaught of demonic legislation that Shirley is coming forth to stand in retribution against us and this Victory with that we are blessed with. We know Lord that you are not done with this and that we are your children and as we seek you and stay in humility and obedience that you will work through us to continue to strike down the forces of evil in our land and then children will be protected in babies will be loved. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
In the Catholic liturgy, today is normally the feast of St. John the Baptist where John leaps in Elizabeth’s womb at the sound of pregnant Mary’s voice. It was moved to yesterday on this year with today being the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What a great day for God the Father to have this demonic law overturned. Glory to God in the highest!!!! Also, a thank you to intercessors for all your prayer and rosaries said all over the Earth.
Thank you, King Jesus, for this powerful move of your Holy Spirit! Just as some states fell in line with Roe v Wade when it was upheld, let every state stand up now for life at conception!
As we celebrate a battle won, prepare & equip us for the rest of the war to preserve life, as the battle lines are re-drawn in each state. Give us wisdom and protection as we proceed. We bind, nullify, and and cancel every plan of the enemy for violence against people and places who work to uphold life, in Jesus’s mighty Name, AMEN!!
I never thought I would see this in my lifetime!
But the battle lines really have now been drawn… Now it is our responsibility, each citizen, and each state, to actively help women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy… Into actively pray for the protection of those serving in these pregnancy centers and for the Lord God to send His Spirit and turn the hearts of our legislators.
They have scales over their eyes! They are blind and do not see! Oh Lord, thank you that you can open blind eyes, and like St Paul, you caused the scales to fall from their eyes! Save them lord! Use my life, in New York State, an abortion destination, to stand in the gap!
We praise you Adonai! We humbly come before you and thank you for eradicating the enemies plans in the Supreme Court decision on Roe and Planned Parenthood. We praise you continually for the protection of the unborn in providing the Victory in the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Constitution as it was written and uphold life for the unborn!
Thank you Father God for the protection of all Supreme Court justices and foil every plan from anyone that would come against this ruling or cause turmoil, rage or unrest among the people of this nation. Please help your Church RISE UP and counter and push back from the enemy. We plead the blood of Jesus Christ over the Justices and this ruling continuously! Hallelujah !!! Praise God!
I pray that Pennsylvania will join the ranks of the states that will ban abortion in their state! contact your local officials! Thank You God for removing this scourge at the national levels jurisdiction. Have your way Lord!
I Praise The Lord God Almighty for this wonderful victory!!!🙌🙏🙌
And I pray for God to protect all who stand for life.🙏
I Praise The Lord for this victory and I pray for God to protect all who stand for life.
THE HIGHEST PRAISES AND THANKS TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!! Thank You for forgiving me Lord. Thank You for Your wonderful mercy and grace upon me and this nation. Oh, I know we are in the End Times. But You are returning for a beautiful bride, raised up from the ashes of great apostasy. How I love you Lord.
Hallelujah!!! Father, we are grateful for this monumental decision by SCOTUS. We acknowledge your hand in its making. Now Lord, we need angel armies to surround our decision makers to both protect them from evil and give them courage to stand firm for you. Raise up your people to speak boldly about our Lord Jesus and be ambassadors for heaven.
Praise the LORD ! It’s our miracle season for the Nation! Another sign that GOD’s not done with this nation yet! GOD says, ” I’M not done yet, so they can’t have it!” We know that the tree is getting dry, but GOD’s not done yet, so anti-Christ family can’t have it yet! The LORD says , HE’s not done yet! We know that when HE’s done , then HE who now is letting will be taken out of the way,(2 Thessalonians 2:7) So until we are raptured, THEY CAN’T HAVE IT! We’re not done with our harvest yet! Praise the LORD, IT’S MIRACLE SEASON FOR OUR NATION ! We’re taken back ground, we’re expanding our tent, we’re tearing down the works of the enemy, we’re tearing down, to build and to plant! We’re not through building the KINGDOM Yet. IT’S OUR SEASON ! GOD’S NOT DONE YET ! We will continue to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, (Jezebel also),to build , and to plant. PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD !
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!!!🙏🏼
God, we praise your Holy name and rejoice that LIFE has won today!! We know that the demons of hell will do all they can to attack and strike fear in those of us who fight for life. We come against these strongholds in your name and ask you to fight our battles for us and we will speak victory in your name and take back what satan has taken from us. We declare that it is broken in Jesus name and we reclaim our land!
May the “night of rage” become a NIGHT OF JOY! May the “summer of rage” become a SUMMER OF PRAISE! Come in the opposite Spirit, Lord and release a CELEBRATION OF LIFE across this nation that will characterize us forever!
In full agreement with this!
Praise God
Let’s keep praying May God remove the evil from our world and May we be forgiven for our wrongs
And May all our leaders be safe and May our prayers reach them
In a Jesus our Saviors Name we pray Amen
I’m overjoyed by the Supreme Court’s to protect our Innocent Children,and their right to live. Abortion stops a beating heart. A child that may never be able to speak for themselves. We must speak for the. Praise God for answering our prayers, and saving more children’s lives!!!
Happy Birthday Mary 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 May God continue to bless you with many more years to come and be in good health
3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
😭THANK YOU JESUS!!! And immediately after the ruling this morning, Missouri became the first state to ban abortion!!!!!
June 24, 2022…. A day to celebrate; a day that will go down in history!!
The first ‘trigger’ state…(?)
Praise God answered prayer after so many decades of killing our babies. May this be a radical turn-around in the USA that is followed by other nations that support abortion rights.
Father, Forgive us for allowing this to be the rule of the land since 1973. We Thank you, Praise You and lift up Your Name as the Sovereign ultimate ruler over the USA and pray that this is the beginning of the turning of hearts back to you for those who have supported “women’s rights” over their bodies-a lie straight from Hell. We renounce this lie and ask You to pull it up by its roots and throw it into the Abyss from which it came never to become law again here in the USA. Protect each Justice who voted for it and send angels with flaming swords, a legion of additional angels and a hedge of protection to protect them and their families and homes. Confuse the plans of those who would seek harm upon them and bring confusion into the camps of those planning protests or other nefarious actions. You RULE and Your Word is what we stand on without fear! It is time we believers to repent and as IFA said in their recent newsletter to take Action to defeat our Apathy that has held Christians in bondage for far to long. We bind the Spirit of Fear and release the Spirit of Holy Boldness in our individual lives and as fellow believers here in the USA and throughout the world. Thank You for allowing us to be alive to witness this today! Amen and Amen!
Sadly, our country.. our precious United States one of the most -or WAS-, one of the most freely accessible and liberal attitude Nations toward abortion.. but that is changing now. Even Europe in all its liberality did not allow abortion or had a greatly restricted.. as most of the rest of the world
Thank you Father God
We come together praising God for this first step victory!! Father, as believers in the truth of Your word we must continue to intervene sharing with clean hands and pure hearts the sanctity of life! Bring boldness to the pulpits so that people will hear the truth not only of sanctity of life beginning at conception but abstinence and purity!! May we repent of not addressing this, not equipping the church and just looking like the world! Give us wisdom and discernment to help change the hearts of many into a relationship with You, learning and growing closer to You. In Jesus Name, Amen
Praying the States put the final blow to the spirit of Moloch that has been parading as women’s rights, reproductive health rights.
PRAISE THE LORD! The LORD rebuke those blood thirsty principalities, along with the one’s who agreed that COVID -19 was right up their alley. So they partnered with other anti- Christ agenda’s to perform evil. The LORD rebuke their blood thirsty
Hallelujah!!! We bless you Lord! We praise you Lord! We thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and tipping the bowls of heaven. We pray that this would be the beginning of a mighty move of God in this nation. Let the overturning of Roe. v. wade be the stone that took down Goliath in America. We know the battle isn’t over until Goliath loses his head. I pray that you would give us the next strategy to intercede for America in the aftermath. The war isn’t over. But the battle belongs to the Lord and He’s never lost a battle!
Glory to God!
Psalm 90:15-17 TLB
Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us see your miracles again; let our children see glorious things, the kind you used to do, and let the Lord our God favor us and give us success. May he give permanence to all we do.
Today we have won a great battle against the powers of Darkness! Victory is mine says The Lord! We must praise El Shaddai for for His Mercy & Grace! There is a shift now as the curse over our entire nation is lifted! Now we must focus on our States. Organize prayer meetings in our businesses, churches and in our homes! The lines are about to drawn and we want God’s Righteousness to be the governing power over all of us! God Bless our Nation & God bless the intercessors who have and continue to Fight on their Knees! Amen
AMEN AND AMEN. That our top court has ruled rightly.
Forgive us Lord as a nation for the murder, on the alter of lies, of all those millions of innocent lives.
Now Lord Jesus I/we, Your people pray our State so called leaders humble themselves to truth and righteousness and the protection of the unborn and helpless.
👆🏽🙋🏻♀️👊🏾👏🏼👍👌🏻Hallelujah, HalleAmenia, “We pray You Will Confound and Confuse the enemy, Restrain the wrath of sinful(l), wicked man, any evil deeds of darkness, Intercepting any acts meant for destruction, and Protecting us/Y(our’s:), and Those To Be, from the snares of the enemy, Through You(r:) Shed Blood, Dearest Jesus of Nazareth, In The Power Of The Holy Spirit, we pray and Give Praise, with ThanksGiving, To Dearest YAHWEH’S GLORY ❗️❗️ ❗️” Psalms 29:11, 21:13
Lord, your people have persevered through years of standing for the life of babies in the womb. I pray now that You would come and stand against any evil plans of the enemy. In Jesus Name
Praise God….Thank you Jesus!!!! Please forgive the United States and guide this Country back from evil. Amen
Thankyou Lord Jesus Hallelujah
Father God, we thank you for your mercy and overturning this evil. We oray protection over our supreme court justices and gheir staff as well as all intercessors , we cover them in the bloid of Jesus and form a hedge of protection around them in Hesus name!
Watching the rejoicing in DC warms my heart; there are so many young women celebrating! Praising God for hearing our prayers and allowing me to live to see this reversal of my generation’s great mistake and sin. How arrogant we were–me as the #1 arrogant “educated” college kid, not even realizing what great evil was being unleased. I am often reminded of the old hymn.
This is my Father’s world:
Oh, let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world,
The battle is not done:
Jesus who died shall be satisfied,
And earth and Heav’n be one.
Lord, thank you for this national decision. I pray now for all of our 50 states. May we return to You as a nation and may our children and all generations know you, Jesus, personally. Amen
Wonderful hymn! Amen.
My prayers have been answered & the constitution has been upheld. Praise the Lord!
Praise God! 🙏🙏🙏
I was born 72 years ago today. Thank you, dear Lord, for the best birthday present ever. We pray that you bless this country with the precious gifts of life, liberty and peace. Amen.
Happy Birthday Mary🎂
Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂🎈 God continue to Bless & Keep you always!
Happy birthday Mary. Thank you for your continued faithfulness in prayer -for the protection of the Saints and the children.
Praise The Lord! Hallelujah, Jesus!
Praise you God for you are always Faithful!
Praise God Praise God Praise Gif
PTL Above! Hallelujah, Jesus!
Praise thev Lord!
Jubilation and celebration today! After decades of intercession comes this important decision overturning Roe vs. Wade.
New strength and courage tomorrow! We will need all God has for us in order to CONTEND for laws in every state that support life.
Rise up church and release the blessing of fathering and mothering to the women carrying children and to the men who need to come home.
O My God! At such a time as this, my words are insignificant.
Praise Him ALL creatures here below
Praise Him above ye Heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Praise God the Father who’s the source;
Praise God the Son who is the course;
Praise God the Spirit who is the flow;
Praise God, our portion here below!
What a perfect Praise song for this day! Amen
Praise the Lord for His Mercy defending the innocent.
Prayers are being answered! Hallelujah! I praise our God and Father who through his son, Jesus Christ has heard our prayers and helped us in our very great desire to begin to see an end to abortion with the overturned Roe vs. Wade decision at the Supreme Court! I pray for all the Justices who voted for its end! And I give thanks for all the babies that will now live, Thank you Lord. Amen
Praise and thanks forever more to God!!!! And also to the conservative justices for staying true to their decision and to President Donald J Trump who stood for goodness and righteousness and this was his purpose I know this was why he was placed as president. A wonderful victory and historic victory has happened today after much much prayer and work by those of us who love Christ a wonderful day indeed!
Praisr God!!! Hallelujah!!! We worship and thank you Lord!!! Rise up and let your enemies be scattered. Let them turn on themselves.
Praise the mighty name of Jesus!!!
Our nation is not free from the curse. It is just put back too the states, like my evil state who strongly supports abortion
Yes, I understand what you’re saying. But this is a major step and a major victory and it will help in the future to erase this-I am confident. It has to start here and it did so please be happy this is a major victory and historic victory today! Thank you dear Lord Jesus😀❤️❤️🙏🙏
Take courage and take strength! We are standing with you and asking God for the overthrow of those laws in every state where they’re in force now.
Praise the Lord for your mercy and leading America from the path of death to path of life! So grateful to our Lord savior!!!
Praise the Lord and remember His goodness and mercy. All life is given by God and has a purpose and destiny that God has given them. We have lost millions of babys in such a horrible and horrific manner that is beyond description. I praise the Supreme Court for ridding the United States of this judgement, which never had a place at the Supreme Court nor our Government’s control level. This should always have been at a State Level and now it is. Huge thank you’s to all the Judges and may God protect them with supernatural security and angelic coverings.
Thank you Jesus!!! Our nation is free from the curse. Divine protection over the Justices and our cities We plead the Blood of Jesus.
Know that the battle will continue, but God is well pleased with the Supreme Court Justices stand ” For the Lives” of our unborn children. Rejoicing with heartfelt tears and Thanksgiving to Our Lord Jesus and to the beautiful Body of Christ who has continued in this Battle for 49 Years. To God be the Glory, great things He has done!
Praise God!! Lord please protect the justices on the court. We ask for peace in our country.
PRAISE GOD ROE V. WADE IS OVERTURNED! Haven’t read the details of the ruling yet, but if it is thrown back to the states, it will just bring the situation back to the chaos and fighting on the state level that tore this country apart before 1973. Please read my IFA article “Even if Roe is Overturned, It’s Not Enough” (sequel to “The Elephant in the Courtroom”).
No doctor, lawyer, judge, or court at any level has the right to decide whether or how far into pregnancy a life can or should be terminated. Science proves life begins at conception, which puts it under the protection of the Constitution–just as I describe in my historical novel, COMPELLING INTERESTS.
Praise You, Jesus, for answering 50 years of prayers on this matter. Our nation has reaped the whirlwind of consequences for this national decision to allow the murder of Your precious babies. We ask You to be with our Justices, our Pregnancy Support Centers, our First Responders including law enforcement, as we stand against the demonic forces that have been unleashed on our nation. We take back America from the gods of death and we ask You to once again fly Your banner of life over us. Be with our states as they now take on this decision. I pray for Virginia, my home state, and ask that Governor Youngkin, Lieutenant Governor Sears, and Attorney General Miyares stand up for the rights of our babies. I pray that the mid-term elections will replace those who are opposed to Your truth with those who love You and will stand for Your truth. Let the church be ready for this battle and remember that we have all the power of the resurrection and truth within us to overcome the enemy. In Jesus’ name and in the power of Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen.
Amen and amen!
Thank You Lord!
Hallelujah, Your will be done.
PRAISE YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!This has a special assignment for me ( and many) from The Lord for many years..
It has been a hard battle but its time has come to fruition!
I just can’t stop PRAISING GOD!!
Even as we go on to go to the next battle we will keep Praising Him for this Wonderful Amazing Hard Fought Victory!!
Lord God send Your Hosts from Heaven to surround & protect these Justices & their families & in every State where the battle will still be waged to completely
Eradicate abortion & all of its evils..I pray over my State of Washington where our liberal leadership still pushes for abortion & may the people rise up & Godly ( even though the minority) leaders fight to end this atrosity..
We Praise You Lord God Almighty in advance for THE VICTORY!!!!
Praise the Lord for He protects those who have no voice. Let His Might rise up now to protect life on the state level. Reverse the curses and turn to blessings especially for those states whose trigger laws are now protecting life. For those states that represent hardened hearts, O Lord, have mercy upon the pre-born and strip from influence those whose hearts are embittered against you. Return to influence and power and authority those who walk in Your ways and turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. In Jesus’ Name. Protect each justice who ruled with the majority and soften the hearts of those who voted for death. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
We thank you Lord Jesus. Who created us in the womb and who made us fearfully and wonderfully. What God has created let not evil man destroy.
Help us in the states to overturn abortion. Thank you deliver us from evil.
Praise God 🙏. You are greater than great Daddy Father. No power is greater than yours. Thank you for responding to the prayers of the saints. Even though the enemy is trying to wage war against us, he will not prevail because no weapon formed against us will prevail providing we stay true to you and abide in your secret place of protection. Glory to your name Jesus, the name above all names. Hallelujah!!!!
Praise God, I pray for Gods Miracles for the state of Illinois, some are saying Il., is not going to move and will stand tough for Abortions, but God is tougher. My prayers are that this election God will break the chains of Satan and his hold on Il., Jesus I ask today that The state of Il. Will be a Christian state and not ran by the hold of Baal because The blood of Jesus will cover this state as it cleanses All Counties of its Dark demonized spirits. I place this request in Gods hand that the destruction hold will be broken and The Greatest Awakening will pour its Holy Ghost spirit will rain down on Chicago, Springfield and other counties of darkness. I pray pastors, Minister will feel the Fire of Gods presence. Thank you father, I give you praise for the great shaking.
Amen and Amen!!! Hallelujah to our Living God, His will prevailed!!! I join in agreement with the praises and thanksgiving to our Living Heavenly Father for this victory over the works of darkness!!! I join in agreement with my sisters and brothers in praying for the Supreme Court judges who decided in favor of the unborn children. May “their righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of their cause like the noonday sun.” And agreeing in prayer for all the states to uphold the lives of the unborn babies. To God Be the glory, great things He has done!!! Let Your kingdom come into this United States of America, Lord Jesus !!!
Let the world know God is still on the throne
Agreed, Barbara!
I heard this Psalm (75:1) on the 700 Club this morning about Roe v. Wade being overturned. I went to my bible to look it up, and when I turned to the Psalms it opened to the very page Psalm 75:1 is on! ! !
“We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.” ~ Psalm 75:1
Thank you, Mighty God, in Jesus’ Precious Name, amen!
Glory to God our Father!
This can only happen because of prayer. God heard and delivered … almighty God gets all the praise and glory for this miraculous decision.
I am soooooooo very thankful that I am alive to see this day!!! We have much work to do in Kansas!!!! Please pray pray pray that we can pass the Value Them Both amendment to protect women and the preborn August 2nd!
PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!! I think of all years of prayer that the saints have prayed over this! We will continue that EACH state will ban abortion and get rid of this horrific demonic spirit of sacrificing our babies. Praying also for the backlash of hell demonstrating violence over this. God, pour out your spirit on these people to repent and turn to you!
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah. Our God is a mighty God. Trust Him and obey Him. Amen and Amen
Thank You, LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praying for peace and understanding. Praying against violence, division, and turmoil. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). JoAnne D.
Praying in agreement in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!
Thank you, Lord!
Praise God, Praise God. Thank you Father God now more positive work and battles ahead of us with Gods army of prayer warriors. With God as our leader We Will Not Fail, because God did not create US to Fail.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Praise God. The demonic evil of abortion on demand until birth has been overturned. Bye bye Roe vs. Wade. Now all the states can pass measures protecting the lives of babies.
May your kingdom and peace come, thank you Father!