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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for allowing these Border Patrol chiefs to testify! Use their testimonies to hold our administration accountable, God.
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This is huge answered prayer! As these Border Patrol chiefs prepare to testify, let’s pray that the truth comes out!

From The Daily Wire. The Biden administration has reportedly caved to the new Republican-controlled Congress and will allow top Border Patrol chiefs to testify in a hearing next week.

Post a prayer for your state!


The agents are expected to attend a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing titled, “On The Front Lines of the Border Crisis: A Hearing with Chief Patrol Agents,” where they will share details about what is happening on the U.S. southern border. …

“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initially sought to prevent Congress from hearing invaluable testimony from Chief Patrol Agents, believing that DHS’s internal protocols superseded Congressional oversight prerogatives,” Comer said. “I am pleased that the DHS is no longer taking such a position, and will make available as witnesses Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez, Rio Grande Valley Sector and Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin, Tucson Sector.”

“These two law enforcement professionals also serve as Lead Field Coordinators for the border regions that collectively include Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California,” Comer added. “I look forward to their attendance at the February 7, 2023 hearing.” …

How are you praying over this upcoming hearing? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Greg Bulla on Unsplash)

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Pam Zook
February 9, 2023

Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers regarding the border crisis. You are the changer of hearts and we thank You for the current and future changes within the DHS that will allow rule of law to return to our country. Please give Gloria Chavez and John Modlin the wisdom and courage to speak at this committee hearing. Let their words be motivated by concern for the welfare of the citizens of the United States and for those desiring to become citizens. Protect they and their families as they report boldly what the problems are at the border and as they offer ideas to fix them. May the members at this hearing listen intently and act with speed to bring legislation to remedy this crisis in our country. Thank You Lord that You care for us.

Drake Dottie
February 4, 2023

Father God in the name of Jesus we cover these border patrol agents with Precious Blood of Jesus His Blood bought shield protection vs enemies of God and USA! We loose legions of angelic warriors of Almighty God to take down all evil ones and Save America and let them expose all sins of this government leadership from top all way down

Kathy Emahiser
February 4, 2023

Father, I thank you that the door has been opened for Congress to listen to the invaluable testimony from the Chief Patrol Agents. I pray that Congress will make a decision from the information given to them solely and not let any biases cloud their judgement. Holy Spirit impress in their hearts to do the right thing. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Darlene Estlow
February 4, 2023

Father, I pray for our Border Patrol. Strengthen them. Send more agents. Close the border for our protection and that of those who are trying to enter. I pray President Biden would care what happens at the border and to our nation and repent of his lack of caring. I ask that this unrighteousness and evil will not continue. Send repentance to President Biden and bring him into your family. I declare your righteousness over Washington DC and the border.

February 3, 2023

Lord I pray that your Holy Spirit would continue to lift up Revival-,that your power and your truth would fill people’s hearts- that instead of defaulting to a knee-jerk reaction of, – overreacting in maudlin emotionalism.. that they would trust you Lord( that is in reference to the public observing this trial).. and those that Do have knowledge Lord-,of how our system works ,Lord- that you would draw them to you in prayer- Lord -that their prayers would be the conduit through which you would grant these agents protection-, as they have stepped up. in courage-, as it is obvious, they do trust you Lord..and they are demonstrating that trust- by doing the right thing- and acting as Patriots and responsible citizens..as they also reach out to you for help- which is what they’re doing here Lord- we know that Your Spirit will guide them in their minds and guard their hearts-,and give them words to say.. as you gave Moses words to say… Lord-,when he went & stood before pharaoh… let us realize that the battles are often incremental in there perspective-, and like a football game is a game of yards- where we often wind up on our knees..yard by yard, foot by foot, please help us O Lord-,and help these agents to not grow weary or fearful in their heroic gesture of doing their job.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Nelda Oakley
February 3, 2023

We’re now seeing commercials using Jesus as a foreigner entering Bethlehem and stating that He gets (as in understands) the ones who feel they have to flee their country. It is a perverted message to pull heart strings to justify illegal entry to this country.
Lord your truth, justice and wisdom
for the two border patrol chiefs as they willingly testify of what is really taking place at our Southern border. Thank you for their opportunity. Bless them Lord Jesus.

    February 3, 2023

    One of the main problems in our citizenry in america.. as the Word says.. “my people perish for lack of knowledge”.. they do not understand history how procedures work to come into the country- or why they are set up that way.. and have formed their opinions based on touchy-feely, feel-good internet memes and messages-,designed to do as you said-,twist and pervert the truth.. all decorum and Common Sense has been eradicated in many areas of our structure-,in our country

Hall Hunt
February 3, 2023

We pray for Your anointing, by Your Holy Spirit as they prepare their testimony: including, IF IT IS YOUR WIL,, that they coordinate their testimonies that each focus on different aspects of the disaster there. That you would use their testimonies to so touch the hearts of those who have been solely supportive of the Administrations policies would courageously oppose them.

Michael Bienvenu
February 3, 2023

Father God we humble ourselves as we come before you asking that you give these agents your Strength to stand against those who oppose them, Wisdom, Insight and Peace to speak the Truth about what is going on at our border. Give them favor so that the Truth will go forth and that positive change will come we ask in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Rose Rocha
February 3, 2023

Lord, I pray protection for those border agents that will be testifying in Congress. Also protect their families and their love ones and anything that concerns them. IJN

Martha Vazquez
February 3, 2023

Praying for all issues that

Jackie Collins
February 3, 2023

He who dwells in the secret place of the Lord will abide under the shadow of the almighty! I will say of the Lord , you are my refuge and my fortress ! My God in whom I trust!

February 3, 2023

Our heavenly Father,
Jesus help us to pray for safe borders and protection of Chinese spy balloon over Montana today. Heaven Come. In Jesus Name, Amen.

February 3, 2023

Father, thank You and in Jesus’s name protect these chiefs from all harm so they can testify.

    February 3, 2023

    And let their testimony be heard by the whole country !

February 2, 2023

Thank you God for answered prayer. The problem at the border is unconscionable and the truth needs to be told. People need ears to hear, eyes open, and a heart to receive what is presented. Lord, thank you in advance.

Grant Windholz
February 2, 2023

Yes, through the power of Christ give strength and endurance to keep our boarders secured through hard work for the Boarder Patrol people who protect our Americans from the wicked onslaught of crimes that come into our country effecting everything! Lord God we need you 🙏!

Tim Moore
February 2, 2023

Father God, in the matchless Name of Jesus, by the power of Holy Spirit at work now in this world. We praise you for the good report. So many thoughtful Intercessions above to declare Amen and so be it. One thing further we ask that you would bind the Antichrist spirit so prevalent in most our the big media conglomerates, keeping them and their talking heads from twisting what will be spoken by those truth telling agents for their own wicked agenda. Particularly those puppeteers at the top of the satanic globalist cabal! We long for your return Lord God to bring mercy where received and judgment were deserved. We pray for your outpouring of grace within your Church – that global fellowship of true believers and many more laborers in the white unto harvest field of lost souls in your soon coming final revival of at least a billion world wide. Before you return as a thief in the night have mercy especially on America and it’s leaders both secular and spiritual. MARANATHA!

Rose Marie Doyle
February 2, 2023

Lord I pray that those immigrants that truly need shelter in the US can he sifted from criminals and hopefuls who should have remained in their own countries to solve problems there. God of the impossible bring about just and merciful solutions and stop the encouragement to immigrate with false promises to those in troubled nations. Let those from troubled nations seek You as their answer. Amen

Janis Thompson
February 2, 2023

We also pray Lord that the ears of those that are present will be opened to hear the truth of our situation . We pray for wisdom in finding solutions that are pleasing to you Lord. We ask all these prayers in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

February 2, 2023

I am praying that power of the Indwelling Holy Spirit will speak in and through these Border Patrol Chiefs. I pray that the Border will be secured. I pray that these Border Patrol Chiefs will be able to prove Thousands more Border Patrol Agents are needed to secure the Border. May the truth come out about the horrendous situation on the Border. We are the only Country in the World that has a Completely Open Border. We need to stem the flow of Illegal Immigrants and Fentanyl. We have laws on the books against an Open Border. I -pray the laws that are on the books will be followed to curtail the egregious flow of millions of Illegal Immigrants. I pray that all Immigrants will go through the Legal Process to enter our Country.

Gregorio Calvo
February 2, 2023

Out here on the Island of Guam, a U.S. territory in the Western Pacific, we’ve been very concerned about the deterioration of the United States’ southern border since the day President Biden took office! Amid all the chaos along the border with Mexico, we hear and read of the non-enforcement of the Nation’s border integrity, the dramatic increase of illegal entries, the devastation caused by drugs, the drug cartel rampage into U.S. soil and against the American people. And, sadly, we just learned of the increase in suicide among border patrol agents. And now, with God’s mercy and guidance, the testimonies of these DHS Border Patrol Chiefs may shed light and clarification upon the entire situation and thus, reverse the curses upon our Nation, our citizens, and the Border Patrol agents.

February 2, 2023

Lord, protect these border agents as they come to Washington DC! Put Your angels around them in Jesus Name! Thank You, in advance for protecting them so we the people can hear the truth!

Sheila Price
February 2, 2023

Father, we thank You for answering our prayer. We ask that you open the spiritual eyes and ears of ALL involved in this crisis and in the solution, that they see the TRUTH of it all.
The Truth in the actual numbers coming across.
The Truth in the drug trafficking.
The Truth in the sex trafficking.
Grant repentance to those who have been responsible for the border being opened to begin with. May they receive it and use it, seeking forgiveness from You, from the people who have been used and abused in this horrendous mess and from we the people.
In the Mighty and Precious name of our LORD and Savior, Yeshua!

February 2, 2023

Thank you , Lord Jesus, for this answered prayer! We ask that rhat their testimony will be fruitful 🙏

February 2, 2023

Lord, let the professionals that are guarding our border speak in the language of common man, so the congress fully understands what is being said and the danger of allowing it to go on any longer. Let this be the answer to our prayers. I don’t know what they will say but I hope they have a means of locating these millions and removing them. I’m asking especially that those rapist, killers, and evil men and women that were removed from prisons so their country wouldn’t have to bother with them again be returned and released. No more excuses or denial of their danger but that they are left in those countries. Give such authority that no one can argue their return. May this be the end of all this nonsense of allowing them into our country in the first place. I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus.

February 2, 2023

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer; your mercies endure forever!

Joy Chesnut
February 2, 2023

Father God, please use the testimonies of these professionals to move Americans to truly realize the crisis that is going on at the border. Let those who need to hear to truly hear and understand. In your Son’s name, Amen.

Dave Ruffie
February 2, 2023

Gracious Father, please hear our prayer as we implore You to forgive us.
We are sinners and fail You many times in our walk with You.
Father we ask that You heal our country and reveal the truth. Protect Your land from the evil that is flooding in. Help us to discern where we can help our brothers and sisters, and where we need to protect ourselves. We desperately need You to heal our country and protect us from the onslaught at our border.
Thank You oh merciful Jesus.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

February 2, 2023

Prayers, Thanking God for His safety for our BP and all Law Enforcement officers. May God guide every politician who is against our constitutional rights and stop the open borders. These people who are coming here are paid to invade us and destroy our economy. Soros, Obama, China behind this abuse. Prayers for our homeless citizens who are not getting $500 a night accommodation in NY but Caravan people are trashing the hotels. Prayers for the police to handle the situation and deport the illegals. Thank you Lord.

barb m
February 2, 2023

For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. Mark 4:22

Precious merciful Father,
We humbly trust in and wait on You, Your Perfect Will and Timing in the challenging days we are in, I/we pray. My heart breaks for our dear country, oh Lord. Have mercy on us & heal our land. Fix our eyes on YOU & You alone! 💔🤍💙

February 2, 2023

This is good news indeed. It is a start and maybe end with a permanent solution. Thank you, GOD, for these individuals.

Diane C,
February 2, 2023

Precious Lord,

Thank you for these brave men and women who are willing to speak out about their experiences. Permit them the platform
to be heard; permit them to have the right attitude in which to convey what they have seen, experienced, and know as provable
fact and what’s in their hearts; permit them to be concise, yet thorough and understood; permit their enemies to be frustrated if they have anything against their truths. Let all be done in love and Your almightiness to occur and be recognized. Please let
success reign through their testimonials of the dangers this poses for United States’ residents on many fronts and those taken
advantage of in their desperate circumstances to leave their country. May action be swift by those in authority in concern over
what they speak. In Jesus’ mighty
name = Amen.

February 2, 2023

Dear Lord I come to you humble today Lord that you protect these individuals that care about our country and administer power in their convictions to help get the evil out I pray in the blood of JESUS GODS only begotten Son in Jesus name I pray thank you LORD

February 2, 2023

Dear Lord God, I pray that you protect these border patrol agents from any danger as they share the experiences going on at our borders. Cause our country to see the consequences we are receiving by having open borders. And lead us to correcting them by closing them and allowing people to cross through normal channels where they have been checked out for criminal activity in their lives. Thank you God, in Jesus name I pray amen.

Cynthia Weatherwax
February 2, 2023

Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus for answered prayer! Father I (we) also pray for protection for those who are testifying and their families in Jesus name!

Sue Tracy
February 2, 2023

Lord You are the One True God hold the border patrol accountable Lord stop the influx of illegals and stop the cartels from using fear to control people.

Fran Gordon
February 2, 2023

Praying for the Chief Border Agents protection. Thanking our God Jehovah, who provides wisdom, protection, and boldness. Thank you Lord for listening ears and softener hearts to do Your will and purposes in this terrible situation! In Jesus Powerful name. Amen

February 2, 2023

Lord of Hosts, I station guardian angels around Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez, Rio Grande Valley Sector and Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin, Tucson Sector. I admit these two agents, their families, their acquaintances, their coworkers, everything that pertains to them into Your protective custody. Thank You for exposing lies, Lord. I declare Truth to come out and that light will overcome darkness as it says in Your Word,
“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”

Evelyn Virnau
February 2, 2023

Praise God for opening up the opportunity for testimony about our border crisis. May it result in better protection via completion of the wall

February 2, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray you would lead believers to read Revelation as the church body and most pastors do not touch that subject. We are facing evil as never before. People are looking for government to change when it will not. I pray that you Holy Spirit will convict us all to revisit it to be blessed. In Jesus name, amen. At the end of the book you state all read it outlook and understand will have a special blessing.

William Woodcock
February 2, 2023

Dear God give these agents protection from any hostility from the upper echelons in their chain of command. Protect these soldiers from and repercussions as they present the truth of their experiences.
In Jesus name we pray.

Jill Carrero
February 2, 2023

Thank You Lord for this major turn around! put a hedge of protection of Your warring angels with flaming swords of fire Lord God! encircling those who testify protect them and their families! Holy Spirit go before to open the eyes, minds and hearts of ALL those in attendance so they will become unified of one mind! with
protection of our nation!! Lord asking wise, thoughtful questions the USA will stop playing the 3 monkeys that hear, see and say no evil When In Fact our Government was literally playing deaf and dumb to what was happening at our boarder reality! Lord we believe and declare that Truth and Corruption Will Be Exposed and Even the far left media will Not Be Able to deny or cover it up!! Raise up strong and courageous young Leaders movers and shakers who are Godly men and women of action who will turn the tide Lord save those illegal immigrants bring USA a True National Revival so that the reason they Are here is for their life changing Eternal Salvation they may not of heard of in their own nations. Dispatch Your angels to bring them to excellent churches that teach Your Truth , repent and be forgiven then grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ they will share the good news with others! Your love and sent us
Jesus to die for our sins and raise from the dead for All people!! Anyone who believes and follows You will be saved! Flip this script Lord bring You glory in Jesus Name Amen

Brian Lynch
February 2, 2023

This is a wonderful development, if indeed it comes to pass. I pray that it does happen. Lord Jesus, we bind the spirit of Leviathan from interfering in these testimonies from happening. Please keep DHS from having any influence whatsoever over this situation. I loose a spirit of openness and integrity on the part of those giving testimonies about our border crisis. Thank You, Father God, for being in control over all things, including the border crisis, and the testimonies of these agents. Please protect them, and do not allow any retaliation against them to occur. In Jesus’ mighty, holy name.

Jacque Calkins
February 2, 2023

Father God,
Thank you for everything you do for me and your continual provision. LORD, I have lived in Tucson since 1974. It never felt safe compared to NE where I moved from but it was nothing like today. LORD GOD have mercy. There are homeless people on every corner and everyone needs help. Only you can handle a problem of this magnitude. LORD, we continue to decay morally as a country. Father GOD, I stand in awe of your deeds. I have heard of your mighty works. Do them again in our day in our age LORD and in your wrath remember mercy. Forgive us LORD. May every knee now and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD

February 2, 2023

We must take control of our border if our country is to survive! Our values and progress will disappear if we don’t. The rising crime rate puts everyone of every color and background at risk. The fentanyl phenomenon must be addressed and ended. Think of our children!.

Reeni martinson
February 2, 2023

Thanks for being available! I’m praying in agreement with you!!!

February 2, 2023

For the Light to shine in these hearings

virginia m ericksen
February 2, 2023

i pray the boarder people will see the admi is truly lying about the boarder and put our people in danger.

February 2, 2023

Prayers for these brave people stepping forward to shine a light of truth to this evil assault on America. The people being trafficked are just another example of the vast the victims that are part of this wicked plot against humanity.

February 2, 2023

Thank God that voices are going to be heard and the truth will be revealed! Let the truth prevail! Amen!

Joyce Doan
February 2, 2023

Thank you Lord for this reversal! I declare your hedge of protection around these Border Patrol Chiefs. I speak this over them and their teams and all their family members. Watch over their offices, homes, schools and churches. We stand on your promises of protection in Psalm 91.
I ask you give the Border Patrol Chiefs strength and clarity. Let the truth dawn on all who hear their testimony.
You promise to execute righteousness and justice on all who are oppressed! I speak that over victims on both sides of the border. Thank you Lord. I look to you to bring healing to our nation. And your supernatural work to finish the wall!

Marian Rude
February 2, 2023

PRAISE GOD for this much needed time in court for these brave border patrol officers. Lord please protect them & their families & give them the right words to speak to convince the judge that this administrations policies MUST change to protect them as well as all of us here in America

Phil Summers
February 2, 2023

It’s about time. Enough is Enough! They can no longer stick head in the sand, and pretend we have no problem at our border. This problem was created by them. Lord Jesus stop this insanity as only you can. Punish these Tyrants with EXTREME JUSTICE! Rebuild the wall more secure. Than ever,
then run theses Border invaders out of our country. Return them back where they came from.
We do not need these people here. This is illegal and unconstitutional.

February 2, 2023

Father God, as these two border patrol field coordinators come before this committee to testify of what is happening at the borders, let their words be of You that will penetrate the hearts and minds of the hearers. Indeed, give them ears to hear clearly and without prejudice.
I pray these agents would be as Jeremiah, who would speak what You command them to speak and not be afraid or intimidated by those on the committee. May they have courage and resolve to do what is right and not what is politically correct.
Save America, Lord, from the tyranny at our borders.
In Jesus’ powerful name. Amen!

Carol Dowe
February 2, 2023

May the truth prevail, and ears be opened to hear and respond.

Debra Mifsud
February 2, 2023

I pray this over the border control chiefs’ testimonies.

for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. (Luke 21:15 | ESV)

February 2, 2023

I expect that only the ethnic, well polished spokes people will be brought in for comment. They will not show congress the hole truth and nothing but the truth. Need to pray that only the bold unadulterated truth come forth and that our God give them the words and strength to make this crisis brutally clear moving them to action!!

I pray each day that God stop the sacrificing of our children to Baal, “that is what abortion is”! That this WOKE and CRT craziness be stopped in our society. That the Jew’s would realize that the Messiahs has come and trust in Jesus! For honest politicians and judges to do their jobs according to our constitution with honesty. That George Soros be stopped, his supply lines of money be broken, that this spawn of Satan be sucked through the eye of a needle and be saved, change his ways!! “This is a big one I know, but all is possible with God”. Jesus save us from the fate of Sodom and Gamora!!

Merle McDonald
February 2, 2023

Lord Jesus, please have Your way with this. May You grace with wisdom and strategy. We also pray for fthose who are fleeing from other countries, please be with all mankind and may your wonderful care cover the earth. In Your Name We Pray, Amen.


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