Last week we ran a secular article titled “The Worse Case Scenario.” It was a dire description of how the fall election could turn out. The article caused quite a firestorm, with strong reactions both liking the article and disliking the article. This has caused me to seek the Lord for a specific word for today’s circumstances and our nation. So, here it is:
As we look at the news every night, it seems as if more evil and chaos are released upon our nation. COVID stats are manipulated to discourage and control. Tweets organize “impromptu” riots. Churches risk losing electricity if they violate restrictions and guidelines. The Body of Christ has been convinced to stay home.
I have been praying and seeking the Lord alone and with leaders I respect, asking for a word to speak into this situation to encourage people. I believe the word for the moment is:
“It is in the balance.”
I believe this word is to encourage us, because the word could have been: “It is done,” leaving us with no hope for our nation. BUT, there is hope—it is not done, the future of our nation is still in the balance. The question is, what do we need to do? I suggest three action points for this moment in time:
1. Understand what is going on. This is a spiritual battle with obvious conflict between light and darkness playing out before our eyes. Ninety-nine percent of what is going on is beyond what we can sense with our senses. The “real” reality is being played out in the spirit realm, just beyond our senses. Remember Elisha prayed God would provide spiritual eyes to his servant, who was then able to see the army of angels that were there to fight the battle.
And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kgs 6:17)
This is the same for us—we must ask the Lord of the angel Armies to allow us to see beyond our normal vision, to see who is fighting with us, that we might strategically join in the battle through prayer and intercession. There are more people/beings in this fight than you know. I can say this with 100% confidence, hundreds of thousands of people are interceding just through IFA!
2. Call it by name. As we consider who is fighting with us, we need to consider the vanquished entity that is allowed the ability to create such havoc and chaos in our day. The goal of the enmity against Christ is to disrupt the system, come against law and order, and create chaos that allows the sinful nature of people to take over. We watch in dismay at the “organized” nature of all that is coming against our nation. I contend the strategy is simple: create chaos. The rest takes care of itself.
3. Call out the voices of truth. We are in a climate of intimidation and passivity. There is so much anger and contention in our nation today; people are afraid to speak their mind. We need God to release voices of hope who can speak to our situation. God is stirring intercession at incredible levels. I believe He is speaking to leaders, some with public platforms, some without public platforms, to share prophetic, activating messages of hope.
Don’t be weary. The Lord of heaven’s armies is ready to move. Let’s push in the heavenlies for this battle to shift in favor of our King.
Do not be fearful. Things will likely get worse before they get better. Chaos could hit the financial markets, spreading more fear into our nation. Chaos may extend past Election Day, November 3. Do not fear. Continue to press in. When it seems like the balance is teetering in the wrong direction, it’s time to press in and push in the spiritual reality.
“Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God. (Is 66:9)
No. He doesn’t.
We cannot forget the power that has been given us through the shedding of the blood of Christ. Our Prince of victory has forever overthrown the enemy. The victory won requires the devil to flee—he has no choice, his power has been crushed. Let’s remember the words from the famous hymn:
The Lamb’s shed blood on Calvary
Has overthrown the enemy.
His precious blood brings victory;
It makes Satan turn and flee.
There is power, power of victory
In the blood of the Lamb.
There’s power in the wounds of Jesus Christ
To vanquish the devil’s might.
The Lamb’s Shed Blood on Calvary by M. Basilea Schlink, from Songs for Spiritual Warfare 2.
Share your thoughts and comments around this encouraging word. What would this look like to apply this to our own lives?
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So true and a great battle cry, Continue on, but not alone. We are with You and so is the Lord of Hosts and the Hosts of Heaven
Just the other day as I was praying, I saw in a vision my wife with her hands lifted in intercession facing a “molten mass” of sinful, hateful behaviors attacking. As the Lord revealed more, I saw a long line of intercessors standing on either side of my wife, all with their hands uplifted to God. There were men, women and children in the line of intercessors, effectively holding back the assault of the enemy.
Our prayer is that in this day God would not have to say as he did in Isaiah 59:16 “He saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor.” It continues to say, “therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him and His own righteousness it sustained Him.” It was Yeshua who ever lives to make intercession for us. Now he is raising up intercessors of all ages to walk in the steps of our Savior and Lord.
Delighted to see the words of Basilea Schlink going forward! Powerful proclamations of the Victory of our Lord!!! Join in the warfare! Press in to help implement the Victory that has already been won for us!!!
We could move the mountains we need to move in our nation and our families if everyone would pray and intercede.
We need to come before the throne room of God and the Courts of Heaven and pray, pray, and take our nation and our families back from Satan.
Thank You for the encouragment we as believers find in the Bible and how God is the Victor through Jesus Christs death and resurrection. We have the resurrection power on our side. Praying for us to rely on that as we encounter the enemy in our lives and fighting for the freedoms this country was blessed with when founded on the principles of God’s word. As proclaimed in the book of Joshua “Be Strong and Courageous”, and As for me and my house I choose the Lord…Amen
We must not grow weary while doing good. We must contend for God’s kingdom here on earth!
Thank you, Dave. An encouraging a strengthening word. A true word.
August 4, 2020 at 8:24 PM
In prayer December 2019 I heard very clearly… how many horses are running, I hear that there are three and a balance hangs between them. When I read your word it ignited a powerful response in my spirit
ABBA, You opened the eyes of Elijah’s servant. Now LORD open our eyes as well. You LORD are our only Hope. You have told us many times in Your Word, “fear not.” LORD remind us that fear is sin. You are raising a remnant, prayer warriors, Intercessors. We must be faithful to our calling. Our weapon should be a melody! In YeshuasJesus powerful Name!Amen
Praying that the Lord will open the spiritual eyes of the rioters to see why, how, and by whom, they are being used. Lord, pour out your spirit of grace and supplication that they may look upon the One whom they have pierced and mourn for Him (Zechariah 12:10). Lord, give them eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts to understand and turn and be healed. Give them godly sorrow that leads to salvation. And we give thanks to You, Lord, for You are good and your mercy endures forever and Yours is the victory! (2 Chronicles 20:21)
Thank you Father, that You show us in 2Chronicles 20 how we defeat our enemies. We come to You in prayer and humility knowing we do not have the answers or know what to do to stop our enemies from coming against us, to destroy us. But You stated in verse 17 that the battle is not ours but Yours, to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. In verse 20 Your word states:…Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.” And King Jehoshaphat set out the worshipers and praisers before the army, singing “Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever.” “Now when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushes against the people…” So Father as we are given a way to defeat our enemies, our nations enemies, we declare, Father God, You will never be defeated, Jesus, You have never lost a battle and You never will, for You are our defender, our strong tower. Nothing is impossible for You, for You are God of the breakthrough. For You are good and Your mercies endure forever! in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus!
Do you get it, you have authority to bind or loose, use it. Don’t go around rebuking demons that don’t exist but rebuke those who do exist. Fight the battle with the armor of God, be ready for the fight of the century. Don’t lose hope, WAtch THE CHOSEN on youtube or facebook, becase the show is important for the world we live in. Spread word about it to your friends or neighbors. God is not finished with you.
Be strong, be courageous,listen to Him. You are His masterpiece, His pride and joy. The early church would weep if they saw this generation, don’t disappiont them. FIGHT, GO FORTH mighty people of God. You can do this, show Jesus that you can be a somebody. You are champions, so act like it. This virus is noting to a believer, prove the world wrong.
I plan to watch The Chosen tonight- thank you!
When the title of this article is “It’s in the Balance,” the verse that has been rolling through my mind these last couple days is:
Daniel 5:27
“Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.”
Many churches and “Christians” lack a true valuation/weight of sin. As a result, we think all is okay, that the balance is in our favor, but it is not (Revelation 3:16). We have been found wanting…
We must be praying now more than ever that the Holy Spirit will decend and convict of sin, righteousness and judgment.
While He does want all to be saved and come to know the knowledge of the truth, he will not be mocked.
If we are to see a breakthrough, it will only come when his own people cry out to him day and night in true repentance. (Luke 18:7).
Amen and thank you so much for this prophetic word about balance!
Thank you for this encouragement. Yes, things may get worse before it gets better but Jesus Christ has purchased for us full victory! Amen. THAT is encouraging!
To Encourage Y’all…
During the Past 1 1/2 year…..
The Lord has been asking me to read The Book of Exodus.
It’s an important read especially now.
We are in the midst of our Red Sea moment…..It May look as if Pharaoh and his men may be about to overtake us, but God is between us and them….The Red Sea is opening up…..
When it does…..
The Holy Spirit reminds me often to Pray for The Anarchists, the persecutors of Christians, people who distort who we are and what we believe…….
It’s important we keep Praying for them…. if they are not saved before the rapture, my Prayer is they will be during the Tribulation…..
Sin is like a fishing line………….you take 1 small piece, soon you’ve travelled so far down the rabbit hole, you can’t see the light anymore…..
I believe the minute they believe the lie that butchering babies was “a woman’s choice,” they began that descent down the rabbit hole….
There are SO many people being saved through this country and throughout the world right now…. SO many ministries God is using..
Unite 7:14
John Hagee
Franklin Graham
Dutch Sheets
Sean Feutsh
Just to name a few
If Our God could use
Franklin Graham Easter Sunday 2020 in Central Park in the Middle of a Pandemic To give an Easter Message And An Altar Call……With Michael W Smith singing Praise and Worship Music!!!!!There is No Limit to what He Can and Will Do Now and Moving Forward!!!
My hope is this is an encouragement
God Bless Y’all
I agree!!!!
He showed me in Revelation 15 those who overcame the beast and His mark were standing on the sea of crystal and they were singing the song of Moses. The song of Moses is found in Exodus 15!!!
I’ve heard it taught: They sang the right song on the wrong side of the sea…. let’s see if we have learned anything; can we praise God before we get our breakthrough????
Our praises send confusion to the camp of the enemy!!!!!
tHANK YOU! Your message of balance is exactly where this nation is. Prayer for righteousness, truth and love to manifest itself in candidates for public offices, congress, and the Bureaucracy and that these candidates win elections. I have been involved in local politics since 1990. The balance is always there. We are always one generation away from losing our Constitution and its God given rights and freedom. Pray and vote for the guys who will uphold their oath concerning the Constitution of the United States.
God hears our every prayer and I believe He is at work even when we don’t feel or see he is at work.
I pray for repentance to fill this land and the shaking we are experiencing to be a catalyst for a great awakening of all the citizens of the USA. In Jesus Name Amen
Wondering how long this has been “in the balance”? It was “in the balance” in 2016, was it not? That, to me, doesn’t seem like much of a “word”. We have about 90 days before the election. 90 days. It’s about more than President Trump getting elected. Much more. The Senate is up for grabs. Trump’s “coattails” have been clipped. He won’t be pulling nearly enough candidates into Congress. If the House stays in the Democrats hands and the GOP Senate falls,Trump will be a crippled president. Any momentum that has been built up will quickly dissipate. It’s stunning how Satan can, in just a matter of a few weeks, bring the world to a standstill and with thousands if not millions of Christians praying we can barely move the needle. Something seems to be missing from our formula don’t you think? If this seems negative so be it. We need to be asking much harder questions and then maybe we’ll get answers that work. Of course we can always hope for an “October Surprise” and see how that works out. Either way we have only 90 days before the answer comes. Ready or not.
I had lunch today with my daughter and son-in-law, and I said almost the same thing you have said in your article. I know there are born again believers from all over America praying for our nation, for God to have mercy on us, forgive our sin and heal our land. I believe God has heard our prayers and is going to heal our land via a mighty move of God. I don’t know at what point this move of God is coming, but I believe it is coming. The devil always underestimates God and His people. Right now, Satan thinks he has this battle won. He thinks America is going to fall and he’s going to have the victory. I don’t think so!!!!!!! We have THE
LORD GOD ALMIGHTY helping us. Why did Jesus come to the earth? I John 3:8 says, “For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, to destroy the works of the evil one.” When Jesus was on earth, He fought against evil. If we will continue to stand in the gap for our country, I believe Jesus will fight on our behalf, and what Satan and his demons meant for evil, God will turn to good. Don’t grow weary in the fight. I believe victory is near.
Psalm 109 is a psalm of revenge. The psalm is to be read for three days with the name El (God) in order to bring God’s revenge on the wicked enemies. Mention the enemies in our government by name. It is now time to pray imprecatory prayers to save the Republic. “Seek the LORD while he may be found.”
I believe that the attempted violent coup this fall will end up in victory for the Patriots with military style tribunals for the traitors.
This is such an important word for every Christian in our USA. We MUST STAND and PRAY. Thank you Intercessors for America for this website to inform, help and encourage us. God Bless President Trump and that the way be cleared and made possible for reelection. Also for the Senate to remain and increase in conservative leadership; and that the House of Representatives be filled with conservative members to overcome the word of Satan in that body; that our justice system be restored to uphold the constitution as it was intended for this nation. I pray in Jesus name. May we all pray that the enemies of our Christian nation in the news media be silenced for truth to prevail.
Psalm 109 is a psalm of revenge. The psalm is to be read for three days with the name El (God) in order to bring God’s revenge on the wicked enemies. Mention the enemies by name.
Yes from the president’s office evil is being release, with lies division and personal agendas
Might you be on the wrong site Rita? We support our President with prayer.
Thank you for your word of encouragement. The time we spend in prayer strengthens us to encourage others to always rely upon God’s word.
Praise God we have His word in our our hearts, as there may come a day when our Bibles May be taken from us.
He is our Victory, our Hope and our Strength.
Hallelujah. Praise the name of the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ.
Thank you Father for your sovereignty, power and victory.
Please continue to cover those who love you and those who you love. Thank you for your patience and faithful pursuit of the unsaved. We stand at attention ready to serve at your command, let your army on earth join with the armies of heaven for the glory of your name. In the name of Jesus I bind and cast out all spirits of division within your church, racial, national, denominational, etc. Let us be as one as you and The Father are one. Transform pastors into wartime generals, the church must advance. Wipe out passivity and fill your body with courage boldness wisdom and strength. We say we believe there is power in the name of Jesus, call us to live like we believe. Thank you for this profound moment in time to demonstrate your power, your salvation and your love. Thank you for drawing us closer to you and increasing our faith. We love you Lord, come soon.
I have been holding biweekly prayer meetings in my home with just four or five people but I have suggested now that on our off weeks that we might meet via zoom to pray but not to replace our biweekly in person prayer meeting. We have had some really powerful times in prayer. I pray and I believe, in all hope, that people all over this country are praying! Intercessors for our country
I am grateful for IFA. I am seeking truth about all that is going on and I am encouraged that the info being presented is accurate and then to be able to pray with 1000s of others in agreement. Thi is a spiritual battle and its important tovremember the enemy isnt flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places…and we have the victory as we take it!Thank you Jesus.
I have a bit of a problem with some of what you say above here. One, there is no mention of repentance for our sins as a nation/as believers. For years I have tried to educate and motivate other believers to not participate in different forms of evil, supporting by our funds, which came from our Father, businesses and organizations that do much evil. Also, for years we have been giving our children over to the pagans to be taught by them their evils. Many more things have been done against God and His Law/Word for many years and yet hardly anyone acknowledges these.
If I am correct and am diagnosing the situation correctly, the body of Christ should be on our faces confessing our sins and repenting. Yet I do not see this happening nor hear that admonition. Why?
You quote scripture and I do like that, it is good. However, there are some principles in God’s Word you are not quoting, like: Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he reap [meaning, of course, women as well as men]. Abortion would not still be legal if the community of believers in Yeshua really believed that this was sin, grievous to God, 47 years legal??
If we do not recognize these sins we have perpetrated years upon years, how can we expect anything other than the consequences of our obvious sins. Never mind the sins of pride and lack of love.
Thus, where is the repentance?
If my people which are called by My name will humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways . . .
The Abolition of Abortion in the United States
It is long past the time in America’s recent history to address the critical right to life issue and its constitutionality.
The founders of this nation left no uncertainty as to their stand concerning this matter in their great Charters of Freedom.
The truth must prevail here in order for the United States to exist as a free and civilized nation–it must restore the greatest
of God-given rights–the Right to Life:
Whereas the United States Constitution provides protection of the unalienable rights for every citizen under its jurisdiction,
this also includes protection for unborn children who are the “Posterity” referred to in the Preamble; and
Whereas the protection of life and liberty and other rights by a just government as explained in the Declaration of
Independence is the essence of the United States Constitution, it is also self-evident that these same God-given blessings of
liberty are not to be denied to the preborn child in the womb being given life there by the Creator; and
Whereas Article Fourteen, Section One of the U. S. Constitution specifically forbids laws to the contrary in every state which
would deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law and the equal protection of the laws; it is
therefore determined that the public child killing of “abortion on demand” has been read into the Constitution and destroys
the Constitution’s original intent as set down by its framers who affirmed the equal rights of all men from the beginning; and
Whereas this nation was conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, it is therefore an
offense to the Creator and a great reproach on such a nation under God that it would deny newly created preborn children their
right to life; and
Whereas the God-honoring founders of this nation established a benevolent form of government with laws based on the laws
of nature’s God, such as the Ten Commandments, and who also perceived life to be valuable and bestowed by God to all men
equally in the womb, it is therefore an injustice to Americans, with the same sentiments as the Founding Fathers, that they
should be taxed without their consenting vote for the purpose of destroying innocent life by state-funded abortions; and
Whereas it is unconscionable and inhumane for a nation under God to sanction the destruction of innocent life, it is also
unreasonable for decent Americans to have to tolerate the death camp atmosphere caused by abortion clinics in their
communities; and
Whereas the government of the United States is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, so-called legal
abortion is decidedly against the people because it has destroyed the innocent life of tens of millions, has scarred the minds
and bodies of untold thousands of women, has demoralized the nation and scarred its conscience since 1973, has brought
blood-guiltiness with God’s indictment on the nation, has lowered the value of human life (which is the highest measure of
value), has turned hospitals into killing centers, and has tragically taken the life of hundreds of expectant mothers by botched
abortions, which procedure is perpetrated as being safe; and
Whereas the Founding Fathers fought a lengthy war to secure the unalienable rights and the God-given blessings of liberty for
themselves and future generations, it is therefore a contemptible thing that many God-honoring Americans, standing in the gap
for the defenseless unborn, have suffered unjustly during peaceful assembly attempting to bring an end to this horrific
procedure. The high death rate due to the large number of abortions makes the womb the most dangerous place in America. It
is therefore the moral duty of every God-honoring American to see that a culture of life prevails over the culture of death.
Therefore the President of the United States, with firm resolve acting in behalf of this sovereign Constitutional Republic with
the supporting members of Congress, do hereby order in this Year of Our Lord this Protection of Life Proclamation to restore
the right to life guaranteed under the Constitution and bring to an end this abominable holocaust in the eyes of God.
Now Let It Be Known from this day forward that convenience “abortion on demand” will forever be abolished the same as
slavery from off this land and from all the territories under the jurisdiction of these United States of America.
Thank you, and God bless you.
*This is not a government document.
We have small groups of prayer warriors in the Quakertown, PA, area that are praying 6 nights per week through to the election, for God’s kingdom to come and His will be done in our world.
All day yesterday the song “The battle belongs to the Lord” played in my mind over and over. David Kubal’s word is a reminder not to be like Isaiah’s servant and forget who is commanding this battle. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Keep battling on your knees with worship, praise, thanks and put in the full armor of God. Experience the peace of being held in the palm of His hand while in the battle. The battle belongs to the Lord.
Pray in Tongues as many hours as your schedule can stand. Check out yesterday’s It’s Supernatural episode with more instruction on the power of Tongues than most of you know. Get engaged and get ready to run to the enemy’s bunkers and toss prayer grenades into them!
“God is stirring intercession at incredible levels. I believe He is speaking to leaders, some with public platforms, some without public platforms, to share prophetic, activating messages of hope.”
So true.
The sons of God are manifesting! There is an ongoing revival on YouTube, the MSOG REVIVAL, led by 3 apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is not without his witnesses in these end times! The voices of hope are here!
Please read! Isaiah 41:10 thru 13. Ephesians 6:10 thru 17. All through scripture God shows us that our battle is not with flesh and blood. I believe that God has allowed this to open the eyes of his people to bring them to an understanding that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual wickedness in high places. God has given us all authority through his word, And through prayer and intercession to tear down the schemes, and the evil strategies of the enemy through prayer and fasting and proclaiming his word and his promises. God is the sovereign Lord of all events, who rules history to fulfill his purposes. What His will determines, His power carries out. No leader, army, government, or any evil council can stand in God’s way! Read this and be encouraged, and know the mighty God that we serve He hears and answers when we pray and seek his face concerning all that is happening around us. He is faithful he is God and he does not change 2 Chronicles 20:20!
Balance is a good word. Chaos is opposite so we bind Chaos and loose Balance into our nation. God has a plan and I trust that all truth will come out and the victory is Gods. We need to keep on pressing in with praise and singing.
Be careful about people’s dreams and folks proclaimed prophets. Weight it next to The Word. See if there is merit or no
He is still on the throne. Is He on the throne of your life?
Very good word. Thanks
Walk by faith, not by sight.
Pray in faith, not in doubt.
I pray every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day, that our Lord will have mercy on us and put Trump back in the White House for 4 more years and stop the violence.
Yes, Lord Jesus, we declare, as you did, to all who have ears to hear,
We also ask and declare
We also pray and declare
We cry out to You, Father,
We believe Holy Spirit
We ask and call for all these things, dear Father, with great gratitude in the Name of Your beloved Son & Salvation, Yeshua ha Mashiach, JESUS the Christ, Amen.
Would like names of the governors/mayors that are allowing/encouraging the riots in their cities so that I can pray by name
Not sure about the mayors. The following cities have been/are under attack: Seattle, Portland and Eugene Oregon, Austin Texas, Minneapolis, New York
Vote Your Values 2020 currently lists the following “battleground” states for which urgent prayer is necessary: California, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. New York, Virginia and Colorado most likely will be added as days progress.
States with asterisks are either battleground or NEED prayer for the benefit of the people living there (some are/have been targeted for violence)
It’s always good to pray for the states of Texas and Florida (currently with great Republican governors) but past voting “irregularities.”
States which have dem. governors, which means we need to call forth the voters to vote for Biblical-values candidates:
*California: Gavin Newsom
*Colorado: Jared Polis
Connecticut: Ned Lamont
Delaware: John C. Carney Jr.
Hawaii: David Ige
*Illinois: J.B. Pritzker
Kansas: Laura Kelly
Kentucky: Andy Beshear
Louisiana: John Bel Edwards
Maine: Janet T. Mills
*Michigan: Gretchen Whitmer
*Minnesota: Tim Walz
Montana: Steve Bullock
Nevada: Steve Sisolak
New Jersey: Phil Murphy
New Mexico: Michelle Lujan Grisham
*New York: Andrew Cuomo
*North Carolina: Roy Cooper
*Oregon: Kate Brown
*Pennsylvania: Tom Wolf
Rhode Island: Gina Raimondo
*Virginia: Ralph Northam
Washington: Jay Inslee
*Wisconsin: Tony Ever
Columbus, OH Mayor Ginther, OH Governor Mike Dewine
Bless you!!!
Thank you. I am praying the list
Thank you for this: would it be possible if it hasn’t already been done(I’m new here)
To produce a set of scriptures we can pray with respect to this above post in addition to the couple listed here? Thank you
A week ago today,while in prayer, the Lord gave me a picture of a balance and said to specifically pray against “unjust scales”. He said the enemy is ladening the scales with deceitful weights and measures in order to usher us into a “bad deal”. His desire is to cheat us out of receiving everything Jesus’ blood already purchased to equip His body for this day and hour. Many are unjustly attributing the current state of the union to men and institutions rather than dominions and principalities, which is causing them to receive a “bad deal” in which they believe they are being cheated causing them to take offense. And the fact is that they are being cheated, not by man, but by the spirit of anti-christ. Because of this lack of trust in the Covenant Maker, many are being ensnared in anger, bitterness, self-righteousness, hate, the spirit of death, division, and destruction. They have failed to consider the fact that the payment has already been remitted and there is no haggling to be done. We need not fret over the best or worst-case-scenario, but only be obedient to enter into and receive the just and right covenant with all its benefits made available to us through Christ Jesus. We will overcome the schemes of the enemy and bring glory to God through the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony!
Amen this so reasonated with what I am hearing.
I love this article! I pray Psalm 91 over our country.
I pray Psalm 20 over President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families!
I also love the verse you mentioned in 2 Kings 6:16-17!
This will be an exciting election as long as we seek God’s Will and He gets the glory!
Amen and amen!!! Yes Jesus Blood is all powerful ever living, everloving and He gave us that same power as we are in Christ; therefore let us come boldly before the throne of Grace and cry out to our God who hears. He is not deaf; He will hear if we cry out to Him to cleanse us from all our sins and deliver us from ourselves. Let the Lord our god be glorified in our lives, in our speech, in our faith and as we walk with Him. I have seen several times in visions in the riots; people falling on their faces and crying out to God for mercy. We all need to cry out for mercy for God is desiring a people to walk in His ways in purity and holiness. We all need to encourage one another in the Lord and cause the weak to rise up and take hold of the Sword(God’s Word) and live it and speak it.
I heard from a prophet today that he saw the White House after the elections bathed in the color blue (as in, the political party associated with that color won). He said also that there was a lot of chaos and uproar about it with accusations of election fraud.
This gentleman has predicted many things already that have come to pass. I never want to take a word like this; however, and not do all in my power to pray and work so that it does Not come to pass.
As in Jonah with Nineveh, Nineveh repented and what Jonah, a true prophet of the Lord, was prophesying, did not come to pass.
I will a second time suggest what I have suggested before: besides the 1st Friday noon Eastern time of every month prayer (for which I am incredibly grateful, along with this website), could we also have 2nd Saturday morning of every month prayer (11a Eastern, 8a Pacific); 3rd Sunday afternoon of every month prayer (4p Eastern, 1p Pacific); and 4th Thursday evening of every month prayer (9p Eastern, 5p Pacific).
I suggest these other times so that people who work and who are in other time zones can maybe more easily listen/ pray.
There need not be guest speakers! Just whatever is heaviest on the heart. Also, maybe sometimes we could pray for other nations, as in the genocide of Nigerian Christians.
Also, could we even have Daily prayer, with a different lay prayer leader each day of the month leading it so that no one gets burned out.
I pray against this in Jesus name. Heavenly Father your word in Romans tells us there is no authority except that which You have established..
I decree we loose Angel armies,
In Jesus name, be loosed to take hold of bad circumstances and events on life’s journey and turn them around foe good.
Father, Let there be an increase in fellowship, prayer meetings, assembling together all the more as we see the day approaching (Heb 10:24-25), repenting for our sins and the sins of our nation (Dan 9:20). Let justice flow as a never-ending stream, in Jesus’ Name
I talked with my pastor recently,concerned about our country, and he said “America is already lost. The culture war is already lost.” I was stunned at this reaction. My husband and I reject this.We say,we will stand strong and intercede until the very end; Wicked Ninevah repented when the right message was preached, and God promises our land will be healed if His people, called by His name, repent and turn from their wicked ways. Our future does not depend on the culture, it rests with the Lord and his church. Thanks for a word of confirmation!
I doubt if he has been on his face praying and fasting for repentance, revival and reformation. How much time does he spend making your church in line with the priority of Jesus, “my House shall be a house of prayer for all nations (Isa 56:7)? Most pastors are part of the problem not the solution, and all the prophetic people who “called the elders” when they saw the sword coming (Joel 2) who have been minimized by them forgive them, and ask God to finally open their eyes. Let there be an increase in prayer meetings, assembling together all the more as we see the day approaching, repenting for our sins and the sins of our nation (Dan 9:20). Let justice flow as a never-ending stream, in Jesus’ Name
Heavenly Father and Lord we come humbly before You and ask that You oh Sovereign God remove the fear and scales from your chosen people Lord!! Use us Father God to press in and move forward toward the ultimate prize…you sweet Jesus!!! May You create a Spirit if Love Power and a sound mind that we as your warriors can accomplish what You Father have placed in us to battle against the principalities of evil in the unseen realm!!! For apart frI’m You Lord God , we can do nothing!!! But with You on our side…who can come against us? Nothing and NO ONE!!!! Hallelujah!!!! The battle had already been won!!!! Thank You Father for all you have done and are about to do!!! We are victorious in Christ Jesus our Lord Savior and King!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
I bind the spirit of fear from your Children, dear Lord. I ask that you would bind their hearts to Your faith, hope, and love. May your peace descend and counter the gloom and doom. Open our eyes to see the spiritual war and to declare that Jesus is the victor. Give us endurance and forbearance as we push through this tough time. May the cloud of witnesses be praying for us and may we be reminded that some of them went through WW2 in Europe. Jesus, you told us we would have trials and tribulations in the world but to be of good cheer for You, our Jesus, has overcome the world. May praise be on our lips continually. In Jesus name and through the power of His Resurrection, Amen.
Speaking into the heavenly Realm.Speaking Victory raising ourSword to cut off the enemies heads..Declare theVictory we already have with our mouth..taking back all the enemy has stolen in this hour..its not by our might but by the Spirit of the Lord that it is accomplished..Walk out your Victory Church Stand and See the Salvation of Our GOD..
2 Kings 6:17 was the very word the Lord spoke to my spirit this morning. Praise God, and thank for your encouraging, confirming word as well. If God is for us, who can be against us.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Thank you for today’s article. Again you have “hit the mark.” The article referred to and previously published, “The Worse Case Scenario,” was well written and fairly submitted for individual consideration. I applaud you for it!
Recently I have become concerned that this “spirit of criticism and intimidation” has also crept into some Christian Ministry’s leadership and into the Christian body itself, to the point that some are calling down views that are not their own, but are also not heretical. Much more prayer and listening for God’s voice and His direction should be observed and practiced, above dealing out one’s own “opinions” that seem to be made from a “Human consensus” rather than submitting the matter(s) to the Lord and waiting on for His wisdom. There seems to be a selfish motive to suppress the insight that God may give to another person if it is contrary to one’s own agenda. That’s exactly what the world is doing now. Let’s not imitate the world. .
Remember, Jesus died and the veil to the Holy of Holies was torn apart, giving “each person” access to the presence of God. The Holy Spirit dwells in individuals and He teaches and gives direction into all truth. Let us search God’s Word, His presence and His heart so that we will know the truth and be obedient to do His will. Kind regards
Isaiah 41:10
We must remember that no one and nothing can stop our Lord God. He has all power. His desire is to save people and Deliver Us from Evil. We must humble ourselves pray, and stay strong for our families City and nation. We are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. There are injustices that need to be redeemed. The path of redemption does not come through violence and chaos but through Confession repentance and unity. Blessed Be The Peacemaker, Christ has shown us the way we need to listen and obey. He has won the victory for us but we need to walk it out. I pray the strength of God and the spirit of God would be poured upon his people so that we can walk forward boldness and strength in Jesus name I pray.
We were discussing this at lunch! We are praying every day for our nation. What else can we do. I think of the battle of Jericho. Maybe we believers need to take to the streets singing and praising God.
Do not be afraid.
The battle is the True God’s! 2 chron 20:15
Stand and watch, you do not have to fight the battle, vs 17.
Do not listen to the MSM!!
Limit social media.
Worship and pray continually.
Speak the WORD. It is alive and powerful, sharper than a 2edged sword!
The enemy is a liar;he has been defeated!! Do not listen to his retoric, he is desperate. We are the victors, HALLELUIAH!
Amen thank you Jesus
Amen. I agree that we have to push into prayer even more.
I found this scripture this morning and sharing it as my prayer. We know God is on His bride’s side so let’s not grow weary in prayer or well-doing! We decree victory in the mighty Name of Jesus!
Psalm 80:14-19 TPT
Come back, come back, O God to restore us! You are the Commander of Angel Armies. Look down from heaven and see our crisis. Come down and care for your lovely vineyard once again. [15] Nurture our root and our fruit with your loving care. Raise up the Branch-Man, the Son whom you’ve made strong. [16] Enemies chopped down our vine and set it on fire; now show them your anger and let them perish by your frown. [17] Strengthen this Branch-Man, the Son of your love, the Son of Man who dwells at your right hand. [18] Then we will never turn back from you. Revive us again, that we may trust in you. [19] O God, the mighty Commander of Angel Armies, come back and rescue us! Let your beaming face shine upon us with the sunrise rays of glory. Then nothing will ever stop us again!
Thank-you for sharing this passage! 👍🏼🙏🧎♀️
The Lord is a stronghold in the day of trouble and He knows who trust in Him.
what do you conspire against the Lord? He will make an utter end of it.
Affliction will not rise up a second time. Nahum 1:7&9
The Lord is a stronghold in the day of trouble and He knows who trust in Him.
what do you conspire against the Lord? He will make an utter end of it.
Affliction will not rise up a second time. Nahum 1:7&9
This both encouraged me and motivated me to be steadfast in prayer.
Early on this year the Lord reminded me of John 1:5, “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it.” Different versions say the darkness cannot overcome the light, the darkness cannot understand the light, and so on. This all is a spiritual battle and I use John 1:5 in prayer — the darkness cannot comprehend the light — AT ALL. Jesus is the light and we are in the light as He is in the light. SATAN HAS NO LIGHT IN HIM! He is throwing everything he possibly can at us to try to create fear and doubt. Christians, pray on and pray on — stand firm in the light. Rejoice that Jesus is the Word and the Word is a lamp unto your feet. Our enemy cannot understand or overcome our prayers, our worship, our conviction. He is a defeated foe, and while everything around us looks like the darkness is growing stronger, our light is getting brighter and stronger!
We pray:
repenting for sins of our nation since its inception,
asking for “Thy Kingdom Come Thy will be Done (Completed in and through the USA) as it is in Heaven”,
asking Adonai Tsikednu the LORD of the Heavenly Hosts to arise for the glory of The KING,
asking for The Spirit of Truth to move over and upon the deceived ones, bringing as many as possible to repentance and freedom and real life in Jesus. THEN God moves in with His power
Remember the song:” May God arise and His Enemies be scattered…”
Petra’s song: ” The Battle belongs to the LORD” (as we pray)
Father said to me,” I demolished the Tower of Babel didn’t I? I can demolish this evil scheming structure, grind it into dust.” I recognize His voice even when it is hard to really believe!!
This was such an encouraging word. If God is for us who can be against us. Jesus has given us authority to tread on serpents, scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. Let us use that authority and speak into the chaos in our nation, cities and families. Put on the whole armor of God. Phil 4:6, Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
David Kubal your #3.
New Sounds and Songs are Arising!
America’s Sweetheart
By Teresa Louise Sjolander
Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Sending waves of revival from the Coast
Waters deep and thick -so wet
Drench the Heartland finding her best
America’s Sweetheart starts to rise
With Diamonds on Her Face
And a Twinkle in Her Eye
NBC, CBS, FOX tells us how to think and what to believe
They’re just deceived
Control, manipulations, corruption exposed
Their lies are crumbling like a house of cards
America’s Sweetheart starts to rise
With diamonds on her face and a twinkle in her eye
Heavens Gates are Open Wide
As Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Send waves of revival from the coast
Angels, Angels everywhere
Healing hearts and bodies mend
As Father, Son and Holy Ghost are pouring Love out from the coast
Now who dares to mock or boast?
The Music Comes Alive!
Religions ball and chain gets busted
And our heartstrings all get dusted
Now it’s Time to Strike our Chords
And Satans scheme
has finally fallen
as America’s Sweetheart Takes her stand
Created in her Father’s Image
Male and Female
And the serpent’s scales fall off men’s eyes
Are valued as GOD’s Own Home
Honor and Respect were never lost
Just seeds were frozen in the frost
But hearts were thawed
The Day the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Sent waves of LOVE from coast to coast
America’s Sweetheart
Precious Bride
With diamonds on her face
And a twinkle in her eye
As JOY Arises
She will smile
It’s not so bad, as you see
There’s room for you and for me
As Father, Son and Holy Ghost bring Life Abundant from the Coast
He’s moving in you and me
Their Plan is From Eternity
There’s answers to problems
And Possibilities
Dare to Be The Answer
Say “YES to the Dream!”
They have a Good Plan
Come take Their Hand
Your Name is Written There
America’s Sweetheart Has Now Arised
With Diamonds on Her Face and a Twinkle in Her Eye
Compassion’s Moving
I see Jesus in your eyes
Deaths dark shadow is swallowed up in His Light
The forked tongued serpents lies fall in his dust
She’s singing THE TRUTH
She’s singing HIS LIFE
“12 years left” of this world as we know it?
I don’t think so
HE is in charge
And His Plan is to BLESS!
Religion’s Hag says it will burn up like a ball
While political swamps think that they own it all
But Father, Son and Holy Ghost are showing up Healing on the Coast
And no government or power will get to boast
The Music is Alive!
America’s Sweetheart beats and shines with Diamonds on her Face and a Twinkle in Her Eye
She Roars like a Lion and is as gentle as a Lamb
To bring Healing and Justice
He is Good, He cannot lie
His Kingdom’s Come
Just like He Said
He is not dead
Death where’s your victory?
And where is its sting?
We have a VOICE
So let us sing of
I’m Covered in His Red
America’s Sweetheart is rolling up her sleeves
She’s cleaning up The Streets!
The garbage leaders walk by
Mirrors the broken soul
They’re blinded by ambition
Thrown money cannot heal
A heart
America’s Sweetheart Rises
WithDiamonds on Her Face and a Twinkle in Her Eye
She carries food, clothes, shelter
Yes and even pie!
She’s humble and she’s caring.
She brings the bread she has
Bringing Heaven Down
All Around
Just like Jesus said!
All these institutions
Are coming to an end
No more boxing in and cutting up
Intimidation, conform, control
Manipulations have become the norm
Not So The Ways of Heaven!
Which are falling in
and All Around!
HIS Kingdom’s Come!
HIS Will’s Being Done!
So pass the test
You know the rest
He said it and He meant it
He’s showing up right here
Right Now!
So just Let Go!
Enjoy the Show!
And just say YES to LOVE
December 2019 Prophetic Poem through Teresa Louise Sjolander.
Wow! Hallelujah! So beautiful! Thank you for sharing and I know it’s happening now in Jesus mighty Name!
I don’t understand your 2nd point of action “createchaos…the rest will take care of itself “.
The answer to what you don’t understand is simple, THE HELL RAISERS ARE CREATING CHAOS. From there all manner of evil things spring forth ! WE CHRISTIANS are the counter force to this !
Thank you for this encouragement!
I agree. The Lord gave me a dream basically showing me that our eyes (the windows to our soul) has been surrounded by floods of ungodliness. So when I looked out the window in my dream and saw nothing but dark water – I knew it was time to move from that place. I picked up a GPS to see what my options were, but it had a camera in it. They were watching me to see how I was gonna react to the directions they had pre-peogrammed for me.
So the Lord was showing me that it was absolutely essential to look unto Him. When the floods of ungodliness are surrounding us, we cant look at the wind and waves and expect them to help us. When Peter looked at them, he sank (fear and doubt overwhelmed him)!!!!
Now is NOT the time for us to go under. The Lord is calling us closer to him – we are called to walk in faith upon these waves.
The only way this is possible is to keep our eyes and ears steadfast on our Faithful Light of Truth – the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
In a personal Rhema that He gave me recently – He told me that there has been a shift in the spirit and if I kept my eyes on Him He would give me enough light to show me the path I need to follow.
He will reveal unto us what we need when we need it – as long as we are *seeking His face!!!!
Put on your helmet of hope in our Savior, and look up soldier!!!!!!
Thank you for every word you spoke. It hit me like a mighty wave. very powerful. I will print this and keep it posted all over my house!!! God bless you for sharing these powerful words and actions. I am truly invigorated to repair my shield–it had a few dents and holes in it.
He is the best restorer of every damaged and weary place!!!! There is healing in His oil!!!
Just sit in His presence and let Him pour it all over you and your armor!!!
Amen! Amen! This is a dimension of faith all believers need to press into. It’s happening to His Bride, His remnant Bride.
Thank you for sharing. There’s an importation of hope and faith in this. Hallelujah!
I think of Samson who messed up royaly through disobedience to the clear Word of GOD.
But GOD in HIS great mercy, gave SAMSON the vision, the strategy, the wisdom and the strength to lean against the pillars of wickedness and bring the whole structure tumbling down on them.
O beautiful Savior! Beautiful for the situation! You know whom you can trust! Guide them O Thou Great Jehovah and cause the pillars of wickedness in this land to fall and Your Godly ones to triumph.
Be Glorified O Beautiful LORD JESUS, show Yourself mighty on the side of righteousness. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Standing in agreement!
Thank you Bryan:
“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”
Let us wait in patient anticipation!
He is the best restorer of every damaged and weary place!!!! There is healing in His oil!!!
Just sit in His presence and let Him pour it all over you and your armor!!!
This is very encouraging and true. We need to pray more fervently than ever at this time. Thank you
We rule the nations through intercession! When we declare what God says and speak it into the atmosphere it releases God’s power in the nations! It doesn’t take a lot of people to reverse the course of a nation. It just takes persistence like the widow in Luke 18. The Lord will come speedily and bring justice on the earth but when He comes will He find faith? This is the hour to get a vibrant heart before the Lord so when the next crisis comes, and it will, we will not be moved! God is preparing the earth for His Son’s return. Lord make us strong in the Lord and in the power of Your might! Make us a Bride who’s spotless and ready in Jesus name! Amen
In 12/16/17 THE LORD Gave Me This Word. The Dam Has Broken, The Flood Gates Are Open, For The Glory, Anointing, And The Presence Of GOD To Be Poured Out On HIS People, And The Nations! Like Mighty Rivers! On 1/1/2020 The LORD Gave Me This WORD For 2020. That The Church Will Have 20/20 Vision In 2020!
I receive that!
Thank you, David Kubal 🙂
Your love and devotion Is a “breath of fresh air”. You are encouraging and reassuring not only because of what you say but also because you reveal part of yourself working to love and grow on the knowledge of God. You make it possible to experience “fellowship with you ovet distance” while helping to maintain civil society…….which the Lord requires now while accomplishing His Purposes.
The Spirit of God is constraining the collapse of civil society, especially through the activities of The Body of Christ. All of us separated in the secular world are in your company.✝️
Kindest Personal Regards
A Brother in Christ
Thank you for the encouraging article. I was a little disturbed by the previous article. We as Christians must speak Truth and Revival, the world speaks chaos. John 17 days our heart will be one, the mind of Christ. Verse 20 days recalibrate. “Arise, let the
enemy be scattered.” Psalm 68:1
We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb/ & the words of our testimony. Our weapon to do battle is mighty through God tearing down strongholds. The full armor of God with one Offensive weapon which is the Sword of the Spirit (Word of God) which is more powerful than any other weapon to do spiritual battle, not carnal. We also have the prayers of the Saints. We can bind on earth, or loose on earth & they will be so in Heaven. So the courts of Heaven are on our behalf to come boldly to the Throne of Grace to receive mercy in the time of need. Satan has no answer for the blood of Jesus we can plead the blood of Jesus for our sins/shortcomings. He is on the right hand of God as our Advocate/ Mediator/ Intercessor & his blood cleanse us from all unrighteousness which takes away the weapon of Satan who stands ready to accuse of before the throne of God. We have the Army/ the Word/ the weapons/ The right to be there seated with him in heavenly places. Thank you, Lord, for equipping us for your service. Pray in the Spirit because sometimes we know not what to pray so the Spirit prays for us.
good word
You have hit the nail on the head so to speak. Thank goodness for your straightforward view. Do not stop. We are united behind and to your side. God will hear our prayers.
Thank you for your direction and guidance for all of us from the Lord. It gives me great peace to know the focus of my prayer intentions. Praise and worship the Lord no matter what we are going through to thank him for all he does for us, and to let him know how much we love him. His peace is with us. Our VICTORY is in him. I am proud to be a champion for Jesus Christ now and in the days ahead.
Thank You so much for this Article. I have been so weary & down…I VERY MUCH APPRECIATED THE ENCOURAGEMENT❗🇺🇸🌈🌊🌴
I love the scripture Is 66. It definitely gives hope. When I get fearful I think about the scripture that everyone uses about if my people will repent I will restore their land. I believe with all my heart that thousands and thousands maybe even millions are doing just that. And because Gods word never returns void He is restoring us. Plus his timing is perfect. I keep telling myself these things which gives me hope
Thank you, Dave, for sharing. We stand together in the Lord.
The Lord gave me the word balance about a month ago. What the Lord said was
Shifting, to restore proper balance.
Mark 13v37
What I say unto you I say unto all.
Empower me Lord!
Empower me in every way you long to empower me Lord! Remove any resistance in me to your Holy Spirit. I confess and repent of my sins. Remove sin far from me. Remove any remaining generational curse in my family line. We/I am yours. Make me yours make me holy, make me pure. Create in me a clean heart so that I may be a powerful voice for you! Fit me for battle for your purposes. Fill me with your supernatural wisdom and supernatural physical energy to complete the tasks you have set before me and are setting before me.
In the Holy Name of Jesus name!!!
The article above is just what we needed – a direct word from the Lord – and instructions to intercede. As I read people’s comments, I pray along with each one. Your comments, folks, add to the uplifting and inspiring articles that IFA sends us in these newsletters. This is where I get my information – not the national news on TV or newspaper. I love the Christian perspective that I get here. Thank you, all you IFA people. I pray for you every day.
Amen to that, Susan. God’s blessings.
Some years ago as we were praying for an election, the Lord showed me a balance scale. Then He said to ask Him to put His weight on it, to tip it the right way. I believe we need to ask that again. That He puts His weight on the scale to cause it to tip the right way.
YES!! I love that! Thank you for sharing! I am praying that prayer!!
Repentance (turning away from our ways and the worlds ways) and prayers, decreeing and declaring His Word, are also putting the weight on that scale too. Hallelujah.
How do we get the world to like us ?
Simple, be like the world.
As for me and my house, we chose the Lord God Almighty so the world will hate us.
This is so good! Last week the thought occurred to me for GOD to win the election. Every office in every part of our government, I prayed for God to win it by a landslide. I’m continuing to pray that every office is won by a person hand-picked by Him to do His will, in Jesus name. God wins!
Don’t forget, “ when you fast…”
FAST and pray!
Lord, I am putting this situation in Your hands and I will not fear, for Your are my shield and my rampart; a very present help in trouble. I trust You Lord to work things out in our nation that You birthed many years ago. Your healing hand is upon us and You are wiping our tears away, Thank You Lord from the bottom of my heart.
We know our Father God is in control of everything. He is the victor. We trust His plan no matter what it is and thank Him for being our Father and know He wants what is best for His sons and daughters. Thank you Jesus.
You have stated the obvious. Is that a prophetic word? The suffering disciples of Jesus never focused on their suffering but on the mission. They were not interested in preserving culture. They lived for kingdom advancement. We pray for those in authority in order for peace to reign so the gospel might be preached.
David, thank you so much for this encouraging reminder of Who is in control, and Who is our source of Being and
Hope. Lord Jesus, keep our minds and hearts focused upon You and Your ways. Help us to remember that in You, we have victory over sin and disorder. Prompt us by Your Holy Spirit to continue to cry out to you for righteousness and order in our current mess, one that only You and Your grace can sustain us through. In jesus’s name we ask this.
Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so! Lord we ask for Your people who are called by Your name to humble themselves and pray and seek Your face, then we will hear from heaven! Answer the cries of Your People! Deliver us from our enemies! How long must we wait, Oh Lord? How Long?
And Turn From Our Wicked Ways….then You Will Hear From Heaven and Heal Our Land!!!
As Melody commented….2 Chronicles 7:14 says most importantly, we, GOD’s people, must turn from our wicked ways!! It is on us…GOD will relent of the judgement coming IF His people will humble ourselves, pray, seek His Face AND turn from our wicked ways. We may not participate in the ways of the world any longer but what about our attitudes of the heart? Unforgiveness, not putting GOD first, not loving others, lacking generosity, being undependable, being careless with our body, harboring bitterness and anger, lack thankfulness, arguing, complaining, talk about me all the time, lying and exaggerating, impure habits and thoughts, gossiping, thinking more highly of ourselves that we should? Confessing and repenting and cleansing is the way to turn from our wicked ways.
A week ago I was discouraged and was just sort of schlepping along wondering what my life was to be since I am no longer young and beautiful.😏
The Lord came alongside and began to speak that which assured me He wasn’t through with me even at the Granma stage since His desire is that the three generations I am in are to work together. NOT separately. I was despairing over the fact that my children have decided to turn away from the church but Not from God. However, their children know nothing about the foundational principles of Godliness and Redemption. This to me is just confusing and fits the lukewarm.
With the former as background, the Lord is saying this season has been difficult and Will get worse as we see Literal war on earth as well as in heaven. The problems in the Middle East will erupt and slop over onto this country. As difficult as that seems, God is still in charge and we will see heroics in our fields as well as the IDF in Israel.
A major benefit will be the simplified life will become very appealing,i.e. a picnic in the park whether single or with family will be very appealing.
There will be a whole new communication system directed by the Father. There will still be wealthy and poor but a greater diversity since so many will learn “pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps” was always a fallacy. A major deception of the enemy.
I’m assured I will live to see the young return to our Redeemer for the “end” is NOT yet.
There is much to learn from the One who gives us life and breath. He promises Beauty from ashes. But ashes mean the old is gone and the new is rising up. Be prepared. Don’t run amuck at this time. STAND FAST. THE BATTLE IS MINE. IT’S NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. AMEN AND AMEN
Thank you. I too was feeling like that so you encouraged me. We need to rise up and keep speaking truth to our sphere of influence. Be strong!
I pray every day for my family using COLOSSIANS 1:9-14
Being a grand grand mama.
Your letter sounds a lot like my family.I believe that the way schools are teaching in the last 50 years has not been teaching to love this Nation and about the history that many gave their life to have freedom-not to destroy history and to believe in God, A great awakening back to God.
Amen. Oh, Father, we hold fast to Your promises like our forefathers did and we join with their prayers to bring Your Kingdom to earth as it is in Heaven in Jesus mighty Name.
I find that the more I pray, the stronger my faith grows. Trust in Him and the reliability of His Word. Faith in particular outcomes is related to the ways He seems to direct my prayers. If it seems over a period of time that I keep being led to pray a certain way, my faith for that outcome grows! But we have the big guns! The weapons of our warfare are MIGHTY! ! And ALL power and authority is now given to HIM. That means the enemy has only smoke and mirrors.
Thank you David. It’s great to be a part of this team. You minister to us by bringing matters to us and encourage our intersession with powerful prayers. God’s blessing to you and everyone who the Lord is using through this ministry. May it continue to grow.
Jeremiah 29.11
Encourage ourselves for the Lord is on our side.
Lord, I give you thanks for this heaven- sent encouraging word and reminder. Father, open the eyes of your faithful to see and understand this spiritual enemy! Open our eyes Father to see and understand the overwhelming power we have with us and in us because of the Blood of our Lord Jesus to stop and crush this enemy. Come Holy Spirit, be poured out on our country, the United States of America, from our leaders to our unborn children-we praise you, we worship you and give you thanks as we join the battle for ALL your children, your United States, Isreal and indeed, the world. Even in this battle, we say, Glory to God in the highest, in Jesus name.
“It is in the balance” –Got it. We as people tend to tilt from one extreme to the other. It’s been said we are either so heavenly minded we are of no earthly good or so earthly minded we are of no heavenly good. It requires balance of both realms to be successful. One area of warfare that I see as a weakness of the church is “intelligence”. Know your enemy. If we don’t excel in knowing Satan’s strategy, personnel, weapons, etc. we will continue losing our children and nation to the evil forces as we have seen the last 50 years. We need to #1 take charge of our children’s education–to train up a child in the way he should go. Satan has the public schools and colleges. And that boils down to money-who controls the money. Maybe we could form an Evangelical teacher’s Union for God?
Like your idea Maurice. In the meantime, we all have a responsibility to vote; many have an opportunity in the month of August and November to select candidates to sit on your college boards, state school boards and local school boards that uphold Godly principles but, you have to do the research.
Vote your values!!! Remember the Words says, “when Proverbs 29:9 – When the righteous are in authority; the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. It is up to us to make sure that peace reigns in this nation.
Hear our cry oh Lord. Attend unto our prayers. From the ends of the earth are we crying out to thee. And when our hearts are overwhelmed lead us to the cross that is higher than I.. that is higher than I.Lord you are our high tower.. In You do we put our trust.
Yes Lord!
Thank you for this scripture reminder!
Bring in THE HARVEST quickly.
Churches spoken to in REVELATION 2 and 3, do what JESUS says to do quickly.
I agree with everything that is being said. Even when the Isrealites fled from Egypt, it was the Lord who hardened the heart of Pharaoh so He would reveal His mighty arm to the world. He is still the same yesterday, today and forever. So we can’t afford to loose faith but to press on and stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord. Let’s continue to put on our full armour for the battle and know that the battle is the Lord’s.
Rend hearts not garments. Spiritual eyes to see the truth as God sees it. Let all the earth keep silence ad the Lord is in His Holy temple. Let faith arise like never before. Choose this day whom we shall serve. God or the God’s of this world!
Several weeks ago, the Ruach HaKodesh gave me these three words: Expose, Eradicate, and Evil. I’ve shared this with a few, but they’re still mesmerized by the Dancing if the Cobra (MSM) and cannot see what needs to be done, intercession.
Then three nights ago, I was woken up to these three words: Expose, Eradicate, and Evil. Ever since then, I have been praying with greater intensity for my town, to break the Strongman here.
It’s in the balance.
The Battle belongs to the Lord – It’s not by power, nor by might, but by my Ruach says YHVH Sabaoth.
I exhort everyone to stay in the battle, don’t let the “Dancing Snake” distract you, for the victory is ours through Yeshua Ha’Mashiach.
Amen. About a month ago, I woke up hearing His Word, “I am laying the axe at the root of the tree.” It actually says in Matthew 3:10 TPT,
The axe is now ready to cut down the trees at their very roots. Every fruitless, rotten tree will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.
I took the Word and have been decreeing it daily over our government at all levels. I know He is doing this.
I’m also praying that He is raising up and training righteous men and women to take the places that will be emptied as the Holy Spirit cleans up these rotten places.
In Jesus Name.
Amen Lana.
I too, will start declaring Matthew 3:10 along with what was given to me: Expose, Eradicate Evil.
Here is Matthew 3:10;AMPC;EXB;VOICE;NLT
Open the eyes of our heart Lord, we want to see jesus high and lifted up, shining in the light of your glory! Being out your power and love! There are more for us than against us!
Thankyou Dave for seeing with spiritual eyes! So important as we move in our positions in this light and darkness war!
Jesus is king of kings and lord of lords!
I, for one, do not want my ears tickled. I want to know what we are up against but with faith we speak to the evil one, “the Lord Messiah, Son of God rebuke you you evil enemy”.
And know this: we don’t fear those who can take away our life in these temporary bodies, but we fear only God who can take away our life for eternity. He alone is our hope and our salvation. We know He loves us. May we keep our eyes on Him and be obedient to what He tells us to do and to say. We are under the Holy Blood of Messiah. We ask forgiveness of our sins as we name those to Messiah only. Then we proclaim this battle is His through us. By His power we ask for victory to push the enemy back. We pray we can see with His Spiritual eyes. We trust Him now and forevermore. We ask for courage and we take the courage He has given us. He is the Great I AM!! We ask Him “to send me when the time is right He shall send me”. We shall praise Him throughout eternity because of Who He is: the author and finisher of our faith, the lover of our souls, the One who walks beside us and the One who worthy of our trust. We thank You our King, Giver of Salvation, our God and we praise Your Holy Name. Amen
Our Father in heaven,
Holy is Your Name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Please forgive our sins as we forgive others who sins against us.
Let us remember that You are omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent God. You are the only one that can see human soul, heart and their intention. Your power is beyond our understanding. Your Holy Spirit is with us as we received the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
The Worst Case Scenario article was eye opening. However we must not forget that this battle has been won by Jesus blood in Calvary 2500 year ago. We are seeing the effect of sins. Thru this situation let us draw close to God so that we, America, still can be the Balance in the world. Still be the beacon of hope.
JESUS is the difference between USA and China / Russia / N. Korea / Iran. God showed his intervention when he put President Trump in 2016. Ever since then the attack have been non stop.
Father God, You have seen the result of 2020 election. We ask that many states will be turned RED because Jesus’ blood covered them. We ask you for landslide victory for 2020 election so that we, the body of Christ can be bolder in praying and in influencing the world with the culture of GOD’s perfect LOVE. We ask you that many souls of those protesters will be won for you. We pray that America’s body of Christ will not be a compromised church anymore. Let us bring back the foundation of family. Let us reaffirm the covenant that you made with our founders.
Father God, we ask that the resources of the ungodly (Antifa, BLM, The Good Club, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, GGE, Open Society Foundation, the Hollywood Elites The Globalist, The Cartels, MSM, CCP, Russia etc) to dry up. Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we speak to the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances to dry up from the roots.
We thank you for your perfect will be done in America.
Keep us humble and rely our trust on You forever and ever.
May the blood of the LORD Jesus Christ cover America, and the love of God be manifested in our daily life, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be upon us all from today onward.
Wow. You’ve done your homework. Glory.
Thank you, for this prayer. You cover everything that is on my heart right now. I’m praying our Lord Jesus hears our plea and am trusting His merciful and good and perfect will be done in our Nation.
Thank you Dave for stirring us prayer warriors up as the prayer general you are and keeping us focused informed and organized.
Heavenly Father unite us in prayer like the early Church so that miracle may be done for our nation in Jesus Name 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
We need to plead the blood of Jesus over *
our health family and nation(s) God is better still in control holds the world in His hand says the nations are as a drop in the bucket. Thanks for your I sight and prayers as we await His return open the eyes of the blinded. Lord remove scales as with Saul/Paul
The article above reflects so much of what I have been thinking and praying about with prayer partners. I believe that one answer to prayer is this: God has exposed the long-standing corruption and evil that has been occurring in our nation. More and more eyes are being opened to the truth. But the article is correct: we still need to see more. And I believe God is allowing the evil to play out BECAUSE we need to experience the consequence of satan’s rebellion and Adam and Eve’s fall so that this will NEVER happen again.
Father God, we come to You once again in the mighty and precious name of Jesus asking for Jesus’ blood protection and the strength to endure as we become more aware of what is going on. Help us to hold on to the hope of Christ. And as the Holy Spirit opens our eyes, touch us like the angel touched Daniel when Daniel almost fainted because of weakness. Revive our energy to keep on. Help us to know that we are on the right side—that we will live forever with You once this battle is over and that evil will be destroyed forever. Thank You for empowering us and breathing new life into us. In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen.
God bless you, Sir! You nailed it!
There is power, power, wonder-working power in the Precious Blood of the Lamb!
Agreeing with you in prayer today and every day for Christ’s Blood-bought victory to be made manifest in the streets in all the cities of our Great Nation! Amen!
Let’s remember as we pray
CHAOS: Christ HAS Authority Over Satan!
Excellent acronym! Thanks for sharing!
So cool!’ Thanks.
We have need of perseverance and we have need of endurance. Our two edged swords are being sharpened as we press through! Thankful for this army!
I agree with this analysis and believe that it is a correct Biblical conclusion; that ninety-nine percent of what is really happening can only be discerned with our spiritual senses; that which we see is with the natural eye is motivated and created by Satan in the corrupt minds of his followers all over the world, “because their minds and consciences are defiled.” (NLT) We the people of God need to know what is happening in the world around us, but keep it to a very low percentage of our daily time spending the balance in praying, reading and studying the Word and watching/listening to that which is based upon Spirit-Building material. This can also be accomplished by speaking on the phone with those who need encouragement. We the people of God should speak words of thanksgiving and appreciation to each other for their dedication and commitment to the Kingdom of God regardless of their age and number of years of involvement. The Apostle Paul did this as a conclusion of each of his letters such as the one in Philippians 4:21, “Give my greetings to all the Christians there. The brothers who are with me here send you their greetings. And all the other Christians send their greetings, too, especially those who work in Caesar’s palace.”
Thank you for this great reminder!
Thank you, this is needed. Fear is of the enemy.
Thank you, Dave and IFA!
I needed this! The Spirit has been saying “press in”.
All glory to God!
Standing in agreement with this hope-filled word, I pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to cause individuals, churches and whole communities to fervently intercede and repent for individual and corporate sin and declare God’s mercy and truth that shifts the balance of power to manifested righteousness in our beloved nation, in Jesus’ Name, amen.
Heavenly Father, In Jesus’ Name I thank You for Your Word giving us hope and comfort. I thank you for this article encouraging God’s people to have hope, and keep praying. Thank You for Your Word in I Chronicles
“They were helped in fighting them, and God handed the Hagrites and their allies over to them, because they
cried out to Him during the battle.” “He answered their prayers because they trusted in Him”. You are Sovereign, Lord, and Yours is the victory. Amen
Jesus says FEAR NOT FOR IAM WITH YOU ALWAYS. I AM YOUR REAR GUARD. I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU. Thank you for praying and your message. Thank you for confirmation. We must continue to lean on JESUS. Many people are being hit physically and spiritually. We must continue to stand on the word of God. Father protect our eye gate and ear gate especially the little children and teen agers. Schools are closed and they cannot play with other children. Parents are home and fear has gripped them as they are not working and some who are working at home are getting upset with there children. You Father are the only one who can shift things. Thank you that we still have bibles and can pray. Thank you we can still join others in prayer. Thank you for the Body of Christ that are a people and not a building. You are in charge and you will never leave us nor forsake us. Amen
Praying that God open our eyes to see by the Spirit not our natural eyes and that the church of Our God wake up and cry out to God for forgiveness and bombard heaven with our prayers of intercession.
Thank you. This word is in agreement with what I am hearing from the Lord.
Last night as I was up praying I heard Him saying also “I’m turning the tide.” The Sun of Righteousness is turning the tide of evil back as we pray and seek His face.
No matter the outcome for the U.S.A. our trust and confidence is in the LORD of Heavens Armies. Your justice, decrees and judgements are perfect. At the end of the day we will trust in You!
Our actions have been against you. Our sin is great. Our gospel testimony of Jesus has been dismal. Our witness on the street has disappeared. The light is dim and the church is an institution.
Where is the ekklesia? Who is the bride? How does she make herself ready?
My friends we have a long way to go. Buckle your seat belts.
Judgement begins in God’s house.
Thank you for this word! I lifted up my voice in praise and thanksgiving to God upon reading your statement: “I can say this with 100% confidence, hundreds of thousands of people are interceding just through IFA!” I feel so privileged to join with this army of brothers and sisters in Christ to intercede for our nation and for the world. I pray every day that Jesus will come for His bride but, until He comes, we must keep up the good fight and not lose heart! Grace and peace from our Lord, Jesus, to all of my family in Christ!
Yes! Very thankful to read hundreds of thousands!
yes indeed amen God got our back amen in Jesus Name
The water has broken and the labor pains are real. We press in. Your words of insight are the encouragement needed to stay focused and engaged in this battle for our nation.
Betsy – In agreement, focused and engaged!
We Win!!!! One Nation UNDER GOD!!!! Indivisible!!!!!!!!!
This made think of a song : open my eyes LORD, that I can see you. I could see the Lord Jesus dressed as the highest priest sprinkling the blood over us. For there is power in blood of the lamb. We will survive the onslaught of the enemies within and outside of this nation as revival harvest will come out to the light.
Yes… We will not only survive but we will overcome
David thank you- I believe God gave you this word because he knows how much we need this encouragement TODAY. Oh how he loves his children!
I’ve been thinking lately, it’s become crystal clear to me that what we’re in the midst of today is an unprecedented fight to keep God in our nation – One Nation Under God. As we His children march on and press in we can be sure He is with us, over us and behind us helpIng us win the battle!!
Certainly it is God’s will that we keep him over this once great nation and when we pray according to His will it is done!! Long as we keep praying and praising His angel armies are all around, we are surrounded by chariots of fire!
Thank you Jesus for covering us by your precious blood!
Yes Jesus I agree!
You have given us the victory if we stand against the enemy. Please Lord bring pray back to the head of the body of Christ! Not the tail of last resort! Balance the believers in Spirit and Truth! Keep us focused on the Father, Jesus and By the Holy Spirit! Blessings
Very good word. I will not let a defeated foe defeat me. Jesus is lord. The church is waking up.we have the victory, in Jesus Name.
Praise God for the growing remnant!!!!
I stand with you all. My slot is eastern standard time:4 am Vision of Two bowls above the country. Let us fill up the one on the right side with intercession for the nation. When it’s filled to overflowing it will tip over and pour out upon us His glory!
God, In your majesty ride out victoriously for the cause of truth and meekness and righteousness; let your right hand teach you awesome deeds!
This puts a smile on my face because I have also been thinking lately about the passage in the Bible concerning Elisha. Therefore, I know it is happening in the spiritual realm.
Love those confirmations!
It is 12:00 a.m. in Washington state, I heard my phone ding and saw it was my new Intersessors news for today. This article I just read has given me a new hope in wanting to “see” with my spiritual eyes! I Again know how I need to pray and not with fear, but strength in the Almighty power of the Holy Spirit! Amen, going to battle now!
Lord, pour out your spirit upon all fresh and cause prophecies and visions to come forth for this season. Let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Father, in Jesus’ name forgive us all our sins and deliver us from iniquity. Give us the grace to totally submit to you that we may be able to resist the devil. We declare that the earth is yours and the fullness thereof and United States of America belongs to you. Have mercy and defend her for your name’s sake. Be exalted Father God above the heavens and let Your glory be over all the earth in Jesus’ Name.
“Don’t let a crisis go to waste.” Gee, I wonder who came up with this plan? It sounds like the Genesis 3 tactic repeating itself.
Please pray for a revival and/or A Great Awakening in the U.S.A. by the grace of God Almighty. Amen. This is our ONLY hope. Amen again.