I Prayed have prayed
Father God, enable us to fight well in Your battle (1 Tm 1:18). Defeat the powers of darkness!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

November 4, 2020 I awoke differently than I had four years ago. I felt a looming sense of fear trying to overtake me. I went for a walk to clear my mind and worship and pray and commanded that lying spirit to go.

I went back to my old journal from 2016Ā  after President Trump’s election and was inspired to share what I recorded four years ago on 11/7/2016.

“The battle for this nation is bigger than Republicans or Democrats. The battle for America is about LIFE, pray and decree hope over America.”

This is about justice and seeing Roe v. Wade overturned. In that time (2016) the Lord mentioned Elijah, so I spent much time studying 1 Kings 18 with Elijah’s showdown with the prophets of Baal. We are probably all familiar with the story. The Lord answers by fire, however the Lord said something that I considered odd. He said, “I will answer with rain.” That night on 11/7/2016 I prayed the whole night not watching the news but completely trusting God. I fell asleep that morning and I awoke about 4:00 a.m to the sound of rain. I checked my phone and President Trump was projected as winner. God answered by rain. If you think that’s strange, consider that in biblical times rain was often a sign of God’s blessing and drought was often a sign of judgment. ( see Deut. 11:10-17)

On January 20, 2017, President Trump was inaugurated and it rained again as some of you may remember.

Four years later and here we are again, yet there is so much more at stake now. I believe we are seeing a modern day showdown on Mount Carmel with the prophets of Baal.

On November 3, 2020 i had been in prayer all day, I went outside on my porch. As I was looking at the sky which was perfectly blue there was not a single cloud in sight but this verse came to my mind from 1 Kings 18:41-45 when Elijah tells his servant “Go look again.” Elijah is postured facedown head between his knees (a birthing posture) in intercession waiting for the rain because God promised him. Six times his servant reported, nothing until the seventh time he finally sees a little cloud the size of a man’s hand arising from the sea.

Intercessors, we are in the midst of a showdown.Ā 

Many prophetic voices such as Jeremiah Johnson, Mario Murillo have likened the media to false prophets and I have to agree with them. We have never seen such false, biased, malicious attacks, and censorship from the media as we have seen the past four years. I liken the media to Jezebel’s false prophets of Baal. They are prophesying lies to the people. The good news is God honored Elijah’s prayer and it seems closely related to what we have been praying over America for years. 1 Kings 18:37 “Answer me, LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.”

God has a plan to redeem this nation, or He wouldn’t have awakened the intercessors, He wouldn’t have had the prophets prophesy, He wouldn’t have given dreams and visions. If God had no plans to redeem America the 2016 election outcome would have been completely different.

Intercessors don’t lose heart now, we are in the final push!Ā 

Keep praying for our nation. Keep praying for the president! Keep praying for injustice and corruption to be exposed! Keep praying for the false prophets to be silenced and that when they see God’s display of power they would even declare, The Lord is God! We must keep on in prayer until we see what God has promised us.

[H]ere are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lordā€™s battles. (1 Tm 1:18)

Wage war with the prophetic words God has given you for America. Speak them, decree them, pray them.

Praise & Worship! Despite what the news says, let praise and worship be your weapons. God is enthroned upon the praises of his people. Let’s build him a throne over America.

Fasting & Prayer. Many of you have been doing this. Let’s keep on doing this together.

Fast and pray for battleground states. Pray for all the corruption to be exposed. Pray for the President and his family, VP and his family too. Pray for the Supreme Court and Amy Coney Barrett. She was placed there for such a time as this.

On Sept.26,2020 (I believe it was the last day of Rosh Hashanah), as I was in prayer the Lord said a sign would appear in Washington D.C. That sign would be a rainbow. That very same day President Trump named Amy Coney Barrett as his choice for the Supreme Court. Whatever this could mean, I know that the rainbow is a sign of God’s promise and God is always faithful to keep his promises.

Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go toĀ SpotifyĀ orĀ AnchorĀ to listen to her podcastĀ Something To Share.

The Bible describes a word that sustains the weary. (Is 50:4) This is that kind of word. Do you have a word to share? Leave a comment . . .

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Sherry Kittle
November 6, 2020

Thank you for your response, Mich.

Roma M Buchanan
November 6, 2020


November 6, 2020

Isaiah 44:24-26

“… I am the Lord … who foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, … who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers, “

E Marie Jennings
November 5, 2020

My husband and I have been praying dailey about this election and we know the battle is the Lord’s. And we stand fast on His Word with the helmet salvation, the sword of the Spirit, belt of Truth, shield of faith, and our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel.

Vina M Elias
November 5, 2020

A prophecy was spoken some times back canā€™t remember who spoke it that Satan know his time is up and he going to bring forth all kinds of lies and false information trying to make it seem as if he has won but we as believers know that what God say will come to pass so we as prayer warriors just need to continue to fast pray and praise God for his Marvelous and Mighty acts and watch the later rain come in abundance it shall come to pass and the nation will see as God manifest His Mighty Power and will know that God is the God of all power and there is none liken unto Him.

Vonnie Forqueran
November 5, 2020

YAH said, when you pray, in His will. Believe you have received it , and you shall have it! We know YAH gave us Trump. For America to become as YAH intended. This evil Democrat party has got to seise! AND CHILD TRAFFICKING AND SACRIFICE HAS GOT TO TOTALLY SEISE! One can put a thousand to flight, but two can put 10,000 to flight!In UNITY AGREE, AND NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR US! Let the true votes and TRUTH be revealed!._Praise YAH!
And may restoration come to all America! AS YAHUAH WILLS! THIS EVIL HAS GOT TO STOP.Did anyone listen to the Hilsdale college speaker talk on the Democrat spending? Will literally make you sick to your stomache.The Mauphia moved from the streets to the House Democrats. Will make you sick! No reason Democrat leaders should leave with a pension. Better to charge them with treason. Really evil, lying. Sick people. That has to be stopped now. They been robbing us for way too long. Listen to Trumps speech to the UN. Best ever, like a Father to his children. Like The Father would do.

Ken Laurion
November 5, 2020

I can not help but see that the overwhelming majority of contributors are women. I have long seen that women in this country by seeming majority are on the left, demanding the biological rights of “choice” and dominion over “their body”. Attempts by men to preach against this have been rebuffed. Several years ago I prayed that God would raise up an Army of righteous women whose prayers, witness, prophecy, and testimony could not be rebuffed by the enemy. While many have been called traitors or sell-outs, Godly women continue to pray and rebuke the powers and principalities of Satan’s realm. I rejoice over the beautiful and powerful prayers I am reading from my Godly sisters. Thank you for answering the recruitment call of our Father through His spirit. “Lord, God – Thank you for these righteous sisters and for the anointing and strength you have given them. Continue to give them a platform and empower them with the filling of your spirit. Bless them for their faithfulness and devotion. Promote them with a double portion. In Jesus’ Holy name, Amen”

November 5, 2020

What you wrote is a confirmation of what I believe God has been showing me. It seems to me that Pres. Trump is the only one who is in a position to do something about all the corruption in our federal and state governments. I pray that not only will it all be exposed, but that justice will be done. I still believe that he could win this election, and I pray that he does. Thank you.

    November 5, 2020

    Amen! I had the same vision from God that now is the time like Elijah facing the 400 prophets of Baal. Pray for our President Trump and his team, may all the fake news be silenced. He is not alone. Our Lord Jesus is fighting for him and for us, and He has finished! We can triumphant though Him! ā€œArise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. (Isaiah 60:1 NIV)

Betty B in WI
November 5, 2020

I am feeling excited about what GOD is doing in our nation!!! I believe the “INFECTION” of the evil that is ruling in the Democratic Party is being exposed and that it will be so obvious that NO ONE can deny what they have been doing. Even the Media will have to report the TRUTH. Father, I ask for eyes and hearts to be open to the TRUTH throughout our nation. I pray that You will deliver us from evil because You are the KINGDOM and the POWER and the GLORY forever and ever. AMEN.
I feel like King David as he danced before the LORD as he brought the Ark of the Covenant home. I believe God is doing a mighty work to bring our nation back to what the FOUNDING FATHERS planned for our nation. They made covenants with God as they landed on the shores of this land and as they wrote the Constitution. We are to be a light to the nations. The darkness has to GO. We are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL. LET IT BE DEAR LORD, LET IT BE. AMEN

    November 5, 2020

    Yes LORD. I pray for massive EXPOSURE and REVELATION that even the mainstream media will have to relent and admit and identify.

    But I also pray for PUNISHMENT and DIVINE VENGEANCE on the perpetrators of these evils. There must be consequences! Even on this side of eternity.

    Please fully vindicate the President Trump. And all the righteous. Please deliver this election to us swiftly. Please draw the lost and watching world to Yourself as You reveal Your glory in and through this.

    Justice and Truth and Victory – In Jesusā€™ name.

    I pray.

    Gail Reagan
    November 5, 2020

    Reading the word infection I think of the medical term. If we Americans are infected.. How are our vital signs? Is there a threat to entire organ systems failing? ( reference to the twitter leak of sabotage in DC) what are the therapies and medicines needed to overcome the infection? We are one nation ,one people. If infection lies in one area of the population Then all the people must take precaution and also be healed. How are we joined to those who are sick? Hopefully by prayer and by love.
    Any thoughts ?

      Betty B in WI
      November 5, 2020

      The answer is JESUS. He paid the price in full. Psalm 103:2-6 “Bless the Lord O my soul and forget all of His benefits- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The Lord works righteousness for all the oppressed.” and more and more.

      He is more than able to stop the infection and bring healing. AMEN

November 5, 2020

“Every stroke the LORD lays on them with His punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps, as He fights them in battle with the blows of His arm.” Isaiah 30:32 “O Sovereign LORD, my Strong Deliverer, who shields my head in the day of battle – do not grant the wicked their desires, O LORD; do not let their plans succeed, or they will become proud.” Psalm 140:7-8

Asked the Lord for some heavy duty worship today, He led me to Ron Kenoly’s worship videos – especially The Battle is the Lord’s and Ancient of Days….. Be encouraged, Brothers and Sisters! God is on His Throne! In Jesus’ matchless Name!!!!!

Ruth Kaufhold
November 5, 2020


November 5, 2020

I came here because I feel it is urgent to share what I saw on Twitter. Our President is up against satanic worshippers who will not prevail. On one of the President’s tweets regarding the election someone had posted a picture of a woman, possibly the one who posted it, within a satanic circle, she was cut and bloody with cryptic writings on the walls in blood. The post was written in a cryptic language, it was evil and I began praying and rebuking the curses being spoken over him, his family and our nation in the Name of Jesus. This is surely a supernatural battle, and I woke up on election day and I heard in my spirit all day, this is a supernatural day. The gates of hell shall not prevail and as we stand together and see the victory of the Lord. Satan is angry, he wants to keep his sacrafice of children in this country, but we will no allow it in the Mighty Name of Jesus! I pray protection for each one of you praying here tonight, you are God’s warriors. Put on the whole armor of God, and when you have done all that you can do stand. Amen

    November 5, 2020

    If you need encouragement, in addition to the Word of God, look up Marines Singing Days of Elijah!!!

      November 5, 2020

      “…Marines Singing Days of Elijah.” LOVE this. THANK YOU for sharing this! God bless, all! Standing strong in our Savior Lord Jesus

    Gloria A Robles
    November 5, 2020

    Hi Joy,
    Thank you for sharing. I believe witchcraft is rampant right now too, but I thank the Lord that one drop of Jesus blood has more power than all the powers of darkness combined. This election outcome has brought the church to her knees once again. We declare not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit, I am declaring victory. Father we pray for the spirit of elijah to strengthen your people until we see Jezebel thrown down from her high places in this nation. We plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump and his family, Vice President Pence and his family and over America. Power belongs unto God, let every eye see and know that the Lord he is God. He is unmatched and uncontended! There is none like our God. In Jesus name

November 5, 2020

Evil never wins-God wins all the time, every time!

November 5, 2020

I am praying for a recount in California…there is much news of intentional efforts to interfere and disqualify many ballots…why would anyone intentionally do something like that-sharpies, really and that is not the only thing, they have destroyed ballots that prove to be not in their favor-why would you do that here in California if a win for Democrats is so “automatic”? Biden did not legally win this state! Please pray with me…the word is that officials stop counting when state is called for a candidate…I do not believe Biden won California-legally! This is a spiritual battle, I agree and I am not disgruntled if Trump does not win, but why would you need to cheat in a presidential election…I prayed the request from Elijah for God’s defeat over Baal, Jezebel, and their false prophets the other day, so I was excited that the Lord is speaking via this Scripture to others… will we see the same desperate and depraved tactics play out through this election process, it will be interesting if that happens and only time will tell, but evil is definitely at play in the government and election process. Biden’s “team” used to “address” campaign issues of fraud, maybe smart, but not ethical…the devil’s scheming might win elections, but will not prevail and like the prophets of Baal and Jezebel, things will not end well for them…Keep praying soldiers and hold the line! God bless you all!

    November 5, 2020

    I agree with you about California! My niece is in Cali and her ballot shows as received and processed, but doe NOT say who she voted for! Another person posted that theirs was received and canceled! There is video going around of the ballot boxes being emptied AFTER Cali was called for Biden! I pray all is exposed and brought to justice in the Name of Jesus!

      November 6, 2020

      Of course it doesn’t say who your niece voted for. There should be NO WAY to for them to record who she voted for. The balloting system is set up to be secret and must be secret to avoid fraud.

        November 6, 2020

        What I mean is that there is no way, in an honest system, for the system to associate the person with vote, once it is cast.

Gia Lonergan
November 5, 2020

ā€œLet us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.ā€
Galatians 6:9

November 5, 2020

This is just what we need to focus on right now!It has been an encouragement to me and I hope to many others. Now is not the time to give up or give in! The church has to fight; no one else will fight the good fight of faith!

    November 5, 2020

    In listening to Jay Sekalow with the ACLJ, American Center for Law & Justice, he asked that we please contact the state directly in the interest of time. Itā€™s critical. Caliā€™s Election hotline # is 916-657-2166. You may have the evidence to stop it. Thank you for acting and please know I am praying for divine connection for you all who call. All election hotline numbers on ACLJ. Org website to report ballot concerns.

November 5, 2020

The landslide that was predicted puzzled me at first… until God clarified my understanding to line up with his way of doing things.
He gave me the picture of an avalanche. How it starts and how it ends.
It takes time to form an avalanche. Snow builds up months at a time during a season. We don’t notice anything except that the snow/ice is getting bigger, wider and eventually heavier. The heaviness is coming from the repeated lies, fraud, deception, willing corruption and hatred that is being stacked on the mountains. As each snow comes, the previous sins get buried under more weight. Eventually, it cannot sustain the weight.
Then comes the final few “snows” that represent the purifying work of God released by the prayers of those that love Him and are burdened by constant corruption that they feel and witness. The burden is God’s way of driving us to our knees. God releases his purifying snow over and over on top of the other snow. (And the mountains are numerous across the nation) The purifying snow looks the same as the other snow – lulling to sleep those who don’t recognize “purifying ways” from heaven. God’s people recognize it and continue their petition to God. And then it happens. The righteous snow and what seems to be a little weight on top of layers of snow begins its work. The snow mass begins to crack. It breaks away crumbling a little at first. Then the sun (light = truth) hits it and it starts to breakdown even more. Then one day it gives way. It starts slow and picks up momentum. It gains more speed and power as it travels downhill. Anything in the way will be damaged, destroyed and possibly killed (sin put to death for God’s purpose & glory). Out of the damage or death comes new life.
God is at work and He alone is in charge of the timing. Our responsibility is to continue to pray for the purifying snow to be released. May it be so Lord God Almighty!!!

    November 5, 2020

    Cole…Standing in agreement…thank you for sharing your vision…just awesome! and it will take a long time to dig through the debris of the avalanche.
    God’s not this…His Remnant has stood in the gap. Praise Almighty God for hearing our prayrts, cries, please and most importantly praises.

November 5, 2020

Praise God! Praying and decreeing in agreement with everyone. Thank You Father God for continually exposing all of the lies and fraud, and for revealing Your truths; and for apprehending these people and for bringing them to the farthest extent of the law! That they would be brought to the knowledge of the truth, repent of themselves, and to escape the snares of the enemy! May Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven! Thank You Father God for bringing revival and spiritual awakening to America and to the world! In Jesus Name. Amen and amen!

Noemi Moyet
November 5, 2020

YES and AMEN!!!! Thank you Gloria for your encouraging words. Father God, I thank you for the unity of intercessors. Let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let your kingdom be established in our praises as your people declare your mighty works. I lift up the intercessors of IFA and the world, the watchmen, and the prayer warriors. I thank you for the keen discernment of Your intercessors. I declare that the spirits of heaviness, fatigue, discouragement, confusion and despondency that cause intercessors to be distracted, are bound in the name of Jesus. I declare we will not live lives of defeat in Jesus name. No weapon formed against us will prosper. Guardian angels, warring angels, and ministering angels surround and protect all the intercessors of IFA and the world. In the powerful name of JESUS!! Name above all other name!! AMEN!!

Karen E. Kendrick
November 5, 2020

Look at the elijah streams video with Steve Schultz and Katt Kerr made on Nov. 4.2020…it will bring your faith high..it did mine..
She said Trump will win by a landslide( not what we think but a rock landslide where it begins with smaller rocks..(smaller ones in corruption) then the bigger rocks will begin to fall (bigger ones in corruption) and it will start with 1 phone call…so smaller people in this corruption will begin it..then it will be followed by ones at the top who have been engaged in this ongoing corrption!

Susan Noble
November 5, 2020

Thank you so much for this encouragement and Biblical perspectives, dear sister Gloria! So needed, and well received.

November 5, 2020

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a feeling of dread and discouragement. As I sat in my living room with my coffee, I opened my phone and saw the notice for the prayer call at noon ET. It was exactly that time here on the west coast. I had never participated in an IFA prayer call but knew this was the only way I could face the day is to join other intercessors and pray. I dialed in and as soon as Dave unmuted the call and I heard the flood of voices, I looked out my window and there was a rainbow! God is not done and the battle is not over. Press on, brothers and sisters.

    Gloria A Robles
    November 5, 2020

    Amen Diane

    November 5, 2020

    There were at least 1,000 people on the call -I was one of them. It was only my second time participating and it was such a beautiful experience, my discouragement lifted and my resolve to see the plans of God fulfilled and the enemy’s plans brought to nothing was increased greatly. I stayed on the call for about 2 hours, then rejoined it around 10 pm ET and thete were still many people on praying and praising God. How truly pleasant and powerful it is for the people of God to pray in unity. During the call I was reminded of the disciples who prayed without ceasing for Peter when he was arrested afyer James was killed and how Peter was miraculously set free. This is the God we serve. He can turn even the most seemingly dire of circumstances around suddenly for His glory. There is nothing too hard for Him.

Diana Schelkopf
November 5, 2020

Thank you for the encouragement my heart was so heavy when I seen what was happening in the election Our Heavenly Father still in control and He will reveal the truth. Thank you again for the words of encouragement Gods blessings upon you

Irma Morris
November 5, 2020

Yes, I’m praying for the country. My thoughts, what are we teaching our kids & grandkids? That winning is the goal? Do what you need to do in order to win.
It’s about truth honor respect and of course the fear of God and His wrath.

    Karen E. Kendrick
    November 5, 2020

    Its about finding Gods will and then reinforcing it through intercession..
    We are winning for God and righteousness and in the end we win too…that is the blessing for our obedience…

Kristin Pratt
November 5, 2020

Thank you for sharing and encouraging us

Millie Wint
November 5, 2020

The Lord has said, “This day I set before you life and death. Choose life.”

Leslie Calianno
November 5, 2020

Father God, we pray, in the MIGHTY name of Jesus, that you rebuke the darkness, the deceit, the lies and the cheating that has permeated this election. Lord, you have not brought this nation, this far, to have it be stolen by the forces of darkness…not yet…we pray for your PERFECT JUSTICE to be upon those who have plotted to destroy what You have put in place. We ask that you bring to light the truth, and restore President Trump to his rightful second term as the Godly President you have called him to be. Lord, we know that you will bless us, your bride, and not allow the evil to bring destruction to us…AMEN

Scott Singletary
November 5, 2020

Woohoo! We believe the republican party planks are way better than the other side! JESUS
Please keep helping us!

Ruth Ceneus
November 5, 2020

In agreement with sister Gloria. I had some similar visions and uttering instructions/information from the Holy Spirit from last year and from September this year. Yesterday morning while in prayer in the Spirit I saw and heard ā€œby Christmas, the spirit of DECEPTION will be removed from the landā€-snow was the symbol of washing away the mind of the people.
Iā€™m 1,000% sure that the Lord YaHshua will not loose to the enemies of the Church and of America. He never loose a battle and He never will. What our Master declared cannot and will Not return Void. Father is working behind the scenes for His Son and His people. Amen

    November 5, 2020


Sandra Hogue
November 5, 2020

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” Isaiah 54:17 As intercessors, we have all quoted that Word. This morning, as I read the Nov.5, daily devotion from Spurgeon, that Word took on added emphasis. I feel strongly that I’m to quote it all here, for it lifted me up into the place of faith in our purpose, just as you have stated here:
Spurgeon’s text: ” This day is notable in English history for two great deliverances wrought by God for us. On this day the plot of the Papists to destroy our Houses of Parliament was discovered, 1605.
“While for our princes they prepare
In caverns deep a burning snare,
He shot from heaven a piercing ray,
And the dark treachery brought to day.”
And secondly–today is the anniversary of the landing of King William III, at Torbay, by which the hope of Popish ascendancy was quashed, and the religious liberty was secured, 1688.
This day ought to be celebrated, not by the saturnalia of striplings, but by the songs of saints. Our Puritan forefathers most devoutly made it a special time of thanksgiving. There is extant a record of the annual sermons preached by Matthew Henry on this day. Our Protestant feeling, and our love of liberty, should make us regard its anniversary with holy gratitude. Let our hearts and lips exclaim, “We have heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us the wondrous things which thou didst in their day, and in the old time before them.” Thou has made this nation the home of the gospel; and when the foe has risen against her. Help us to offer repeated songs for repeated deliverances. Grant us more and more a hatred of Antichrist, and hasten on the day of her entire extinction. Till then and ever, we believe the promise, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” Should it not be laid upon the heart of every lover of the gospel of Jesus on this day to plead for the overturning of false doctrines and the extension of divine truth? Would it not be well to search our own hearts, and turn out any of the Popish lumber of self-righteousness which may lie concealed therein?
Amen and may God be with us for such a time as this….

Susan Cowan
November 5, 2020

Agreed. Someone close to me had the word “turn over the apple cart” which means SPOIL CAREFULLY LAID PLANS! Yes, Lord, SPOIL THE DEMS/LEFT’S CAREFULLY LAID PLANS FOR THIS ELECTION! Declaring and decreeing this over this Election and our Country! In the Name of Jesus. And The Lord reminded me also of Colossians 2:15 ‘And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. ‘ Hallelujah!

david a burgher
November 5, 2020

The heart of the king is in the hand of he Lord. He will turn it to the RIGHT in righteousness. TO exposes corruption an lies in His DUE TIME. God knows how to show off when HE engineers the SHOW DOWN.

Barbara Saldivar
November 5, 2020

I, too felt such oppression and the same old thing I battle an anger that only God can heal and use appropriately, but this AM I saw the light. We must put on the whole armor of God. We must praise and worship Him.

Kelly Dale
November 5, 2020

Standing in agreement….yesterday morning I was driven to read the account of Elijah. So reading this post today I just laughed, I cried, I thanked the Father. He knows what He is doing. Standing in agreement and in prayer…the rain is coming!

William Gillette
November 5, 2020

Read Charles Spurgeon November 5th morning devotional & pray that God Almighty stops the assignment against religious liberty

    Darlene Estlow
    November 5, 2020

    Thank you. I hadn’t read that book for awhile. When I opened it, I had my bookmark there. Good word.

    Sandra Hogue
    November 5, 2020

    Me too…..I read the Spurgeon and felt led to post it all. To God be the glory! Your post is confirmation. God bless you!

    Marilina Rourke
    November 5, 2020

    WOW!!! What an perfect word for this very moment!
    Everyone one please go and read this (Spurgeon November 5th devotional).
    Praise The Lord!!!

November 5, 2020

I pray for the permanent humbling of the ā€œNever Trumperā€ Republicans, conservatives, and Christians. Who have rejected Godā€™s appointed man and the command of Romans 13.

I pray against the spirit of Pharisee-ism and Sadducee-ism. Against the self-righteousness that has blinded and prevented many of our own from supporting our righteous albeit imperfect leader. (Even as they enjoy the benefits of his leadership most!)

I rebuke the silence of the GOP establishment. And the apathy of people who should be Trumpā€™s alliesā€” yet who abandon him in his hour of need. Also our foreign allies who have not stepped up to the plate on global matters due to their envy and resentments.

I pray in his second term, President Trump will finish the work of leading the rebuilding and renewing this country. I praise God for all the new constituents heā€™s brought into the conservative fold: minorities, young people, liberals, independents. And that from among them, a new generation and crop of leadership will arise.

I pray for the continued exposure of corruption in every area of our culture, the destruction of the wicked and their schemes not just here but around the world. And for the vindication of the righteous. Including the President and his family.

May President Trumpā€™s cup overflow in the presence of his enemies. May he be rewarded for his sacrifices and efforts this side of eternity. In Jesusā€™ name. Amen.

    Dixie L Ferguson
    November 5, 2020

    Jennifer, Your comments really spoke to me. I am so dismayed at the lack of boldness and commitment from those who benefit from our President’s leadership, especially those who call themselves Christians, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

    I, too, pray for the continued exposure of all corruption that could possibly be swept under the rug. But, God knows the schemes of the wicked and they will be accountable!

November 5, 2020

I sense the foreboding the Israelites must have felt at the Red Sea ā€” even as the seas were opened up for them, they looked at the walls of water on either side. Abba, even as you lead your people through the Red Sea, Abba, lead us your people to victory over our enemies. As we hasten along to get our president to the other side, O God, we, as Moses lift up our staffs. LORD, we lift up your word as the people of America are allowed to go forward to the other side. We sing a song of deliverance as did Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the LORD: ā€œI will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; he has hurled both horse and rider into the sea. The LORD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him ā€“ my fatherā€™s God, and I will exalt him! The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is his name! Pharaohā€™s chariots and army he has hurled into the sea. The finest of Pharaohā€™s officers are drowned in the Red Sea. The deep waters gushed over them; they sank to the bottom like a stone. Your right hand, O LORD, is glorious in power. Your right hand, O LORD, smashes the enemy. In the greatness of your majesty, you overthrow those who rise against you. You unleash your blazing fury; it consumes them like straw. At the blast of your breath, the waters piled up! (Breathe your breath now over America and over the polls and over our enemies – you turn seas into highways!) The surging water stood straight like a wall; in the heart of the sea the deep waters became hard. The enemy boasted, ā€˜I will chase them and catch up with them. I will plunder them and consume them. I will flash my sword; my powerful hand will destroy them.ā€™ BUT you blew with your breath, and the sea covered them. They sank like lead in the mighty waters. Who is like you among the gods, O LORDā€” glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders? You raised your right hand, and the earth swallowed our enemies. (Raise your right hand now, LORD, may the earth swallow our enemies and send them back to the pit where they belong as a defeated foe!) With your unfailing love you lead the people you have redeemed. (Lead us!) In your might, you guide them to your sacred home. (Guide us!) The peoples hear and tremble; anguish grips those who live in Philistia. The leaders of Edom are terrified; the nobles of Moab tremble. All who live in Canaan melt away; terror and dread fall upon them. The power of your arm makes them lifeless as stone until your people pass by, O LORD, until the people you purchased pass by. You will bring them in and plant them on your own mountain ā€“ the place, O LORD, reserved for your own dwelling, the sanctuary, O Lord, that your hands have established. The Lord will reign forever and ever!ā€ (Plant yourself on our mountains of influence, may they become a place of your dwelling, your sanctuary!) We worship and adore you!!! In Jesusā€™ name we pray, amen and amen!

Encourage us, our President, Vice President, their families, staff, and campaign workers. Send us refreshment even as David took some honey and temple bread when fighting the enemy. We lift our banners high, high, high! For the battle belongs to the Lord! In Jesus name we pray, Amen and Amen.

    Kellie Ann Richter
    November 5, 2020

    Amen. Last night The Lord reminded me that He is The God who parted the Red sea for His children. Thank you Luanne for this prayer…it brought tears to my eyes. 2 Chronicles 20:21 And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of His holiness, as they WENT OUT BEFORE THE ARMY SAYING “PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER”.

    Gloria A Robles
    November 5, 2020

    Wow what a beautiful prayer! I’m going to read and declare the Song of Moses tonight.
    Thank you for sharing!

Teri Sheddy
November 5, 2020

AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! If we weren’t meant to be warriors, we wouldn’t have been given “the weapons of our warfare”. When I awoke yesterday morning (after 3 hours of sleep), I was ANGRY. Angry with the enemy, angry at the injustice, angry at the darkness. I, with the Body of Christ, all over the country that pray, pray with specificity. DESTROY THE DEEDS OF DARKNESS, ABBA. TEAR DOWN THE STRONGHOLDS OF MURDER IN OUR COUNTRY. OPEN OUR EYES TO SEE THE TRUTH, EVEN IF THE TRUTH IS UGLY. DELIVER US FROM EVIL AS WE BOLDLY AND UPRIGHTLY WALK AROUND THE WALLS WITH VOICES OF PRAISE TO YOU. And Thank you, Father that we do not have a spirit of fear, but of YOUR LOVE, YOUR POWER and the MIND OF CHRIST. We pick up Your assigned armor and fight with it, IN JESUS NAME.

November 5, 2020

The Ecclesia are arising all across America for a specified moment in history. The Lord gave a word in 2009. Itā€™s on this website and is about a showdown that will be as dramatic and clearly obvious as the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. It will shift America into her destiny and the world will be watching. We are at the moment and itā€™s a covenant date.
Please, unite. Spread the word so that, at lightning speed, every believer in Jesus will hear about it and be able to participate.

November 11, 2020


Michael Cordero
November 5, 2020

As I have been feeling the demonic oppression I prayed a simple thing, Lord how can this be happening? He answered “I will expose them & will be glorified on them”. The last great worldwide Revival is about to begin!

November 5, 2020

Lord, create in us clean hearts, renew a right spirit within us, and restore the joy of our salvation (from Ps. 51)! Let the joy of the Lord be our strength,
our song, and our victory over every onslaught of the devil! We bind every spirit of anxiety and despair and declare and decree that God’s blessi gs of life, hope, freedom, and faithfulness to Him are loosed over America, in Jesus’ Mighty name.!
“…if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” -2 Chronicles 7:14 MEV

Dear Lord, we pray: Revive and resuscitate the living word of ourĀ  U.S. Constitution. We bring it to your altar, God- a living sacrifice in need of your resurrection power! It is the source of the “west-running brook” called the United States of America, a country contrary to all that came before it, that was birthed out of Your wisdom given to our founding fathers by divine inspiration. Oh God, restore to us the discarded values of our country’s firm foundation, and truly make us “…one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all”; Amen!
God Bless America!!

    November 5, 2020

    The ecclesia are arising all across America. November 11 is an appointed day in history – literally an Elijah and the prophets of Baal-type showdown and victory for the Lord and America. From repentant hearts – 3 days of prayer and fasting prior to 11-11, we will declare that we are one nation under God, that Jesus is Lord and make an appeal to Heaven. Represent your community. Spread the word.

    America …
    2019 – We Furrowed the Ground
    2020 – History meets Destiny

      November 5, 2020

      Thank you for the 11-11 info Cindy! And please pray that those who are quarantined, or otherwise not able to attend (home-bound because of disability or age, etc.) will still agree in prayer and fast and pray as the Lord leads from the 8th thru the 11th!

Claire Morgan
November 5, 2020

I agree with this. I was reading Ezekiel 13:20-23 this morning. This word supports what Gloria Robles is saying. It was encouraging to me.

November 5, 2020

The waves are high this morning, the churning fierce yet he calls us to step out of the boat. We obey and faith walk on water. We know who we follow and our eyes are on him.

It is no longer time to pray, ā€œPlease God hand us this electionā€ but to declare, ā€œThe election has been won by the right hand of God almighty. President Trump has won and we praise God for the victory. ”

Church come to attention, fear not! Clothed in holy armor advance to the battle field and stand your ground. See that there are more with us than against us. When push comes to shove, stand on the Word of God. Worship the Holy One!

The storm clouds already are forming over our cities, and we plead for protection, law, order, justice, and love.

Jezebel has been caught, her strategies are rendered powerless, her minions captured and executed by justice. May salvation come to those who humble their hearts, repent and believe in Jesus Christ.

All praise to King Jesus, for he leads forth in battle. Victory belongs to the Lord.

    November 5, 2020

    The ecclesia are arising all across America. November 11 is an appointed day in history – literally an Elijah and the prophets of Baal-type showdown and victory for the Lord and America. From repentant hearts – 3 days of prayer and fasting prior to 11-11, we will declare that we are one nation under God, that Jesus is Lord and make an appeal to Heaven. Represent your community. Spread the word.

    America …
    2019 – We Furrowed the Ground
    2020 – History meets Destiny

Terri Sharp
November 5, 2020

Our God reigns!!! President Donald J. Trump is our President 2020. Walk by faith and not by sight. You will see many democrats turn to JESUS when Godā€™s glory is revealed to them. The democrats and false media have lied and worked so diligently their wicked schemes of the devil to do all they can to place biden as president. When the democrats see that their lies, wicked, and deceiving plans failed, many will bow to JESUS and accept Him as their Saviour. Many dems will eventually be praising God for our TRUMP 2020!

November 5, 2020

Let us plead the blood of Jesus over our nation. This is the blood that defeated Satan despite all his plans. The cross put him to shame. And now I plead the blood of Jesus over the USA, I plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, VP Pence, Justice Amy, over the Parliament, the Executive, and Judiciary. I plead the blood of Jesus over the election. That the blood would expose and flush out all corruption, fraud, or impurity that may have occurred in the process. I plead the blood of Jesus over our states, cities, suburbs, countryside and everywhere. Let the blood flow down to all the nicks and cranny of this nation, down to its foundation. And let it bring forgiveness, healing, redemption, reconciliation, restoration, justice,righteousness,mercy, truth, and love for the Father, in Jesus name. AMEN.

    Rhonda Ogden
    November 5, 2020

    So powerful, thank you for this encouraging prayer!

    November 5, 2020

    The Ecclesia are arising all across America for a specified moment in history. The Lord gave a word in 2009. Itā€™s on this website and is about a showdown that will be as dramatic and clearly obvious as the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. It will shift America into her destiny and the world will be watching. We are at the moment and itā€™s a covenant date.
    Please, unite. Spread the word so that, at lightning speed, every believer in Jesus will hear about it and be able to participate.

    November 11, 2020


November 5, 2020

I am praying.

November 5, 2020

Gloria, thank you for sharing. I had that same sense of foreboding and fear of something evil happening and I couldn’t shake it. It enveloped me so strongly that I’ve even had a hard time praying…I had to pray simple prayers from memory because the evil was trying to stop my focus on my Lord.

I agree that this is time for intercessors to pray more and with strong resolve and passion. God is exposing the evil and corruption that has been inflicting our nation for years. The demonic is fighting back hard!
Let us turn off the false news and focus on the true Words and messages of Our Almighty Father. Let us resolve to armor up and join the heavenly Angel armies to fight these evil spirits, demons, curses, witchcraft, spirits of Jezebel, spirits of Baal and all evil coming against our nation. Let us cling to the promises of Yahweh, which are always true. Let us listen to the prophetic words given so we can be encouraged. Let us realize that our brothers and sisters in Louisiana who just made abortion illegal have achieved the first victory for LIFE. Praise God!
And let us focus on repentance for our nation. Adonai, our God of mercy, Grace and Love, has promised us that if we turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves, repent and seek Him, HE WILL HEAL OUR LAND. Praise our God for his mercy.
And let us pray for protection, wisdom, discernment, courage, strength, outpouring of Holy Spirit and victory for Pres Trump. God did not being us through these last 4 difficult years to abandon HIS United States, one nation under God.
The victory is ours through the blood of our Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ.
Amen and Amen.

Judith Caracheo
November 5, 2020

I am very much still in prayer. Yesterday I battled disappointment, but then I realized we were still in a battle. The battle for corruption to be exposed and prosecuted. So today I am praying for all the workers involved on the ground concerning the polling. I’m praying for the secretaries of state and the attorney general’s that God would bring to their attention the corruption and that they would respond appropriately. I’m asking God to personally speak to the corrupt media players, and wake them up like he did Paul that they would turn towards His light. I’m declaring, ” Lord I know you’re not finished resetting the heart of our country to return to you and your ways and the origination of the establishment of our country.” I’m praying for courage and fortitude and great wisdom among the lawyers who are facing the battleground of election fraud. Oh Lord release more of your power to help us fight this battle. We need your backup. We know we need the quality of your army and not the quantity of ours. I thank you God for your economy that multiplies the prayers of your saints to become powerful tools in your kingdom, that your kingdom would come, and that your will be done in the United States of America.

November 5, 2020


That should cause all believers to REJOICE. I say again WORSHIP….

Kelley Carroll
November 5, 2020

Oh Lord you are Holy! Enthroned in the praises of your people!
My Fathers trusted in you : they trusted and you delivered them I will trust in you and believe that you will deliver us as a people and as a nation
They cried to you and were delivered. We cry out to you and we will be delivered.
They trusted in you and were not ashamed. We shall trust in you and we shall not be ashamed


November 5, 2020

God had made his will about this election known years ago throught the mouth of His prophet.

Now hear all ye people of God what He said to Jacob and Israel of old.
Psalms 78:22
Because they believed not in God,
trusted not in his salvation:

Then REJOICE, REJOICE and WORSHIP the ALMIGHTY who has spoken to us.

DO NOT FORGET what God had already declare. Pick up your weapon of PRAISE. This is a weapon that silence any enemy of the true. Church

    Marilina Rourke
    November 5, 2020

    Amen! That is exactly what The Lord placed in my heart this morning a great desire to praise Him, in order to silence the accuser!
    Lord Almighty strengthened your Church in this day of battle, and fill our mouth with praise in Jesus name.

November 5, 2020

God will never leave or forsake us. His arm is not short and it will bring victory. Father we petition Heaven for mercy and grace. Your unmerited favor for evil to be exposed and Your righteousness to prevail. Hear our cryā€™s Lord. We are your people called by Your name. Lord rise from Your throne on behalf of Your remnant and let Your enemies be scattered. We give You the glory and honor and praise.

November 5, 2020

God prevails!

November 5, 2020

Yes, Father God, we call our Nation back to You. Thank You, that this nation WILL once again be One Nation Under God. For, Father, You planted that seed in our nation . Your Word does not return void but accomplishes what it was sent to do. As hard as he tries, Satan cannot dig up the seed You planted for what God ordained will come to pass! Praise You, Lord!

November 5, 2020

1 Kings 18:37 ā€œAnswer us, LORD, answer us, so these people will know that you, LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.ā€

Like Elijah, we stand firm knowing our God will answer. Let the fire fall from heaven and those who worship false Gods bow to the ground and worship you. We call all off the fence – to choose this day who you will serve. Consume the sacrifice of our prayers and fasting, inhabit our worship, rain upon us – let your glory be over all the earth. As the clouds form on the horizon, we hear the sound of rain and we prepare for the manifest presence of God – signs, miracles and wonders. We will outrace the chariots of the king, and take our place in the city for Jezebel is a defeated foe and these ARE the days of Elijah! Answer us oh Lord, answer us. In the name of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

November 5, 2020

Father, we thank you for the opportunity to read, pray with, and share such writings, encouragement as these, by your anointed with your Word. Thank you for the showing us clarity of what we have been trying to pray, share. Bless your writers, Holy Father, that they may continue to do so.

Carol Miller
November 5, 2020

Psalm 103:6 says ā€œthe Lord performs righteous deeds and judgments for all who are oppressed.ā€
Lord, all of us, your people, are being oppressed by deeds of unrighteousness ā€”fraudā€”in this election as well as all the lies and deceitful actions performed by fake impeachment and other attacks against our president throughout his tenure. O God, break through with justice your people.
Ps. 57:4ff Our ā€œsoul is among lions; we must lie among those who breathe forth fire…they have prepared a net for our feet and dug a pit for usā€ as well as our president. Cause them to fall into the midst of it.ā€
ā€œBe exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let Thy glory be over all the earth.ā€vv. 5,11.

November 5, 2020

I am hearing melody and lyrics “God’s never gonna let me[us] down! Never gonna let me[us] down.” God we know this and trust You. I pray we will do our part and sing “We are never gonna let You down!” We will keep praying, strengthen Your warriors. Declaring Your Words to us about this election will be fulfilled. We contend for the Righteousness of The Lord is restoring His Righteousness the United States of America!

Robert Vasile
November 5, 2020

I an grateful for the opportunity to pray with so many sincere believers. I am also a little perplexed! Not because of the desire to reestablish Biblical ethics in our counties laws or for the many prayers for government leaders, but because I donā€™t see the end game being for America. Itā€™s for a true, purified church ready for action in these end times. If I can send my writings from Nov 3 at 7 AM before in person voting and counting began, it would expand my view that is not unbiblical but based on basic Bible precepts. I am not saying that what I read is unbiblical. I just donā€™t see our National identity as important as the spiritual identity of the church in the last days. Let me know if there is a link to post for review and sharing if deemed appropriate. God bless you all.

    November 5, 2020

    Our spiritual identity is tied to the humanitarian issue of abortion and Life protection of the only human with no rights at all. The reason so many of us are praying fervently about the nation and with such compassion is because God called us to this mission. Itā€™s undeniable, so many of us with the same calling this season. One person will share what God has shared with them and so many others will have the same message. This is our calling for the nation from Our Heavenly Father and you are witnessing the obedience of His children to their calling.. I hope that helps.. love you brother

      Robert Vasile
      November 5, 2020

      Yes – Iā€™m totally there. By pro-choice definition, Mary had an unwanted pregnancy but chose to go full term. Be it done to me according to Thy Wordā€ And because of that obedience the fulfillment of the 1st of the prophesies concerning the Incarceration of Jesus manifest in her womb. ā€œA virgin shall be found with childā€
      Itā€™s a much bigger picture than the USA.
      Please listen to the Christmas song I was blessed to create and record
      I hope it blesses you –

    November 5, 2020

    My grandchildren if indoctrinated into lgbqt lifestyle in school for 14 years will lose their soul and not be saved and not be the church. Freedom of religion to exempt them from this horrific indoctrination into hell

      Robert Vasile
      November 5, 2020

      Iā€™m with you Lynette. I have a 44 year old son, raised in the church.(mainstream evangelical/Pentecostal). Christian college as well. Heā€™s currently an LGBTQ leader in the pseudo-church. Iā€™ve forgiven his molesters as the love of Jesus drives me to do. That experience drove me closer to Jesus and His agony. Can I be forgiven if Iā€™m not able to forgive in Christ? Legal protections for freedoms of religion were in place but spiritual protections would have been much more valuable. Yet, many of the churches I associated with had problems within their leadership with this sin. So, I pray that my grandchildren and yours will be protected from the forces of the LGBTQ crowd and I pray for those sold out to the lifestyle . They are blind and need to see. I to was once blind, not to homosexuality but to what most men deal with, but now I see. Morality canā€™t be legislated but it can be demonstrated. I pray for that more than anything else. I believe we need to guard against hypocrisy. Weā€™ve seen it all. Moral majority and Promise keepers and more. When I say I donā€™t see America as the end game Iā€™m saying that this election is still under the sovereignty of God no matter what the outcome. Strengthen what remains.

        November 5, 2020

        So sorry. I having had no religious upbringing and a creepy uncle I saw all the signs of molesters. Was always on hyper aware with my own children. Hope i taught them even in church to trust no one with their children. Once they are grown thats on them and their desire to sin. Not yours even in church. So in public schools i want my grandkids extra layers of protection.In Chuches thats on their parents and me to see the evil and run.

    Caroline Eagan
    November 5, 2020

    I pray and will pray always until Jesus comes. The Lord intercedes for us to the Father, and so, we will pray until Jesus comes. Let us pray.

    November 5, 2020

    Our nation has a calling on it, from itā€™s very founding (see Cape Henry dedication prayer…Jamestown), to BE A LIGHT to the nations, that has not been fully realized as of yet. This nation has a divine purpose that still needs to be fulfilled. IF we GIVE UP, LAY DOWN & DO NOT FIGHT the BATTLE against the corruption and the enemyā€™s tactics & plans over this nation NOW, the plans of the Lord for this nation will not be fulfilled DUE to OUR lack of partnering with Him IN PRAYER! He WANTS to MOVE on our behalf FOR HIS PURPOSES, BUT it is UP TO US! If we lay down, roll over & give up, IT WILL BE ON US & our children & grandchildren will suffer! WE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE! In recent word given, it was said (basically) that if America chooses the wrong path during this election, that our government will look like Chinaā€™s by 2026. I say, NOT ON MY WATCH! I will choose to FIGHT in partnership with the LORD JESUS CHRIST! He will give us the VICTORY through His MERCY, for we definitely donā€™t deserve it with all of the innocent blood on Americaā€™s hands. Who knows the callings that are on the lives of the unborn that have been lost, and on those who will be saved IF those with hearts for God lead our nation. This is not meant to be confrontational, or a personal attack. Iā€™ve only ever commented on IFA once before, and have never posted a reply to another post before…but I felt Holy Spirit rise up so strongly in me that I felt the need to reply here. Praying & believing for a turnaround, in Jesusā€™ mighty name!

      November 5, 2020


      Read the original word.


      Robert Vasile
      November 5, 2020

      Thanks for your reply and I am sincerely committed to the role that the US has had and will have historically in the world as a light to the nations. My original reply is that our focus is primarily a spiritual focus, and the light we are talking about is Jesus, not a country. He specifically was prophesied to be a light to the nations and the glory of Thy people Israel, Iā€™m not giving up on the US. But I pray for us first. We who are called to witness the salvation of God in our own lives to our families and neighbors. That will get all the more difficult but will reap the most fruit. Thanks again – and if you would like to have a nice Christmas song- I was blessed to write and record this.


    November 5, 2020

    The battle being fought here and now by sincere believers is needed so the end game of a purified church and worldwide harvest can go forward. America will be a city on a hill whose light will shine to the nations. It is a battle and the battle that needs to rage right now.

Mary Valko
November 5, 2020

Praying so fervently that once and for all the evil is exposed in the brightest light for all to see. No averting of eyes will be allowed. And the evil will be banished once and for all. Praying for our President and his soldiers and warriors to stay strong in the fight

November 5, 2020



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