President Donald Trump will “immediately” request a recount of votes in Wisconsin, campaign manager Bill Stepien announced in a statement Wednesday.

Based on the results tabulated Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Trump would need to win two of the aforementioned states, plus Georgia and North Carolina, to secure reelection. (Excerpt from the Daily Caller. Article by Christian Datoc.)
IFA intercessors spearheaded an incredible prayer effort in Wisconsin to intercede over all of the polling places. Read about it here: Polling Places Prayer: The Lord’s Strategy for Election 2020. What Tony Nasvik said then is just as true now: “It makes a tremendous difference how many people are on their knees praying to pierce the darkness, and liberate people to become involved in the solution. It is critically urgent that we get up off our apathy NOW, and engage strategically in prayer, intercession, fasting and praise, so we can shift this nation.”
How are you praying for ballot counting? Leave a comment . . .
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We release the battle Angels , monitoring Angels,guiding Angels, counting Angels and let God arise and the enemies to get scattered all over the 50 States in Jesus Christ Name
I understand that Christ and God have the finial say, but it offends me greatly that Satan can so boldly walk in and steal a national election right under the nose of our Department of Justas And our corrupt FBI, and Our Corrupt Congress. You name it in our corrupt government and there is Satan’s slime all over it.
But our steadfast President Trump stands tall for God and Christ. May God bless him and give him the power of Moses that he may help bring Gods Justas to our hard earned country.
Our prayers for truth to win. Still supporting my President.
I have been impressed that the lawyers are the troops in the battle, but the Intercessors are to be the praise and worship team ahead of them.
We are to prepare the way for victory by singing, shouting, speaking our God’s glorious name, honor, and majesty.
Father God,
We lift Your name on high and declare Your wonderful works throughout the earth and the ages.
Thank You for our redemption in Jesus Christ and the power in His blood.
We magnify You. We exalt You the Creator and Savior. We put our trust in Your goodness.
Praise be to God for His great mercies. Hallelujah‼️
I’m praying that as they count the the vote even if they try to manipulate the count that Angles will intercede and cause it to be fair and that the fraud would be exposed and brought to light. Father God intercede shine your Holy Light on the fraudulent votes in The Mighty Name Of Your Son Jesus Amen and Amen
I believe the Lord has placed Donald Trump as president in a time like this. In other words, who better than Trump to bring light to the Democrats illegal actions. This man has had to fight them throughout his term and now reelection. I know it seems hopeless but we must not give up. Please continue to pray!
2 Chronicles 25:8 – “… for God has the power to help or to make one stumble.” Praying that God will lift up his chosen leader to help restore America to a God-fearing nation!
In the name of Jesus our Lord I ask you to bring truth results in all of these sates where votes are not being recorded as voted. Some states michigan, Wiisconson, PA, GA, NC, Arzonia there are counting votes that are not valid and using longer times to count others. These states and others have accepted ballots from their people that are not justified by constiution of USA. Their own rules are changing to justify the Biden party. I pray that Justice Roberets will take these cases and hear them before the US supreme court where the victory would be won if these are governed by the high court. I pray that the legal team that President Trumps selects will be the lawyers that God selects and will know the proper way to recent votes of righteousness. We praise your Holy Name..
I’m praying for angel armies to sort through every ballot and see to it that counts are honest and reported honestly. Father/God – We put our trust, our country, and these processes in Your loving hands. Thank you that You will not relax Your hold on us! Hebrews 13:5&6 AMPC
Lord we trust you with our lives and our future. We confess that we have not come to you and prayed over our nation or even cared about the precious gift of “freedom” that we take for granted. Now God we humbly ask you the heal our land.
COUNT THOSE BALLOTS! Cast out all illegal ones! And pray…pray like your life depends on it, in Jesus’ name and under His precious blood!
I pray that all illegal votes will be cast out during the recounting of ballots in Wisconsin so that only valid citizen votes will be counted…..Jesus please expose the cheaters so that the votes of citizens only will count in this election.
In Jesus name we pray…..
I am. And believe in faith it will be favourable for President Donald Trump, that he will be victorious and the next President of the USA. I pray that VP Joe Biden would peacefully concede, and admit that he will not be the next president of the United States of America. Amen
God of peace, God of salvation, God of freedom, God of ALL, please forgive us for our sins, our blindness, our inability to see the truth. Please step in, in a HUGE way and open the eyes of ALL of us to the truth and submit us to your will for this land and nation. Bind our hearts and minds to you in a supernatural way and guide us and strengthen us for the fight ahead. Loving Father we love you so, and thank you for your undying grace, your power to free us all and your truth. Guide our hearts and this nation back to you! In Jesus’ precious name!
Father, Your children will pass this test, continuing in faith and trust in You. We will endure, we will press in, we will FIGHT from a place of VICTORY and authority in Christ!
Praying, praying.
“Lord, hear! Lord, forgive! Lord, listen and act!”
Praying Ps 37 and also for the DISMANTLING of ALL corruption.
Praying for the pulling down of strongholds, and for high-ranking demons to be uprooted that are over certain cities.
Petitioning God to do a shaking to remove things that are not a part of His order so that HIS plans and HIS purposes will be achieved.
“There is nothing covered that won’t be uncovered, nothing hidden that won’t be made known.”
Luke 12:2 CSB
I am praying for God to reveal all the corruption and destruction that is taking place. On my knees. MAY HIS MIGHTY POWER MOVE OVER OUR NATION AND HE BE GLORIFIED AND PRAISED.
Yes and amen to your ways Lord! We appeal to the courts of heaven that righteous judgements will prevail! We decree President Trump has won and your will WILL be done! Amen!
I am praying that all of the voter fraud will be exposed and that evil will be exposed .
Father ; we ask that you humble and bring to naught those who seek to subvert the results of this election. Open their eyes that they might turn from their wicked ways and know you as their God. In Jesus name
Lord, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed; nothing done in secret that will not be made known and come to light! Luke 8:17
I am praying also for the recount in Wisconsin. Lord, we believe the legal votes have given victory for a re-election to President Donald J. Trump. We are praying that people will see the truth and the deception will be both bound and revealed. We plead for the God of Angel armies to hear our case (Joshua 5) would hear our case. Amen.
I have prayed for the fraud and fraudulent votes to be completely exposed and therefore unable to be used to steal the election from any politician that has lost the election from fraud no matter what they are running for in the name of Jesus Christ my savior and in God All mighty my creator in the name of God the Father in the name of the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit Amen
These Dems are really up to no good.
As a wall of protection had been torn down Nehemiah was called to rebuild that wall. Nehemiah 2-4
Father, we come before you as we see the effort of the Enemy trying to tear down the sacred walls that our forefathers had put into place to protect our nation. We are experiencing ridicule. We are experiencing anxiety. Both of these putting in jeopardy the ability for us to see the working of your hand.
We are called to rebuild and recapture all that you have for us by prayer and request. As Nehemiah experienced so many negative onslaughts to what you called him to do… may we stand strong, wait upon your leading and strength as Nehemiah did… and pursue and rebuild without wavering.
May we be wise and ask liberally for your Wisdom as to next steps. Give us Patience and Endurance and clear the rocks and the rubble so that, once again, we have a wall of protection around this nation that will preserve and hold tight the nation YOU created and crafted. A nation that honors You and your ways.
We humbly ask and pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That your warring angels will protect and minister. That we will wait on You with confidence in Your care as Nehemiah did.
In the precious name of Yeshua, Amen
Fasting and praying day and night.
Our dear Heavenly Father,
Our praise and gratitude again as we begin another day. May we rejoice and be glad in this day and not just endure this time of scrutiny and watchfulness. You sit on the heavens and yet you are here in the affairs of men. All praise to you for the purifying you are doing with your people. Move on us to cooperate with you joyfully rather feel anxious and frustrated. These are days to pursue an awakening of God throughout America and we are living in times of great answers to prayer. Time to believe that our prayers have been effective. Time to stand and rejoice as we stay sensitive to God’s wisdom for prayer and action. We are most blessed to live in this world stage at this particular time. All praise to you for your anointing and perseverance! It’s your work and our privilege to partner with you. We’re looking for grace to abound and answers to arise supernaturally. God, our breaker, we follow you! Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say into you, Do not be anxious about your life. Through the name and blood of Jesus, Amen
Father God – you know the truth. You see all the actions and intentions of the hearts of people. You alone know the “true vote” of the people. With your sword of truth, we proclaim and believe that you will rightly divide fact from falsehood. Expose the darkness and anyone willingly participating in it.
As your people, we stand on the many promises of your word. Fortify our faith and move among the hearts of your people to pray. Deliver us from apathy and the ongoing lies that the enemy continues to throw at us.
Though we cannot physically see the victory for our president “yet”, we stand in unity together and believe that You Lord Will Bring THE VICTORY to pass. Grant us a miracle Lord and give those fighting for righteousness renewed strength and FAVOR!!!
Expose the corruption Lord. Allow it to be blown wide open for all to see. Do not allow anything that is and has been corrupted in this election to be hidden and DO NOT ALLOW IT TO BE SUCCESSFUL!!
We proclaim victory Lord because you love the truth and you love your people. In your holy name, we pray…amen.
Thank you all for this article and all the prayers that follow. We all stand together in agreement, with Jesus in our midst. Lord, help us to be the people on whom You look to show Yourself strong on our behalf… described in Isaiah 66:2… be humble and of a contrite heart and to tremble at your word. Help us to pray always and not to faint. Help us to turn our eyes from mammon and to You as our first love. Help us to turn from our wicked ways. Help us to see the blood and hear the cries of the unborn and speak for these and others that cannot speak for themselves. Help us Lord to love our enemies and do good for them. Help us to more strongly than ever before love each other, and love the lost and carry out the Great Commission here in our nation and in the 10/40 window and worldwide. Help us to do good to those in need with the heart of the Good Samaritan. Jesus, say the word and our land will be healed. The Sword of the Spirit is your word spoken, before whom none can stand. You can do a quick work. That wicked city Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah speaking the word You gave him. The king to the man on the street and even the domestic animals prayed and fasted 3 days out of fear of the Lord. It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance and it begins with the house of God. You sent the earthquake to the Philippian jail as Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to You at the midnight hour after their beatings and with their feet in the painful stocks. It was Your love that led the Jailor himself to cry out to Paul and Silas, in the fear of the Lord where wisdom begins, “What must I do to be saved.” Lord, thank You for the Holy Spirit who is praying for us and our nation and our people with words that cannot be uttered. Lord, whoever would have thought Saul leaving for Damascus to destroy Christians there would be one of them that same night. Lord, nothing is “too difficult or too wonderful for You” as we read in Genesis 18:14a {Amp) in your question to Abraham and Sarah about having a son in their old age far past childbearing age, when Sarah laughed, and You asking her why she laughed. Lord as President Trump and friends and allies are in this battlefield let us go before them with thanksgiving and praise in your presence. As Moses refused to go forward without Your presence may Your presence go with them and with us.
Thank You Lord. Let a wonderful fear of the Lord come and the goodness of God lead all to repentance in this matter. It is truly not by might nor by power but by Your Spirit. May all be saved in this matter. May truth be fully discovered and may judgement and justice prevail.
Amen and amen! Our God is mighty!!