Friend, do you desire to see the glory of the Lord revealed in America?
The Bible says in Habakkuk 2:14 that the … earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Additionally, we know from Amos 9:11-12 that the Lord is going to raise up the Tabernacle of David—whether literally or symbolically, I do not know—but He will raise up the place of His 24/7 worship and intercession:
On that day “I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old; that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and all the Gentiles who are called by My name” says the Lord who does this thing (Amos 9:11-12).
This means that God is going to bring revival over the whole earth. Every person will know who Jesus Christ is. Every person will have knowledge of His glory. Some may choose to refuse it, but many will choose to accept it. “Until all have heard”—that is our desire and our goal as we spread the Gospel. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)
Well, a big part of end-time revival MUST, by definition, be the release of praise and worship in every corner of the globe—including on the streets and in every place of public view.
The Gospel was never meant to be confined to the church-house. The praise and worship of God were never meant to be confined to the church-house either. God inhabits the praise of His people. He manifests Himself in our personal praise as it rises into His nostrils.
Along with releasing praise and worship in the streets, we need to release our witness for Christ in the streets. We need to preach His Gospel in the streets using person-to-person evangelism, and we need the Lord to work with us confirming His Word with signs and wonders.
If we want the knowledge of the glory of the Lord to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea, we had better start glorifying Him in public.
Again, this means:
- An outbreak of public preaching and witnessing.
- An outbreak of public worship gatherings.
- An outbreak of public prayer meetings.
A small number of Christian leaders have been practicing these things for decades. The public worship gatherings led by Sean Feucht have garnered a lot of attention in 2020 and 2021. But this public God-movement must become greater than that. We must all get involved and take God’s Word and His worship to the streets.
Would you pray with me today for God’s worship and glory to break out on the streets of America?
Pray along these lines:
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for glorifying Your own name all over the earth. We do not see everything You do, but we thank You for everything we do see; for the things You are doing that we do not see; and for the things You are going to do that we have not seen yet.
Father, we lift the United States of America up to You today. Father God, we ask in Jesus’ mighty name that You would help us to take our worship and Your Word to the streets. Show us how and give us boldness, Lord, that we may speak and preach and pray and worship You publicly as we ought:
- Raise up musicians to play and prophesy Your praises on their instruments in public places.
- Raise us each up as preachers to witness for You in the streets.
- Teach us how to organize public worship events, even if it’s just me going out with a friend or two to worship You publicly.
- Give us boldness to stop people and talk with them about You!
- Show us who to approach and who has an open heart already.
- Bring people to US to receive a prophetic word of encouragement or healing and give us Your words to speak to them when You bring them!
Father, put this burden on the hearts of church leaders at every level in local churches. Place this burden on the hearts of Your people everywhere. Show us what to do; give us creative ideas and witty inventions; let us do whatever is necessary to carry Your Word, Your revival, and Your witness into public places!
As we go, Father, I ask also that You would prepare the way before us:
- Soften people’s hearts in advance.
- Make them hungry for You.
- Send Your Spirit of salvation before us and bring people to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by the droves.
- Baptize every new convert in Your Spirit, with Your power, Your fire, and all Your spiritual gifts!
- Show us the “man of peace” or “woman of peace” who will welcome us and open doors for us in each community, business, or other public setting.
- Give us favor!
- Let healings, signs, and wonders break out. Work with us with these things to confirm the preaching of the Word!
- Provide laborers for every event and every outreach. I even ask that You provide friends who simply want to go for walks with us to see who we can witness to!
Lord, baptize us afresh with Your fire, power, and boldness. Baptize us anew and afresh with Your Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus. And let our hearts burn within us with a passion for sharing Your Gospel; for raising up public worship events that bear witness to You; and for revival to be visible and manifest and present in the streets of America.
Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name we pray, amen and amen.”
Beloved, what could you to do today to worship God publicly and bear public witness for Jesus in America?
Whether you start very simply by telling people “I’m blessed” when they ask you how you are …
Or whether you need to go for a walk and find somebody you can encourage …
Or whether you’re ready to get a few friends together for a public worship gathering …
Do what you can!
If you do what you can, God will do what He can—which is everything! And, in my experience, if you will do what you can, your capacity will increase and you will soon find yourself doing what, just a few days before, you could not have done! GOD will do it!
What can you do today? Pray and then leave a comment below about what YOU can do specifically—and then carry your witness outside to a public place!
Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, can be found on iTunes and Spotify. Download her newest FREE study guide, 80 Confessions of Your Supernatural Identity in Christ, here.
(Photo Credit: Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash).
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After being with Sean Feucht last Saturday in the cornfields of Lancaster, Pa, we see that revival has already begun and it is outside the church. Most of my early Christian walk was outside – praying with people in grocery store aisles, public parks, on elevators and in waiting rooms at hospitals. I go to our local Planned Parenthood with my worship flags and with my musician friends and we worship around the building, lifting up the name of Jesus and proclaiming that His blood trumps the shed blood of innocents and frees those doing these abortions as well as those having them. I have tried a few times – without success, I might add – to get a booth at a psychic fair – so that a group of us could have a prayer tent seeing people saved, healed and even getting prophetic words about their true identity from God. Each time, after paying, we were told we were blocked by the organizers but the day will come when we will go! We are glory carriers, we are the ‘ light’ as He is the LIGHT. Fear not! Laborers, go into the harvest!It is ripe!
For some now I have been feeling like I should go out to the Jetty Park in Fort Pierce, FL, near my home and sing acapella hymns, this article convicted me to do so starting today! Jamie thank you so much for such a timely article. God bless you in all you do!
Dear Heavenly Father,
You have been speaking with me about praying with folks to receive healing for COVID. I believe you, Jesus, have it under your feet and we can see deliverance for those inflicted through yourprecious Name! Amen
Thank you Jamie! This article speaks beautifully to us from God’s heart. I am blessed and moved to be God’s church outside the walls!
Amen! Glorious Jesus let me see You lead me in the market place, in my neighborhood and in my church giving witness to You – light in the darkness. Pls give me your creative ideas to connect with others to share the hope of Your Word. In Your precious and holy name!