I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You help us to walk in Your ways by acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with You. Micah 6:8
Reading Time: 3 minutes

An annual pro-police rally was overrun by a violent Antifa-type Black Lives Matter mob who began beating innocent attendees. Watch how the violence unfolded on the unsuspecting crowd in Michelle Malkin’s first hand video below. Our cities need a prayer shield!

From Epoch Times:
Denver police officers were told to withdraw before demonstrators attacked a pro-police rally on July 19, the head of the city’s police union said.

“I found out that a retreat order was given by the incident commander,” said officer Nick Rogers, president of the Denver Police Protective Association.

“And we had one lieutenant step up and said, ‘We’re not leaving.’ And this lieutenant said, ‘These people are going to get killed if we don’t stay.’ So he kept his group there. And that’s the only reason that this didn’t get worse, because somebody broke rank and decided to not retreat. And they stayed so that they could provide some assistance.”

Rogers was speaking on KNUS radio.

The Denver Police Department told The Epoch Times that officials are reviewing what happened at the rally. For now, the department is declining to comment on the specifics of what transpired. . . .

Michelle Malkin, a conservative activist, and Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, a Republican, were among those scheduled to speak at the rally, which was held at Civic Center Park in Denver.

Video footage showed a group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators and people dressed in gear similar to that worn by the far-left Antifa group approaching the stage shortly after the rally started. Some were wielding weapons such as a collapsible baton and a metal rod.

They then began assaulting people at the rally, according to video footage from the scene and accounts from those involved.

“Nothing was done as women who were wearing Trump gear and holding their flags were throttled and strangled by other brutish women, women all dressed in black and paramilitary gear,” Malkin said. . . .

Neville said on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that the pro-police group was “essentially surrounded by Antifa” and outnumbered 4 to 1.

“We were completely surrounded and then, before I know it … one of my friends was beaten down by four or five Antifa members.” . . .

It wasn’t clear whether Denver Mayor Michael Hancock or Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, both Democrats, were involved in the stand-down order, according to Neville.

The offices of Hancock and Polis didn’t immediately respond to requests by The Epoch Times for comment; neither have addressed what happened. Hancock this week joined other mayors in urging President Donald Trump not to send federal law enforcement personnel to their cities.

Attorney Randy Corporon, who helped organize the rally, said Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen requested beforehand that the event be rescheduled or moved to a different location, citing a planned Black Lives Matter counterprotest.

“He was agitated that we’re going to get his officers hurt,” Corporon told the Denver Post. “My response to him was that he should allow his officers to do their job and if people are down there breaking the law, to stop them. Because they’ll have nothing to fear from us.” . . .

Malkin said that people should be politically and civically engaged, but added, “If you’re going to do it, you can’t rely on the police.”

(Except from The Epoch Times. By Zachary Stieber. Photo from Fox News.)

What do you think about the police being forced to retreat before this rally? Share your comments.

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Kim Quintana
July 28, 2020

1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

Father God, I pray for exposure of the evil plans and lies and deceit within our local and national government. I pray for truth, justice and light to prevail and may more courageous leaders come forth. May Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I live in Colorado and this is the first I have heard of this sad and repulsive news. I knew of the Pro-police rally and that things got violent, but there was no mention of a “stand-down” order for law enforcement. The injustice and blatant hypocrisy within our government officials is appalling. A peaceful protest or rally and freedom of speech without violence or retaliation should be for ALL! None of this resembles our founding father’s America. Lord help us all. On a positive note: In Berthoud, CO, the local citizens PEACEFULLY made their voices heard…..they do not welcome the antics and destruction that ANTIFA/BLM bring….not to their community. Every community needs to let that be known.

July 26, 2020

I am shocked and saddened that this is happening not only in Denver, CO but in other cities in America. I am angry that some are wanting to defund the police. Who will be the ones to protect us? The protestors that are getting paid to destroy, cause chaos, hurt the businesses and people that stand in there way? We need to wake up and stand up for the truth, for our liberty. I’m ashamed of our governor who does not care for the people, but for his own agenda and also the mayor of Denver. It’s tragic that they have let this go on for this length of time. I feel most of the news can’t be trusted, but it looks like people are waking up to that. We can come together and unite, but we have to stand up against evil and we need to stand now. Money talks for Jared Polis. Who is funding this and why is he not taking steps to end this chaos? Are they part of the problem instead of the solution. Is he for tyranny instead of freedom. Remember his first acts when he was elected governor? Was to dismiss what the people of Colorado voted for immediately and to rewrite Colorado’s constitution and change the school education and not for the better. Are they funding these protestors with our tax dollars? Thank you to the police officers in Denver and all over the county. You are heros. You are held to such a high standard and then some of the governing bodies have no standards, no accountability. I’m sad to think that this movement of anarchy is based on a death, that was tragic, but the report of it was not the whole truth. Perhaps these same people, the anarchists, that are paid to destroy, deface, cause fear etc. were among the 40 people standing around and video recording and offering no help. No life matter in that situation. Think about it. Blue, stand strong we are praying for you and we will get the support and help you need by our votes. Thank you police.

    Kim Quintana
    July 28, 2020

    Very well said! I am in total support of our law enforcement and first responders. They ARE HEROES!!!

Darrell M
July 25, 2020

This is happening because George Floyd died of a Fentanyl drug overdose, not by police, and the liberal media refuse to tell the truth. They are allowing mob-rule. One might even say they are encouraging it by keeping silent.

And politicians know the truth too. If they will do this now, what will they not do if elected?

July 25, 2020

Outrageous Riot Acts! To News Publishers and Writers… Please help Readers CALL the Chief of Police, the Mayor, the Governor, immediately, to demand answers… before more people get HURT. Clear Safety Measures, Strong Action and Complete Transparency and Accountability are needed NOW… In future articles/posts, please publish all important WORK PHONE NUMBERS of “Public Servants” so readers can call to (1) Ask Questions, (2) Praise, when deserved, or (3) READ THEM THE RIOT ACT if deserved. Btw, Taxpayers (You and Me)… we work hard to pay salaries for Police, Govt. and Health officials to keep us SAFE. TIME for ANSWERS. No more TRAITORS HIDING the TRUTH. If someone is telling Police to Stand Back, or Leave, or Not Respond, allowing criminals to injure people and/or damage property (private and/or public)… it’s time they hear: “YOU’RE FIRED!” by a boss, or by voters.

Jackie Hardman
July 25, 2020

I am in prayer about the anarchy and the police response. Questions: do people understand BLACK LIVES MATTER is avowing take over of the country and it is a front for Marxism. Go to the web site and read. It is not about race…its about over throw.
As a Christian I am wondering when enough is enough and when the line in the sand will be drawn. When is it time to stand and fight.

    Ruth matthews
    July 25, 2020

    The time is now! To stand and fight for our nation our children and generations to come!

      Jackie Hardman
      July 26, 2020

      Ruth. I keep feeling guilty as a Christian
      Because I want to take a stand and fight. Glad to know there are others of the same mindset.
      Be blessed!

      June Stevens
      July 26, 2020

      The leaders of these cities need to read Romans chapter 13. They are in rebellion to Gods govern power.

July 25, 2020

“And we had one lieutenant step up and said, ‘We’re not leaving.’ And this lieutenant said, ‘These people are going to get killed if we don’t stay.’ So he kept his group there. And that’s the only reason that this didn’t get worse, because somebody broke rank and decided to not retreat. And they stayed so that they could provide some assistance.”

May God bless this man who did not shrink back in times of uncertainty in the name of Jesus

    July 26, 2020


    Kim Quintana
    July 28, 2020

    YES! Why isn’t he being hailed a hero! Where is the media for some good news and upstanding individuals?

Clare du Bois
July 25, 2020

Please tell that lady to turn her phone horizontally and keep it there while she is filming…the clips are very confused and you can’t really read what’s going on. p.s I was a photographer for 30 years. People don’t realize it but when they use their phones vertically, it gives you little content or context – unless it’s a portrait or selfie. Praying.

Jacquelyn Miller
July 25, 2020

And while they slept, the enemy came in and planted tares among the wheat. Wake up, Church!

Richard Miller
July 25, 2020

The highest praise for the police officer who refused to leave in the face of the ungodly order to abandon peaceful citizens. We must rise up and be as bold where ever we are. In the end is is us the people who will take our country back in the name of Jesus, our Founder!

July 25, 2020


R Giller
July 25, 2020

That’s why we have police: to protect us!

July 25, 2020

The police want to do their job! Let them! These mobs have gotten out of hand and need to be taught a harsh lesson. I am tired of this soft approach. The Lord says in Psalms, hit your child with a stick and that way he will learn not to do the offense again. The Lord is no wimp so why should the police be wimpy? You have to get tough with these bums or we will not survive them. And if necessary, shoot them. They do not understand “nice.”

    Barbara Hesch
    July 25, 2020

    Dee, I couldn’t have said it better. Exactly what my thoughts are every time I see this mob of criminals creating havoc. I have a hard time comprehending that this is America. There is too much media coverage and too much talk. This mob has no restraints, and neither should the Police. Your right. Let them do their job or call in the troops before it gets even worse.

Mary Morin
July 25, 2020

Criminal to obey their leaders and leave people defenseless. They weren’t “forced” to do this. What a ridiculous headline.

    Ronda Orchard
    July 25, 2020

    Tell me, “How would you have headlined this story?”

    I’d really like to know how impressively capable you are with God’s gift a language to make a positive and reasonable difference. Otherwise stand down with your negativity.

      Mary Morin
      July 25, 2020

      I would have headlined it and written it as a challenge to police officers to disobey all such orders, and given them ideas in how to do that. I would also use the platform of IFA to sympathize while creating a groundswell pf support for the idea of law enforcement disobeying these orders. Kapish?

Wayne Werner
July 25, 2020

I have read and prayed all the comments below and agree 150% with them.
All these public officers have taken an oath of office to uphold the constitution and protect their cities and citizens. They should absolutely be removed from office and replaced with people of integrity.
Air Antifa and BLM people should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They are performing treasonous acts and should be sent to Gitmo!!!

July 25, 2020

Shame on you !

July 25, 2020

Today father God I pray for our Police departments all over the country, I pray for right decisions, safety of our officers give then strength to continue to fight to keep us safe, In Jesus name Amen

July 25, 2020

I agree with Pamela it is disgusting that law breakers have rights and law abiders do not. Our country is at war with a number of terrorist groups. Our President should send in help to remove the terrorist and their supporters. Governors, mayors, actors, and others backing these terrorist need to be held responsible and removed.
Please Mr. President save our country.

July 25, 2020

Father in the name of Jesus, never, never allow our police or our military or true Godly believers, or our justice system to retreat failing to enforce true justice and perform their job to protect the innocent law abiding citizens. Father never ever allow any type of cowardice in them, or any political or racial persuasion to interfere with true justice in USA. Father let your Holy true church rise up in the authority we have in Christ, and give us the wisdom to pray in by the Holy Spirit everything needed to repair and rebuild our government and justice system with God-fearing wise and just politicians, police, public servants, who will valiantly stand up to all corruption and all forms of unjust forms of Marxist, socialist, communist-demonic inspired intimidation and confront and expose it all promptly and permanently and bring it to justice! Father let it be done on earth as it in Heaven, that evil and corruption is not tolerated and the justice system of our Holy Righteous God prevails! Father raise up all the righteous leaders, wisdom, and laws and responses that are needed to perform all this quickly, in Jesus name! We receive it! Thank you!

Lois P Willis
July 25, 2020

Ephesians 5:12
“For we are not wrestling against flesh and blood,(contending only with physical opponents), but against the despotisms, against the master spirits who are world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly supernatural sphere. Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day of da get and having done all the crisis demands, to stand firmly in your place…” and then the armor of God is described in The following verses. Check out our armor- belt of TRUTH; breastplate of integrity, moral rectitude and right standing with God; Shodding of our feet in preparation to face the enemy with firm footed stability, -the promptness and the readiness produced by the Good News of the Gospel of peace; shield of saving faith upon which we can quench the flaming missiles of the wicked one; helmet of salvation; sword That the SPIRIT wields which is the WORD of God. (Amplified translation)

Then also we pray for our enemies. We confess our own sins like Daniel did in his famous prayer for Israel and himself in Daniel 9. We have all rebelled against God – sometimes in
subtle ways.

How much we ALL need the great wisdom of God in these times. How much do we want it? How many hours have we spent in prayer and fasting?

This is the time for the Church to arise using the God given weapons to pull down the strongholds of the evil one!! We must remember for God so LOVED the world that He sent Jesus. Jesus came for Antifa . In our hearts we get so angry about the injustice of what is going on. I have to ask myself, how have I been unjust to others by word , thought or deed?

Surely the sword the Spirit wields is stronger than any weapon of the enemy. I love how it says the sword that the Spirit wields- we proclaim the word and the Spirit takes His sword into that situation! How cool is that!! “The battle belongs to the Lord”. The battle is two fold – in our own hearts – usually daily! And for our nation .

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

    Ruth matthews
    July 25, 2020

    Yes we must pray for our personal enemies but with the enemies of God and institutional Evil we pray like David prayed in Psalms 149 and Ps. 7:9-16 and many other places in the psalms!

      Lois Willis
      July 26, 2020

      I never pray for revenge or harm to another person. I have been forgiven so much . The GRACE of God is what my heart desires to give.
      Jesus did not pray Psalm 7 on the cross but filled with love and grace He said “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”.
      Very hard sometimes, but something I want to keep learning!

    valerie Wheeler
    July 27, 2020

    For I am persuaded that neighter death nor life nor principalities nor powers,nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of Gos which is in Jesus christ our Lord Romans 8:38-39

July 25, 2020


July 25, 2020

The incident needs to be researched and the person or persons responsible for the “stand down” order needs to be impeached or otherwise removed from office for failing to uphold the law. It is a treacherous government indeed that fails to support its constitutional obligation and its people.

Dear Lord Jesus, please deliver us from leaders who fail to protect us. Help us repent of our sins and open our eyes to the reality of those we’ve elected who fail to shepherd their flocks.

In reality this is a reflection of Godlessness in our nation. Please touch your children and bring us to repentance, let repentance loosen our hearts from the bondage of worldliness. Stir our spirits to evangelize the lost and may your precious Holy Spirit break forth like the dawn; for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

July 25, 2020

Evil exists when enough good people do nothing. Fathers we cry out to You. You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the Earth. Give ear O Lord. It is true Antifa and the Leftist ideology want no more than to destroy this nation built on Your principles and to destroy this HIStory, to destroy Your church and to turn it to a godless nation like Islam and communism. But You gave us men to write the Constitution and it is the only thing standing in the way. And so I ask that You O Lord deliver us from this tyranny, raise up men that submit their will to You to lead this nation forward. We pray for security of the upcoming elections, that a true and hones count would be made. We pray for Your hand of Justice would be displayed and for those that are righteous in Your eyes would find favor to accomplish Your will, and may Your will on Earth be done as it is in heaven. In the mighty name of Jesus we ask You to deliver us from the hand of Your enemies so that ALL kingdoms on earth may know that You alone O Lord, are God. Amen

Noelle B
July 25, 2020

Remember the times before both Obama Presidential elections? hats, car bumper stickers, t shirts every where. now, no one dares to out a Trump sign up for fear of physical attack. That is not right here in the USA. We ALL need our police to be supported. But as the builders of the wall in Nehemiah had to do, hold a weapon in one hand and tool in the other. We cannot back down. God will help and is helping us.

July 25, 2020

I think it shows a traitorous streak in these Leftist politicians. They need to investigated, if not arrested, if not sued. Or… perhaps all three.

This is seditious, in my opinion, at least. These people are aiding and abetting an insurrection. They are inverting justice, protecting the vandals and harming the law-abiding citizens.

What does that tell you? It tells me that we have traitors in our midst, and they should be treated accordingly.

It also tells me that whenever we go to any demonstration, we need to go armed and ready, maybe have a few snipers out of site to protect the rest of us.


    July 25, 2020

    This brings it into reality of what is going on in this country. We can no longer sit in our homes!

      July 25, 2020

      Also agree those telling police to retreat should be called out on this publicly, nationally publicly disgraced and removed from their positions! That will end that nonsense quickly!

    July 25, 2020

    Well said Keith! I agree that armed violent national traitors like antifa and other marxist organizations who break out in violence hurting innocent law abiding citizens should be snuffed out by a law enforcement sniper immediately. If there was immediate justice like this this they would think twice before they start clubbing innocent unsuspecting people. Catching them in the act and Removing them from society immediately and permanently will put a stop to this quick.

    July 25, 2020

    A perfect example of what harm is done and what chaos is released when “deep state” type actors have more loyalty to their ideology than the requirements of their job and their sworn duty to protect the public. (This is true in any deep state example! Loyalty to their activist ideology trumps any duty of their job…)

    Donna King
    July 25, 2020

    These acts absolutely qualify as sedition and insurrection under US Code 18:115. We must pray not only for people’s hearts to be changed by the word of God but also for justice to be served in our courts. Proverbs 8:15 reads:
    By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.

Charles Herring
July 25, 2020

Those who are true dedicated law enforcement officers had to stay. One doesn’t take the job for the job but rather for the dedication. The whole reason for these demonstrations they say is that blacks not be chased, beaten or shot by police. I was a police officer for thirty years and none of those I worked with had this problem.
The root problem is running from arrest or fighting an arrest. When someone runs from police, the police have no idea why the person is running. Did they just murder a mom and children? Did they just rape a twelve year old (boy or girl)? Why are they running? There is no sign on their back saying I just stole a loaf of bread. Why are they fighting, did they just kill another officer or did they just plant a bomb?
Simply stop running or fighting and the main problem goes away. We don’t enjoy chasing after criminals but we do enjoy catching them because we feel we have acomplished a good for society.

July 25, 2020

I think it is disgusting that law breakers have rights and law abiders do not. Black LIES Matter is a terrorist group as is ANTIFA and yes Our President needs to send in help. These communist mayors and governors need to be held responsible! Removed and put in Gitmo.

    July 26, 2020

    I agree! These governors and mayors and other leaders should be held accountable for not allowing the Federal help offered to restore order.
    Salute to the police officer who refused to retreat! May he be an example to others to do the same!
    God help us! God have mercy! Please empowerment our law enforcement to stand up in the face of lawlessness! Shield them with Divine protection!


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