On-Site at WHO: Blatant Demonic Globalist Plans
On-Site at WHO: Blatant Demonic Globalist Plans
As you read this the World Health Organization (WHO) is meeting in Geneva–and without even a U.S. official present, they are taking steps to usurp America’s sovereignty through the guise of managing world health emergencies. Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann is on site at the meeting of the WHO in Switzerland, and is providing eyewitness accounts. No U.S. media is in sight. No Congressional members are there. As Bachmann reports, the WHO is preparing a package of 300 amendments to global health rules and a global treaty and not a single US representative is there to monitor or interject.
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of the WHO and has been working to “centralize authority, not just for pandemics, but for any health emergency, in the hands of the Director-General” of the WHO, Bachmann shares. This move has been laid out and positioned as a global health crisis management program. It. is. so. much. more.
It all goes well beyond global human health management. Bachmann shares what nobody seems to be talking about. “They’ve got this concept they talked about today called ‘One Health’ — they’ve got graphics on it [that] show humans, animals, the earth — ‘One Health.’ So, when decisions are made about health care, they have to take into account the earth and what the impact would be on climate change. … So what it boils down to is, ‘Humans = cockroaches = a clump of dirt.’ … That’s why you don’t want to give up decision-making authority to someone like the director general of the WHO. They have a very different agenda at hand.”
Woke buzzwords are being woven throughout these new rules–rules that are focused more on terms like “equity” and “one health” instead of cures, research, or medicine. “Everything was about giving themselves more power and more authority control.”
How will all this happen? Bachmann described the process moving forward. “They’re planning to meet in New York City in September. They’ll go over the progress that they’re going to make in January. They’ll give a final completed package of the 300 amendments, together with a global pandemic treaty, to the World Health Organization and the U.N. And then they’ll meet again in Geneva next February. But one year from this week, they will take the vote. And so they intend to vote for a platform for global government and to give themselves the power that no one has ever seen before.” The plan is to vote to change the WHO from an advisory body to a global body with legal authority.
“They intend to have surveillance over every citizen on earth, and they intend to … control us through health care.” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra appears to be heading down the same path, calling for more “bio surveillance.” That is, surveillance of our bodies, our health records, and our choices–to “control us through health care,” Bachmann warns.
It was clear that this plan by the global bodies in Geneva is on the fast track. The UN, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Assembly are all headquartered in Geneva. It’s as though they have been creating a new global capital. They have made their move and intend to keep centralizing authority.
Who stands to benefit when this concentrated power is realized? Besides the globalist leaders orchestrating these governing bodies, the communist Chinese are positioned to pull many of the strings. Tedros Adhanom, Director General of the World Health Organization is cozy with the Chinese. Just look at the non-factual narrative of the COVID origination or transmission as spewed by the WHO.
It’s not just the UN or the WHO. There are other globalist groups that are dedicated to carrying water for the Chinese and globalists as well. The International Civil Aviation Organization has worked to conceal Chinese espionage via cyber warfare. The International Telecommunication Union is a body that has allowed China to push for harmful internet governance policies. The UN Industrial Development Organization is championing China’s massive Belt & Road Initiative – which is positioning China for global presence and dominance through the building of worldwide infrastructure.
There is no shortage of bad guys. Unfortunately, there appears to be a shortage of the good guys– brave leaders and lawmakers who will take action to stand up for our sovereignty. As some say, this issue is a game-changer. The situation is dire. But God.
We have the ability to enter into the deep dark bowels of global power through our pervasive and powerful intercessory prayer! Pray for confusion among those in these organizations. Pray for miscommunication, disunity, and failed plans for all those who are pushing this globalist power grab.
And take action. I urge you to call the offices of your congressmen and women as well as the office of the Speaker of the House. Let them know that you want them to defund and withdraw from the WHO and neuter the burgeoning power they have over our nation. You can call any congressional office through this main switchboard number: (202) 224-3121.
You can also send a message via email. Click here to send TODAY.
As Derek Prince writes in Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, history belongs to the intercessor. Let’s take our place as history-makers–join us in prayer and action on this issue–the world needs us!
Watch more from Bachmann’s inside reporting on-site at the WHO here and here. Bachmann is the Dean of the School of Government at Regent University.
Will you commit to share this issue with ten praying friends? Ask them to take action as well.
(Photo Credit: I, Yann, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2367501
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Praying and fasting that all plans to destroy America and control the people are thwarted.
This is even more scary than the WOKE plans for our children. The One World Plans are being put in action. We should be on our knees in prayer and fasting. Please God; help us!
Praying and fasting regarding this diabolical onslaught. Will keep it up.
Father God Creator of All, We Pray Your WILL, inJesus Name We Pray.
This is one step toward a global government, don’t forget that. Many will be deceived into thinking this is for the “common good”, however, never forget satan’s end game. Those who support global governance will be in alignment with the anti-Christ- whether they will admit it or not- when he comes on the scene.
There is no reason to fear, but keep eyes on this and all other developments across the globe. Things are moving at a very rapid pace.
WHO stands for the Worldly Wicked Health Organization. The corrupt world leaders working up plans to work closely with Satan are the plans. It’s only getting worse since COVID-19. Stay away from the ways of the world!!!!
IT is time to stop US funding for the WHO & discontinue our membership in this organization!!! Do not allow this WHO to Usurp our sovereignty! !!!
Father in heaven, we ask that our plan to enter into the WHO is thwarted , that it fails, that confusion is created , we ask that the whole thing is blown away by a mighty wind by you, that you would destroy this plan and any plan with China. We ask for righteousness to prevail over our health system in the US . I ask that you would provide good plans for people to be taken care of in our hospitals, nursing homes, other facilities. We need your help in this enormous situation. Please give us righteous values and rules to follow in our healthcare and give us drs and nurses and administrators and pharmacies who value life. I ask that the government play a righteous part in our healthcare. Lord God we need a righteous government. This I pray in Jesus’ name 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
praying daily!!
This is conspiracy nonsense driven by right wing American politics. As a Bible-believing follower of Christ, I’m grateful that health specialists are helping all nations track on infectious diseases that cross borders and don’t respect nationality. The Lord is sovereign over the affairs of men, and we have no need to concern ourselves with this fear-mongering.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
In the last days, many will be deceived, even amongst the elect. These are all events predicted in the Bible. Time for you to turn again to seeking the truth, to repent from believing the lies from the enemy & ask for you eyes to be opened. Praying for all the believers who are still held captive in the grip of deceivement trusting the controlled media above the Holy Spirit in Jesus name
Father, Your presence during times of adversity gives us strength, hope, and courage. Help us to cast all our cares upon you and be open to receiving Your instruction through adversity. Amen
The USA’s
Am praying that in the Name of Jesus that there will be confusion in this agenda and it will be fruitless … am claiming God’s protection from this evil plan.
I’m praying that you defund and
withdraw from the WHO immediately.
I’m begging you to defund and withdraw from the WHO.
!d and I will send this out to more than 10 of my friends
I am declaring and decreeing on the WHO, what the Lord of the WORD says IS54:17
“No weapon formed against you will succeed, and you will refute any accusation raised against you in court. This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants, and their righteousness is from Me.” This is the Lord’s declaration.”
We must repent and turn to God. Only through HIM and His power can this satanic cabal be leashed.
God tells us to turn to HIM in ALL of our needs. God, we trust you completely for deliverance from those who state that they believe they are gods. Those that seek to “create” a new world, not as You did, through your Word. Rather, they are mutilating and destroying that which You SPOKE into existence and said that it was “good.”
Jesus, you alone remain our governing authority! Christ the King, you are still our hope of glory! Though this country and this world has many enemies of the cross, we the saints will not relent until Christ is formed in every corner of this world! We do not relinquish our sovereignty to wicked men and women clothed as politicians. I take my authority as a seated intercession, in heavenly places inside of Christ Jesus and rule from that vantage point. May the kings of this world be confused, blinded and sabbataged by their own venomous words and deeds. Their secret plots are uncovered and they make fools of themselves rather than rule from their lower logic. I call for a fortified mind and strengthened back bones of the Church of Jesus Christ. We will not sleep, we will not be bewitched nor will we be comforted on the breast of the beast! We obliterate every bondage and snatch scales from our eyes! I declare, we can see! We are unafraid! We are on the offense and we will see victory! It is in the unblemished and matchless name of Jesus that I pray, AMEN!
Amen! Well said!
We would be overwhelmed about the WHO, Lord, if it were not for Your power, protection, and promise. May the evil plans of men be frustrated and fruitless.
Thank You, for posting this article. GOD bless your organization, Michele Bachmann and other brave, Christian citizens. We will definitely share this pertinent information with our family, church, life group and other JESUS followers. We are privileged to live in these last days.
May we pray, inform and trust FATHER’S provisions for HIS children.
We must NEVER GIVE UP, in sharing the GOOD NEWS of sharing the Gospel of CHRIST❣️✝️😇❤️🔥
The grand scheme is foretold. We should not be surprised.
Our Tower of Babel of today, AI, Chimeras, One World, all point to God’s intervention and judgment. We won’t stop this move on the chessboard of life, but God holds “checkmate.”
“Lord of the harvest, send forth workers before the (next) great and terrible day of the Lord.”
Bride, make yourself ready !!!
The Bible says that we as the body of Christ, we will suffer like He did. That’s because the world hated Him first. But count it all joy..We as a Nation never suffered like other Nstions.I worked many African women back in the 80s who told me how they came to America. Their stories were a wake up call for me. How they suffered because they were Christians. One asked me what would we do if persecution came here. We as a Nation are very pampered. Life is easy..That was in the 80s. Now look were we are today, 2023. Dear God give us 🙏 the body of Christ Discernment if persecution comes .We need to really draw close to you.
The timing is interesting. They have this meeting around the time of Shavuot (Pentecost). The meeting in September is around the time of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It is the 50 anniversary (jubilee) of the Yom Kippur War. I have not been given the prophetic gift yet but it must mean something.
75th anniversary of Israel as a nation, 50th anniversary of Intercessors for America and the World Health Organization
Yes! I’ve been telling people they want a one world government for awhile now and our politicians are bought out and paid for!
Calling, emailing etc will NOT do a thing!!
Prayers are the only thing that will work with our brothers and sisters in Christ!!
They are traitors to the American people and are serving evil!!..
If MY people which are called by MY NAME will humble themselves and pray and seek MY Face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and HEAL THEIR LAND! FATHER GOD please forgive us and heal America in JESUS NAME! Amen!
The Armor of God: passage is located in Ephesians 6:10-20. Paul first compels his readers to stand firm for God, with His strength, not our own. that our struggle is less a physical one than a spiritual one, against our true enemy, the devil. The WHO organization is driven by many demonic spirits guided by Satan himself. Father God, we as Christians knew about this day as told in the scriptures, but had no idea they would use something as innocent as Health to help drive their point and use Health as the move to fool the nations. The WHO is using all sinful tactics, in their agenda it is to move us to sin and separation from God, because we are made in Gods image with a thirst for fellowship with Him. “.Armor of God Scripture: Ephesians 6:13-20—-God tells us to put on the Armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” God our culture has shifted away from Christian value and ethics. God my prayers are for the people to understand that Satan has control over all demons they are real- many are-fallen angels. We face a powerful army that has been in secret meetings for years they are the Groups like WHO, the globalist, the communist Chinese, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Assembly are all linked together. China want’s dominance over the world for control of our resources. As prayer warriors for our Lord, we need the Supernatural power that only comes from our Father to defeat these False led power grabbers of Satan. God help us to remember you gave us Authority and power through the Holy Spirit in us and His Armor surrounding us. God says the next thing for His Intercessor’s to do is: “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. ” “ In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. “ Paul says in v.18- And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” These are words to give us strength, remove fear, to speak boldly. Lord, with our Authority God said: “Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you. Luke 10:19 – If God said it back then, Why would He not mean these same words apply for Today? AMP: God we ask in the name of Jesus give us words so you can use us to pray without ceasing using the Authority that was given us to defeat Satan and his followers. As Christians whatever the circumstances, we must remember that God is still in control. God never makes mistakes. Let’s make our declarations: We declare we stand against the wokeness of WHO and all associated with the meeting in Geneva this past week. We decree the evil Carrie’s no power, authority or rights IN America nor over our people, We decree we will accomplish the purposes of God for our nation. We decree that the Blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. We decree that we stand against wokeness, the occult and every evil attempt the WHO has projected against us. We as Intercessor’s are Gods ambassadors and spokes people over the earth. Because of our blood covenants with God, we are equipped and delegated by God to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy. God we want to thank Michelle Bachmann’s dedication and her warnings of what we are to do. God create a stir to reach hearts to make phone calls to the Representatives to defund any moneys that has been paid and withdraw any document that is signed reflecting this document false, then call the offices of your congressmen and women as well and the office of the Speaker of the House. Let them know that you want them to defund and withdraw from the WHO and neuter the burgeoning power they have over our nation. We take and ask that our nation (America) be taken back. We will never stop fighting with our prayers to Save America. We honor our One True God, His son Jesus, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” God is aware of this plot to take over America. I do believe by the power of Jesus Blood if we ask ( we are asking) God to protect us and remove the WHO and all that is following this sin ridden operation it will be removed and all of the nations that are involved with them. I do believe the Constitution will stand and any evilness they try to do will be stopped in the name of Jesus. “ These are Gods words to us—“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Thank you Father God we ask you send! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏✝️
“No wisdom, discernment or counsel succeeds against Adonai.”
Mishlei (Pro) 21:30 CJB
“But what is God’s answer to him? “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not knelt down to Ba‘al.””
Romans (Rom) 11:4 CJB
“Avraham approached and said, “Will you actually sweep away the righteous with the wicked?”
B’resheet (Gen) 18:23 CJB
As we all know, God is totally in control of all that happens. Let’s apply this beautiful truth to our lives today. Colossians 1:9-13 “ For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. 🥰🙏👉
I seem to recall something being reported that a member of this administration being sent to a meeting of the WHO and was told to sign our support for this agenda being proposed. That may be the reason that there are no representatives present at these current meetings. If that report was true, it means that our government has sold our country out. I read this several months ago, so I am not sure of all the details, but it would not surprise me. I have been praying about this since reading about it. I know that our God is in control, and if this does happen, it’s part of His plan, our only recourse is to pray, pray, pray.
If not for the Lord always fighting for us and with us this would be truly terrifying to read about what the WHO is doing-but we know that the Spirit gives us the truth to help us discern what is truly going on, so that we will know what to do in times of trouble and be able to fight the devils’ schemes. I will not fear for He is always with me so that I can intercede and change the final outcome!
The WHO will control the USA via Healthcare. This cannot happen or we will be done as a society, period, finished!!!! Call your Congress person and tell them NO to WHO taking over our Healthcare System!!!!!
Jesus gave us His power and authority to overcome “any evil plot or plan ” As stated in Luke 10:19. We also have Decree power. Let’s stand together as intercessors and pray with our authority to block and stop this evil plot and plan! Yes, cause confusion, strife among them and break down in communication. In addition to praying to stop this evil plot. We decree in the mighty name of Jesus to stop the One Health plan and Pandemic agreement in the name of Jesus and with the power and authority Jesus gave us. Thank Lord for empowering us. Direct us and help us unify and stand together in this major battle!
Jesus come soon
We The People In AMERICA do not wish to be any Part of the WHO ORGGANIZATION.
They have lied to us; they are Communist, and they Handled the Pandemic
Despicable, they cannot be TRUSTED EVER.
Lord God, thwart the globalist agenda of the WHO and protect our freedoms of every kind throughout the entire world
As the body of Christ we are to continue to pray and believe that Abba Father will intervene and turn this falsity around and bring glory to His name. Also, be a part of making sure that I representative know that we disapprove of such boundage. What the enmey has put forth to bring US into bondage to an evil system, the Lord our God is turning this around for His glory.
I’m praying that God will thwart the evil plans of Satan against humanity. We must go forth with the Armor of God and stand fast against the evil one. We fight a defeated foe who will not rest until he is forever banished to the lake of eternal fire. We declare that he will not prevail. In the Holy, mighty name of our Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayed the prayer for protection of America and against WHO!
From Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel Action
Three hundred amendments and a new treaty, and not one nation dissented during yesterday’s meeting regarding the global takeover by the World Health Organization (WHO), according to a colleague of mine in Geneva.
Unless the United States pushes back, this power grab will pass. The only thing not yet decided is the timing of the final vote, which now appears to be set for the next meeting of the World Health Assembly. I don’t trust the WHO’s public agenda, and thus we need to be prepared for a vote at any time. But even if the vote is delayed, we will need to exit the WHO immediately and end funding for this corrupt organization.
If these amendments and treaty pass, globalists will have complete control over water, food, medicine, treatments, travel, shipping, crops, grassland, energy, social interactions, and so much more.
The nations are falling in line because they think America will be forced to be the world’s “sugar daddy.” Not a single member of the U.S. House or Senate is attending this international meeting to report back to Congress what is actually being discussed or planned in launching a new, legally binding global authority.
Congress should investigate the wide-ranging impact of these 300 amendments and proposed treaty. And the U.S. House must pass HR 79 to defund the WHO.
No matter what happens in Geneva, the House can zero out any funding for the WHO.
The WHO created a “Top Ten” threats in 2019. Among other things, the list includes “vaccine hesitancy.” Sounds like Big Pharma and Bill Gates!
One meeting, “Behavioural [sic] Science for Better Health,” was hosted by Maylasia. This country imposed one of the world’s strictest lockdowns in the world. Maylasia used lockdowns, quarantines, and phone tracking to control people. The WHO supports this kind of oppressive control.
If the WHO gains global authority, we do not have to guess what this Marxist organization would impose on the world. Send your urgent faxes to Congress to oppose this WHO takeover. There are new bills filed in the U.S. House and Senate to stop the WHO. We must act NOW.
Susan Michie is a 40-year member of the Communist Party of Britain and professor of Health Psychology at University College London. She is the chair of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Behavioral Insights and Sciences for Health.
Michie said, “We need global ‘maximum suppression.’”
Michie was reportedly nicknamed “Stalin’s nanny” by fellow professors at Oxford University. When Michie was asked how long people should be forced to social distance and wear masks, her response was “I think forever, to some extent.” But it gets MUCH worse than that.
Michie is gathering hundreds of studies to perfect how to make you change your mind and do what she wants. She is a chair-level leader at the WHO.
Michie claims: “Changing human behavior is at the heart of solving the world’s crises, climate change, pandemics, antimicrobial resistance, etc. … We need more effective interventions to enable behavior change.”
Michie represents a global plan to use artificial intelligence to control and manipulate information to only show information that supports her narrative … so you only see what she approves.
Michie’s goal is to “find and extract relevant evidence” to get people to do what she wants. Her team has “built an ‘evidence surveillance’ system to find relevant research as soon as it is published” that “works across all research, using machine learning” (aka artificial intelligence).
This artificial intelligence technology is being trained right now to crawl through all the medical information and then strip it of anything that opposes the government’s narrative and synthesize the rest of it into usable information to manipulate your compliance!
If the WHO is given this power, it will be the end of freedom of information and freedom of choice.
We are fighting hard to hold off a vote this month. But even if the final vote is moved to the next WHO meeting, we have a limited window to stop this global takeover.
I just called Kevin McCarthy’s office and recommended he not meet with Biden about the debt ceiling until Biden signs us out of the WHO right now. This process to get out takes a full year and this needs to be done now.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I that you strengthen Kevin McCarthy to use this leverage and unite the Republicans to stand against the WHO for the sake of our national sovereignty. I ask that you put the WHO and all their partner organizations to complete and utter confusion. May they be unable to execute the evil plan of “one health”. Wake up the 194 nations going along with this to the revelation that they are being duped and propagandized. May the US Senate not let this treaty advance one iota. If Schumer will not stand then rally other senators to meet and stand against the treaty or “accord” that is being done without any regard to our constitution. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you know the evil players. Put their schemes to nothing. Amen
Only You Lord can bring an end to this WHO agenda. I pray that you stop them in their tracks and let their evil ways be halted, in Jesus name!! Thank you Lord that Your hand is on Your people. May only Your be done Father..
The big question here is – WHY the USA has no reps. or reporters, in this WHO meeting? Did the USA give their consent ahead of time? Who will be attending the meetings in NYC? Are we all so dead in this country – where men of righteous authority are not shouting the dangers to the dumbed down people. This should be main line news everyday…..until we hear of their setbacks and crumblings etc.
Biden’s Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services is there, leading the way. His name is Xavier Becerra.
“It shall not stand; it shall not come to pass”, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Would it be possible to get a list of specific ammendments that can be circulated to help folks be aware. Many folks are in denial about the implications but if they can see specifics and how it will impact them (remove dairy, beef, chicken from diet and replace in insects. etc) it may wake them up.
The UN and the who are also pushing perverse sexual teaching on children beginning at birth! They want children to have multiple sexual partners by age 12. As an Australian Senator recently said and wrote the Un and the WHO has become a “perverts paradise.” Get us OUT of the UN, defund and close building on our soil! OUT UN! The curse of God be upon your efforts!
The WHO and other international organizations must not be allowed any involvement in the United States. Our leaders must not participate in their sinister agendas. If we and our leaders do not stand up to them, we are doomed!
Everything I read, scares me for those who will be in the midst of this. Satan is hard at work, and Americans must must be hard at prayer. I’m 75 years old and I pray I don’t live to see this. However, my grand children, my children, my great grandchildren, will.
Why is this happening without the US being represented?
Because our “leaders” don’t care and support these organizations’ sinister agendas.
All that matters is that God Almighty is there seeing every bit of it!!! Nothing happens on this planet, in this Solar System, in this Galaxy or in this vast/endless Universe without God Almighty knowing about it. God sees all the good, bad, and ugly, and allows good, bad, and ugly to happen all for a good reason long term. ALL the evil in this world WILL backfire. FACT: God brings us all into this world as innocent babies and takes ALL of us OUT of this world to be judged during life, after life or both. NOBODY can hid from God Almighty and, of course, that includes members of the WHO. God already knows how much good OR evil is being planned by this group.
Angel Armies And The Church’s Authority
I encourage you to stir your faith and speak these Decrees out loud over your life. Doing so will loose Angels sent to assist you. “I” or “we” Decree:
We Decree waves of Holy Spirit enablement are now gathering angel armies to partner with the church to battle for the throne of their region.
Remember, one of the duties of the ecclesia in Jesus’s day was to summon and release armies. They had authority to release the army of the region should war be necessary. It is time for the church to pray and summon Angel armies to help them cleanse the Heavens over them. Ephesians 6:12 (KJV), “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in our places.”
We are to put on our armor, as the rest of Ephesians 6 describes, and battle for the throne of the region and disciple it. Jesus promised that the authorities of hell would not prevail against His church. We will see a church that confronts these demon princess and demonic strongholds that hinder becoming forth of the Kingdom of God. There is going to be an aggressive church that is going to rise up and say, “No, nothing between me and God. Nothing between earth and Heaven.”
The church that understands her Authority is going to take her seat in Heavenly places and govern for King Jesus by the decrees she makes. They are going to verbalize a “yes” or a “no” two laws and cultural values within their regions.
Holy spirit is synergizing the generations together with a fresh anointing of power. He is adding to it Angel Armies. The battle for the throne of regions is going to be one by the heirs of God and the joint heirs with Christ who have ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying.
We are living at the end of an age with awesome promise. We are not here to be a week, emaciated, silent body. We are not here to be governed by hell. We are here to dominate hell with Superior Authority. Awesome days are opening up before us.
The prophetic Word from the Scriptures is very bold. The church is to rise and sit with Christ in Heavenly places. It is to overrule and overthrow demon powers in a region and occupy the spiritual Throne to such a degree that it affects the function of the earthly government beneath it. Christ wants His preeminence in all regions. The church (the ecclesia) is to rule and reign with Christ. We are here to occupy the Throne of a territory and declare God’s way.
The eclesia is to rule and reign with Christ in the spiritual realms over a region and in the natural realms. It’s both. Visible or invisible doesn’t matter. Natural thrones or spiritual thrones -doesn’t matter. Natural dominion or spiritual dominion, it doesn’t matter. Natural power or spiritual power, doesn’t matter. Why? So that in the visible or the invisible regions, Christ has the preeminence. We are being challenged to step forward and accept an assignment that the church has neglected for decades. It is time to hear the call of King Jesus; I will have a people who will rise to sit with Me in seats of authority. They will displace demon princess and refuse to allow them to reign any longer.
Lord Jesus,
Come and have Your way in my region. May Your Kingdom be established here and now in the earth! I pray for Your ecclesia to rise to her rightful place of authority, to rule and reign with You. I put on Your full armor today, believing in faith for my region to be ruled by the rightful king, King Jesus.
Thank You Jesus! In Christ Jesus, Yeshuas, Name Amen! Hallelujah!
Feel free to copy and paste it everywhere!
Prayers & Decrees That Activate Angel Armies
Releasing God’s Angels into Action By Tim Sheets
Also sold on Amazon
I can’t get my emails to go through because the website is requiring a confirmation code that hasn’t been emailed to my address. Can you help?
Messages will not send, says they are too long. Needs to be fixed!!
I had to adjust it. . Basically I removed everything, but the first two paragraphs and I added a little more since I had 22 characters left. But, they do need to fix it.
It is only like that for a handful of lawmakers who have very strict character counts on incoming messages. Thanks for your patience as we work within their communication system.
I agree we should “Let them know that you want them to defund and withdraw from the WHO,” but if it takes one year to withdraw from WHO (see below), will it suffice to just defund it? Is that why Bachmann recommended McCarthy make withdrawal a requirement in his current debt-ceiling negotiations?
Excerpt: The U.S. Congress laid out its own conditions for withdrawal when the government signed on to become a member of WHO in 1948. The conditions state that “the United States reserves its right to withdraw from the organization on a one-year notice: Provided, however, that the financial obligations of the United States to the organization shall be met in full for the organization’s current fiscal year.”
Source: https://www.devex.com/news/how-could-the-us-withdraw-from-who-97379
Lord, Thank your for the weapons that are mighty in God for bringing down strongholds, imaginations and everything that sets itself up against the experience and knowledge of you. 2 Cor 10:4-5
We agree with your mighty living Word asking you to trample down our enemies. Ps 60:11 for the sins of their mouth, words of their lips let them be caught in their pride. for the curses and lies they utter consume them in wrath, consume them till they are no more. Show no mercy to wicked traitors. Ps 59:5 Confuse the wicked O Lord, confound their speech. Ps 54:9 Rescue us from evil men, protect us from men of violence, who devise evil plans in their hearts, who stir up war every day and plan to trip us up. Do not grant the wicked their desires O Lord. Do not let their plans succeed. Keep us from the snares they have laid, from the traps set by evil doers. You are our God, O Lord, Hear our cry for mercy . Be our strong deliverer that the righteous will praise your name and the upright live before you. In your unfailing love to mankind silence the enemies of truth!
Copying to my desktop to pray daily. Thank you for this prayer.
Lord, the Almighty, I call for an overturning and a reversal of everything the WHO is attempting to implement anywhere. Jesus says, “All power is Mine.” So I declare that only by Your power can they be defeated. Release Your power, King Jesus!
As a covenanted daughter of the Lord Most High, I decree, in Jesus’s name, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, the WHO stops now. I bind up every demonic force behind this organization, in the blood and power of Jesus Christ. This evil organization will see its demise before the end of 2023. I decree a cancellation of every WHO agenda for the USA. And I commission 1million of the Host of Heaven to GO NOW, GO NOW, GO NOW and slash, slay, shred, and destroy every high altar, high place, stronghold, agenda and platform supporting this organization. All glory, honor, wisdom, and power to the Lord!
Contacting our representatives in PA is a waste of time. They write back supporting the evil agenda. And dumb asses in this state keep voting for them
Don’t get discouraged by that. Same situation in the left coast blue state I live in too. It is not easy to live in the combat zone but I see it as a privilege because I can be on the front lines for Jesus. Even though the lefty officials here endorse all the evil agendas, believers need to keep at it anyway. It is probably only an annoyance to them that I send letters/emails but I do not care. God wants us to faithfully stand up for Him and when we do that, He is glorified and will protect us through the storm.
Faithful Father –
We praise You this gift of a new day, full of blessings and challenges. I thank You that You are Mighty and are in control, and we are not. I humbly ask that You wake up Your lukewarm church, in these unprecedented times. I pray that Your Will be done on earth, as in Your glorious heaven.
Bob Casey U.S. Senator for Pennsylvania
Dear Ms. K
Thank you for taking the time to contact me about efforts to defund or withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO). I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.
The WHO was founded in 1948 as part of the United Nations (UN). The WHO connects nations, strategic partners, and individuals to promote health, keep the world safe, and protect the vulnerable. One of the WHO’s primary responsibilities within the UN is to direct and coordinate the global response to health emergencies.
In December 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO established an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate a global agreement to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. The goal of the agreement is “to prevent pandemics, save lives, reduce disease burden, and protect livelihoods.” Over the course of the following year, the INB consulted with experts and member nations, including the United States, to develop a conceptual “zero draft” agreement. This draft has been discussed at several INB and WHO meetings but remains very far from ratification.
I have heard from many Pennsylvanians expressing concerns that the proposed treaty, or other agreements considered by the WHO, would cede American sovereignty or provide the WHO with control over our government during a global health crisis. I appreciate such concerns, as the sovereignty of our Nation and our ability to respond quickly during a pandemic is critical to the safety of all Americans. COVID-19, which has claimed over a million lives in America, demonstrated the critical need for a prompt and effective response to health emergencies.
Nothing in the WHO draft agreement would infringe upon the sovereignty of the United States. The draft treaty merely lays out recommendations for how the international community can cooperate on pandemic prevention and response more equitably and effectively. It encourages nations to more equitably allocate pandemic-related products such as vaccines and tests, to commit to quick and transparent reporting of clinical research and trial results, and to share information on emerging health threats. Contrary to misinformation propagated by disreputable media outlets, nothing in the draft agreement refers to lockdowns, school closures, or monitoring online speech.
The agreement does recognize the WHO as the coordinating authority for these multinational health efforts, but this does not grant the WHO any authority whatsoever to overrule any nation’s individual health or domestic policies. In a statement, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirmed, “It is false to claim that the World Health Organization has now, or will have by virtue of these activities, any authority to direct U.S. health policy or national health emergency response actions.”
The WHO also has no enforcement body, so compliance with its agreements is necessarily nonbinding by design. In this sense, the proposed WHO treaty is little different than existing international agreements on a broad range of topics, including tobacco control, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and other threats to global security and wellbeing. Even when the Senate ratifies these treaties, their enactment in the United States falls to our own government’s discretion.
At a time when the world is facing unprecedented crises, it is more important than ever to work with international organizations like the WHO. The confluence of global pandemics, climate change, protracted conflicts, and humanitarian crises around the world have created a perfect storm of global disasters requiring international coordination. Likewise, issues like mass migration, international crime, economic trade and development, and international peace and security affect all Americans, and the United States cannot solve them alone. I believe that diplomatic engagement, working with our allies, and robust foreign assistance are the best ways to promote America’s interests abroad.
For example, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I opposed the Trump Administration’s decision to cut ties with the WHO because cutting aid to this vital organization would only prolong and worsen the pandemic. International organizations like the UN and WHO are not perfect and need improvement. But exiting them outright would do grave damage to American interests, leaving us isolated and marginalized on the global stage with less of a platform to promote American interests and values.
Please be assured that I will continue to monitor further developments regarding the United States’ involvement in the WHO. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of importance to you.
For more information on this or other issues, I encourage you to visit my website, https://casey.senate.gov. I hope you will find this online office a comprehensive resource to stay up-to-date on my work in Washington, request assistance from my office, or share with me your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and to Pennsylvania.
Bob Casey
United States Senator
For WHO to coordinate a global medical program, will WHO not require global tracking of the population? Isn’t that not where the political danger lies?
Sorry Senator Casey D-PA. This is not true but it’s what we hear from globalists like yourself.
If the WHO rules being worked on now, were not going to be controlling governments, why did they feel the need to change the language from Treaty to Accord?
WHY is this by passing our Congress?
Why are they discussing a need for another pandemic in fall 2023 to practice all their controls?
We are watching live in Geneva and they are no longer hiding their plans for a one world government. And the USA is leading the way with our HHS Secretary there.
Why are NO OTHER Senators, Congressmen or staff there?
Why do the intercessors have to inform Congress on the existential threats to our Republic?
The WHO does not control any nation’s government and they don’t have any enforcement power. If we don’t want what they offer we can and do ignore them. I have heard the one world government conspiracy theory my entire life (age 72) and never seen any of the wild claims come true. But that hasn’t stopped people such as Michelle Bachman and yourself from stirring up fear among those who don’t know any better. You refuted nothing Senator Casey wrote, merely calling him a globalist. And then you followed up with nonsensical questions showing what you are – a conspiracy theorist. I pray that no one pays attention to you.
Never prayed so much in my life. I am 58 and NEVER thought this kind of evil could take place.
Susanna, I agree with you but I have long pondered what it would be like to live in the last of
the last days. Would we deny the obvious signs just as Israel did when Jesus entered in Bethlehem? I see so many churches and denominations do not even address the unraveling but just continue to focus on “be warm and be fed”.
Oh Lord! We know You are greater than any problem we face! We praise You, even in the face of being controlled- and possibly facing repercussions. Lord, please keep us strong in Your power of the Holy Spirit, I pray for Your people, Christians, to stand. To be bold. To trust You. I ask you touch our children and grandchildren and make them loving, but fierce as well. Help them to be as sharp as the serpent and gentle as the dove. I know we don’t need to fear, help us to cling to Your promises at such a time as this! Please help us to get the word out and wake up the world!
Heavenly Father, I give thanks for who you are. You are a Mighty God. There is nothing that takes you by surprise. I pray Psalm 2:1-4 against all demonic plans and schemes of the enemy. Lord, you see and know their agendas before they are brought forth. I pray that these agendas will be filled with confusion and disunity in the Name of Jesus! Thank you to Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, for being the only one in Geneva standing up for our sovereignty. Father, I pray a special blessing over her, for standing in the breach, when none of our elected representatives would do so.
I pray that more Americans will see the urgency of this need to push back against this One World Agenda. Their plan is to take away our healthcare choices from us, in order for the WHO to make these decisions on our behalf. Lord, our soldiers did not die for this country and to free Europe from tyranny for us to become enslaved by foreign entities. I come against this wickedness in the name that is above every name. The Powerful, Mighty, and Wonderful Name of Jesus! Glory to God!
The Lord nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples.
The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart from generation to generation. Psalm 33:10
Lord, frustrate the plans of WHO, nullify them, and establish Your plans.
Godn is on the move! God will win the battle!!
This is indeed a matter for prayer. Our times are in His hands.
Lord Jesus, You are in control. We cry out to you regarding this situation with WHO. Again, You know what their evil agenda is, and how it will affect the world. I pray for Your will to be done, for Your kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Jesus, Lord and King we trust you. We pray like Jeremiah when he was building the wall. As you stop Target from selling lgbt diabolic clothing for children, stop the plans of WHO.
In the Holy Name of JESUS. Amen
I pray this morning heavenly Father that you will protect our world from the evil spirits that are making these evil plans for Humanity. I pray they have no power, that they are confused, and chaos interrupts their plans. You are the only one who can stop this from taking place. Bring your breath of angels down to fight this battle against the WHO. We love you heavily father and trust in your plan. Amen
Thank you IFA for your help and faithful ness! As I was praying for this dilemma the tower of babel came to mind. I declare and decree the Lord who stopped their plans will stop the WHO as well and make them a testimony to Our Great and Mighty God!! In Jesus name amen!
Dont be afraid! We read in the Bible since childhood that there WILL be a one world government. That means one world currency that they can so minutely control that one cannot buy sell or trade without the mark. Government is making plans for digital currency as we speak..this very minute! Its all falling into place EXACTLY AS THE BIBLE PREDICTED IT WOULD!!!
1. Keep your wedding clothes on and stay ready!!!
2. Tell everyone about Jesus. Love everyone ..(especially the unlovely) as much as you can, as often as you can for as long as you can! Because soon and VERY soon we are going to see the king!!!!
Yes, we must continue to pray. This is another of many wake-ups the Lord is giving us to renew our intercessions with passion and consistency.
I agree wholeheartedly with:
We must not be afraid! Remember, God’s Word has warnedussothat we can be prepared: there WILL be a one world government with a one world currency to control all that. All things must fall into place EXACTLY AS THE BIBLE PREDICTED! So he’d the wisdom of Denise Johnson. I concur:
1. Keep your wedding clothes on and stay ready!!!
2. Tell everyone about Jesus. Love everyone ..(especially the unlovely) as much as you can, as often as you can for as long as you can! Because soon and VERY soon we are going to see the king!!!!
To Denise and everyone, I say,
“Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!”
Almighty God, in Your grace and mercy, hear my prayer today:
Amidst all the Evil and the wicked planning for chaos and control, You, our God Almighty, are always sovereign and in control. Prepare Your Bride for the coming wedding supper. Send us Your powerful, most Holy Spirit with a revival like we’ve never yet seen in history. We long for a deeper intimacy with You. We desire to be cleansed of our sinful self-absorptions that distract and effectively stifle the good You have ordained us to do. Even more so, Most Holy, All-Worthy Sovereign God Almighty, it distracts and dulls our minds to Your greatness and keeps us from worshipping You as You deserve to be worshiped and obeyed.
Draw our eyes and our hearts to You. As we are covered in the daily cares of life and the unholy spiritual residue that canaccompany these, we confess how they take our focus off You. Return our focus to You and all Your attributes.
>You are Sovereign; You control all that happens on earth. All that angels and men desire, plan, and scheme must first pass through Your hands. Anything that does not fit with Your sovereign plan for Your Creation can NOT come to fruition; many things can not even pass from thoughts in their minds to the first stages of planning.
>We are safe in Your Perfect Wisdom and the Plan You have begun and will bring to fruition for Your Creation and those who have put their trust in You.
>You are All-Mighty; Your power can accomplish anything– nothing outside Your will can happen that You don’t already have a good and holy solution for.
>You are Omniscient; You know everything that is being worked in secret, and nothing man can scheme up to accomplish will come to fruition if You have other plans.
>You are Omnipresent; Because You are everywhere, there is no place man can hide from You and Your will.
>You are Omnipotent. There is no plan man can put in motion that will succeed that is not in accordance with Your plan for Your creation.
We do not need to be afraid. You told us tribulations would come, and You told us The Tribulation would come. But You reminded us that YOU WOULD BE WITH US THROUGH ALL WE MUST FACE, that YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US, and that YOU ARE WORKING ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD -for blessing- TO THIS WHO LOVE YOU AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO YOUR PURPOSE!
You have given us the hope of the Rapture, promising us that we have not been appointed to wrath, to this coming judgment, because Christ, our perfect Savior, took our judgment upon Himself at the cross and paid it all. He cried out in triumph, ‘IT IS FINISHED!’ He promised to rapture us before the Great Judgment comes as He declared,
“Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him. Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when He returns” (Matt 24:40-46).
O good and gracious God, return to us once again. As Habakkuk prayed (3:2), we also cry out to You
“LORD, we have heard of Your fame; we stand in awe of Your deeds, O LORD. Repeat them in our day; in our time, make them known; in wrath, remember mercy.”
Amen! Amen! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!
Lord please help us. We need You Heavenly Father and Your help. Some leaders want to form an evil world government. We don’t have many good leaders now. Lord may You develop good leaders to put in power to do Your will. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
This is very concerning to say the least. I have been monitoring and responding to the extreme environmentalist agenda for years and it does not bode well for human flourishing or even for the earth flourishing if the environmentalists get their way. WHO is playing if fire if it is going to integrate their agenda which requires us to see everything we do to manage resources as bad and even the presence of people as bad.
Right now all satellite studies show the earth has green so much that the leaf area index increase would put a layer of leaves across the whole Amazon watershed or 2 layers across the whole US. The calculations show that 70% of the increase comes from increased CO2 which acts like a fertilizer because it helps plants utilize water more efficiently. And CO2 is a diminishing curve and levels off in the impact of an extra unit of CO2 can heat the earth.
Lord confuse the minds of the WHO. Do not let them use us as guinea pigs. Only you Lord can fix this situation. You see all and know all. Protect us from evil. In and to Jesus I pray. Amen
I’ve contacted our politicians before on issues that matter to us, and received generic replies. They already have their agenda set, as they’re democratic liberals. Our votes for conservative Republicans to fill positions were tampered with, especially in Pennsylvania, so we’re a blue state. The only thing that will work against this evil are our earnest prayers!
I agree. The bride is still here. The restrainer is still here. That has to be for a reason right? God will use our prayers to restrain the evil until the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way …because the bride is no longer here! Soon and very soon!!
The email message to send is way too long. I tried but it didn’t send.
You can edit it for your officials.
Easy way to contact your us reps to exit the WHO. Made by Dr Rena Laibow
please pray AND contact your representatives
The link to share a message for elected officials through IFA is in the article above. Click here: https://www.votervoice.net/IFAPRAY/Campaigns/103872/Respond
Thank You LORD OF ALL CREATION!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU ARE LORD AND KING AND THERE IS NO OTHER. Please help us to rise up in YOUR DIVINE NAME and callUOU BLESSED. Help us to come alongside YOU and tear down these wicked works of the evil one and his minions. Help us to recognize that “Greater is THE HOLY SPIRIT ashore us in us than the devil who is in them..”.
Your politicians are selling you down the river. They will do nothing to oppose this. Contacting them is a waste of time, just like voting in the current environment.
Your appeals can only be to Heaven, as that is where your help will come.
Derek, Charles Stanley many times said, “Do the right thing and leave the results to God ” Someone else said, “The only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.” Remember, the armies of Heaven are invisible but they are powerful. The saints are not invisible but we are powerful by the power of God in us. We are a people of hope, not discouragement!
Thank you for that reminder, He Died 4 Me! Much needed. God bless you.
We take all power and authority over this plan of the enemy and say absolutely NO to it in the name of Jesus! How did Michele Bachmann gain access to the meeting?
IFA, where are the voices of your prophets?…it’s disturbing we talk about the enemies plan that’s in plain site, but not God’s plan behind the scenes. God is the great I AM, and HE IS destroying EVERY ENEMY of his people. Consider spreading the good news in the prophetic, HIS spoken words will not return void.
When I attempted to send the petition to my Congressman, I was told that the message body was too long; therefore one cannot send your prescribed message as it is.
This given information should alert every American (especially Christian) to arise and do something so that we won’t be governed by individuals who care nothing about us as a nation or as a people. It’s all about power and who wields it! Enough is enough! Well GOD wields ALL Power, so it’s Him in whom we trust, rely and depend on! We, the Body of Christ, are the strongest entity on the face of the earth; and when come together collectively as one: same in Name, aim, thought, purpose, direction and in one accord; there’s nothing that we can’t accomplish!
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!
You can edit the message to make it shorter if your elected official has stricter limits on the number of characters they accept in their messages.
Rosalind, WELL SAID !!!!
It is time to return America to the AMERICAN people. We are losing our freedom to our own government and now to WHO and UN.
I remember reading about Joe Biden gave authority to the WHO to be the World leader in decision making of health orders for all nations instead of the United States 🇺🇸 as it’s always been. A very demonic move on his part to destroy America from within.
We prayed over and against this in our morning prayer. Now it’s finally here. We must continue to stand against this tyranny in the name of King Jesus 🙏🏽
Maranatha Lord Jesus!
Here’s the thing, praying For God’s Will in all things, even these political issues is so important, as Jesus taught about in His directive about praying.
His instructions, Matt. 6: 5-15 were clear, outlining How to pray, what to include, not to “recite” His wirds as the prayer. Many have never learned that principle. Verse 10, Mt. 6″ Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
Vs. 13 ” And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one, For Yours is the Kingdom and Power and the Glory forever…Amen.
Jesus was telling His disciples, in your prayers, acknowledge this principle, the order of God’s will and His work, His will, not Jesus’, not theirs, and not ours still.
Next, in the days we now live, under many earthly kingdoms, full of evil intent, how are we to pray? What do we keep in perspective?
Well, that same teaching has not changed. Secondly, there is another piece of this at work, look at Paul’s statements in Romans about the governing powers on earth, such as Pharaoh under God’s will. Why was he used by God, as evil as he was?
Rom. 9- Rom. 13.
Rom.9: 14-18 ” What shall we say then,is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! For He says to Moses, I will have mercy on whoever I will have mercy
And compassion on whoever I will have compassion.
So then it is not of him wjo wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy.
For Scripture says to Pharaoh,( Ex 9:16) ” Even for this same purpose, I have raised you up, that I might show My power in you and that My Name be declared in all the earth.”
Therefore, He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.
( Ex 4:21).
We can not assume we know all the plans, or will of God at this moment. We truly need to be concerned at what is happening around us, here in The USA, and our world. And, yes prayerfully be before our Lord, Our Father, through Jesus C!hrist. Yet, we need to consider the above examples, as some reasons so many evil leaders are allowed to reign and cause such horrific suffering! Our prayers need to include asking for God’s mercy, as He wills it, and upon whom is ruling, and upon us who are striving to be obedient, serving, teaching leading others to Jesus Christ in all Truth.
Our goals, are to include leading a peaceable, righteous life, amidst all the evil strife surrounding us. Again, Romans is full of this encouragement and direction, from Rom. 5-Rom.13!
Rom. 13:1-2″ Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there isno authority except from God , and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”
Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgement on themselves.”
Finally, at the end of the discussion on how to live, and our responsibilities towards authority and our neighbors(community) Rom. 13:12-14
“The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off works of darkness, let us put on the armor of Light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkeness, not in licentiousness and lewdness, not in strife and envy.
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”
We may not be able to change our government, we tried with our voting, and by the numbers, we won, many many times, with millions of votes! However, God’s plan may just be different, in that we need to wait on Him, yet live Live According to His principles no matter who is ruling the earthly kingdoms, and let The Light shine and work through us no matter what! Each one, teach one, spread His Love, be at Peace with one another, pray for Mercy, Grace, stronger Faith, Walk in our Lord daily, ✝️🛐🛐🛐🛐
Thank you, Tonya. I’ve been reflecting a lot in the past two years that we are seeing the prophecies of Revelation, Daniel, Matthew, Thessalonians, Ezekiel, etc being put into place for fulfillment. There is a limit of time by which they must be fulfilled (Jesus said this generation will not pass away before x,y,z happens.) It is now 75 years since Israel became a nation. How much longer can “a generation” be? We cannot change the stated will of God (The Tribulation, the mark of the beast, the return of Christ, etc) so how do we pray most effectively? I personally am praying that as these things are set into place (and they will be) for God’s mercy, for His protection, that He would foil plans and mitigate the outcomes of the wicked, for His church to NOT FEAR BUT TO STAND STRONG AND IMMOVABLE, for us to guard against deception by comparing every prophetic word or teaching against scripture, for God’s supernatural protection and provision, and for boldness and a HUGE harvest of new believers while there is still time.
May God’s sovereign will be done in every aspect in our world as we live in holiness before Him. 🙌
Yes Tonya, I believe you are correct in your understanding of our roles serving God. Eph 6 lays out the battle plan against the cosmic forces of evil. Paul says to put on the full armor of God and to stand, withstand, and stand again when the evil day arrives. All the armor is for defense. Only the sword of the spirit, the Word of God is offensive. Dagger is a more accurate translation which signifies hand to hand combat. This passage of scripture shows the battle is in our minds. What is the battle over? In 1 Tim 6:12 and 2 Tim 4:7, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” The battle is in our minds for our faith.
Is it possible God is using these forces of evil for a greater purpose? It sure seems to me with the onslaught of evil that so permeates every aspect of our society, that God is up to something much greater that transcends what we see in the natural.
This song was recorded as a battle cry against injustice… #invincible … I didn’t know why I had to record it , but if it helps encourage people to be courageous, that’s enough for me 🙏🏼https://open.spotify.com/track/6xpa2kH7SCF9XJiGb42bbk?si=p5VjCSvDRkeBKnHcCOfXDA
Sorry, my lat comment was more of a statement than a prayer. I pray to God that he will protect us from the evil wickedness in high places in this world. God help us to keep our eyes open to the dangers that are put against us and be ever diligent in doing your will
What can be done??? How can I get involved?
I don’t know about you, but it angers me that globalist think they know what’s good for us. But actually they are trying to rule over us and planning genocide in the guise of population control through health authorities. They are using pharmaceutical drugs and even poisoning what we eat or drink. This is evil and we the people shouldn’t take it anymore.
Thank you for your involvement, action, and prayer intercession for our country. May God bless you, the organization and America as we combat the evil forces in this world.
Dear Jesus open our eyes to pray and fast to stay focused on you and not fear. And we pray dear Lord together against The Who, we pray our leaders will defund The Who and also withdrawal from their plans, Lord. Confuse them, Lord and dwarf their plans in the name of Jesus. Dear Lord protect our country our America from this evil control. May we come before you humbly and repent of our sins and Turn to You Lord Jesus we pray all in your name and your will be done amen
Heavenly Father,
You know all things, You are the Alpha & Omega, Beginning & End. All things come to pass & the fear of man is a sneer. Therefore, let us “Rejoice,!” For this is the day you have created.
Prov 29:25
Ps 118:24
Rev 1:8
In Jesus Name, Amwn
Psalm 2
Important…the response message to our government officials will not send. It says the pre-written message is too long. I have encountered this issue previously.
It appears to be a glitch.
You can edit the message to make it shorter if your elected official has stricter limits on the number of characters they accept in their messages.
Why is everyone surprised?? This is predicted in the Bible. It is not our will or fear that dictates our prayers, God’s Will is!!!
Father, I know what your word says, that all of this will come to pass. But, through it you said you would never leave us nor forsake us. Help all of us not to fear what is coming but rejoice that our Lord is coming back.